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The World Changer Who was Out of This World, Part 2 - II

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
September 15, 2020 3:00 am

The World Changer Who was Out of This World, Part 2 - II

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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September 15, 2020 3:00 am

Our goal as believers is to show unbelievers the irresistible love of God. But too many times, we resist demonstrating the irresistible. Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn important insights from a study of the life of Enoch, the man who walked with God. 

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A New Beginning is the daily half-hour program hosted by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California. For over 30 years, Pastor Greg and Harvest Ministries have endeavored to know God and make Him known through media and large-scale evangelism. This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners.

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The following message from Pastor Greg Laurie is made possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God. If you would like to know how you can become a harvest partner, just go to that's your minds on things above all the things that I have gone with those that think the most of the men's world.

Do the most for this one in his current series rule change. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us focus on the eternal is a world changers are heavenly minded one they realize ultimately their citizenship is in heaven. Listen if you want God over one day you will walk with you in heaven. Constantly on our minds.

We act with certain TV commercials are practically resistible will we were hungry for the things of God when heaven is on our minds that affect how we without even realizing it. Were reflecting the values of the father was around today on a new beginning. Pastor Greg Laurie maintain to make our witness practically every system one by the ruling of the of the Olympics is saying all okay I'll I love this guy you saying bold.

They say he can run 27 mph that's got so that appropriate okay gone that so you sing won't let me be having the lastly old you have the kids going to be an electrician of the fastest man on the planet right but it really that is the theme of our textbook for us. Hebrews Chapter 11 no one of the unique qualities of using bold is he run so fast but he starts fast these days fast and he finishes that he never slows down and if you watch them race he leaves his competitors effectively in the document. Some run the race of life like that. There out of a cannon with a bang.

They run full speed.

The end. Victoriously, that's great. Others don't run that way they start fast. They slow down, sometimes even stumble and fall and they get up at the end and they make it across the finish line. Some start and never finish at all. So who determines our going to run the race of life. You might be surprised by my answer. We do know Greg you're wrong. God determines it will no actually he doesn't. God gives us everything we need. He gives us all the power.

All the resources but it's up to us to take hold of those resources God doesn't do the running for us. We run the race for his glory. So it's really up to us and how we run the race of life, we decide never going to be a world changer or of the world going to change us. You see, world changers, as I pointed out before our thermostats, not thermometers thermometer tell you what the temperature risk of thermostat controls the temperature they set the pace may well they change the world. Hebrews 11 is a collection of world changers now some very familiar names make the cut names we would expect to see in a Carol's hall of faith like Noah and Abraham and Jacob and Moses and Gideon and David are some surprising names that make the list as well. Like Rahab the harlot that's Rahab the hooker she got on the list will find out later. Then there's a couple of what I would call somewhat obscure biblical characters that surprisingly make the listener already look good one able, we told you why he's in the hall of faith and were looking out at peanut. But if God chose to put them in the hall of faith that their world changers. We should certainly pay attention now member were learning about unit we've already identified two principles about why he was a world changer principle number one to review the walk with God. Remember we looked at Amos 33 that says can two walk together, unless they be agreed and I pointed out to you that ought to be agreed means to be in harmony with to be in sync with number two we discover that the unit was well pleasing to God, because Hebrews 11 five says he had this testimony, that he pleased God. So this is something we also desire to do in our life. Jesus said I always do the things that please the father so we want to live lives that honor and please God. Now we come to .3 about unit and it really connects to .2 number three unit was a witness forgot that's okay to focus on here.

He was a witness forgot Hebrews 11 five unit.

This testimony that he pleased God. Yet, this testimony every Christian as a testimony.

Everybody has a story to tell you of a testimony and people are watching you know here's a question you have a good or a bad testimony by that I don't mean dramatic around dramatic someone asked me the other day it if a person's testimony is that they never had any major problems in life still valid. In other words, if someone was a drug addict, or of the served time in prison or of faith lives in Victoria five and they came to Christ's sake. Now that a great testimony, but maybe there's someone else who was relatively moral and they tried to play by the rules, but they discovered that they needed God, they realize they were a sinner and they needed a Savior. Listen. Both testimonies are valid because there's a lot of different kinds of people out there in the world.

Not everyone relates to a criminal. Not everyone relates to a former drug addict or alcoholic.

Some people might relate to someone who was more moral or maybe even attended church. But here's your testimony in a nutshell you once were lost.

And now you're found your blind but now you see you once headed to hell. Now you're going to heaven. That's your testimony and it's a good one. So use your testimony as a bridge to share your faith unit had this testimony, that he pleased God. One of the greatest compliments I can be paid to a Christian is people will observe you and they will come to you and say I've been watching you and I want to know why you are the way that you are a I noticed your joy have noticed your sense of purpose. I've noticed how hard you work. I've noticed you're such a nice person.

You're an honest person why are you this way, here's the long answer. Will my parents raised me to me that's nice. Thank you for mentioning your parents but no single limit. Because of my faith in Jesus Christ unit was someone who spoke out Chris Ray Jude 1 verses 14 to 15 says this about unit.

He lived in the seven generation after Adam and he prophesied about these people. He said listen, the Lord is coming with thousands of his saints to execute judgment on the world will convict every person of the ungodly things they have done it all the insulted ungodly sinners have spoken against him. So he was a fearless proclaimer of God's truth. So, yes, live it just be an example, but please don't say I don't believe that I'm called to be an evangelist. I'm just trying to be a good example. Good examples don't bring people to Christ. Good examples open the door to articulate your faith so you can bring people to Christ. Good examples are what we need to be. So we will have that opportunity to verbally articulate our faith because first Peter 315 says always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect that are important because this phrase. Given answer is from the Greek word apology we get our English word apologetic from so it's sort of like giving the defense in a court of law.

But when you think of that. Don't think of yourself as a prosecuting attorney general witness. Another words unit there to prosecute or embarrass or humiliate your listener. Your there to be a witness to them. Notice it says that were to do this with gentleness and respect. I think were some Christians and they share their faith. They just want to win the argument. The objective is not to win the argument. The objective is to win the soul.

The objective is to build a bridge not burn a bridge if you want to win some you must be winsome.

In other words, being nice to it with kindness as you share your faith. Jesus modeled this and if anyone could have been well unknown at all.

It was Jesus.

I mean who knows more than God, but he was so patient with people like the woman at the well, who effectively was arguing with you or like Zach he is. He was ostracized by his entire community and Jesus effectively invited himself over to Zacchaeus is house for lunch and so what we want to do is enter into this kind of communication with people and as Paul said become all things to all men pulses in first Corinthians 9 I become a servant of everyone so I can bring them to Christ when it with the Jews I become one of them so I can bring them to Christ. When with those who are oppressed, I share their oppression so I can bring them to Christ was the best I try to find common ground with everyone that I bring them to Christ. Our goal is to share Christ with others so they can go to heaven when they die, will Ina going to heaven, but never died. Pastor Greg explains in just a moment someone encouraging what we hear from listeners who been impacted by the ministry of beginning including this man who was listening to Pastor Greg while driving-year-old man who drank terribly yesterday had a horrible amount yesterday and despised people yesterday, but today I woke up with a genuinely great regard for people. I like people. I don't have any desire to drink. I don't have an elf anymore and I'm hope for the first time in as long as I can recall. I'm just going to say thank you and if you had any idea person I was yesterday to who I feel like today. I wish common line over able to take an hour worth of knowing how much difference there is and what a life out of more than anything, I just wanted to thank you and I can't thank you enough. God bless you Greg and everybody on staff. You have no idea what impact you made in this man's life story house changes lives. If you had your life changed because of the ministry harvest Pastor Greg no disgruntlement email at again. That's great at harvest origin will today.

Pastor Greg is showing us how to magnify our witness for Christ following the example of the world changer named Teaneck and for a copy of this insight go to and walk with God and it was well pleasing to God. That was a witness for God and point number four.

And lastly unit went to be with God verse five by faith unit was taken away so he did not see death, and he was not found, because God had God took him. That phrase took him to be translated carried over took across any ZDNet did not die. There's only one other person in the Bible that did not die and that was Elijah who was caught up into a chariot of fire how this happened. We don't know but we know it happened.

Unit did not die. Normally, people die right. The Bible says it's appointed unto a man once to die, and then comes the judgment, but in the case of unit God made an exception to them straight to heaven. That's pretty amazing.

He picked him up off one sure and put them on the other and the way they needed walk with God it wasn't even in Iraq says is a game on though whenever that's great okay no units are delivered by Colossians 3 before Colossians 3 was written. Colossians 3 Paul speaking says said your minds on things above, not on things of the earth, and I've heard people say will some Christians are so heavenly minded. There are no earthly good.

That's ridiculous. I think there's far more people were so earthly minded. There no heavenly good. It's good to be heavenly minded that doesn't mean you of your head in the clouds and you're disconnected from reality what it means is your seeking to honor and please the Lord your euro aware of the brevity of life you want to make your life counts and you look for opportunities to honor the Lord and I have found that those that think the most of the next world to the most for this one. You see world changers are heavenly minded wife because they realize ultimately their citizenship is in heaven.

And they're just passing through this life and listen if you walk with God on earth. One day you will walk with him in heaven because Revelation 3 forces the walk with me.

The Lord speaking dressed in white, which is sort of a representative if you will of a generation of people who will not die but will be caught up in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye to meet the Lord in the air would sometimes call it the rapture that sometimes we will say well you can find the word rapture in the Bible true, but you can find the word Bible in the Bible either, nor can you find the word Trinity now do we believe in the Trinity course that we believe in the Bible. Yes, just because the word is and there doesn't mean the event isn't because I'd say the word rapture is just the Latin translation of the word used in Scripture which is harp also which is used multiple times and this is an event that speaks work. Christ will catch us up immediately. First Thessalonians says will be caught up in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the dead in Christ will rise first.

We which are alive and remaining shall meet the Lord in the air.

Now here's the question. Could we be that generation could Christ come back in our lifetime for his church and what we call the rapture or the harp also and the answer is absolutely yes. I believe we could be that generation is a great others have believed that before they were yes so maybe were the generation that if we aren't, that doesn't concern me. Quite frankly, as I know one where the other and getting up to heaven. Okay, we had rapture four – somebody get there and in the interim, I know what my job is I'm supposed to be walking with God and I am to be well pleasing to God and one day I will be with God.

I mean, that's a pretty good summation of how a life to live is put your name in here. You know Joshua walk with God.

He was well pleasing to God. He went to be with God.

Christie walk with God. She was well pleasing to God as she went to be with God. Mortimer there's a Mortimer out there somewhere you know walk with just that your life it sums it up. What a great way to live your life.

Listen in the spiritual race speed is not as important as distance, it's good to run fast, but it's even more importantly to run well and finish the race. You have begun coming back using bolt. He runs fast from beginning to end somewhere like that, some are not. Another interesting story that came from the Olympics is about two runners, maybe you're aware of it from New Zealand. Nikki Hamblin and Abby D. Agostino from the United States. They were for laughs at the end they collided Hamblin from New Zealand fell 1st, causing Abby was right behind her from the United States to also fall.

I would've been understanding of Abby from America just kinda got up and went around the New Zealand girl and want to finish the race. But then this is what was amazing. Abby reached down and helped the other girl up and then they began to run together. Then Abby fell to the ground and the girl from New Zealand help her get back up again and they made it across. They didn't win the race but they finished the race, and afterwards they were interviewed and the girl from New Zealand said, you know, I didn't even know really what it happened, but I heard Abby from the United States, a get up.

We need to finish this. I love that.

They talked about how that's the real Olympic spirit right that's good. And sometimes we need a little help.

Sometimes we stumble and fall in the city, kicking a person when they're down. You want to help them get back up again so they too can finish the race right relation 61 says of another believer is overcome by sin. You were godly should point your finger at them and laugh and kick them two times and continue your journey missing I've ever written first before.

That's because it's not in the Bible that said some people do. So here's what the Bible actually says. Galatians 61.

If another believer is overcome by sin. You were godly should gently and humbly help that person get back on the right path, but be careful not to fall the same temptation. The objective is. Let's finish this race so the masses in closing, are you walking with God. Are you well pleasing to God. Are you will witness for God C. Enid did this for 300 years they live longer. Back in those days and I will follow his example we can do the same.

Ecclesiastes 78 says the end of the thing is better than its beginning. The patient is spirit is better than the proud spirit, but maybe you're like to go from New Zealand you know you started off on the Christian life with a bang.

You are like you same ball off the blocks. Then you stumbled and fell and he never got up there like the lady in the commercial I've fallen and I can't get up. You can get up the company. Hope you get out right now. If you fall and if you stumbled, you can get up again and get back in that race and you can still finish of this long is your life, you can still get back in the race and finish in one slight fence at the end of it, but until that day. There's always second chances and third chances if you'll turn to Jesus. Some of you have never even started out this way you don't know what is the walk with God.

I talked about going to heaven when you die you don't know if you go to heaven when you die, you can know it by believing in Jesus so much of the know something that 2000 years ago Jesus Christ carried the cross for you and you know what he fell down beneath the weight of the cross.

Remember, the guy was plucked out of the crowd named Simon from Cyrene, who helped Jesus carry the cross for a bit then Christ finish the task how easily Jesus could've said you know what I'm out. Simon just carried on.

I'm going through with this.

I can't take this anymore. This humiliation this mockery. This screaming supporting me know and share what they were my disciples forget that you could've done that for the Bible says Hebrews.

Actually, the next chapter 12 for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and now you sit down at the right hand of God knowing Jesus going to the cross. 2000 years ago it was you and it was me it was us. He did it because he knew there was no other way we could be brought into a relationship with God. That's how much he loves us so. Realizing that you need to respond. If you've never asked Jesus to come in your life you'll forgive you of all of your sin and if you stumbled and fallen need to get back up again to help you do that, but so very heads father, thank you for your word to us today. Thank you for loving us.

Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross and Lord Jesus, thank you for coming and going through with that though we don't deserve it. Now I pray for any that are here right now who may not yet know you help them to see their need for you help them to come to you. Help them to believe in you in Jesus name I pray for Greg Laurie important prayer for those who want to make a change in the relationship with the Lord. And if you like to do that today.

Pastor Greg will help you in just a moment before today's addition of a new beginning. Concludes yesterday were sending this program out all across the country and even around the world right and we're even expanding our outreach yes and would like to invite her friends to invest so we can impact more of our culture and boy does it need. This program is hopefully helped our friends and were hoping they'll invest so others lives can be impacted.

That's very true you know Dave, I receive letters all the time I run into people even go tell me how they've been listening to this program for 20 years 25 years that they'll tell me stories of how they came to faith are a member of their family came to Jesus all here from a young adults now who will say all I used to listen your program and I was a little kid with my mom on the way to school and and we love those stories.

So here's what I'm saying to you when you like another generation we have that same opportunity you been blessed by what you've heard here on a new beginning. Would you like other people to hear it as well, so there've been some great opportunities in recent weeks for us to expand our footprint and reach more people than we have ever reached before and I think it's really important for us to respond to this opportunity because as you know, a new beginning this one of the few radio programs out there that invites people to come to Christ at the end of our program and we have literally thousands and thousands of people respond every year asking Jesus to come into their life. Would you like to see that happen in areas where it's not happened before. You know, radio reaches people in a way that few other medias do. It's an amazing medium really because people listen differently to radio than the way they watch television or read even watch something on a screen like a computer or a laptop or something like that.

So I believe radio is a powerful way to impact people so I'm asking you to join me in reaching a whole new group of people that we have never reached before. It is my way of saying things I want to send you a copy of my brand-new book world changers. In this book is based on the stories of great men and women of faith is recorded in Hebrews chapter 11, who took bold steps of faith and reached out and did something in changed the culture around them and I'm hoping that we can change our culture through a new beginning, and I'm hoping this book will encourage you to change the culture around you as well with the good news of Jesus Christ's right and we are eager to send a copy of this right to your door to thank you for your investment in bringing that kind of change, our culture has never been more ready for the hope of the gospel, like one listener wrote us and said bless you Pastor Greg for bringing God's word at a time when God's word means everything to everyone, and so your investment right now really does come at a critical time when you give. Be sure to ask for Pastor Greg's new book world changers you can write a new beginning.

Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call us anytime 24 seven at 1-800-821-3300. That's 1-800-821-3300 or go online to and then just before I pass along the mailing address once again, if you'd like to make a change in your relationship with the Lord. Pastor Greg would like to help you with that right now. Listen if you would like Jesus Christ to come in your life right now. If you would like your sin forgiven if you would like a new start in life.

I like to lead you in a prayer when you would ask for God's forgiveness. Someone ask you to just stop what you're doing right now and bow your head and pray this prayer with me if you want to make a commitment or recommitment to Jesus Christ. Let's pray together, Lord Jesus, come in the my life.

I know that I'm a sinner and I think you for dying on the cross for my sin and pain.

The price for it and rising again from the dead. I turn from that sin.

Now I make a choice to follow you as my Savior and Lord, thank you for calling me and for giving me and receiving me and loving me in Jesus name I pray, amen man listen. If you have just prayed that prayer with Pastor Greg and it meant those words from your heart. First of all we want to welcome you to the family of God, and second, we like to offer some help as you get started as a Christian would like to send you our new believers Grove packet just get in touch and ask for it will send it free of charge to those making a first time commitment to the Lord today. Again, you can write a new beginning. Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call 1-800-821-3300 summons or to take your call around the clock again, dial 1-800-821-3300 one line to and click on know God pastor Greg helps us learn from the life of no another of the Bible's great oral possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God sign up for pastor great free daily email devotions and