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Developing a Culture of Life

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
November 29, 2017 4:30 pm

Developing a Culture of Life

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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November 29, 2017 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 11/29/17.

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How do we respond to the news of now, the fall of Matt Lauer and how can we develop a true pro-life mentality stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. It was headline news today. This is what you basically woke up with this morning.

New York Times headlines NBC fires Matt Lauer over sexual misconduct allegations while I'm in one minute.

It's NBC's Matt Lauer and then at CBS's Charlie Rose of looking at a list your NPR is Michael Maresca's Amazon's Roy Price, New York Times, Glenn's Russian and Hollywood from Harvey Weinstein to to Kevin Spacey to Louis CK and others now in Congress. Is it Al Franken John Conyers whose next. How do we respond well here's how Pres. Trump responded. He tweeted this out while Matt Lauer was just fine for NBC for quote inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. But when will the top executives in NBC and Comcast be fired for putting out so much fake news, check out Andy lacks past and then right after that he tweeted a follow-up message in it was this so so now that not Lauer's gone mobile. The fake news practitioners in NBC be terminated the contract to Phil Griffin and will they terminate low ratings.

Joe Scarborough based on the unsolved mystery that Took Pl. in Florida years ago. Investigate now I understand that Pres. Trump really sees the liberal media as his enemy, and for good reason. The reporting against him has been overwhelmingly negative and his many mistakes is he's made. The media has piled on, and eggs and and add it to it and it's been ugly in its report understand that but this is not the time to gloat with all respect to the office of the president when you have glass houses in your own past due.

Just it will investigate the glass houses and other people's past. I don't think that's the right way to respond. That's why I tweeted that I don't recommend gloating with when some you don't like falls was exposed many to grieve over their loss and take stock of the cost of sin better stay low and search her own hearth and to mock someone else's disgrace and then author Prof. editor Jay Richards edit in response and never ever take pleasure in the destruction of of anyone's marriage.

Pray for them.

If you really don't like them pray even more for them and then a woman by the name of Adelina edit in Proverbs 24, 17 and 18 versus I thought of immediately. Today do not rejoice when enemy falls and let not your heart be gladly stumbles.

List the Lord see it and be displeased and turn away his anger from him. Now look, I agree with the observations that the vast majority of these abuse cases or allegations of abuse are over on the left, the so-called champions of women's rights or hate it. If you want to encourage an abortion do not really for women. If you want to diminish the importance of of gender distinctions do not really for women if you wanted to do what Hollywood does and exalt women as sexual objects you are really for women. So I agree that conservative principles of life are much more honoring of women and much more protective employment but I like to sit here and throw stones at me and one day it's producers another day it's politicians know they could be pastors and preachers, and even though most of us.

Hopefully, the vast majority of us have not done what some of these people are accused of doing, if God wanted to expose a wrong attitude wrong solder all a wrong word or wrong deed in our lives. He could damn us all. So I say when you see these things happen.

Be sober, grieve over the people's loss pray for their repentance and redemption and make sure your own house is in order that friends is how you should respond to be right back listening modifier. This is my file line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown explains to them that I am not here simply as a conservative talk radio host, Nora might simply on the radio as a preacher or teacher. I'm here to be a gospel based voice of moral and cultural revolution. I'm here to be your voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of a society in chaos in the church.

All too often in compromise and therefore what's happening around us. I want to give insight on the every so often we just can report something happening. This is important news. We want to share it. We have limited time and just when make sure you're aware of something, but 99.9% of what we do we want to address issues and we want to come with a kingdom perspective. We will address things in a constructive way in a way that will help you know how to sort these things out there enough people bashing on the left and on the right and there's tons of great preaching and teaching on radio and TV and online it and in other places so you get all of that and we got plenty of her own preach and teach. You can benefit from his wealth on God TV.

We've got a weekly preaching show called world on fire that airs on Sundays were a preach on holiness and revival and repentance and and themes that are dear to me on arrest. Dr. Brown website. We have a sermon archived where you can listen to many of my past messages and some recent messages so we make all that available to you and ask Dr. Brown.orc but were on the radio primarily not to preach, not to teach but to be your voice so what we do when we have the scandals taken place and and I don't watch a lot of TV news and I don't watch the early morning shows number one, a late night person so I'm not watching early morning shows number two is never in my life have. It has been part of what I watch. Of the three of if I'm getting news and I'm really getting at by reading it by watching clips afterwards but certainly not Lauer well known and greatly loved and when I asked Nancy this morning. Have you heard the latest news.

She was set up with Matt Lauer. Are you serious, but we all know that these are TV personalities and only God knows what's happening in people's private lives but you know, again, he was not one of the ones that that you were expecting her arteries probably gonna be next right so how do we respond is as believers to this, the list is getting longer and longer. There's an article from about a week ago, now it's entitled from politicians to producers here are 50 prominent men accused of sexual misconduct. Since Weinstein's downfall and and it's got some of the pictures there and some of them there just like accusations against them and the stars were that the celebrities or the radio or TV wherever the people are there. Deny allegations of the cases they've admitted to them. So this just exploding.

This is obviously been under the surface and now it's coming to the surface, but you have to recognize this is a moment of divine shaking. You have to recognize this is as one of those moments when a lot of stuff is getting uncovered and you might say, well, good. I like Al Franken guy like John, I like Harvey was either I and I did want all okay fine maybe for one reason or another you oppose the people politically or ideologically or you thought they were responsible for for putting out smart work or influencing the younger generation in the wrong way or okay whatever I mean none of these people that relisted were on my list of personal heroes are yeah that's what I'm cheering for. Obviously, Judge Roy Moore, the best known conservative. Now that's being accused and we still don't know the truth. There some assures guilty symmetries not guilty. I can say for certain. The we don't know with 100% certainty right God knows and the accusers and the accused. No, but that the list of people there. I will look to Hollywood terms of ethics and morality there some good people around him to Hollywood for that purpose and it Congress and Fortunato have a lot of confidence or hope that Congress is going to clean up its own act effect might my latest article that came out this morning I dealt with that very issue.

Three ways that Congress might be forced to clean up its own act and and I suggested you know it could be similar. John Conyers as Lori said you try that you put too much pressure on him is gonna bring others down other words, you got dirt on me. I got there I knew that's what we keep our mouth shut like that that that coalition of silence. I got skeletons in my closet you got him in yours. So we just keep the closet locked and throw away the key. Conyers allegedly may have the plan as Lori says you put too much pressure on him is gonna bring others down with them.

How many others that's one way Congress could be forced to clean up its own act and another is if more and more people come forward and say hey you're guilty or guilty or get more and more women speak up more more those who been harassed or abused.

Speak up and and and the churches are credible.

Congress can have to act on and insert if if if they don't act on it, then the court of public opinion people just get fed up and not vote for certain candidates and their own parties would have to replace them with other people. Who knows where this things can shake down at times like this on the surrounding glows look him in the the 1980s many of you that are old enough to remember this Jim Baker prominent TV preacher ended up in prison for years, wrote a book.

I was wrong publicly repented and an insult to the very different life sin since in his his TV show now is quite different from what it used to be with you. Like Jim Baker's TV show or not it's poles apart from what was years ago, so he gets exposed for sexual sin and then financial corruption is going to jail really get the book thrown at them by at by a very hard judge goes to jail for his financial crimes and writes a book.

I was wrong. So he gets exposed and before everything else happened with the financial fraud and in the. The jail sentence in the admission of guilt. Then another prominent TV evangelist Jimmy Swaggart starts going after him with a real ferocity is instead of morning over over his fault. He was merciless and I really like to miss regular loved his preaching. I love this message of holiness unless a member is stand on the Bible stand on the word in his gospel songs and that he was anointed he was called. I didn't like Jim Baker show in those days a thought, you know, the whole PTL thing in a thorough, superficial study, what I thought.

Not that I'm God and making regulatory study.

What I thought back then. I like Jimmy Swaggart's preacher hard-core gospel, but I remember he was going after Jim Baker and mock him after his fall. I just said who you talk to that you don't want to do that you want to set yourself up as that the righteous one.

And you know it impeccable and flawless by mocking others. If you want to. If you want to talk about the tragedy of the sin of it, do it with some brokenness.

The not long after that he gets exposed for sexual sin and then not once but twice. I listen I say all this with pain because I remember when this happened it in the late 1980s was around 1987.

Some around their it broke my heart when I heard word of Jimmy Swaggart's full force. This adult can't be a member. What I was where was who told me in Maryland and as I don't can't be. And then when I found that it was true I was.

I was, not throwing stones at Jimmy Swaggart. I was searching my own heart my own like no I wasn't guilty when he was guilty of, but can you say you been totally perfect in thought, word and deed 24 seven that if Jesus took all your secret thoughts may be ambition, maybe jealousy may be greed may be lost. Maybe some hateful thoughts where you struggle, whatever the issues are and he displayed them on the Internet for everyone to see is there is there a single one of us who would not be embarrassed as their single one of us who with you would not say God don't don't do that you've never you've never thought since you better believe you've never thought thoughts you embarrassed about. You've never you've never looked at some of the wrong way or thought of someone the wrong way or let something unclean to festering your heart might never ever so I looked at this is number one. Examine your own heart.

Number two. This is a picture the state of the church of America. This is a picture of our corruption in our sin not know right now the focus is on the world. The society, but our response is important because look, God resists the proud, but he is grace to the humble. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. So when you humble yourself when you take responsibility.

If you have skeletons in your closet than you make things right. You go to people you sinned against you make things right where you need to you humble yourself before the Lord. If you do that, God's grace God has mercy and God restores, but when you proudly attack others with a horse, judgmental, merciless spirit. The way you judge others, you will be judged in turn suffer think about is the plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown is French for showing us few minutes we are going out shift gears in a few minutes we are going to talk about pro-life and talk about how to change your mentality, not just how to get involved in the pro-life movement. But how to change your mentality to develop a culture of life and I want to write a question for you. In what ways would you say we have become a culture of death. In what ways have we as Americans become a culture that is strongly a culture of death that we don't celebrate life, not that we don't love life, but in what ways have we become a culture that is fixated on death focused on death either in entertainment or our general mentality of I found it significant that Australia was yesterday officially said that same-sex marriage is the law of the land.

The people voted for that strong majority voted for it and then the the parliamentary congressional leaders. There governmental leaders there in Australia than turned it into law in response to that in the same day they passed a euthanasia bill. I find that not non-coincidental. In other words, I know I said that wrong. I do not find that coincidental. That's what I meant to say there is a spiritual connection between the two.

So II want to talk about that in a moment but first let me draw your attention to a verse in James Jacob. Chapter 2 right again. I want to give you practical guidelines in terms of of how to to handle some issues are Bible software is stuck on the side of my page here. There we go right, God is here, okay let me just get it prior. Well, okay, here we go.

So Jacob James chapter 2 and listen to what's written there. It it's it's an interesting verse, and I think it's one that that we should take to heart when we are discussing these issues of people falling leaders falling now Matt Lauer different ones being exposed and it's not that that they committed the sin or the crime allegedly or confessedly medically yesterday it said things from the past six months ago a year ago, five years 10 years. They're all coming to like that again. When you have repented of something. When you've dealt with it before God and man. It's in the past it. Let's say your pastor and and you you committed adultery 25 years ago you stepped down from ministry. You went through a restoration process of one year, doing no ministry just sitting getting your life back together.

Destroying your marriage and then were restored back to ministry and part of your message is always been the forgiveness of God and the grace of God and that was 25 years back and it's a known part of your testimony will know I could throw that our exposing know that's out that's been dealt with before God and other things. I believe if if there was something that happened that only God knew about and you jet and Ottoman you committed a crime and that means something that that you have to go public with but something that only God knew about and you truly repented before God and turned to him and he had mercy and and and claims to have that same and again it's not a crime that was committed or something against another person that would have to come out to something between you and God. I don't believe God is going to bring that thing up or let other people bring that up when you truly and generally repented before. But when we just sweep things under the rug. That's when they can come back and bite us so look at look at what's written here in James Jacob chapter 2 of whoever keeps the entire law. It falls in one point is guilty of breaking it all for for he who said, do not commit adultery also said do not murder. So if you do not committed adultery, but you do murder. You are a lawbreaker, speak and act as those who will be judged by the law of freedom, for judgment is without mercy to the one who hasn't shown mercy.

Mercy triumphs over judgment. That's a very deep verse and passage and and one that for many years.

I felt I need to dig into and understand even more that there is this more that's being said, because we know that James Jacob is exalting God as the judge in saying the judge stands at the door and writing to Jewish believers in Yeshua for sure he is a a a man who appreciates divine justice and that God's judgments of the earth are a good thing, yet he also knows that none of us stand without mercy and and that is how we must deal with others. Yes, there are rights and wrongs. Yes, I have been involved with removing people from ministry because of sin in their lives, especially when they weren't repentant. Yes, I've been involved with restoring people for ministry. Yes we've had students that have had to step down because of sin in their lives.

We've had to put out the school and students that we have restored that are thriving and doing great works for God. Many years later on, the attitude of our heart that you don't want to throw stones at those who are fallen and look at this in expectation from Paul in first Timothy chapter 5 instrument elders who send in the Greek would point to elders who continuing sent. In other words, they are unrepentant right they they are not responding to the calls to repent and it says this in verse 19 don't accept an accusation against an elder listener supported by two or three witnesses. This is this publicly rebuke those who said and to make a good case for many of those who continue to sin, persistence, and you publicly rebuke them so that the rest will also be afraid a few times over the years we were involved as a church fellowship congregation was part of many years ago with excommunicating someone someone that was persisting in sin and divisive and destructive behavior. We warned and reached out to them warned you reached out to an appeal to, and reached out to an appeal to brought witnesses to speak with and the person kept going about their destructive behavior, after which we had to excommunicate and I remember it was it was a sober fair and and with much prayer for the individual.

I remember going home searching my own heart.

Looking at my own life so here's what I'd love to see. I love to see you here for now Matt Lauer getting up and saying you know this, that there is the lowest point of my life the most embarrassing, painful moment in my life, but God used it to wake me up and show me what really matters is a married man with kids. God uses to wake me up and get hold of me and now I'm living a brand-new life. Let's pray for redemption in the midst of the mess.

Yeah things are being shaken. Let's see what God is going to do in a redemptive way 866-34-TRUTH will be right back. I got some very intense quotes quotes of life. It's the line of fire with your host activist author internationals leader and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown. It is a joy to be with you today.

Brown thanks so much doing a Sears number to call 8664 truth 866-34-TRUTH 7884. It's one thing to talk about pro-life movement is one thing to talk about the importance of sin against abortion, and offering life and hope to mothers and children it's it's another thing to change or amend house have a question for you. How have we embraced in America.

A mentality of death. A culture of death. I want to talk to about that in a moment. There are some really interesting quotes from people you could say on both sides of the abortion debate, and they are eye opening quotes there's one that is very very revealing by Camille Paglia, Camille Paglia is a journalist. She is an intellectual. She is an outspoken lesbian feminist. She is an atheist and and listen to what she has to say. Have these quotes my book saving a sick America listen to what Camille Paglia had to say. She said although I'm an atheist who worships only great nature. I recognize the superior moral beauty of religious doctrine that defends the sanctity of life, the quality of idea language in the catechism of the Catholic Church. For example, exceeds anything in grimly utilitarian feminist in regard to the commandment, that shall not kill. The catechism says human life is sacred because from its beginning. It involves the creative action of God.

This is a lesbian feminist atheist who says that he read a little more.

She says God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end. No one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being. This is quoting from the Catholic catechism or this. She quotes human life must be respected and protected. Absolutely.

From the moment of conception from the first moment of his existence. Human being must be recognize as having the rights of a person among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life. She says I there's much more moral beauty here than utilitarian feminist like cages.

Whatever is practical and works she sees a moral beauty here that the listen to someone from a very different perspective of a practicing devout Catholic, like Mother Teresa, listen to what she has to say. She has called abortion that the greatest destroyer of love and peace today and and and she says she says this by abortion.

The mother does not learn to love but kills even her own child to solve her own problems.

Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching his people to love, but to use violence to get what they want and she asked if we can accept that a mother can kill her own child. How can we tell other people not to kill one another. The these are some staggering quotes and they are not exaggerated. In other words, when we have a mentality that discards babies in the womb when we have a mentality that does not recognize the sanctity of life beginning in the one we have a mentality that does not protect the most innocent and the most unprotected who theoretically should be in the safest place in the world mainly within their own mothers when that is what happens. It brings us to a place where we really have a mentality of death.

We have a mentality where certain lives can be discarded if you had an abortion. There is hope, there is forgiveness there is mercy in Jesus.

He died for that sin to he can bring healing to your life give you hope for the future.

But this is part of how we have developed a mentality of death and a culture of death in America from our entertainment to our laws and change our hearts and minds is where it all starts.

Hey friends, just a quick reminder, just a quick reminder this Saturday, so right now the love life. join us thousand gathering in historic March 4 life Saturday morning Charlotte birth: will bring the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. You know it's it's really easy to focus on one particular thing and not look at the larger problem you might be doing analysis of the business and you see, while the sales team is really not producing all of the sales team is not producing because research and development is not given them return information sales team is not producing because the commission base in which their functioning is not fair to them and they're not motivated enough or the sales team is not doing well because the sales manager beats them down a little in others there could be many different reasons for because they realize the product itself is faulty. So sometimes you have to look at larger issues and ask larger questions and it's the same way as as we are standing for life and fighting against abortion dimension on the air yesterday that a new report released from Centers for Disease Control's is the most recent statistics. They have 2014 show a 20% drop in abortions in America. The one abortion is one too many, but the pro-life movement is making progress. It's been a long battle. There's been much sacrifice in a horrific loss of over 50 million babies on the way with the pro-life movement is making progress so having said that let let's ask larger questions how do we have a culture of death. In general, in our society.

Think of how much violence we now have in the media it in in Hollywood in movies and TV it's it's just kind of an always thing always there.

The blood that the shootings the core and it's it's it's just so commonplace and so if you want your war documentary where this is part of the horrible history and you sit there and mourn and grieve. This is stuff that were being entertained by. Remember when West side story was the Academy award winner in 1961 I was six years old at the time but I remember talk about the movie and I do remember seeing the movie as a boy, but there was controversy because it was quote so violent, go, go back and watch it and consider that was a violent movie you got the gangs wearing jackets and ties it it's it's a musical dancing in the streets. It is not vulgar dancing either right as far as I recall an end and I saw excerpts of it may be 15 years ago was, shocked by the Tama self but but the point is that that was controversial not look at old Hollywood movies with his cowboy movie with the crime movie and and the good guy ends up winning. You're not allowed to have the bad guy, the criminal will ultimately triumph and it's not all kinds of blood and gore the way we have it today where many come splattering off the screen but it is not just to have a video games years back old with C got a first computer 1985 couple years after that with one of the computers I got her software upgrade. Whatever it was, there was a videogame and you went you or your captured in some Nazi prison and may be a famous game today. I don't know, but you're talking over 30 years ago now roughly 30 years ago, your euro. And in this this not say no I'm sorry if this is a K-1 yet, so almost 30 years ago as a murmur lived when I got and I remember you're playing this game and you you break out your prison cell, and in your arm to give certain energy. And you gotta know you're trying to run an engine is kill the soldiers before they kill you, and you gotta get more will get their weapon, and I kept up your energy level and whatever some plan this thing just so no little videogame to check this thing out and then next thing I get it. I ran edge. I get shot in the screen just blood.

This is in the earliest days of color screens and the graphics run and coming there. Be ridiculous compared to today, but that's it took the game off the computer never touched it again. I mean, that would be laughable compared to what's out there now and people so I played all day long doesn't affect me.

I said affection. I say the fact he said it doesn't affect you at all. Affection, if it in less you say will look I I'd like to be the good guy and take down the bad guy and that's my release relief in doing that in and you know I and I enjoyed it's a and you'd be okay with little kids watching the and in you. You be okay from doing that going immediately to the presence of God in worship and prayer. Yes, and there's been enough study that's been done to find a correlation between violent video games and between acts of violence are people getting more violent maybe someone at some stable more prone to it or more desensitized the Columbine killers, as is their first act of murder right in their thoughts of always laughing as a shooter people or how many years did they play violent video games and watch movies like natural born killers. They became desensitized and are not equating not to say, watching the walking dead were some vampire mop modern vampire movie.

But isn't it peculiar that there's so much focus on the dad and the dying and blood in God's and then even endless crime show. Some of them can be very well done.

And even with moral lessons but constant focus on dead bodies in the something to it so I want to give you a little experiment. I do this in my book, saving a sick America alright so I want to suggest that you do something, just something to try again this is from my book saving a sick America. But if you don't have it now's a great time to get it.

It's just about half price for the hardcover on Amazon's of good was a hard to resist but half price so it's it's a great time to get the book, but here are some suggestions use a little challenge that I given the book 1st go about your normal activities. Normal daily activities watching and reading and listening to what you normally watch and read and listen to, but this time, take note of how much death is involved. Since no words just living a life. Do what you normally do, but just track it.

Take note of video games I play movies I watch TV shows I watch things are read how how much focus is on death. How many images of the dead and dying. How many corpses how much graphic violence how much death. Using by choice not by necessity over the course of the week on the talk about party your job involves death. I'm not talking about your researching things in part of it.

You have to research the violence on the talk about reading about the latest terror attack and and and looking at the images just so that you feel the pain and the weight of what happened on the time of the antenna being entertained by death, dying, graphic violence, this just note in the course of a day in the course of a week in the course of a month, how much is part of your day. The simple second if you realize that you're being influenced by culture of death, then take a 30 day break from all forms of death related media entertainment. Video games favorite TV shows are gratuitous gratuitous leave violent novels than surge. Immerse yourself in words of life. Again these recommendations, I give in saving a sick America. If you have the book ready. This is in the chapter from the walking dead, to a culture of life. Immerse yourself in words of life. I would encourage you to read several chapters from Proverbs in the Gospel of John. Each day noticing the constant emphasis on life is the voice of wisdom says in Proverbs 8 whoever finds me finds life. Proverbs 8 and obtains favor from the Lord, but whom feel fails to find the injuries himself. All who hate me love death. This Proverbs 835 36 and then force. We spent time in prayer. Ask God to flood your heart with his life and to give you the perspective of life to see the world as he would have you see it, then fifth after 30 days asked the Lord how he would have you to live, you might be surprised to see how your perspectives have changed in the words of Paul Philippians 48 finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever space sure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things. Princes are some of the Council that I give in saving a sick America to help us renew our hearts renew our minds and to develop a mentality of life. I know for a period of years. I didn't watch any violent sports and I been so into watching boxing in years past that I just quit watching any violent sports did for years and when someone wanted me to see one particular sporting event, and it was pretty violent.

Not not horrifically violent, but pretty far as I was just can hardly watch it then the us get used to it in.

Watch this watch that and yeah I mean I don't like to see the real bad violence in Sukkot with the other way, but you get use to it. Listen, I don't want to get used to something that's displeasing to God. On the telling you everything you should or should want this. This would work out between you and the Lord blessed the word explicitly addresses.

I'm just saying. Better to be sensitive then to descent and come desensitized by this constant immersion film showing the enemy sense. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. He friends, and thank all of you. Thus, gifts on giving Tuesday yesterday. Thanks so much for generosity. A year and giving really helps us if you haven't done it yet, by all means stand with us. It helps so much. Towards the end of the year and I will be traveling traveling to India gobbling on Saturday participating in love like Charlotte Saturday morning. Going straight from there to the airport that's that's the plan lists Mike my flights get changed yet again. But going to India.

It's an expensive trip and we go there give and pour out so thank you so much for giving and standing with us and if you say you know that we appreciate all these videos you put out. We appreciate the lifestream of your of your radio show on video as well. We love watching it then a stand with us go to war go fund me page it is go fund Dr. Brown studio go for Dr. Brent ask if you are Brown studio as as you go there and donate again thanks for all who stood with us and helped us there in the coming days were going to have an exciting update. That's posted thereto and and a lot of good things happening this partnership. So a pat yourself on the back those who pray for us. Those of you who are monthly supporters or torchbearers. The backbone of this ministry. Those you help us with generous one-time gifts. Those of you given go for me. Those of you who share our articles and share our videos and tell people listen to the podcast or watch the show. Thank you, thank you Wiggins together. Give yourself a pat on the back because you share in the reward be before I come back to this issue of desensitizing let them eat the meat to stay something funny that happened yesterday I got a real kick out of it. I always love it when somebody recognizes my voice.

I was get a kick out of that. It always. I was walking in Jerusalem in the old city of Jerusalem back in was this February. February was an eye guy comes up behind me, a pastor, you listen Pastor James ugly from from England think was James and Dr. Brown.

I listen to on the radio wasn't your podcast he heard me talking to someone and recognize my voice.

I was I was a voting one time and I was talking to to the to the woman who's telling us know what to fill out on the form in of the Synanon and there was a woman next to me she was looking down, signing, and I was talking to the other woman, and as out as I'm talking the woman without looking up.

She is Dr. Brown my husband I love you show that blesses me because I'm doing this for you and where this together. I will have some eagle ready to be sitting here talking and try to serve you and be your voice so was love that what happens in an airport or hotel or you know as I was trying to get my my my room. She wasn't working at a hotel in Dallas and I went downstairs and Sandhya need another room to this. If you have your your ideas IDs back in the room.

You know it's it's in my in my rooms is from a wallets and he was Dr. Brown. I listen to show us. I guess I guess we did voice recognition so he knew it was me. Well anyway I always get a kick out of that. And I just love the fact that that it's all family you don't say. I just enjoyed it's all family and I need so much to me because I could. I can't see you in it physically but always know you're there, listening.

I think of many over the years and gotten so many calls and I've met so many listeners and some reviewers that I think of you. Honestly, I'll be talking about something. I think all probably so-and-so's listening to this because they listen every day and this is their take on it or one with this one thing so I hope this one is listening is given general that's that's how I feel so I go to Walmart yesterday to make a stop and the just right will maybe 10 minutes from our from our studio and as I walk in this gal their Salvation Army young young gal and and I just just give details to paint a picture. She's it. She's young white lady and an she's their Salvation Army outfit and she spots because I know you I know you and I just smile coming different people, those from different settings. Whatever knowing and vest return fee from the planetoid home if we can trust Hannah so I just posit unfortunately I was use my credit card on have a dime on me to give Regina's next Thomas you God bless you have a great day. I came out like two minutes later because they didn't have what I was looking for and others a black eye with dreadlocks and he stops me on the way he was. Are you the YouTube are are you the YouTube are and I said to him, well maybe 20 people on YouTube were not the biggest underfunded people. Millions of times bigger than us on YouTube and I said well yeah because what she's talking about you.

She really wants to meet you.

So I went over and we talked a little bit.

I sit here will send you free booking and she sure the one they shut down your YouTube account.

I said yeah they do monetize a lot of our stuff is is get better though the other more and more the steps getting approved. We have to keep fighting every inch but it's get there do seem to be doing better and we had a friendly chat, and in any way.

I was smiling just just because of her enthusiasm in her thinking, how can I even go out in public.

You know everybody know that's it.

It's a big world and I could walk through Walmart walk in and out no problem. I like it gets warm with people is not an issue but what warm my heart was was this we got a great team working together here devoted team in in our studio and in working around the clock in different ways to help us get the message out to you and that's what warms my heart that people are listening and people are reading and people are watching and by God's grace were getting a message out and people are being impacted but but I told you that story.

For this reason, that's us.

That's our joy together. So let's really pray it's my constant prayer constant prayer that God would deepen our message. The goblet amplifier message. The goblet intensifier message that would come with greater anointing, greater fire and greater precision in greater clarity and that God would expand our reach to more and more people if you told me five years ago, would be reaching a room reaching today.

I think it was awesome but I look at it today spam or just scratching the surface.

We want to touch this generation want to touch the nations once Israel say we want to make an impact. So back to where I started about desensitizing our consciences. I would encourage you know, no man the woman is greater than who they really are. The inside we can talk all we can write what we can sing well. We can produce what we can do all kinds of things will be. Who are we really let me encourage you in the days ahead. We have maybe some holiday time some downtime go after God for your own life and say God make me more more like your son God with this compromise. My life where become accustomed to something run backslidden and don't know it right left my first love right got away from key convictions Lord with there's something displeasing.

Show me reveal it. What I want to be one, that when the light shines on me.

It reflects something good. It doesn't expose darkness. It doesn't expose corruption, I want to be one of those that can bring everything into the light. No skeletons in the closet no hidden sins that I have to cover with hoping nobody to find a no hypocrisy work were people so we preach one thing to live another I want to be a wholehearted servant of the Lord, I believe that your heart is well so what you pray for others. That's good.

Pray for a country that's good. Pray for needs be methods could pray for yourself.

God make me more more like your son got conforming more more to the image of Jesus.

That's God's ultimate plan and destiny for each of us. Let that be your prayer back with you for thoroughly Jewish Thursday. Tomorrow