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THU HR 2 010622

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Cross Radio
January 7, 2022 12:21 am

THU HR 2 010622

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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January 7, 2022 12:21 am

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Donate and listen to the podcast WR or anywhere back and we had with Dr. Peter J. Glidden and he is a natural path of and didn't want to say this really quick overview to the on page 150 in your in your book attempted sure we are you I hear from so many people during the day that are depressed their depressed and what what really hurts is when you got these children €10 killing themselves are depressed and hear what they give mom for depression. They give him drugs in all these drugs have side effects and sometimes the side effects you know, like for example the shooters those high school shooters.

All you every single one of the bit on some kind of antidepressant and correct. So here you have natural things of and on page 151 here plant derived minerals you talk about the approach but pro-Joba Omega.

I have never two bottles of that that I know I got a really good price on sweeties. I don't know that.

But you have in the here right here. This is what will cure folks, this book is God's call attempt to cure with holistic medicine again is what God has given us and so Peter, how successful have you been with this book, I argue, I don't really I'm not really the numbers guy in my office but I think we sold you upwards of 10,000 copy. I think over the Lord. I'm not talking about with what you write in your Atwood practicing using your formula yeah yeah wow extremely I mean III would say over 75% of the people who apply the therapeutic get a noticeable and measurable result and and here's the deal. By the way, because you know my strength in all of that because for some reason, God is made me be the focus. One of the spokespeople for this industry and I'm I'm on the public stage of lot talking about this and what works best for me is the tell the truth right I don't conflate Lana my colleagues conflate. I don't do that. I just tell the truth so your body needs these nutrients your body needs to stop consuming certain foods because again I heard it felt when you dial these two things in you change your diet and you take the nutrients you will feel better you have to. It's like giving a dying plant water and fertilizer probably got a bounce back plant probably gonna feel better and sometimes you waited too long and the damage has gone too far for your body to fix the complete but you can maybe get 50% of the way there sometimes get 100% of the way there now. One of my most remarkable things that happened to me first started with this program. The woman came to me she was having trouble giving birth. She has two or three miscarriages couldn't couldn't keep a child and now she was going to do all his in vitro stuff at the don't do it. Just give your body the nutrients and 10 months later she had a healthy job right was remarkable because what you do. Well I didn't do anything you just kept the body to stop, but it need the body fixes it. There is a point of no return, beyond which the body can't fix it and I don't know of any therapy that's going to grow back a finger he cut it up and about the bugs that I haven't been a bit and I used to think in my arrogant when I was younger that I knew where the point of no return what you think.

But having practice this type of medicine now for 33 years, I have no idea where that breaking point because I think people recover from some remarkable problems remarkable problems. This is not a panacea cure-all for all human health. Not but it is an extremely smart and extremely effective way to get you into the game of help and I can guarantee that if you start this program in 30 days. Something is going to improve your mood and improve your energies going to improve. Gonna lose weight going to start sleeping better. Something is going to brighten up because your body needs that stuff and it hasn't had to stop your entire life. You don't don't know what you're missing. Sometimes you get 100% pure remarkable thing. I was on a live chat last night and the guy came on from Florida with father had been in a wheelchair. He was suffering with Parkinson's disease and he got over both of those things now that was remarkable. I've also had Parkinson's patients that they didn't get any improvement because they waited too long. By the time they got to see me. They were too far gone. You know I'm not a miracle worker. Yet, can't will it don't have the power laying on of hands, you know yet but this is on tell me about this is the best kept secret in the 21st century and you need to try.

You need to slam the doors and pick these tires and drive his baby around the block because very very very effective and I'm going to get out of phone number now pastor that's okay sure yeah absolutely okay 888-1817 96.

That 888-618-1796, one more time. 888-1817 96 that the company called life will help you distribute this stuff under my supervision is column up talk to the people that answer the phone I'll tell you what to do.

They'll hold your hand will take your right through what to do when you can see for yourself that Dr. Glidden fell in the truth that you have a computer you want to do the online stuff at Eiffel health Eiffel like the tower in Paris EIF EL help Eiffel health AGA one of those two things you got Eiffel or 888-618-7096 if you want my book you call pastor up because we've donated book to his his organization so you will have the money completely still have. We still have attempt to cure in we only have a couple everybody is sick and I know why left and that it would get with Mark on his death that would be great.

I would yeah I'd hit. We appreciate it because you're helping us stay on their let me ask you a couple things. There is the that with their advertising on television it's really gotten big all natural fruits and vegetables. The two pills of trying to think of what the name of the company is but there really promoting I'm surprised so how there promoting I'm in and I'm seeing now that the NBC, ABC, CBS, decedent, look people or people don't trust the big farm anymore and they're moving more and more and more towards health food stores to two people in their leaving MDs and they're going to looking for people like you guys okay natural packs of number and a ring and I'm going in your absolutely right path. Remember the ring my bell here for a minute if I can think what this is an important point for everybody to understand in order to do what I'm doing, you have to do four years of premed four years of naturopathic medical will add a fully accredited by the United States Department of Education medical school thousand hours of clinical probation, you have to pass national board you have to pass state board. Jeff get a life practice naturopathic medicine yet to secure 25 hours of continuing education credit.

Every year it's full-blown primary care and we are the only profession in the United States.

Does that, you know, there are people who don't have this education who felt item. There's all kinds of people in the nutritional supplement industry and like any other industry loaded with racketeering loaded with people who were trying to sell you. You know that the next miracle cure for whatever that's not what we do and you know if your child wanted to learn how to play football and you had the joy for the same money having Tom Brady teach them how to play football order local high school coach who you going to go while you're to go with Tom Brady right the best quarterback NFL's everything.

It's the same here. If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired you finally seen the light and you do want to kick the tires and slam the doors of the holistic medical approach and you should lean on me because myself and my colleagues to do the reliving were the ones that wrote the book on vitamin therapy.

Quite frankly, if in the Smithsonian Institution. By the way, you should lean on us education and for support because nobody does it better than us.

And my advice specifically is based on clinical experience and you know it's hard to beat experience. Alright, so since Dr. Glidden's treatment local attempt to cure and he's got from a to Z is actually goes from Lindsay over there. We kind of ailment and then he gives you the natural vitamins what God has given us what God has given us compared to what pig farmers. By the way, again. That night we been trying to remind people here of farm IKEA me's wizardry means sorcery is what it means and what were trying to tell people know say here's what people don't realize because like Henry Kissinger says they'll move them down.

You've dumdum down and hear more people die every year from different again prescription drugs alone prescription drugs and now add to everything else is that they're bringing over here. You know the Biden the Biden crime cartel is working hand-in-hand with the Mexican drug cartels, and that bringing in those drugs that China, the Biden's partner in crime China. The these drugs are coming from China. The broad across the border in the killing Americans and over in China. And not only that, but over in China. The Chinese government actually is bragging there.

Bragging how they have the assistance of the United States government to kill off our troops are military by giving them the poison plug there. There there there bragging about this gate but it might help in my colleague required right yeah yeah and you guys would but Mormor they're losing credibility. People are starting say you know what in the world you were tired of being stupid were looking all around people and I left and right and you know where we were not going to buy into it anymore and so I hope you know what love and romance to this request. That will open the and just say this, look here life it, here's an article talks about Dr. Judy, Michael, Vince, you probably familiar with her and at that at least 400,000 people in America have died from the coated vaccines only. The vaccinated died during the 1980s and it flew only the vaccinated died and they go on to tell you this in this article. Life insurance policies now refuse payout for jabs because: vaccines are medical experiments so people were told that the their life insurance would pay for this with another finding out not so and so if this giant giant reception from top to bottom, from start to finish out card built on shifting fan only thing that's keeping it up and keeping it alive.

If the propaganda and the political power of the pharmaceutical industry which is legendary. By the way, but hopefully the tide will turn and things will change.

You know this is this is my hope and my prayer because people are dying needlessly, not just from the poisonous folk but also from John, old-fashioned, outdated Billy juvenile conventional medical treatment which are inconsistent because they're the wrong dog's okay are you ready take some calls.

Yes sir. Let's open the fossilized phone lines are now open at 888-677-9673. Okay, let's go with boys that haven't click when we have first let's go to John in Michigan. John you're in the air heater work to get your degree after University where I graduated from Bethel University in 1991.

Okay been practicing. I'm trying tonight to the demand for alumni, I encourage all electors to look at the demand for alumni at the West and they will get a revelation of what the demand for the grief coming out of that university.

The other thing is I sent Ernie a bunch of information you probably disagree, but if you look at units all of that that doesn't sign your name to any of the letters you send, you look at the hospital at four all the reporting information in the individual hospital looking at vaccinated preferred unvaccinated people get up Revelation up out what Internet you should know better. Now you should know better because you don't have the courage to sign your name and then you send these letters with postage due and you again failed to put a return addressee I'm not ashamed of who I am or what I do what I say I say right out here for an old country to hear and out but people that don't sneak around and they pride themselves is to be great intellectuals and then they they send materials so that that we've proven where we've used the facts absolute real science. See there is such a thing as silence as you hear people say what were given new artifacts out there. So here we go, if interesting to me that what you never hear from the people who have criticism about the you know it all you hear is an ad hominem argument write an ad hominem argument*when you're having a debate with somebody and it's not going your way. You just criticize you debating with your band and the fact criticize the person that you debating with the try to, you know, make them look bad right and what you never hear from people on the other side of the aisle is well okay Dr. Glidden here's what I'm hearing, you're a licensed physician. You have 33 years of clinical graduated from fully accredited by the United States Department of Education naturopathic medical school. You've been life and to practice naturopathic medicine by state licensing board for over 30 years and you're telling me a different point of view than what my conventional medical doctor told what I'd like you to I want to talk about.

You never get that you just got all you guys are a bunch of quack so you guys are bunch of liars other than a handful of people over here don't like you.

Therefore you must. It's not that, and it is this type of criticism which is characteristic of socialization that happened here in the United States people's brains have become compressed, gigantic amounts of cognitive dissonance have been generated around it. People are in capable of believing anything outside of the box that they've been brought up in five. And most people who have a problem with this type of medicine have some type of relationship where the conventional medical doctor like their father was a medical doctor. The grandfather was a medical doctor with her brothers medical doctor or something like that susceptibility. This is interesting thing of these people that are critics like like this village is called here and they they're obsessed.

They have an obsession on obsession with was trying to prove me wrong, I don't have any obsession at all. I don't spend one minute writing them letters and if I did I would sign my name to it. Okay.

And the return address. I wouldn't be ashamed of who I am but but I get letters every single day people they they have this obsession because they don't like what were saying you know there's an old saying that there that the truth okay for those the truth is hate for those that hate the truth. Truth is hate those who hate the truth but anyhow we got a go and move on to William Cindy next Cindy in Chicago hello Mindy, Dr. Grennan, I have a problem here okay to take your account and that a liquid magnesium that you call your you know what the problem with the kidneys and the kidney stone wall right now I've been feeling thick week. You know when I was younger I had problems with my kidneys but it all went away after I turned 50. Start eating better lately one now I'm 60 lately I've been eating a lot of meat that make me feel that her and I think I was beaten to Moncton to mark all and then I had felt by Greg milk pancake mix that had like four different flowers and and I can't gluten and after I my back started her to realize and I'm thinking it has a lot to do with flour so I'm trying to get better now at home and taken me a cranberry to. I've been taking that I don't know if it's okay to take any vitamin C right now. I did call the doctors that I don't feel better by Saturday and that is on Monday, but I'm just trying to do it myself and Anna feel better okay so you know I don't have a group of all right and so I can't make a diagnosis from me on the first thing to think about whenever somebody developed the new symptom is the what what have I done differently in the last couple day and it rounded me like you probably overdid it with the Bob's red Mill stop and having a reaction to the grains that are in there, which is very it's much more common than you would think there but a big bad voodoo daddy food that everybody should stop eating his whole-wheat and I could talk for two hours out of my head about why that's so, but is deal here right now you know I would if I had to get. I would say that had a lot to do with it in and your body needs 90 essential nutrient and felt when you give it the 90 essential nutrients, not just calcium and magnesium then it has the raw material that it needs in order to fix it can't hurt yourself by taking this I actually calculated how much of the calcium you have to drink to hurt yourself. It was 372 bottle in one day, you would have to drink 372 bottles of calcium in order to hurt yourself that that would be physically impossible so you don't need to worry about this stuff hurting you.

You do need to worry about, you know what the condition is what the problem is significant.

If the percent for more than five days.

I would go someplace and get a diagnosis. I am now in and out. Now you can't hurt yourself can only help and then to the accursed can take if you have problems with your kidneys at all reading well you know the big thing now because you know it it up regulate the that the uptake of fibronectin taco discourse within all by itself is a math self stabilizer spoke with defendant good for people to take up there suffering from hayfever allergy. I think it also help to manage blood pressures not curative for the blood pressure, but it can help manage it. I'm not a giant fan of quercetin. The only time really did take it now would be if you if you do think that you are doing. Know that you have coronavirus than the quercetin can up regulate the Iver Maxson and I am an advocate of fibronectin per hundred percent okay now I gotta move things Cindy very quickly. Just as it is very quick that I want to go to the callers with the my wife is been telling them drinking too much tonic water.

I I had to get a really good buy on this.

The favored treatment of training tonic water as they would all natural flavors is good. Nothing in that this unnatural, but it don't drink it with the meal and you want to you want to stop drinking at about 30 minutes arrived in 50 minutes or you have a big meal and be mindful as you are doing the tonic water. If you start to develop heartburn or indigestion, then you need to stop the tonic work okay if you're not if you're not then you're good to go with it all right will I ever let any of that that that this could occasionally have next Brian in Michigan you're in there. The doctors particular treatment for the client marrow stop working, court cannot get by without taking that handwringing power like the taste right out right so you can the minerals are the most important in the calcium. Yes, you can get by without taking that and I want you to try a little experiment before you abandon and complete. It is a lot of stupid stuff in that and that is a very sophisticated formula may not like I that's like the Tesla you know automobile.

It's like really different than every other automobile that particular supplement is way ahead of it time if you can find a way that it will make it taste good to you, then you should do that. What I would think that what I would counsel you to do as by way of experiment is mixed with pineapple, pineapple juice and see if it makes things better, but if you just can't figure that out.

Then they make it in tablet getting tablet form instead of powder for 11 let me say this because you just told me not to take tonic water with fluid.

That's how I take the tangerine stuff and at the end it turns into Leica tangerine soda pop. I put it with the tonic water in them.

It's got me the taste good, like orange crush.

There's a lot of weight in that Right with adding different things to make it taste better and looking a one man feeling another woman or right but I don't. You can't manage that you get the paint injury data that you like no minerals in the soil from right out of babies like grower can grow up minerals if there aren't any right because if there weren't any minerals in the world and not even the plant to grow right so there are minerals in the soil, but it's an academic back in the 1930s. This was reported to Congress by the way, 1935 that the amount of minerals in the soil has been dramatically reduced, and in the same timeframe that minerals have been reducing in the soil and therefore in the food, the incidence of chronic accelerated, which includes, by the way, and let's not overlook it. Autism 160 kids now was born to pick one out one out there born not to why because the mother is vendor neutral. Five. During her pregnancy. That's our supposition. Autism can also be capitulated by backing out right bad reaction to the vaccine. More specifically to the Tylenol that they give the child after child develops a fever from the vaccine, but that's another story. I am of the belief that most of the autism is happening now in the child population is for mineral deficiencies in the mother was pregnant by organic you're still not getting any more minerals in the regular yeah that's correct, because that's 100% correct.

Let me ask you this.

What causes supplement would be the plant derived mineral.

What causes what causes the leg because you have millions of acres of land that have never been farmed never been farmed out there and why would there be mineral deficient. What would cause that mineral deficiency in the soil you're going to have to ask God connect really good question now in the garden of Eden right were going to assume that all the minerals are present, but no argument with people like they will look you know we were not perfect human beings and we know we can't just walk around naked and survive, we have to make how many fires we have to purify the water with The put clothes on right is a lot of things we need to do in order to survive and securing the mineral is one of them and I hurt farmers are practicing direct seven years or yet another thing but the weight of the minerals get into the soil is if there you know minerals are wrong right that would have to happen from erosion and from wind erosion and water erosion over time. Now there are some places on the planet neither called the blue zone where indigenous people live exceptionally long line like the Huns is in it somewhere in Afghanistan.

I think that the Georgians in southern Russia. The Okinawan bill kebab is in Peru.

They all lived extremely long lives. These are indigenous people in the middle of nowhere, without any medical facility that all one of the reasons they lived as long as they did is because they got lucky and the soil that they that they grew their plan phone with low just because geologically it all came together right there for them and they just got lucky and so there are pocket around planet where there are minerals but it is the exception and not the rule. Dinosaur your car something that's where we get the minerals from our minerals come from ancient geologic deposit from, you know, a long long long time ago when there were dinosaurs, Roman and giant plantain. There was, I think 50% more oxygen in the air and the minerals, of course accumulate in the body of plant but then when the plant died. The minerals stay in the soil and then they get concentrated in the soil and that's what we mine in southern Utah that that we extract the mineral that the remarkable story from start to finish. Quite frankly, right. Very good. Thanks for calling. I gotta go to break will be back right after this.

Don't go away.

More to come and skip the break we have that many people all right will do that. We have next. All right, let's go to Orlando with Ingrid Ingrid here and there. I thank you very much. Thanks Ingrid Don: I didn't and now four years ago he had trouble with his hand so he got injected double check got crazy bedridden now and think he's been the Mayo Clinic a lot of weight. They have done and haven't been able to help them nobody's been able to help them rank A. They called an administrative leave for the doctor. Whatever.

And I'm just wondering unless the next thing he could do because while tell you hundred percent what he should do. But before I tell you that I just want to remark on so this guy is a medical professional. Good intro medical treatment is harmed by the medical treatment and nobody goes on right side and nobody gets a refund. By the way up, but probably surely didn't get your refund right now. Can you imagine now we thicken suffering and that everybody else in conventional medical land doesn't know what to do. They can help them and I have to tell you, after doing this clinically for 33 years. I'm here to tell you that situations like this are more common than you think that they are they are more common than you think that they are medical failure failures of conventional medicine are rampant here in the United States at the dirty little secret but nobody talked about, but it there and regretfully it happened to your son so what can you imagine what would happen if a naturopathic doctor gave one person to treatment and it hurt them like this won't happen we be pilloried in the town square on a black all of those naturopath they need to be you. Now put in jail. Their profession needs to be eliminated, but when the medical doctors.

They get a path I and this is a reflection of you know the power and socialization were all hypnotized by amazing to me. So here's what I would like you to do for your son okay so on my website.

Dr. DR GLI Dr. there is a video about what will about it yet again living like okay I write Glidden GLI is a video on the on the great health awakening page on my website about the 12 that there were 12 foods you need to stop eating immediately. Number one, number two, I want you to go to Eiffel EIFFELLHEA okay and order one healthy foundation pack one healthy foundation pack 2.5 and one extra bottle plant derived mineral and the people at Eiffel health will tell you how to give it to tell you the dosage that tell you what to mix it with the line it all up for you and I want you to give him the 90 essential nutrients for healthy foundation pack or week and then I want you to call me back when I'm on pastor show a month from now tell me what happened is you call for Eiffel health is 888-618-1796 888-618-1796 or are you on the Internet, ma'am, I'm not that they are okay well if he goes Eiffel that's TIFF

I tell him I'm one think he should be taking part one called the healthy foundation pack 2.5 station packed up helping foundation pack plus one bottle of plant derived mineral plant out arrived derived yet.

Do you like baby now you are. I like the plant mineral right and the people at Eiffel help will tell you how to administer it and give it to them when you call me back in four weeks and tell me what happened. Okay, thank you so much. My heart goes out okay. We have next Lori out in Oregon hey Lori, rather I don't think I can count me in.

How can you develop the arthritis. Valley fever. I think I can.

I like uncle was that for the record, juvenile arthritis, osteomalacia.

You know I try okay so sometimes arthritis is generated by a parasitic infection in the body which happens from, you know you like me yet Valley fever. You inhale parasite goes into your lungs and then it migrates that the joint sometimes people can go overseas. No pickup parasite because they decontaminated through the contaminated water in Mexico or South America somewhere about 25% of the time that rheumatoid arthritis is caused by parasitic infection and so you need to do a little health history check to see if you've ever been out of the country if he ever was in fact diagnosed with the parasite and that can be kind of in the in the diagnostic workup. Something to check but notwithstanding that the biggest cause of arthritis is consistent consumption of food, claiming the joint, so he needs to eliminate the 12 bad food you can find that list on the website and he also needs to start sucking down nutrient that get that feed his bones in his joint because it your bones are rebuilding themselves every day all the time old bone out new bone in old bone out new bone in 24 seven.

All the time. That includes the joint but in order to make that process complete the body needs the raw material to make the new bone in the new joint petition. If it doesn't have it you going to have all bone and all joint tissue there and that's just not good. You know that's like driving a car on a bald tire that going to happen so we eliminate the inflammatory food by eliminating the 12 bad food and that was free on the website and then you now is an experiment I would do this for eight weeks you give him.

There is a at Eiffel health. There is, I believe they have a healthy bone and joint pack. You want to call the Eiffel help people up and ask them for the healthy bone and joint pack which gives you the 90 essential nutrients plus extra nutrients for bone and joint in the clip is not rocket science right that's what we do for 60 day and then we look to see how you respond to that and we can modify the program if necessary.

But that's where I would start and stop eating food inflammatory and he start beating his jump his bones and joints of the right and that's how I would do it if it were me, what you can thank me after work. Call us back with that man with a report and let us know what happened okay alright let's go to Deborah Deborah called Chicago back to Chicago with the love I have a main question, I know a couple that a perfectly good plan that not call them back for that time, but it became and I can. Jamie children. I like to this regular and then back your hundred percent correct. That's a known fact, but you know there's a lot of things that can bring give somebody a liver failure right Tylenol do it too much alcohol will do it as that will do it for a lot of things you can do it so back the note. Write a negative reaction to a childhood vaccine is a known cause of octave. It, but the numbers for autism are so high, so high exponentially high that there has to be something else and I would argue, I do argue that it malnutrition of the mother when she smirked and live like this will not contain any, pertaining to people that I know of taken back elevated. Do you happen to have any ideas of what if somebody comes and wonders what they have done what what they can do any you is a homeopathic medicine, and I re-information on my website. Dr. okay re-information on the website. There is homeopathic medicine that is effective in helping to mitigate the symptom that people experience after they've been Now he's been jabbed and he is asymptomatic. There's nothing to do except give him the 90 essential nutrients because everybody's body needs the 90 essential nutrients and remember the fundamental belief here is the body knows how to fix itself. The body wants to fix itself the bodies trying to fix itself all the time but it needs help. So when you supply the body with all of the nutrients it needs all of the time and you stop eating food that gumming up the work. Everything is going to get stronger lungs get stronger to get stronger everything stronger. So that's what we do. That's the basic rule of thumb healthy foundation pack. Everybody need to be on it by everybody I mean everybody and if you are symptomatic from the jab and you seen the light you want to do something about it. There is homeopathic medicine called both Rob Clancy a lot of which is a mouthful. But I type written all about that on my website for information thank you very much welcome very much. Thanks for the trust.

Alright let's go out to Tom out Nachman yeah I don't know outside what are these 12 basically and that's my only question okay. I'll go read them. Peter real quick.

But in order to get kind of an in-depth explanation. Just go to my website because the information screen. I think if you navigate through the great help awakening page Dr. you'll see a video that talks all about here that here is where they are wheat, barley, rye and oats oil within a bottle fried food meet that has nitrate in it meet the cooked well done.

You want to eat a steak make sure it's nitrate free either rare medium rare in baked potatoes, yams, and sweet potato, a carbonated beverage with a meal, a carbonated beverage with a meal and corn and soy those of the 12 bad food. Those are all so ironically, parenthetically, tragically, everybody thought what what about non-GMO corn. Yeah, that's the distinction non-GMO and organic corn right.

It hasn't been grown it with life estate is okay and non-GMO soy that's organic hasn't been grown with life estate is okay. That's hard to find. By the way yeah well. So yeah, I was curious about that little occasional non-GMO coal silk soy milk. So yeah one of the things you want to get away from one of the biggest myth that I have to bust frequently everybody think all of oil is healthy and not so if you want to use you want to you want to cook food up in a skillet or frypan you lard right the beef that is fat duck that bacon fat don't you gobble all very good.

Okay great spiritual work welcome. Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it more than you know. What about what about all of oil on your salad -3 ghostwriter okay.

Lotta reason for that.

Now if you have an all-important in your house for your garden and you plug in all of off of it taken over the county you squeeze the oil out you can put that on your cell can't cook with it you can put it on your salad. But all of oil that's in the bottle at the grocery store is not all of oil and by the way, the olive oil industry is bigger than the cocaine industry and there is a lot of adulteration that happened in the olive oil but but even if it was 100% pure extra-virgin which most of the time it's not even know if that on label. Aaron the top of the bottle and you don't know how long the bottles been on the shelf in the air will oxidize oil and when oil becomes oxidized to create the carcinogenic substance called acrylamide which will kill you slowly and that you know it goes up for 100 fold when you heated the nets.

Also that the our caveat. You know are part prevention.

They are our recommendation against right and you want people to be downwind fried foods go to Cliff Cliff you are near Dr. Knight health pocket pocket like 15 minute podcast and Amanda wants Davis talking about Cheryl Hayes & and that she mentions it somewhat similar to Brahma line also colitis all steel arthritis, no side effects, so that would be my question Pack case and also how far back does olive leaf and flax seed go back in time in terms of its medicinal uses. Well, you know there's a lot of really interesting sociological debate and conversation around you how to indigenous people know which are using which are not have another unit in that library they didn't have so that's a really interesting conversation, but it you know it goes back to Chinese were the first people to have recorded use of all of lead, I'm not sure about the other one that the black human oil.

I don't know about all of these things, you know like like the pastor said God made herbs and man-made drug you trust so these things have always been around, and it's also interesting little sidebar that the majority of pharmaceutical are made from Earth. That's where they start they find something in the planting work, then they manipulate and then they make it into a drug they patented that you can't patent the naturally occurring substance that's interesting is so they manipulate the molecules within the plant. Now they can sell it and by the way, the only thing that can legally treat the disease in the United States is a drug know that that is a crime against humanity.

That's with the pharmaceutical industry has manipulated that the law only thing that can legally treated these in the United States as a drug is a horrible loss. You know what it needs to be eliminated, but it's never going to be because big Pharma own every body Cheryl Today for A fair Case if an enzyme. I'm a big fan of enzyme.

I would use the enzyme of the icing on the cake.

And in this case, the cake would be the foundation 90 essential nutrients because no matter which way you shake it. Your body needs the 90 essential nutrients like a car needs oil your car need power steering fluid Ukrainian transmission fluid to Kearney there in the tires right all these things are good and in this matter for the thorough Case would be kind of like the armor all that you put you on the on the upholstery on the dashboard and on the tires. The other stuff is more important and when you add botanical medicine and enzymes and other things to the body that provide you get a much more bang for your therapeutic block is clear time we have Pastor Rachel here in the pastel is going to want to tell those things that you mentioned you just give almost gave him a heart attack if you have to go my life. Yeah, remember me.

I really do appreciate your you're the platform here and God bless you and thank you so much. Thank you God bless my friend in his house and think it was this good. It was a limitations go-ahead hell. Okay well you know were a lot of troubles in America. Democratic Party the Bible yourself and righteousness with mercy. Break up your fallow ground where it is time to seek the Lord and you break up your fellow ground is not talking to the unsaved people talk into people he's talking about the Christians and everything will live in a day and age with the Christian church is so backslidden you can't tell the difference between most of them in the unsaved world and sometimes though, the world will criticize Christians as being a group was effective.

We donated up about in Proverbs 813 says the Lord is to hate evil. But Christians don't hate you will. Nowadays they compromise with it lately.

They act on it just as much of the unsaved Duke and that's why were not seen God save us from the budgies in the Bidens and all the ungodly that there is a run in this country destroy everybody because God says except you repent, you shall likewise perish. And much as they are not repentant, then God's not going to come to our rescue. We want got it under arrest, he would need to repent and the first thing you do is come to calibrate the Lord Jesus Christ you know your center your sorry your center and you want to receive the payment EPP on the crust because when God Jesus died on the cross he was being allowed to pay the payment in full represent you, and I've ever done.

Jesus that is not what you go to heaven or hell depends on what you do it that that payment God's righteous nature demented sin be paid for. There's no getting around it. Now the paperwork that when you go to heaven or hell depends on what you do at that payment. You can't work your way there and nobody else can save your soul because the Bible says that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.

He wasn't a Mohammed or Botta or the Pope or any of those other people. The way short that they're totally bankrupt compared to Jesus.

Jesus made the blind see that there is a man walking Rosa dead and he can save your soul. If you come to him in the humble repentance earlier the back your center and ask him to come in your heart and Savior. He paid the price to be paid reverently every day pages to eight glasses. For by grace are ye saved through faith and not of yourself.

It's a gift from God. The work know his opportunity was a gift.

And so when you come to God in prayer. Romans 1013 says whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Kentucky right now God knows is going to your mind and your heart right now.

If you open up the door of your heart and asked Jesus to come and Savior so trust in him and him only for your salvation will do it and if you like to do that.

Let's pray right now. We can pray together strictly between you and God is pray this prayer with me.

Dear God, I'm a sinner. I know I'm a sinner and I'm sorry about the plaque that I am a sinner and Lord Jesus, I come to Calvary right now. You died for me on the crust. Defendant brought my ungodly sins, Lord Jesus, I hear it now, if you come into my heart, forgive me of my sins and save myself until I hope he is doing tonight till tomorrow. Good night God bless, always, always keep fighting the fight. Thanks for listening to the voice of the Christian resistance was right. Hosted by Pastor Bernie Sanders to learn more about our ministry.

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