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Game Over?

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell
The Cross Radio
November 28, 2020 7:00 am

Game Over?

Understanding The Times / Jan Markell

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November 28, 2020 7:00 am

Jan Markell hosts Curtis Bowers for the hour. We are headed for a revolution with world government on the horizon. We are now racing towards The Great Re-Set of the World Economic Forum. Perfect government arrives when Jesus is King and the government is upon His shoulders! Until then, human efforts will fail. We carry Bowers DVD set in our online store.

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Is human government hopelessly blinking, there are evidences of that you do not run and hide. Not guilty you don't cover the windows when you thought doing anything. You don't bring secret boxes in the middle of the night devoted whose little radio Flyer wagon. If everything is about once it's clearly corrupt to the poor, welcome to understand the times radio with Jim Markel radio for the remnant brought you by Olive tree ministries. They Jan spends the hour with Curtis Bowers, producer of the award-winning agenda DVD is the debacle of our 2020 election, a product of the communist agenda to take down America Jan and spend the hour looking at the scenario here is today's program it's so serious and we have to win this fight. We can't give up if they try to turn in my favor. I don't know what's next but we need all shook Washington DC if necessary, or 10, 20 million people, we need to do whatever necessary because if we lose this fight. Unlike in years gone by, were just continued to get worse.

I think truly it could be game over because they will Russia send over those four years into so much world control world treaties world things that we can't get out of without just having a civil unrest and bloodshed and violence. So we need to do everything we can right now to stand for this because we have to win because it is just and right and true.

The day you don't have a fair election and you allowed to go forward with no one being thrown in jail for the election being overturned is a day are done. Obviously, if this election stands. Do you think we'll ever have another fair election, of course not. Welcome to the program and yes we have a serious hour ahead of us. We have Carine Curtis Bowers DVD set agenda for several years in a Curtis documents how the Marxist plan to take down America has been in progress for the last 100 years when our 2020 election and obviously heading in a strange and even a troubling direction here throughout November. I contacted Curtis and asked him to come on air for the hour to talk about this specific scenario was the 2020 election, the culmination of the Marxist 100 year strategy to take over America and will they now be successful.

You know the Bible says we have global government coming.

How is the Marxist plan and the globalist plan how to they tied together, working to talk about that here and a number of other things for the hour, Curtis Bowers, welcome back to the program package enter at me out.

I appreciate it.

We are in extremely serious times will say more about some the things you're doing online here, but you say quite bluntly we are in a revolution.

There are key players behind the chaos and I want you to talk about him and you say that this is a revolution that is top-down, not bottom-up, not grassroots, one should explain what a top-down revolution. Is it a revolution.

Unlike the way most revolutions are or the way most revolutions are per trade. The people rising up against something and it's a grassroots thing a top-down revolution is what is being orchestrated from above. When the key players or the big organizations are the top leaders. That's where it's coming from and that's what's going on in America. As I've studied has its crystal clear that twos organizing the groups in the social media and the right business with all coordinating together from the top down because they are thinking if we can pull this thing off.

I think we got the whole thing you call it Curtis and engineered coup. That's right, this was planned. There's been voter fraud. For many, many election cycles at one level or another, but with the conditions of this year the covariate and the fear of that they were able to push things they've always wanted to push like mail-in ballots to everyone because it very easy to paint and very easy to capture and use fraudulently so that's why they were pushing those things and normally we've ever allowed those things could know that doesn't make sense All the ballots out there.

We don't know for sure who they're coming in from it was just like a perfect storm for them and they created that perfect storm so that they would be able to do this because they knew one thing above all else they could not have four more years wrinkled and I want to talk about that in just a minute here. You identify a lot of this is the term by Marx and Stalin and Lenin useful idiots not my term they call those that cooperate with the rabble-rousers useful idiots in media Democratic mayors and governors that are under DNC control you cited to me that refusing to uphold law and order so that the revolution can keep growing, if they'd enforce some things. It would simply die off if we had law and order, but it's not enforced you talk to me about billions and billions of dollars going to black lives matter from big business big tech who seems to be controlling almost everything.

These are some of the useful idiots wanted to embellish that little bit. Well yes a revolution in America to be successful have to be orchestrated from the top down. Here's why. Because we have laws to uphold and we have law and order is the foundation of our country so there has to be cooperation from above to stop law and order from being upheld to allow the revolution to continue in your account better for the applicant. If good day. Those riots broke out. If they win is arrested and made a showing behavior for one that they would've snuffed out a one-day meta-been the end of it would been swept anywhere with the done anything but the Democratic leaders the mayors and the governors saw this as an opportunity and they got their orders from the top down. The Democratic National Committee is, I believe the main puppet in this revolution. There's other globalist elites that are behind them, but they are the main dictators of this is what were doing so. They told their media which they control and everyone knows that it's always from their party line every time they told the media. This is what were doing make this out to be just make it out to be peace or freedom loving people that are just fed up with the corruption that the Democratic mayors and governors that okay will refuse to uphold law and order some this thing will grow when law and order is not being upheld. Those that love lawlessness showing right and immediately if I could throw in noxious lawlessness, the hatred I want to play just the cliff. Jennifer Rubin just talking how the Republican Party conservatives Christians they need to be burned down. What we should be doing is shining stable. Shaming these people is a statement of moral indignation that these people are not fit for polite society from Pastor Lewis but that all his enablers have to live we have to collectively in essence, burned down the Republican Party we have to level them because if there are survivors.

If there are people who weather this storm they will do it again.

I believe she's a Washington Post columnist Curtis. But the sentiment in her comments are startling here in America land of the free home of the brave exactly in that revolutionary talk that he is talking of violence.

Burning down the Republican Party castigating anyone they didn't agree with you cut that out. That's not America that's not the old Democrat versus Republican polite society and that's what we need to understand from the top down. Those are people at the top of some of these different things like the news media. They are pushing a revolution big business is funding likely for black lives matter, but there also funding all the Democratic candidates at all the different levels. If you look at the funding this year. This election cycle nationwide.

There was $14 billion spent on elections.

The Democrat spent 10 times more money than the Republicans did and it all came from big business big tech so there funding these candidates that are radical to get them into office and then we have a Department of Justice that has refused to uphold law and order. They were the ones coming after our own present for the first several years of his office because he is less corrupt Department of Justice that is very troubling to some going to your agenda DVD series.

We carry in semi-online store folks in that DVD series. Everybody learned how they have taught our kids to hate America. That is what is so stunning they've done it so effectively and so convincingly they've turned out a couple of generations of kids that are willing to burn the country down exactly it's shocking to us, but we have to remember they will faint the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

They knew that that's why they bid after our children and grandchildren for 50+ years because they know once you raise the children then you got the troops on your side. The reality is hard for us all the faces, but who is burning down our buildings. Who is destroying our cities. If our children there be orchestrated by these Marxist groups and entice and organize, but that's the reality of this wouldn't have lasted five seconds as it didn't in the 60s and 70s when they tried to get a revolution going all the good stroke with just a handful of college radical in that it died out because the kids still loved America.

I learned a lot from your agenda.

Weekly productions right now. Some of them are online and that don't cost but I think you're there to move them to your website. Agenda pretty soon folks, these are so informative and cutting edge. I want to play just a real short clip of Curtis and come back and talk about it. As I know you've been studying this for very long time. You talk about how that was one of the key communist goals to take control of one or both political parties and how successful they've been has been one of the goals for a long long time since the 30s and since that day. But even in the 50s list of goals from the communist.

The 45 current communist goals goal 15 capture one or both of the political parties in the US. It's an angel strategy but they've done it and that's what Americans need to understand that the Democrats need understand this party is not going to march you toward the utopia you think they are there to march you toward the same utopia that Stalin marched his people toward and Castro, and Mao and all the other communist dictators that's were heading with this and nowhere else. Just as one more piece of truth. All you have to do is look at twentysomething people who ran for the Democratic nomination. You have people like but it sheds his father was a Marxist. His father was the disciple of Antonio Gramercy, Bernie Sanders and about socialist and we could go on and on. That's right. And he's about Democratic Socialists which they tried to act like that's a better branch of socialism is like a compromise. It's kinda between capitalism and socialism.

And it's not it's between socialism and communism.

It's the further extreme. It's Marxist socialism.

And so it is just again on the road like you and said socialism is the road to communism you're listening and understanding the times radio and Jan Markel.

I have on the line.

Curtis Bowers.

Many of you are familiar with Curtis have his products and I'm drawing some clips primarily from his agenda.

Weekly Curtis let's go to this clip. I just played this leftist agenda. It is shocking. It's been going on here for almost 100 years. I appreciated what you said here because Democrats need to understand that what's happening is not kind to march them to utopia. It's going to take them where Stalin and Mao went. That's right, it's a sobering thought in America when you only have two political parties and one of them literally has been taken over by the communist work. What I'm supposed to say that Who's Who is taken them over. That is why there for everything that is anti-America. They would never want to put America first, they would never want to make America great again because their goal is to remove America from the world scene. It's sobering but it's a fact. Once you realize that this is it about little voting thing anymore for the destruction of America that's are two choices for bathing that were at that point these goals back when they were written in the 40s and 50s themed radical for our country but they all are being checked off and you said to me the fact that we were doing so well under Pres. Trump was a catastrophe to the left that went against the plan because we can't have prosperity we can have peace.

The DNC doesn't want people to do well.

They want the discontented masses. Trump and his prosperity was a disaster to the left and that is why they're fighting tooth and nail, not just fighting, but acting with utmost corruption to swing this election right. All they have to sell the Democratic Party even in the debates today have an agenda. Avis Haugen America Maranello no hole. It was his selling mystery discontent, as if they're the only solution to the problem. The thing people have to wake up and realizes everything they're doing is making the problem worse because that's how they get more power. That's all this is about it. Just a totally flip over things that they don't want to make things better because when Trump the first three years when the economy started moving in all the minorities were working it. Everyone was happy. You can't sell a revolution to those type of people are happy there. Thank Randall is framed in a country like that you have to create the chaos so that then you have something to sell them when the Americas booming, the devil could have nothing to Fela and they know that so they always worked toward causing problems or making problems up that don't even exist.

Let's talk for a few minutes.

Curtis about the software I don't think glitch is a proper word when absolutely every balance goes only one way it's not a glitch that would be some of the dominion software. Your other computer systems involved as well interesting and you made me aware that Pelosi Clinton Feinstein families are all benefiting from this dominion computer outfit. They even gave $50 million to the Clinton foundation got incestuous things going on here at only one way with Democrat party exactly when you have a company that makes the machines to count the votes giving donations to one party's candidate you got a problem there. Obviously, the more you pull back the curtain and dig in. He realized this thing is corrupt to the court and the whole thing Trump brought to the fore light if the deep states if it is higher system behind the system that is rotten to the core and has been for decades.

They're becoming so aggressive because in their pride think they've got it there coming out of the closet to do things that we can even notice, but they been doing these type of things behind the scenes for decades. I am just hoping and praying. They're able to root out some of this voter fraud with some of the great attorneys they have clear certainly pushing back oh it's so wonderful and so encouraging people be encouraged. We got a battle on our hands were fighting.

We have a fighter for president for change for the typical Republican middle okay congratulations Mr. Biden everyone remembers the night of the election if there were going to stop counting the votes. No luck. You might go okay with. Maybe they need a break from it all forceful.

That's never happened before in America, but it has happened in many Third World countries that are corrupt and have Marxist dictatorships and here's why they do that they realize we don't have enough votes, they noticed the Trump boats were just going up and up and even the swing states so they stop so that gives him more time to gather more votes than fraudulently manufacture more votes if the time think within his second key thing a lot of those places now. It's reported the poll workers went home then because they said they going to stop counting so the lot of the poor workers left because okay will come back tomorrow when you start counting them. They were able to count votes with no poll workers there were some of the ones where they were there they kicked them out, they wouldn't let them watch, no, no, were not counting right now but of course they put sheets up on the window something they could keep County.

It was just as corrupt as any little to bit Third World dictatorship country what they were doing and they thought we were just gonna lay down and roll over like we always do, but we happen to have a commander-in-chief that is a fighter and will not allow the most precious thing we have violated like it has been our right to vote for who will represent us at the partyline cores. Now this is after a few weeks here, since obviously the November 30 election.

The partyline is simply Trump is trying to steal the election back which is anything but true. He's trying to stand up for serious selections instead of fraudulent elections on behalf of any elections we have in the future which are going to all be compromised if we let this go. And that's a key strategy to the polls were off ahead of time for many different reasons, but one of the key wonders. It would legitimize their flawed when it happened is what we said all that would voter fraud they can say no.

All the polls told us months ago bite was good. When a landslide so does that also the fact that even though there's all this evidence that there was voter fraud. The reason they're not interested in that story is because in case Trump and his lawyers can bring the truth out and he that is given the presidency again. They will help so much fuel for the revolution. With all the discontented masses that think it was fraudulent because they never heard anything about voter fraud stuff biggest for Trump Tanaka to concede the election trumps not leaving the White House trumps a dictator trumps a fascist so that the key strategy to everything they do is purpose all just let you know people I've been studying the left for 40 years and they are so purposeful and they set up every situation to be win win. They've been setting up for this year okay if we can get Biden and with our fraudulent votes we win because will be able to push the world agenda rapidly and change America forever. But just in case our plans fail. We need to have Plan B will Plan B will be that if Trump was elected were going to of orchestrated things to make it look like he was being fraudulent. Even though that's what were doing.

It could look like he was fraudulent so that we will be able to use that fuel to get the masses to rise up and burn this country down once and for all because Bill truly believe this guy would leave the White House even though we lost in a landslide because they don't tell the other side of the stores always prepare for both outcomes because they never want to lose. They wanted win if what they want happens, happen and win. If it doesn't happen that way and that's why we've been losing so much for the last 5060 years because we had strategist ingenious and of deceit against us and we been thinking everyone is well-meaning or well-intentioned.

Well I do know how well-intentioned Kemal Harris is in you apprised me that she is a follower amounts a tongues display at Clinton since Harris announcing her Marxism.

This came through in one of your presentations online. Then Curtis want to come back and have you explain what we heard and as I get the same amount that the same amount that you started. Not only about having people so that everyone letting Henning treatment and explained to my audience how she is expressing her Marxism. There yes very strategically and deceitfully to talk about inequality and equity helping all those are both wonderful to her but she defines the quality is where everyone gets a fair share of everything so that socialism assume everyone gets an equal share of everything. But she said no, no, were not for that were not for socialism because there still might be some discrepancies in the culture. Some people start out ahead.

That's not fair. We want equity, and then she defines clearly in her own video. What equity is equity. Is everyone ending up in the same place.

The only way everyone can end up in the same places under totalitarian communist regime, the only country in world history where everyone was in the exact same place was the Soviet Union, North Korea, you have to strip everything away from everyone so everyone's at the very bottom and anyone that tries to climb up because they're motivated or they have talents there pull down immediately because everyone's got to be in the same place would have to be totalitarian what she wants and has to be communistic where no one owns anything because that's the only way to keep an equal. No one owns anything that were all equal.

Down here and no one is free to do anything except what we tell them that everyone aimed without here.

It's a communist society that she had her own video is clamoring for and it is deadly and where you seal Jill Biden sits in in that scenario because I don't think Lee's perceived him to be a Marxist certainly have ultimate liberal but perhaps not communist. So how does he send in this picture. He is one of the useful idiot. Okay because he's a politician and he is only there is only been there for 47 years to benefit himself right so he will blow with the tides in either direction if he needed to suck you the liberal mindset. A person so you not going conservative at all, but if there say this is the new thing equity your socialism, then he'll okay great. He wants to be in power.

He wants to have position he wants to get all the things that come with those positions. The money the fraud from his family than we know about all those things. So that's who he is and those of the most deadly of all because they won't go with the movement wherever he goes.

Even if that's not where they prefer to go because they are goal was just to be president territories like to get L4. The second half of the program. I want to continue with our discussion here, but I want to go down a pathway of talking a little bit about the world economic forum.

Frankly, if I can be blunt, I think that the antichrist is going to come out centerstage from the world economic forum. I don't know when I would want to put a date on that.

I think it could be soon. They're having their big meeting in June 2020, 21, they moved it from January to June, perhaps because of some of this election chaos and all that I do want to delve into the world economic forum for at least a few minutes the great reset one in the world is the great reset folks, you know, we've talked about that on this program numerous times here spring summer fall of 2020 because it's on the horizon. It would be a new way of doing life. To be honest, not sure the church is even going to be here when it happens. That's kind of up for discussion and debate, but will get to that in just a moment when I come back don't go away.

We love friendly feedback like us through our website. Follow three views.Archie. That's all old trees use God for cola cycle time at 763-559-4444 763-559-4444 male when you write to Jim Markel and follow three ministries. Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311 Xbox 1452 Grove, MN 55311. All gifts are tax-deductible in an age of fake news and false teaching. Thank you for trusting understanding the times radio for the moment we are carrying a new book in the Terry James trilogy's title lawless end times war against the spirit of antichrist. 17 authors, including John Markel lawlessness has raised it satanically inspired had called to see today. Chaos and turmoil inflame the world geopolitical and societal upheaval reps at the heart of America and the world.

Much of humanity is in a state of growing range. This is stage setting for the rise of antichrist by powers and principalities, both human and demonic.

We encourage you to tap into this new product found in our online store all of three views.large that's all of three views.Ward or call simple time. 763-559-4444 763-559-4444 will also be featured in our printed newsletters sign up online so you can better understand our times and contend for the faith, the more poverty they can create worldwide stealing the wealth from the rich nations and giving it to the poor. Weight given to them. They don't help them either. But as they take that money. Everyone gets poor and in a country when everyone is getting poor very easy to control much about the great reset being orchestrated by the world economic forum to disbelieve a platform from which the antichrist will arise is stage green sex John Markel and Chris Bowers discussed that in part to today's programming and understanding the time was they wanted to beat Donald Trump.

They spent more money than anyone ever has in any election in history to do that. But there's a lot more going on didn't harness the full power of big tech in the billionaire class simply to make Joe Biden president no what they really wanted was total control over everything. The more democracy no more dissent, permanent obedience from the rest of us and they came shockingly close to getting if Democrats and one the White House and the Senate last night the country as we know it would've ended not because Democrats have bad ideas though they do because Democrats plan to impose an entirely new system on our country, not an agenda system with nothing to check their power. The left fully intended to eliminate the traditional American balances within our government while with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that constrain the power were not overstating this Joe Biden's party plan to turn our highest court into a partisan political weapon. They admitted that they wrote magazine articles about how they plan to do it.

Then they planned to pack the Congress of the nights it's a legislative branch by adding new states to our union purely for the Senate seat were not speculating there either. They admitted that to then they planned to pack the electorate itself. The ultimate corruption. In a democracy, 20 million foreign nationals added to her voter rolls overnight. That was their agenda.

How would any of that improve the United States of America will claim that it would making this country better. It was never the point. The point was to create a permanent Democratic majority of one-party state with complete control over the population, and that was Fox News Tucker Carlson might say the word about Fox News in just a moment.

The point he was making. There is sent. This is an effort to make our country a one-party nation. The consequences to that are staggering talking Curtis dollars for the hour. Let me just say a word about some of his products. We've carried the agenda twin pack for a long time in my online store olive tree views as an viewpoint, olive tree you can sign up for my various newsletters, print and eat give my office a call and we can get that item out to you very quickly get more acquainted with agenda and then I strongly encourage you.

You can have regular updates from him for just five dollars a month agenda I'm taking a lot of my talking points from his agenda. Weekly, that would be just five dollars a month agenda and yet be kept apprised of the greatest movement here in the 21st century has hats that take over our great nation and bring it into the Communist bloc of nations. Curtis just say a word and get your feedback here on the media and we opened the program talking a little bit about the media and how that has gone south including Fox News even said to me, Fox News is actually deadly.

I want you to explain what you meant by that, because they got Tucker Carlson who is just dead right on almost anything he says.

I played that clip from Tucker.

He gets it. Laura gets it. Judge Jeanine gets it but tell me why your opinion is so strong about Fox because they're perpetrated if they're on our side and yet 90% of their shows are not on our side are not pushing our opinion, they push our opinion. Sometimes when it's convenient because they know that their niche is having it be. Oh this is because the alternative new source but on every major thing that happened major events of the always tight against us. Just like the selection they were the first ones to call states Biden's reign. When else even would.

They were the first ones to fail you.

I guess Biden is one. This paper trained us when they move. There's fraudulent stuff being researched all over. There's millions of people going. Something's wrong here, and they were the first ones, and then all the other media outlets followed suit because they knew it would legitimize them they could fill.

We waited till Fox called it then being pretrade on our side when they're not. Most of the time when it's very important. They have a couple good shows on there so that's great like Tucker but they as a whole, or against the there's old St. the blackest of all lies is a lie. That's half-truth and that is them in my opinion because are supposed to be on our side when you're lied to someone it's supposed to be on your side is deadly. If like the example we were talking about Jan a past review, to a churchy one the truth and that pastor is deceptively telling you something wrong about the Bible. It's a blacker evil than anything else. Could you were supposed to be a look at the truth. There, that's why we have to be so careful about Fox and start looking for other alternative new sources.

That's what we start agenda weekly really they need to be helping get the truth somewhere where they don't have to worry about always a spark truer half-truth and that's why it's so important because information is so important. 45 communist goals is to infiltrate the press send the course they've done so very, very effectively, and radio and television and movies, all of Hollywood.

That was part of their 45 communist goals very successfully done.

That's right because what all those things to papers to radio, TV and motion pictures the influence us. When you have control of the influencers of society then you control people because every person, whether their conservative or whether there are liberal they make decisions based on the information they have. So if you're able to make sure they only have your information, you can get them back anyway you want because you are controlling the stuff that they're going to use to make their decisions about whether after the church because they realize that the last leg of rule that is a huge influencer. We gotta take the church down to that we can control the church. They will have all the institutions of influence could ready of education, then they'll have everything and that's why that's a vital battle, but the media is key.

They have succeeded in doing what they planned on doing. There are lots of online sources folks that are reliable, and I know I hear from some of you.

You don't want to go near technology, it can't be up today folks.

Without it, you just can't online this Breitbart does WorldNetDaily daily wire conservative review that's Mark Levin's outfit. David Horowitz is FrontPage mag Gateway pundit Bill can eggs the epic times, both online and hard copy for that matter, olive tree industries. We post headlines six days a

I know I've missed some and I know you folks will apprised me of all those I've missed, but that's just a short list of where you can find truth so it's available but 99% of what's reliable is online and it's just we have to go to get the truth.

Curtis, let me just head over to this world economic forum they are promoting a utopia on earth and you had an excellent update on it on your agenda. one of your presentations that is on YouTube by the way, the promoting utopia on earth, the great reset. There's just a real short clip by Pastor Brandon Holt House Rock Harbor Church Bakersfield California because he's going to set the stage here for just a short discussion. Curtis that you and I will have a presidency of Joe Biden and Kemal Harris will usher in the great reset. Not that they are doing it specifically that they will allow it to happen to the United States because these globalists. These international bankers. These leaders from around the world are wanting to do what they call a great reset. The term great reset comes from the world economic forum what they want to do. They want to bring in global Imperial communalism. I'll explain that later what that means, basically, it's a global government, a global currency and not a currency that's going to deal with coins or cash, but a digital global currency they want to usher in what we would call the old phrase, a new world order. I'm going to impact that today and maybe this will extended to part two was well so it will be important to understand that if Biden and Harris get in to our presidency, then everything will go supersonic speed towards this globalism towards this great reset and you and I will have to see this will have to endure this now, the rapture could happen at any point time. We believe that pre-tribulation rapture but we could still see a lot of things in the set up for what's going to happen in the tribulation and what's going to happen with the antichrist and the one world currency, one world, globalism and all that before around for this. This next year will be put on supersonic speed to get to a global Imperial communalism.

We need to prepare for that we need to prepare spiritually for that we need to prepare mentally, emotionally and even physically for this because it is evil. It is no good. It is counter to what God wants. Here's the thing is counter to what God wants, but he is allowing it because it's pushing the whole prophetic scenario to the great tribulation. Let's talk about it for a moment Curtis because as you have outlined and frankly I have on this program. Previously, I don't think we can talk about it too much. It's seeking total control one world government folks that is right out of Revelation 13. It is on the horizon. Personally, I believe the church vanishes before that but that is not the purpose of this hours discussion they say in their statement. This is the world economic forum Curtis, this is stunning.

You will own nothing and you'll be happy. That is communism the world economic forum and you can call it either globalists are communist. I think there is a convergence of the two. What say you, yes. Will the globalist one world government will have to be totalitarian. That's the only way you can truly have a world government where everyone is under your control their own video saying here's what we're shooting for. By 2030 the 2030 is 10 years from answering yet. The first one you mentioned you'll own nothing and you'll be happy in America will not be the leading superpower in the world and to show you their vision of the future, just 10 years from now you can see it is totalitarian. You can see it is communistic because a get there store private property, fossil fuels will be history, then you are dependent on their little grid system of solar panels and windmills which cannot produce enough electricity for everybody, you're literally into 1/3 world country. I have friends that are missionaries in Depaul.

The power goes out there three or four hours every day for can't create enough electricity to provide for good things they one American opposition. Here's why when you're in that position and maybe some of you haven't traveled in some of you have the third world countries when you're in a survival mode of worried about, I got your food today because our fridges don't work and work around electricity you're not rising up against anything. You're just surviving, you're just looking for the next meal.

Trying to protect your children, the more poverty they can create worldwide by stealing the wealth from the rich nations and giving it to the poor, wasting that they will give it to them because they don't help them either. But as they take that money. Everyone gets poor and in a country when everyone is getting poor and poor there very easy to control. That's why no one rose up in the Soviet Union because they have to wait in line for five hours a day just to get their loaf of bread for that day. Its total dependency, which is their ultimate goal.

Everyone is so dependent on them. No one would say a word against them, so gives them total control, but it's one that they think they can attain in 10 years, which is not very long.

No degree new deal would be a part of this then is the left gets in the office here in January, we could be looking at the green new deal on my right, absolutely. This fraud is able to exist in Biden gets in there and then they have the real program in June there were, they can lay out the entire agenda how to get to where they want to go in 10 years, Biden will be on board 100%.

I was watching some of their videos and they even have them featured on some of the world economic forum videos. That's where were going if this fraud is allowed to stand here some good news for you Americans voted overwhelmingly. We don't want this in there like yes you did all the factors showing note in the trope wanted a landslide.

He got between 10 to 14 million more votes than he did in 2016 and they're saying he lost.

That's where we are picked up a little article here just two days ago on zero hedge.

It's another good online source of zero hedge headlines closely. He happens to be the head of the world economic forum great reset will lead to the fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identity will read one paragraph globalists club Schwab made it clear that trans-humanism is an integral part of the great reset when he said that the fourth Industrial Revolution would lead to a fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identity, which in his book he clarifies is this, listen up implantable microchips that can read your thoughts subsets not just George Orwell. That's Revelation 13. In other parts of Revelation where the antichrist will have the power. I believe the church will be gone, but for those that are in during the tribulation microchips that can read your thoughts. That's what's a part of the agenda of the world economic forum, the great reset so when you hear people talking about this great reset and how wonderful it is.

Don't believe it.

This is going to be hell on earth. Curtis, and I'm talking to Curtis Bowers here for the entire hour. Learn more in agenda Western values and then this is world economic forum Judeo-Christian values would be gone. No borders, of course. Well I was at Ghana were Catholic snowboarders. This is a living nightmare. I'm sorry this world economic forum, the great reset. I cannot stress how horrific this is right in their video.

You can go to their website a lot yes you can.

Industrial Revolution it says will hardly be able to tell the difference between human and machine there literally talk about the trans-humanism will we will be so computerized with the implant. They say that like it's a wonderful thing. The reason this group has the capability of doing this is what's the very name the world economic forum everyone cares about the economy. So if there tell us how to prosper more. That's what they're acting like this you can help us all prosper doing what they say it's easier to sell to people the United Nations where they've come with all these things with no real agenda except global government and everyone suspicious a little bit about the UN anyway known as the world economic forum. I just feel this is the group that will be successful in making these ideas seem like they're good and be accepted worldwide. That's what we need to be paying attention to what they're doing and then standing against it because one of the key things they had a Western values will have hit their breaking point. Which means they're gone Christian values. Yeah, that's the only thing that made America what America was the Judeo-Christian values are what gave us the greatest civilization in the history of the world because man was free to use his talents to provide for his family and to do whatever God asked him to do. There was freedom there is protection from abuse from governments or people because we have law and order had done more for mankind than anything since Adam and Eve and that has to go in their system because you cannot have that kind of freedom with the kind of control they want to have over us that fell through the lives and that's why we have to fight and stand for what is right. This battle is worth standing for and fighting for whatever the cost because we do not want to go where they want to take us. I think we need to be an equal opportunity offender. Here, Curtis Bowers talking about some of the shenanigans on Democrat party. The globalist agenda of the elitists there some on the right who are just fine with some of the things were talking about the green new deal and some of the things Republicans that would go along with this world economic forum in a heartbeat. That's right. And so we've got to identify those people and get them out of office and get good people in that don't want anything to do with that globalist vision of the world. We've got 75 million people in on our site so we need to organize and stand against this thing and fun good candidates. Maybe some of you listening need to pray about God which you have me run for office. We want the people that don't want to do that.

They're doing it out of duty. I was still people in my meetings to we need to be asking God what would you have me to do it when he says I want you to run even if that healing, you're the person we want because you're not in there for the name tag you're in there because you thought it was the right thing to do. We need to keep standing against the boot out all of the establishment Republicans the rhinos out of that party and turn it back to being glorifying to God in every part of it more. Pushing biblical principles in every part of it just dandy for truth and righteousness. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by the when you are standing for the truth and against evil or deception or life in reality are standing for Jesus because he loved the truth because he is the truth. So this is a noble cause. We stand against fraud and corruption. It's what we're put on earth here to do.

He told us we were the light.

What is why do it dispels the darkness we were the saw one folder preserves the society we've lack doing that for so long we've had huge consequences that we need to repent and turn back is a God, what would you have me to do. Now I'm ready to fight and stand for the truth, even if there's a price and doing that I'm still willing to do it because it's what's right is another interesting angle here still in the world economic forum, the great reset is they think they can create a world without evil that to me was hilarious but tragically hilarious. They don't understand the sinful nature. They think that their world of utopia there world have perfection that I have a planet with no evil. That is, end time delusion strong delusion. And yes, the one lady said I want a world where all our kids are free to go wherever they wouldn't all be safe.

What kind of delusion is that you think that would be people preying on children to think they're always going to be. There's always good be murderers and thieves and all those things because we are sinful to our core. The closest thing to utopia on earth which will never get there. The more people that turn and accept Jesus Christ in a regenerated and then they know there's a God, though given house to one day. That's the best way. That's why America was as close to heaven on earth. As you can get for so long because the majority people did fear God and they did one obey his command within their tardiness from that thinking we can create a utopia without God involved.

You can't, here's the reality that the important point to understand every single person on this earth is a slave you're either a slave to your flesh, and sin for your slave to Jesus Christ. That's the reality that suit the solution to create a more peaceful wonderful world is to turn more people to Jesus Christ where they are serving him.

They are his slaves. They are under his authority and that's going to push things in that direction. Whether you stand for law and order were people are doing what's right because they know the given account and the more you allow men that are sinful to run things and rot in the whole culture is pulled down into that despotism that is produced from that. Well, that will happen during the tribulation.

Folks, that's the time they had and they don't know how soon that's gonna hit the world. The church does not go through that tribulation. But again that is not the emphasis of this hour, but I did want to hit heavily. The world economic forum, the great reset because it plays into this whole communist effort. There are only a handful of countries that are free today America obviously is the price that's been there prize for over 100 years. I think Curtis that right now my audience is shaking their head and saying what can I do to make a difference because I was so we can vote. We can even storm Washington DC and I think you even suggested Mably have to do that 10, 20, 30 motion people have to do that. But let's give my audience little bit of marching orders hear what they can do or in a situation now where were waiting to see gathering evidence circular present this fraud and see what happens from that point of your ear to the ground listening a rally or something. I go to to show support. I encourage people to just write a letter of encouragement to the president the old snail mail with a stamp and go to the post of it encourages them because they need encouragement to we need to be praying when God put you in situations in life where there's really nothing you can do nothing at this point that's gonna be that effective. It doing something that's the time were supposed to fall to her knees. It's a God, you can always do something and were asking you to do something here. I pray every night of our family. God please expose the evil can help the stone to return upon them help the darkness to be exposed and were people see the overwhelming fraud and everyone can see all wow that really did happen so that justice can be upheld and that God will have mercy on us, but we need to admit God. I know you doing that would be an act of mercy on us and I know in a lot of ways we don't deserve that because we have so neglected obeying your commandments and your statutes and your principles but you are merciful God, and we are asking for mercy and he loves us so much those you that are boring… He looked up she so much and I know many times in history.

We've seen him do far more for very few people when they think God help us. So I'm asking you get on your knees take God help us and you have your children doing that in your church is doing that. Then what's great about that when were these horrible situations where you feel helpless is if we see the victory come. We know 100%. It was of the Lord so he gets all the credit when both held up his rod and the Red Sea parted not one Israelite thought.

What how'd that happen. They knew all my goodness.

God parted the Red Sea for us. That's what we gotta do. So I encourage you, but you're not alone. The left always.

What you make you feel like you're all by yourself. You're not alone in our site is energized. If God chooses not to answer those prayers in the fraud is able to stand.

That just means the battle is heating up. The advantage of that is it's hard to be complacent and apathetic to things when there's a battle going on so might be just what we need to really energize our side and engage them and I don't know what's next but God does. So we have to trust one data time to be faithful and stand for what is right. Psalm 37 that's the chapter. The as to anytime you're discouraged any time you're overwhelmed by all this evidence you go to Psalm 37 Pacific fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity, for they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. Trust in the Lord and do good, and so shalt thou inherit the land. Just know my God is in control what we can do as Christians is be as pleasing to him as possible and then asking them like a loving father that he is father would you help us please would you give us another four years to raise this next generation to get our children back on our side to teach a biblical worldview. Would you do that just to show how powerful you are and he can do that. I know that he can and I'm praying that he will. I know Jim, we both study selective. Very discouraging. It's easy to get discouraged, but I feel in my heart and I'm not making of prophetic I feel like God is doing something. The fact that so much of the evil is been exposed when normally never gets exposed there digging in their findings so much evidence this thing was corrupt from the software. All the polling place with all the corruption in if he were to expose that which we know he loves doing it would just be a blessing to us, and I feel like he's going to do that and I do not know that my heart I'm seeing God's hand all over. I seen his people pray more to him ICS in a desperate situation is that he loved that he loves what you're up against the Red Sea and there's nothing you can do will see what happens. Either way, you still God.

He is on his throne.

He can be trusted.

But we need to be calling out to him with a humble and repentant heart and asking God what would you have me to do and would you please have mercy on us, and he can do that. Curtis are you still doing some meetings in churches are public meetings. I know your trying to focus a little bit more online and that's a little less wear and tear through agenda and all, but are you still doing some travel and ministering in various venues. Just when were available to there's different conferences were still doing so that with agenda weekly.

Try to have influence from home to arm our side with the truth of this is what's going on and this is what you can do but just when we have opportunities we try to do that as well that this election wasn't a total shock to you. What happened is a part of their agenda. This couldn't be a total surprise note, even on my agenda weekly podcast the week before the light. Yes I said exactly what it happened like a valuable profit. I've just been watching things ago on isotope is going to win in a landslide.

Unless there is fraud and we know there's going to be fraud because for four years they been trying to get him out of office the day he was elected and so we know they're not going away. Ever there is this battle for keeps. They want to take this country down and it will not stop until they have straight units so it doesn't surprise me at all. What surprises me is that we were able to identify enough of it worried might actually have a case to overturn them like the grade of blessing ever. But know this is who they are when your moral standard is whatever gets me what I want is moral you will do anything that's who were up against. If you don't understand that people listing the Marxist ideology says.

Whatever gets me whatever I want is moral, then you don't do anything to win. There's no holds barred.

There's only all you kids and Henry and that's what were up against. And that's why we have to stand now more than ever because this enemy is the face of evil sucks.

If you want to better understand this, and agenda DVD twin pack that we carry olive trees.

He is down or give my office a call only have so the time. Not because I'm peddling the product all the time but because those again and pass it on to hundreds and hundreds of others because it's so informative about this agenda that's been going on for 100 years, sort of culminating here in the month of November, at least in America, and again agenda for five dollars a month you can be updated on a regular basis by Curtis Bowers Curtis thank you for all your doing.

I am out of time.

I want to go out of the program here saying just a paragraph because we can talk about government and frankly I have here for weeks about government that doesn't work very well. There is coming an event that is going to lead to perfect government believers have a blessed hope, that would be the rapture of the church. What follows that will be a terrible seven year tribulation on earth from which the church is absent, and that is followed by perfect government for the government will be upon his shoulders. Jesus Christ will rule from Jerusalem for one thousand years. This is known as the millennium and finally government will alert and evildoers will be crushed folks on it.

Thank you for listening and we will talk to you next week by and watch our programming in its video form on our website.

Olive trees under radio also watch it on our YouTube channel and on his channel Christian television, you encourage us when you write a store website. Olive trees that's all of three follow simple time at 763-559-4444 763-559-4444 get our mail when you write to John Martel and Olive tree ministries. Box 1452, Road, MN 55311, Box 1452, Grove, MN 55311. All gifts are tax-deductible number that nothing touches God by surprise. He has engraved you on the palm of his hands. Everything is falling into place