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Thoroughly Jewish Thursday Musings

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
October 14, 2016 12:14 am

Thoroughly Jewish Thursday Musings

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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October 14, 2016 12:14 am

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 10/13/16.

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It's thoroughly Jewish Thursday. I wonder which candidate would be a better friend of Israel stage for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience have president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown, I just tweeted this out.

I'm more concerned with America's relationship with Israel for America's sake, then for Israel sake.

Yes, I'm fully aware that America pours in a lot of money to Israel and is is the key nation when it comes to Israel's defense and's defense budget ops Israel defends itself, but the American budget helps it immensely. And I'm aware of America's role in the Security Council in UN often the only one that will veto a resolution condemning Israel when it seems the whole world is rising up against Israel, but ultimately I am more concerned with America's relationship with Israel for America's sake, then for Israel sake 866-34-TRUTH 87884 this is Michael Brown. Welcome to the line of fire 866-34-TRUTH 74. Any Jewish related question of any kind that you have my joy to take your call. You believe that the Jews are controlling the whole world Jewish control the banks and the media that the Rothschilds and illuminati and whoever controlled the world will give you call love to hear your evidence if you got a legitimate question about Israel today or about Jewish interpretation of Scripture. Jewish tradition of the Hebrew language of the particular calls that will have to relate to the presidential elections in any way, or American. Anyway, it is thoroughly Jewish Thursday 866-34-TRUTH 7884 a something outrageous though. I want to bring to your attention immediately. Have you ever seen videos from Prager University Prager University that's that's what it's called.

Without a full-blown University with Dennis Prager, one of the leading Jewish thinkers in America today on time radio host and columnist and author. Now I'm not a believer in Jesus. Of course, just to be clear on that.

Dennis Prager has these terrific videos that could be 5 to 7 minutes long, with many many different guests, some famous some not so well-known and they will talk about history, Middle East conflict, they can talk about contemporary issues like black lives matter have an African-American on discussing those things. Many issues will discuss Islam, etc., and quite remarkably quite remarkably, some of the videos from Prager. You are now listed as restrictive on YouTube a meaning that you have to be at least 18 years old to sign and because there is potential inappropriate and objectionable adult sexual content. You have to keep that away from children. JJ grab clip number 10. This is Ray Brent Raymond Abraham, author of the Al Qaeda reader explaining what radical Islam in Shelton is showing how Muslims and non-Muslims alike can help to defeated clip 10. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the regeneration has been confronted with a lethal threat to freedom and fundamental human rights, free people defeated the last two totalitarian threats, fascism and communism.

If we want to preserve freedom.

We non-Muslims and Muslims alike will have to defeat the threat of our time, Islamism okay so here is appealing to both Muslims and non-Muslims calling them to defeat radical Islam.

The most dangerous ideology and that is now under restricted content on YouTube that Nella. I imagine the vast majority of people watching these videos or at least 18 years old, but on what basis is, is being restricted. On what basis it is it is a potentially inappropriate or objectionable adult sexual conduct was nothing sexual but what makes us inappropriate, objectionable, adult content, we come back on the plane. Another clip is even more crazy that this is restricted.

This is all out bias is nothing less than that, due to radical liberal bias. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, the Israel Defense force.

The idea does more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare are those were the words of Col. Richard Kemp. He was the commander of British forces in Afghanistan was in Israel during its war against Hamas in 2014 and analyzes whether Israel's military is ethical, evil, or somewhere in between. This is on Prager University video and it is about Israel, the world's most moral army.

This video has also been put by YouTube on the restricted list. Again, meaning you have to be at least 18 years old. So if if you just happen to not have a YouTube account and you just want to view this you have to doubt Synanon verifies so through some account sign in and verify the released 18 okay and have me 16-year-old interest in this interested in this, unless you get your parents account to watch it, you can watch this again restricted mode. This is this is what is used as the Prager petition on on this says many people enable restricted mode in order to keep inappropriate and objectionable adult sexual content away from the children not to prevent them from watching animated age-appropriate educational videos and there are 21 of the Prager University videos that are now in restricted mode by YouTube are the police racist one a feminist fight for Muslim women. Why did America fight the Korean War, whose more choice Europe a pro-choice Europe or America what ISIS wants wider still Palestinian refugees are one women five rates.

The college Islamic terror what Muslim Americans can do the Bush lie about Iraq who not to vote for men in the power. The visual is America racist. The two clips replayed Israel, the world's most moral army in radical Islam most dangerous ideology. The most important question about abortion why people become Islamic extremists don't judge don't judges judge Blacks don't judge bikes differently. Sorry, I was University diversity scam. He wants you Israel's legal founding Pakistan country and freedom coexist. This is absolute insanity to put these on the restricted list on YouTube and it makes you wonder what was coming next and and YouTube with your own phone by Google right they could just theoretically restrict anything for any reason. And what is said to Fort freedom and free expression and the ability to reach the maximum possible audience. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 I got an important announcement for your and then I want to change subjects, but please listen carefully yesterday during the same hour I spent one hour interviewing Pastor Bill Johnson. We posted on social media source social media reaches close to half million people directly at me this week.

This Facebook has reached over 30 million total.

But in terms of of the direct ones that are following us for probably half million or more. So we posted on on Facebook and Twitter that I be interviewing Pastor Bill Johnson and that if you had a question or concern. If you question things from from Bethel if you question Jesus culture music. If you question anything is associated with the movement that's come out of Bethel.

The revival movement to please call and raise your questions and concerns that interesting. Interestingly, people called in with completely unrelated questions that were for Bill Johnson. They were for me this unrelated doctrinal question so we didn't bring those on on the air and that's which can be every day if if a call is off topic what I could bring them on the air, but nobody called with criticisms and then afterwards I'm seeing on YouTube and Facebook and Twitter is a heretic. I gave you associate with. None of these people call maybe they know about it. One guy so I did know.

Otherwise I would call fun posted. We gave we give advance hours in advance that day so that people could be ready and know they call it.

But here's what I want to do this coming Tuesday. Okay this coming Tuesday which is October 18 the same hour and for a whole hour to just 3 PM Eastern standard Time October 18 Tuesday of this coming week. It's gonna be noncharismatic: day that this is different than cessation is: day where I asked you to prove your point. And and and argue with me debate me as to whether the gifts and power of the Spirit before today. Not asking you to do that love then that a few times and didn't really get any strong calls.

To be honest we got calls but no real strong calls of scriptural arguments, but this is a day for you to call and not to debate, but with honest concerns you have read this.

What about that I can answer for Bill Johnson brothers, but I can answer for myself. Okay, I have great concerns about certain things of sin. The charismatic movement.

A great concerns about certain things. A sinner noncharismatic movement. I myself identifies charismatic or Pentecostal and and part of that for basically 45 years that the better part of 45 years with with one short stint accepting that the that's what I am because the word and confirmed by my experience, but either way because the word unless this may not agree with everything that's them in the name of the charismatic Pentecostal movement. So this mark on your calendar.

Okay again that's going to be Tuesday, October 18 between 2 and 3 PM Eastern standard Time right here on the line of fire, noncharismatic: day I would welcome your calls with your honest concerns is not the day to go ballistic attacking and a nasty spirit is unless your fight should right here to help.

Throughout truth from error, think through together with you what Scripture says and what guidelines we have for judging and discerning so hopefully it's enough advance notice that you be able to call in. I don't know that I'm gonna be able to respond to questions on social media depends on how many calls we get that day that I want to give you a heads up on that. Okay the candidates. The candidates where do they stand on Israel who would be a better friend of Israel. I will repeat what I tweeted out right before literally seconds before the broadcast began candidly I'm more concerned about America's relationship with Israel for America's sake, than for Israel sick. Yes, I am one of those who believes that God does judge nations based on how they treat Israel and the Jewish people, not because of Israel's righteousness, not because of Israel's goodness, but because of God's eternal promises and purposes now let me be clear on this. I don't believe that God, who is a God of justice will bless unfair positive treatment of Jewish people. In other words, I'm not saying that if God for bid Israel was guilty of some horrific atrocity in dealing with innocent Palestinians and a thousand innocent Palestinian lives were taken willfully and without excuse by by the Israelis that the right thing to do is disable we stand with Israel. Either way, because we don't want to curse Israel gobbled process known, that would mean that that God is blessing injustice and that God is blessing those who stand with injustice and it's not what a true friend does either. But it means that we recognize that God is brought the Jewish people back to the land. We realize that it is Satan who wants to destroy and wipe the Jewish people out and remove them from the land and it's Satan who ultimately wants to keep Jerusalem out of Jewish hands and that, in recognition of this all-out battle and assault we stand with Israel and when Israel does wrong by standing with Israel. We call it Israel to do what is right by standing with Israel. We also stand with Palestinians and others in the Middle East for what is best and for God's blessing, but we recognize again the God who scattered the Jewish people is the God who re-gather the Jewish people. The God who scattered Israel of the land is the God who brought them back to the land. Now more than 6 million strong. Obviously, a significant number because of Jewish history and the slaughter of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. We recognize that there is a supernatural hatred towards Israel that there is a supernatural hatred against Israel that it is Satan who ultimately wants to wipe out the Jewish people.

And when we see this supernatural hatred we stand against it and we don't give into it so ultimately when I look at America stand with Israel. Yes I know I recognize I understand that America does help Israel and that America on a major level is Israel's best ally and of course Israel's.

America's best ally in the Middle East, but ultimately, in my humble point of view. I do believe that America's fate hangs in the balance. More as to how he treats Israel. Then Israel's fate hangs in the balance to how America treats her 866-34-TRUTH will be right back here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown to much for joining us on one before you be my thoughts about the candidates and we had on a few other things. Yet just the candidates in terms of Israel were not talking politics. Anything beyond that one player previous interview recorded earlier this week from Iraq from northern Iraq, Kurdistan with Dalton Thomas. He and his family, wife and four kids are serving their and he is the producer of the brand-new movie city of the great King which focuses on Jerusalem and the controversy surrounding Jerusalem.

It's part of a special resource offered this week JJ.

Let's grab the clip number 14 this is my entry from earlier this week with Dalton Thomas about Jerusalem and about this brand-new video. Hopefully this issue Jerusalem people begin to see it not as a land dispute, issue or an issue of national borders and territories are modern, contemporary geopolitics, but they begin to think of it in terms of Christology in the person and work of Jesus who is the what is he like what he care about what doing because to me those are the questions we need to be asking when you get answers to those questions. You see Jerusalem very differently than you do. If you're in one of the two dominant narratives of either replacement theology or nationalistic dynamism that marginalized gospel. So for Dawn Thomas this is this is a message about Jesus. This has to do with Jesus that were talked about Jerusalem because it has to do with the Messiah and his purposes and his heart is and in notice he speaks about the two extremes. The one side and nationalistic designers.

And that's just pro-Israel pro-Israel pro-Israel, almost blindly so as if Israel could do no wrong. Ever the other side replacement theology. This is the modern state of Israel is unrelated to the purposes of God in the promises of God.

So Dalton doesn't hold to either of those. I'm on this new DVD when you order this week and again this helps us do these radio broadcasts with Lisa to get his team. We discussed what resources would be best, and in the best price we can get them to you and discount everything for to be a blessing to you is your being a blessing to us, and most importantly begin a great material. You get the DVD city of the great King even downloaded the get my very important lecture on Israel today is Israel and evil occupy. We debunk all loss a lot of contemporary mythological propagandistic talking points and then you also get some of the key interviews that we've done this week with guests who also appear on the city of the great King, 8663 for 87884. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have pledged their support of Israel. They have said it clearly during the campaign. There were a couple of Trump quotes that were week when he was on MSNBC. For example, was pressed where he stood on the conflict the Palestinian conflict. He said I don't want to weigh in now.

I want to stay neutral. My people tell me that it's a really really difficult negotiation to make but I want to stay neutral so one side doesn't think I'm free from the other. But a week later at Regent University. He made clear categorically we stand with Israel and's really since it MSNBC interviewing another comment about that time about staying quote neutral which motherland understood the point of knowing come into a negotiation.

Sam 100% on this one side you want to come in and say all right.

Let me moderate the disputed but that that being said his his stance, his statements have been 100% consistently pro-Israel in the positive sense of the word since that and the fact that his daughter is Vaca converted to Judaism to marry her husband and that means the grandkids are considered Jewish and I read that out of chumps, adult kids there either.

All married to Jews or dating Jews, so you're not that you and I can be an anti-Semite, have at your family embracing families the same time so I'll have any concerns about where Trump puts them in Israel. Hillary Clinton has also made plain that Benjamin Netanyahu was a friend and Israel's friend sitting with Israel is very important. My concern is his Democrat and the Democratic Party platform is massively weaker on this score than the Republican platform, and Pres. Obama has been a terrible disappointment in many ways, especially with personal relationship with Netanyahu that most Israelis perceive Obama's being an enemy of Israel. So on that alone. I would have more confidence in Trump than in Hillary, of course, only God knows that's what were dealing with, but will have more confidence in Trump than Hillary. For these reasons, just look at the platforms look at the party platforms because this is what they both say they stand behind 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to John in Shelton, Pennsylvania. Thanks for calling Alana fire: here I just remember this rumor sir, you're on your own radio and we have break self as concise as you can be great. I want Republican debate burger primary normal breathing while in my view rated right to vote right now third world war that will involve Russia, where all both on the Democratic and Republican by human art. Russia human art button click record button and let the end of the at-bat that you would like to develop differently but in Russia at the business partner and in the common reality. But Eric, I will bill the third better become president of the Lord, you haven't back and I think even though I know you don't bump it on like whatever else you want, but develop favorable really, but I think very, very, very, people don't realize the union went on, there were the hand pick agreement between Gorbachev and Reagan saying that NATO would not go beyond the union of Germany. We have reneged on that commitment. Even I would never in writing.

We both ordered netbook and what billing audit area. I think I believe that but by reserve a a a a country bond between I think we've been very belated link to the bathroom. Libya Fairburn Iraq and thereafter the working area but trying to bring the ability and now they're talking about off-site agreement and and just jump in. I apologize but I will that you are enrolled. I won't let you get everything out. I don't think that everything Russia does this for the purpose of stability and I'm sure you do that, they have their motivations but larger points to deal with having Hillary Clinton deal with issues like Libya like a rock as Secretary of State like Iran and how does that impact is important points.thank you for raising it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 66343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown as Israeli Defense force April 22, the height of the fighting-distributing circular, noting its ongoing campaign to clear the city of man's social the restoration of peace and security and good neighborly relations among all the towns in evidence for you again to keep women, children and the elderly from the dangerous places certain this is to the Arab population of five to keep yourselves away from gang braces are still subjected to reaction wish to shed innocent blood of the city's peaceloving inhabitants together with brand-new movie city of the great King focused on Jerusalem and then some of the highlighted interviews we did about that new movie this week so to find out more as many copies as you like, go to the line of I'm joined in studio with a dear friend who has sometimes hosted this very show villagers Thursday, my dear friend and coworker Scott Volk, a Scott Gray tabular broadcasting to be here. Thanks so much for having me out know we've got a tour coming up for second ever tour of Israel together.

How many of you done on your own now say I have led 25.

Can you please that 25 doors you get tired of it. I never get tired of it.

Sometimes my body gets a little weary. Towards the latter part of the doors, but the reason I don't get tired of it is because we see in front of us lives being changed, eyes being open, people falling in love with the Jewish people in the Arab people in the nation of Israel.

I never get tired of that. This we've got our next Toronto. I don't know if we have room left for anyone but but find out go to the line of and find out about this retort right in the homepage. There may still be time for you to get in its February 25 to March 6, but Scott when you do the tour. It's not about a Palestinian bashing tour.

It's it's a tour that's that's fair that's compassionate and that sometimes we even meet with with our believers on the on the tour as well. But many people come over.

They have a misconception that Israel is this terrible oppressive horrific force to try to beat down the Palestinians and keep them down. Why is it that so many eyes and hearts are open when the when they do the store yet one of the things that I like to say is that if you look at Israel through a political lens, you'll end up hating either Arabs or Jews or both. If you look at Israel through a biblical lens, you'll end up loving, both Arabs and Jews and our tour is not a politically-based tour. Obviously, whenever you talk about Israel. The issue of politics comes up, but because what we endeavor to do on our tour is to just approach Israel through a biblical lens, people end up leaving with a greater heart for Israel and a greater heart for the Arab people who live in Israel a greater heart to see Muslims come to Messiah and a greater heart to see Jews come to Messiah.

So I believe if you stick with the Bible and you don't mix politics in the people are gonna walk away saying this was an amazing trip. We love it and we introduce people to Arab leaders in the land who are serving side-by-side with messianic leaders to see the kingdom of God come to the nation of Israel. We have 45 seconds before the break, but you actually married to this concert.yeah I am married to this concept because as I was watching my wife walked down the aisle on one side of the aisle were my unsaved Jewish relatives on the other side were her Arab relatives.

She's full-blooded Arab on full-blooded you. My kids have a little bit of Isaac and the little bit of Ishmael in them. So it's encouraging to me in our household to see the God of Israel, bringing Arab and Jew together.

Why can't he still do that he can do that. That's his heart and that's his desire for Israel that friends that's the gospel that is the gospel we come back when asked specifically about Jerusalem and the new movie the new DVD documentary city of the great King will take your Jewish related calls as well. Here's a number 866 346 866-34-TRUTH 780 over. It's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown is a pastoral crisis. I think that when it comes to the issue of the Davidic kingdom being restored on earth. The Christological gospel theological implications of the issue of Jerusalem. I think present a profound pastoral crisis for the church of the nation's right now. That was the voice of Thomas from the new documentary DVD city of the great King. I'm on my desk at focus on listening to the line of fire in his 30s use, Thursday, 866-348-7884. Sitting with my colleague Scott Volk looking at a report on the Ha'aretz Israeli newspaper, by the way from its left-leaning so so hardly you know, Israel can do no wrong type mentality, UNESCO okay that this is this is the UN okay this is a major UN entity. UNESCO fax motion nullifying Jewish ties to Temple Mount.

Unbelievable. Dear Israeli efforts. No European country back, the motion was describes the Temple Mount is holy to Muslims alone without mentioning the site significance to do so. This is where Jews go and pray every day discomfort around the world to go and pray here. This is the historic site of the temple, the very temple were you sure would've gone and taught and ministered. This is further outrage there. There is no possible historical, cultural, spiritual, even logical basis for this. To me this is just the manifestation of anti-Semitism from her is what he thinks God I cannot believe it when I when I saw that report this morning. I don't know that I've ever seen anything that was more chartering to me because this is the city over which Jesus wept. This is the city over which he believes he is coming back and they're saying that this place where Abraham offered went to offer up his son, the place where the temple was built. The place for the glory of God came has no Jewish connection whatsoever.

It's up to me it's the height of of an anti-Semitic attack.

It's the height of a let's let's get rid of Israel and move on with our lives, kind mentality, and this is when that part of Jerusalem was controlled by Muslims, Jews had no access to was controlled by Jews, Muslims have access to it and and no non-Muslim can come into the Al-Aqsa mosque with the dome of the rock in prayer minutes is was very careful to to protect Muslim sensibilities and in that regard silk silk UNESCO that's United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization outrageously says is only Muslims in connection to going it. Jerusalem that the city twitched of which juice every year next year in Jerusalem, the city where they to which they face when they pray every day and in particular praying daily for the rebuilding of the temple at that very location so Jews have no historic connection to this only Muslims. Absolutely outrageous.

Let's grab a call Scott and bring debate which were mistakes that the cost great art and then will will get back to talking about Jerusalem 866-34-TRUTH of its go to Allen in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Walking to the line of fire] Brown in Connecticut okay well good for today. Brenda regarding Dr. Brown now a contemporary issue over the last decade. Quality of men and women, and I'm a bit perplexed because I'm a speak about procreation, which is mentioned in a bit of 12 and 50 cubic PG rated the Manhattan attempted procreation umbilicus 1515 for 1850, thermally like a queen for one day a woman does not in her normal cycle have a conception on normal. What happens after that. She's unclean for seven days.

I don't understand that knowledge is not on 12 if so, a female child is born is a double heart of uncleanness to a mailer boy.

Why is that different that mean that they're not equal somehow you could you could look at this in the exact opposite way. You could say that there is more extended protection when it comes to a woman that anything that has to do with the woman's uncleanness is is given more time of separation for her.

You could potentially read it like that or are you could read it in and say no it it is unequal. Certain aspects of of of a woman's a woman's monthly cycle and things like that obviously are things that don't pertain to a man, and therefore the woman needs special consideration which may not be aware of Allen is is that in Judaism women are not responsible to keep all of the 613 commandments because some of them are specifically time related and it's understood that a woman might not be able to keep them because of what's going on in her life with rich nursing a child, whether it's monthly cycle whether it some other thing in her life that life would require of her.

So in that sense there is a special leniency as far as equality, though it doesn't mean that there is the exact same role for each. But it means that each are of equal value in God's sight. Each are of equal importance in God's sight and normally you will see where Judaism goes even though women in Judaism have a more restricted role in traditional Judaism that is minimum and pray separately and in manner the religious leaders in the community of the separate prayer, so that there's no distraction. Men are not hearing a woman's voice or checking out a woman. While this must be concentrating on God. So it is deftly patriarchal in terms of leadership, but the esteem the law of the honor towards women in Judaism is certainly very high and significantly it's it's a country like Israel that has a female prime minister long before many other nations have had a senior leader that was female in a country like Israel. There is tremendous equality between men and women, and in fact so that many find objectionable. Women are also required to serve in Israeli army, except women served two years men three. Does that mean it; that respect or is it just more consideration for a man's role in society woman's role in society how it works out exactly why Allen it's it's twice the length of uncleanness, info for females. More versus a male, I've never actually studied at any depth. I I will give it some consideration. If I come up with anything that's worthwhile to share before the show was out during a break. I share with you but look at different roles look at protection of women during certain times of the month of the woman's experience carrying a baby is different than a man's woman's experience having a baby caring for baby is different than a man's. And therefore this all built in two Israelite law. Certainly patriarchal society, but certainly one that esteem went by the way I need and ask this, but even the law that if a man rapes a woman that he is required to marry her and never divorce her all the days of his life. Unless the father says know what I can do that which cases a monetary fine. That's not to hurt the woman that's to help the woman and protect the woman there cultures in which that exists to this day you say why because once the woman is raped.

She's considered defiled and other men would not want to have her in this way this man is required to have her and care for her properly and marry her and never divorce is actually to protect her.

Seems odd in our culture, but Allen thank you for an important question. I appreciate it so Scott, when you're in Israel and you're doing these tours. How is it that the Bible comes alive and you're not actually seeing the Bible, reenacted, and yet suddenly the violence comes alive for everybody. Yet when you're sitting on the Mount of olives looking at the Eastern gate and the city of Jerusalem and the walls of that city in your reading excuse me your reading about Messiah returning and placing his feet on the Mount of olives. It's almost as if you sense this is where it's going to happen or if you're riding on the Sea of Galilee and you simply open the Gospels and you see all of the miracles that transpired in this small little square mile or square few miles of earth.

You recognize, here we are right where Jesus was, or how about when you're standing on the southern steps of of of the temple where Jesus himself. We know he would've walked up those very steps I take what bro we were you and I were together and in London, England.

We were in Buckingham palace.

I remember walking down the hallway where earthly kings walk and that was Tim Prince Charles told us he played soccer with a prince handrail Israelite soccer was Prince Charles right there in that hallway. I mean I felt like I was what I was walking on holy ground. But I don't know that I ever walked on on ground where where earthly kings walked but I'm telling you what that paled in comparison to when we can standard places and look at places that Jesus stood in and looked at. That's why the Bible comes like I'll never read via the sermon on the Mount, the same having been right in that very place where the sermon itself was given yet when your your standing there in the what was in the outskirts of the temple and the steps in and you look down his neck to his place for baptism, immersion, and this could have been one of the places right there right there where Peter and the and the apostles were immersing people shovel look to Pentecostal direct that you file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown Jerusalem oh