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The Race We Must Win - II

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
March 6, 2020 11:04 am

The Race We Must Win - II

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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March 6, 2020 11:04 am

Each of us has regrets . . . things we've said, things we've done. But Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how we can rebound and be restored from the failings of the past. Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, we'll learn how to keep pressing forward in our race for Christ. Tune in!

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The following message from Pastor Greg Laurie is made possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God check out virtue our website for Christian women go to misery so long as there is something slowing you down. The reason why we want to lose lightly. Pastor Greg will report Christian life is been compared to a long distance race today… Finish well don't hang around godly people suited to ungodly. We want to run what is wrong.

We want to run toward what is why we want to run with like minded much anymore so my do a couple of miles on the treadmill, you drove three laps around the parking lot to get the closest parking space in biblical times. Everybody walked a lot running about was the speeding they did when they were late for work today on a new beginning. Pastor Greg Laurie points out how Paul the apostle offers counsel on how we can run the race of life endurance run with the title of the message is the race we must wed.

It's part of our series that were calling happiness. Philippians chapter 2 sojourn there would be if you would Philippians chapter 2 the race, we must win things that sort of slow us down the race of life things that impede our progress. What are they, let's go back out of Philippians 2 and look at verse 14 and 15 and I would point this out, complaining and bickering can hinder us in running the race.

Let me say that again complaining them bickering can hinder us in running the race of life and also impede our happiness and joy.

Look at verse 14 and 15 do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. By the way, the word blameless means to be on believable on believable. In other words, people can blame us because we don't do things wrong.

It speaks of moral integrity manifesting itself sternal and the second word that is used here is be harmless in a better way to translate this would be inexperienced and evil alike.

We are to be without fault. Number three says in verse 15.

This means no blemish or indication of disease and an ESL Regulus is not just them up there behind your pulpit and you tell us these things, you know, but I can live at this level besides God loves me and accepts me so I don't want to live at the level hold on I can be an excuse. Yes, God accept you as you are. But did you know he doesn't want to leave you that way for a lot of times in the name of God accept me as I am.

We continue in the path of baby sinfulness but we never grow spiritually and we just rationalize it by faith what God except me a lovely as I have, but God wants you to grow up spiritually. God want to become more like Jesus. And remember we only read of Philippians 2 it is God that works in you both to will and do of his good pleasure. God will not ask you to do anything he will not give you the power to do the calling of God is the enabling of God and if we live this way.

Verse 15 says will shine as lights in this perverse world.

Okay, so having said that, knowledge of gears and talk about this race, we are to run very familiar words in verse 12 of Philippians 3, Paul says not that I've already attained from already perfected, but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ is laid hold of me brothers, I do not count myself dope apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind and reaching forward to the things that are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let us as many of us are mature have this mind if any of you think otherwise, God will reveal this so I started with the idea of the race of life were all in this race we need to run this race to win. We got a play by the rules, but what principles do we learn here about running the race of life you're taking notes or's principle number one you must be dissatisfied with where you presently are spiritual Paul says in verse 12. It's not that I have attained from already perfected another translation of verses 12 to 14 would go as follows by God saying I have it all together that I haven't made, but I'm on my way reaching out for Christ, who was wonderfully reached out for me.

Friends don't get me wrong by no means do I tell myself an expert in all this, but I have my eye on the goal were God's beckoning us onward to Jesus, I'm off and running and I'm not turning back.

You see Paul was satisfied with Christ's, but he wasn't satisfied with himself. So it's and I have a long ways to go. Point number two get rid of extra weight in the things that would hinder you get rid of extra weight.

The things that would hinder you.

Verse seven what things are getting to me.

I counted loss for Christ. Yes I can. All things lost for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ, my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ. Paul say look, I'm looking back in my life I was a pretty accomplished guy you know I was raised an incredible family. I studied under Gamaliel II knew culture.

I knew languages I knew Scripture I was an intellectual. I was an orator, I was a great debater that stopped to me now. It's rubbish. That's sort of the British were none of the word rubbish just that – absolute rubbish back see the word that Paul uses there for rubbish is translated from a word that means excrement. That's what it is to me. All these accomplishments.

Like dog dong and the doggy bag. Who cares about it. I don't want it anymore and then he says but I'm I'm laying aside, this weight. Hebrews 12 says lay aside the weight in this sin that so easily beset you in the race of life. We don't want excess baggage over running this race.

This is hard for me because I am the original pack rat. I overpack.

I don't even want to admit this but I will we go to trip I take more stuff than my wife. I do and it is just stuff it says things you don't be like, you know, we may need a vacuum cleaner.

Let's put it in the suitcase and we need this and we need that in unit five. All the stuff now. Sometimes my wife doesn't have a jacket and to I don't have it.

Well I have for in my trunk. So, aren't you glad that I'm a pack rat tonight right but some so you know when I check-in my luggage. I was cringe when they put it on the scale because I don't skin away too much of the get a look at me, give me that look like and then the little tag that says had been extra heavy so I overpack I take too much stuff. That's just the way that I have one of the race of life we want to run as lightly as possible so you need ask yourself periodically to running this race as you're walking with Christ. Is there someone orator or something that's slowing you down to buy mother diet running and I was a person that likes to eat pizza and Mexican food 24 seven. There are a bad influence on me, it's better if I'm with someone else is on a diet. Maybe even the same diet doubled, hold each other accountable. But I'll tell you what if Morton someone else eat it torment to me. Okay I want what they have. So maybe there's someone who's a bad influence on you spiritually into your trying to walk with God when you're around them. There's an oh come on, chill out, relax. Let's try this, let's do that. They're not a good input or there's something that's slowing you down. Maybe it's something you're doing that's impeding your spiritual performance of the book of Genesis we have the story of Abraham. God told him to leave his homeland go to a land that the Lord would reveal to him and also to leave his family and Abraham obeyed sort of. He brought along his nephew Lot who is like a spiritual dead weight on him and it caused a lot of friction a lot of problems and finally after conflict developed Abraham and Lot parted ways and then the Lord spoke to Abraham again. My point is Lot was a bad influence on Abraham and his or someone that's a bad influence on you or even worse are you a bad influence on someone holes. Don't be that person be a good influence because were running the race and we want to run the race. Well, we want to run from what is wrong. We want to run toward what is right and we want to run with like minded people in a moment. Pastor Greg gives you a simple question to ask yourself anytime you wonder if something is impeding your progress in the race of life that's coming right up. Hearing about Mr. supine Christ because of Pastor Greg's ministry is so encouraging like this story thank you Pastor Greg years ago I had a spiritual awakening alignment listening to on the radio.

I also watch you on YouTube. Clear teaching. I came to understand the gospel and put my faith in Christ instead of me reaching my left knee Amish religion can it be happier as a believer knowing I have that piece inside an assurance of salvation blessings to you and your family from Ohio were so grateful to hear of the change lives through Pastor Greg's online presence in this radio program.

If you have a story to tell about how these studies touch in your life. I hope you'll contact us today. You can email pastoring at again, that's now. Pastor Greg continues his message from Philippians called the race, we must win.

You can get a permanent What is the theme of the book of Philippians happiness. Yes, that's the title of the series happiness. Paul refers to it many times at different words, rejoicing, joy, etc. and if you want to be a happy person.

There are certain things you should do and there are certain things you shouldn't do someone sums it up perfectly. It says happy or blessed happy is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, or stands in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful job you want to be a happy person. Don't hang around ungodly people who influence you to do ungodly things, but happiness is not comprised merely of what we don't do. That's also comprise of what we do. I don't walk in the counseling of the ungodly, I don't send the way of sinners, but instead I get into the word of God. It says his delight is in the law or the word of the Lord, and in it does seem meditate day and night, so if you want to be happy. Stay away from godless people doing godless things leading you away from God and hang around ungodly people get into God's word. That's were doing here tonight so periodically I have to ask myself the question this thing that I'm doing is it a wing or is it away.

Is it a wing or is it away is it speeding me up or slowing me down. Is it building me up or is it tearing me down to check this out, but maybe I'll wait till one may not necessarily be a way to another lay aside the sin of the weight and the sin that so easily beset you see one thing might slow one person down more than it solves another person down like we have different metabolisms right and some people can eat whatever they want and never gain weight. I hate those people know I don't. I love them because I'm not to hate. I am to love. I love them but I am upset they have that metabolism I want their metabolism. I mean I used to eat things when I was younger had no effect to me. I after church rumor starting our church many years ago there was a take-out restaurant I've mentioned this before, called models. Anybody remember nozzles while one of you. It was really good.

It was really good take-out Mexican food, so the other thing called a module combo burrito.

This thing was so stinking day it was the size of a sleeping bag. Okay.

Was this massive burrito and so after church I would eat it. And even when I'm preaching I'm getting toward the end of my sermon. I'm thinking much of combo burrito module, burrito preachers think these things trust me I'm so loud. Yes, I want Lord to bless with much of combo burrito to Pinot Tybee Dellwood church.

I drive over the module, burrito, even fantastic, no issues, no problems.

I couldn't even look at a much of combo burrito today I gain weight. Looking at it, ever sure I would get acid reflux immediately that night I got from acid rock to acid reflux. It's very sad thing with somebody else to go, and he died and it wouldn't affect them at all. I say that's not fair. Well I don't know if it's fair or not, but you just need to know what you can do what you can do okay so just because they can do it doesn't mean you should do it and so you have to ask yourself is something slowing me down. Number three in the race of life we must run with the right mode run with the right motive. Paul speaks of only one receiving the Prius running for the gold if you will marry don't think most Olympians want to win the bronze and the bronze is great at the thought of her won the bronze but the gold better.

Everybody knows it's over it's good to have the gold fast because if you win clothing at the top position in the play, the national anthem of your country so you run for the top award, but our primary motive is not running for an award or a reward, but there are rewards promised to Christians but our primary motive is found in Philippians 310, Paul says that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death. That's our motive, that I may know him.

The amplified translation, which is an expanded Greek translation states versus follow Paul speaking my determined purpose in life is that I may know him that he defines what that means that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of his person more strongly and more clearly that I may know him. Our mission statement at harvest is knowing God and making him know Paul say my determined purpose in life is to know you notice he says it's to know him. He doesn't see gets to know about. You need to know about God, but that should not take the place of knowing God. We know a lot about a lot of people but we have a celebrity obsessed culture today in a media breathlessly follows that there every step. The celebrity coming out of Starbucks. Here's a celebrity going to lunch or as a celebrity going to rehab here they are going to lunch back to rehab and to dinner and back to rehab.

And here they are and aren't they wonderful a look at them and you know so we watch them and maybe we follow them on Facebook with a guy I'm friends with them on Facebook. I know them you're not there friend.

They have 10 million followers or friends you're not there felt like I know the picture. They posted you're not there friend you know about the night. A lot of people know about God. Instead of knowing God they can see things about God even see things from Scripture, but is there that deep fellowship and relationship with him. Jesus said, many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and your name did we not cast out demons in your name. Did we not do wonderful miracles and then Jesus says I will say to them. I never knew you your workers of iniquity. I never knew you.

They knew about Jesus, but he didn't know them at all. Number four: a clear objective and focus on life. Paul had a clear objective and focus on life. Verse 13 this one thing I do. David of course out of this while we brought this up only looked in his life recently. He said one thing that I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after the dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Mary of Mary and Martha fame also had this one thing in our life. The Lord came over to their home for a meal and Martha was frantically trying to prepare something in the kitchen and she got upset because Mary wasn't helping her and so she complained to Jesus and I love what the Lord says Martha you're so upset about all these details, he says there's only one thing worth being concerned about right now Mary is discovered, it don't take it from her. Martha, I appreciate it.

I love your meals. Your fantastic chef. But you know what Mary's tenant tuned into what really matters right now were talking together so if you were smart you to copy Brendan sit down and send it sure you learned something so sometimes in a world frantic and all these things were doing many things. Let's not forget the one thing sometimes the many things can take the place of the one thing is I've often said the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

Principle number five are almost unheard don't look back don't look back, to be retried to run a look over your shoulder behind you more than one race is been lost when the person was in the lead position could not avoid the temptation to see if that other person was there a boom they get the finish line or the ribbon just a little bit before so we can look back. Paul says in verse 13. Forgetting the things that are behind and reaching forward to the things that are before what is it me to forget does not mean you failed to remember.

I mean there are things that I remember that I can't necessarily forget when Paul uses this word, forget it means don't be influenced or affected by it any longer and to be effectively forgetting something.

I must first be forgiven.

There can be no forgetting without forgiveness for the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 315 God requires that which is passed because God forgives and forgets we can do the same.

Let me say that again because God forgives and forgets we can do the same because the Lord says their sins and iniquities. While I remember no more of this does not mean that God is having a lapse in memory what God is saying is all no longer hold your sin against you. In other words, your sins no longer affect your standing with me or influence my attitude toward you forget means we break the power of the past by living for getting Pastor Greg Laurie is helping us break from the past of the strategy for running the race of life successfully and there's more to come as pastor Greg continues this study. But listen, if you missed any part of today's practical insight you can go online and here to study again go to and look for the message called the race, we must win or order a copy when you call us at 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300 pastor Greg. It seems like everyone is on some kind of special diet. The bus I have there's inhibitors happy again and there's vegetarian and there's gluten-free others Quinto and Adkins in kosher and low-salt. And yes, don't eat anything that's purple and I only eat things that are perp I'm on the seafood diet. The seafood diet I seafood that he that hath heard of that one know I guide I'm not sure how well that would work for that so well paren well, spiritually speaking, the food that nourishes our soul is the truth of God's word. I try and we have sort of a special kind of meal for new believers and those who really want to grow spiritually going. Yes that's right if people have ever attended our harvest crusades or listen to this program.

You've heard me mention the new believers Bible actually wrote the notes for this project many many years ago in cooperation. A partnership with Tyndale publishing and does so it did very well. 10 million copies of that have sold over the years so the folks at Tyndale came to me and asked if we would be willing to go and re-boot this whole project. In other words, go back to the drawing board. Look at the old notes maybe freshen them up abed add some new notes and so we agreed and we been working on this for a number of years and I'm very excited to announce that it is now out and available the whole Bible. Now, folks, we remember a number of months ago we offered the new believers New Testament. This is the whole Bible. What is it basically is first of all, that in the new living translation, which is an excellent translation of the Bible.

That's more understandable than your other translations like King James or new King James number two it's filled with notes from me that encourage you to grow deeper in your faith that take you through the foundational basics of things that every Christian needs to know more about. I talked about everything ranging from why the Bible is the word of God to how to share your faith to how to pray more effectively to why we go through difficulties in life and how to know the will of God, you name it we probably deal with that in some way shape or form. So it's a great resource if you're new in the faith. But listen, it's also a great resource if you build the Lord for years.

Think of it as a refresher course to go back over some things that maybe you forgotten or maybe things you haven't even learned to start with, and so this is something I think that will be a blessing to anyone that orders a copy that just released brand-new new believers Bible, published by Tyndale filled with notes that I wrote coming your way to bring you spiritual encouragement and we hope you get in touch and requested, in fact, if you request it right away. We want to include a companion resource called start to follow a cover so many helpful topics for new believers, including the seven things every believer needs to know so will send you both resources to thank you for your gift of any size. We so much appreciate your investment that helps us cover the cost of bringing this program your way each day. So get in touch today and mentioned the new believers Bible you can write us at a new beginning. Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call us at 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300 or go online to when we become believers, God forgives us of every sin of our past, he forgets about them. Do we next time pastor Greg has good encouragement to let the past stay in the past is an important part of running our race for Christ. Join us next time on a new beginning and end testing Dragon.

We had a quick announcement before everybody.

You are invited to harvest church online every Sunday morning church experience that you can be a part of. No matter where you are to find out more, just go to and possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God sign up for pastor grades free daily email,