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Christmas Book Citations Gospel Part 2

Viewpoint on Mormonism / Bill McKeever
The Cross Radio
April 23, 2020 9:25 pm

Christmas Book Citations Gospel Part 2

Viewpoint on Mormonism / Bill McKeever

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April 23, 2020 9:25 pm

This is the fifth week of a series focusing on books given away to other general authorities and church employees by the First Presidency between 1981 to 2017. If the First Presidency thought these books were worthy of being reprinted using expensive leather covers and gilded pages, they must be reliable and worthy to be … Continue reading Christmas Book Citations Gospel Part 2 →

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Looking for a resource written for young people. That explains the Mormon religion from a biblical worldview. Only reason why no one pertains by Mormonism research ministries.

Eric Johnson addresses basic LDS doctrine while answering important questions such as, is it okay to date my Mormon friend. This book will help you better understand what can otherwise be a complicated religion. Mormonism 101 for teens available at the Utah lighthouse bookstore in Salt Lake City or purchase online and .1 Mormonism examines the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from a biblical perspective view .1 Mormonism is sponsored by Mormonism research ministry since 1979 Mormonism research ministry has been dedicated to equipping the body of Christ with answers regarding the Christian faith in a manner that expresses gentleness and respect. And now, your host for today's viewpoint on Mormonism welcome to this additional viewpoint on Mormonism. I'm your host, Bill McKeever, founder director Mormonism research ministry with me today. There Johnson. My colleague at MRM we continue looking at books that were given away as Christmas gifts by the first presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints between the years 1981 and 2017 Eric, how can people find the quotations that were going to be citing they can just go to our website, and then search for Christmas books and that will give you the page that will have all of the different books that were reviewing and you can just click on gospel doctrine from 1990 to see all the quotes that were giving today as well as others that we won't have time to give and dessert mentioned this book was given away by the first presidency for Christmas of 1990, and then yesterday show. We were talking about some statements from this book gospel doctrine that spoke of the authority of the church and how members must submit themselves to what they called a legally constituted authority of the church. This quotation deals with revelation personal revelation, but I think it comes basically under that same kind of category that individual members of the church are not supposed to come up with information that conflicts with the leadership. What is it say on page 42. Whenever you see a man rise up claiming to have received direct revelation from the Lord to the church independent of the order and channel of the priesthood. You may set him down as an imposter.

What this means is, individual members are allowed and even expected to receive personal revelation, but this personal revelation is only for them selves, not for anyone higher than themselves in the church, certainly not to correct the first presidency. But here's what I find kind of interesting about this statement.

Eric when they say that someone comes up with revelation that conflicts with what the proper channel of the priesthood is supposed to be. You can set them down as an imposter. Now I want to just take that argument and take it a step further. Is this basically what we do with the leaders of the LDS church because they have said that they have come up with direct revelation and it conflicts with revelation that is already been given to the church through the New Testament. Specifically, why is it though that we are not allowed to call those men imposters for bringing up contradictory messages because certainly that's exactly what they've done. Let that be a lesson to all Latter Day Saints.

If you want to have personal revelation.

You have to make sure it's in conformity with what the leadership says or you're wrong.

And yesterday we had mentioned that the church had said that it was a democratic institution, according to a page 69 it's the most democratic institution the world but that's not the case because it doesn't matter how many people agree with you, who are Latter Day Saints you're all wrong unless you are in agreement with the leadership. Let's continue to talk about contention because there's another statement that Joseph F. Smith makes on page 372 of gospel doctrine, where it says only those who deny the faith contend he wrote you find the spirit of contention only among apostates and those who have denied the faith, those who have turned away from the truth and have become enemies of God in his work. There you will find the spirit of contention, the spirit of strife. Many times when you're talking with a latter-day St. You might find that when your questions are starting to get a little bit too hard for them to answer. They will come back with this expression will I feel a spirit of contention you could be as nice as you could possibly be. But that's an expression that basically is telling you that you've kind of overstepped the bounds and now they're going to accuse you of doing something wrong and in this case, contending, but is it really wrong to contend and you also hear the idea that contention is of the devil. You hear that oftentimes in a conversation what they're trying to do is shut down any opposition to what they are saying but what does the Bible say about this. Both will if you look at Jude verse three, you're going to find that Jude actually encourages this kind of contention or asking questions and even defending what you believe to be true in verse three it says, beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Here we find the Christians are being encouraged to contend for the faith to defend the faith and is the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Now we would have to assume that was delivered to the saints living at the time of Jude. Not this latter-day revelation or this restored gospel of Mormonism which was unknown to the believers at that time and I say that because you're not going to find Christians in the first century, believing many of the things that Latter Day Saints are told to believe today.

This is the example that we get throughout the Bible. For instance in the book of acts we see that Paul goes to Mars Hill acts chapter 17 and he goes up there any has dialogue with them. He contends for the faith. Using good argumentation using their own poets and we see that through all of the different to New Testament epistles also covered in this book is the subject of the family and there's a very fascinating statement that Joseph F. Smith makes in gospel doctrine.

This is found on page 65. We expect to have our wives and husbands in eternity.

We expect our children will knowledge us as their fathers and mothers in eternity. I expect this. I look for nothing else. Without it I could not be happy. The thought or belief that I should be denied. This privilege hereafter would make me miserable. From this moment. I never could be happy again without the hope that I shall enjoy the society of my wives and children in eternity and then he goes on and says if I had not this hope I should be of all men most unhappy, for if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. First of all let's talk about what you just mentioned at the end of that statement, he says if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. He places that in the context of not being with your wives and family. First of all, let's understand Joseph F.

Smith. The six present the church at six wives and 48 children but is that the context of the passage that he siding that's coming from first Corinthians chapter 15 what is the context of this verse that he cites here incorrectly I might add verses 17 through 19 says. And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain, ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. You see what Joseph F. Smith did like many other leaders in the LDS church. He takes a verse ripped it from its context, and gives it a meaning that was never intended by the apostle Paul in the first place.

Paul uses this verse to say that if there is no resurrection. If Christ has not been raised were not going to be raising if there is no resurrection, then we are of all men most miserable meaning that if all we have is this life in Christ. Look at the suffering that we are going through. That's not something that most people would look forward to what makes the suffering worthwhile is the fact that we will all be resurrected and spend eternity with Christ himself is the context of first Corinthians 1517 forward, not what Joseph F. Smith says the mean before we go onto the next one. Eric let me also draw this parallel this statement by Joseph F. Smith sounds very similar to what Jeffrey R.

Holland says in that video that people watch before they visit a Temple open house.

I recall years ago the first time hearing Jeffrey R. Holland make this statement, I was appalled by it. I still am appalled by it, though I'm sure a lot of Latter Day Saints probably smiled and thought, oh, doesn't he love his family but think about what's being said here folks, what you're saying is, is a person, a latter-day St. would be unhappy in heaven without their family that either tells me they know Jesus plays no role in their future or Jesus is not as important as their family what to Jeffrey R.

Holland say in that video and he still says it today in the different Temple open house events that they have in a video. I don't know how to speak about heaven in the traditional lovely paradisiacal beauty that we speak of heaven. I wouldn't know how to speak of heaven without my wife, my children, it would it would not be heaven for me. I think just about every evangelical could easily be able to speak about heaven, even outside of the context that Holland is giving here, why because our heaven is all centered around the person in the work of Jesus Christ. Not our families. This is not the primary goal of people like Jeffrey R.

Holland or Joseph F.

Smith, even though I would argue all of us as evangelicals would probably love nothing more than to see our families in heaven with us. Another citation from gospel doctrine on page 275.

He said we hold that no man who is marriageable is fully living his religion. He remains unmarried. He is doing a wrong to himself by retarding his progress by narrowing his experiences and to society by the undesirable example that he sets to others as well as he himself being a dangerous factor in the community. Now, Bill.

Remember this is a Christmas book being given away in 1990.

Imagine you're a single man reading this. How would you feel well if you had the opportunity to be married. You better get married because if not, as he says you must be some kind of dangerous factor in the community. Marriage is absolutely essential if an individual in the church hopes to receive celestial exultation. You cannot reach exultation you cannot become a god in the next life of your mail unless you are married, not just married in a civil marriage but you have to be married for time and eternity in one of many temples at the Mormon church as today. I think that's a great point you're making and in first Corinthians chapter 7 my subtitle says concerning the unmarried and he encourages people not to get married, which is a latter-day St. do with the passes like this in connection with what Joseph F. Smith has said he saying that you need to get married, and in Mormonism. Certainly that stress but Paul is saying if you can do without.

You can serve God much better thank you for listening.

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