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Katharina Luther Part 2

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey
The Cross Radio
October 1, 2024 12:00 am

Katharina Luther Part 2

Wisdom for the Heart / Dr. Stephen Davey

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October 1, 2024 12:00 am

In this conclusion to Stephen's message, we explore the life of Katharina von Bora, a courageous woman who played a crucial role in the Protestant Reformation. Known primarily as the wife of Martin Luther, Katharina’s story begins with a daring escape from a convent in a fish barrel and evolves into an extraordinary partnership with one of history’s most influential figures.

Drawing from Romans 1:17, we learn how the message of salvation by faith alone transformed both Martin and Katharina, shaping their lives and their ministry. This episode delves into Katharina’s journey from a devout nun to a woman whose strength, faith, and resilience not only supported Luther’s monumental efforts but also revolutionized the Christian home.

You’ll discover how Katharina managed their household, raised six children, welcomed guests, and even engaged in theological debates around their famous dinner table. Through it all, she exemplified humility, commitment, and partnership in a time when women were rarely seen in such a light.

Listen in to hear how Katharina von Bora’s legacy continues to inspire, showing that the Reformation wasn’t just about theology but also about transforming everyday lives and homes. Her story proves that even behind the greatest leaders, there are often unsung heroes making a world of difference.

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