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Happy Feet

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
March 24, 2019 3:00 pm

Happy Feet

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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March 24, 2019 3:00 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partner, please visit us I'd like to begin with the story of thought before about a preacher who was moonlighting as a lifeguard needed to make a little bit of extra money and so he would go down there and work the lifeguards them of the problem was 10 to 15 people were drowning in this area every time he was working so they were obviously alarmed and they went down to check out what was going on and they saw when someone was drowning. The preacher lifeguard would sit in the stand and look at them and say God bless you. I see that him. God bless you. I see the bus to a sea that had the blessing that it okay. Speaking of meeting the lifeguard a number of years ago I was with my son Jonathan who just turned 33 yesterday. So happy birthday Jonathan. That's him and I were in the ocean. I was teaching them how to catch ways and thoughts are to hold them up in the way would come up with some in the wave and is just a little guy mean you may been three years old and so all of the said them only a few feet from shore like I don't know would seem like 10 feet from shore.

I got caught in this weird little riptide and a riptide is when the water sort of pulling you and in my feet were pulled off the ground. I couldn't get my feet on the ground I'm in this little mini riptide I'm holding him above the water was very awkward situation because I was so close to shore. Meanwhile, the lifeguard sees me and she comes down from her lifeguards and with her flotation device running toward him like I do not want to be saved. This close to the shore. This is humiliating and she's now in the water swimming Torino look of vitamin A be saved by lifeguard and I need mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I'd rather be a girl again.

Just for I knew my wife I want my wife to be that lifeguard.

Let's be very socially swimming towing and I want to be saved as close to sort. Finally I got my foot is the thank you I'm good thank you so much and she waved and then went back in again but you know those little riptide to get hold of you, but what were in trouble and if there is a lifeguard nearby. It's good to have someone to call out to you know the Bible uses the word saved a law this is a word that is maybe fallen out of fashion a bit.

We don't see it as much as we used to, but actually isn't not the perfect word to describe what it means to be a Christian to be saved to dramatic court to word your reading a newspaper article about a firefighter who went into a burning building and saved a person or accused of lifeguard who slam out and rescue the person was only 10 feet from shore because there are a moron.

They were saying, but it's a perfect word in the Bible tells us that God is saved us, and you used to see on churches big fines that would say Jesus saves them.

I love that because that's 02 Jesus saves. And that's exactly what she does.

There may have been a time when more folks will walk up to nonbelievers and actually ask them the question, are you saved but I don't know if we would use that expression as much today as we used to, but I think we ought to because it's very accurate.

According to the Bible, you are either saved or you are lost. You're either born again are you are spiritually dead.

According to Scripture you are either headed to heaven or you're headed to hell. All I know that's not politically correct to say in this day and age, but it is biblically correct and nothing is changed in the Bible. The last time I checked, and so we want to all make sure that we are saved and we want to do everything we can to help our neighbors in our family and our friends and people we know to be saved as well.

So here in Romans 10, Paul tells us how people are saved is using and he also tells us we should care enough so other people can be saved as well.

So if you're taking notes here is point number one if you want to see people saved.

It starts with prayer. If you want to see people say it starts with prayer. So what were thinking of sharing our faith. We usually think about how should I start the conversation. How should I kind of engage them and you know really the first thing you said you should do before you talk to someone about Jesus is pray for them, pray for them and what kind of a prayer. You pray you prayed that the Lord would open their spiritual eyes and you pray that God would soften their heart, and you pray that they would be receptive to the message that you are about to bring.

We don't simply pray before we work.

Prayer is the work then God works, let me say that again we don't simply pray before we work.

Prayer is the work then God works. It's been said, the battle is won on the knees so pray for people know how many of you know people that are not Christians that you would like to see come to faith. Now how many of you have prayed for those people by name that's could do that to that do that a lot. Pray before you start any conversations and that's exactly what Paul is saying here in Romans 10 when he says, dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart my prayer to God is that the people of Israel to be saved. That was his prayer and he was saying, Lord, this is what I want more than anything else.

And this is what Jesus told us to do over in Matthew 926 we read when he saw the crowds had compassion on them because they were confused and they were helpless and they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he said to his disciples, the harvest is great but the workers are few. So pray the Lord who was in charge of the harvest and asked him to send more workers into the harvest.

I love this, especially when it says that he looked at the multitude and he saw them as confused and helpless. Far too often we see nonbelievers as the enemy. Why will because they do wicked things. Wicked people do wicked things is/used to be one of them.

I used to be one of them. We said things that were mean we castle people that had faith. Perhaps. And so now we are on the receiving end of it. It was of the wicked people may God judge them know Jesus saw them as confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Nonbelievers are not the enemy.

Nonbelievers are under the control of the real enemy who is Satan.

The Bible tells us in second Corinthians, or for the God of this world that's the devil is blinded the eyes of those who do not believe but sometimes we we think of them as the enemy and actually we don't even want them to be saved. That reminds able Jonah. You know, Jonah was called by God to go preach to the Ninevites.

They lived in Nineveh, which was the capital of Assyria.

These are the avowed enemies of the Jewish people.

It would be like Iran. Perhaps today who wants to destroy the Jewish people and is threatened on multiple occasions to want to wipe them off the face of the planet. So here is Jonah, called by God to go to Nineveh. Normally, Hebrew prophets only preach two Hebrew people you don't have any instances to speak of.

Apart from Jonah couple maybe were I Hebrew problem was called to go to a distant land and tell the people to repent. But that's exactly what God told Jonah, did you and Jonah didn't want to go is a why because he was afraid that he would fail. No, he was afraid he would succeed and he didn't want these people to believe it was his hope that God would eradicate the Ninevites and the nation of Assyria from the face of the earth and that's one less enemy, Israel has to deal with. He did not want to go because he knew the nature of God, and in fact when he won a breach of them and they did repent of their sin. Jonah was cut them out of the Lord, and he said to them, a journal for two we complained to God and said, before I left home. Didn't I say this is what you would do this is why runaway the charges because I knew you're a gracious and compassionate God, slow to get angry in your fill with on dealing love what I knew you would tear this I knew you would forgive those people. That's why didn't want to go home and lets them have their heart toward other people.

Let's be thankful God forgets by the way this speaks to the false dichotomy of the Old Testament versus the New Testament God. Some people like to say the God of the Old Testament is filled with anger and will, and the God of the New Testament is loving and caring contractor, which is French for sales of garlic though.

That's escargot.

No, au contraire, to the contrary, the God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New Testament and the God of both the old and the New Testament is full of love and compassionate and mercy and wants to forgive people, he takes no delight in judging people, but Jonah didn't want to go and he did go in. Of course, the Lord forgave those people is a will, you know, I know some of that really deserves God's judgment a really and you don't and I don't. Jesus did not say hate your enemies and all judgment comes upon them.

Rather, he said in Matthew 544.

You prayed that it has been said love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you, so we should love these people and we should pray for these people. Number two when you want to see people say you will face obstacles does know that you want to see someone say and you start praying for them and you start engaging them man you're going to face opposition from the enemy and they will probably oppose you as well go to Romans chapter 10 of verse two. Paul says I know what enthusiasm they have forgotten. Always talking about his fellow Jews, but it's a misdirected zeal, you don't understand God's way of making people right with themselves refusing to accept God's way they cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law for crisis already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given and as a result, all who believe in him are made right with God. Let me make controversy a statement. Cats are good. Now that's not the same. I love soy lattes. No that's not it either kills us and no that's not it hears a statement. Religion will ultimately probably send more people to hell than all the other sins combine the lymph way.

What aren't you religious I hope not.

I sure don't want to be is in Christianity or religion. Yes, in one sense it is. But in another sense, is far more than that.

It is a relationship with God.

So when I say religion. Keeping a person from God. I mean, when you go to someone and see. Are you saying do you believe in Jesus and they say I was raised in the church or I was baptized or I received communion are I gave my confession to the priest or film by care, so the immediately privet to good works are they pivot to religious activity but if that is keeping you from God, you're missing the point. This was the thing with the Jewish people. They have the law given to them. But the law was never meant to save them. The law was only given to show them they needed a Savior. There's only one man was ever walked this earth with All of the law without any failure at all and it was Jesus Christ. Only one reason for that is nobody else can do it because we don't have the ability to live by those standards of the losses you need help. The law pointed to the answer.

Everything in the Old Testament the animal sacrifices and the feast in the high priests were all symbols and shadows of the fulfillment that would come through Jesus Christ himself. The laws described as a shadow of things to come be like if you travel were gone from your family for a month and finally you came home in your getting off the plane and there stand your family with open arms and the sons behind them.

It's a beautiful scene and you run toward them and instead of I give them you drop down on the ground and start hugging the shadow it's a did you lose your mind when you were gone or you hugging the shadow right here when you hang on the law. That's what it is your hugging the shadow that that is pointing to something this Jesus and so Paul is saying. The problem is they don't understand God's way of getting right with him. So God wants to save them had this at happen. Point number three. There's only one way to be saved is only one way to be saved.

Verse eight Romans 10 and I message is the very message about faith that we preach.

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be say. Have you ever done that of your openly declare that Jesus is Lord, let's do it right now. The count of 3123 Jesus is Lord, that hard to say. Hope not. It should be the easiest thing to say and it's something we all need to say you can't just feel it. You need to act on it. Notice that it says if you will believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be say sometimes we give intellectual assent to something but it doesn't take hold in our heart. So the reason Paul says this is. This needs to be an inner conviction. Yes, you mentally agreed to it. But you employee set as a conviction that something that is real to you in the shoe verbally proclaim it very important to verbally say what were thinking in our heart. Let's be honest guys have trouble with this girls not as much girls are far more open to express their affection and love toward one another. The leave and say love you I love you love you love you guys don't do that sort of love you man, you lower your voice a little you want to give him the wrong idea a lot. Love you man. You punch him in the arm or something, right grow yeah so what you know son is easy for a man but but know this about men we have the same emotion and the depth of love that everyone else as we just express it differently, so we have to work a little harder at that. Sometimes in deceit or Wi-Fi. Love you and Wise are not off the hook. You need to say that your husband to. I love you I respect you.

I appreciate you so much and we need to say until the Lord, Lord, I love you. I appreciate what you do for me. I honor you. I glorify you when the Lord can see my heart just but he tells us to offer him the sacrifice of praise with the words of our lives, so we need to say Jesus is Lord we need to save in the church. We need to honor the Lord in our worship and we need to say it to others as well. Bring me the point number four. We must tell people that they need to be say we must tell people that the need to be say go to Romans 10 verse 14 alchemy calling him to save them unless they believe in him, how can they believe in him if they've never heard about him and how can they hear about him unless someone tells them and how will anyone go and tell them without being sent. This is why the Scripture says how beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news, beautiful feet, you know, we don't generally think of feet is beautiful doing. I mean, you might notice some all that beautiful hair, not me. Of course, but unless it's singular. He is a beautiful singular hair in the middle of the said service sticking up like a little QB doll that that's a beautiful hair are all a people come up only of how I love your hair is amazing what you do your hair Kelly doesn't allow their sometimes when she doesn't do anything to it, you get more compliments because it's very wavy. How did you get all that we in your hair just the just happens to great thing for her not so much for me.

It does not affect me at all.

Or you might feel beautiful. I know they have the greatest eyes you ever seen but we don't generally say menu of amazing feet. Yet the Bible says you can have beautiful feet. Did you know we know there's models of course right and there's even a hand models and there are feet models work you do an avenue showing a person's foot. There are people that apparently have very attractive feet that Joe use for that out. I was really shocked when not long ago I was contacted by a magazine to be on the cover is a hand model they wanted to use my hand. I was excited so I got down there and saw the title of the magazine was old and decomposing so that was a little depressing, but some was talking about beautiful feet but maybe another translation will help us understand it to beautiful feet is speaking of something that's in full bloom, something now about a blossoming flower that is the picture that is here when you share the gospel. You are like a blossoming flower of fragrant flower. I mean, what is more beautiful than flowers and you see them and is just such a wonderful thing to be holding when you engage someone in a conversation about Jesus Christ and you share what God is done for you. You just blossom you come to life.

Actually the word beautiful can be translated lively, how lively are the feet of those that preach the gospel of peace. So if you want lively fee if you want yes happy feet if you want a spring in your step, then share the gospel. Let me say something that maybe you've not heard.

Maybe you have heard it. I honestly believe that the key to personal revival is to share your faith, let me say that again I keep to a personal revival is to share your faith, let me tell you why the gospel guys by design is not to be forwarded is to be shared, and as you share this life-giving message with others.

That's also a life-giving message to you because sometimes what happens is as you are declaring what God is done for you and what God can do for the person you're speaking with Jill reminded of all the things that have happened in your own life and secure rediscovering these great truths in it comes to life for you were leaving the tour to Israel in a short period of time, and I'm looking forward to a people. Lastly oh you must love leaving to his disability guy love it when you love most about a website you love the most, only been a few times now and I've seen the sites and I enjoy them. You know what I love most about leaving the toward Israel, falafel, sets it now why did I like the falafel snow. The thing I love the most is watching other people see it for the first time. I love it when we come up in our tour bus and people for the first time in their life see the city of Jerusalem is just magical. It's like a fairytale come to life, but is not a fairytale it's a Bible story come to life. So I see it through their eyes and as they discovered for the first time I'm rediscovering that I want see them more than I'm looking at the sides of the looking at because I love to see the joy in their face. The same is true of evangelism. I know these things, you know these things as I see somebody else here these things for the first time and see them come to life.

It revitalizes me and brings me back to life. That's why it's so important to do this, not just for the person it's for you as well. Proverbs 11 says those who refresh others or themselves be refreshed and then Jesus of course said it is more blessed to give than it is to receive and as you know the word blessed can be translated happy so would not be inaccurate to say it's more happy making to give, and it is to receive in the way we do that is throwing out spiritual see first Corinthians 37 says one appliance on the water waters are not anything it's only got a makes all things grow many plants on the water waters have one purpose and each will be rewarded according to his own labor, throwing out the sea to as many people as you can. Planning that scene. I have a birdfeeder in my backyard offense on this before and I feel it was seated, I found some seen recently that supposed to attract that more colorful birds, and I found it's true some I'm attracting some other creatures on the pigeons are coming. I don't want pigeons. I've nothing against pigeons is kinda big in the Kenneth overpower the theater know I got this squirrel this squirrel is out of control. He's a big fat aggressive squirrel in the other day I saw him trying to get into the birdfeeder and he took a flying leap that it shouldn't and fell backwards on the ground. I wish I could've filmed it would've been a great post.

But anyway I this code wouldn't give up.

Then the other day. He jumped on it again. This time he brought it down to the ground. Across all the seeds filled out. So I started googling how do you kill a squirrel legally. I mentioned the story to my grandkids Allie and Chris Byrd and I said yeah they go, what you gonna do. Popeye said that squirrels going to go to his reward. That's what's gonna happen. Then Christopher said you shouldn't harm God's beautiful creatures. Papa then Allie says maybe she's pregnant with the girl now. Maybe she's pregnant. Now she's just back from stealing. See that's she's up front so now I googled yesterday squirrel proof bird feeders are nominal at this squirrel live but I just gotta find a way to keep that squirrel out the squirrel steel the sea.

I don't know if they had squirrels in Israel in the days of Jesus, but I know they had birds, the seed would be thrown out. The birds would come and eat it. And Jesus said these are they that hear the word of God and the devil snatches it away so sure throwing out the seed of the word of God, the devil is going to be there to oppose you as well but just process to say, but how do I throw this seed, you know it's interesting this phrase so as seed. We get our root word broadcast from it.

So see broadcast. The idea was throw it out to as many people as you can probably cast it by then we get our English word broadcast is in the radio broadcaster television broadcaster, a podcast or anywhere you thought out. That's casting your see you can cast the seed out an Instagram he can cast it out on Facebook you can cast it out on twitter, which works very well with birds because they love tweets right so when You get the word out there to as many people as you can know how do you do it. Verse 14 holiday here unless someone tells them King James translation. How will they hear without a preacher.

This is where we we are apprehensive preacher.

I want to be a preacher.

Can I tell you honestly believe me when I say this I never wanted to be a preacher. I never aspired to preach. Maybe it's because I had nothing to say. I had other plans for my life. But I've come to see over the years that I've had the privilege of preaching and teaching. I see the power of the word of God to change lives and that's what keeps me going because there's power in God's work in the primary way that God chooses to reach nonbelievers is to the verbal articulation of the gospel. Don't ask me why.

It seems to me there's more efficient ways.

God could've chosen but no God chooses to work primarily through this preaching of the gospel. First Corinthians 121 God was well pleased with the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. But when you start to talk to someone what they think a man don't preach to me.

I don't need your sermon. That's a negative. I don't want to sermon and I don't want you to preach okay will it use a different word for preach in an earlier message.

Remember I use the word recommend let's make a recommendation and encouragement. But listen, to preach, doesn't mean you have to yell. I think what we think of preaching that screaming while you can scream and preach, sometimes up to speak louder to be heard, but you can say quietly you can say it in a conversational way but in one way shape or form. The way God wants us to reach people is through verbal articulation, you say well I'm just not into that.

I don't like to talk to people about things like that. I don't think it's really right for me to impose my views on them, so I'll just be a good example.

I think Obama good example will just come up to me and say I like the way that you live in.

I want to know how to become like here. Well, that may happen occasionally.

It does happen. By all means please be a good example is what we need less of today are bad examples is one of the things that keeps more people probably away from Christ and any other thing is hypocrisy and even Jesus said if salt has lost its saltiness.

What good is it, so we want to be a salty Christian. It's like having a Coke without carbonation or having a decaf soy latte in a why the only thing worse in a decaf soy latte is a decaf almond milk latte almond milk. I tried them by the weather in an accident that I have to save it. Now it's oatmeal out that one of the gonna make milk out of next in Arlington and then people go into coffee places on order the craziest things I don't know why look this up, but tub I look at strange things people order at Starbucks in the these are things that baristas said baristas of the folks that make your coffee when Lisa said a person comes in everything and orders iced Venti caramel Maki Otto with 15 pounds of vanilla syrup 15 pumps heavy whipping cream barely any eyes.

One shot of espresso and add whipped cream and extra caramel drizzle of the person orders a 25 pump chai latte people go to 31 flavors okay this is this is coffee start with coffee. I mean if you get a drink. That's Dr. what's next Kale latte's. I'm sure they're coming you can drink your Kale latte in your previous with your cat.

My squirrel will join you if you like. 11 great old time so I'm not critiquing a bad example. I we want to be a good example want to stop that start there not stop there, but start Mahatma Gandhi ever heard of him, very historic significant historical person. The Hindu and made a great impact on his nation of India and some people don't know but Gandhi was a great admirer of Jesus and often quoted from the sermon on the Mount someone there missionary met with Gandhi and asked him why he was not a Christian and Gandhi replied and I quote, although I don't reject your cries.

I love your Christ is just so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ" who that's that.

So being a good example and then build the bridge you can walk over to now bring the message of the gospel so earn the right to be heard. A great example of this is the man that we call the Philippian jailer. We don't know his name but he was tasked with taking Paul and Silas, I into custody. They were incarcerated in a dungeon, he whipped them first and then he put their feet in stocks to come to the furthest card of this hellhole and then the Bible says. At midnight Paul and Silas began to sing praises to God, how he never heard anything like that before and the Bible says the other prisoners heard them and it could be translated. The other prisoners listen with pleasure. You have a favorite song comes on the radio you turn it up. I love this song. I love this. That's how they were listening. These two men singing the praises of God in a prison it was better than Johnny Cason send Quentin write their listening, taking it in but then abiding earthquake King. It was so powerful it shook the walls and the foundation of the prison and the doors flung open and I Philippian jailer knew he was dead. He knew he would be executed by the Romans first losing his prisoners into God's short sword was ready to plunge it into his chest and suddenly Paul says stop don't kill yourself all here still in the Philippian jailer said sir, what must I do to be saved. Why did he say that because Paul and Silas earn the right to be heard. Listen when a Christian suffers and we do suffer in our faith remains intact and we give glory to God.

That's a powerful witness to a lost world.

I think I can dig up many times I've been in the hospitals and visited people who are literally dying and how their faith is so strong and vibrant how they talk to everybody and I can tell you stories of nurses and doctors and other medical professionals who believed in Jesus because of the faith of a Christian who was suffering a faith that did not diminish but actually grew stronger you earn the right to be heard so many go through a hardship and you keep trusting the Lord nonbelievers watched with great interest. Why would you still have your faith, why would you still believe after what you've gone through and they might come and ask you that beautiful crescent man. I want to know more about having a relationship with God like you got. They earn the right to be heard and they were heard, and that harm pardoned Roman jailer believe what must I do to be saved. Paul's answer believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be safe and I go see her household to let me close with a story about the most well-known one of the most well-known events in history, the sinking of the Titanic.

Now we all will be think of the Titanic. We think of Jack and Rose right Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

We think of Celine Dion.

You know my heart will go on. There's jacket the dowsing he's king of the world over. This is all fiction. There was no Jack and Rose, sorry to break that to you, but there was a Titanic. It was a real ship and it really sunk and a lot of people died and there was a real hero on the Titanic. You probably never heard of before. And his name was John Harper, John Harper was an evangelist from Scotland.

He was on the Titanic.

I headed to Chicago to preach at the Moody church there founded by the evangelist Theo Moody so John Harper would always tell people about Jesus. And so during the beginning of the journey he would talk to folks engagement conversations very helpful very kind person. People noted that about him and and this was such a magnificent ship. It was the largest human object ever created by man. Up to that point it was certified unsinkable some fool said even God himself couldn't sink it when you know the rest of the story, of course, the Titanic hit the iceberg began to take on water. The first thing that John Harper did was he took his little daughter who is traveling with them in place during a lifeboat. This is why for mother had died so we put on a light but then he took off his light check and there weren't enough lifejackets for everyone. He gave his life jacket away to another and then he began to go up and down the decks of the Titanic as it was sinking asking people are. You say are you say, believe in Jesus right now.

So at this point the Titanic is now sunk beneath the surface of the ocean. This man John Harper grabbed hold of a piece of wreckage and would make his way over to survivors also bobbing out there in that cold ocean and he would say to them. Are you say when one man he said are you save the man said no I'm not these that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

Shortly afterwards John Harper drowned that man that he spoke to survive and was rescued and he remembered that fateful night and he said to the people who were gathered in a meeting quote there alone on the night with 2 miles of water under me. I believed I am John Harper's last convert who will be your last convert. Once the last time you engage someone and let me ask you the same question that John Harper asked are you say we must I do to be say the same answer. Paul and Silas came to the Roman jailer is true for us now believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be say whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Have you done that yet another might be some here or watching wherever you are, say well I youin a Christian home and I was baptized. So that's all great but the only way to know your save. The only way to know you're going to heaven. The only way to know you're right with God is to put your faith in Christ and Christ alone. Nothing else would you set.

I am a sinner and I asked Jesus to forgive me and I asked him to come in on my life and he's taken a residence on my heart and I've proclaimed him confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. Have you done that yet.

If not, why don't you do that before were done. I want to extend an invitation for you to believe an invitation for you to be say an opportunity for you to say with complete confidence. I am say and I am going to heaven and I am a child of God is a great thing to be able to say that can happen for you right here right now.

Let's all pray father, thank you for your word to us. Thank you for your love for us. They prefer any person here or watching, listening, wherever they might be if they don't know you yet.

Lord, if they're not saved yet. Let this be the moment they believe, we would ask in your name known or heads of God and her eyes are closed or praying together. How many of you would say today Greg, I'm actually not sure if I'm saved using that word. I don't know if I'm saved I want to be say I don't know if I'm born again, but I want to be.

I don't really know if I'm a Christian or a child of God, but I want to be is that your desire. If you want Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die if you want to be saved. Would you just raise your hand up right now. Wherever you are and I'll pray for you. God bless you raise your hand up Iraq and see it and I want to be saved. I want to know God in a personal way.

God bless you. God bless you and you anybody else raise your hand up Iraq and said God bless all of you. Quite a few are raising their hand today would you do that you need to do this setting, going to church. Most of my life. Fantastic.

Are you save. I was raised in a Christian home congratulations are you say what I was baptized. That's awesome. Are you saved are you sure, if not you can be sure right now anybody else of different race or can yet lifted. Now let me pray for you. You want to be forgiven of your sin, you want this relationship with God you guys of the watching the screen course I can't see you, but it doesn't matter does it because the Lord sees you.

If you'd raise your hand saying yes I want to be saved. I want Christ in my life right now and ask everyone to be. That is, raise your hand if you would please I want you to stand your feet and I mentally join a prayer, a prayer were you will as Jesus Christ to come in your life if you raise your hand. Even if you did not, but you want to be saved you want to be forgiven of your sin. Stand your feet and stay standing.

Others are standing outside, stand up. Rewrite stand up.

That's right anybody else stand up even if he did not raise her hand but you want to be saved you want to know God lovingly join this prayer. Stand your feet every campus wherever you are, stand up, pray together.

Only one more moment wherever you are. You see me on the screen stand up, stand up. Only one more moment anybody else. You want Christ in your life today. Let me pray with you the bless all of you standing right everybody standing. I want you to pray this prayer out loud after me again as I pray pray this out loud after me, rightly, is dead. Pray these words. If you would, Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner and I want to be saved today. I ask you to forgive me of my sin. I believe you died on the cross for me and he rose again from the dead. I confess, she was Lord today I choose to follow you, Jesus. From this moment forward as my Savior and Lord is my God and friend in Jesus name I pray, amen