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Reaching Out to a Well-Known “Gay Christian”

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
August 15, 2018 4:50 pm

Reaching Out to a Well-Known “Gay Christian”

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 15, 2018 4:50 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/15/18.

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Well Vicki beaching will moan Christian worship leader came out as lesbian and she surprised by the response will talk about today stock for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH euro. Jim is Dr. Michael Brown. Many of you for years of knowing the name of Vicki beaching I first came across Vicki's work a few years ago. Ironically, it's when she came out as lesbian, but others of you had followed her music enjoyed her worship leading her songs that she had written for years in America and over in England and when she came out as lesbian, there was quite a backlash against her and a few days back couple days back. She was on BBC's heart talk talking about the reaction that she got talk about her new book undivided so want to discuss these things it Vicki if you happen to see my tweet have reached out to you in the past via social media. We wrote to your website.

Years back to interact. If you happen to watch this. You're welcome to join me on the air and you'll see from the tone of the broadcast that I'm not here to attack.

We have deep differences. Let's discuss them together.

This is Michael Brown. Thanks for tuning into today's line of fire broadcast. Here is the number to call 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884 if you differ with me if you need further clarification on any of the points we talk about, by all means give me a call before I edit and by the way, by the way, I do have in the write up for today show or if you see it on YouTube words gay Christian" woman professing gay Christian that is in accordance with my understanding of Scripture that is in accordance with what I'm quite sure about that. You cannot follow Jesus and practice homosexuality the same time. Obviously someone who identifies as a gay Christian and believes that you can practice homosexuality and follow Jesus. At the same time that you can be a committed, loving same-sex relationship in the Lord is pleased with that odyssey. The take offense at me saying they Christian credit." What we have a difference there. I must be true to my convictions before the Lord, and you have to answer to the same God, not to me and not me to you before we talk about this before I placed some clips from the broadcast and interact or talk about a couple of other things of relevance in the news.

Many of you know about the major ruling by the Supreme Court a few weeks back in favor of Jack Phillips and masterpiece cakes.

The Supreme Court did not strictly say that gay rights cannot trump religious rights or freedoms of conscience or speech then explicitly say that but they did say that the Colorado state commission showed animus towards religion when they ruled against Jack Phillips. What was his crime. He said that he could not bake a wedding cake for same-sex couple they could buy anything in the shop. They wanted but for him masterpiece cakes using his artistic skills to design something that was contrary to his convictions.

He could not do it, which makes perfect sense. I don't believe that a conservative Christian should be able to go into a T-shirt store owned by two gay men and say listen, we are were doing some teaching but with the Bible says of homosexuality, we want a picture of two men holding hands crossed out. I said I think the gala should be able to say sorry that's offensive to us that violates our beliefs, they could say we go to a gay church we gay Christians that that that's not wrong to us, they should have that freedom course they should in any case. In any case, while the court did not completely rule in favor of Jack Phillips in the larger philosophical way and say anytime this comes up then religious freedom will trump these other alleged discriminatory acts. Instead, they ruled in his favor. Sin is color the state commission showed animus not only so that in the case of animus towards religion. Not only so, but in the case of Baron L. Stutzman, the florist sues me the yeah forest who said that she could not make a floral arrangement for a same-sex couple sheets served three years, knew one of the guys very well or both of them well and just that she couldn't do it she gets taken to court bases the court after every everything she has her personal assets as well as her business, and the Supreme Court did not rule on that but scented back to the Supreme Court of that state. In Washington scented back saying. Re-examine your ruling based on our ruling in the masterpiece cakes case which is major which is major result of total victory for battle Stutzman but a big step in the right direction. Okay, now what I sailed because completely outrageously completely outrageously the same commission that the Supreme Court ruled against claimant showed animus towards religion, which it clearly and absolutely did they go after Jack Phillips again. Yeah, they have gone after Jack Phillips. Once again, you think they learned their lesson know these folks are again and by the way, this is separate from Vicki beaching. This is separate from her own journey. This is separate from her convictions. I have no idea where she would stand on this, so this is a separate issue, I'm addressing however it's important that we talk about this in the news so the color estate commissions going after Jack Phillips got what he declined to make a cake celebrating gender transition. Some of transition from male to female or female or male. He declined to make a kill. Of course, is going to declined to make a cake for that isn't fillet something to celebrate and violates his religious convictions and they've gone after him again, you've got to be kidding me, but this is the aggressive stance you think a slap in the face of the Supreme Court pushing them back would be enough. And yet they've gone after him yet again. Remember what I've said for years and years and years. Those who came out of the closet want to put us in the closet swimming. I mean that gay activists who, in their minds are fighting for equality and freedom fighting for the right to live their lives like everybody else lives their life fighting for the right to have their relationships recognized fighting against discrimination fighting against being marginalized and cast out that that was their viewpoint. That's their mindset.

There simply fighting for equality and justice, calling for society to be tolerant, actually have a tremendous intolerance of all not all not all the time especially the more committed activists sometimes live and let live know it's a matter of we do not want your opposition. We do not welcome your opposition. We do not accept your opposition. If you're part of a church in your church says we do not recognize same-sex marriage then then you are big. It and you should be challenged if your pastor will not perform a wedding for two same-sex individuals within that pastor's a bigot and should be challenged and this is ongoing. Those who came out of the closet want to put us in the closet.

It is a fact all, there are plenty of LGBT identify people to live their lives to live and let live a let us liberalize you live your life and that's it. But there are plenty others who are as intolerant as they come when they said about tolerance they mean. My way or the highway. That's with diversity is in their view, so color estate commission goes after Jack Phillips once again made this explode in their face for the wrongheaded attempt that it is. This has nothing to do with the quality. This has to do with an attack on religious freedoms. There are plenty of places to go to get a cake baked and and should we assume that the person going to masterpiece cakes had no idea who they were, should we assume that this was completely innocent that they had not read the news that this being big news, especially in Colorado where this happened that they were completely unaware was a setup. I don't know the details, but not surprised in the least if it was set up right something else in the news that I want to discuss an article I wrote on this last night. The skin insured. Thousands and thousands and thousands of time of just a few hours it's been out so for the ideal articles entitled. This is not satire an open pedophile is running for Congress. I just dropped out a day ago or something like that and open pedophile is running for Congress. Another store itself was couple months old, but it was just brought to my attention yesterday. So not only is this guy misogynist Meadows discussed with raping his wife.

Not only did he write something about father daughter incest and and when asked about civil there could be a grain of truth in what I wrote some your you're saying he's raped his wife and committed incest with his daughter is is that possible, and is running for office is a pedophile won't know he's not going round raping children by these pedophile he says is attracted to children and he says look.

People are sick and tired of us being politically correct.

They want people to speak for no they don't want people speak freely about this sir if if if you found yourself to your own shock attracted to children as you were coming into sexual awareness and you find yourself attracted to children today that's that's terrible if that is a real curse.

That's terrific. That's bad, but rather talk about it publicly, as it floats is no big deal. This is my area of struggle.

This is something were you going to private health and by the way, God can change God can change pedophile's he can change anybody.

And this does not relate to Vicki B beaching in her Genovese or as anyone listen to the show notes I cover lots of issues at especially the beginning of the show cover two things in the news. This relates to larger related issues about sexuality, etc. but this is the Vicki beaching would despise us as much as I do. Vicki beaching would be repulsed by this is much as I am okay that's not the issue, such as well make that totally clear but this is something where you get help in private and this is so the way you keep yourself far from potential temptation you civil if you really believe God could change someone and and and said there was a similar form a pedophile. Would you with the work in the nursery in your church. Nope. Which is the babysit your kids nope what it would be foolish. That would be exposing the temptation to get your let's say, sir, that you are in an adulterous relationship with another woman and then you broke it off you both broken off decisively and he said this is Sandberg and separate ourselves you got free and you no longer think about the person. Would you now work in the same office side-by-side and you have a person is your secretary only if your full so use wisdom to keep far from potential sources of temptation to me for free but friends I wrote about this in 2011 a queer thing happen to America. A lengthy chapter with massive detail documenting how eight major arguments used by gay activists with the exact same major arguments used by pedophile activists say that their mutual Man boy love is acceptable it's it's horrific even talk about this thing was I comparing the acts was comparing the arguments princesses what's happening in the world around us.

Let us not get desensitized stay green flavored.

Pray for the sky to find freedom of her plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown is rejoining us rents on the line iron just one address a couple of comments that I noticed on YouTube that are shocking, shocking comment that nowhere are Christians more persecuted than Israel. Are you kidding me so most accurately received street preacher Christmas tree preacher Israel of friends of mine. Israelis who preach in Hebrew preacher should preach Jesus on the streets while what world are you living in seriously and then Janet hey, call Michelle, but don't call me a hypocrite.

Misquote me, misrepresent me call the show. That's why we have live talk radio.

While this is reason this thing what what world you guys in.

That's that's why health that's while all right good talk about Vicki beaching and Vicki, if you watch us reach out the moment.

This will grab one call that relates to where we were. A moment ago your Baltimore, Maryland David, thanks for calling the line of fire. Dark brown equivocal sure thing. My question is, we've been as Christians we probably know about their caring for your Roman soldiers parked the 2nd mile he was because of our hello down there and was allowed it was allowed to force you know by you the privilege of forcing a person to carry 1 mile. As Christians, volunteer Terry perspective about the question. Now my question is why the baking of a square cake topper will be so onerous as to not be easy.

Couldn't you see it is going the 1st mile, where there is even though it's rich, all things become American matter. If you know legality under our Constitution, but stood there was. Is there anything that you wouldn't. I appreciate the sentiment, David and Vincent hey you go the extra mile, etc. but is there anything that you you wouldn't do if you are asked to register about deny your faith. I same Christians were tortured to death rather than deny their faith rather than confess Caesar is Lord but is rising. Let's hear a Christian photographer right and and Playboy magazine says hey we hear you're really good photographer redoing a new shoot. Would you would you know to the shoot for us. Would you do that you or you or or even even more to the point your you're photographer to your shop for portraits and support came in what you I understand that that really gets the heart of the matter and. The question I suppose that each of us has to answer those questions certainly take pictures of anybody right so so it's that I really appreciate the desire to say hey let's reach out. Let's extend ourselves, let's do things that really don't like to do but obviously we have convictions before the Lord. So for example Christian photographer.

If you going to do a gay wedding. That means you can oppose the couple that means you can write this little peck on the lips here now this little how could you do that if you felt it was sinful in God's sight and that that God was against it, and that this was a fundamental fundamental violation of this order. So for four cake shop. The fell of the folks that that you buy anything you want by any cake you want here, by all means will serve use your car broke down. Sure take you where you need to garner just help and serve. But if you're asked to do something artistic.

If you're asked to do something creative in an expression of something that you find to be grossly offensive or wrong in God's sight and that you're being threatened with punishment to do it. That's react to see them really sorry but I can't do that. The David II do appreciate you raising the question. We've had these discussions with our students ministry school and and weighed things back and forth but ultimately if it were convicted of something deeply before God, we have to say so sorry but I have to obey the Lord have to be true to my convictions and that's understandable.

And that goes both ways and and we should respect that is much as we are able to hey thank you sir for calling all right so worship leader, musician, songwriter Vicki beaching some years back in the midst of a health crisis and then just look at lots more questions about life decided that she had to come out and since the same-sex attracted but not only so, after wrestling with a lot of this theologically and doing advanced study and study the Scriptures and praying she was convinced that Scriptures had misunderstood and that in fact you can be in a committed same-sex relationship and follow Jesus. At the same time so she was on hard talk two days ago August 13 that is the 15th of here is an article BBC beaching churches slander on me for being gay. So let's listen to what she had to say I want to play a few clips and I'm going to interact with her on these clips and and again my goal is not to be right. My goal is not to smash someone's position. That's why always invite dialogue and debate as much as possible and and just a look.

I've had folks on the air with me that we disagree totally at the outset is the case understood.

We disagree.

In regard talk about these things. So listen to what Vicki has to say and that's when I began really rethinking the whole AC revisiting what the Bible actually says with academic scholarship and I realize actually that the verses I thought prohibitive same-sex friendships. I think we just misunderstood them in the trash and save it to me little time in a several years of study and prayer, but I really do believe that now the God actually creates many of us to be LGBT, and that's human to be rich so Vicki taking you 100% that you were not believe everything you said.

I totally believe you've wrestled with this study did you come to certain conclusions and I'm an academic myself about a PhD and near Eastern languages and literatures from New York University have written scholarly articles and books on the Bible commentaries on biblical books and I understand different interpretations versus different translations of Hebrew and Greek understand, so I I believe you generally wrestled with these things and came to these conclusions. Here's my first question Vicki, are you hundred percent sure. Are you willing to stake your life on the are you hundred percent sure not just I think I believe. Oh, I percent sure that the Bible is God's word a and B that God and his word does not prohibit same-sex relationships are your hundred percent sure. I found it interesting that as I've interacted with different professing LGBT Christians are even some pastors and leaders that the sort not hundred percent sure of your or your hundred percent sure of anything 100% sure the existence of God on hundred percent sure that I was child 100% sure the Jesus is Lord, hundred percent sure the folks to die ago to be with him.

I would live the way, was living otherwise and there plenty of areas of debate and discussion and questioning that were all on a journey that respect with other things that hills will die on three sure that's Mike. That's my first question to second second question is this. Are you sure that God makes people gay or lesbian or bisexual Christian that it is not something that's also shaped by upbringing are also shaped by life experience.

Do you think there's a reason that the major psychiatric and psychological associations as much as they are gay friendly and and pro-gay in their viewpoints still say we don't know for sure why people are same-sex attracted and it it seems to to be a group of factors and some biology in nature and nurture environments in different things and it if godly people trans, then why try to change that if God put a man in a woman's body then why should that man now goes through sex change surgery and hormones for life and will never be a complete woman in that respect as you are a woman, Vicki want wide do that and then more fundamentally, do you see an order of creation that when God blessed us and said, be fruitful and multiply that his blessing on humanity was a heterosexual blessing and that only Adam and Eve man and woman can be one because they once were. One. I know you been through this, but the sun even look at the prohibitions against homosexual practice right now. This is look at God's order throttle Scripture every reference to homosexual practice is negative always and only threat Scripture every reference to marriage, family relationships is always heterosexual on your father, mother, husband's lover was most mature dozens always.

That's the only template the only model that's their at reading the Bible is a same-sex attracted person. You gotta feel excluded. On some level you gotta feel like this does not talk directly to me. You know it's it's it's like you've got an Apple computer and and you're looking at a manual it on the Microsoft operating system and it's it's not compatible. Something's missing. I know the Bible talks about loving relations. In general, but it's very clear in terms of what God ultimately established it in heating ultimately established polygamy either was adamant even Yvette and Yvonne and Jesus said this, the two becoming one in Genesis 1 and two. Now he says in Matthew 19. So just just go back to the order of things. Vicki and then are you that sure the godly people devoted people, Jesus loving people who knew same-sex attracted people through the centuries. Maybe themselves were same-sex attracted that everybody got it wrong. Through history, everybody got wrong until the sexual revolution and until the age when the 12-year-olds are sexing each other until the age of rampant pornography until the age of of rampant no-fault divorce that everybody got wrong until we entered into a time of sexual anarchy and never getting it right. So make sense to you say who in the world you think your MICRA dosing of rest with this rig yeah but I you're still here and I'm still here and I'm praying for you that God would really get hold of you in the way we experience his love, way beyond anything you've ever known.

Encountered before. But in ways beyond anything you've ever known him in the midst of that he would show you he has a better way way in him I will be back this gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown friends a few weeks back I was preaching at a conference about Israel and the church and I quoted from Vasily a Schlink godly German Christian leader who stood up against the Nazis and then it was a great lover of the Jewish people wrote about that much in the years that followed founded the evangelical sisterhood of Mary and Besley Schlink made the comment that anyone who loves is much as God loves has to suffer and anyone who really knows God knows that he must suffer. It's almost an exact quote. It's an overwhelming thought. But when you really love there is pain you drive past a funeral parlor in their people weeping as you drive by just drive by. You don't know the people in the relationship with them.

There's no love there their strangers, and you might see a quick prayer but your hearts are torn out when you love there is pain when you love when you care the consequences. Here we are in this world friends called to stand for truth call to stand for what is right and call to walk in love and therefore it is costly to follow Jesus this is Michael Brown.

Thanks so much for joining us on the broadcast today. What you do when someone you love someone who you've known as a Christian sibling you've known to be a follower of Jesus, that person says I'm gay, 00, but here's what they mean. They don't simply mean I'm struggling with same-sex attraction. They mean this is who I am and I believe God is fine with me being gay and not only so, I believe that he blesses my relationship with my partner.

We both love the Lord our lives are blessed deeply.

Please say what you don't love the person then you act in a sinful way you lash out at them yet until about if you hold to fundamental scriptural truth you lash out at them, you attack then you call the names you said you hurt me and you make about yourself instead of them.

But when you when you truly love. When you truly love. Then the fact of the matter is you will have pain, but you must speak the truth in love agrees me.

It breaks my heart when I hear Christians I hear of Christians mistreating others, abusing others speaking evil of others not walking in love, lashing out in angry terms agrees me when I hear people say dumb same-sex attracted I went to your church when people find out they mocked me, or was it in the Bible college and they mocked me that that is grievous and painful and I hate that is contrary to the spirit of Jesus. Yes, I'll tell someone, the truth, you cannot follow Jesus and practice homosexuality the same time know you cannot Scriptures plan on it's a hell all died on know you cannot follow Jesus and be in a same-sex relationship and expect to be with him forever and ever. You are sending against him and violating his Lordship all shout that from the rooftops, but I'll do with a broken heart and I'll say look I still like to reach out and it's like to interact.

Are you willing to talk all you want to pray more about this. Are you willing to reconsider any point. So Vicki preaching well-known worship leader is a new book out undivided came out. I think in June where she tells her story. Not surprisingly endorsed by people like Matthew VINES and Rob Bell and in Vicki. I'm curious to know do your beliefs about Christianity in general.

Stand with a used to stand meaning.

Do you still believe that Jesus is the only way to salvation that Muslims the Jesus and Buddhist needs Jesus and Jews need Jesus and people are lost without Jesus just to believe that curious to know that because when you talk about being a Christian and there's a wide spectrum of Christiana.

I'm curious to know how how why that spectrum has become. Do you still believe the Bible is God's authoritative inspired and inerrant word yes to be rightly interpreted and applied, but you still believe that I'm just just curious, asking so Vicki preaching on BBC's hard talk two days ago is being asked some some excellent questions and very fair questions and gracious questions by the host want to take you into the show. Listen to this interaction between BBC hard talk host and Vicki preaching. They now regarding this is something of a transfer, but as I believe that you have found the path that is based upon liars and in the and a sense of betrayal of Jesus Christ in his life and teachings yeah that's that's been the most pressing parts that accompanies my music career, which I didn't is a huge boycott of my music but size and expected quite the amount of the trail and back lash since I came out and have a sense really have been receiving hate mail because you stood there for years in churches and listen to the sermons and know exactly what they think about homosexuality's. I'm surprised you were surprised I knew there would be some sort of respondent spots. I think I hyped against hate that because it was me because they need me and liked me and sang my song and I would be just a bit more compaction, or perhaps even some Chechens would say well we may hearing a musicmaking will rethink the satiety I a few things that I want to say in response to which wiki said, I'm so sorry that you received hate mail a grieves me is not God's heart is not the heart of soul so so many that pray for you and resorts break for you even if you say you're happy and thriving. Everything's fine. Our hearts break for you. I can only tell you Vicki that for saying that with the Bible says is true and accurate about same-sex relationships. I receive constant hate mail the ugliest stuff you can imagine a lot of it from professing gay Christians, ugly, crude, despicable fortune is Lotta hatred on all sides doesn't excuse follow Jesus mistreating you or professing follow Jesus mistreating you but I I'm so grieved that you got the hate mail that hurts me as well. I just want you to understand, though, Vicki, this is not something where people say well we know her. We like her song Serena rethink this.

Is this nothing of rethink. You may believe so, but you've got to understand same-sex attractions and is deeply seated as they are in your life as far as you can tell the so you've always been whatever efforts you've you've made to change didn't succeed, you have to understand your perspective is biased, Vicki. I know plenty of X case was just a new peer-reviewed study that came out was be a Catholic girl but it's peer-reviewed by professionals and it's it's it's highly respected that looked at the lives of religious men, and those who were same-sex attracted one to get help and and they found a very high success rate among those who are religious Christians. This is just another peer-reviewed study. I know many people who are no longer practicing homosexuals. I know many people who literally went by God's grace from homosexual to heterosexual and one guy recently said he was a survivor of the postmaster. The gay bar with a reset horrific massacre in Orlando a few years back.

He said that that it's for him it was in the gate astray thing was a loss to save thing and and now he's following Jesus in a different person. Vicki Jesus does change people and if he does, and it doesn't give you the right to rewrite Scripture I know you say you haven't done that but I challenge you to go to got afresh and to say God is it possible that because of same-sex attracted that that's biased because we biased God. Is it possible that that on that reading the Scriptures in an honest way. Look, I know people at Final Cut as a justification for divorce when there is no justification for in their particular case because they fall in love with somebody else and they fallen out of love with their spouse before out of love with your spouse will you you get with God you say Lord help me to walk in love, because this is the person that I'm covenanted to in Vicki.

I'm sure you know that there are there are Christians who say yeah I still struggle same-sex attraction, but is contrary to God's order and I'm following Jesus and I'm celibate non-blast. My life is full. Jesus is enough there.

There are friends of mine whose spouses deserted them. But their view was no remarriage, no remarriage unless the spouse dies, the former spouse does. But if they're remarried or whatever and they been single for years and years and some for decades, but that's the conviction God gives them grace others there's a there's a tragic accident early in a marriage and and there is a handicapper crippling condition where you can have normal relationships between husband and wife in the they remain married, and God gives grace in the midst of that the challenges for decades give you grace right where you are. Look, you should be glad Vicki that so many Christians take the Bible seriously is not a light thing to us is not a light thing to say that marriage can be redefined.

It's not a right thing to say that something contrary to God's order. Vicki God didn't make you to be with other women he made you for men and men for women. It's something sacred to us that God created us the way he did with certain intent. If you say yeah but there are heterosexuals who are back, yes, but their relationship is not an fundamental denial of God's order by one last clip I want to play from Vicki beaches not to debate is not a debate, a debate anyone on this, of course, but this is a discussion and once again as I did several years ago, reaching out Vicki with the hope that you'll watch this and any so you're not telling me anything new. Maybe I am maybe I'm not but I hope you are my heart because it reflects God's heart and he hasn't given up on you yet. This is normal clip from the broadcast for the my spot. Unfortunately, my sketches just kind of slammed the door and told me I was chasing a life of sin and flickering used to the Christian yes them, but I think Christianity is quite a broad spectrum and I think it's important that we don't let very extreme wing of Christianity. He thought to represent everybody and exiting a PhD at the mine in theology, suffering, passionate about understanding the Bible in an academic way.

There plenty people who think that you can began Christian. It's just part of the text doesn't Vicki make a big mistake when you see those who hold to historic teaching of the church and synagogue with the church is virtually universally believed for almost 2000 years that that's extreme that's extreme wing no-no sucked extreme wing which are talking about is there is this giant boat that's been sailing the ocean for centuries and and you're on the tip of it just jumped off and you're saying that the the boat is extreme.

No, no that's that's not the case. Not only so there are plenty of professing a Christian to say while we acknowledge that Paul had a problem with this or you will most stuff in there, but that was signed I went under the Sinai covenant.

In other words, one window you have to get away from many scriptures in the plan intent right more to say under sudden breaks the right, it's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown, let me share my heart wide open as a Jewish believer in Jesus of interactive years with religious Jews with devoted shoes with men who the best of my knowledge are not hypocrites.

The roots are seeking to practice with the preacher live a life consistent with their religious convictions and pray with real sincerity and their some of the nicest, kindest people that I know and yeah from the bottom of my heart's understand God's word there lost without Jesus, Yeshua needs the Messiah. Some of you come from a background the Muslim background and you knew people that were very much God-fearing, and very devoted to their face wouldn't hurt a fly there, raising the terrorists that we believe they need Jesus to be saved.

Some of you say you know what got atheist relatives. The everybody loves them, loves her grandsons nicest person at the other. In other words, when we follow Jesus and we see people lost without a meth. That's a painful thing.

That's a big statement and yet, as we understand that nobody is good enough to get in. We need mercy, we need to cross. It's the same thing.

The struggles we have in our own lives one person is the core of their being there, the proud everything is like ends up about me, about me, about me and someone else they just want to hurt people on my left heart hurt people hurt folks with that one pass was talking about folks like that. These councils met with and others just their minds filled constantly with sexual desires, heterosexual homosexual this matter, and then others for their other areas of of sin, rebellion, brokenness in their lives. There different manifestations of these things same-sex attraction just another one of those where he comes from either someone was called born that way, which I don't believe this is this is scientifically true or scriptural truth.

But even if it was, we must be born again. Their things are fundamental nature that are flawed. Their sinful that a destructive or like concrete blocks that are put on someone's feet when they are thrown into and throw it into the water to die to kill them. There are concrete blocks of sin, of a broken human nature of flaws within every one of us and and wing. That's why we need mercy. That's what we need a Redeemer when summoned out makes that part of their identification. I am a gay Christian as a poster on the follower of Jesus, son and daughter of God of love the Lord, am a follower of Jesus, you have struggled with same-sex attraction.

It's frustrating because I don't find myself attracted to the opposite sex. And I want to marry and have children in a natural way and I can't do this very frustrating and difficult mature system understanding that will let's reach out and do our best understand and help you but but do not now make the area of struggle, the area of your identity back in May we produced our animated video. Can you be gay and Christian. If you haven't watched it yet. I encourage you to do so. Just six minutes. We look at the Scriptures give the principal arguments from gay theologians look with the word really says that we point to God's ways which are best if you do not want to just go to Esther to this essay escape your this and you'll see our three first videos can began Christian was mean to be conservative and have the church get cut off from its Jewish roots and God willing a lot more such videos to come in the days ahead. The amount hate mail that we got over Kenya began Christian. The stream of death wishes.

I watch it, tell me what's ugly about my tone. Tim was hateful about my tone tell tell me what's attacking about my tone. It's just present the truth in love, and the flood of death wishes and ugly stuff in enormous 5000 comments to the to the video on on YouTube a master to Brown YouTube channel and then it calculates difference of several million times in different Canadian and trans channels on on YouTube whole story behind that but there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of comments that had to be deleted that were just too ugly at and even though I'm used to this still shocking just to see what came. I will however that does not determine truth the level of ugly response does not determine truth and I personally believe that many of the people responding in anger responding out of pain there lashing out at me. Just like your best friend or your spouse could could accidentally step on your toe and you still scream out because it hurts so I understand many of these people have been heard over the years, many are hurting because they're not experiencing God's blessing met hurting for other reasons rejection they been through her inner conflicts and when you speak the truth in love, however gentle you can get a violent response. But let's flip this around. I will get back to Vicki beaching Vicki there's there's no excuse for people lashing out at you hateful there's no excuse for people acting in ways that are unchristian, but I hope you can understand that some of the level of response you've got this because people do feel betrayed because they came to love you in the Canterbury. She was as is one of us and and they worshiped the Lord with songs that you wrote. Now they feel betrayed not betray that you say you're struggling all Vicki if you said I know this is not God's plan for my life but I want to be candid on struggled. You know the level of support you would've gotten the outpouring of love you in a few idiots call them idiots who attacked you is as if you were some terrible center for struggling but given the level of output and you know how many others will come and sit off you can say that I can say and and I want to pray on one help one understanding as well and he could've done good for the church to now come together in ceric here someone who hasn't forsaken us here someone is not denying the explicit teaching of Scripture. Here someone who's not deny the historic understanding of the church and synagogue here, someone that we love that loves the Lord say I'm struggling. It's just like someone else coming out saying, I struggled with depression for years and and and they'll your throw stones of that person. Now you have a conversation that we didn't have before. Vicki is not too late, or you think you're making progress on the right path and and is much as I'm speaking from the heart and held back tears earlier just as my heart was hurting for you. You might think I'm being hateful and arrogant. I don't know how this sounds fewer comes across to you and tell you from the heart. I care tell from the heart, I pray that that God would grant you repentance and restoration. And I tell you this, you could bring healing to Holland people sale you have no idea. I'm sure you're hearing left and right from Coke a Christians LGBT Christians and their telling you Vicki you set me free that you cannot you set me free. Now the birds rolled I'm sure you getting those letters to but ultimately are complicit with her doubtful ultimately your complicit with your spiritual downfall with their spiritual destruction with helping and going the wrong way, rather than the right way.

Sad to say so I pray that God would grant you repentance.

The call will open your heart that something something from the word that was stored in an infinitely God that you worship the love that something stored deep inside with awakening. Can you Russ, this is not right. This is not right that you even look in the mirror when dancing, God did not make me for females from a house, and above all, he made you for him and friends. Those of you struggling those of you with questions. There are plenty of online resources there plenty of brothers and sisters that will pray with you and encourage you go to restored hope restored hope that worked out. Or just her to meet some of the many ministries that are out there.

If you write to us to say, could you refer me to someone that could help her group that I could pray with identify with, by all means of my book Kenya began Christian lays things out very clearly and I quote a lot from professing to Christians in their and their allies.

The reason being that I want believers to understand the have a broken heart hearts of compassion backbones of steel speaking the truth and love Jesus was filled with grace and truth, not grace or truth, but grace and truth. Sometimes we want to be so loving we don't tell people the truth.

Sometimes we would be so truthful we don't walk in love.

Jesus is full of love. Jesus is full of truth and he remains the same yesterday today and forever, and Vicki. You know that Jesus never firmed homosexuality you know he never front homosexual practice and ended 20 fact, he took the moral standards of the law to a higher level and you know that. He said the things that come out of our hearts, including all sexual acts outside of marriage the file us. Matthew five Matthew 15, you know, Matthew 19 he defined marriage as the union of one man one woman you see him, but he wasn't dealing with committed same-sex relationships. You mean to tell me Vicki that are all sitting on all-knowing Savior didn't look into the hearts of the same-sex attracted man or woman and see the struggle that she didn't know the John two 2425 tells us he knew was in the hearts of men that he didn't know what was in people and that he did have the ability to see and that if he saw. He chose not to say any thing of affirmation or encouragement or help instead simply reiterated marriage is union of one man one woman for life and every sexual act outside of that, the filing in the moral status of the tortilla into a higher level it's because he's God the flesh in God's ways haven't changed in our creator created with the purpose friends if you got a friend, family member, struggling with same-sex attraction gender identity confusion. Don't reject them reach out to the mall more be your friend all the more if they say.

Notice how God made him to live it out. That's where the relationship is good to be challenged and may even have to separate but this is Sam struggling. Can we talk on the what to do with these desires attraction to be the best friend ever had to be the best parents ever had.

The Pacific never had first together got so assume any change. Vicki praying for you that if I love