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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 2 - I

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
April 20, 2020 2:52 pm

God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 2 - I

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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April 20, 2020 2:52 pm

Pastor Greg Laurie points to a recent survey showing that teens see depression and anxiety as their number one problem. Adults? Perhaps even more so. Monday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg offers the biblical treatment for worry and anxiety.

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The following message from Pastor Greg Laurie is made possible by some special friends of this ministry. Pastor Greg wanted to see a special word of thanks to the harvest partners who make this ministry possible next time your online check out Pastor Greg's personal warning we do when worry is what we do. What were suddenly filled with things on what a way to overcome with fear. Answer we need to raise Jesus Christ. When those crises should we don't have to give up over Pastor Greg Laurie shows give our problems. He wants to take your fears you want to take your worries.

You want to take your anxieties off of you and the dog barking in the distance a car going think about things is often when were removed and were my shop for the night. What is how come only why didn't I get worried to pack it up and be on its way today on a new beginning. Pastor Greg Laurie helped put our worries to bed. How many of you struggle with worry and fear and anxiety raise your hand while you're stressed a bunch of people are to what I told you this before but you know I heard about one guy who was known as a worrywart you something to think worry is a virtue, and it really isn't. But this guy was a worrywart always worrying about everything always stressed out on this friend some in the sky was totally Shelley was calm you he didn't have a care in the world and his friends admit him what happened to you today. I give up worrying really how did you do that. The guys that I took an ad out and hired someone to worry forming really how much you pay and the guys just $5000 a week. It's a lot of money, you know, make that kind of money are you going to babysit, that's for him to worry about so many of us just worry all the time. You know when things are going well.

We worry about how long it will be until they start going badly again you just constantly worried you're worried about what other people think about you that's a big thing for a lot of people. What do these other folks out there think about me. You know it's been said you wouldn't worry so much about what people think of you. If you realize how seldom they do, but others, a great theologian that had a very insightful thought about worry theologian known as Charlie Brown and he said quote I developed a new philosophy.

I only dread one day at a time pretty good.

Jesus said sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. In other words, no problems to face today. Don't start worrying about tomorrow and the day after and a week after and a month after but I'll tell you what anxiety, fear and worry are big issues in our nation today. Proverbs 1225 says anxiety in the heart of man causes depression while how insightful is that statement know all the medical experts are telling this effectively the same thing. Experts tell us the prevalence of anxiety across the country and around the world is reach a crisis level and it continues to grow, especially among young people.

A recent pew research poll revealed that teensy depression and anxiety as our number one problem is that interesting. They seem depression and anxiety. Number one, it ranks above bullying, drugs, alcohol, poverty, teen pregnancy and gangs number one anxiety and fear and depression. Maybe that's one of the reasons that the suicide rates have increased in the last two decades. In 49/50 states and 25% of those states have seen an increase of 30% in suicide rates and so were filled with anxiety and worry, and it's something that we need to learn how to handle.

There's a story told about Amanda came face-to-face with the dangers of worry. A one day death was Martin toward the city and the man said what are you doing and that said I'm going to take 100 people today.

The man said that's horrible horrible. So he ran to get up to and warn everybody about the fact that death was coming at the end of the day as the sun was setting. Death was leaving the city and MOM man went back to death and he said when a second you told me you were going to take 100 people of thousand people died today. That said, I kept my word, I only took 100 worry took the rest. That's it. Worry can do it is they can just send you into a tizzy and we live in the nation full of warriors. You could put on a lot of American tombstones today buried worried very were the only nation in the world with a mountain called Mount Rushmore were always on the go, always moving, always stressed out 43% of all adults suffer mental effects due to worry and stress. And here's an interesting step 75% to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are stressed related complaints and disorders other words, it's not real. Here's one thing I guarantee we'll get to stressed out is to be having a gripping and you googled your ache or pain and then you get advice online. Have you ever done that I can illustrate this personally. I was feeling pain in my chest.

I think someone I knew, I just had a heart attack so it was sort of in my mind and I thought this kind of pain in my chest, or the pressure on it and I thought wow witticism, so I googled it and symptoms of a heart attack pressure on your chest. I had that and it said nausea.

I was immediately nauseated McKenna guy who never goes to the doctor so I call my doctor by said I think I need to get an EKG I might be having symptoms of a heart attack. He said come down here immediately.

They hooked me up and saw that all the tests on me and then he said, you are perfectly fine, your hearts in great working order and then I got the bill for about a week later and I did of a heart attack know something to feel what is all this pressure will I'd started playing racquetball again and I was going to chase the ball and I slammed up against the wall just had a bruise my massive chest and that's what was what I thought it was something else I got myself all worked up about something that wasn't even happening to me at all of Dr. Walter Calvert reported a Serbian worried and indicated only 8% of the things people worried about were legitimate matters of concern. The other 92% were imaginary or they never happened.

That's why it has been said, worry is advanced interest you pay on troubles that rarely come.

So what do we do when worry gets what we do. What were suddenly filled with anxiety. What we do. What were overcome with fear. Answer we need to give our worries to Jesus Christ or to put it another way, we need to take out the trash. I took the trash out last night. I don't know why put this off is not a big deal.

I even have these trash cans with wheels and handle but still the trash. I need to do the trash on. For some reason this is become the job of men universally.

It's like you and I don't know where the guys are supposed to do it so I dutifully take out the trash.

It's really no big deal, but sometimes in life we start finding ourselves filled with anxiety and worry and stress. And we need to take the trash out, so to speak.

We have a trash man that comes and picks up our trash once a week. I'm really glad he doesn't and even more, you have a Savior you about God who cares about you and the Bible says you can cast all of your care upon. I'm not saying Jesus is a trash man. Here's what I am saying he wants to take your cares he wants to take your worries.

He wants to take your anxieties off of you back. Jesus said in Matthew 1128 come unto me all of you that are laboring and are carrying the weight of your burdens come to me. I will give you Mr. Greg Laurie will have the second half of this message just a moment we send these daily studies out via the radio, satellite and over the Internet. We don't always know how these messages are touching lives.

But when we hear the stories of her listeners and reassures us that these lessons are helping people. Thank you so much Pastor Greg prayer encouraging grounding assets are God's answer to fear and worry, has helped Mrs. Elmer as I grow older I find myself getting more and more anxious about just as a great reminder to pray for childlike faith and trust that God is truly in control. Yes, he is in control. Do you have a story to tell of how Pastor Greg studies it made an impact on your life. If so, would you share that with us. Just call 1-866-871-1144 is 866-871-1144 will today. Pastor Greg is presenting a helpful message called God's answer to fear, anxiety and worry. Part two, let's dig into God's word. First Peter chapter 5 starting in verse six. By the way I'm reading from the new living translation so humble yourselves under the mighty power of God and at the right time to look you up in honor.

Underlying this phrase casting all your cares upon him for he cares for you casting all your cares upon him for he cares for you. Stay alert. Watch out for your great enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring line looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against them, be strong in your faith and remember that your family of believers all over the world are going to the same kind of suffering. You are. There how do we deal with our stress or anxiety and are worry. Point number one remember this, you are not alone in your suffering, you're not alone in your suffering birthday remember your family of believers all over the world going the same kind of suffering. You are I know you're going through something right now you think I'm the only person that's ever gone through this. Actually you arts. Others have gone through it. Others are going through it.

Others will go through it. You're not alone in your suffering. Others have experienced something very similar, if not the exact same thing of the Bible even tells us in first Corinthians 1013 there is no temptation or testing that will come your way. That is not common to others and God will without temptation or testing. Make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear this paraphrase, there's others that are going to the same thing and somehow it's comforting to know I'm not the only person going through this right. Severe suffering was something that you find somebody also suffered with the same thing. Or maybe something even worse. It's really helpful to talk about.

This is where community comes this is where the church family comes in. This is why you should not try to be a solo Christian unity, Jesus, and you need your Christian friends, your Christian brothers and sisters. You should never isolate yourself and disconnect yourself from other believers.

You need to talk with them.

You need to pray with them and escalation 62 says you need to share each other's burdens, so just say to someone, man. I'm going through something hard right now and I want to share it with you and then you talk about it sometimes just talking about alone helps a great deal and then you find yourself praying about it as well. So this is what were all called to do.

Let's say you find out that you have cancer and that's a very frightening thing to hear from a doctor and then you say well I don't know what to do and then you find out that someone in the church that is a cancer survivor so they can it tell you their story how they been able to cope with that how the Lord is been strong for them during that time of difficulty. That's very helpful to you. Then one day you become that survivor you become that person and you can now as the Bible says comfort with the comfort that you been comforted with so you meet somebody else that thinks our world is just ended and you can say come through this.

Here's what I've learned in here's what the Lord has done for me. Let me share this now with you. So remember you're not alone in your suffering. Point number two you need to give your burdens to God. You need to give your burdens to God. Verse seven cast all your care upon him for he cares for you as a new living translation puts it, give all your worries and cares to God because he cares about you. By the way, the word used here for cast is not the normal word for throwing something rather it is a word that signifies a definite act of the will, by which we choose to stop worrying about something like God assumed the responsibility for our welfare something I am going to deliberately not worry about this. I'm going to intentionally throw this on God, to put it in his hands, leave it in his hands, and the word that is used here for care as and he cares for you means he is mindful of you.

He's thinking about you not just let that sink in for a moment, God Almighty, the creator of the universe right now is thinking about you and he's so amazing. He's also thinking about me is thinking about all of us right now number in our last message on your anxiety and worry.

I quoted from Luke 1232 were Jesus said turn on, little flock, it is your father's good pleasure to give to you the kingdom. And we learned three things about God from that simple little versa. God is our shepherd.

God is our father.

God is our King. First of all, he's our shepherd or sheet.

He watches over his flock and it's interesting Jesus is. Fear not, little flock, what is your father's good pleasure to give you kingdom were a little flock, but we have a big God in our big God is watching over his little flock but is not just our shepherd is also our father who cares and noticed Jesus said it is your father's good pleasure to give to you the kingdom. God loves to bless his children. Let me put it another way, God likes to spoil his children dear I use that phrase he likes to indulge to give you things you don't deserve. The Bible says he's able to do exceedingly above and beyond that which we could ask or think. He loves to bless you. And thirdly, he's your king, which really speaks of the sovereignty of God, so he is looking over you he's caring for you. He is your father. You know the other day one of my grandkids as mean pop up.

Are there more stars in the sky than sands on the shore how what I said to you. I really don't know. Scientists and astronomers tell us that there are billions of stars out there hundred billion galaxies in the universe so billions and billions of stars and debit. Here's what I do know God says, my thoughts toward you are greater than the sand of the sea while so good out of the beach a bit of a handful of sand 11 just poured through your hand for a moment to get all of that sin and think about this God's thoughts for you about you are greater than all those grains of sand that's an incredible thing he thinks about us. He cares about us.

And finally, he is our King. It's his pleasure to give us a kingdom, but will we say he's our King at speaks of the sovereignty of God in the sovereignty of God simply means a godsend control. God is in control of your life and nothing catches him by surprise and make it you by surprise, but it is and catch him by surprise. He knew it was coming in of its concern to you. It's also a concern to him.

And here's another thing you need to remember there are no accidents in the light of the Christian only Providence, let me say that again there are no accidents on the life of the Christian only Providence we as believers do not believe in fate. We believe in fate and we believe that God is in control right is very important stuff. Remember, because when it seems that your world coming apart like God I hello are you aware of this cutting.

I'm totally aware of it I knew was coming. And I've got this. I'm in control of this and he gives us is wonderful promise that we all know well.

Romans 828 we know that all things are working together for good to those who love God. Another called according to his purpose. Notice that does not say some things notice it does not even say we know that the good things are working together for good.

It's is all thing David speaking of this in Psalm 119 wrote everything service your client so with this in mind, we need to cast our cares on God. This is something we need to do daily and quite honestly, it's something we need to sometimes do hourly because sometimes you give something to God with your read that don't wait for Lord, I trust you and this I know you're in control.

Alleluia comes back again and you brought it back again. You started worrying about it again. So maybe you want to do it over and over and over again. That's all right, you just empty your trash you know you don't empty your trash once a year at least I hope not. You don't empty your trash once a month to do it weekly, sometimes even daily constantly cleaning constantly emptying it. And sometimes we have to keep coming back to the Lord again and again. Sundays we have to bring it to her more often than other days depending on what were facing in the given moment. Greg Laurie mordant insights today on how to reorient our thoughts to break free from the trap of fear, anxiety and worry, and there's more to come from this presentation here on a new beginning.

If you missed any part of what Pastor Greg shared today. You can get an instant replay, or by way of our harvest app.

It's another way we want to help equip you and strengthen your walk with the Lord. If you like to have a permanent copy on CD. You can call us at 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300 and the title of today's message is God's answer to fear, anxiety and worry. Part two, and I think store harvest partners for helping to make these resources available. Also, let me point out Pastor Greg has a book on the same subject for information. Just search for the title God's answer to fear, anxiety and worry when to go to store well is a real joy to have Kathy Lori in the studio with us today along with noted children's author Sally Lloyd Jones Kathy if you would take a moment and talk about how your life and redo your grandkids were really special time that is for the both of you. I think reading books with children and even Julian on a couple levels. First of all I good, but whether it's a children's book or not is always a joy to read and not just because it's a children's book he read it to children. He read it for yourself and enjoy yourself south on that level. I know that it is pouring into your kids.

And then I love children's books. But what I love to read to Tanner books that pouring to them spiritually and I think they have a special relationship with her grandmother, that I think books will open up and take you even deeper. So we had a great history with our grandchildren, and the books that we've read with them and we repeat them we love them so much and that we've got a special book to make available to our listeners this month that will fill that bill not only in the Lori household but for the listeners household the essay dear, there gorgeous hardcover books that were offering this night Ireland and live Psalm 23 and the Lord's prayer and I think if you going to start teaching a child how to communicate with God directly to pray the words are so and they are so simple and so profound and make sure the essence of the Lord's prayer and in addition to teaching children at bar guide what the Lord's prayer does. It teaches us how to communicate to God and in the very first words to write our hello daddy, although I want to hear you say it near British accent because hello daddy want to know you is so sweet and be close to you. Please tell us how and the illustrations in this take their group the children look like they're on a journey. Yes, we wanted them to be on an adventure together yet. It starts off in the morning and they sent out and ends as they got back home and every illustration is based on a real place which is called well in England. When I went take administrative names and when I used to get as a child and still go every year so that the landscape is very familiar and beloved by both of us and we think the corn will handle is made up and so as an artist I can tell you I really appreciate of the design and art in these books and then written just perfectly by Sally Lloyd Jones who you just heard from our offering this series of two books in a box set that are called found in the loved one is based on the Lords prayer the other. In Psalm 23 and there's also a special art print that's included, and were offering this to you for your gift of any size to help us continue in this radio broadcast to teach God's word in the proclaim the gospel to order your set right now and that's right your investments. Help us bring the studies each day. We have no other way to cover the cost of making these programs available other than the donations of listeners and those resources touched so many lives effect we heard from a listener who said Greg, I'm 57 years old I got saved. Listening to you on the radio.

Driving to work in downtown Los Angeles when I was in my 20s. Thank you for your loyalty toward Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If the investments of listeners that help us touch lives. And if you can make an investment. Right now we like to send this outstanding picture books set from Sally Lloyd Jones called found and loved. Just try to set a new beginning. Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300 or go online to everybody Pastor Greg Laurie here knows what going through this Corona virus. A lot of people are afraid they're worried their concern. Listen, I want to bring Christ to this crisis and I want to bring some light to this darkness from the word of God so you can turn your worry in the worship so you can churn your fear into faith. Every Sunday we have a special service for doing now live online and it simply called Harvest at Home so if you go to our website you can join us this coming Sunday for multiple services from the morning to the evening be a part of Harvest at Home this and join Pastor Greg Moore this Sunday for Harvest at Home, when Einstein Pastor Greg brings more freeing perspective about fear, anxiety and worry good encouragement for the stresses you're facing right now. Join us here on a new beginning with Pastor Greg Laurie possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God sign up for pastor grades free daily email,