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This Is the Time to Stand Together

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
June 8, 2016 12:30 pm

This Is the Time to Stand Together

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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June 8, 2016 12:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 06/07/16.

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It's true that a whole lot of people love me but whole of people hate me to really take you behind the scenes today on the line of fire stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown hey friends, this is Michael Brown. I am so delighted to be with you had an awesome awesome trip in Italy and got a wonderful day of sightseeing in with our granddaughter cousin so they they were blessed in every way. In Italy the amazing sites to see. But being with the believers the fellowship. The hospitality and just amazing trips are. I'm so thrilled I was able to bring them along in the ministry. What wonderfully as I is a should yesterday so thanks so much for praying sightseeing McRae to help us is concerned about that going well to listen on a serious note about the sightseeing of the Coliseum Coliseum in Rome fabulous structure even with all its its current condition, with all the marble plundered from it, or taken from a to help build some that with Vatican or other things like that.

Of course there was treasure from the temple and in Jerusalem that was funded by the Romans. That was then used. To help build some some of the great structures and in Rome which is just in an Iranian and a pain to think back to as well, but it's going to Coliseum. It's it's amazing but it's very sobering, very sobering. Overheard one tour guide saying to the folks that in the mornings and you get like 80,000 people in their in the mornings they would have the animal versus animal fights and then they would have man versus animal and then around noon. They would have the capital executions. Those guilty of crimes against Rome that would be executed and then they would have the most popular in the afternoon.

The gladiator fights some of the gladiators were super famous in their day.

But did mention at that moment that Christians there were were fed to wild animals and killed in various ways you think of the massive crowds coming and watching that a nothing sport just struck me at it again. The price that was paid for the faith and what is being paid to this moment. Around the world for the faith.

Another reminder to me to stand strong with the, the relatively small white opposition that we experience right now in America all it's real and you'll hear some of the hostility that comes against me on a daily basis so you face that as well but were not being fed to the line so be strong, be courageous, honor the Lord.

This is a great day were he wants to use us and he is moving. Despite some of the obstacles and difficulties when you're around other believers who love the Lord and you see how God is working here at the long term long term fruit of the word. You can only be encouraged right, we've got a bunch of clips to play for you today. Some things are gonna read to you and share with you I think you will be edified and blessed. I'll be taking your calls having some special interviews on the broadcaster tomorrow and thank you for the bottom my heart all you have given and helped us so far. We still have a ways to go to to meet our immediate goals but so many of you have helped us blessed us tremendously. Thank you for your generosity and I know some of you really gave by an act of faith and even gave sacrificially and those that gave and it wasn't a sacrifice of your solidarity means so much that you stand with us and believe in this work, so together we are making a difference here in America around the world. Italy, many nations and among the lost sheep of the house of Israel all. Don't forget if you haven't signed up to join us in Israel trip of a lifetime. February 25 to March 6 go to my website. S. Dr. Brown ASKDR check it out right on the homepage sign up as soon as you can because this will be here before you know it when we were looking forward for months taking Eliana her cousin over to Italy here have been less thyroid. This is done course get the memories for a lifetime, but son of join us and be blessed by the broadcast. Thanks so much for turning in the special series of broadcast regular file. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown and say something Jerusalem world morning.

I will not bow tie bow wasting Jesus Christ about anything one single thing review.

Five Jesus said in the country abolish the Torah building takes the sexual morals of the total higher level of the two Matthew 15. This is all sexual excrement outside of marriage. The file Matthew 19 is his marriage is God intended it was one man and one woman like Mike better Dr. Brown's great academic writer, debater, I know that once somebody Lord God, Christ, Mike earlier this year we did our first ever vision banquet this is Michael Brown I'm delighted to be with you still in Italy and I hope you're being blessed by the special broadcast the special share-athon we could broadcast that we've been airing. We did our first ever vision banquet early this year and I was thrilled. People left excited and and full of faith and full of vision. I was actually surprised at how blessed they were of being there with Esther. To be honest and we hope to bring these to two different major cities we have are great listening audiences across the nation and there were some different voices are gracious enough to introduce us to speak on our behalf. You may have recognized the voice of David Benham the beginning of the Anna brothers may recognize the voice of of Sid Roth Jewish evangelist were ahead of chosen people ministries Mitch Glaser and it's it's a privilege and honor to partner together with them where my dear friends for many years were friends together on Long Island over 30 years ago. John Franco is the lead attorney with the alliance defending freedom from them is the alliance defense fund and we been on the front lines together of these moral and cultural issues standing together for years and I was so blessed when I said hey we would you give a word to our listeners to let them know why it's so important to stand with us out. I was so blessed out when he called in and and wanted to say this to you our listening audience said by get a busy schedule I would make time for you anywhere anyhow because what you are doing is okay is so essential.

I don't want to overstate the case and maybe Baker you know others feel lesser by by you by saying, but Mike I think you are perhaps the leading voice in the country and articulating these issues, particularly on on issues like marriage and some of the aspects about the homosexual agenda that we are saying. What impresses me so much, Mike is not only that you address these issues, but you do so intelligently and compassionately. There is a sense of Christian propriety, your communication style is wonderful but you are addressing issues in a way that prevents the other side from saying all look another hatemonger or something like that you are able to articulate the issue so well met. Quite frankly, you know, we think that what you're doing is so important, I think your your book a queer thing happened to America is perhaps the single most important resource in the country today on marriage. I would just encourage your listeners and look where all typing it are at our home churches were giving to various causes. I think that the support of what you're doing is so important that people need to give sacrificially it is that important. There are just not people speaking on the front lines. The way that you are and I want to say on behalf of ADF and all that's happening here. We so appreciate what we do could not be accomplished. Mike without the work that you're doing. Thanks again Joe for those words of encouragement friends to act on this to stand with us with your one-time gift in it key time in our ministry. I can't tell you how important this time is right now. Give us a call 1-800-278-9978 1-800-278-9978.

You can write, send your gift to PO Box 5546 PO Box 5546 and its Esther to Brown, PO Box 5546, Concorde, NC 28027 or give online Esther to Brown a SK just click on donate my gift for your gift of any size. My gift of appreciation seven secrets of the real Messiah great eye-opening mini book you know God's made meets it to be in the hot seat secular TV you heard at the beginning of the broadcaster clip from what I was on Piers Morgan. This was about two and half years ago been on different shows like this. Over the years.

This particular broadcast.

It was after the Duck Dynasty controversy and statements of full Robertson made about homosexuality and I was invited on the broadcast part of a panel discussion. So let's take you into that show with Piers Morgan on announcing the political correspondent: site is been thought is a lot about hello Michael Brown, the right height of the line of fire.

The author of a queer thing happened to America, welcome to all of you is this thing is as qualified today and is much more than just about Duck Dynasty histology Ben Ferguson because Riley of all people, has to Mike, said Mr. Robison. I believe made a mistake by the condemnation line, and here's why it's not about the Bible believing or not believing the Bible. It's about singling out a group. It could be anyone assigned to the group. Hey you're not worthy in the eyes of the Lord because of who you are.

Mr. O'Reilly. I've never been your biggest fan but I salute you for that because that solely is what this is really about Ben Ferguson.

It's about targeting days in America and saying you are not worthy in the eyes of the Lord. I don't think so on.

If you actually look at what he said in the article in GQ. He also named about 11 other sins that you're selectively deciding to leave out. He was asked what are that water sends in this country and he listed significant ones, including greed, including lying, including stealing and those were in the same list so I think this is an issue of GQ magazine choosing to highlight this one to try to start some massive war over a guy that is not very articulate. He is incredibly blind, but I think the way he said it was. I went white white white white ease, articulate, because actually TMZ on the sermon he made in 2010 in Pennsylvania and a pot about seven.

He says this women with women and men with men, they committed indecent acts of one another they received in themselves the due penalty for their possessions that school of mother and be strife, hatred, insolent, arrogant daughter pages. The hot LaSalle faith without senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil that's what you have 245 years roughly off your forefathers front of the country where you do Pennsylvania just run with them, you gonna die help this guy is just a big it is absolutely clear that he is a bigot and this is the case of him listing 11 sensing gauges happen to be on the list. The centerpiece of the conversation were gay and lesbian people, and then compare them to other things, including based reality and now we read this 2010 serum Intuit and is absolutely disturbing and disgusting that is using Christianity as a as it stands as a pretext for grilling is my he did not equate being gay with beastie reality. He said in that same statement. If you actually read it and stop trying to fabricate. There is a connection he never can tell you that now I said wait a minute reinstatement so they can be absolute clarity.

It seems to me Ava China as a man would be more desirable than a man's penis start with homosexual behavior and more.

From that best reality sleeping around with this woman of that woman and those men is not right. He is condemning the cat what else he's condemning he's condemning a homosexual behavior. Yeah, as as the Lord opens up more doors in his timing. I'm sure will will be doing shows like that more and more disabled. What kind of responses you get from people.

What's it like Michael Abbott. This my Facebook page. You are the perfect example of someone that every race can't wait to see die slow painfully, you're an idiot. I hope you die slowly from pancreatic cancer. Yeah. Then, on our YouTube channel where the Piers Morgan video was posted homepage to right wingnut control freak and then this posted on social media about me crackpot.

Right wing neo-Nazi using the Bible to spread hatred Jesus was about love not hate. And then this one you're quite quite possibly one of the stupidest man on the face of the earth. You are no less dangerous than Hitler. You are a threat to society. Yet friends, this is what comes my way for taking the stance that we take about this. It's people like this so called Dr. what is wrong with the world. People like him need to be bound and tied by their hands and feet beaten repeatedly in the head with their book of fairy tales until they are twitching from never damage the spell of nerve twitching from never damage and bleeding profusely from their ignorant heads. This comes our way on a daily basis. I don't mind it at all on call to it. I pray for those folks. Financial pressure can weigh on the this stuff doesn't land some coffee on the frontlines and issue help with your gifts list that other pressure off so I can concentrate things that God's holy concentrate on together make a difference in literally touching millions of lives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, Brown, perhaps my most valuable treasure. One of them certainly top three or four.

My youngest daughter Dylan when she was praying and seeking God about what she should choose for an educational course in her life after she graduated high school she came to fire school.

She got married her and her husband Joe came Dylan graduated. She's now back with us. She's on fire for the Lord. She's just incredible. What she learned to ride a chance to come down and speak it classes and be involved with the church and and I have to say brothers and sisters. I run a ministry so I know how important resources are and people often ask me who should I contribute to I can say with 100% certainty, and it's great for me to be this focus on the profiting from it so I can I can really go for it is the ministry of Dr. Michael Brown half.

Thank you that was Rev. Pat Mahoney, leader of the Christian Defense coalition on the front lines fearlessly for life in righteousness these decades thank you for the endorsement thanking thank you for entrusting your daughter to a she's doing a great job with her husband also from the school of ministry. I want to take you back into the Piers Morgan broadcast were on the front lines friends. We are making a difference. At first he did express things in a rather crude way. But when she got very upset about quoting from his message in Pennsylvania that was mainly the words of Paul in Romans the first chapter is not bigoted to say that God designed a man to be with a woman is not bigoted to say that sexual acts outside of male-female marriage are prohibited in Scripture we could debate that is a bigoted to say to me what's bigoted that he gets fired like you have reality TV show celebrating polygamy celebrating polyamory celebrating teen sex gay kids losing their virginity as teenagers on glee.

That's fine. That's not a problem that's to be celebrated when he says you know I'm a Bible thumper.

I hold the biblical values. I believe a man was made by God to be with a woman and I hold to these things. How is that bigoted.

How is that based I am is alive from so-called Christian love from cycle Christian I'm a Christian I'm a Catholic and I look at the Bible say parts of it are obviously utterly ridiculous.

There is a part of the Bible that says if you as a woman on the version on your wedding night.

You should be starting today.

Clearly that is not what Mr. Robison is espousing today because he would know that is ridiculous or not some offensive things in the Bible but give us a as a Christian man, can you point to a single public utterance by Jesus Christ the Christ in Christianity about gay people or about a gay lifestyle.

Can you name one single thing on them. Three for your peers number one in Matthew five Jesus said he didn't come to abolish the Torah, but to fulfill.

He takes the sexual morals of the Torah to higher-level number two in Matthew 15. This is all sexual acts committed outside of marriage. The file even being in Matthew 19 he says marriage is God intended it is the union of one man and one woman for life. But Jesus did not address wifebeating or heroin shooting, but we don't use that argument for solace but in point of fact, he is a first century Jew. Of course he reinforce these things and peers that I'd encourage you to re-study what Scripture says we should love our neighbor as ourselves.

But that doesn't mean that we approve everything organic that there there are several problem areas interpretation one lot about how fast one, one that didn't, has absolutely does offer the words in the voice of Jesus and a very expressly does not talk about being dating description excited about marriage is very different than this, that been talking about being gay and inefficiently his marriage is one of her everything is that I can respond to you say if you think he's a confirm of the Old Testament of the Old Testament is far from clear around around gay marriage around the accident, but this are you sure about that if you let me finish. I tell you how. I'm sure about the book of Leviticus. According most medical styles not being gay starts out with them or present was really about being inhospitable to neighbors about prostitution is what many other things is not is 18 scholarship is not human scholarship is my background of a PhD in Semitic labs is 18 is quite explicit for man to lie with the man's contrary to what God intended.]

Disposal system. It's not meant for sexuality, God the son of man to be alone.

That's pretty obvious that's not hateful to say it.

That's obvious. And here's where they are underserved to save it wasn't just what he said about gaze deeply offensive, but I find what he said and many other people do.

I can still understand people say well you know it's my religious belief that have a sex on to the same auditing is a load of absolute slowly the mud nice to reason bigoted but enough of them of the that's fine I find more reprehensible than that was what he said about African-Americans and he said this, I never heard one of them is 20 talk about what he was in the cotton fields. I never heard one of them. One black person say I tell you what dog all white people to work pretty entitlement pretty well set you say was I happy. They were adorably they were happy little Alma singing the blues.

This guy needs to go much 12 years a slave doesn't a mountain on help or just have common sense. I mean, it is exactly if it's an absurd idea that somehow Blacks are complaining that we guide.

It is this ridiculous thing for me this someone is clearly bigoted through clearly doesn't have a sense of history and someone who represents is a mindset that isn't exclusive to him that many people in America who believe this but corporations have a right to say we don't want to stand next to this type of person. This is the right bedbugs at respond directly to what he said about African-Americans image solely you must find that deeply offensive.

Look, I don't think that that's the reality that most people were around. From his perspective. I can't call him a liar if he never hurt someone did they didn't sent him an answer.

Be honest. This guy lives in the back with Jenny very well may believe this is using a lot of the American people about it, but I go back to the core of this ring, I entirely pray to misery not against pretty entitlement pretty entitlement pretty well for you say was I happy happy nobleman singing the blues but once those black people in America got entitlement of wealth that was no registering here." Is that what you actually invented the blues and invented the blues literally as a response to social misery, very social misery, suggesting didn't exist pretty entitlement pretty well for its absolutely ridiculous but here's what's more than just the media has an autograph focusing on this. What's really outrageous is that those comments are not the ones that got him booted off AME Gladden and HRC in these others immediately took exception to the other things so peers if they wanted to discuss this essay while we know his perspective, he considered himself. One of them. He was working with the that's his perspective sounds very odd to me. I agree, I would never say that. But the fact is that's not where the outcry was that shows us the extraordinary bias against Christian holding to a biblical view of arrows that show an example of gay marriage in the Bible is living without limit where all the heterosexual man calling and complaining and say look decent if I sleep around with a limit.

That's like beast Beasley Scally.

Why is it that only 1 Group Responses Particular Way. Why is it that homosexuality can be celebrated on the media, polygamy, polyamory can be celebrated the media and when someone says I take issue with Morley. I believe God is not, it really is a brown nobody nobody is celebrating being gay right we are out of time. If you appreciate what you're doing if you say Mike yesterday man I'm with you I appreciate you stand with us today in a tangible way with a financial gift, 1-800-278-9976 simply to enable us doing here on radio and touch many more 1-800-278-9978 four online ask Click on donate. We got a special book 7 secret to the real Messiah coming your way. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 866342 here again is Dr. Michael Brown fellow from Israel though told me one thing. Thank you for your awesome ministry Joe Brooks about Jewish evangelism. Apologetics maybe use huge impact on our ministry here in Israel, not only Jesus is made and come back, but also you must to young men in Israel a ton multi-doing an amazing job with their ministry taking a lot of the materials in our five volume series answering Jewish objections to Jesus putting out in popular form for Israelis on the special video they they put on special mustaches to honor me as well.

Can I share with you is were bring you these words of encouragement this week with my friend Jonathan Burness had to say you've seen among Jewish voice broadcast I would. I was so blessed by what he shared with our call is just in the last couple of weeks we've known each other about three decades and I have watched you in the last 30 years being raised up by God as a boy that is spoken crew prophetic crew first two are messianic Jewish movement to stay on track challenging Jewish people to believe in their own Scriptures in their own Messiah Yeshua Jesus debating rabbis boldly it in this question of whether Jesus is our promised Messiah. And then also step into this incredible battle for the biblical values of our nation, and I believe God has handpicked you as a revolutionary spiritual revolutionary to raise up an army that in and I believe it's the last date to Mike. That's my personal belief is I look at Scriptures and look at the world around us and I I think there's very few people you have unique calling and voice to stand up for biblical values and to raise up an army that will that will speak for the word of God and I watched it happen like I've seen the fruit and working to continue to support your letter to everyone listening to get behind this ministry and this man in a tangible way. Whatever you can do because it takes money to him, took two trips to the pay for these but these radio bills and other expenses but this is a prophetic voice that God has raised up for this power, so I'm firmly behind you Mike.

I hope others will join the rallying cry and and that support yes thank you Jonathan Burns for sharing that with our listeners and that one word from Dan Juster Dan, a pioneer leader in the messianic Jewish movement, the spiritual father to many in the movement. We've worked together for decades, as well as his work with John Burness for decades and and Dan had this to say to our listening audience that the deeply blessed me as well.

You know I've known you Mike for over 30 years and I do not know anyone who is more biblically based everything that you seek to do and yet you think that biblical basis. You don't have taken on a theoretical basis for developing theology practical feet with and you find yourself on the cutting edge of the most important issues of our day, whether it be replacement theology in Israel apologetics are proving that Jesus Yeshua really is on the five divine son of God arose from the dead. Whether you're dealing with construction of gender distinctions today. The importance of traditional marriage and family value the importance of the compromising from the church cannot call for revival in the holiness of life.

Hyper great issues which are there is nobody dictating although most important point in calling for the Reformation liquor: growth in the church and society. You know where I stand in my relationship with you Mike. I I endorse what you're doing everywhere I go when everybody hears a lot about all right to participate with us. Call now 1-800-278-9978 one 800-2789 and 70 help us meet our goals during insurance on broadcast 1-800-278-9974 website asked. I could run a SKU my thank you gift the gift of any size. Wonderfully, Dominica seven secrets of the real Messiah. And it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown and I am a member of the congregation of the aura around my back.

Michael Gold you actually debate with no I grew up you Jewish Jewish man, I'm conservative in years of my given name is Israel and my whole life trying to find the truth in your videos that help me out a lot. I think that that young man.

Isaac has told us. Now he is a committed believer in Jesus Yeshua the Messiah and that is partly through our YouTube channel.

The videos we have out there debating rabbis and and others we tackle the cultural issues as well that we have this video form. But here's the audio of my interacting with Stephen Colbert, Stephen Colbert very very funny guy will not on Comedy Central for years now, is taken over late night programming for David Letterman and the other day he took issue with the slippery slope argument. It's one that we've made many times that once you redefine marriage.

There really is a slippery slope once you redefine marriage you render it meaningless. So he he mock that idea. In his typical way and he talked about Representative Pete King, who said luck with that. The new redefinition of marriage by the Supreme Court. A man could marry his his lawnmower and of course got a big laugh out of that and then made reference to two Dr. Ben Carson, presidential candidate Ben Carson listen to what Stephen Colbert had to say about Dr. Carson's comments because I Kings out the only one who believes gay marriage is as open the matrimonial floodgates so this former doctor and future former candidate Ben Carson recently warned that same-sex couples are allowed to marry than groups will also want the right to marry.

Yeah, not gay groups. Some other groups want to turn up every year or that crazy other groups pride parade exactly they are part of the gay pride parade. The polyamorous the one you talk about loving relationships with multiple partners and who who's according the Newsweek a few years ago or at least 500,000 families in America. That's a lot of people, and they are saying what about us. How come our relationships are not recognize. How come we can't get the benefits of their there there at the gay pride break and hang out.

What about the polygamists what what about the cast of sister wives the these these photos reality right. A guy with this is multiple wives. They went to the state of Utah and appealed it took issue with some of the laws against polygamy and one of the laws was a ready reversed and no sooner the Supreme Court made its ruling in June 26 and polygamists were going to the court saying what about us.

So those groups are hardly hidden a highly unknown they are out there. All right, Stephen Colbert continues to people who don't want to issue the marriage licenses or bake cakes for gay couples so as to provide party planning Christine King's nightmare marriage scenarios.

I will see a slippery slope to some cash tonight. I'm proud to introduce Stephen Colbert's all-inclusive wedding cake toppers.

Now here's the funny thing about him.

I haven't followed his career that carefully, but on Comedy Central.

The PPP played the fool.

That's the way he he put it. Now he actually speaks to being a devout Catholic, but he played the fool here he was, that the news commentator that that obviously a funny way, was in getting things but his points were were getting across very loudly and clearly, and yet the point that he's mocking with this whole slippery slope that thing is it peeking Steve that the quotes that he's mocking, it's almost like he's now going out of his way to prove the very points he's mocking either a jump in working to go right back to that video that you hearing on audio we are producing high quality videos as you're listening to the radio show you'll hear the audio but then will put this together with high quality video interacting with the TV program with the speaker and they were their own animation and graphics. Check it out, go to our our YouTube channel and asked her to Brown that were click on the YouTube icon and just search for Colbert or just go to Esther to search for Colbert, you'll find it in our degenerative digital library, let's go to the rest of this video, audio, let's see where he goes with his cake toppers for wedding cakes. Lastly, you got the drizzle topper. One man and one woman okay and then you got the non-traditional traditional got got two men and you got you got to one and you've got two women and one man okay he's joking about this, but remember one public opinion poll indicated that just in a few years, American acceptance of polygamy has gone from 7% to 14%. Tell me that's not part of the media influence the same media that was celebrating will and grace. And it's the old days the same media that was celebrating queer eye for the straight Guy as the old days, it is now celebrating big loving sister wives and my five wives.

So he's joking about it but these are real-life issues we happily mention his mom and their desire for polygamy so he goes on and in here's work is really interesting because he's mocking stuff, but he's well enough informed. I'm wondering he's mocking stuff but he knows it actually exists. If he doesn't, will set the record straight. Let's see how you got to man one woman got an all-female throttle and got the classic three women to men where one man is married to the women and the other man is married to the other woman but his wife is also married to one of the other two wives this fall on okay time to time out time. There is Elizabeth Ruppel. Ministers happen more than once, presumably, but this was reported.

A lot of these three women in got what I now pronounce you wife and wife and wife had had his network with three women and their white cows. I think to the dads walk them down the aisle with Rumpole and then then I read about it there. We can have a kid obviously was some outside help and homeschool their kids and then three guys in Thailand has at work I pronounce you husband, husband and husband there there pictures that were put out social media just want one viral and three guys a male throughout the ligase Ruppel Elizabeth Ruppel event.

He joked about this book was two men three women.

Whatever it was like a polyamorous relationship there.

The come you and Chelsea actually already on Showtime, married and dating a reality TV show on polyamorous fees joking about a bit like all yeah right that's good habit. It has already happened in my suspicions be. He knows full well all this has already happened that he's even poking fun while mocking our societies poking fun at reality as well. Well, there's more to come. If Steve Kang and Ben Carson all right and I ready for any eventuality is like Moses and cake toppers for Amanda knows a man and a box turtle all right again very funny in the box turtle one.

He knows full well there was a comment that someone put in the center speech. He never never made a congressional speech about a man could bury box turtle, but that that became a famous quote. No Riley venerated Marriott box turtle wet. Whatever. So the fact is, no yeah I got let's eat woman marries a dog in the then actually had a wedding ceremony that injured woman there's a dog in England wedding ceremony. How about in India woman marries a snake and how about Israel woman married Dolph fan.

I'm not making this up. He's joking about it this this actually happening.

There is still more. Let's go to the Eiffel Tower and Dora the Explorer. How about Erica Eiffel he said with the woman who married the Eiffel tower. There is even a documentary done about her. These people have a fetish towards objects. It's common object that is something like that. Check. She married the Eiffel.

Is that what you and Dora the Explorer in the effort that Erica Eiffel looking a bite. I kid you not. All right little bit more how can I not provide a topper for Steve Kang and his lawnmower all right how about the man who wanted to marry his computer.

This happened within the last year you say he's got a problem. I agree he's got problems, but hey, it's about marrying a woman cannot marry a computer all Stephen Stephen you left one thing out. You forgot about it is happening.

I know at least three cases now of a woman marrying herself woman said should be married by 40 and did work out. She married yourself. Get bridesmaids in the whole back is another woman. She just had with broken relationships was divorced had it with broken relationships that want to depend on someone else to take her out to dinner. Some of us to get a gift she decided to marry herself. The only same word spoken that they were her 11-year-old son's words sad. I love you mom, but you're embarrassing me so Stephen Colbert thank you sir.

Proving our point. Once you redefine marriage render it meaningless. I would back it if you would like to see more videos like that your gift would go a long way in helping us realize they go the put these out a few every single day. Call one 800-278-9978 1-800-278-9978 one time gift for good. Ask Brown ASKR More to come. On the other side of the break the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown and you and I and and got collect gully you become an extremely talented radio show lot and the excitement passion quick anything interview of Eric about it and call it end up grabbing it like a bucket. Yeah, my friend Rabbi truly one of the most fascinating friendships is he's an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, and so poses my faith in Jesus. We're dear friends in your blood brothers and that was a call he made to our broadcast some time back that we replay during the special Sheriff week you know folks have this to say about me because were on the front lines and we were attacked day and night.

This man is an ignorant, hateful and biased racist hypocrite of the highest caliber who should only appeal to those who blindly believe what they're told to elect intelligence to research facts and develop ideas and opinions of their own leading activists said of me. The madman fully understands that he only has to create a hostile climate to inflame the most unstable of his thugs. They will eventually provoke the type of confrontation that this pathological monster deeply desires and how we respond, respond with love, respond with prayers we respond with truth.

A pastor on Long Island, said Mike, I want to do a presentation but can you give me a five minute video for my congregation on historical evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus and because we love the truth. We love to get people to think in research and study. We put the special video together for this pastor play in this church know it's one thing for us as believers to say I know Jesus save me. I know he's real. He lives within my heart, then obviously that's the most powerful thing to experience them for yourself. But what about just from a scholarly viewpoint. What about from the skeptics viewpoint. Can we know if Jesus really existed, it's interesting that Prof. Bart Herman who is a famous agnostic New Testament scholar wrote a book saying yes of course Jesus existed all the evidence is there that he existed in this man is a famous agnostic agreement attacks the New Testament so he saying, of course, the evidence is Jesus existed. So let me lay out a few things as to why was so confident. Historically effort from from a scholarly viewpoint that Jesus lived and died and rose from the dead, the first thing is that the New Testament documents or the the most wonderfully preserved documents from the ancient world. You have things about ancient Roman history and ancient Greek history and the only manuscripts we have are from hundreds and hundreds of years later, and sometimes only a handful with the New Testament.

The earliest manuscripts are within a generation of the death of the. The authors of the New Testament. That's the kind of unprecedented and we have thousands of manuscript copies and even though between them there tiny copyist errors and things like that and you one thing, would spell Mr. MIS TER another MR.the fact is there an essential harmony on all the foundations that's amazing. So it's the best attested book from the ancient world. Not only so, but scholars have seen that the accounts we have in the Gospels are eyewitness accounts and Luke talk to the eyewitnesses and researched and got the information to get things accurate so it's not like say Mohammed hundreds and hundreds of years later, can we get revelation from God and telling us what happened in Jesus day or tell us what happened and Moses that these were the eyewitnesses and there's even something called the criterion of embarrassment.

In other words, if something in the document is embarrassing to the to the hero of the story. You don't expect to see it when you read the ancient accounts of the great heroes of old, the mythological accounts that they don't have the blemishes and the false, and yet these eyewitness accounts tell you all the failings of the disciples. Why would you do that if you're launching a movement talk about all the flaws and felons the disciples when Jesus dies they don't get it. They flee when he rises they they don't believe it initially until I see him. Why put all this in there it's because there accurate accounts of what really happened. Now, as far as outside sources outside sources. Remember, this was not like today didn't have people with cell phones reporting immediately. You have people tweeting stuff out. You have CNN with 20 from these new so the historians wouldn't write about things in their own day. The great historians of old, they would generally wait and then they would look back at the earlier days and write their histories about what happened.

So when we begin to have attestation of Jesus dying for this one called Christ didn't. Some didn't know what to make of the name with him dying and and then reports of his resurrection or his early followers being devoted to him and willing to die for him.

You have the outside sources outside Greek and Roman sources Riemann have outside Jewish sources that attest to Jesus dying even Jewish leadership, giving them over the diet at the time of the Passover. So these are nonbelieving sources.

Some of them hostile, yet they report the same essential truth the foundations of our faith and and not only so the idea that in ancient Rome you would start a new religion where your founder dies a criminal's death. That was a scandal, a scandal of all scandals, then to the Jewish world expecting Messiah who would rule and reign to preach this. These were stumbling blocks you don't invent that and you don't invent a virgin birth. You find me another religion where the founder comes from virgin birth. These things would be scandalous is if you were covering up some kind of immorality.

These not the kind of things and then and then if the whole thing is a myth. You don't die for you, not tortured to death for it because you know the whole thing is a myth. So all of these things are looked at just in an academic serious way so that people see the evidence would say that Jesus existed that he was known for healings and exorcisms that he die, that his followers claimed that he rose from the dead, and none of these things have ever happened in this way with any other religion, especially with eyewitness testimony, then, is the last thing there is the prophetic word. The prophetic word you say Mohammed was born in Bethlehem profit said so, but how do we know what happened. We can argue about that how we know his miraculous birth. We can argue about that.

But the prophets also indicated in the Old Testament that the Messiah would be rejected by his own people, and then would be received by the Gentile world before his own people would receive him back and that he had to come and die before the second Temple was destroyed. So how you plan that out.

How do you make that happen. Second Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. how do you make these things happen and then you get rejected by your own people and accepted by more than 2 billion people around the world.

You can't quite manufacture it all the evidence says with the New Testament tells us really happen. So not only are we sure in our hearts for sure. In our minds also all right that the video is part of our digital library.

It is on our YouTube channel and we have hundreds of equipping videos that we prepared for you and hundreds of articles and thousands of hours of radio broadcasts go to the website asked Dr. Click on the digital library explore what's there you'll be blown away by the material that we've put together to help you serve the Lord more effectively and be a world changer so together were making a difference, but this is a joint effort, none of what we do is independent. We stretch our small staff to the limit to put out the maximum that we can but we can only do it with your help, help amplify my voice to go across the nation around the world even more loudly so I can be your voice. Together we can make a difference in so many millions of lives. But I ask you now stand with us. Your gift will be greatly appreciated. Call 1-800-278-9978 to end the sheriff on the most effective possible way. 1-800-278-9978 go to ask Dr. will send gift the mini book 7 secrets of the real Messiah