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October 20, 2021 8:00 am
Strategically view Dr. Tony Evans is we shortchange the king don't use her skills and talents influence our culture is still celebrating 40 years of faithfulness.
This is the alternative Dr. Tony Evans, author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the alternative, Terry Truman had a well-known sign on his block stops here today in this classic sermon preached nearly 3 decades ago. Dr. Evans contends that Christians need to embrace that same philosophy when it comes to caring for culture says it were not using our abilities to influence society for God.
We are part of the reason it's deteriorating.
Let's join him in the first chapter of Nehemiah.
As he explains just what we can do to bring light into our culture people may Nehemiah sell things can happen, which is the best program. God always looks for the best person because God's method is always a person. Beginning in verse four, these words on a day that I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven. With the collapse of the world that he loved all the people that he was up on top of his community if you will, was so and so they prayed for many days. His response was prayer, his last response.athletes. Not all human ingenuity athletes and human methods. Apnea tried all the thinking with the God first collapsed in your life when you go to God.
The marriage counseling at all exhausted not know that God would not form any day asking if I passing of giving up the craving of the body because you have a greater need of the spirit was this thing is so serious that you're willing to provide support.
You always know mysterious price you're willing to pay for God provided the mechanism of passing to get people the opportunity to let God know how serious things they will give up food even a marriage relationship. Sexual intimacy was reviewed 75 but will get back up a couple together during the time they would normally be together is giving up a passion of the flesh and spirit, so Pratt is his preamble action provides this power action verse five.
Now I say the old Lord God of heaven. The great and awesome God, and lovingkindness will love him and keep his commandments, that most of us will jump this problem on this thing on the character of God. This problem starts off with his God puts no problem at all. Sponsor prayer live off with praying because it is no problem against the side of your God lady once came the G. Campbell Morgan said I only take small things God with the big anything you bring the God of small, it is only the Christian God that has the competence to move against that problem with Karen so awesome God in verse five he talked about his character not only of the great and awesome.
It says that it was lovingkindness and keep his commandments, God is not only somebody's think. Talked about preserving the company relationship that God entered into with his people and people in contact with Megan because of God's grace God's forgiveness and God's strength. When God's people get right with God. They can count on him coming through for them. God's covenants are both conditional and unconditional love.
The word certain things God promises has nothing to do with whether you do right for you. Anyway, for example, one of the great unconditional promises that we have of eternal security.
What you're saying you cannot lose your salvation. Unconditional promise. However, some of the conditional promises have to do without faithfulness or our sowing and reaping whatever man so that what you read all the conditions on how you sell and how you read for you to experience the provision of God supply and so he makes a clear statement but God is faithful to those who are serving him with the worship of God and start with the greatness of God. We were on vacation some years ago we all drove up and went to the Grand Canyon. I'm not sure why anybody goes to the Grand Canyon. But I've never been to the Grand Canyon and I heard about this holy ground about the so we went to the Grand Canyon. But I made a great mistake, that is, I forgot to make reservations and if you've ever been to the Grand Canyon. You'll know that the like three or four hotel than everybody else, have the camp.
What we were traveling in the camp but we didn't make a hotel reservation. If you don't get a hotel reservation in the area where the Grand Canyon is left to drive an hour and 1/2 to the nearest town to get reservations. We arrived there at some ungodly hour late at night or early in the morning. We had been driving all day were hot, sweaty and frustrated. We went up and said we would like a room. There were people there and we were told that there were no I do how Jesus felt no room in the I cannot tell you the frustration of being tired and can't find a room to see a hole in the ground so we will have one choice that was to drive it to go back to a town that was nearby which I would go to the restroom of the hotel when it was a restaurant to clean up ourselves and refresh ourselves before we headed the drive and we were sitting around eating just before we drove it when my daughters made an interesting thing that you know dad you have and praying every now and then.
I'm not very spiritual.
This is one of those occasions.
I pray I want to sleep so I said you break such a simple prayer Lord, we know that you're able to give us room and we know but it will give us room because we know you're able. Children sometimes can pray profoundly so she said a man I was thinking now let's get on the road the real world as we believe the product came by and said what you want people asking about. Along with that yes well before you what I just have Alisa, would you still like the wrong I looked up and have a look over my daughter see the great problem for all they can say is so awesome.verse six and nine eyes open assignment which I am praying for the day and night. Lots pray.
How long do you break with some you get a yes that's you really want to say no I didn't say nothing, which means white. God says no you pray, you know you can't say nothing of God.
We arrange things for the proper time to figure pray.
That's why you pray should know, you also. God what you might as well be yes or get you ready for no. Dr. Evans will have more. I'm praying for change when he continues her message just a moment with words cannot express my gratitude to God for his faithfulness and thought it would've taken this urban kid out of Baltimore, Maryland given him the opportunities allowing me to earn a doctorate degree the church ministry that would model what we've been doing nationally through this ministry that he would build up and give us a staff who are committed to getting this out, reaching hundreds of hundreds of thousands of people with the truth of God. All manner of ways to impact individuals and families and churches and even communities with the worldview of the kingdom agenda manifestation of the comprehensive God of every area of life and I'm certainly grateful for all the friends he's given us to keep us being able to get God's truth into a needy world.
I praise God for 40 years of his finger on us, one lasting homework ministry.
The alternative is her commitment to offer resources that help listeners like you grow strong in faith, wisdom, and dedication to God's kingdom. And that's why I want to tell you about our current featured resource Tony Evans top 40, a collection of the most hard-hitting life-changing sermons in his 40 year ministry history. It includes the message your hearing today about praying and waiting for God's timing along with your divine purpose in God's plan. Maximizing your potential so much more. These messages can literally change your life for the life of someone you love. So right now we are offering volumes three and four of this powerful and historic compilation as a thank you gift when you make a contribution to help us keep Toni's teaching on the station please visit Tony
While the special offer is still available. Make your donation and you receive all 20 lessons in volumes three and four of Tony Evans top 40 again that's Tony or call our resource Center at 1-800-800-3222 were friendly team members are ready to assist you with your request.
24 seven repeater contact information after part two of today's lesson coming up right after this we had talked about the resurrection. Dr. Tony recalls what happens when he led a group of first-timers on a trip to the holy people began to understand fresh fiction. That's one of things that I think comes out of going Christian counseling so that things got stale as a way of injecting light yellow experience. Now you can have that experience yourself. Thanks to Tony's new movie coming out this November journey with Jesus. What I'm hoping is that this experience and I will be there with you there with me. November near you have to get sometimes more.
Tony session of Israel's real sin against me.
Soon we have not commanded the statute on the ordinances, which is a man by servant mode Terry ration in your personal life, family life or societal life can be traced back to soon trace lines in terms of economics and social determination and racial strife said culture is tied to the fullness of God's people because people remember salt and light.
You are the salt of the world. We are here to sustain culture, but we had to decline of cultural influence of righteousness Christian politicians the Christian lawyers and Christian document Christian accountants and Christian everything else so that there will be a goodbye righteous presence in the culture says in verse eight. Remember the word which thou this command by servant mode Nehemiah for lot you remembered your word about cursing you member that welcomed Winamac's daughter told him against me. If you leave me my love I am going to judge you know you remember that we remember your word. Verse eight people on the part of me and you would make its you and will bring them when I chosen because my name well what I like this about what mess you have great no matter how far you go. I got good news for you, like the doctor came interesting about this just for whistling so long we Benedict Wanda that remember the word remember that with time and all I will gather you, I will turn the circumstances, just as God remembers his word for judgment. He also remember the word publicity but it's conditions. He says on your decision to be faithful.
Remember, you were with me that me with hope for the worst situation I can't put in Malachi chapter 3 and forgotten daughter were robbing God no, I can't stop and God said that he was sitting in the look of the crop. If they would remember the Lord. He would turn cultural situation only around. Remember that word no matter how bad things get God's word continues. Now verse 10 and they are thy servants, and by people about its redeemed by thy great power, and by thy strong saying we are your people God obligates himself to his people. God is not obligated to the non-Christian world, God obligated to the Christian world is what the Christian world can get things done for the non-Christian world because we are the one to whom God is obligated to last verse would have a lot in it, we summarize it for you. Verse 11, I beseech the main prayer of thy servant and the prayer of thy servants liked Arabia worship, but I have a small group. This group must not accept as your representative to review thy name and the day and grant him compassion before this man now I was a cupbearer to the king. Nehemiah asked God to give him success now saw the significance of its position. A fundamental flaw that had encapsulated the Christian church. Many of us have separated back that we worship God from the skills that you give enough that many of us already utilizing employment. He said I was a cupbearer for the king, let me he had not made the correlation before between being a cupbearer and the plight of Jerusalem and the most efficient possible workbook on you strategically do make a difference for his glory. All you see a skillet.
I do this to make bearing that is one of the things we need to learn to rebuild our community scale, sacred purposes of the Bible linking the connection here that God would use a skill that he had in a position once a month. Mary was more proficient. Dr. Tony Evans with an important and timeless message, and how God is ready to use you for the advancement of his kingdom where ever you are in life. You know the lesson you been hearing today as part of Tony special audio compilation called Tony Evans top 40, there's plenty of bonus content in this collection, including entire messages we won't have time to present on the air right now will send you volumes three and four of this four volume set is our gift when you make a contribution to help us keep Toni's teaching on the station.
This is a limited time offer. So I encourage you to take advantage of it right away. You can make the arrangements or let one of our team members help you when you call 1-800-800-3222 anytime of the day or night. That's 1-800-800-3222. It's easy to proclaim.
Praise God when we see his hand at work and everything's going well.
But how do we respond in the quiet times when the miraculous is in front and center. Not much seems to be happening.
Besides everyday, ordinary, day-to-day life will tomorrow. Dr. Evans addresses this as we turn back the hands of time and present a powerful message preached during the era of bellbottoms disco and vinyl albums. I hope you'll join us for this classic, yet ever relevant message from 40 years of ministry, the alternative with Dr. Tony celebrating 40 years of faithfulness, thanks to the generous contributions listeners like you