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Antichrist, Armageddon & The Second Coming - I

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
August 25, 2020 3:00 am

Antichrist, Armageddon & The Second Coming - I

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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August 25, 2020 3:00 am

What will the Antichrist look like, and when will his terrifying reign begin?  Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that question today on A NEW BEGINNING.  It’s a look at the events of the End Times and where believers will be during that horrendous time.

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A New Beginning is the daily half-hour program hosted by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Southern California. For over 30 years, Pastor Greg and Harvest Ministries have endeavored to know God and make Him known through media and large-scale evangelism. This podcast is supported by the generosity of our Harvest Partners.

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The following message from Pastor Greg Laurie is made possible by harvest partners, helping people everywhere know God. If you would like to know how you can become a harvest partner, just go to that's Vietnam who is seeing exactly the reason she imitation today on a new beginning for Greg Laurie Warren just about reached the last thing you will want will carry out Satan's bidding. During the time the price is Jesus Christ the way he falls people's peace. The Bible says Jesus will deceive many people realize how evil he actually yes everyone with pastor Greg Laurie Pastor Greg will begin today's message just a moment, time online saying the movie glory was fine.

You owe me your great glory was like why am I here what is the meaning of life and what happened after I got wife has the answer glory and affect online event coming to a screen where so tell a friend coming your way.

Labor Day weekend, so was oh each of us is applied to every day may be hyperbole in an advertisement for a campaign promise were a little white lie told by a family member. Sometimes we know it's a fib. Sometimes were dubious, but there will come a time when a great world power will arise and he'll hoodwink most of the planet today on a new beginning pastor Greg Laurie shows us just how dangerous this individual will be and his lies will be deadly is from a series on the end times question.

Do you like puzzles. I though I have no interest in puzzles. I have no desire to get a puzzle out and put it back together again friendly to me it seems like a waste of time. In contrast to me. My wife Kathy loves puzzles that were walking along that she sees a puzzle on a table. She'll sit down and start putting it together. I don't understand that but you know when we look at the events of the last days of the end times like what's gonna happen when it can be like a puzzle we hear terms like tribulation.

Abomination of desolation antichrist rapture second coming and we think. I have no idea how this all fits together will that's what I want to talk to you about, but let me just got to the chase and say this I read the last page of the Bible and we win in the end because God has it all under control.

But you see the Bible is the one book that dares to predict the future, not once, not twice, but hundreds of times with 100% accuracy.

God lives in the eternal realm. Therefore, he can look at the past and see it with clarity.

But if you look at the future and see it in the same way. I can't even remember what happened to me six months ago. I forget the details but the Lord sees that all is a continuum. So when the Lord tells us what is going to happen is not like God is going out on a limb and taking a risk. He's just telling us what the facts are, therefore you can trust the Bible when we come to this subject of the end times or the last days know some would say you know it's a really important to study Bible prophecy. No one can figure it out anyway. Not true. I think God wants us to understand it.

In fact, it is not God's desire to conceal, but to reveal the very word revelation that will look at this book in the moment means unveiling God wants us to understand what's happening and I might add in the book of Revelation there is a special blessing promised Revelation 132.

The person who reads shears and keeps the words that are written in it. So if you want to be blessed. It's a good thing that you're hearing me right now because were going read were getting here hopefully and then keep the words that are written in this book. The book of Revelation and so this is something that we need to know more about. Listen, God does not give us Bible prophecy to scare us.

He gives it to prepare us when he said again, we don't read these words about the end times. So were scared but brother so were prepared but let me just share a few things before we begin number one. Your future is bright. If you're a follower of Jesus Christ.

Your future is bright.

I love the promise God gives to the nation Israel, and I think in principle applies to every believer when he says Jeremiah 2911. I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. No matter what you're going through right now. God has a future and a hope set out for you.

So remember that God loves you.

Your future is bright and your future is good God can even take bad things, and bring good despite them. We know that the Bible says that he can cause all things to work together for good to those that love him. Another called according to his purpose. Listen this coronavirus has been very hard.

More than 100,000 people have tragically lost their lives to it in the united states of America. Our economy has been shut down.

People are depressed and filled with anxiety.

But having said all that good can come. Despite the coronavirus one things and is very good is seen thousands of people come to believe in Jesus Christ, like we have seen ^ Harvest at Home. So God can take the hardships you're going through and be glorified through them and I would also add your future as promised to you by God is one thing you can know about the Lord he keeps his promises way maker promise keeper light in the darkness. That's who God is, he will keep his promises that he is made to you. There are thousands of promises that God makes to his people in the Bible.

It's a little bit like gift cards Gemini unused gift cards in a drawer somewhere. I do you know people give me give cards to random places like liver world when when I go to use a gift card for live world know that I made that one up, but sometimes places you don't frequent you have a gift card for and there are billions of dollars of gift cards are unused. Sitting in the drawers and wallets and cars of people all around the United States and it can be that way with the promises of God. We have thousands of promises that are left unclaimed. I encourage you to claim the promises and here's a big one.

The Lord himself as promised that he will return again. John 14 Jesus says this. Let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions ever were not soy would've told you. I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again says Jesus, I will come again and receive you on the myself, that where I am, you may be also. And where I go you know the way you know so when Jesus says let not your heart be troubled. It's a word that can be translated agitated or stressed out.

So Jesus is saying listen to me stressed out people I'm coming back again and I keep my promises as the Bible reminds us, don't panic. It's organic archery. The Bible doesn't say that, but the ideas God is in control. So don't worry Joan freak out. The Lord is going to come back at the appointed moment now wooden little series here on the last days and I asked the question of my last message is the coronavirus a sign of the end times in abroad since the answer to that question is yes. What we see happening around us today without modern day flag or pandemic like COBIT 19 is a fulfillment of an end time prophecy yes, but it's more of the foreshadowing of what is that, later you might say that coronavirus and other signs of the times happening around us at the moment are setting the stage for the end times listen to this. I pointed this out. My last message.

The next of been on the prophetic calendar is the rapture of the church and that is when the Lord comes for his people and were caught up in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye to meet the Lord in the air. That is a moment when we received our new resurrection bodies. That is a moment when we are reunited with loved ones who have died in faith, and I proceeded us to heaven. Following the rapture.

We have this mysterious character than another, be talking about a bit in this message that we know is the antichrist. He's also called the beast is also called the son of perdition.

He inaugurates a seven-year period of time called the great tribulation. Antichrist initially emerges on the scene as man of peace, a man with global solutions but at the halfway point of the tribulation.

He reveals his true colors and then for the remainder of the tribulation. We have a lot of amazing things happening, including God's judgment falling on the earth.

Everything culminates in what we call the battle of Armageddon in the valley of my ghetto and that is when the second coming of Christ takes place. He returns to the earth to establish his kingdom and everyone will know.

So some amounts. It was at the second coming, or just a really bad storm mono you'll know it's a second coming. Jesus said, as the lightning shines from the east of the West, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be your great glory will have the second half of this message in just a moment were so thrilled when we hear from listeners that join us from every background, every profession, every H Pastor Frank, I just want to let you set for how God has these TCM issues in my family are originally from Southern California but we moved to Texas when I was 12 to nature. I am also a fan of your good friend fella comes music.

I'm praying for you. Well, it's really great to know that pastor Craig's teachings are reaching this young man anymore like you. Would you like to share your story so one email Pastor Greg.

His email address is doing today that's joined us today for pastor Grace message titled antichrist Armageddon and the second coming. Let's continue.

So let's dive into this mysterious character the antichrist who is see exactly what first of all, he is sent by Satan himself. He is in imitator.

Consider this the prefix anti-not only means against and certainly the antichrist is against Christ but also also means instead up. He's a false Christ. Remember in Matthew 24 is Jesus is answering the question what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of VAT said, many will come in my name, saying, I am he. I am the Messiah that to the antichrist is, he's a false Messiah, and some will even believe he is the Messiah. He's a cheap imitation.

There's always cheap imitations out there, aren't there something is good they'll always be the imitators I've a lot of people that pretend to be me on social media. I see fake Greg Laurie Facebook pages spake Greg Laurie Instagram pages spake Greg Laurie a twitter accounts and and what these people do is they'll go out as me.

Take photos off of my accounts and act like there me and then the bill of establish a dialogue with people and then start soliciting money or other things always look for the blue check to make sure it's really me but there's always that big persons out there.

The antichrist is a fake Jesus Christ. Did you hear the story about the guy who bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas. A friend has said while you bought her a diamond ring that she wanted one of those four-wheel-drive vehicles in this friend said while she did but where my going to find a fake G get it anyway. Okay so antichrist is a false Christ in imitation of the real Jesus just as God has his son Jesus, the devil, and in fact has his son as well. Antichrist will be histories vilest embodiment of sin and rebellion.

He works in Adolf Hitler worse than Joseph Stalin worse than mouse a tongue worse than any of them shall be indwelt by Satan himself. Now he's not can it be what you may expect pathologies going to be dressed ditto in black with glowing red eyes and the Darth Vader theme song playing behind him when he walks into her room will be the very opposite Kilby swab will be intelligent, charming, engaging magnetic charismatic listen to this, he can this solve the Middle East peace puzzle and actually get the Arab nations and the Jewish people to live together in harmony for a short period of time. Kilby declared the greatest peacemaker of all time. The probably give him the Nobel peace prize but then he's going to do something that will really surprise many.

He will rebuild the Jewish temple.

So the third temple will finally be built in. This brings us to the middle of this time we call the tribulation.

Because then antichrist is going to do what is called the domination of desolation by the way, when Jesus talked about that in Matthew 24 he says when you see the abomination of desolation.

Let the reader understand see again. God wants us to understand Bible prophecy because there's a detail added let the reader understand basically the antichrist is going to erect an image of himself in the rebuilt Temple and the men worship from the people. So now he's showing who he really is. No, it's an interesting thing about antichrist U.S. News & World Report magazine article pointed out that 49% of Americans believe there will be in antichrist sometime in the future, but Christians just Americans. Almost half of Americans think there will be an antichrist. 19% of Americans polled believe the antichrist is alive right now. Now I know what some of your thinking Greg.

Why do we need to talk about Jim why even give a passing thought to someone is evil is the antichrist answer because there are over 100 passages in the Bible that detail the career nationality, character kingdom and final doom of antichrist.

He is discussed at length in the book of Daniel and the book of Thessalonians, and in the book of Revelation. So we need to understand what his agenda is and what he is attempting to do but just remember this is dark as this period of time will be. God is sovereign over all history, world history is his story.

Let me say it another way, history is his story.

So God is sovereign in God is in control and you do not have to be afraid. All right, let's read a little bit about this curious character called antichrist. In Revelation 13 verse one John writes how John was banished to the island of Patmos for preaching the gospel. Jesus came to him and gave him a vision. It's as though John was put into a spiritual time machine and catapulted into the future and he describes what he saw in this great book. Revelation he writes in Revelation 13, verse one.

I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and 10 horns, and on his horns 10 crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name another beast I saw was like a leopard's feet were like the feet of a bear's mouth was like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power, throne and great authority.

And I saw one of his heads words mortally wounded in his deadly wound was healed.

In all the world marveled and followed the beast, and they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the bees and they worshiped the beast thing who was like the beast, and who will make war with him while interesting scene. So here we have the antichrist are merging and he is again defying God and attempting to take the place of Christ, and it says in verse 20 is a blasphemous name will be a great orator a great communicator but he's coming in opposition to God.

Bobby not at first had first still seem very consolatory at first, still seem like a wonderful person but then his true agenda will be revealed, and he will specifically target followers of Jesus Christ. Revelation 13 seven says it was granted to him to make war with the saints, and do over come them and he also is going to dominate the globe are Revelation 13 seven says authority was given to him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

But again, I emphasize the way he. People is through peace. The Bible says, through peace, he will deceive many. But then people realize how evil he actually is of an interesting article online the other day about the drummer for the brass band death Angel. The man's name is will Carol and he got covert, 19, so his tour was canceled and he was sent to the hospital and he was put into a medically induced coma.

So while he was in the coma of this drummer for this rock band had a vision of how the song himself in hell being tormented and back when he woke up from his coma.

He asked the nurse he had tubes connected to yester my still in hell and after this harrowing experience. He came to this conclusion and I quote, as for my personal life and the experience of what I went through.

I don't think Satan's quite as cool as I used to.

You have saved is not cool antichrist isn't cool there evil.

I think sometimes in life we we get pulled into evil things because the devil is very good at packaging.

This wears he's great at making bad things look good is also adapted making good things seem bad, and so we sort of by what he's offering and we get pulled into it hook line and sinker and then he chooses us and he spits us out all look how exciting drugs can load drinking can look partying can look sexual experimentation can look then fast forward a few years and you have an addict you have an alcoholic you of a person with some kind of an aerial disease or other issues, and they realize how empty it all is, and that's what the world is going to realize antichrist will come as the greatest thing since sliced bread. And then he'll show who we really is. The Bible says, through peace, he will deceive many. Today on a new beginning pastor Greg Laurie is presenting a candid look at the antichrist and the danger he poses during the end times and there's more to come as Pastor Greg continues his series and times living like Jesus will return at any moment. Hopefully you're enjoying the series and if you are drawn pastor Greg an email at and if you like a replay of today's insight just go to and look for the title of the message antichrist Armageddon and the second coming and I were so excited to make available a gripping book called beyond valor, a World War II story of extraordinary heroism, sacrificial love and a race against time.

It's a book by our good friend John Irwin writes of the actions of his own grandfather, a routine mission to Coram, Japan bomb erupted in his face that go into the media grandfathered in that split second self for try to save the lives of his. His answer that call. And the choice that make would define his life and generations of lives and be the fastest presentation of the Congressional medal of honor. Noah is the medal of honor is synonymous with good people think of the different ways what John would be your definition of a hero. Well, I mean we are so many we have so many heroes amongst us, I mean ultimately I think heroes are those that that have the courage in the character to choose others above themselves and in moments of extreme pressure, it's a moment of self-sacrifice. It's a moment of know as Jesus said, there is no greater love than the one that would lay his life down for his friends and all of these acts that are driven by love.

They are extreme acts of love is what I found and so I think that there extreme acts of love anywhere. I love the definition of of the medal of honor in terms of of of heroism because it applies to us all.

It's it's a biblical concept, it's to go above and beyond what is required of you go further, do more.

As Jesus said if someone asked you to walk a mile go to and in the idea that our nation and our faith compels us to to go beyond and that and that should be one of the marks of a Christian and is a mark of a hero is to do more than is required of them and you don't have to be.

You know, the soldiers do that there there can be heroes amongst us anywhere and again I just think that it's such a statement in the sorta self-serving narcissistic generation that I that I grew up and honestly and in my children growing up and and and and just to see that heroism is to to stupid things that are more important. Above yourself, to serve a purpose and a cause greater than yourself and to put the needs and lives of others ahead of yourself and serve that that something that I think we all need to be reminded of you know and that's one of the virtues that that make us American attorney that we shouldn't forget, and I was thinking of how your grandfather was humble and the didn't think of himself as a Carol and I thought of Micah 68 with the Lord says he is shown you will man what is good and what the Lord requires of you to do justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with your God and you know what is God really wanted to do. He he wants us to do justly, to do the right thing to love mercy and walk in humility and you know true hero won't go around and tell everyone there hero. They'll just do what they do and then the move on with their life and live their life in and give credit to others and and I think that even that is another mark of true character and true heroism that you're not, you know, shouting it from the rooftops, but you're just a doer it's done shown by action, not just by words yeah and so if you're moved by this story and I'm sure you are of a John Irwin's grandfather, Henry Irwin known as red because he had a thick mane of red hair read this amazing story.

The book is called beyond valor. It's a story of a true American hero, but also it's a story of a man was motivated by his faith, so this is a story you need to hear and it will inspire you and encourage you as well. Yeah, that's right. And it's real privilege to be able to make this book available to you and it's a privilege to be able to make pastor Greg studies available to you as well. And if you can invest so these programs can continue to send you this new book beyond valor.

The subtitle is a World War II story of extraordinary heroism, sacrificial love in a race against time. Thanks for your donation that helps us reach even more people especially at this important time when people need hope right us today at a new beginning. Box 4000, Riverside, CA 92514 or call 1-800-821-3300.

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Our life is like and where the star evangelist Greg Laurie questions about this movie were in the love story is this movie and what is the meaning of my life and online advantage can change your life, you and all you rush of online cinematic harvest. Your favorite social media platform Labor Day weekend September 4 through September 7.

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Details of when next I more insight on God's plan for the end times as pastor Greg continues his message antichrist Armageddon second coming.

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