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July 16, 2021 8:00 am
Says Dr. Tonio says there's a reason the Lord wants us to get your future is now celebrating faithfulness. This is the alternative Dr. Tony Abbott, author, speaker, senior pastor of Oakland Bible Fellowship Dallas, Texas, president of the urban alternative. It's common practice for movies and TV series visual previews of coming attractions.
God is done the same for us in the Bible, giving us a taste of what's coming in the time between now and eternity today. Dr. Evans talks about humankind's longing for a perfect world and what's kept us from living there. So far, let's join him in the book of Revelation as he begins the dream of utopia is called sin or somebody else's that affects you and the environment that is been cursed by sin.
Sin has disrupted the possibility of utopia, nice however there is coming a time when there will be utopia. Time is coming in history before we ever get to eternity and we call it the millennium rule of Jesus Christ. Millennium means a thousand.
So when you talk about the millennium thousand year period of time. Let's review Jesus raptures the church seven years of tribulation. Jesus comes back to set up his millennial kingdom.
You about paradise not happened yet. I'm talking about history, the thousand year rule of Jesus Christ. There are two reasons why this will be paradise while at this moment Jesus will be willing front rows along the capital of the whole earth will be if the conflict today. It will be the Jesus Christ, the Bible says will rule with a rod of iron and other words that will be allowed to be no rebellion. You and I based on our reward will be the people who he live to make sure all is exactly as he went to the beach and nobody will be due glorified, so you'll have to learn about rebellion against you, because nobody can overcome. One reason is that Jesus will rule through the St. W.
World Jerusalem. When he returns reason why this will be paradise. Satan will be bound so that he no longer able to deceive the nations but that is going to be wedding. Look at chapter 19 verses 7 to 10, let us rejoice and be glad and give glory to him for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready. It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me right. Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me, these are true words of God.
Then I fell at his feet to worship him.
But he said to me that I am a fellow servant of yours and your brother will hold the testimony of Jesus wasn't God for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. That's the party that's the marriage supper of the Lamb, which is rain Jesus Christ. Now what will this kingdom look like.
What will this earthly rule before we get to the eternal. What would this look like now there is so much of the Bible in this so much of prophecy. We could not possibly go over it all would be here all day because Obama has a lot to think about the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. So let me just show you from the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah what some of the ingredients of this rule is will look at three passages in Isaiah will start with Isaiah chapter 2 verses two and three will read from beginning of chapter the word which Isaiah the son of a buzz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem not it will come about that in the last days the mountain of the lower house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains and will be raised above the hills and all the nations will stream to it.
And many peoples will come and say, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the Lord God of Jacob that he may teach us concerning his ways and that we may walk in his class for the law will go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. So is going to be the center place is called the mountain of the Lord, where God will send forth his law so nation on earth will function on the God one Constitution but not for the country the Constitution for the whole and the whole matter where you have to conform to God's law job based on what rewards we receive will be to oversee the mentation actualization and application of God's rule from Jerusalem which is just the whole world let's go to chapter 11 of Isaiah, then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, that's Jesus. Jesse was David's father. Jesus comes through that Davidic line and a branch from the root will bear fruit. Let's go down to verse four but with righteousness he will judge the poor and decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth, and he will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Also, righteousness will be the belt about his loneliness and faithfulness the belt about his waist will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat in the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little boy will lead them. Also the cow and the bear will graze that you will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The nursing child will play by the whole of the cobra, and the weaned child will put his the vipers then they will not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea. Now you can find that the day is Landau.
The Lamb is in the stomach of a nine day. The bank does not know what the cow and the baby can't play with cobra when I get what he saying is God doing this kingdom will be so comprehensive it will be unlike anything you've ever saw, because even animals will not be able to display their nature of sin. Not even animals, not snakes, not not not laugh because it says the knowledge of God is going to rule all the creation notice which is on the passage child because in the natural like people still get married people still having babies because we know yet when not in eternity with you in the millennial kingdom where human beings are still operating in their natural bodies look at one other passage, Isaiah 65. He says beginning in verse 17 behold, I create a new heaven and new earth in the former things will not be remembered or come to my but be glad and rejoice forever in what I create for behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing and her people for gladness. I will also rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in my people will be the sum of the work and there will be no longer be heard in her the voice of weeping over the sound of crying.
No longer will there be an infant who lives but a few days old man who does not live out his days for the youth will die at the age of 100 and the one who does not reach the age of 100 will be thought accursed done something wrong – so so you see different natural bodies because there is no sin. There is no allowance for no sin but notice what he says as he goes on here in chapter 65. He says in verse 21. They will build houses and inhabit them. They will also plan yours and eat from there. Fruit, they will not build and another inhabit taking house from you they will not plant and another eat. For as the lifetime of a tree so Dave of my people be my chosen ones will wear out the work of the hands they will not labor in vain to bear children for calamity.
Children natural bodies, for they are the offspring of those blessed by the Lord and their descendents. It will also come to pass that before they call I will answer and while there still speaking, I will hear the wolf and the lamb will graze together.
The lion will eat straw like the ox and just will be the serpent's food. They will do no evil or harm in all my holy mountain sin paradise.
It says to go to work both jobs that will not labor in the number you will be happy don't work make you want to go to the millennium right now you just tomorrow morning okay right. During this time and very glorified body. So everything about us as a part because God is going to fulfill the man saw him two talks about God was a man so they talked about the room through man. History cannot be completed until with history.
There is a little of God through me. Jesus Christ is glorified, St. anchorman, that is the millennial kingdom. When Dr. Evans returns in a moment, he'll tell us about what happens at the conclusion of the thousand year millennial kingdom stay with us. Words cannot express my gratitude to God for his faithfulness would've thought it would have taken this urban kid out of Baltimore, Maryland given him the opportunities allowing me to earn a doctorate degree the church ministry that would model what we've been doing nationally and internationally through this ministry that he would build up and give us a staff who are committed to getting this out, reaching hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people with the truth of God. All manner of ways to impact individuals and families and churches and even communities with the worldview of the kingdom agenda manifestation of the comprehensive God of every area of life and I'm certainly grateful for all the friends he's given us to keep us being able to get God's truth into a needy world. I praise God for 40 years of his fame's, one lasting hallmark ministry here at the alternative is our commitment to offer resources that help listeners like you grow strong in faith, wisdom, and dedication to God's kingdom.
And that's why I want to tell you about our current featured resource. Tony's powerful book prayers for victory in spiritual warfare you know we are helpless to defeat the devil on her own. But God has done it for us and equip us to win every battle along the way. In this book Tony teaches you how to pray your way to victory when Satan attacks you through relationship problems, drug and alcohol struggles, financial hardships, sinful impulses and much more will send you a copy of prayers for victory in spiritual warfare is a way of saying thanks when you make a contribution to help support Tony's work here in the air, and around the world. You get a brand-new luxury addition with a special cover that looks and feels like leather along with another bonus all 12 lessons in Tony's current two-volume series, prophecy, and our world. Get before this limited time offer runs out.
That's Tony or call 1-800-800-3222 of her contact information for you again a little later.
Right now, here's Dr. Evans with more of our message. Revelation 20% interest. It says when the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive the nation which all are in the four corners of the because while there will be no evil in the millennium allowed to express itself. There will be evil in the hearts you may be saying okay I got this. What does this matter to me. I hope everyone in here has some level of retirement program I try to tell of all my kids start saving in your 20s. If you could you put away hundred dollars a month from $10-$65 million public build up now for retirement. Net if you 45 and you haven't started yet you behind the April but that all hope is not lost badly to come at the for service and she said I'm 55 is all hope lost for me for the millennium. I said it depends on how much you put away cacique if you put away enough you can make up for some of the years you didn't do anything so the further you are in life.
The more you need to put away. So when your spiritual retirement plan to, and we stand before the Lord, you want to be 65 and only make up a 66 before you stop because that was no looking toward the future. The whole point of God telling us prophecy is wise to live.
Now, in light of in light of the eternal future that we have to make decisions in light of what the Bible says that everyone will stand before the Lord, and you must you must give an account you will have a choice.
You don't get to say you will be lost into his presence to give an account for your appreciation of the free gift of salvation, which he will never take away the free gift of salvation, but he will take away rewards. The Bible says the pain you feel when he takes away your reward. He describes it as weeping and gnashing of teeth. That means profound regret that I have no time for the Lord. I had no interest in the Lord accepted and maybe when I was a child, but I have anything to do with the Lord and not with the church but but I never want anybody to Christ back. I'm happy to share Christ.
You know what a shame to talk about anything else but I was ashamed to talk about how the little now and then I did. But my life was not live for the Lord. It was my Savior but I would not following the that will be examined at the judgment seat of Christ principle good news.
We do some good disciples that teach us how to pray our father who art in heaven how did I name the kingdom okay and then he said I kingdom come by will be done on earth as it is in heaven, but he told in the pray that now so let me give you some news. God wants to give you some level of kingdom experience before he brings in his kingdom worldwide.
He wants to give you a taste taste. You can get all the kingdom because right now is too much sinister months in our lives in a world but he says I want to give you a taste of the kingdom.
The Bible says that God has given us the Holy Spirit to give us a place of the kingdom why women in a taste test right you give thanks to the peace cake tasted some you know what I give you taste tests so that you want more to give you a taste you go to market you go to the grocery store and I got the little thing that you can make a whole meal at a taste stay there long enough to hold me a lot of tasting so it gives you think he wants to give you kingdom tasting so that you get every man a little taste of the kingdom that is to come, so that you will want to be as fully a part of it so you won't want to miss saline devotees kingdom. Claimant is only one way you'll get to take a taste test and that is you, not living for the kingdom. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. You must live for the will of God in order to taste the kingdom of God, not living for the will of God. God not let you take something that you have no interest in my meal never taste test will never taste like I'm not interested in living God. Children not interested in the kingdom so they don't take kingdom taste test the will of God, and wonder why they're not getting the benefit of the kingdom, at least on the types level when I convicted BIOS and were in pursuit of our sin. When not working against it. Even though we fail sometimes because of that, because of little interest in the we don't get taste test from the kingdom of God which he told us to pray for now with this media taste and that the Lord is right now.
What is an let you go. When a company making this the kingdom of your case. Now all but I gotta conclude with the rest of the story because this and in this life. Some of the tasting comes through the crucible of suffering. The Bible says all those who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. All the time. If you're serious Christian, you may get fired from the job because of your faith that maybe happen to you, and I don't stand here and you take the kingdom only made good all the time kingdom Dr. Tony Evans will wrap up today's message with a final note of encouragement returned to just moments stay with us. In the meantime, don't forget about that special offer. I mentioned earlier as a way of saying thanks for your contribution to help us keep Tony's teaching on the station will send you all 12 full-length messages in his current two-volume sermon series prophecy in our world, along with his book prayers for victory in spiritual warfare you get the keepsake addition of this hundred thousand copy bestseller with a special binding looks and feels like leather but only if we hear from you before this special offer runs out to make the arrangements by calling our resource request line there night at 1-800-800-3222 that's 1-800-800-3222 or visit us online at Tony have in stock or many people think that by becoming Christians. We escape judgment on Monday. Dr. Evans will explain that everyone will stand before God will just have very different experiences when we get there right now though he's back with his compelling and encouraging observation when you watch the Super Bowl and the winning team is on the party to celebrate their hugging and crying and rejoicing and grabbing their families close so mom got blood he owns some excellent jerseys all got dirty jerseys and other been through some been through some pain. They been tackle some good stuff but that may have been some fumbles and some may even hurt along the way at the end of the game away. The alternative celebrating 40 years of generous contributions listeners like you