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What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
October 6, 2022 12:18 am

WED HR 1 100522

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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The following program is sponsored by what's right what's left ministries and is responsible for its content.

Portions of the program may be prerecorded by radio broadcast, what's right, what's left is currently no hello once again and good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to what's right what's left.

My name is Duane Driscoll known as coach Duane sitting in for Pastor Ernie Sanders and tonight we have two guest none other than trucking for Christ. You know them you love them. Pastor Hal Larson good evening Pastor everybody and also we have is a special guest that were to get into an interview at the bottom of the hour. After our Bible study. None other than look author Bill Grady good evening Bill, well here's work to do.

As always folks working to get on that train ride and I got a song organ in our Bible study tonight. Bible says don't be chapter 3 and chapter 4 progress to get your Bibles right now that you will get that train out there, from New York to the Midwest. Almost all the way to California down the fort affect Alaska come on board tonight will be serving on the train. Sirloin beef tips with noodles and great potatoes, baked potato, side dishes, peas, carrots and corn hot buttered roles when all for dessert folks raspberry cheesecake or German chocolate will allow hotties and coffee member check out Pastor Sanders Mallory chocolate cars goes through ladies and gentlemen before we get on our Bible study.

This song is going to say at all. What were about tonight so sit back and listen will be right back okay. The last thing her were Mercy me word of God speak you know before we get going, folks now I listen all the time. I listen how much she's out there you love Pastor Ernie Sanders and we love Pastor Sanders held does the rest of you, Joe Larson, Lisa Lisa Randy everybody and Craig spin on the dials, you can't help but love Pastor Sanders and he's been in a lot of pain. I what did you find out about them hell the hospital in a lot of pain but is plugged in their needs. You want to get back to work, will folks about joining us in prayer. Let let's pray for because I love the man I'm I'm honored that he would say coach, would you sit in what I guess it's a great honor and I thank God and I think all of use for the money that you dissed out during the year to keep us on their dear heavenly father, Pastor Sanders is been a general for you, Lord. He don't seek his own honor. He seeks you lift up your name Pastor Sanders is tried rescuing the slaughtering babies.

He's been a light on this radio ministry for 50 something years.

He's help the needy and the poor. He's visit him in prison and in the jails.

He has a heart of gold father. Would you please with your Holy Spirit reached down from heaven, and touch his shoulder and touch his knee in Jesus name we pray and we love you. Father, we honor you. You are our God, our Lord and our Savior. Amen gentlemen as we get into our Bible study ladies and gentlemen.

Once again we have Joel Hal Larson from trucking from Price and Bill Grady and author in our Bible study tonight folks is to help a lot of use.

If I were to say K folks and I want you when you get done grabbed your Bibles or King James Bible's of complete computer word of God and reverse our chapters 2 and three out of progress. How many views would really do it well tonight.

Let's start in chapter 3 Pastor, how would you read the first six verses, please get not my love. Let the heart keep my commandments of days and long life and peace shall be to the mercy and truth restrict the buying them about the right them about up on the table than heart. So show the find favor in good understanding of God and man trust in the Lord with all their heart and lean not unto the understanding. In all my ways acknowledge him and he shall direct that the bill would you read seven through 14.

Please why don't I fear the Lord and depart from evil. It shall be helped by naval and marrow to thy bones honor the Lord with thy substance with the firstfruits of all line includes, so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and I presses shall burst out with new wine.

My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord. David be weary of this correction, for whom the Lord loveth the corrective even as a father the son in whom he delighted happy is the man but find it was the man the man that get understanding the merchandise of it is better than the merchandising silver in the game to Robin Feingold. She is more precious than rubies, and all the things that thou canst desire not to be compared into her length of days is in her right hand and then her left hand riches and honor her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her and happy is everyone that retained Arthur the Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth, by understanding hath he established the heavens by his knowledge the depths are broken up and the clouds drop down the do. My son, let not them depart from thine eyes keep sound wisdom and discretion, hell would you read 22 to 29. Please be life unto those so Ben shook the walk in my way safely in my foot shall not stumble when the light is down should not be afraid.

They shall lay down and I sleep should be sweet, be not afraid of sudden fear. Neither the dissolution of the wicked, the Lord shall be the confidence and shall keep the foot been taken withhold not good them is due when it is in the far right hand to do the neighbor bowed again and tomorrow I will give them when has abide the device not evil against a neighbor and seeing that he drove securely by the and villages in the South strive not with a man without cause. If you have done me no harm, and be thou not the oppressor and choose none of his ways for the forward is abomination to the Lord.

But his secret is with the righteous, the curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked, but he blessed of habitation of the just Shirley scorning this corners, but he giveth grace into the lowly.

Why shall inherit glory. But shame shall be the promotion of full, you know, gentlemen. For years I've always took six months and I would read the first seven chapters of Proverbs over and over because there was so much in there and I know I make no bones.

I studied under Dr. Rockman and Ernie Sanders and a lot of other Cliff parks and from the pre-and call and when you get in your and you study these things and we realize gentlemen that God cannot lie, and when he tells you that.

Be not wise in thy own eyes, fear the Lord depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and moral to thy bones.

God is telling you that you can obtain health by following some of these instructions. How how many people fail to get into the book and read what God says of the blessings that are there. Most people are too lazy to begin with. So they bring a lot of sorrow and heartache on themselves because they won't read God's word in the Bible says God's word search. In their life and Bill and the Bible says trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not to thine own understanding what what's got trying to tell us there will love and married 40 years and that's my wife's life. Verse in Proverbs 3 simple as it can be all your own shot. You let the Lord direct your life you doesn't work himself on anyone.

Hopefully will have enough sense to know we need him more than he needs us absolutely and you know I've dealt with people that would save tell me for years all when I was going out what your time to go manager time to go is not you do about it not for preachers in different denominations preach all the stuff and as I got going to start reading for myself and start setting this KJV bloodstain book I come across also assessed for length of days and long life and peace shall they add to the home. I will wait a minute, God put the word add there and as I got through more reading. I found out that you could take away or subtract years for my life.

And here it is for length of days and long life and peace shall they add to the east is my son, forget not my law, but let thine heart keep my commandments will what does God want us to do lie and cheat and stealing bearing false witness Cusson turn our back and at first he knew as we got to be safe and when I get into this and I start reading this stuff. Mrs. honor the Lord with. I first went with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all the increase okay if I do that then what Laura so like barn shall be filled with plenty, and I present shall be burst out, no one will bill doesn't that just slap the prosperity preachers right across her lips sure the Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes. Why will Bell died before thy time. Great stuff.

You can shorten your life and by rejecting God teaches in his word and I go down to verse 16 in here in chapter 3 says length of days is in her right hand and in her left hand riches and honor. Well folks that just shoots a hole and pick up the telephone one 800 ha ha and release your best seed faith offering operators are standing by for your credit cards will my God tells me that he will honor me and he will fill our needs. If we obey his ways, and we forsake what we used to do and trust in the Lord and get in his Word and meditate and help one another. He said that he would fill the barns help.

Doesn't that just turn around and show up so all the falseness out there of the prosperity preaching. It sure does a greedy way to please the sheep, you know, the charismatic prosperity of people out there just innovative take advantage of people's ignorance of the word of God. You know it's I love Proverbs Proverbs always strengthens me up and then I find I'm reading here again is happy is the man that find wisdom and the man that get understanding for the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and therefore they gain more of gold, Lord, are you telling me that it's worth more than hundreds of thousands of dollars because at silver and gold and then Lord your tell me she is more precious than rubies will. God how how much money is the rubies work and all these things cannot can't's desire are not to be compared unto or why not Lord because length the days is in her right hand in her left hand riches. Her ways are of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace bill, aren't we in a society where people can find no peace can finally peace because they're chasing at the temple.

It'll look the Bible says when a man's ways please the Lord, make it even his enemies would be at peace within them all: the last minute, last nanometer faces that so God can give us peace in this life that passes all on his family that we keep emperors all postponed, all things are yours but role. Most folks know he was yet decoded, he told the judge. One time, is that I'm a millionaire temporarily separated from my assets. I like that bill also covetousness and idolatry.

Lester yeah any Christian that chases after money is an idolater only to do that if you know the Lord. The last thing you care about it are things you know you you sent something that is phenomenal.

When you love the Lord and you come to know him. The new cars. The bigger house where you live, what poor part of town herein. What status do you have amongst a community mouse and hill of beans.

But when you know the Lord, you know that our treasures are up in heaven and at 1140 tonight folks when 1140 rolls around, I want you to get a pencil and paper human rights names down and I'm going to give you guys some beautiful wonderful help and it going to cost you a dime. Operators not standing by. No credit cards are not a no mailing list. This is all what God is going to have wait for you and as I read on your 24 you know there's a lot of people afraid of the doctor free to go to bed afraid to die and it says here of now if were doing these things and were trusting in the Lord and were putting him first were were walking in the word man what were fellowship with him when thou lie us down. Thou shall not be afraid. Yay thou shall lie down in nice sleep shall be sweet.

We got this covert saw people walking around mass, people are locked in their scared.

I don't want to leave their home hell where is there peace if they really knew Jesus as a born-again Christian, they wouldn't be fear to be able to go to bed at night and Warner. I'm going to die from this disease yet is no cure God with the people like that. What they don't understand is still never be peace without the Prince of peace in all the way back from the Tower of Babel. Right now, today, with the low culture we talk about these but though never have it because they believe they've made the Prince of peace. Their enemy that's absolutely, absolutely. We did peace by reading the Bible. From what I piece together.

Bill you studied under Peter Rockman started under a lot of people were Dr. Rockman gave me the greatest boot in my understanding of doctrine and not he changed my life. One of my greatest mentor, doctoral mentor, Nero I have in this world that I don't go certainly absolutely, absolutely.

I love Dr. Rockman him and I were we write letters back and forth and I have a filing cabinet with about 75 letters that he would write and send the answers back. I have half the library that the man sent to me and she had a wonderful wife a Dr. Rockman really help me allow Pastor Ron or Dr. Rockman to Pastor Sanders and Cliff Parks with an and my pastor Mark Valenti from Peoples Baptist Church. They were some of the biggest influences in my life for this King James Bible. Without a doubt is 100% pure word of God. And when I started studying. I told God I want to know about the Pentecostals, to Catholics, the Methodist, the Lutherans or Presbyterians Church of God Church of Christ Assembly of God full assembly, I want to know about the Buddhist the Muslim the Hindus I want to know the truth wont tell you what, you get to sell the King James Bible and Glenda Bill, you know this for a fact when we seek God. What whole heart. What is he do what and then we can know the true he says here he reveals his secret things just as he passed Ralph. That's why this book comes a life and people.

The reason that were I want to tell you to get you started in the Proverbs. If you would just get in here and spend some time and meditate upon it. Be not wise in thy own eyes. Okay Lord I want to trust you on what I read your word to God how I'm going to get in and will let you talk to me fear the Lord. Yeah, Lord. I don't want to go to hell. I don't want to hang around this crowd. I don't want to see the stuff I do want to hang around with this. I don't want to be influenced by these people.

Lord I fear you I don't want to run I don't want chastisement upon me and depart from evil because it will be health to thy navel, and mild to thy bones once in the naval Bill what Scott talk about to be hell to your navel what's located in the Naval blowup American dirt and clean it out and got me on well another thing. And there is your pancreas. Your liver your gallbladder, your intestines, your colon, God will teach you what to eat, what not to eat, not to be a glutton.

We don't talk about gluttony. You know that I always hear the joke that the Baptist pastors have the biggest stomachs and I don't know how to design up and down south very much but that's the running joke that you get will a lot of people die earlier in their life because of the stuff they put in their body. That's why I studied under Dr. Glidden Dr. Berg Dr. asked Dr. Gundy and Wendy Wilson their holistic their herbalists are nutritious. Jesus said he would direct your path. What to eat, what to take. Instead of taking chemicals right pastor.

Hell yeah that's true. I mean, this is what this book is for its that's a warning book.

It's a love letter and it can tell you how you got here how to live your life and where you're going to end up right Bill. Somebody check out like talk Bible for him for 10 years and is collagen a lady one time said Dr. out now that I'm saved will will I go to heaven if I eat Egg McMuffin, Canadian bacon, Amazon will not adopt out that yes you will still go to heaven if you eat Egg McMuffin that it eat enough of them. You may get there quick. I love that I circle some of these things in red from reviewer get ready.

We got a couple in his bottom of the hour.

We got a song coming up, and then were going to interview Bill Grady and author of many books and I will learn some stuff tonight. This one is for me. My son, Duane Briscoe coached Wayne despise not chastening of the Lord, neither be wary of his correction.

I wrote an article and I preach before on pain is a great teacher. God knows how to get coach Duane Duane when you step out of line and God says son you're listening to the wrong stuff. Your new you're not getting your not get what I want to tell you you're still holding onto something worldly.

I want to get it Adia and let me tell you when God takes me behind the woodshed and I got pain pain is a great teacher. I empty my garbage can out to the Lord say Lord hears her. Here's my thoughts are my watchers what I'm doing. Here's what I'm saying that I hide, not from you, God, you know everything, but I'm being honest on fessing up.

God gets it right. Pastor parts good news Baptist Church down to Beavercreek so that this way he's been to the woodshed a few times a God chastening.

If God didn't love them, you'd be a basket son will let me tell you what man Pastor parts we don't have no halo polish and God knows how to get our attention because he loves us. He will get you to whatever it takes to get you back in fellowship to make you stronger and go because the devil wants all pressure he wants to deceive you, he wants a trick, yet he wants to steal your joy in everything that he can't because he can't get salvation right Bill right and that's what it's all about folks.

I want you to get in the book of Proverbs and then when you're hurt at nighttime when you're lonely and you know born-again Christians do get depressed at times. Read about some of the old prophets Isaiah in all them Jeremiah.

They went through to were not bulletproof. None of us are any Pastor tell you bulletproof. I would really check his credentials at the door get in the Psalms when you're feeling good but bad your lonely loss of loved ones, loss of life whatnot and it will strengthen you up and right now were going to the bottom of the hour to song ladies and gentlemen in here something that everyone have used tonight that are hurt that her lonely, going through divorce. He got sick ones dying you're losing your job, the world's closing in on you.

This is by casting crowns is called Jesus hold me now. Chance is soon the stones will and Jesus will Jesus will only Jesus, whom he black white yellow you're dying you're sick your lonely your beat you don't know what tomorrow is going to bring the world and utter chaos.

You don't you feel lost. Get on your knees. Initially, Jesus help me make yourself real. Lord I heard that you died in Calvary for me. I'm a sinner, Lord were all sinners, we need you Jesus hold me now Lord, make yourself real and he will he will whosoever call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Salvation is easiest thing that there is religion is the hardest thing to perform.

We got calls calling about Pastor Sanders. How can you tell that about the audience what happened with Pastor Sanders is a really curious grow a life really and he was walking down the sidewalk to get some signs to distribute the people and there is a part of the sidewalk where it was unlevel where the grass came about 3 inches higher than the sidewalk actually and he was going around some people to walk real slow and his shoes. I just just hit the grass and the sidewalk unevenly. And next thing I know he's going to plunge headfirst right on hard dirt concrete he went down hard his whole body just left that concrete and everything and he got the you know, pretty banged up mind at the foot and fortunately we didn't call 911, but the even that he had a sense of humor. He said that everybody see that and they said yeah they said good luck and you know all that pain and that embarrassment stuff you still get a sense of humor yet he's been a lot of pain in the you know in you know that's been with them and help them with everything but everything happens for a reason know that we can figure it out right now and everything but the you know where print form yet supposed to lift them up in prayer. Make sure you put on a prayer.

Listen somebody else. If you would please would you please pray from one of my best friends name is Bob Hommel.

He 68 years old, same age as my he's going to have brain surgery next Friday morning, I gotta be there with his wife at 530 in the mornings can be an eight hour surgery so there's a tumor we don't know exactly what's going on but he's been all kinds us a please let Bob Hommel auto Brunswick, Ohio is one of my dear friends. I love the man he's been what we work with me on and off about 10 years. Without further ado, the show now is an interview with an gentleman who writes all kind of books I'm going to learn just as much as you and I'm sure in these books. There's a lot of stuff that can help us. So without further ado, let's introduce Bill Grady bill. Welcome to Schon and tell the audience a little bit about yourself where I was a Roman Catholic grew up in New York City and was saved in Clarence Larkin's home church markers would Baptist Church outside of Philadelphia in August 1974, primarily through a radial church to listen to the radio driving to the airport five days a week picked up a pastor Randy Carol Pastor of the markers would Baptist Church of know after listening to that for five months.

I visited the church of my second visit, I conducted the Lord is my Savior.

I was called to preach working for British Airways at airport in time and are called to preach and quit my career British Airways years later with the Bible college in projectiles Bible school in Indiana and five years later with a wife and three children born.

I went out to the state of Idaho started a church built a building on 20 acres of property in five years later called back to speak out the welcome back Kotter crazy TV shows. I talked to Jack 9088 Dr. Rockman and I each changed my life.

I got a grip on the King James Bible issue and from there it was pretty much been the toad's wild ride and have to tenure teaching load.

I wrote two books final authority on the history of the King James Bible and what God will interpretation of American Baptist history in America people combine, I quit preaching and one on the road full-time as an evangelist for 10 years and took a second start of the second church outside of plant I was there nine years and about a comment written by three more books and I then start of the book of Israel took 18,000 hours, six years.

The right and I finish that up by moving out of my church in Michigan back to go on a road full-time as an evangelist again and spent of evangelism actually got my quintiles and is in college in the 90s like teaching 10 years I traveled 10 years land 96,006 and this church started the church in Michigan 2006 2007 or nine years and then resumed another of evangelism around 2016. You can follow anything I just said you're better mentally. I can even follow. I've been writing some of the stuff down as you go gave you 48 years of history there at about one minute. I guess the bottom line is I've written six books, all because of Dr. Rockman's influence.

Fact is a lien from his Revelation commentary on the balls of my books had the privilege of preaching form for different times of his blowout along with ate with them preaching form where there is home and times I get title is my great hero one last time I saw he was lying in a casket funeral so he's been my hero all these years and now I live in East Tennessee outside the Smoky Mountain area Maryvale and I traveled full-time as an evangelist, but usually carry my books and I'm not holding my book perilous times the shallow waters came out in the Memorial Day weekend. We sold all printing 5400 books out by Labor Day were not second printing so I'm glad about that.

Brother Sanders has me invited the preacher and his church. Very nice, this coming Sunday nights on looking over the I think your book perilous times will get talking up a little later on because it at the top of the hour.

I got some questions set up for where were at in America today because it's yelled this is what's right what's left the voice of the Christian resistance and pastor Sander mixes in the power politics with the school boards and everything how it affects Christianity there's a lot of people that turnaround within Christian home and say what you guys have no right he's open up your mouth against the government says who.

But why can't you say anything about about the government of its evil and scrubbed that's embracing sodomy and raping our children and promote same-sex marriage. Why can't we. Why can't Christians speak out against that stuff Bill is supposed to know reason why we can't know reason why we cannot all thought obligation of the exactly exactly what you said your reading a lot of Rockman stuff.

Did you ever read his book black is beautiful. Currently it isn't out of that's a book I believe that most people would have a hard time with some of the stuff that he brings. And I think I read that book 3 times that is eternal security are two of my favorite books that I love by him.

I read a lot of material and unite again. He really changed my life and I couldn't say enough good about them defend them all the time to lose plenty of meetings because of standing with him and walk instead of the rapture.

"Working gently on a camel is a book Rockman is a market or so years ago in the forward to that book.

I said rapture happened tomorrow. We got up into heaven and we found out the judgment seat was going to be in a week right to make point if we found out an announcement that the judgment he would be in a week. I would hang out with Rockman and I've been called. They try to throw it as a slur.

I've had some Baptist pastors. I'm not to make no names, anything that all your Rockman knight how could you held hands with a man that was divorced. That's their biggest kick at Dr. Rockman are all caring Schofield Bibles. Yes, absolutely. It was alerted by his wife is Catholic and his wife about the remarried.

At the recommendation of DL Moody. While yeah Cliff Parks and I were big followers of Dr. Rockman, my pastor, Mark Valenti Peoples Baptist Church in Brunswick. He's got all kind Rockman stuff. He loves Dr. Rockman.

I have learned so much stuff when I loved about the man, is he would say now look, here's what the church God teaches. Here's what the Catholic teaches. Here's what the Muslim teachers now.

Now let's compare Bibles with their with their verses. Let's compare with the Bible says and you sit down and do that you cannot help but to come away what appointed you to go. While I've never seen that before. That's amazing. What is one of your favorite books that you wrote one of my favorite books that I have written. Yeah, I say my pillow was my book on Israel but somewhat working to 18,000. Our six years at the 900 page book autographed Senate however my newest book perilous times with only half decided on 40 pages. It's critical because it dealing with all of the current events and that basically how America got here and why America is falling apart and much how to survive taking place in the I cannot say enough about.

I certainly hope some of the old listening would order them. My books are on the my website Grady they can know where they can pay for them with a credit card, you know, the whole 9 yards and anyway it's just a very critical book explaining how to get coming and it's not, so that's Grady is where you go to order the books.

Do you have a website by any chance, that is my website okay there six books there final in the history of the King James Bible given by inspiration of book on how to understand the King James Bible, okay, I have turned America against God, and that's conspiracy primer 900 pages on the deep state in the help one of God wrought a biblical interpretation of American history X American history Baptist history put together and that's that's that book is been the hardest book we have to keep in print at holy ground. The history of the state of Israel. I mentioned that in the new book perilous times. I know John return and he's a big on Israel. I'm sure you would sit in really good on his show with Pastor Sanders and Joe Larson.

Another pastor down in Missouri he would fit really good will in an interview to get what all you guys together on the perilous times because these gentlemen with pastor Sander's bed and John return and those guys really really are grounded and rooted in knowledge, wisdom and understanding, and the three of you guys would really make for a good two hour show you're talking about John McTiernan who wrote the material on the Israel yet will I give you something a leg up on map. It is pretty shocking application that with the doll, by voting form and I bookable a little warm again. Yeah grateful to God, let it all away. No man of course is perfect right you know there's a I have 80 photographs of my new book, the first picture is Donald Trump and Benjamin that Yahoo holding hands like in a victory clench. You know, yeah, they were when they were announcing their Palestinian peace proposal on January 28, 2020 and that it was a it was pretty much of a joke explores the Palestinians were concerned, they didn't even show up to the announcement they openly rejected the proposal. And it was to give the two state solution they were giving Israel and the Palestinians with junkie part of the country as written. The coastal plain and all but okay were giving them the way capital in East Jerusalem sovereign turf small area yet a Q no data course God not pleased with that kind of stuff.

McTiernan points out accurately every time this country moves against Israel and policy.

We suffer for now, here's the deal. The Clintons and the bushes are globalist. Donald Trump loves that Israel is not a he loves America but you don't want he made a mistake by doing that ignorantly he did know the Bible. And here's the deal. A lot of people realize that eight days before he made that announcement with that Yahoo January 20, 2020. That was the first confirmed case of covert, 19 America Lauck out in Seattle Washington with the Chinese-American coming just a little more on John and I happen to be Martin Luther King Day the make it even nuttier. You look it up Monday, January 20. That was the first case of: this country and you see that peace proposal was already complete by that date, it just came out and was announced on the 28th, two days after was relieved to date after broke out make the international press caught up with Trop in doorposts with one of the world economic forum Klaus Schwab and all the other globalist microphone and asked him what he thought about this new disease and he being the good leader that he is wanting to put a positive spin on things, which is what he should do, he sat on camera. I got the exact quote of my new book is nothing to worry about. It's just one man. We've got this. Everything will be okay just gave your 90% paraphrased and of course the connection is he loves Israel of the American everything else. He was just like Cusa got killed for making a mistake. Trump was sincere, but he still made a mistake about the way he was out of office along with Netanyahu. Both men were out of office within 16 months. Not to mention Donald Trump getting impeached twice he's a good man. He loved the Lord loves Israel America, but he made an error in the Bible says God smote Cusa for his error. That's great times in our connection to Mr. Trop and Mr. McTiernan working on the course. This Florida disaster. You know you know I will abide which is reaffirming a two state solution in the UN, the very week the storm hit and one attack on something about the economic engine of the Disney Florida economy you might want to check that out as well.

Turning on the children of our country bunch of pedophiles down there know there's no doubt about it. I mean, the Bible calls devil double possessed Jesus cast out devils. Jesus talked about devils in the pulpit.

Well, just you know when you these people are grandstanding in these universities against American against God, that's devils in the pulpit when pastors call themselves pastors and their standing in an up in a place of a pulpit and they're saying that God loves homosexuals the same. It's not a sin. Those are devils in the pulpit when these guys are to make and money fleecing the flock.

Those are devils in the pulpit and we've got devils in the pulpits all over America and a lot of people are said to be coach and John returned and said just another night. The biggest reason would happen in America is when they get to King James Bible out to God out of prayer had abortion and all the stuff. The biggest reason is pastors kept their mouth shut.

They quit preaching on sin from the pulpit warning their congregations because they didn't want them to get up and take their money out of their coffers, and Franklin Kentucky right now Franklin Kentucky and preaching in a camp meeting this evening service, the pastor announced the night somewhere close by. I was a hillbilly region you know what I mean right Laurel anything but the version is our stereotype.

There's three different churches within driving apparently of this area. 323 churches hold so-called churches hosting these transgressing transvestite rallies again. I guess the guy was just in Glasgow, Kentucky, first for the week.

The pastor told me eat with his own eyeballs. He saw some black man, about 6 foot thick muscular gigantic frame man beard.

You know walking around with a full length dress shopping center, Kentucky so we all understand that I grew up in New York City, Rodney Dangerfield, that they go stolen garden driver's ed class.

We went though the whole country is imploding. The course but that's what the Bible said you'd expect the days of Noah the day as it was in the days of Lot. We are saying that we talked about last night where I've been watching some videos and I played on one of my TV shows is on a public access channel I'm on some YouTube you can type into Wayne Briscoe delay in ERS K on YouTube. You can see my guess that I have on my shelves and some of my takes but I'm watching couples in their 20s, with a one-year-old little boy and a three-year-old girl and they look in the camera and the father and the mother smile and the father goes yes were letting our children pick their gender and I'm like oh my God, my God, then I see another couple I see where this guy 60 years old. He divorces his wife and his wheezes five children goes down to Texas and he is being adopted as a nine-year-old. One flew over the cuckoo's nest, God gave them up to a reprobate mind me and Dr. used to make a lot to do it that Mad Magazine cartoon B-17.

I think an old World War II pilot pilot told on the controls always work in the copilot. Leonard believed that there windshield shot out smoke coming out of the cockpit and the pilot says the copilot if you think this is bad when we get out of anger.

We haven't present them all. I should probably get a big Oprah Winfrey for vice president. Haven't seen anything well there's all we got for Mr. Tapia, our pastor, how we you guys talked about on the radio. I've showed clips on my TV to let the people judge results you seen Michelle Obama were a lot of people say that's really Michael.

Remember what happened to Joan Rivers yeah yeah you gonna Joan Rivers is being interviewed by CNN in the morning before she goes in for Botox treatment and they come up sick Joan Joan what did you say she Joan turns on the canvas. Everybody knows Michael's a tranny in the cameras.

Go get what you say Joan jealous, not everybody knows that some Michelle that's Michael and she went in there. Guess what, she's dead.

Her doctor's office was two blocks from where I grew up really operate by the Yorkville one note go-ahead that I like I like to put a plug in for the greatest books. At first when I read was hosting through the American against God, and I could put that thing down is like a 900 page book from morning till evening. You know whenever I could break away is written that thing in the he tells it like it is. You know, we would recommend a Christian writer in the think I really made a difference and need to strips away all the baloney and then then indoctrination that Americans of the last 40 or 50 years or longer. In his book, let me eat it. You wouldn't believe that you know it's like a breath of fresh air and, for example, netbook health, entered America against God reveals America's main purpose for its existence, but which most people don't have a clue of in its tragic repudiation of that role in how Satan orchestrated the process and the and the gradient that that's a good thing that you can elaborate on that was that was one of my favorite books out of all of them but the they all were worth reading in the lead me, and I'm not at that. The strangest strangest thing about that book matter-of-factly got me a plug in USA Today weekend edition years ago, which is about as bizarre twist as you can imagine that was because the afterword was written by one of the four Horsemen of the atomic age that I call Einstein the father, the atomic age and Robin Oppenheim of the father. The atom bomb and Ed Teller father the hydrogen bomb. The father, the neutron bomb the same: all four these are Jews, and that Adm. Hyman reckoned over with the father the end of the nuclear summary you said you but the last surviving. One of the five was Sam: worked on the atom bomb and 43 invented the neutron bomb and 58 and he wrote the afterword to that book, how Satan turned America against God and because he was an atheist, but he was Jewish. In the book as a pro-Jewish state in position they want to help me circulated Having his endorsement got me a plug and USA Today.

We became phone files. I went up to his home. Once the king allows preaching in Long Beach, California and lived there in Brentwood Without the OJ Simpson mentioned no one was in any way we can call my home once a week for seven years consistently mostly just told you was joking over the phone gentleman I got I got it cut you guys off you can put in less than 30 seconds for coming up to the top of the Avenue computers automatically kicked and will pick it up when we come back, but I got a great song and I don't want you to listen to the Psalm because this is where we are today. You hear the mark of the beast.

Did you hear the jubilation. The antichrist you know you have a chip you can't buy, sell or trade how close do you think we are. Thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the Christian resistance to support this ministry and to WR that you are mail your donations to what's right what's left ministry 14781 Spear Rd., Newberry, OH 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program.

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The word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministry. The voice of the Christian resistance. Stay tuned. The second hour is coming up next now that the left over tuna fish sandwich you left in your lunchbox over the weekend in a wimpy trashbag mallet that seems in a hefty ultrasound trashbag mallet different hefty ultrasound arm and Hammer would continue with odor control center matter what's inside your trash can stay one step ahead of thinking and for bigger jobs had a superior strength of hefty large black bags