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Beyond Christmas and Birthdays

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey
The Cross Radio
November 8, 2024 12:00 am

Beyond Christmas and Birthdays

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey

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November 8, 2024 12:00 am

In this third installment of The Affections of a Godly Man, Stephen Davey explores Romans 1:11-12, where the Apostle Paul reveals his heart for giving spiritual gifts. These gifts were not about material possessions or temporary tokens, but about strengthening the faith of others and leaving an eternal impact. Paul longed to be with the believers in Rome, not to receive anything from them, but to give them something that would build them up in their walk with Christ.

This message challenges us to rethink how we define success and gift-giving. Are we only focused on providing for our loved ones physically, or are we striving to leave a spiritual legacy that goes beyond birthdays and Christmas presents? Stephen encourages us to follow Paul’s example, to give gifts that encourage and stretch the faith of others, and to invest in relationships that have eternal significance.

Whether you are a parent, a spouse, or a friend, this message will inspire you to think beyond the temporary and to give gifts that truly matter—gifts that are born out of the heart of a godly man.

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