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Reflections on Two Major Marches; and Keys to Lasting Freedom from Food Strongholds

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
January 22, 2018 4:20 pm

Reflections on Two Major Marches; and Keys to Lasting Freedom from Food Strongholds

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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January 22, 2018 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 01/22/18.

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What they were two marches in the last few days.

The media coverage tells you everything I how can you get free from food addictions. A certified addiction counselor will help us today for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire.

Now, like always.

866-34-TRUTH let's 866-34-TRUTH your exam is Dr. Michael Brown okay so you really big news now here in America. The government shutdown has been abated.

This compromise deal that's been worked out. The conservative side to saying the Democrats blame Chuck Schumer blinked and so on. But I'm not focusing on that today is important as it may be because I am not primarily a conservative news talk radio host I talk about politics when they intersect with moral cultural issues which unburdened certainly the government shutdown with. That means the question about illegal immigrants, so on and so forth.

How those things interface.

Those are issues of importance, but I'm not just talking about whatever the major government news is it has to intersect with areas right been burdened by the Lord.

Moral and cultural issues so we will focus on some major news that relates to America and we will give a gospel perspective on but will be talking about the government shutdown being abated now temporarily or how the whole American political system works and why we even have these budgetary things. After he passed potential shutdowns one the economic stuff out of my expertise. Number two the larger issues outside of my areas of focus. With that being said, Michael Brown here welcome to the broadcast 866-348-7884. In a moment I want to talk to about the two marches, the March for life that took place on Friday. The women's march that took place on Saturday and will talk about the media coverage of that just in a moment before getting to that I was in Des Moines Iowa over the weekend.

Everyone listening on our great truth station in Des Moines, a shout out here from North Carolina. It was great to meet many of you that are regular listeners to the show but the one that got my attention and I posted a picture as well as one of our regular faithful listeners now listen, I've met many people and heard really neat stories. What are my old favorites was when I was ministering on Long Island time and a guy came up to me and said hey I listen to you show every day when we were on MW MCA which is old New York City and onto Long Island. He said I wasn't you sure they sit on the driver, but I can only listen when I'm in the car.

He said so. I pray for traffic number one for New Yorker to pray for traffic that that's that's a lot that is a lot all right number two exits a prayer that was answered fairly regularly in New York but this is this is another new favorite of mine. There is a canine named Angel and beautiful looking dog and her owner told me she and her husband were chatting with me and and you have got a picture of a Labrador retriever, Angel. We just put our screen so if you watching on YouTube or Facebook your nursing angels picture, but of the owners told me that the wife of some of the couple that that this is the show every did she can and if she goes out. Just go out. She leaves it on because my voice is soothing to Angel the other golden retriever. The syllabic golden retriever so of let's let's let's just try this right never done this before.

This is a first in our radio history, but let's see and and hopefully your listening today at five and got the dogs.

They would love the orders them hopefully you're listening and you can tell me if this works but let's see Angel Angel hey Henschel hey Chuck and Carl Angel Angel's Outlook. Let me know.

Let me know if that got her attention. If that works okay before talk about the marches want to take you into my world here for a moment of I want you to know what is ongoing with YouTube.

What we have to deal with and and how this actually affects our YouTube income. Remember, YouTube is not censored by videos they have not remove them. They have not blacklisted them so that no one could get to them what they have done is time after time after time. Mark them is not suitable for all advertisers solicit me.

It means then that is soon as we see it and we may not know it, because it could be an older video and and were just unaware of it with us as soon as we see it after then click on the link and it says verify that this is suitable for all advertisers and request a manual review and then they say unless it's viewed a thousand times in seven days it won't be reviewed. That's that the minimum that what that means is let's say it's been out for little while. It's it was viewed a few thousand times in the market is unsuitable. Maybe it's slow down because we put up seven videos a week, sometimes five, six, 70 videos a week so not all of the regular be viewed that amount of time so we could just sit there are days, weeks, months, and never get reviewed. But I want you to know the type of videos that Facebook is holding up some I'm working on my Facebook page now. Here are some of the most recent ones we had to request review did Joshua conquer Palestine not suitable for most advertisers review requested the lasting effects of abortion, the Internet child Giants battle against conservatives a personal testimony about the pain of abortion Sycamore one of revival came to America all that's terrible what revival came to America Shirley that's going to be offensive about this Godson throne's interview with Pastor Carl gallops about his new book about this one you got questions, we've got answers yet that got marked as not suitable for all advertisers were waiting for review of that one but this one.

How to start your new year yet friends this is what were dealing with how to start your new year, this what Dr. Brown answers your Facebook questions we get flagged immediately. We get flagged constantly and then we put in the request for review and then most of the time he comes back good news your video Dr. Brown answers your questions is suitable for all advertisers all over my wonderful view tell me that that. Thank you for discovering what we all knew from the start.

Let's see year-end reflections and a fascinating interview on the gifts of the spirit that one is currently flagged. Looking back at 2017 key American world news anger because that's flagged about this got questions.

We got answers. YouTube must be scandalized by questions and answers. These are not suitable for all advertisers. We just one more page here and and and see here we go a leaving Mormonism an interview with Lynn Wilder that conflict answers to your questions, that conflict. Dr. Brown challenges a Muslim leader to formal debate on religious extremism that was reviewed and confirmed as not suitable it's Hanukkah a modifier that got flagged responded to the Alabama elections in a special tribute that conflict how to advance a gospel based revolution that conflict pragmatic and moral reasons to vote for one more trunk were more fake news Jerusalem anti-Semitism more that conflict was a biblical worldview that conflict hears of a repeat broadcast Dr. Brown answers your questions that conflict miracles interview with Prof. Craig Keener that's flagged freedom of conscience under attack.

The masterpiece cake case. Dr. Brown speak at the historic love love Charlotte relic you got questions, we've got answers flagged again confronting contemporary anti-Semitism. Donald Trump met lowered sexual scandals, developing a culture of life responded to Matt Lauer's fault is God predestined people elements opposes double since all these negative page after page of the page.

So what happens is, these could be monetized so interview watching a video on YouTube. But before he comes up there so mad that place for and then you can click after five seconds, and it disappears right so our videos are monetized and that means that if enough people watch them brings in the fraction of a penny per view, but have hundreds of thousands of millions of people watch the videos that generates money with which we then go we put right back into our ministry work right back immediately directly into our ministry work to help put more material out. We have to have a team in order to do what we do to put out these radio shows and to put that out on Facebook and on YouTube so these things and get the monetized means that any income coming through them gets shut down when there are enough of them, even when the views are that high. You feel it can drop the income to 1/3 of what would normally be so pray with us for righteous resolution here. Pray that YouTube/Google will do the right thing and will stop censoring whole channels because of conservative viewpoints or biblical viewpoints of pray with us. Accordingly, if you want to help us stand with us, that would be awesome if if in particular you want a soul into what were doing in video and getting videos out. Just go to work go fund me page that's go fund me.calm/ask Dr. Brown studio ASKDR Brown studio in this way you can stand with us and help the students go fund ADR Brown studio asked Dr. Brown studio. I am not complaining that we are being persecuted all its terrible regard monetized not listen brothers and sisters around the world are suffering real persecution and and are literally laying down their lives for the gospel and literally it it is costing them their next literally their heads for the gospel, families being torn apart, separated. I am not crying here. I'm simply talking to folks about this because it's a constant subject folks will know what's going on with it when I just happened to notice last night how many videos are currently requesting review. I thought that I need to give everyone an update and get if you can help us stand with us, that would be awesome because this cuts off a source of income for us in here.

We have over 1100 videos up there on that YouTube channel.

YouTube has the monetized a large portion of them at one point about 900 of them.

Believe it or not. Okay so before I get to the marches this weekend. We go back in history we lived right outside of DC from 87 to 96 for nine year. And many of our friends from the front lines of the pro-life movement.

So one particular year I participated with our two daughters who were of course younger than we we participated in a pro-life event with Operation Rescue. We sat in front of an abortion clinic and then were arrested by the police for participation.

It was a strong prophetic testimony that that got out through that in terms of the evil of abortion really impact you to be part of it and then the next day was the March for life so you have could be several hundred thousand people marching at least 100,000 people marching DC. The major event in and by the way, it is the longest lasting protest march in in American history still going strong.

Every year it's a shame it's still going to protest but anyway we would watch the local news coverage, we gather around TV and watch 11 o'clock and sure enough there was no coverage of the market was the biggest event in the city in the region that day that week that month, but no coverage in the right again two minutes later they give a little snippet and then the crowd they'd interviewed two or three pro-lifers protesters as if you had a handful of people side bias decade. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown is French for joining us on the line the bottom of the hour talking about getting free from food addictions. She is a mess and it usually receives a psychologist and she is a certified addictions counselor and have a really interesting conversation in a few minutes. All right, so II knew of course that the March for life on Friday we get minimal or no media coverage about the mainstream secular media.

The only thing that really got a coverage was that history was made in that Pres. Trump the first sitting president to address the crowd life. This is never happened in 45 years you think with all the Republican presidents reelected. Why hasn't happened that's that's a fair question did happen last year, VP Pentz address the crowd this year Pres. Trump address the crowd.

Very significant and he pointed to some of the major achievements. Pro-life achievements of his administration thus far and a vice president Pentz even went as far as saying he's the most pro-lifers.

The river had a meeting strange with the big semi Donald Trump ended up being so strongly pro-life and you need someone who just doesn't care about the opposition to do some of the things that he has done but also last week to shoehorn where a last Wednesday, the Department of Justice filed a friend of the court brief in an amicus brief urging justices to overturn a California law that would require folks working at a pregnancy crisis centers and things like that to give out information to women to have an abortion.

Would you come in there you say okay I'm pregnant. I'm not sure what to do to get a counselor you pray with them. Unit off of the sonogram so they can see the baby and so on. California losses but you must also say now course, you could abort the baby's plan paradigm block meet at ridiculous obscene horrific and and so so the department of justice actively fighting that and and then Steve days, who used to be.

Never Trumper.

We spent some time together in Iowa over the weekend.

He said this, the news that the Trump administration is setting up a new division within the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the conscience rights of doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers is unambiguously good and yet so they are there other very positive things have been done by the Trump administration. So the fact that he spoke at the March. That was the one and only thing really that was going to get the attention of the second meeting of the next day there were marches all around the country. So, not just in one location right marches all around the country involving women and men standing with women and standing against Trump.

It was a protest marking one year of his being inaugurated as a result protest with the second day at an office and you can see the hostility towards him. Now some of it you just say women standing up and it's the me to movement all that encompassed looked at as an abusive figure because of his past and the statements in salt and others would say that it's radical feminists. I think you had both their but there is this an interesting website. The right scoop rights and they they have an article up where the guy posting it decided to look at CNN tweets breaking news from CNN news being posted, and compare the two days the March for life and the women smart soap so he notes that there was one tweet. Basically CNN breaking news, nothing during the day and CNN that the main link on Twitter.

Pres. Trump is speaking via video feed to the March for life gathering in Washington, where he will tell his administration's antiabortion record process report after court antiabortion, then you go down and zero breaking news tweets only two from CNN's main account both focusing on Trump speech and other women's March right women's March and you've got one picture in the tweet and another picture tweet one with the crowd will escrow your Hansen and another picture of the tree CNN breaking news and yet another CNN breaking news and yet another CNN breaking news, and yet it hears here's an anti-Trump one hot woman holding up a sign with Trump's purchasing disobey another girls rule CNN breaking news more CNN breaking news mother and daughter highlight what women's March is so important CNN breaking news CNN breaking news CNN breaking news. So 10 tweets from CNN's breaking news account. All all that day and zero CNN breaking news about the March for life the day before. So if you don't know what's happening except which are seen on CNN. You have a completely skewed view of what was of interest to people you think the only thing of interest is radical feminism or the anti-Trump protest or or maybe a facility positive women's movement you get no clue about March for life with. Even though it happened and then the main news 12345678 I'm just scrolling down the page look at woe and on and on and on it goes main account year member they had to for Trump speaking so another 18 tweets 18 tweets from CNN's main account so 10 to 0 breaking news 18 to 218 22 from the main news account. That's how CNN reported friends. It is the ongoing extreme bias in the media.

Surveys were done some years back, and what was found was that news hosts anchor men and women overwhelmingly far to the left of the American public overwhelmingly pro-abortion overwhelmingly pro-same-sex quote marriage, and the like how this happened is a whole other issue.

How the industry got so overtaken. It is not representative of America. You just want newscasters to call it as they see it and here's the news and then hears political commentary depending on where people are coming from and even that should reflect the sentiments of America so it how this happened is a big question.

Interestingly, consider conservatives dominate talk radio. Just as liberals dominate TV conservatives dominate talk radio how that happened is a phenomenon that's another interesting question, but all that just to put out and say that is the reality that were dealing with now what about American views on abortion when it intersects with faith. There is a pew research report that breaks down Americans views on abortion by religious group now at the top that the groups that say that abortion should be legal in all cases right 90% of those who identify as Unitarian Universalist 90% said should be legal, while obviously they have thrown out the authority of Scripture in their mind it's it's a very humanistic approach to the face.

So compassion is just whatever the woman feels is best and right etc. it is very much an anti-authority of God, faith, right and then next on the list atheist 87% of atheists.

No surprise there. Because you're going to have a different moral base. If you believe there is a creator that put us here until we have moral responsibility agnostic the same 87% then.

Interestingly, Jewish 83%. Why because most Americans use a liberal. Most American Jews are not religious Jews.

If you if you wonder where the, the percentage of Jews are saying their post with those would be mainly religious Jews or messianic Jews. The vast majority American Jews are liberal, Buddhist, 82%. Again, because there is not a a strong God, creator moral base in Judaism were sanctity of life in Judaism Episcopal Church United Church of Christ, 79% 72% respectively what because they too are liberal. They have thrown out the authority of Scripture and the same with with other liberal churches Presbyterian Church USA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, African Methodist Episcopal Church United Methodist Church. So now were down to 58% when you go in the opposite direction.

The ones that have the smallest amount saying that abortion should be legal Jehovah's Witnesses. Only 18% said should be legal.

Why it it's occult but it's a cult that has strong moral standards that here's was very interesting. The next ones saying that abortion should be illegal right so only 20% said should be legal Church of God in Cleveland, Tennessee. That's Pentecostal was that mean conservative scriptural believers and and right next to that 26%. The Assemblies of God also conservative Pentecostal believers so these groups with a hold to the authority scriptural Church of the Nazarene. Glad to see that 27%. They have a holiness heritage.

It's apparently still there Mormons 27% of surprises that even a little higher. Given again that that this is a cult that the puts forth strong moral standards, and then Southern Baptist convention, 30% you like that number to be higher churches of Christ, Church of God in Christ Seventh-day Adventist now were getting into the the 40s and percentage year but notice that that to that of the three most conservative religious groups in America when it comes to abortion would be identified as Pentecostal or charismatic, and you'll find that consistently that there is a higher regard for the authority of Scripture.

Even then, in many, many Baptist circles. We have more liberal trends so look, we understand that there are many heart wrenching, difficult cases where women agonize over abortion and fetch you there.

There is no condemnation when not throwing condemnation and guilt on you Jesus died for the sin of abortion, just like every other sin and you may have been in a traumatic situation and you have a hard time forgiving yourself for as well. I guess said last week. First receive forgiveness of God than you can more readily forgive yourself and if you are struggling with the guilt of abortion a go to the website of my guest list.

We can read life life at herself had an abortion when she was 17, but did it because that was just her choice she was going to be promiscuous and if she got pregnant forth the baby many others.

It was an agonizing decision that you work through and still feel the pain of it. So yes, compassion says were standing with you for your restoration as you come in repentance, to the foot of the cross resident shout out her horse and shout out the pain of your portion one others on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown you have time. I'm going to be is a licensed psychologist, a licensed certified addictions counselor, a licensed marriage and family therapist and she's written a new book called satisfied, and 90 days spiritual journey toward food freedom. This this past weekend. Saturday I was in Des Moines Iowa again greetings to all those that were there with me for a conference on Christian fitness, health and fitness from a biblical perspective. And it's the first and only time I been invited to speak on such a conference and such conferences are rare to nonexistent. Outside of this so obviously was very interested in doing it.

Nancy and I have a book out breaking the stronghold of food. We started a Facebook page a few weeks ago called Weir breaking the stronghold of food, but this is a subject.

My guest has written on before she's written on food triggers and we connected via Facebook because of my book a break in the stronghold of food.

So we've never met, except through Facebook, interaction, and through books. This will be the first time we get to talk but what people consciously want to know is give me some impractical tell me what to do how do I do it.

So here you got a 90 day guide. The book satisfied 90 days spiritual journey toward food freedom, my guest, Dr. Rona Epstein, great to have you on the air today. Thanks for joining us. Hi Michael night to be with you and is your first and pronounce Rona or Rhonda Rona run okay just one of the be sure all right let me just ask you some general questions.

First, all right, we know how secular psychology can often work.

How many times it has principles that operate contrary to biblical principles, but here in your life you is a biblically-based believer found a complete career in this field. How do you incorporate your spiritual insights into other words, a very secular profession really good question.

I really believe that their combination of understanding the mind and body and spirit together is really the key and edit all biblical right right God spoke about about all of this part, though. It's not like God left psychology out psychology took biblical principles and current particular route though. There's a lot picnicking and in psychology but this wonderful typical principal thing in cognitive psychology. For example, I really feel that the Scripture gives up a lot of wonderful tools for how to transform your mind and not such an important thing in trying to deal with food or any stronghold really any addictive process if you understand how to apply Scripture to any kind of stronghold or any addictive profit. I believe in addiction for some people. For me it was an outlet for you. Well I so so just generally speaking, Rona addictions are addictions, be they addictions to heroin b-day addictions to pornography, be they addictions to sugar that addictions are addictions.

Broadly speaking on the same principles that apply in one apply to another or is is an overstatement. All I think it not an overstatement at all. I think the principles are the same except for that in each addiction you have specific things that you need to do. Practically speaking it in. You know, obviously with. There are things you have to do because you have to eat to their think you have to learn practical aspects of dealing with. Do you understand how to be free with food and how to not cross the line that you'll be cleaned with.

What what is freedom look like it is different than apathy obviously can't be apathy in from food to same way you would be abstinent from alcohol or heroin. Although you can be abstinent from addictive rights and the benefits right yet but that it is it is true though when when God set me free from drugs, so the first few days after that I was hanging out with the same friends and their passing a joint around and I just let it go past to the next person share the gospel with them. And then after a few days like okay I will need to be sitting there with them, and then got out of that environment.

So even though I was still talking to him about the Lord.

I was in a drug parties anymore was on drug dealers, but when it comes to food, you know you got a restaurant and all your friends are ordered. What would be the equivalent of drugs to fight. I mentioned this some months back. But I was flying from California or something. So was I was upgraded to first class because my frequent flying and they come by your love snacks. It's always no thanks, I'm good. And then they come by with a meal. No thanks, I'm good then combined with dessert. Like the desert it was. It was the best looking chocolate cake I've ever seen on a plane and they come by. They put it right by my nose that I was fine. I was always been tempted but I said to myself why your free from drugs they were doing that with cocaine and heroin and LSD. You know this, ever so it is different with food and therefore you you need a more holistic strategy now and in your earlier book food triggers what you get into their wall record keeper of an explanation about the ideological aspect of computer abuse and how addictive chemically.

I in a very people way complaint on the giant brain and how we can be actually physiologically addicted to certain food how the pleasure centers in the brain get triggered just like alcohol or drug I and I explain emotionally how we get triggered and then a lot about how to learn how to use other coping skills spiritually and emotionally and then using support and other ways of kind matching life that you're not using. The truck and so it realizing it for people who have been abusing.

It usually not because food taste good. It's not just because of what feels good. There's usually a lot of reasons why were eating and most the time it's unconscious until you got a train stop and then you realize you really are using it like a drop in Nam motion to avoid gate stress relief and a number of things and incur triggers I go through the whole gamut of the reasons why we and then off the principles of spiritual principles difficult principles for how to break free from those dependent that dependent civil war talking about addictions in the new book satisfied you. You mentioned a study that compared sugar. The power sugar to addict to cocaine to remember off the top your head with the stats for R12 sugar eight times more addictive than cooking, yeah extraordinary and I've said it many times that I found it much easier to give up heroin than that to give up chocolate and slowly one is a 59 your habit. You know so there's there's a difference. But let me read you something and and you can give a response. This is on are we breaking the stronghold of foods Facebook page. Hannah asked this.

Thank you and Nancy for your raw honesty and struggle fighting your food addiction.

So here I am, full-time missions with my husband homeschooling for kids 18 months to seven years and it is so tough to not rely on food, especially chocolate and chewing candy in emotional idolatry we need is a family fresh greens daily all grass fed meets every color in the rainbow fruits and veggies. Lots of eggs and 99% organic and unprocessed foods.

We'd only sprouted grains and I make everything at home from scratch. Even this. I know my heart emotionally eats I hide chocolate I get upset with my husband and children want you chocolate I into the kitchen and think chocolate. My biggest hangup is that I justify to myself hundred 45 pounds 5 foot six and had four kids and most people say well go. You look great. Yet I resemble my husband encourages me to do crunches or push-ups and get my heart rate up. I loathe running but if I'm completely 100% honest with myself, my heart looks to chocolate my mind often wanders to chocolate gummy's or starburst candy because I need the energy. I say I'm so hungry needs of the fast keep me going or I'll me take a moment and enjoy some. Besides the cold food that I never get to eat sitting still on the table. I desire to take every thought captive unto Christ and have no other gods before my Savior but my heart so quickly falls back into but I need the energy but is really something alike when I really went really my emotional needs are temporally being written chocolate. Any advice they can break these chains of emotional idolatry might well understand what you doing the understand that by documenting Really powerful understanding and when you may not eat what you're doing to understand that you're really turning to a false God and that the battle right there but break the right. I know for myself and my own personal.

Having gone through this might break there really came in a spiritual way. Ultimately, that I understand not wanting that aching for wanting it, but ultimately when you eat it you lose your keys and you lose your connection to God. It did make your you. I know for myself if I eat it I become obsessed I become guilty and become shame become twisted up in an insanity and I want more and more and more the cravings are there and it's not like you just have one. It just never stops once you open that door that just keep wanting more. More info it like if I want to be close to God and experience the fullness and an abundant life with him. Can't have that addictive profit going on and experience the full abundant life with God. It either or so understand that that starburst or chocolate that it's unfortunately like it you can't have both. Like a normal person competent addict can't though to make that small price to pay you experienced the phone at the got I think for me in the end of the day. I really needed to get have a spiritual experience. Think I get with God about that deep prayer experience and really turn this over and asked him to let me free and ultimately the emotional tie could I had been eating right and doing all the right things but I still wanted it to, and not didn't break immediately after it took years actually and then I had a spiritual breakthrough in prayer and I really got the victory in that and I've been living in total P 4/30 years now.

Start in 34 years of freedom, but it took about it took probably seven years before I experience completely and I soon retain the breakthrough came but it came at night and I don't even like you factories that I didn't even think twice about any of that. That is how I am I don't I don't even there's not even a thought.

I have no interest because to me it represents a lot of peace and a lot of vanity and I don't I wouldn't trade that for chocolate cake.

You got it, but I was crying out to God's throne breakthrough goes through addiction withdrawal the third night I cried out said Lord Shirley the power of your spirit is greater than the power.

M&Ms had to take hold of that. But somehow if we can get to a point where the trigger foods or the foods that we know are wrong or off-limits to us that in other words, there's not an option.

I don't have the option of eating it just like you may be a married man and a pretty gal moves in next oldest is off-limits to a married man. It's not even possible. A lot of things can break right there okay will come back just getting started with Dr. Ron Epstein. Her new book, satisfied a 90 day spiritual journey for Expo line of fire with your host activist and author internationals leader and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown satisfied Graham is one of the few professionals to speak to the tantamount role of spirituality and faith in sustained recovery art raw went. When I got free from drugs. I did not relate to the idea being a recovering drug addict.

In fact, that I come to judge people that with them a recovering alcoholic. I thought that was weak talking didn't reflect an overcoming attitude, but one said that with food issues and a realist. Okay I I have to live as if I was a recovering food addict meaning nothing. I struggle really hardly ever ever struggling under my lifestyle but I live as if one wrong move could blow everything for me so what is a healthy mentality we want to be over comers. We want to be confident that that God is helping us. We don't want to negatively portray ourselves all and I'm just a loser, a wimp, helpless but yet we need to we need to have healthy parameters. What's a healthy approach to how I should view myself as a former food addict right well actually I payment you Mike. I feel the same way I I don't their lines. I just know I can't cross like I know I'm a sugar addict and by starting ice cream I'm done and I might will be picking a needle in my arm and felt for me that a line that I can't cross and wiki people don't understand that but I need to understand that that's what's important for me and so to understand it.

Like any illness, like if you had an allergy you you understand that it can cause you to the life-and-death illness that can happen as a result of taking like nuts. For example, if you're not allergy you have to be super careful when you going to a restaurant to make sure that you don't get not in what you eat and for people who have that kind of thing they really have to be scrutinizing with the waitstaff to make sure because they've been through some scary event, probably in their life that you only need to have one or two runs to the ER to know that you're in trouble when you've been through, trying to recover and you do not I work with people like you full-time.

I work with people are trying to overcome. You and I see what happens when people don't take it seriously and may try to handle their addictive. Usually they just stay stuck in the battle and the freedom comes when they take that date make hardlines but it's really hard to get there and you usually people keep trying and trying to handle it by doing moderation or just having a little and they don't want to really accept that it's an addiction and it usually takes on you a bunch of times, maybe years of falling and have waiting till the doctor says what you have diabetes or you're going to lose your toe or not you have a heart you had a heart attack. A lot of times it and even that won't won't help because people just can't accept that this is the real addiction.

I think when a person finally faith that that could just be understanding about like that. This is not like like you that you and I both were enjoying our life. I I went to a party together night to 1/60 birthday party to please what I heard what they're having for dinner I find out what's on the menu and I heard that they're having something that really wasn't gonna work out for me so I said hey could you do me a favor can you call the creator and have them put a clean piece of chicken for me and don't put all that breading… No problem though I know I joke with my friend thing on the little high maintenance what everybody else was eating I had a plate full of vegetables and chicken and it was delicious and I enjoyed my friend and I didn't even think about the fact that I didn't have the all the rest of his day was really remarkable. I come back from a very intense week in New York City. Lots of hours of teaching, then hours out side the cold doing video shoots got back was about to start a very busy week but but it was now a Sunday fullback that day and I remember right I got no Saturday. Sorry I had preached the next day and remember I had to go to the store because we were we were out of a lot of the stuff of the fruit from a salad and I memorized as I got out of the car and and jogged into the store and then grab the cart and started jogging down the aisles are thought to myself, you know this. Lester really does pay off me the energy the sense of vitality. The sense of just life being better so even if you didn't like the meal, you know, even if it was like eating cardboard, it would still be worth it for the overall health benefits, and then, as good stewards of our body. It would be obedience. But when you can then really enjoy the stuff on top of it. What why is everyone doing it obviously because the pleasure food of the addictions not being free in the sense of my kit. I tried dieting so you're not timeout diving dramatic change way of living and in your book, satisfied your receipt shows that title for reason.

So you're not talking about a life of miserable deprivation and an horrific hardship you're talking about a life or you can actually be satisfied and yet free from food addictions exactly because being in a food addiction is not buying comparable people learn tortured with pain and guilt and shame and doubt beneath her body per watt for ice cream for cookie that not really worth it if you want a person really think the face with it. The price tag for the cookie so it will be one of the happiest people's lives by me when I talk to people who are 300 and it can't get up in the family like can't enjoy a good day out walking around and doing fun things and the kids are saying to them why can't we go do this and what can we do that they have to think like can't fit into that meet and II really don't have the energy to walk around New York City while I'm embarrassed to be on public Roman Empire and even people who aren't even that happy. I mean I work with people who just are so upset with their weight even when their normal weight, but they are so wait up because their food is nothing awaited and even just because they're still in the upper portion that they are hiding they will put baby food on the one put on a sleeveless shirt on, to be think their arms are fat and they're not enjoying their life because the subvention is just destroying them and I'm talk about treating all back for P and an abundant like I I in the end, when you really start thinking about it. It is a great trait. It's in the maze spent especially again when you end up enjoying the healthy foods that that you eat and then you break that you never have that craving anymore.

You don't have a headache swing when you miss certain meal don't have a sense of weakness and you just gotta get something fresh in your system alright so obviously folks need to get the book to get through the 90 days. But again the book is satisfied on 90 day spiritual journey toward food freedom. I think you can hear that my guest. Epstein is thriving. You know that I'm thriving.

So so we are recommending a counsel of life of abundant life, but just very quickly.

The couple minutes we have left. Why 90 days.

Why did you feel that was an important thing to lay out because everyone I talk to okay the one of the what next. What I do so here you get you give them three months of what to do white wine 90 days actually the night time and people want quick fix.

Thanks everybody wants that infant is no such thing in this world. The area like you said ha ha I give it 59 years. Most people who have food issues started when they were really young that were not going to just knock this thing out and read a book. And unlike all now I'm all better 90 days of reflection spiritual. It there's an assignment part of each day. There's like a little question answer reflection I'm doing group now online with books that people can go through the 90 days with me and I recommend people don't do that kind of equipment with me that they do it with an accountability partner because I think doing it that way is much better much more helpful to actually get into the deep. There's a lot of depth and when you answer the questions and really go into it. You're going to learn about the word stand in about the messages. What you need to connect look at in your heart and to really be honest about your relationship with food and really think into what God wanted you that you break why 90 did I think it gives you time to kind of percolate on what is being said I don't even think that at 90 days is really that much. I think people take years to really get it through their heads what needs to change to be transformed. I noticed that I'm working with people like to understand that it's really an addiction not to touch certain things and not to cross over that it doesn't really get through that he will each one day there's a little method can keep keep on meditating on these ideas and keep on a little bit a little bit a little bit. I think that 90 day projector is just meant to give you a jumpstart to help you get started absolutely and I'm so glad you wrote the book.

It's a great supplement to food triggers. It's a great supplement to the boldness and I wrote breaking the stronghold of food and throughout the book. Obviously, giving encouragement and hope when people think they can fail or it's too late, so obviously you're there. Encourage the marcher yet absolutely right friends if if you want to find out about joining a group with Dr. Epstein.

Her website is Roma that's RHONAEPST The new book satisfied 90 day spiritual journey toward food freedom. If this is what will need to do this again and talk through some specific things because this is such a massive struggle for so many in the body. Today, and certainly if the sun can set us free from all kinds of other things he can set us free from food addictions. One help bless you for all your work. Thanks for being with us today. Thank you for having me on Left