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December 30, 2024 12:00 am
What’s the true significance behind Christmas trees? More than just festive decorations, these trees point us to a deeper story—one that spans all of history. In this episode, Stephen Davey explores three trees that are central to God’s plan of redemption. From the tree in the Garden of Eden that brought prohibition to the tree on Calvary that granted pardon, and finally to the tree of life in heaven—each tree speaks to a crucial moment in God’s plan to redeem humanity.
Listen as Stephen connects the dots between these trees and reveals the powerful symbolism that runs through the Bible and our celebration of Christmas. You’ll learn how the tree in Eden symbolized the fall, why Jesus died on a tree to offer salvation, and how the tree of life in heaven will one day complete God's promise.
This episode will help you see the profound gospel message behind a symbol we often take for granted. Understand how God’s plan to restore fellowship with humanity has always been clear, from beginning to end. Don’t miss this unique exploration that will forever change the way you look at Christmas trees.