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Praying Through a Crisis

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD
The Cross Radio
April 3, 2022 8:00 am

Praying Through a Crisis

The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans, PhD

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April 3, 2022 8:00 am

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If you got to see Dr. Tony Evans shows your faith is gross action, whether or not your emotion.

This is the alternative doctor told the other author, speaker, she knew, pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas and president of the alternative when were facing a crisis big or small. We have two choices. Listen to her feelings or listen to our faith today. Dr. Evans takes us to John chapter 11 as he explains our choice affects how we pray and how God answers is we know the story. He's sick unto death, because it would only be a few days later he would back so it is not just sick, he seriously sick and what ever goal help that Wells was insufficient to resolve the problem of his medical crisis. So what mom and Mary. The sisters of Lazarus is they went to Jesus-based word to Jesus. You and I will call back today.

They prayed that he sent word to Jesus. Jesus, our family member has a crisis is a life-and-death crisis in which you to resolve the crisis with all it does. Three. Some of my friend request.

The one whom you love is sick with told in verse five now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. But I got a problem. The problem is verse six, when he heard he was sick, he stayed two days longer in the place where one, Jesus, I just told you my brother is sick you not going area has God ever delay you when you have a crisis you need it right now. Anyhow I get back for two more days did not move them like you meet in the move.

One of the move feelings should move cry from the boat is not moving after days. Jesus tells his disciples must go guys. Then he says something else new term for Christians verse 11 he said to them, our friend, remember that this is as close to Jesus, our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go so that I may awake him out of his sleep. What I'm talking about death metal, death, call it sleeping with me about people would die and come back to life.

Sleep. He says I will come to awaken, work, sleep is only used of Christians in the Bible whether God bring you back in this life will take you to the next life you only transferring consciousness you're not losing existence and you transferring that consciousness in the will of God's new terminology.

But here's what messes me up committing what messes me up.

One thing messed me up in today's Jesus. Second thing messed me up is 2 miles to close. But the next thing that messes me up in verse 15 and I am glad for your sakes that I was not, it will be happy about this as I am glad I wasn't there. Even though you called on me needed me. Wanted me.

I was close I delay.

And now he's gone, the sleep we would say dive and I'm glad I would be glad when I say how can you be glad when I met, how can you be happy this went with sorrowing wrist struggling with women. Women crisis. She goes on to say in verse 22 now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you well. I don't want to miss this Jesus verse 21 of her because I needed you when you didn't call but however in spite of my pain. I know my beliefs and if you call on the father now that this situation is, he will still honor your request, so she marries once this she marries her emotions with her theology to a lot of folk on the charge for emotions that want to clap in one scene, they want to shout, they want the emotion. And that's okay. The problem with the motion is that they are fluid up today down the bar in between them that you seek sleep so you want to always have a theological and doctrinal foundation. When you are bolting over your circumstances. She is emoting about her pain but retreating to her theology.

That's why you need to learn doctrine.

That's why you need to learn theology now back to them. Theology will always make you shout, but is like the special diet and ate the kind of stuff that you that you like to run again is raw is wrong, but they said this raw stuff that may not have all the frills to it. This raw stuff is necessary to ground you in your situation. The purpose of doctrine is to ground you know sugar absolutely no sugar question some sweet sugar sugar mixture feels so good it makes you feel so right. But no matter how it makes you free. You gotta get some real substance to deal with the crisis, medical, charge for children sugar high feel good. Nothing wrong with that but it will only get you shook you're not getting substance. When the sugar dies out you don't have anything the restaurant. She says right now I'm disappointed I know what I believe and I'm going to appeal to what I believe. In spite of, you need to learn some theology and doctrine that will ground you with emotions doing this with you in a crisis is with emotions. Second, watches, Jesus says to her, your brother will rise again.

She says it is as yet no other theology with eschatology class on the last day he will rise about Jesus hits her with another theology cannot theology the want ground. He says I am the resurrection and the life believes in me will live, even if you got Jesus changes the conversation. He says I am present tense, the resurrection. The resurrection is not merely an event. It's also a person on the Emmaus Rd. in Luke 24 the 24th that's I was on the man's throat.

Jesus is that I've been depressed walking. This is a stranger came up to them, but they did not recognize some stranger came up to them as and when he also said they says it is going to have not been around him she was going on. We thought Jesus was don't deliver us recognize Jesus. We thought it was going to the Russian all that in the says a stranger opened up the Bible, Old Testament, and walk them through Moses and the prophets to explain Jesus was Jesus was and what he was supposed to accomplish any walk with them on the Emmaus Road.

Says when they got to their house with the stranger, the stranger did like he would keep going for the stranger Walking could be withdrawn on the road enjoy the Bible study stranger Going but they told the stranger no no no no no that we can stop now you come morning the stranger came in and says the stranger broke bread when he broke the bread of the meal they saw the nail prints in his head and finally they knew it was Jesus giving them the Bible study on the role it says when they saw Jesus, not the Bible study says that Bernard. They were excited over the Bible study, but it says when they saw Jesus, their eyes were open, and now they saw that there really was. If you read the Bible, but you know CJ I say cloud even though you have to Bible study this term goal of your life is through the written word to come into an experience of the Holy Spirit office to every believer who seeks to do that okay test on the resurrection says at the end of verse 26. Do you believe this will be critical. This will change your life.

Do you believe this. She says yes I believe you are the Christ, the son of God comes into the world map. It's Marist or Marinette, the Jesus you to disappointed in the still true sometime just so disappointed with Jesus you don't want to talk to Gary by Ray. You cannot move any came too late yesterday that come think social once on so Jesus calls her Mrs. Mary, come talk to me now been since come. She gets up quickly because he invited her and then she tells him verse 32.

If you would a baby and my brother would not now starting three everybody's cry. We got a weeping time because when you're in pain you going to cry when you have your crisis, it will bring you to tears if it hurts bad enough in your particular situation, but I feel much better in verse 35 assorted verse in the Bible when I read Jesus went one too big to cry so the God Jesus cry. Why because he was chapter 4 verses 14 to 16 says that he sympathizes with them. He comes without pain. I have good news when tears were coming down so the coming down. The Bible says you your pain. He feels what you feel when you're in a crisis. So now Jesus raises the question where they where is a very, so they come to take Jesus the way was bearish and he started up verse 38 says he's deeply moved within his mood that the sin and the pain that the world offers that create sickness in the first place without sin, that would be no sickness without that, not personal sin necessarily been atmospheric since the germs the viruses the bacteria's that infiltrate our body. The toxins, all that is the mental repercussions of synergy was started up at the crisis that they were in and the reasons for it and so he says stay with me about starting on remove the stone. She says let me give you a lesson in mortuary science for this time. No, Jesus, you can go to college. I know you go to medical school so let me give you a little help. Jesus is what Jesus let me bring you into reality for four days and he stinks Jesus said stone. She says that's not reality. So Jesus utters words that I want every one to catch right now, starting with me as I'm preaching to me as I'm preaching to us says to her did not say you okay parents. Parents know what that phrase means you say one thing to your kid comes back what they think and you say you hear what I said I go you will you give me a letter mortuary science talking too much.

I asked you all that is. As you move the stone you make this thing more complicated and instruction into a conversation and one of the reasons why some of our crises on the dress is God gives instructions.

We want to have conversations I told you move the stone you going back to what they taught you in college you going back to what they taught you, you going back to what your friend but my friend said but my girlfriend said but my neighbors say this is what I read in this book, you going back to what you know mom was absolutely correct. She did not have wrong information. When that happened to been dead four days begin mistake that was absolutely correct but had nothing to do with divine revelation. Dr. Evans will come back shortly to wrap up this final lesson from a series igniting kingdom. Prayer over the last couple of weeks, we've learned how to pray with the power that can move mountains, solve problems, give relationships and even change God's mind, so now's the time to get a copy of this to volume 12, message audio collection to reviewing your own or to share with your church or small group. Contact us today that yours with our thanks when you make a contribution to help keep the alternative, coming your way on the station make the arrangements. When you visit Tony or reach out to our resource Center for some in person help at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 will get back to her message right after this I'm standing here in Alaska. One of the most glorious places in God's great creation and I want to invite you to join me permit alternative for the Alaskan cruise we're going to have a magnificent time in God's word and in God's creation we going to enjoy great fellowship. Great great and I'm looking forward to meeting you on our QA Alaskan cruise registered.

Can't wait to be with more unforgettable Alaskan cruise, visit Tony today Tony school keep you from experiencing the supernatural. One of the worst things about secular education does not spiritually base it will limit you to secular education, you won't know what the supernatural is because you been tied to your degree because human understanding what the Bible calls human wisdom man's approach may install this church if not life wants to experience the supernatural made following God when it contradicts what you thought including your mom and know that when it contradicts what Jesus said remove the stone and what is said not, I say to you, if you believe you would see the glory of God. In other words, to reduce faith always precedes site once you put site in front of thinkers were from Missouri.

Once you put site in front of faith, dictated faith. Faith is based on what you do not see if you will gotta see if know and how it should demonstrate faith, not by a feeling, but by removing the stone because faith is not a feeling it's an action as represented that faith is acting like God is telling the truth is acting like it is so not so in order that it might be social because God said so.

So you move in faith even when you don't feel it sometimes will be a fish Faith. Although sometimes you will ever feel pinkish, but you can only operating in faith is stone so some of us have situations that have not changed because we still have a conversations and have not touched the stone so they remove the stone Jesus raised his eyes and said father I thank you that you have heard me this theology for a crisis you are talking to God. But here is what you will. You want Jesus talk to God. You got to talk to him first, but what you wanted Jesus to ditto the request then not until it was an act of faith. Jesus says to his father, I thank you that you have heard me oh so you can admit Jesus does not waste words. Not only does he not waste words he does not waste consists of words say I thank you that you hear me. I thank you that you heard me, which means we've already discussed this crisis that led when they pray the first time at the beginning of chapter 11 you and our father had a conversation often very sick brother. They want us to do some damage.

Bob emeritus came to be and then a conversation they want to do some about the problem.*Socialist talk about how we will handle it well. So what we can actually use this crisis as an opportunity for me to have greater glory so son son we don't do as soon as they demonstrate that this thing will not know when you first talk to God a year ago about the problem he and the son have already discussed that they already discussed that the sun is not praying for the implementation until has been demonstrate faith is been demonstrated.

So now Jesus prays I thank you and me. I know that you always hear me because of the people standing around.

I said it so that they might believe that you sent me a clue. Jesus holds off on answering the prayer because he wants to use the crisis to bring a lot of people to salvation.

Now there is a spiritual reason for a crisis delay. In spite of a prayer being pray because there's a bigger kingdom purpose at work just the healing of glasses. If you're in a crisis.

God is not move and operating by faith. All that means is tied to a big point that God wants to accomplish glory occasion of the name of his son, and the advancement of his so you keep praying to a crisis if you do not know you keep Frank so so Jesus prays: intercession Hebrews 724 25 when Jesus intercedes as a counselor, he goes before us, and he delivers us out of a stinking situation because guess what he says in verse 43 that address all that is in conformity just a couple of all the data but you see, this is a personal crisis that you personally about their personal problem because when you want to crisis you need specifics yet blessed everybody and I don't work now know know know know know blessed me, I need you to call mommy address component is what kind he's exiting the two. The man would die came for bound hand and foot with wrappings. His face was wrapped around with a cloth.

Jesus said to them, unbind him and let him go. Lazarus has life but what he didn't have his freedom because he's bound his hands were bound his feet was bound.

He was wrapped like a mummy wrap a moment's wrap all the way to to the 12th so he has life but no liberty this morning was a Christian life.

But not everybody is a Christian liberty, you may be bound by an addiction bound by an emotional struggle bound by health situation something maybe holding even though you have life wants this Jesus gave them life but Jesus did not directly give him the pretty. He said he called them to unloose him and go.

Let me explain some Jesus Christ wants to give every single person eternal life. He offers life through his blood, but he sets folks free through his people, but it doesn't. Through his people. That's why God wants every Christian to be a part of a local church so that you can be unwrapped if you trap. Also, you can unwrap somebody else. If you have been unwrap Joe South. God never meant for you to come once a week to hear somebody preach the Bible alone. Once you part of the family so you can be in the unwrapping and so that you can be helping somebody else somebody helps you because you can bet your bottom dollar if you don't need to be unwrapped now that will be a day when you will need to be unwrapped so you better be investing in the fall through a small group ministries but that ought to be a meaningful connection when we are dealing with the one another's of Scripture where you are engaged in the life of the family of God, because my Jesus gives life uses people felt from that which is holding them hostage he wants is unbound from this habit that habit that's in this circumstance. That's what the church is supposed to be a weekly.

It is a family relationship with the big moves and set free. That's why the book of Matthew chapter 10 said you been 33 somebody else. Galatians chapter 5 verse 13 says through the liberty that you have sent somebody else and if you're not serving others in the family of faith. But you're only coming to serve yourself does not call worship service call worship selfish because in this what you and you will always limit what God does for you if you can't work through you to do it for somebody else. So Dr. Evans will come back in a moment with a final thought about how God's power can be accessed. First, I want to let you know that the popular film journey with Jesus, starring Dr. Evans, Crystal Priscilla and Anthony Evans is now available to stream online for a limited time journey with Jesus previously only shown in theaters was filmed on location in Israel and follows the steps of Jesus through the holy land. Get more information on how you can stream this powerful film. When you visit Tony and don't forget today's the final day of Tony's current igniting kingdom prayer series, which makes it a perfect time to get the complete two-volume collection for yourself, you can receive all 12 full-length messages on CD or digital download. This collection includes quite a bit of material we didn't have time to present on the year and it's yours with our thanks when you make a donation to help continue this listener supported ministry, just request the igniting kingdom prayer series when you call 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 or visit Tony or you can also sign up for Tony's free weekly email devotional will next time Dr. Evans will show how the success or failure you experience in this world is determined by what goes on in a different world sure to join him as he begins a powerful teaching series exploring the reality of spiritual warfare. Right now though he's back with a final thought for today. I know that many crisis pray through it, even if it's gotten worse in because I want to let you know right now that God can turn things around is the alternative with Dr. Tony is made possible by the generous contributions listeners like you