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Do You Know What's Happening in South Africa?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
April 9, 2018 4:31 pm

Do You Know What's Happening in South Africa?

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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April 9, 2018 4:31 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 04/09/18.

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Friends you'll be shocked. I mean shocked when you hear what's happening in South Africa stalking for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologians Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown friends. I would encourage you all seriousness, to give me your very best.

Here to contact her friend and tell them they need to tune in to today's broadcast it was last May, I got a call somewhat urgent call from a highly respected leader in the Billy Graham evangelistic Association. I said said Mike you need to have Pastor Andre on from South Africa is in the states will not believe what's happening in South Africa, so I had passed Andre on the first time in a test Andre finales Pastor 36 years in South Africa. Pastor five different churches has a radio broadcast from there, and a voice to the nations as well, and he began to tell me about what was happening in South Africa, to the point that he said the most dangerous job. Anyone can have right now in the world is to be a white farmer, South Africa.

He began to share with me some of the atrocities taken place there and into be perfectly honest, I I didn't know what to do with it.

I mean the accounts were shocking here. I live in America. What can we do, so I kept in mind I tried to get word out about it. I listened interacted with others begin to hear from another friend well-known leader born in South Africa but living outside the country now. She said Mike I I fought against apartheid.

I stood for the transformation of the nation, but you will not believe what's happening then begin to hear reports of things get even worse property being confiscated now Australia taking in white farmers that are leaving the nation is a call for Americans the same. This is a very very intense situation and test.

Andre is back in the states effect is leaving tomorrow, but he's joining us again today were going to get an update and we would do our best understand what can we do in response passed Andre welcome back to the line of fire. Thank you both all right. So just give us the brief overview when did things begin to happen when did this crisis begin to explode in your country in November. Most year we had a new president that was elected to the old president was disgraced and since then one of the day. The mantras of the ruling party in. That's the a and C and they have a two thirds majority in parliament, which makes it very difficult because they can change constitutions and all kinds of thing things they have said they are going to take away the land of the farmers the businesses normal people's homes without compensation and that that of course creates a lot of fear number one in us because we don't have the power to resist that. And number two it creates an terrible situation of insecurity. So we have this problem we have we not sure if the houses that I own in particular will be still be mine in a years time because the government's plan is to actually how they will do it is most of the African countries and in particularly want to go the homeland in his way. They are kings and chiefs that run the tribes all that land belongs to the king and the people themselves have no tenure. They have no deed. They have no title to that land. They range from the king and they range from the chief and they want to adopt the same policy in terms of the whole country. The problem with that is if the farmer wants to now go to the bank and raise money to buy seeds to plant in the soil. He can't do it because he's got no security know me you know you go to the bank you take your dealer take your top of the essay. Well this houses with 100 grand in me 50 grand the Gunston and the deal can be done now. When you take a tucked away. You have nothing to offer. The bank, so that's the biggest problem now that refacing is that this can become an economic meltdown in southern Africa and the farmers are not going to be able to go and raise seed by tractors by implements, so they can carry on forming that's basically what's admits the general idea and then I'll explain to how it's gonna work right moment. Let's back up, though, because still the vast majority of Americans don't know what was happening in the months before that. So if if you could just help us understand the background. We all know about the parts.

Hardly we may have misconceptions of what it actually was, but the simple perception is you have a white minority ruling over a black majority over the native ethnic people. Again this is that the way most Americans would understand it and then Nelson Mandela always fought against this and that ultimately was overturned and that's most people think that's the end of the story. So first what's what's wrong in that in the picture just painted or is it accurate that's one and then to did people just live happily ever after. After that, that's a good question number one is. It is exactly as you said it was the black majority took the the power political power. Unfortunately, the white minority has the economic power because of the differences between the two groupings now. For instance, in the white community. We've been Christians for since the day of the Huguenot 1652. We been going to church.

We've been praying we been talking the black community. On the other hand have been worshiping and sisters, and that spiritism in this animalistic type of stuff and you know you know what it's like. If you are giving to God. God eventually starts to place the generations often so the white community because of the faithfulness of the parents and grandparents to the Lord, are reaping the benefits of all the praise and all the giving to the Lord, and of you play smart people of the issue the black community. Another hand have not done that at all.

In fact, anything recently. Most of them didn't even know about Jesus and only now are they really starting to get to a peer gospel without ancestral worship because that's the other problem is ancestral worship. Some of the churches in South Africa have 1 foot in ancestral worship and the other foot in right in relative trust so their in-laws. The problem that we been happily living together until the loss president loss president is under as of rolled charge is go 280 something phone charges against him.

He took $600 million out of the country for his and personal use. That's the that's the accusation, and he still has to come to court to prove with her.

He was innocent or not right. Most people believe he was guilty. Then what happened was there was across from the black community when they got rid of that guy is they want the land back.

Now, in the event that old stories 27% of South Africa's land is and by watch the races on the backs, but the black community has no title so they can't even though they stay in the Kingsland they can go to the bank and say what he is a tucked loan me 50,000, so the 73% of the land they own their own really own. So what happens now is in the lost 10 years the government is get as boat from the farmers full and 1/2 thousand forms and given it to black farmers. Most of them are now derelict and not working at all. Consider have a history of being farmers. It's not their background under the street and they don't have title because the government is holding the title God I can't even go to the bank and said I've got this phone because multifunctional what was the government thinking of doing this. It's an African traditionalism okay so been doing the drive from Kenya rod down now the come to South Africa. So, since it's traditional but it's not pragmatic, it took in the world today just doesn't work okay so what we have is a very poor black community called loan money, big money because having a tough and I want community that can because we have title. And therein lies the difference right now know what was happening when you came to talk to me last May about the outbreak of violence against the white farmers was was this because of economic inequality was this that they became scapegoated by the government.

How bad was it. How bad is it.

Let's talk about that for a minute firstly moving phone off thousand farmers have been not killed Sloat on the phone for 1/2 ounce phone off thousand that since 1994 that have been in America would be a civil maybe they did that in the South mean you guys would go crazy, but the slaughtering goes like this. These guys are trained that coming to the Fox and what happens within their THAT train these guys to actually brutally killed the forms of got some pictures and I think that metal show them only on the need of these training forms. Now that the problem with that is this what they see. They see with their eyes we have so much they want that they don't necessarily want the land but they want the tractors in the video machines and what it was. The witch is fun, you can take it if you're gonna rub me fun, but leave my wife and aunt Don Draper and done To bristles with an angle grinder don't burn my son in the bath of hot water.

Don't do that but that's what they doing so the whole thing about the farmer. This is not just merit is not just home invasions. It's brutal slaughter we've been very patient with it and unfortunately for us. The point, as a community where we ready to literally do anything including a will to stop this nonsense because it was Sunday sister and and and out what's the population. The white population of South Africa 4 million against 55. Conformity is 55 right and in again transfer for everyone. Everyone tuning in today. This is not a matter of black versus white. This is a matter of issues within a particular country that are playing out a Particular Way, God forbid that you hear us making general statements about whites versus Blacks of superiority of one group against another. This God forbid you hear any of that.

That is absolutely not saying or suggesting or or or or passed Congress about in and of course most of the Christianly design are actively working for reconciliation every way that they they know how that let me lay back up the one more step many folks who say you describe the white minority in South Africa is largely Christian and Christian for a period of centuries, so how could you have apartheid if you had such a strong Christian white minority that was in leadership in the government. How could you have such an unequal situation. I think one of the things that we that have changed in South Africa since 1990 full is the white community have really started to seek God's face in the real cyst with these millions coming together.

I think you know when I was here loss to my children 22 April lost her. We had 2 million people get yes and repentance. I sorry this the Rican before I Kenya the 23rd of our of March, they had another one with over 350,000 people that came to giving character to gain her preprint and to pray and also to pray for them because Capt. is in a drawing for three years and so we have that situation and that the reality is not so much the water suspect. The reality is the haves and have-nots. That's really the reality. Unfortunately, the have-nots are a particular racial group and in the hands of another racial group, but the point of the med is from the white community sought we don't want to fight anybody. In fact, we just want to fall malformed send their kids to school sending to university and then live happily ever often as you said, the rainbow nation was supposed to be live happily, often, but the truth is we are under threat and now we don't know exactly what service potential Civil War after the white French speaking with Pastor Andre.

They know you said what can I do first. If you spray pray for God's grace to fall in the nation. South Africa will be right back in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown the grass reality of this situation.

Pastor Andre told me during the break between four and nine South African farmers, white farmers are being slaughtered every week, every week and and obviously if you have people only takes a small amount of people properly trained and with a heart for violence and greed and theft and feeling that they are setting the score right.

It only takes a small number to carry out these horrific atrocities before the break I asked on the air. Pastor Andre is South Africa on the verge of Civil War past you said yes. So things have got to that breaking point. More than 4500 farmers slaughtered since 1994, and now a sense that there could be an all out civil war in the country. Worst case scenario, obviously were praying against this ignorant doing and you're doing what you can the leaders do what they can. But worst case scenario. What can happen while the whiskers and orders that the farmers rise up and they and they take on the government forces, but let me give some background just in November last year the government foster bullets go to the security of the way the president has the right to appoint security offices irrespective of who they are, so they don't have to be policeman they done, if to be soldiers that can be anybody that belongs to the political party and then they will go into what they call receipts, not South Africa. We've never had ability of the parliamentary recess, except in November, December, which are all December Jerry which are traditional holiday time in South Africa. They planning it in my this year it's a 75 day recess and what it means de facto is that the president then becomes a dictator and his word then becomes low.

We are expecting him to now appoints whoever as security personnel, which means from our point of view.

You can come into my house without a warrant, you can arrest me without any just cools any meeting that has more than two people can be closed down, and it puts us in extreme dangerous position. We have the politicians from, but from the opposition have performed about this, but you see is a said earlier the NC has met the majority of two third majority. So whatever the opposition politicians say it actually has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on what the government is going to do. We must understand that the NC is basically a communist government and it's not really the these very little of the Lord Jesus involved in the government that opposition is a little but opposite that the leader of the opposition is a Christian, a born-again Christian, but really the Christians have very little say in the way the rules and the bows are put on on the table. So now when you ask is is Civil War.

I got a message just lost week Thursday from someone in one of the states another nine states in South Africa sing to me. I needn't worry. This 5000 men ready to go to war right now. I got an auto one. Please because the innocent people that always done when nobody wants a war inside out praise this load. Let's not have a will.

So we're having as many pre-meetings many declarations as we can. Not to let our people are dying. So what you do become a pointer you pick up your sling and you throw Dick a lot and otherwise good. Life is good is going to kill more of you. That's the situation now when you're on last time I heard from a Christian in South Africa that Salzman social media, and she said I'm not hearing about any of this on the here about the communities, farmers, and it doesn't sound right and true to me.

She was sincere. She wasn't challenging but really really question it. Of course now more and more news is getting out. Still, here's a comment from one of our viewers. You people slide it. Millions and take their land. This man is talking lies.

They must feel the more painful for you when you're watching this, the slaughter and you're saying targeting elderly targeting children, not just killing but slaughtering in the most horrific barbarous ways to the point, Australia is renting refugee status to South African farmers is a call for trying to decide this is not being manufactured out of whole cloth. How is it that the world media is not widely reporting this because it is unclear what the color the skin on the care who's doing what to whom you're talking about modern-day atrocities. Dr. use is the thing that I don't quite understand statements like that are made that can never be proved. We have never imprisoned the black community. We've never put them in concentration camps. We've never gone in wholesale and slow to admin's is no such thing infected anything the white community is going to Africa with the Bible and the one end of the gun in the other and to out the problem. Maybe as we were little bit too soft in some areas. The political dispensation before 1994. For many people in the world was an aberration of what it should be.

But then you know when you you look at nations London nations have many laws that are very NT at what's going on in the will of the problem is that the world itself in the media.

If pitch themselves against the white minority in South Africa so I so badly, so that you cannot. The farmers are not allowed to be reported on the price that bent so we have to. We have a think with solid appetite, which is an organization will if reform is another organization that physically go to the forms and take pictures of the atrocities that enlightened because we can't get it out in the media and then it's the social media that actually gets all the information in the end that's the difficulty you know what the Monday persons like you have achieved an American horse. CNN is good.

Nothing us to say about Mr. Trump.

I mean it's the same in a they are prejudices in the media.

One of the prejudices is that there is a prejudice against the white minority in South Africa right so eat anyway regardless of the history sources.

We will come of the Bible and are going to discover the Bible and the servant is not your land anyway. Servant okay and let's say things were done on what whatever okay.

The bottom line is a shift to take place things reset right in terms of the majority being able to to rule their their own historic country. So what ever was was done in the past does not justify slaughter and and and discrimination everything that's happening today are there any prominent product black Christianly leaders in the nation that are being raised up there being voices for reconciliation in the midst of this, along with white Christian leaders. What is that here's the interesting thing we really want to me to think we've done as much reconsideration as possible. We've had the truth and reconciliation commission. We've gone and we've prayed we've tried to make a friendship and the love the black pastas and the black and noncitizen South Africa is what they call Ubuntu which basically means that if any sin nor any problem in the community.

It's the communities felt not a singular individual's fault. So if you are subject process. Are you prepared to repent for the killing of let's say the white farmers will of the lots. 100 years or 200 years ago, then those I know it's not our problem is the communities problem and then the community when come and repent.

Because it's the mental it's the way they think, which is fine. We understand that we don't have a problem with it. The problem is this is you can moan and complain about the pasta and the injustices and I suppose if you and I want to argue about it.

If you going to use that argument in South Africa use attend America to get our land back to the Cherokees. I meant yeah I understand the step so I am just putting everything on Sunday so that right. My problem is this Dr. what do we do to stop the violence left to redo this. We've done everything that's possible. The only thing that's left now to stop it is like David or to take a stone and throat at Goliath. What do we do and we don't want to step over that line, my people do not want to go into a wall. We have done everything we possibly can. And it doesn't seem to be enough. What can Christians in America and those listening, watching, around the world.

What can they do is an interesting thing you're asking me that's very interesting this morning I was on the prayer line with the ladies from Raleigh in North Carolina and the one guy said an interesting thing. He said South Africa is a little brother and I thought I've never heard that before and he said well because we've had cumulative mints we've had to Rodney Howard Brown. We had a number of South Africans and of coming to America to preach the gospel, and if made Indians in your church life.

You so he said we have a responsibility to pray and to intercede for South Africa because of the contribution that South Africans have made to America. I understand that it was some you have never heard before. I would say to any Christian. Now it's time for you to look at the nations of the earth in a nation like South Africa needs as much pre-in intercession. What a lot of Christians don't seem to understand is ancestral worship is a very strong thing in South Africa which Croft is extremely soft strong at the same gun was for instances of the witches have been told by the Minister of higher education they can have a room in the local hospital subpanel you got up in the heavy operation go see the witch and later give you some meat to eat whatever it might be that, stuff goes on, so we faced with a myriad of spirits in the spiritual realm. We thought of flesh and blood, but principality and power and we need to start bringing them down so any help we can getting pray.

Any help we can get them people opening their hearts to South Africans of media farms to South Africans if you need a good farmer phoned me will give you some South African farmers. Any help we can get week will grab it because we really at the point where we are against the wall and we really do not know what you know can read and if folks want to reach out to us their website to go to well I give them on my email it's it's a profit. This PR a PhD dealer can profit South Africa property rights is a and then they could rock to me and then I'll get back to them with a lever right did you get that friends S a and look you're talking about South African farmers.

Things are so bad they're looking to go to other countries and continue to work as farmers and live in peace.

Pray friends circulate this interview to others get. Whereas, the more people that know the better. And then if you want to do some impractical contact Pastor Andre S a prophet@yahoo.calm.

The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown walking looking to line of fire.

Often we are refocused on the country in which we live. And if we live in America we do have the feeling that the whole world revolves around America the whole world looks at America the whole world is influenced by America is a lot of truth to that, we are the most influential nation on the planet. As you travel on the world.

You see that even more clearly.

If you want to communicate in general the sun around the world, while English will be the most common language that use even spoken with an American accent these days, but God's eyes on the entire world we want to talk to about the whole world. Today I want to fire this is Michael Brown and our phone lines are open 866-348-7884 is the number to call. There Is Tremendous Upheaval Taking Pl. in South Africa and the real possibility of a civil war if you're just tuning in, we spent 1/2 hour talking about that and that interview will be on our website on our YouTube channel.

Just a little later today. I strongly encourage you to listen to it you know about the elections in Hungary yesterday say no.

How many of you know the show me a heads waiver be if you okay strength. I think most you don't know I just fill me on YouTube, Facebook, if you follow the elections in the Hungary yesterday and know why they were so important. Let me know if you're not aware of this, looking up at our screen here you were aware let me know as well. Hungary voted yesterday and it got the attention of the American press and the world press. Prime Minister Victor orb on a former atheist and now a Christian won his third straight term. He is being painted as an ultra right xenophobic hyper nationalist leader discriminating against Muslims leaders within the country, wrote to me and said it's very important that he be reelected. He is fighting against globalism. He's fighting against the extreme liberal agenda of George Soros or as they would know him in hungry insurers. Why because he is a Hungarian Jew. He and his family survived the Holocaust and he is known as the one behind the funding and activism of many of the far left groups in America and around the world. So this was really a battle of Hungarian liberal liberal from the outside against Hungarian conservatives. But it's important to know what's really happening there, and the significance of it and why the pastor of the largest Protestant church in Europe was so outspoken on behalf of Prime Minister Victor or Bonsall. I want to talk to you about that as well and and then step back a little and asked the question could be that God is about to pour out his Spirit on America.

I know things seem chaotic.

I know we seem as divided today as we've ever been. I mean that's how it feels. Certainly as divided as we been in in my lifetime them 63 is certainly things feel like they're out of control and going down word rapidly and it seems like things are just disintegrating.

Could it be that in the midst of this, God is pouring out his spirit was about to pour out his spirit could there be a wave of gospel preaching that spreads for a nation that brings about radical conversion tremendous harvest of souls and awakening within the church.

866-34-TRUTH if you have comments or questions.

Muscular hungry first wrote an article about this last night, so it's posted on various sites today in our website. As Dr. I said this. If the Huffington Post is to be believed to bigoted prime minister in Hungary is leading the nation in a dangerous ultra right direction to the consternation of the populace. If the election results are to be believed, a courageous Hungarian leader is standing against a sea of political correctness.

With the support of the populace, not let me share with you what pastor Chandra Nana meth sent to me. He sent this out for prayer two different friends of the church of Hungary there and then one of his staff members. Sent it to me and pastor Namath pastors the largest Protestant church in Europe. A membership of about 70,000 call Faith Church have had the privilege of preaching there twice in the last few years and and he he said this right old that we just find this here, the world not here okay so this this was prayer request before the elections and Victor orb on one by landslide yesterday, so keeping a super majority in the parliament that allows him to do the feels is important to do. Pastor Namath said this. If orb on his party come out victorious them of the strong strong government support.

The battle will continue not only against the Islamization of our continent, but also against the hatred of Christianity and against antiscience, it anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism in Europe. He said in the past three years Victor about has boldly stood up for the traditional values of Europe and the protection of all communities which are based on the Judeo-Christian revelation is also spoken up on multiple occasions for the need to revitalize these communities and he was the only European leaders is interestingly who made positive comments about Donald Trump. During the American presidential election campaign. So is it any wonder that he's getting so caricatured and so attacked by liberal press in America. In Europe that critics say that he's leading a mafia state their claim and that is a tax on on George Soros or George Soros as we call America or even anti-somatic. These are some of the charges that are coming forth. They give you a few quotes from Victor orb on shift understand that just like the rest of Europe.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of migrants from Africa and the Middle East have come to their country, seeking refuge now there is humanitarian thing where, to the extent humanitarian side of things I should say that, to the extent you have people in genuine need and you can help those people you want to help refugees that the whole world. Every nation that's able should should want to do that if you could come to our country and and not starve to death if you could come to our country have the potential of working rather than dying. If you come to our country living safety rather have someone killing you, just because of the color of your scanner your religion will if we can help with that, then to the extent the country is able to great and then those people assimilate become part of the country.

But what if there are large waves of refugees, who, when they get to your country make clear, we have no interest in assimilating. In fact, we would like to expand our religious beliefs into your country and were not even interested in getting jobs.

Should that country say will then just common and deliberate government expense. Obviously not now. Hungary has a history with Islam in the 1500s. It was overtaken by the Ottoman Empire and according to what Hungarian Christians have told me that when the actual palace was taken in. This was a rule that lasted what over hundred 50 years Islamic rule over over hungry that when the palace was taken. It was done by stealth and by deceit and that the is at this mean that every Muslim in the world is guilty of this.

Okay, simply say this is Hungary's own history that when they brought people into their palace peacefully ended up just being a ruse so that the palace could be taken over, and the government taken over so Hungary was under the Ottomans.

For in the 1500s into the late 1600s, 1541 to 1699. So Victor orb on said this, I think we have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country. We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim communities that we see in other countries, and I do not see any reason for anyone else to force us to create ways of living together hungry that we do not want to see that as a historical experience. Mesilla were putting up a fence and were keeping people out because we don't believe these refugees want to assimilate into our culture or country and we had a bad experience before. This is what prime minister or bomb saying he said we shouldn't forget that the people are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture.

Most are not Christian but Muslim, that is an important question because Europe and European culture have Christian roots and he even declared Christianity to be Europe's last hope you are not going to have a lot of people applauding that statement yet. You'll have Christians recognizing the importance of it, but he recognizes her bun recognizes that Europe's prominence in Europe strength came from its Christian roots and to him standing with Israel standing against radical Islam standing for Christian faith and Christian values. These things are important to him and important to enough Hungarians that he won overwhelmingly, and he publicly thanked Pastor Namath and the Christians that voted for him now again this is not trying to create a create a theocracy is saying we have a country with certain background and roots. Let's just say that large numbers of Christian refugees wanted to take refuge in Saudi Arabia because living conditions. There are much better, but they did not want to assimilate into the culture they absolutely opposed Islam and they wanted to spread the Christian faith, with Saudi Arabia walking north, not for a split second fact, they greatly restrict even Christians that come there to just one worship by themselves they are under restriction in a country like that book that the right to that's their country right so to me the ideal situations that refugees should go as Islamic refugees should go to Islamic countries. If possible, especially Arabic speakers if they go to an Arabic speaking nation think of not having to learn a new language to the extent you like to learn a new culture and to the extent that your own religious convictions are in harmony with nature going to. That's the best case scenario. They have countries like America that we are really melting pot melting pots we've been for the beginning that we welcome Jews in our country. Welcome Muslims in our country and others, and in the we said that the state will not establish a national religion. But the roots of what makes us who we are the roots Torah greatness have to have to do with our faith, our biblical faith. Our Judeo-Christian heritage. As I've often said the only way that you can make America great is to make America good and others have said that will before me in America can only be good, to the extent that America turns to God and recovers it's good roots. So Hungary's recognizing it's happening in other countries there seeing problems like Mohammed's number one boy's name in countries like England and Wales.

When you put together different spellings of it and put in the wanted number one is not evil as to say that Islam is rapidly spreading and spreading with its influence and it will come into direct conflict ultimately with the host nations hungry, saying I can have that happen again. Many Christians of the country's and that's good with the liberal press presents.

It is another matter. Right will be right back.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us today, modify, can I can I encourage you to encourage you about America is that all right you have a specific question 86634 to make it to a call or two, but allow me to encourage when I wrote Sigma sick America book came out September 26 of last year's it's been a little over six months. When I wrote it I felt distinctly to write it to bring hope to believers in America. Now it's a sobering book if if somehow you had the impression things aren't so bad in our nation when you read the book you think all my I had no idea things have fallen so far, but the book is not written to depress you. The book was written to say it's not too late for a nation effect. As a started doing interviews on the book I'm redoing the preinterview before the book came out with her contacts us and the thing that was jumping out to the whole interview was hope.

Hope hope hope so.

I absolutely want to encourage you, but in a sober and realistic ways our countries terribly messed up at any of the world is messed up since Adam and Eve fell the world messed up.

I understand I understand America is is really hemorrhaging in many many ways now and we have so many problems this turn in a direction and we could be a litany of problems of issues deep serious problems, issues not denying that. In fact, I've been one side of the lot about that for decades and I believe there's judgment, divine judgment in our land already. I believe that God is withdrawn blessing and had a protection from us different ways. There may even be more direct acts of judgment and we may have shaking to come.

That is can be very intense.

I don't know but I do know that it's not too late for the nation.

Second, know that won't show me the scripture that says it is too late to start their show with the chapter and verse that says it is too late for America. I don't find it, I don't find it anywhere in the Bible symbol. We know Jesus coming any minute. Things are getting worse before he comes about one of her that the 46+ years I was with that mentality. If if every generation had that mentality is thrown in the towel know I believe that there could be another great awakening and outpour. The comes to America and I felt I'm just telling you now what I felt okay for something Scripture does not speak against the Scripture does not say this cannot happen scripture because it gives us many promises about great harvest at the end of the age. In the midst of great upheaval, great darkness and great life, great deception and great outpouring. I see these things parallel for the tooth last 2000 years, only increasing get to the end of the age of the harvest continues to grow and increase, but I can now tell you personally what I feel that I felt led to write the book on the fall and rise of America the fall and rise of American authorize and fall.

The fall and rise show how far we fall in which other could be a turning now I want to be totally honest with all right you know that's what you get for me to be brutally honest. A lot of times I look around think that I can't be a campy Americas going down. That's it that's that's the way my mind thinks that's the way circumstances often look but how many of you know that God's plans are higher than ours and God's ways are higher than ours and that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think according from Isaiah 55 from Ephesians 3. How many of you know that the way things appear is not always reality.

How many of you have watched the sports event where one team is cruising ahead and there's no way to get a lose and they lose or someone who's the goat is gonna be the hero.

10 minutes later as it was the hero's gonna be the goat I mean you never know the way things will unfold. Who would've thought.

Look at the natural that the death of Jesus, the death of this Jewish carpenter on the cross. One of many people being crucified. In those days. All right. And in that first century, one of many thousands of Jews crucified because of the uprising against Rome.

Who would've thought that that was this the most most of it significant event in terms of mankind in world history and the net his resurrection coming resurrection was about to come but who sought before hand that didn't have spiritualized to see so often it's it's discouraging when you look around you focus on with the devils doing what people are doing that when you look at God and what he's doing. You become encouraged processes to make the last chapter, Sigma sick America. I emphasize different times in our history where people said it's too late to get 1/7000 during the colonies is too late. It's over member April 1966. Time magazine front cover is God dead five years later. Time magazine front cover June 1971 the Jesus revolution, so who knows what's yet to come. So I say that part one the background I was looking at some books online. One thing led to another and I've I've noticed an increasing number of books coming out on miracles. There was Craig Keener's important two-volume study massive biblical philosophical study as well as documenting divine healings and massive study to vines highly acclaimed and and then I just been noticing a profusion of books on miracles Lee Strobel's the case for miracles and Randy Clark's book about command on eyewitness of miracles and and a number of other books to see more and more about it more and more documented accounts. I was I was reading a major study that was published in a medical journal documenting feelings healings of our eyes, and feelings of ears of people prayed for it and Heidi Baker's ministry in Mozambique and and again good to get facts, not just here a myth here a little video clip there but facsimile this is with detailed scientific study with equipment brought in it and they monitored the people before and after prayer, etc. and I just reading more and more accounts like this and then writing playing with holy fire, having the sense that God wants us to the charismatic Pentecostal church did to get our house, or if you didn't read my article today charismatic casualties. Please do read it. As Dr. escape your browned or you can read it. Charismatic casualties were I talk honestly about the sadness, I have over the many casualties we seen, but it's against the backdrop of the amazing things God is doing okay all that to say all that to say that I stumbled on a book written by Reinhard Maki.

I didn't know about the book I knew about the miracle. The book is called raised from the dead. It's an extraordinary and extraordinary reach and if you want to know Fakih preaches the gospel. If you want to know what he believes if you want I was hard-core Jesus.

Please read that book all right wire this are that read read the book all right and you'll hear the gospel preached loudly and clearly forcefully, you will hear of Jesus, our only Savior from hell.

While the story is up as a well-known story it's been documented on video. A man who would guide he was dead almost 3 days. When he was raised from the dead. He had been partially involved in bomber ended up stopping of the embalming process because he was afraid of success like some spirits keep noise animistic in the what was going on, but it's an extraordinary reach it's it's well-documented. They got the statements from the mortuary. They got statements from the hospital at its it's quite extraordinary and what I didn't know was that Reinhard like he was praying about moving his ministry to America. He was based in Germany and lived there for many years and was praying in early 2000's about moving to America and he did something is never done and it's not his habit of doing by the ascot. If God wanted to make this move that when he was going to minister that God would perform assigned a miracle greater than anything in the vicinity seen mind-boggling things for decades in Africa and it was that weekend that this man was raised from the dead respond to the basement of the church were pocket was preaching and that's was race for the devil that any superstar leaders praying for him. After over two half days dead going on three days dead and partially involved. Yet it it's an extraordinary story raised from the dead, you can watch for free video on YouTube as well, that was then the sign for Baci. He immediately relocated to the states and as he got to the states. He saw all this gives me the ability to preached more Americans, in which case we can raise more money to help with her work in Africa to reach more Africans and we got to America God against Alanna sort you're not just here for America to raise money for after you're here for America and began to speak to the Simeon spoken to him in Africa.

America shall be saved by which he meant the mass outpouring of the Spirit and mass harvest of thousands and thousands and hundreds of thousands of millions of Americans turning to Jesus, and Baci said something interesting. He said it's not so much that this generation, America has rejected the gospel as much is not heard is that the gospel is preached in America's medley a self-help kind of message and I haven't really heard the real message by a large and rejected it as much is heard a pseudo-gospel message, and when he began preaching in Africa. It seemed utterly hopeless to see the vision that he had had this heart since then and an elegant dispute preaching small nations, with no responses to his message when God began to speak to him.

Africa shall be saved, which he saw blood washed Africa from Cape Town to current others.

A massive harvest of souls is God's posted to him decades ago, just as all ministry has recorded God only knows how many actually safe but has recorded over 75 million Africans making a profession of faith and say we want to follow Jesus as Lord and God knows how many millions have been incorporated into local churches in the missiology us with her outside bike is ministry before it outside of it.

This massive shift in sub-Saharan Africa and massive harvest of souls.

Now, I had no idea reading the book that that connected with the miracle about about America. I didn't know that until I saw the book and my own heart was start afresh with hope for America to the preaching of the gospel been feeling this for weeks now, I've seen an army of evangelists going across America preaching the hard-core gospel repentance and faith in Jesus the Lord and calling Americans to repent and believe, by the grace of God and and I believe something is going to happen.

God alone is God I can't guarantee anything. I simply believe it's not too late for a nation got to shake us shake you shake in the process