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A Call for Courage and a Spiritual Perspective on Donald Trump

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
March 13, 2018 4:30 pm

A Call for Courage and a Spiritual Perspective on Donald Trump

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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March 13, 2018 4:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 03/13/18.

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We've got two special interviews coming when a call to courage in God and Donald Trump's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

I made a list of books that I wanted to write in the coming years. Subjects that were on my heart things that I wanted to address in on my list.

I wrote down the words. A call to courage. Not long after that. Probably a matter of weeks after that I got an advance copy of this new book by Michael Anthony entitled a call to courage actually officially released today that I thought will also let someone else write the book because God knows we need to stand with courage today, especially with so much confusion around us. The book, a call, the courage to call for courage, subtitle, living with power, truth in love in an age of intolerance and fear and Michael Anthony has quite a personal story as well. Cancer survivor survived various traumas growing up cut his teeth preaching on public transportation in new New York New Jersey area of a meter in your time of summer you can overcome some fears and now he's addressing things in a practical way. Michael is also a host of the God factor radio broadcast have been looking for this to the sensory brother. And thanks for joining us today.

Dr. Brown. It is my pleasure. I'm a huge fan of yours. Love what you're doing, not only on the radio but live format your book. I love your book.

By the way can it face-saving for Comerica. Great book. I have a copy of it right here.

Love what you're doing and it's an honor to be on your program but will thank you so much and obviously we want to focus on on the book. But let's talk about your own life first one in your own life experience prepared you to write a call for courage while acting like a whole.

One of the major themes of my life has been fear things happening to me that I had to trust God for I was merely kidnapped several times when I was four or five years old when I lived in New Jersey. They found the man in the back of her house carrying a large fact that I could've fit into these came and took him began preaching as a result of brokenness and personal prayer time with a friend of mine, both interested in revival and we would pray together once a week, for it became two, three, four hours and added out of that are courage was developed and we said you know we need to tell people the truth about Christ, and we went on to the train station platform in New Brunswick, New Jersey in a captive audience and would talk to people and between trains. We saw God move powerfully and of course my own. I almost died four times with brushes with that recent being cancer has softball sized tumor my test so fear and overcoming it through God's grace has been a theme of my life. That's what led me to write a call for courage.

So in other would you not one of these guys that was, feisty out of the womb.

I'll take on anybody now not afraid of anything.

One of these kids that does things with reckless abandon. Then it just translates into your adult life you like most people had to overcome fear.

So this is really a story for everyone that was whoever the person is even if they think they're an unlikely candidate to take a stand which are same as everybody can take a stand might if God can speak to the mouth of a donkey and a good surveillance donkey God can speak to anybody and if he can do what he did in my life. He can help anybody stand with what I call courageous humility if not just about courage. It's about a particular type of courage that we need to see in the nation in the spiritual awakening that our nation needs right now, desperately, and that is with the way I characterize it. Courageous humility and God used 12 unschooled, ordinary men of the apostles where the only clay in God's Pottery Barn Mike imperfect Claude people that when we meet Jesus. Jesus changes our lives. And yes my story can be anybody stories.

So basically we make a mistake if we look primarily to political leaders or even spiritual leaders to turn the tide in the nation, the ones that it's more likely that he can have the impact of the ones living everyday lives, raising families, working jobs, functioning the salt and light in the society and when you say courageous humility unpack that for me. Courageous humility is when truth and love have a beautiful collision, truth and love together are the definition of courageous humility towards Ephesians forces were supposed to speak the truth in love. If we as Christians are just speaking the truth, but our love for people is not evident to them.

Or a clanging cymbal. And love does not mean tolerance and acceptance of everybody and and and withholding the truth for them the most unloving thing is one of things I hope your listeners are really listening to right now the most unloving thing you can do to somebody is know the truth and withhold it from them.

That is what is hateful. Jesus said, you know the truth. The truth will set you free. If you love people you want to tell them about Jesus you want to tell them about the teachings of Jesus, because that's when the F out of 11, abundant light so courageous. Humility is the manifestation of the marriage between truth and love being delivered to whoever needs to hear. So it is I'm watching a friend of mine getting progressively weak and sick and I understand it's because things they are ingesting have a negative poisonous effect on their system but I know they really like ingesting that eating it or drinking it.

I'm being unloving if I don't tell them I thought will offend them.

I will make him feel bad. I will lose a friend but that's actually unloving so we first have to be convinced that we have God's truth and that God's ways are best. I'm gonna start there and only we do and you know, I know Leonard Ravenhill was huge in your life and he was huge in my life that I never met him personally. I wrote him and one day I got a letter in the mail back from him when he wrote back to me and he wrote in the in the letter.

I still remember to this day. Of course I saved it man's opinion of God is fluid God's opinion of man is fixed, trust and obey arrest and pique Leonard Ravenhill in any edible business card that said a man whose intimate with God.

You will never be intimidated by man. That statement based on Scripture is so true. Courage is a byproduct.

You know were all afraid these days to stand up and speak as believers in our flesh in the natural man.

But courage is a byproduct of spending time with Jesus. I'm always a coward when I'm on my own, but when I spend time with Jesus in his word private time I become what I otherwise would not become your your listeners will to Mike. It God's offer is for anybody and everybody meet mommy spent time with Jesus we become like him in character and Jesus. Nobody would care that could ever say accurately that Jesus was a coward he is the epitome of Kirk courage write the epitome of humility absolute essence of the book Michael Anthony a call for courage. You start chapter 2, which is called courage matters with a quote from the late in the cell and he said we must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented in what way do you think that we've gotten this wrong Michael in terms of the culture wars. Some of the life-and-death issues we face in America. Many times we don't want it seem like were getting political. We'd rather concentrate on sharing Jesus with people and and don't want to get into controversial matters. Where have we made a mistake. There terms of this notion that we don't have to take sides will. Jesus wasn't one of the reasons why he was so radical is because he did take sides and he did get himself invested when you read the New Testament books. It's obvious that very quickly.

Nearly every single one. Maybe apart from a few general epistles, but you think about Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, first and second Thessalonians 1st second third John first Peter second Peter every one of the writers of those books was writing to specific cultural theological issues that the people were facing in the course of the day and so today Mike we will. We have a lot of happening today as we have politicians pouring into our territory of theology telling us what marriages telling us what purity is telling us what we can and cannot speak up about menu (talk about my control of the police maybe in the next segment but sure when politicians and courts begin to make decisions and try to legislate in the areas of theology. We have a moral and spiritual obligation before Almighty God, to be salt and light and to humbly courageously push back in the power of the Spirit to set the record straight. That's what God called every Christian. Whether it's a homeschool mother or father blue-collar white collar, rich, poor, black, white, anything in between. If you're a follower of Jesus, and we cannot but speak up and stand up for the issues that were facing today in America we have to and George Bonner who forwarded your book has done polls of pastors and leaders nationally and got an overwhelming agreement from the leaders that the Bible addresses every major cultural issue of the day.

Yet when he asked them how many of you use the Bible to address these issues. 90% said they did not when they were asked why the primary reasons were fear of losing people fear losing finances, fear of losing influence. Ironically, 90% of the people want their pastors. Yes, the evidence speak today.

While it's the exact opposite of what many church leaders think they think that people don't want to hear, but they do want to hear.

And in fact we have precedent with the New Testament letters the New Testament epistles the gospel is always being brought to bear on the specific issues that the particular group of people are facing in a geographic area so that's why what Paul writes in Ephesians and Colossians in Philippians is not exactly the same as for second and third John with they were dealing with Gnosticism so that the particular cultural, sociological, theological, political issues that a group of people are facing. That's what the gospel addresses in the New Testament letters so we don't we refuse when a pastor not a pastor I have a fairly large church or church of over thousand year in Pennsylvania when the pastor and elder church leader refuses to bring the gospel to bear on the specific issues that the people are facing, you not being true to the historical to the cloth from which you were cut you where the gospel is always supposed to be specifically brought to bear on the specific issues that people are facing. That's what we have to do it so it's the exact opposite of maybe if your pastor or leader listening now you think that your drive people away. Listen, you have to determine.

You can't serve both God and money. You have to be true to God and preach the full counsel of what the Bible teaches, and the truth is Barness prove it.

The survey studies done approving your people actually want to hear the Bible applies his friends always going to be servants of senior citizens money is popularity servants of God get this new book, a call for courage by Michael Anthony will be right back in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice important cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown speaking today with pastor Mike Anthony also hosted the God factor radio broadcast his book a call for courage. Subtitled with power truth in love in an age of intolerance and fear and inlets. Let's dive right into this issue of of intolerance. The new tolerance of chapter 4 of the book is entitled intolerance. The new tolerance and a quote that I often see these days as people responding to the news around us. Isaiah 520. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light, light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter Mike.

I've often said that in today's lexicon of political correctness and intolerance. Of course, being tolerant means intolerant of all views outside of your own being inclusive means that you are utterly exclusive to all views outside of your own, and diversity means my way or the highway.

So in the name of freedom. Intolerance. We now have the new thought police.

We have extreme intolerance we we have people telling us what words we have to use what slots we can think how we would respond to this. The nail right on the head.

Dr. Brown for the chapters of my book intolerance.

The new tolerance.

Tolerance is now the politically correct word that really secret, talk for. We want to hear everybody's opinion. We want to give everybody a place quote unquote at the table unless you're Christian who believes the Bible is the word of God and we do so that more recently with Joy Behar's ostracizing VP Pentz who says that he hears from Jesus. Jesus himself said my sheep hear my voice talk to Christians not listening to the voice of Jesus something wrong with the Christian not the fact that Jesus isn't speaking very and understand that. So today, Christians we've allowed ourselves to be compelled out of pure pressure to sit down and shut up but got a call any of his people to sit down and shut up when it comes to having opportunities to stand up and speak out representatives as well. So in a call for courage. It really is a book that you can judge by the covering of the book has a match lighting a row of other matches. It's a book that's designed to spark a revolution in the reader's life and then in the lives of others. Show people the amazing thing. Dr. Brown's people are buying one copy of this book very rarely gets released today at the funeral available on Amazon all over the place Barnes & Noble people have been posting pictures on Facebook of five, 10. In some cases a carton of 20 these books that they literally purchased and are giving out the people because they're recognizing this is a clarion call for the second American Revolution of courageous humility where God's people are not going to allow themselves to be marginalized anymore with with humility going to be the church and to be the change that the world is hungry for you when you mentioned the grass they count on the front cover. The one match lighting up a bunch of the matchsticks across course reminds me of the quote of Billy Graham that courage is contagious and when a brave man takes the stand. The spines of others are often stiffened and and one of the best things about your book is. It is as inspirational as it is practical, not just with study questions for reflection at the end of each chapter in a very useful appendix on signs if you're becoming a Pharisee and that in the bad sense of of the word so we can examine our own hearts, but all the anecdotes you break it down so that anybody could take hold of this and of course one of the biggest issues that Christians struggle with that is I don't want to be judgmental because Jesus said we shouldn't judge I was taking that one verse out of context, but you have a whole chapter on that did Jesus judge sobriety and should we write yeah and I wanted to devote an entire chapter to it because that's one of those phrases that's been taken out of context and people who are against the biblical agenda against the biblical Jesus who are against Christian faith. They built playoff and complicated. The judge them and if you don't how to answer the question if you don't challenge the court bid statement itself.

You sit down and shut up and you can be marginalized and so did Jesus judge not only did he judge but guess what one day were all going to appear before either the judgment seat of Christ, or the great white throne judgment so the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is a book that judges beginning with ourselves were supposed to judge ourselves pulses do not judge somebody you suppose the judge of first Corinthians chapter 5 the whole Bible is a book about judgment. It's a book about transformation from the inside out.

And if we were called the judge, beginning with ourselves. What's the purpose of preaching. What's the purpose of having Bible study what's the purpose of following Jesus. If we already were obeying everything Jesus commanded them than then why is Jesus saying teaching other people to obey everything I commanded the whole Bible is about judgment and so this phrase did Jesus judge, the answer is absolutely a bit and then that chapter as well as the rest of the book and a call for courage. I show you not only how Jesus judge, but how you should judge yourself and other people with humility, with humility and courage. Yeah, and if this judgment is bad, why do we have judges and courts and why the parents make moral judgments every day and raising their kids and not a lot of it's amazing how are whole cultures been hijacked by misinterpretation of a fragment of the teaching of of Jesus and in look. Here's the other thing histories going to judge us and and I'm reminded of that chapter 9 broken glass. You talk about Kristallnacht that the night of broken glass. So it's November 9 and 10th of 1938. Many historians say that the real beginning of the Holocaust and that's when Hitler's henchmen did a trial run of many of their public actions of following.

Unfortunately, the Council of Martin Luther from centuries earlier they they said synagogues on fire. They broke down Jewish places of business of the they killed certain Jews. Others were injured and and they did it of course have their malice and hatred but also to see if there was a public reaction. If people swarmed the streets of people stood with the Jews of people said this is an outrage, especially initially set of ridges running the bells and all the churches in Germany to protest but that didn't happen did it didn't happen in history was written and my concern is many people who are paying attention to what's happening in the nation is that history does repeat itself. Those who are not familiar with history are destined to repeat it. That famous statement that has been said before and many of the laws that have been put in place. Much of what happened with the militarization of homeland security at the pump has already been primed that we are ready that our nation is already ready for a dictatorial leader to rise to power who wants the flex that muscle and history could very quickly repeat itself.

And so in that that chapter.

Chapter 9 called broken glass in a call for courage. I not only recount history.

I show you how strikingly close we are to repeating it and then it's a clarion call to the reader.

Hey, here's what you can do in light of this, when us with the laydown and play dead because that will that will put males in our coffin.

Here's how the average person can prepare themselves to live with power, truth and love and light of what's coming yet and you will as much as some people might think now the since it never happened. In America it doesn't take much more than a complete economic collapse of the culture before people are willing to do all kinds of extreme things and and we see how divided the nation is right now how easy it is to scapegoat and it went take much. You saw how popular Barack Obama was kind of a rock star around the world and he was coming into power. You see how devoted people are to Donald Trump he it could be any sciatica be left right but it it's not that hard to see how a collapse in one way could suddenly leave a sale.

Can we just need a strong man to take control and crazy things could happen that French you need to get the book, a call for courage were only scratching the surface of it, you've got an extensive 12 chapter. The battle plan but I just want you to take a minute to talk to us about chapter 13 awakening the giant within the final and culminating chapter of the book and it is a call for the church, the body of Christ to stand up and be who God called us to be my 12-year-old son when I was writing before I was writing the book. He said to me one day that how come when I read the Bible and I look at church.

They don't look the same.

I get chills up and down my spine. Dr. Brown when I even repeat that hard not to get emotional.

Yeah, you know the only reason is because were content with living lives of apart from Jesus, talk about the world I'm talking about within the body of Christ. In many instances we are unintentionally guilty of trying to get other people to follow Jesus, who were not following very closely ourselves, and if we in the church started taking second Chronicles 713 and 14 as a call for repentance not as a call for intercession even under sessions great despite the judgment the beginning God helps real change needs the beginning God house apart from the White House whenever God wants to move and shake and I believe you want to shake the earth again.

He begins with the church and maybe somebody's listening right now and you're being stirred God's been wooing you in pursuing you. Why not right now say God I want a bigger man. I want to be your woman. Your boy or girl I want to be a person where your courage rises up and you use me for such a time for us to love you passionately get in the overflow change the lives of people whose life I interact with them in May. May that Gisele's friends.

This is a God ordained interview are not listening or watching just by accident. So take hold of this in your life.

Get the book, a call for courage and together with Jesus. Let's make a glorious impact on this generation. Hey Michael, great reconnecting with you and stay in touch. Dr. Brown God bless you, thank you.

The line of fire your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now going to 866-34-TRUTH your exam is Dr. Michael Brown I am living in my hand and selling colleague Stephen Strang. It's entitled God and Donald Trump old just a few weeks back. As president Trump was speaking at a major conference over Europe actually held this book up, which got my attention as well is a forward to the book by former Gov. Mike Huckabee who says this Donald Trump is not my first choice for president. I was my first choice but has no Trump that only receive far more votes than any Republican in the history of the primaries within Ronald Reagan, the bushes John McCain and Romney on November 8, 2016. He went on to win when the most unprecedented presidents presidential elections or countries are experienced every prediction about the 2016 race was wrong. Those of us who brought years of experience in effective government to the race found that voters were not interested. They blamed everyone from Washington for the mess and even blamed those of us would never worked in DC will Stephen Strang, founder and president of charisma media. We work together in different ways for many years. In more recent years have gotten to know him personally at and he's an astute man. He sees a businessman as well as the spiritual leader.

He's a journalist so he he looked at this phenomenon not as similar, who originally endorsed Donald Trump anymore than I did it with this phenomenon and thought something is going on here. There were prophecies about Donald Trump and the track these and wrote this book, which as I said is a best-selling book, God and Donald Trump. So it's my joy to bring into the broadcast.

You Strang thanks much for joining us today. Thank you the privilege to be with Mark that Steve you've had a burden about Christians in politics for some years and you've not been afraid to endorse political leaders, but you did not initially endorse Donald Trump. Did you know I didn't act out like David, I'm Warren." Her and what happening in politics entered into that I got. I find politics kind of repulsive actually. But we can't be passive and just let the other guy win because of the role war going on now. I didn't back Donald Trump rolled the reason the never trappers that back it you know he was married three times the made a lot of money in gambling. He was known to have a foul mouth, etc. and he wasn't my idea of a leader. I didn't really know him very well backbend did Norman all really. And I was for Ted Cruz but cling to create brought down the rate I immediately endorsed Donald Trump. I had the opportunity to interview him during the campaign I found her to be very different person than his public Prasanna and I began to understand that he was pushing our belief and he was adopting them for himself and he has become a champion of Christian right and religious liberty know you concerned that this might've been a political ploy that he was saying the right words because he knew he needed the votes of the evangelical church if he was going to get elected to do have a concern in any point. Of course I did a lot about Donald Trump. We did know I mean all you have to do is read all tweets in the hope that he can't be predicted. However, we knew exactly who he was running again. Hillary Clinton possibly the most corrupt person to ever run for public office, and not only that, but she was far, far left me pushing partial-birth abortion and all kinds of things that Christians like find totally repugnant Donald Trump on the other hand, in the same debate in which they which he would advocating on national television for partial-birth abortion, which is really murdering the child in the in the birth canal. Donald Trump the same debate that that Roe V Wade would be overturned in his administration, and it got it didn't get a lot of attention. I think that the mainstream media didn't know. Didn't expect it did not say into kind of let it go by them like so much water under a bridge, but this showed the different and if nothing else, we at least had a chance to Donald from I think you could been elected. He has kept his word. Like I said he's become a champion and I you know other than the fact that I wish sometimes the Y 20 tweets. I think he's doing a terrific job.

I wrote an article earlier in the week. I guess it came out yesterday where I sit as if the elections were held again today. I vote for him again. I go trim. Actually, with more confidence now that I did back in November 2016. That being said, there are things he says and does that embarrass me that I wish you wouldn't do but again you have to weigh everything out some of our idealism of either we just want the perfect Christian candidate, etc. live if God raises a person up wonderful of God returns that standard in the path where director Nick Fenner Lyndon Baines Johnson model Christian. I don't think so. I mean even Jimmy Carter with it that a schoolteacher I turned out to be pretty far left and a big disappointment of the leader Ronald Reagan who was certainly on our side. He was a pretty flawed person as well.

Really God can use flawed people and I felt that something needed to be put on the record about where is God in all that got something that discussed in in public is not even a lot of Christians don't talk about where is God in politics, you know, they vote for who they feel is the best person for whatever reason, but usually is not God's will.

However, in this case, several Christian prophets had prophesied very specifically against all odds that he would be elected and we went full force for Donald Trump and charisma magazine. We devoted most of our October issue for the election and we put on some of these being on record knowing that if he didn't win and all the pundits were saying that he wouldn't that we'd be embarrassed but I felt that these people had credibility. I believe that God had spoken, and because of that I actually went up for the election night party on election day in New York City and somebody asked me why I fit because I believe the prophets, rather than the pungent, not I will admit that I was a little nervous because he wasn't looking too good, but I knew that there was a possibility that he win or else I wouldn't bother to go was so interesting. There is a non-charismatic brother who confronted me during the primaries and in the general election, and center-right. This guy and this guy has prophesied the Donald Trump will be the next president and and I remember Steve when I'd endorsed Ted Cruz. I was on my knees praying because I read some of these prophetic words and I and I and I knew the guys myself and I knew they were credible and I said God, I don't see this if I if I'm missing something.

Show me. I just don't see it but I wrestled with it as well.

Trying to process everything and and this guy challenge me and said we you acknowledge that these were false prophecies of those that actually said he be elected if they don't come to pass a set of course.

I sit and will you acknowledge that there proved true prophecies if they do well. I never heard from him on that score afterwards but but you again from your unique perspective having been involved in the charismatic movement for decades. Knowing what to beat strength of the movement prophetic words knowing there can be flaky. Things are really God you discerned that God was doing something unique in this what you say to the people that say yeah but but Donald Trump is such a flawed man. How could God raise him up. It makes evangelicals look bad because he's such a flawed net. Obviously you fear that a lot.

How do you address that affected her media at United.

The secular media concerned about hypocrisy and backing the right person from a Christian point of view. Never had this happen before, but there just to give Donald Trump every way. The way I answer it by colored by faith God has always used flawed people look at Mosher third David or the apostle Paul knew we could go right down the list in the Bible and even in history, you know, we believe that God has raised up people at different times. Abraham Lincoln who was you know a great man.

I believe the greatest president, but he would not achieve. Not a member of any particular denomination, which the Christians of the day were highly critical of it would look at Winston Churchill.

Yeah, the Brits didn't even like him, but in their hour of need. They turned to him and he had a sense of destiny that God had somehow raised him up to save Western civilization, imperfect as he was in the Christian certainly didn't like Winston Churchill either.

But aren't we glad that he led Britain, at that very crucial time in history, yet absolutely the book God and Donald Trump came out just a few months back. But is it best-selling book and makes an important reading. With each new day that goes on in the presidency in receipt sees the more things unfold the movie the embassy to Jerusalem and may the potential meeting with the leader of North Korea just different things happening, you just say okay God's doing something in the midst of this, despite the flaws in the weaknesses in the controversies. As you wrote God and Donald Trump. Steve, what would you say were some of the biggest insights that you got the things that you learned in writing the book about the good question I think first of all I thought that God hand was on America and that God was answering prayer like Mike Bickel who I know you know grow well that we were praying to God raised up someone to change the direction of this country because we just believe it's becoming worse and worse and worse than it was exponential under Pres. Obama and God answer our prayers in a way that we didn't expect with the person we didn't expect an income wave didn't even really like and know we were talking earlier about that. I think early. I just dismissed Donald Trump.

I didn't think you'd make it through the first primary. Frankly and but then I started hearing leaders like God landfall now say that he believed that God was raising him up liking pirate in Persia, who is the pagan king who you know with the one to allow the children of Israel to go back to Jerusalem and I thought if God can raise up virus in the Scriptures that I have called you even though you do not know me you and I thought he can raise up Donald Trump at night. I began to wonder also understand it was good. Take somebody really really tough in somebody who didn't know anything to anybody to rip some of this stuff out by its roots and you know goes by a lot of different name political crisis is draining the swamp to just get a break here jump in the RightFax Steve strength God and Donald Trump and I will play a couple of clips for Steve when we get back from Hillary Clinton one from a columnist with Washington Post and get his response. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 86634 through here again is Dr. Michael Brown speaking with Steve Strang, best-selling book, God and Donald Trump forward by Mike Huckabee and lots of endorsements from political leaders and spiritual leaders. Steve what you think when we present Trump held the yearbook up when he was at that major conference over and in Europe some weeks back. I was amazed. I'm United even know my book within Switzerland, but people were recording him and snapping photos on their iPhones are taking videos of of just what he was doing and then when somebody handed him the book any held it up and then he find it.

It was all over social media when somebody tended to me my first reaction with the with this Photoshop. You can you can do that kind of thing that was not photoshopped it was from several different sources.

We were actually able to see is just incredible and no I got a lot of comments like yours from people who couldn't believe it either soon as I saw us and you know that you receive not only so, what really sounds fascinating was that there were secular publications so so not Christian publications not charismatic publications but secular publications and and and I forwarded one review which would seem there is a review article about your book that that basically looked at it is a reasonable reasonable book. So even though you're bringing God into it you a way that that even people who are not believers can see other something to this.

While I'm glad to hear it.

After that was one of our goal in our trained secular journalist and so I kind of learned how people can shoot Holtman an argument that is not you know well researched and I was surprised to politico with the one that that I saw but there were several and general. I have done a lot of media including a lot of secular media and even inspector people are generally respectful.

It's like they think will maybe there's something to that. You know they they don't really know what to make of it. But you know maybe God does have his hand on our country. Maybe he does raise up leader. Maybe there was a reason why Hillary Clinton wasn't collected and speaking of speaking Hillary Clinton. She still struggling with the fact that she was in like that.

I can understand that over to certain privacy have to have to move on and she was in India she is in India and she was explaining why she didn't win the election and what kind of people voted for her, as opposed to those who voted for Donald Trump so want you to listen to this clip from Hillary Clinton and and then give me your response with this is what she had to say states is that ran in the middleware Trump one. I win the cosine when no Illinois you Minnesota places like that. But what the map doesn't show you is one the places that represent two thirds of America's gross domestic product, so I'm on the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic moving forward and his whole campaign make America great again was looking backwards. You know you didn't like people getting rights you don't like women you know getting jobs. You don't want to know see that Indian American succeeding more than you are, whatever your problem is solved that you say that I delusional no shame on her for having that kind attitude.

She is dismissive of you know half the electorate, which is one of the reasons why she'd lost and you know, the fact is that America has been a great nation. It is a great nation. We believe in American exceptionalism. Up until Pres. Obama when he went on his famous apology tour and but the leftist agenda is to pull down quite America has been and have nothing to do with women being able to vote a black being able to vote me that's just pulling something out of history, you know, to make the point that we were looking in the rearview mirror.

No, we where we realize were losing something and you know how do we get this back we get back with the right kind of leadership with spraying people correct regulations with cutting taxes.

No creating opportunities for people so they can make money rather than your just take money from the government you all of these things are part of making America great. She had you. At least he had a theme. People knew what he believed. Know what was her theme. You know the kind like I'm not Donald Trump. You know I mean you know her or it's my turn to be president or at time for a woman to be president.

And here I am buddies who wants to vote for that. It is, there was no there was no vision in what she had to say to the American people and she's just in my opinion, she's just a Thor loser you know something interesting. Sometimes you tell a joke you think it's really funny joke and almost nobody laughs and then you try it with another group of people because you think it's a funny joke and almost nobody laughs and then tell another you just give a story just in passing to illustrate something in everybody's roaring with laughter then it happens again you will is okay.

There's something to this that I'm missing and and as I began to see the people rally behind Donald Trump and they weren't all racist, redneck white supremacist haters. You know the way they were being described or a basket of deplorable sin in Mrs. Clinton's unfortunate words that that I began to say okay there's something out there that he's appealing to the secular media portrayed it one way and painted it one way a source as to negatively speak of anyone voted for Trump but again it is. This is something in your own process. As a journalist looking through things you spiritualize that you began to see God doing something in the midst this will play one of the clip for you to respond to this is Washington Post journalist Michael Garrison is written a major piece about evangelicals and Trump in the Atlantic and he was on yesterday with MSNBC's Joe Scarborough on morning Joe this is what he has to say about evangelicals and Trump evangelicals were equally susceptible to Trump's message they really are. His army of enablers and a lot of reasons for that, but the one that I develop in the pieces really come to view themselves as this persecuted minority that needs the protection of a strong what you think of that, sir. Well, you know, I know Gershon is called dolphin evangelical. Obviously leftist center and there's a certain mind that I don't think he can see the fourth for the tree yet.

He's looking at the same thing and think something entirely different. The fact is that Christians are being persecuted in a way that has never happened before in American history and an your distaste strong man found the spot militaristic I guess. But really he wants strong leaders and we needed someone to help shift things in this country.

I'm sorry that people like him are out there thing the things the secular media eats that up.

You know they they want you to say that kind of thing.

In fact, on some of the tech from interviews I've gotten. They they baited me trying to get me to pay you know what they want me to say I won't do it and it it doesn't give them very good sound bite, but I think that there is an agenda and if the got is the godless agenda and you know it it plays itself out in politics in our country and our culture. And you know it's interesting when Rob Bell writes a book questioning how the media wants to talk about it. It's the big events… If some scholar writes a book comes ran out around Easter. You know, questioning the resurrection. Everybody wants to talk about it and it's it's the same thing here is the failure of the evangelicals. The hypocrisy of the evangelicals, the sin of the evangelicals and and obviously do something larger going on and there are spiritual battles. I think if we can select we recognize Trump is a flawed man.

We recognize his weaknesses. We don't defend those.

We also are deeply appreciative for the goodies doing like you said, right before break, it takes a certain type of person to take on the political correctness in the stronghold of washing. What would take cruises called the Washington cartel. So since your book came out just a few months back and is is been a best-selling book since God and Donald Trump. Now that the book is out, do you feel that the things you wrote in the book the store last minute minute and 1/2 like the things that you've written in the book are now even more clearly affirmed in the way Trump discovered in these last few months. I really do. I think he's doing a great job in the book God and Donald Trump. I do not make Donald Trump look perfect.

He's not perfect the first to admit that, but I'm thing that God can use imperfect people yet and he is our champion in a way that George W. Bush never was, you know, he said the things we wanted to hear know we could go right down the line. His father was the same thing you know, even to some extent Ronald Reagan but but Trump to come through again and again and again and I think he's going to continue to come through this thing about moving the empathy the American embassy to Jerusalem I think is huge and you know all the other people were thing go beyond you know the be violence in the Middle East, will that not happened and now other countries are actually thinking of moving there empathy as well and who would've thought that the thinning Muslim would ally with Israel against Iran. Yet that is what appears to be lighting up and it's largely because of the leadership friends much more in God and Donald Trump was Easter Jesus will connect again maybe 2018 elections and go from there.

Great talking with. Thanks so much.

Thank you for the ops