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Thoughts from Jewish Brooklyn, a Response to the New Anti-Trump Book, and Your Calls

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
January 8, 2018 4:20 pm

Thoughts from Jewish Brooklyn, a Response to the New Anti-Trump Book, and Your Calls

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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January 8, 2018 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 01/08/18.

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We are live in Brooklyn New York and boy do I some stores until you start for the line of fire with your host activist all the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH euro.

Jim is Dr. Michael Brown. Yet as as reported to all my friends listening and you were right it.

It is cold and you're getting getting a little bit better today, but we were doing some video shooting outside yesterday.

It was cold but what a great time were having in New York and welcome welcome. Great to be on the air with you today. Here's number to call 86634. That's 866-348-7884 and what I'm trying to do any day that I can open up the phones for any questions of any kind that you have anything under the sun. You want to talk to me about asked me about phone lines officially open 866-34-TRUTH like we do on Friday will do today as well, but let me give you report from New York first so I'm teaching a class in intensive apologetics because advanced class that people had to pass a certain test to get in and be involved in Jewish ministry because we didn't just want to reteach the foundations that I've taught many a time someone looking to train people on a deeper level, especially those in the front lines of Jewish evangelism and then after two days of this two half days.

Basically, then there's getting another conference about reaching the ultra-Orthodox that's been put on by chosen People ministries here in Brooklyn.

So when Matt, my producer realize we become in your case and look what we come up with some of the rest of the team with Caleb and Nathan while we come up and let's do video shoots. Let's Duchenne shoots in Jewish neighborhoods. Let's do shoots where you grew up. Maybe we can talk to old friends let you just get some footage for documentary purposes testimony purposes. Outreach purposes so was a great number they wouldn't calculate was a godly bone chill cold but put that aside so we got in a Saturday I flew up Matt. The team drove up Saturday night we got to hang out with old friends, the, the church, I got save the pastors of the start was 14 I came to faith. She was there with one of her brothers whose 10 and we were reminiscing about the old days talk about what they knew of me before I was saved the reputation that I had and beak because my two friends were coming to church and they were little by little start to get serious.

As you know my story I went there in August 1971 to try to pull them out. That was the whole intent to go there and show their their police were wrong and pull them out of there so I civil what reputation did I have what had you heard about me before I came one thing I was that I did more drugs than anybody and that I never lost an argument this stubborn stubborn I was, obviously, but other words, I was given I was gonna argue against my friends and show that they were wrong and and then one of the young lady she wasn't there couldn't make it Saturday night, but she famously wrote in her diary. Antichrist comes to church so when I when I first came in for service in August 71.

She wrote it down and one of the amendment was there Wednesday was 10. At that time.

He said that he remembered sitting behind me remember these jeans I was wearing dispatches long hair and I was a drug use.

As he grew up in the church and around people use drugs and but they prayed for me. These people prayed from, and in the. The oldest daughter whose computers regularly. Now she's 14 then she said they constantly pray for their preferred prayer meetings.

They pray for me and houses. I got hold of me friends, your prayers make a difference. Your prayers really make a difference if I was a heavy drug use.

That was bad, but I was an arrogant fool. I was so rebellious. I was so proud. I was so wicked in heart. If God could soften my heart and change me he could soften anyone's heart and change them. Your prayers to a holy God listening God make a massive massive difference.

So we reminisced about that and then when I first got saved and got started to work in my life right had a ton of major rough edges, but they saw the changes in remembering the memorization of Scripture and all that so so anyway we hung out. Have a great time and then yesterday afternoon before I started teaching and teach 6 to 9 last night and then teaching all day today just took a little break from teaching someone else's is doing a lecture for me and I'm gonna resume teaching but we had a few hours to go out into Brooklyn yesterday and and this was very important. When I was a new believer, I was befriended by the local rabbi and I was not a religious Jew, all of you know my story now. I've never presented myself as being a traditional Jew or an Orthodox Jew. I grew up in a nominal Jewish home so as a nominal Jew.

I knew that that we didn't believe in Jesus. We didn't leave any of this stuff, but I did not go to synagogue every day and pray I didn't know with the prayers writing. Put on to fill in the phylacteries didn't do that except couple times in my life and know what to that point I didn't notice synagogue every Sabbath. I had a go for a while before I was bar mitzvahed, and then afterwards we go for the high holy days, and think that that's always not a traditional Jew and the rabbi that he just taken over the synagogue.

In fact, he's were interact and we haven't interacted in years, and as I'm talking to him sing a message that he just sent me on Facebook, which of course all read later.

But he he befriended me he was brilliant he was fresh out of Jewish theological seminary. He befriended me and we began to talk any challenge me.

I didn't even know Hebrew. How can I tell them what to believe and we went back and forth and had great dialogue for many months and then he would bring me to meet other rabbis and talk with them and we go back and forth more than one day he said to me, so at this point I've been in the Lord about a year and 1/2 of memorized verses 20 versus a day for the last six months I've read through the Bible cover to cover for going on five times I'm immersed.

I'm praying hours every day. I'm witnessing constantly asystole when they listen, Michael. Here's the problem.

He said you are more pious than I am. He said if we were both Buddhists. You would be a more pious Buddhist than I would be, he said, but you're wrong. Your faith as well as your very religious young man and he realized that that my spirituality was more intense than his, but he said you're misguided. He said you need to meet Jews who are just as spiritual as you are, except the right, so he brought me into Brooklyn. This is exactly where we went yesterday to Crown Heights, Brooklyn, to ultra-Orthodox Jewish community to meet with rabbis from Lubavitcher sect Lubavitcher acetic rabbis and they specialized in in reaching out to other Jews and try to bring Jews back to traditional Judaism. So we spent hours talking together, and these guys were very loving very gracious incredibly knowledgeable very spiritually minded in terms of our conversation and interaction and they really challenge me in in a gracious way not in the bullying nasty with a really challenge me because after like can review breads remembered some of the letters at that point, having learned very little to be bar mitzvahed there could read it then, but forgot a lot at that point. Years later, and all my quoting scripture in English that didn't do any good because it's English translations are so goes look at the Hebrew so they really challenge me everything verse I threw them every argument I raise to them, they they had a response. Even if the response wasn't a a response that was that sound it's really at that moment is I'd never heard responses to these arguments and I left there driving back with my Rabbi Fred I was. I was really shaken, probably more than he realized, because I thought okay I know that Jesus changed my life and this is real, but these guys are authentic Jews and they really challenge me and I thought okay I'm gonna learn to study more and have to learn Hebrew starting college and have to learn Hebrew and I'm good have to take these arguments seriously because their good arguments so I determined that that I was in the study and I was going to dig and I was gonna grow and I was can learn and I was gonna fall the truth wherever it took. Now, of course, rhetorically, of course, what happened was not what any of them are expecting to happen. Namely, the more I studied the more my face became clear to me, the more study the clearer it became to be the issue. It was on the side. The more I studied, and the more I learned, the more I felt reinforced in my faith.

So in many ways these precious man got me started on the path ramp today of of writing all the books on anti-Jewish objections to Jesus and debating rabbis doing outreach so we were going to go there just like me talk to some of my friends the night before and some others. Through this we can factor his schedule to get the original Jewish friend I haven't seen since high school still is believe and I believe it follows me online. I things become conservative, so he sees coming to the city for us to hang out tomorrow night and do some video interviews as another blast from the past, I was elected talk to him more about our faith. So we were there in front of the headquarters of this movement, Lubavitcher headquarters in Brooklyn yesterday in front of the synagogue and a people look at what you hear for more.

Who are you, because we little camera crew three guys with me in the freezing cold and a guy comes up to me and asked me you Jewishness disciplines put on Philip so again that's that the phylacteries that issue refers to Jesus refers to Matthew 23 and in traditional Jewish eyes. That's the exact application of the commandment. Deuteronomy 6 you write the commandments of your heart rate you have the money you frontlets between your eyes and and and have them what it is is a sign upon your hand your head etc. so this is how it's little Johnny's boxes with Scripture inside of the report on the four head one goes on on the on the arm you with the straps to put around you. Say a prayer. So recently, would you put follow-up support so gladly and their belief as if they can get a Jewish person to do. There's there's a spark within a Jew. There's a spark within a Jewish person and if the put on so that it will ignite that spark and that if enough Jewish sparks a little around the world that the Messiah will come us. Of course I'm happy to assume just how to do some recording and then going to the show and do it great going to the synagogue so we go in there and to my shock, he lets us bring on the cameramen and that we actually didn't get any footage inside the synagogue. But here I am in the midst of hundreds hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews and the other look at Annika's on the guy in their opposite is the guy walking behind with little callousness in a cell phone, but walking with me and in a what are we doing in there and put on filling a ghost know that the prayer site that I want spread totally for the others, you prayer.

All prayer you will do the one from Scripture together so we did that and of talk to another guy he started to discuss what he believed that his leader, who died 1994 he was actually the Messiah lesson the Messiah died and rose from the dead. We talked a little when we left, and it was. I can't tell you how deep an experience it was for me to be back in that setting these many years later. I've I've been talking to them on and off of the years there. But to be in the synagogue in France filling and to pray with my fellow Jews.

I mean, there's this deep overwhelming sense of connection that we have.

It's it's quite extraordinary and obviously the polio come back to the fold that they feel in my heart for them to the Messiah, but I got an email today from an Orthodox Jewish diet.

Fascinating how tightly said will be like that number by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown and I do want to talk America yes give some comments about fire and rebook my Michael Wolf will talk about that. I have an article upon it. If you asked her to Brown the Lord you'll find that and number of the things I want to discuss with you today, but phone lines are open 866-34-TRUTH 8663 for 87884. Right before going to the phones when we were in Brooklyn yesterday. This other part of Brooklyn and in this ultra-Orthodox area. You have some people look at me and I know that some people know who we are what we do.

The outreach that we do the Jewish work that we do and by God's grace are fairly prominent in that I know plenty of other people live in their own world have no idea who I am.

But in the synagogue just was wondering where any guiding going there to make seen God forbid folks in their praying and it's sacred for them. I went in there at the invitation of of one of the.

The young men of the community to pray together with them so what's interesting is I get an email today from a young man who used to call the shell cultural number of times ultra-Orthodox Jewish man, you may have heard when he called and all maybes 20 is now something like that and he shot me a note today is were in touch every so often he shot me notes. I had heard heard you over the place yesterday to mention the address is that I heard you over the place. What was the purpose or visit us at all. Yeah I was there so had, how did you notice that I got some pictures sent to him on a nap so I just find it interesting that some folks that were there knew who we were and let him know so that the word is is out again. We really meant no disruption of any kind. But that's the world we live in and everything is known everything C leaded D so I asked if he could send me some of the pictures that he has that would be nice. In any case format.

My heart is so deeply joined with prayer and faith for the salvation of our people and when you are around traditional Jewish other their human beings like everybody else, yet they fall short like everybody else understood fully understood yet when you talk about sincerity when you talk about devotion when you talk about seeking to please God as much as their conscious of it.

II know in the natural we can't please God, but is much as they are consciously seeking to to please God to obey him to observe the things that they believe are important in the law and and do it with tremendous fervor.

It's it it's why I've written about traditional view so near and yet so far it's it's very intensely emotional for me and and and spiritually intense with burden to be in that environment because of the intensity of desire I have for them to know Messiah and for the intensity of their desire they have for me to turn away from what I believe. Thinking it's erroneous so it's kind of this passion meeting passion, but I know that I know that I know and and maybe you're one of the listening today and ultra-Orthodox to custard Kari the and deep down in your heart you know what I'm saying is true. Start between you and God before you work out all the other questions start between you and God tell the truth about what you believe. It's a big first step to take all right while were talking about Jewish things.

Let's take some Jewish -related calls will start in Portland Oregon. Erin, welcome to the line of fire by Dr. Brown regarding it's going well. Thank you Eckhard, I am glad you were able to take my cry. I have a question about Isaiah chapter 66 verse 17 and whether or not it teaches that in the new carbonate Christians are required to refrain from eating unclean food and I just was wondering if you could elaborate on the context of that yeah so I said the 66 chapter the end of the book is talking about the new heavens and the new earth is talking about the millennial kingdom in the whole world coming to to worship God and seeing the corpses of the men who rebelled against the Lord submitting Sabbath and things like that. But in these verses before the ecstasy will start at the beginning of the 66 chapter okay and who's being addressed. There was far as we know God's speaking to the children of Israel know where could you build a house we would place could service my abode, and he goes on about the people who were sacrificed slaughtering oxidants laying human so the hypocrisy of of the lives of those who keep some parts of the law and do and violate others all choose to mock them in verse five. When the Lord you are concerned about his word you your kinsman you hate Jews sparingly because of me. So this is all I'm just going through this. To say this is talking to Jewish people right into the nation of Israel. Verse 10 rejoice with gruesomely grad for her, all you who love her that you may suffer a breast consolation to the full, that you may draw from the bush and glory your delight. For this of the Lord.

I will extend her prosperity like a stream.

The wealth of the nations like Hawaii and flood it goes on to the Lord's coming, and with fire. Verse 15 verse 16 for with fire at will. The Lord contend with the sword against all flesh, and many shall be the sign of the Lord. Those who sanctify and purify themselves to enter the grows imitating one in the center eating the flesh of the swine the reptile and the mouse shall one and all come to an end, declares the Lord, right.

So I wanted to read the verses up to that to see was God at any point clearly talking about the nations of the earth was he no longer telling that Israel was to timeout all nations. They might try to read that in, but there's certainly nothing clear contextually that says he's no long time.

It is released. Talking to the nations as a whole because there's nowhere in the Hebrew Bible that God gave the dietary laws to the nations as a whole. In Genesis 9 after after the flood was, not just all vegetation but anything that moved you could eat that was for all yeah right. Then in Leviticus 11 Deuteronomy 14 God gives dietary laws specifically for Israel and then there's nowhere in the New Testament word that is reinforced for all Gentile believers ask 15 to skip certain prohibitions about nothing, strangled, and eating blood and then the letters it's very clear that that Paul is writing and there's no there's no hint of dietary laws. This question about if you know something sacrificed to an idol right can you eat it there because in and if you went to the marketplace. A lot of the meat hanging there was for sacrificed and idol temples and then brought out there will if you don't know if it was sacrificed or not… Meet. But even the teaching there that there's nothing unclean in and of itself, so there's there's nowhere in the New Testament were the dietary laws are put on believers as a whole. That's one and two. Even overlooking early church history. We don't see it reflected that they were living by the dietary laws so to take Isaiah 66 and say this is proof that God will judge people if the reptiles and mice and things like that if if that's the case, I mean this is severe judgment that's going to come right this is this is heavy-duty judgment. Those who sanctify purify himself and to the grows imitating one in the center eating the flesh of the swine the reptile the master one at all come to an end minute it is.

Is that what some is asking to say that if you don't keep the dietary laws causing to destroy you, be complete. Contrary to the whole spirit of the new covenant, and here it's not just those reading this is obviously talking in context by the Israelites who are going to the grows, which is in idolatrous shrines right and then eating all these unclean animals and Garcia even be destroyed. So I I don't doubt that as it is an Old Testament judgment. Tory future Israel judgment but to apply to the church and that all Gentile believers are required to keep the dietary laws and if not gobbled destroy them is absolutely going beyond what the text says thank you so much darker brown.

I've really been struggling with that record. I don't I actually don't believe that the dietary logger for the church by artist on such a new believer, and it's really helpful to have you Elaborate on that fairly dad a year, and glad beautifully and in this industry major on the majors. That's the biggest thing to do. Major on the majors, deepening your fellowship with the Lord living a life that is his holy insight in terms of character in terms of attitude, loving one another no loving your neighbor as yourself, sharing the good news with other people major on those things and then just a father.

All I want to do is please you and whatever you layout planning your word. Of course I want to keep it. I want to do it and when you find these things that become almost confusing and almost distracting and make it more difficult for you to just fellowship with the Lord. After prayer? Next Wednesday okay let's see how clearly this is taught or revealed because if you just want a lot verse here and there for the Old Testament and think, okay, this applies to all Christians everywhere that it's really good to get confusing. All right.

Thank you Dr. Brown thinking, sure thing publishes 866-34-TRUTH. Let me say this. I'm not looking for an excuse to eat differently because I don't violate the dietary laws in my entire life I get I guess the only thing that I ever did periodically was have wonton soup that had pork in it.

I preferred it with chicken in it, but mother was if if I never had to eat until it years ago. Mice teeth that are not unknown anymore, but I'm not looking for a way out.

There was the way I live. I don't violate any of the dietary laws ever okay the only things I eat would be considered clean, ritually clean to either acceptable so I'm not looking for a mixed roasted scheduler pepperoni pizza while I never ate pepper abuse. I grilled shrimp laws are never a trip the lobster 8 tons of pizza but not with pepperoni was never pork. I was never into shrimp and lobster. The something so other than looking for without my only concerns following shorts were shorts. If you're Jewish believe he said I feel called to observe the dietary laws as part of identity with my people and so as to be able to witness the stomach but great wonderful if you say llama Gentile follower of Jesus and II just feel that in the compass to give them for reason to begin for reason to keep great analysis of this we are on the mission field and try to reach someone with good news of the Messiah, and they serve something that that you don't think you should eat and by not eating it internally from God, you better eat at front go ahead and eat that thing that doesn't look so good to you to the customer how to do it. Also, because there's a higher ethic.

There's something more important that you understand that even if you do something it doesn't file you on the inside that comes from your mouth file your spirit will be like a line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks friends for joining us on the line 486-648-7884 is the number to call a written article yesterday welcome all of you to the line of fire committee weight live from Brooklyn, New York.

If you call one calling on any subject of any Kino Fridays. It's often hard to get through with the final calls that we have 866-34-TRUTH any question of any kind whatsoever will take some random questions as well today, but I wrote an article yesterday afternoon, I wasn't going to comment on the fire and in fury book and I decided I think I'm going to mean you talk about an instant bestseller, a salacious tell all book about Pres. trumps White House legibly and complete disarray and everything that he's out-of-control and dangerous in and on and on. I was in a read it so you understand I never read a book about Hillary Clinton like that either an oversight like a hit piece book I never read a book about Barack Obama hit piece to I just never did it to me to get facts and information that I can in the hit piece genre.

I'm just gonna avoid. I'm not interested in it so I'm not trying to stick. I had the salmon comes to our president. I didn't do it when Barack Obama was president.

I can do when Hillary Clinton was running. I didn't do one is John Kerry versus George Bush and there is a book about him from folks there'd been in Vietnam with him and saw I doesn't do it on the go through the evidence.

See what I can about as many different ways as I can and then come to conclusions, etc. so I finally decided you know this book is instant bestseller in the common author II know about selling of books and and and what's going well and stuff and you're talking about. Within a couple of days just on Amazon. It had over thousand reviews.

I mean I can't guess how many tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of books is selling very, very quickly, but the problem with the book and I haven't read it, plan meeting, the problem with the book.

Is that right up front.

The author tells you that there is there is a certain looseness with the truth in the book that there interviews that he did that he knows are not truthful and that some blatantly contradict each other up because of which he said you know that there's clearly not truth and some of these but it said like I put them all in together anyway and I reconstructed things as best as I could sense the first problem here is maybe a crazy accusation against the present segment. If that's true, he's out of his mind. But is that accurate or not. So that's the problem. If you try to be constructive you think man we really have problems we need to address these problems, but okay to try to be constructive.

But how can be constructive when you don't know it's accurate and maybe just throw the whole thing out what you want through the whole thing out if some of it is accurate.

So that's the problem that Michael great and on top of it. A little reviews of said that this is her only sister drives people away, and even liberal saying he quoted me. I wasn't there. He said this out then net recovery. Royce got me confused with someone else as a factual or but some analysis and a look of only 10% of what's in that book is true. That's terribly damning. Well I decided to just give a simple little analysis and my take is this bit because of the nature of the book that it will do nothing more than deep in the polarization surrounding the president. That's all I can see it doing only it's if there's a problem is I can help us solve the problem. If the presence being falsely attacked. It's it's not going to deepen law that we we simply don't know what's what's of the critics are going to say look, the man is sick. Get them out of there. He's not fit to be president and the others.

The supporters of the say.

This book is more fake news and it's yet another line so freaked. For example, a listen to this skeleton writing on slate. He says fire and fury, Michael Wolf's book about chaos in the trump administration tell some curious tales and suggest prompted no former House Speaker John Banner was even after trumpet golfed with him and had repeatedly tweeted about him. It's his trump used offer hookers to memo letting their wives listen on speakerphone stores like the sound too juicy to be true in both has a history of embellishments of other books he's been challenged transfers accurate but is good reason to believe will stasis the trumpet as campaign aides never expected to be president. That theory explains nearly everything about trumps disastrous tenure. So according to William Sala to truth that he believes the reports. He believes the reports that Trump was not expect to be president that this was just another ego driven move and that his whole purpose was. He is disconnect get his name out there more design the wing as president and the keyed. He did say at one point, he never expected to do as well as he was doing early on he was surprised that once he was in it. He thought were witnessing.

But no, according to this narrative, he never expected to win because he never expected to win when he did when he was totally unprepared and that's why the White House is such a mess and things are in such disarray and and that's what William Salvesen believes Michael Wolf got right about trump. So the flipside is people say if that's the case if the man is incompetent if the man is an embassy if the man is out of control. If he wasn't expecting the president in the White House is in disarray. How did he get done what he got done in the first year and hadn't even when in the first place.

So John Nolte writing at Breitbart says that after trumps how the successful first year Wolf's book gives off the unmistakably stale aroma of last seasons fake news and he says a mentally unsound manchild overseeing an administration crippled by anarchy will not see a record number of his appellate judges confirmed will not oversee the successful passage of the most important tax reform in 30 years will not annihilate Isis without adding a single boot on the ground and Nolte says just 365 days trump the Stern drama stagnate economy exploded the number of manufacturing jobs in black and Hispanic unemployment dropped to record lows open up to oral pipelines and all kinds of expiration enjoyed victory after victory. The Supreme Court in pursuit of his immigration priority see the spectacular Supreme Court Justice negotiated the $250 $250 billion trade deal China brought North Korea to the Goshen table from a position of strength. Expertly manage the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital untangled us from stupid deals.

There was TPT TPP in a Paris climate court and a whole lot more.

These not the achievements of a lunatic is portrayed by an immature and irresponsible media still bitter over losing a presidential election. I think that's a very fair counterargument. The White House is in such disarray in an Donald Trump is so incapable incompetent have the get so much done in the first year so what's the end result of the book in my view that the critics despite the falsehoods and despite the misrepresentations I can say is see we know it.

The man is absolutely unreliable is treacherous and is supportive is a more fake news. More lies, more lies. You see immediate can't be trusted in the meat is propping up this book and the guys a liar.

So all that's going to do is deep in the polarization that's my take. 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to the phones will start with no we won't go. Did I want to go to DZ and now I'm off this DZ: DZ.Texas debacle, Athens, Georgia.

Seth you are all modifier and art related. Sure thing. I am reading through the Bible and looking exploding through a particular apologetics study Bible language on but just the footnote talking about with the critics with the book of numbers right now and particular realm. Chapter 3 will verse 40 going to roll them for something like that and it is the cutting down the numbers of based on the military strength of the firstborn male. This would require the average Israelite woman to have 27 male children of you heard anything of this sort of thing.

Critics point to the subliminal nursing out of whack and unrealistic. Obviously, if you believe in the supernatural can you membership one on this report is part of their brilliant owner that specifically in the past reading yet that there are seemingly large numbers and many passages in the Old Testament.

Sometimes the numbers of dead killed in battle. The numbers of people involved in an and historian say let's that's completely outlandish that could not have made sense and the populations that from what we know from archaeology that many people lived at that time, so there are questions about the large numbers in the Bible in numbers and elsewhere and there.

There are fair various arguments that are used either one is that the word for LF 4000 is actually the word aloof and it's a tribal chief and it was a different number and that will misunderstanding some of the numbers.

No one really gives a supernatural explanation. In other words yet that women had 27 children of no one but no one is using that exclamation character critics raising objections and I've ever read.

Detailed responses in looking at all the different theories and looking at how consistent this is in the Old Testament would seem to be large numbers and there there one of two answers for me.

One is the numbers are exactly as they say they are and were just missing some of the data. Historically, but if we had more the information we see that the other is because they seem consistently large that somehow there were ways of representing things in ancient Israel ways of stating things in ancient Israel that are different than we might do them today, because of which we we seem to have these discrepancies.

So in other words it's it's not an error in the text. It's our lack of understanding as to how these numbers were being communicated so I've not seen a definitive study that answers everything I've seen some again to try to explain how the critics are wrong and that how these numbers make sense in context and that's possible but it's also possible that we are simply misunderstanding how the numbers were used.

What they signify the nature world and by the way, it's in keeping with with other representations and other documents that often have numbers that we look at the actual data.

The numbers are way higher than the data. So what did those numbers represent maybe were misunderstanding how they were used so it's either of those to me in the text is exactly successively. We just don't have enough data to to understand it or the numbers were lower and if we were in ancient Israel, we would understand. With these higher numbers were actually signify so it's it's it's interesting, but it's on a massive life-and-death problem right okay well it's very helpful. I will great yeah and I read the most detail article that I read the most comprehensive that a colleague sent to me at the end I concluded all the more my not hundred percent sure is a great article because it gave viable options like undress you medical leisure thing Arriaga hit limp many to say this one thing I encouraged a caller earlier in the show to major on the majors. So I got a million questions later honey else, like the foundations of your life strong in the and then ask questions, wait no problem right that it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown, a continuing how about if many Bible study all right, it's Monday. It's the beginning of the week. I'm here in Brooklyn New York at chosen people ministries great outreach they have here right in Brooklyn in the heart of every Jewish community and these folks are very Jewish and got a great heart for their people. So how about we do a little a little Bible study in the book of Romans. All right, so let's let's do this together. But let's take a look. Romans chapter 1 verse 16 Romans 116 and in let's ask the question, there when Paul says to the Jew first and also to the request to the Gentile that the gospel is the power of God's salvation forever elude police first, the Jew, then for the Gentile. Does he mean first for the Jew that historically, this message came to the Jewish people first is only for the Jewish also for the Gentile or does he mean in an ongoing way that the gospel goes to the Jew first, and it's also the gentle so it's for all people. Jesus died for Jew and Gentile.

Just the same as no favoritism and God's sight. The Messiah rejoices with everyone save his joy in the presence of the angels of heaven, joined the presence of God over one sinner who repents of that sentence, Jewish or Gentile, male or female, rich or poor, younger older's joy presence of God are sold on from death to life in the kingdom of Satan to the kingdom of God's glorious, wonderful, beautiful, praise God. Wonderful at absolutely not talking about favoritism is no favoritism in God but is there a priority is, is there an order of one.

What are we to make of this. So Romans 116 is not in isolation, because Paul also talks in the second chapter about this principle to the Jew first so Romans the second chapter. If you have your Bibles. You can flip over there justice. Listen, if you're driving your cars what Paul says in Romans the second chapter is talking about judgment here slid what he says in verse six, God will repay each one according to his works.

Eternal life to those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, but wrath and indignation to those who are self-seeking and disobey the truth but are obeying unrighteousness, affliction and distress for every human being who does evil, first to the Jew and also to the Greek glory, honor and peace for everyone who does what is good.

First, to the Jew and also to the Greek.

So Paul is saying here that in terms of God's judgment and God's blessing, not just historically but when God repays at the end it will be first judgment on the Jew and also the Gentile and first blessing on the Jew and also on the Gentile. There remains a divine order and that's just one of a number of reasons why understand Romans 116 means to the Jew first that this is a gospel priority in a gospel order and that's why Saul Paul in the book of acts even after being rejected in one city by the Jewish community when he went to the next city.

He went to the Jew first, because it's the message of the Jewish Messiah. Now I know things have turned so much that that the question is can you be Jewish and believe in Jesus but remember the early church. The question was can you be Gentile and believe in Jesus treating you to become a Jew first, because he's the Jewish Messiah can you be a follower of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua, can you have your sins forgiven. Can you come into the family of God as a gentle, you need to become a Jew first, and that was the amazing revelation.

No. You don't have to become a Jew, you don't have to become a Jew, you simply have to put your faith in Yeshua the Messiah and you will not have equal standing and equal status with Jewish people in God remarkable, but things shifted as the majority of the believers became Gentile and the Jewish roots were severed. Now the question is can you be Jewish and believe in Jesus.

After become Gentile Jeff Jeff to throttle your customs and traditions along background and that now become Gentile and in order to follow Messiah instead of Saturday Sabbath. You must have Sunday Sabbath and and you gotta eat pork in it. I looked there. Some people through church history, believe that kind of thing. And again, I've said it before, but there there are there are people who are Jewish friends of mine Jewish friends of mine who were when they came to faith were given a ham sandwich by well-meaning Christians ignorant but well-meaning to see if they were really saved friends that is utterly preposterous, preposterous, so here's the good news.

Salvation is for one and all equal and free. So I read another verse due from Romans the 10th chapter and verse 12 what Paul says there he says, for there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, since the same Lord of all, is rich to all who call on him. Verse 13 for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved so it's a wonderful statement wonderful word there with them. When he asked, but how can they call on him and did not believe then that's first and foremost talking to Jewish people and then Gentiles as well.

So listen I want to encourage you if your pastor if your evangelist if you are committed congregational member if you're praying person I want to encourage you to make sure that you put Jewish evangelism high in your list you Savior how the Jews relive what you can pray for the salvation of the Jewish people. You can pray for people like me in groups of chosen people to work with today, and Jews for Jesus and etc. on the front lines as we are Jewish evangelism. You can pray for divine appointments and contacts you civil which I do as it is a pastor while I believe the first of your first the first monies that come in should go out to go to missions. I believe that's a good principal but let it be that the first of the first goes to Jewish ministry that I wonder how many churches actively support Jewish ministry. I wonder how many churches actively pray for the salvation of the Jewish people.

I wonder how many believe it's important God site again I want to say it once more. There's no caste system or class system. Every person coming to the Lord is of equal importance in God site and yet there is an order that God is established in a priority because of calling out to Jewish people. You could say they have the most responsibility and the most accountability, but let that be something that gets factored in. That's part of your prayers that you pray for the salvation of Israel that you pray for people like me as we are on the front lines of reaching Jewish people with the gospel and training in teaching equipping others to read a been taught all at all last night all day today soon as radios done go back to teaching more teach again tomorrow training, equipping people in a deeper way to to reach our own Jewish people with the good news of the Messiah and it was really sweet. It's really sweet when I get calls like I got last week from a young man named Jonathan. It's really sweet when we get emails from folks here test was just a long email today of people having radical life transformation through putting their faith and from time of Jewish people, religious Jewish people will hear from those that listen from afar, but can't call in and hate you.

You might be listening in Brooklyn right now you might be 1 mile away from me and you have to listen secretly but God sees your heart and if you seek him earnestly. He revealed himself to. It's not a matter of stopping being a Jew.

It's not a matter leaving a Jewishness. It's a matter of recognizing who the Messiah is and then coming into the fullness of life as a Jew, that God intended. So, to the Jew first. I believe that remains with Scripture saying all right, let's just see here wanted about the phones. Note though lately, let me go here. I was reading an article by a fine Christian man and Arab Christian living in Jerusalem where he was talking about how evangelical Christianity looks so bad to them now because of evangelical support of Israel because of evangelical enthusiasm over president from recognizing Jerusalem, and in his mind is not a good thing this a bad thing because it's driving these Arab Muslims away from Jesus because they associate Evan joke of Christianity with the gospel. They associate the gospel now with with America was trump with pro-Israel policies and it's it's hurting their witness to the Arab people, and I understand it's an issue I want to downplay that in the Muslim world. If you're an American.

America stands with Israel that that's gonna put another strike against you. But I wonder I wonder if my friend in Israel has considered the fact that this is now softening the hearts of Jewish people that we had centuries and centuries of church history where Jews associate Christianity with anti-Semitism Jews associate Christianity with Jew hatred and and now there is such a clear love evangelical love and support for the lost sheep of the house of Israel such a clear solidarity with Israel and prayer for Israel and and and repudiating of the anti-Semitism of the past that many Jewish hearts are more open to hear this message so we need to be sensitive to all peoples, but it's important to know that Christian love for Israel has built a lot of bridges that Christian love for Israel has helped undo a lot of the damage that historic anti-Semitism in the church has done and that's a positive thing. So bless all of you that pray for Israel love Israel must pray, of course, for the Muslim world and let's pray for Arab Christians who were stuck in the middle between Israel and in between the Muslim world, let's let's pray for them, for God's grace to be super actually poured out on them and what's amazing is when I was in Germany to meet Christians from Iran and Christians from Turkey and and and Muslim nations, Arab nations, former Muslims, all of them, enthusiastic, loving Jesus and telling me with big smiles and we love Israel we love Israel we pray for the Jews. We love Israel so that's the ultimate place of unity is in Jesus should be sure to check out all the Jewish resources on our website. Real Messiah sauce.

Column three you go all kinds of out resources back with you tomorrow