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Best of Broadcast: The Forbidden Interview

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
August 14, 2019 7:10 pm

Best of Broadcast: The Forbidden Interview

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 14, 2019 7:10 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/14/19.

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Stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Burrell your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience have resident of fire school of Ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH zero Jim is Dr. Michael Brown friends.

I am going today by the ever controversial, ever popular Molly Anapolis you may have heard them in the news more in the past what's happened what's going on with him being the platform was he really believe were to be falsely accused and have a constructive honest discussion, but it's important as so many my listeners are evangelical Christians that remind you that when I had a previous interview with Milo. We discussed lots of issues that we are in harmony with in terms of conservative values etc. course the contradiction being that that Milo is a practicing homosexual and yet finds a contradiction between that is Catholic faith. So of course I sent them. Can you began Christian a queer thing happened to America. He fully understands my views. My viewpoint were not here to discuss that nor my here to preach to him. He knows my views and the differences we have in the areas of harmony were here to discuss other things but I want to say that upfront is always something. How come you're not yelling at him he needs to repent so that we discussed things he knows my yelling at myself. Trust me okay so Milo, thanks so much for joining us again on the line of fire. Thank you think I'm so normally I give a whole bio and introduction but this they Milo says a lot these days.

It wasn't that long ago that you had a book that was number one on Amazon before it was even released well before it was released as soon as it was announced that you were kind of everywhere. Your voice was everywhere, then the publisher drops you are allegations that that you were pro-pedophile. Obviously outrageous allegations and and then next thing you're getting the platform left and right not obviously this is not an ego issue. Do you get a message with get up at that house is affected your purse that's coming pretty intense experience that go through all this. I think if I been alone. It would've been has helped having some sort of having some emotional support humps to see you know I treat my career I am able to emotionally compartmentalize what I do. If you like for work and what's real, what's been on my friends, my family relationships so it hasn't.

You know it hasn't had the kind of unraveling effect on me. It has on some of my friends lower limit. For instance, his intimacy to generalist and its stone artist and prankster and she's you know people are pretty worried about her with some justification, because what happened to her recently.

I wouldn't say that his hands tremendously emotional effects on me. But of course it has had a perverse effect on my career my profession. It doesn't matter what they identify as a BS explanation for you know trying to do platform you reject you from public life is important.

People understand those of us who have been systematically deep platform to this is all about the next election is all about getting some back in again.

Those of us have been systematically deep platform to have been excluded from public life, not because we believe anything outrageous anytime you believe anytime you hear a quote I'm supposed to have said something I supposedly believe that shocks he was almost always align we were more deep platform.

The exclusion public life because were effective because were persuasive because we convert people. That's what's really truly dangerous because were political evangelists who speak in rights and appear in public and convert people away from the inner sick madness of the Democrat party in our interests by the thousands, and that's why we represent in a special risk to the progressive left is why they come for us before they come from people who actually all right-wing and I don't believe in you know a white ethnic state that there are people who do most people are still on twitter, you know, Richard Spencer, David Duke. These people are still on twitter. They're allowed to operate their twitter accounts without fear or favor because without worry me because every time somebody sees one of those people is positive because the right in a negative light. It serves the left to have Richard Spencer, David you count that who are unashamed racists and white nationalists and white supremacists were those of us who are not by who are very effective at getting people persuaded or find ourselves banned Gavin McGinnis, Laurel Alex Jones smiling office were always people have in common a respectable reasonable sense of right clutch opinions and popularity. That's key to understanding this is really about. So Milo, let me throw another name in the equation here we we get by constantly because we take on the moral cultural issues because we take on LGBT activism and the organism. One day I woke up to discover I think 1200 or nine height is 900 of our YouTube videos I got in the monetized overnight cycle adolescent and young Zach by man instantly literally this can go on for months.

The moment the video goes lies instantly. It can be.

Dr. Brown answers your Bible question Acrobat wishes you a nice day.

Interest in its flag and fight for then we request review it but but anyway so I'm at work we used to do this going on, but thankfully we were still able to get our voice out having been the pipe or just a lot of battles to overcome. Let's add another voice.

Alex Jones. He's he's been the platform I'm I appreciate some of what he says but he's way too conspiratorial for me where you fit him and you do identify with the Alex Jones's of the world where because you gave a list you know Laureate cabinet, but a friend of mine. I think he's brilliant at what he does. I probably share the same views as you about his on-air performances. Some of it sounds great. The rest of it.

I can inner fire at other laps, but I know it is wonderful to say no justification whatsoever for further nuking him of my foot went on steno extends into understanding for Boston and US somebody talks about religious issues will understand what I mean Better than others of the most see the boys Alex Jones's deal is you really mean all the stuff and is it all up is all right.

Yes, he doesn't know it's not an Exodus which understanding for Moses as a ministry. This would understand that Alex Jones is as a preacher in that southern style who uses very metaphoric and colorful language to describe the world. He sees around him. So when he talks about the Democratic Party being satanic when he talks about inner lesbians being demonic rest of it.

He's using the sort of heavy laden metaphoric language to describe something that he thinks is Marley deplorable essay or or sick and someone is not man of great deep spiritual faith is your I'm I understand it, but is using the language of religion to describe to describe morally things that he might as identified as being corrupt sick corrosive funeral and negative influences. And he's right about the reminiscence of the political lesbianism in the inner Democrats and gender studies, bombs and universities is all about that right is not wrong about a lot of this stuff. The language uses sometimes puts people of more than his actual opinions and that's what I think leads people to think that he seen a bit quicker but he isn't he simply using the language of religion to pass moral judgment on things he sees as being corrosive to the American body politic and antithetical to the idea of America, and it seems to me to be entirely reasonable to oversee very persuasive. It's a very popular way of doing things and if you understand him that way.

I think it makes little sense I think you can you can you can reckon with him a bit more comfortably. If you understand. If it wasn't an online news channel is ministry and I think Alexis is great and and and an essential part of the ecosystem right now what went when he was the part one.

I merely wrote an article whether I agree or not it when I can repeat the Martin upon the Holocaust. There they came after this one Alliance anything That when I say anything else when they come after Alex Jones the coming after me to come after you saw. I've been with you in that regard, despite differences, I would have, especially on the conspiratorial stuff and false flag stuff should the larger Association question. This is so they'll want to dig into it and try to sort through with you in terms of the intellectual dark web and in the all right and anti-Semitism, etc. but just just back on on urine so that those that don't know you up close and they just hear a rumor you said this, you said that was the reason that you lost your book contract and what would you like to set straight about the accusations against you yeah and I don't spend a lot of time doing this because I think that the strategy of the left is to constantly aperture the back foot so you way audit is very interview you. Do we trading grounds when everybody knows the truth ready the people making false allegations know is not true that people who like you know it's not true but you have to go to the source of light excruciatingly regular Mike is click will make it real quick.

I I've been the victim of clerical sexual abuse and to write a book about it and have made jokes about it because as is my wont. That is my prerogative. If you don't like me making jokes about things that happened to me. Don't come see me talk and don't buy my books, but it was falsely suggested bathroom for a few remarks that I made a late-night lifestream years ago that I was somehow soft on child abuse. So I was prepared for their whatever. Nothing could be further from the truth of the victim of this is the classic example of the sociopolitical cruelties of the left that will take you or somebody receiving end of something in and misrepresented knowingly submitting sub as a proponent for that same crime essay moral outrage. It is the most atrocious and disgusting imaginable tactic that is its point and you know selectively edited videos with cutout where I say I think the age of consent is about right. You know about a lot of edgy issues as OS X, death, love, money, religion, politics, you name it and I get into some very negative thought experiments, and the devil's advocacy unit 145 our live streams of people on YouTube is not difficult to see if you jam them together and say this guys PR pro anything you could do creatively on their hundreds of hours of me talking about very delicate subjects over beers dinner at 3 AM with people on the Internet and wouldn't be possible to construct a case that was pro anything he wanted so it's garbage everyone knows is garbage.

The people who pretended through knows garbage. The people who are angry about it.

Now it's garbage I know is garbage you know is garbage. I don't like to waste anymore time on the left.

Patient enough, it would be similar to to tromp in Charlottesville. They're good people on both sides and he was saying that neo-Nazis were really good example set never said it looked at the transcript and in your talk is not the clearest communicator. He's is a very effective kinetic activities.

Not the clearest in terms of, you know, the present precise use of exactly lots of repetition and and. Stands and and kind of like. He's he's key can be quite difficult to follow his extreme kind of like darting around Roxie on his way down the mountain and you get a sense of the general trajectory that sometimes individual sentence to think. What does he mean what if you look at the paragraph of the transcript of the woods the command of his mouth. The meaning of them could not be any clearer if anything I think I think I was Jake Tapper was a recently admitted that Trump never said that there were good people among white nationalist and resilient and have claims that was the case for what years now. Finally they slip out. But they know it's not true is simply not true and has become something that even Republicans are don't like Trump and even some people who do like Trump now believes that he said and thought back to make excuses for condemning him for friends of mine.

People who adore make-believe things about me that are completely untrue that this is what happens when you're in the fine line of you know of this.

This is demonic yeah leftist listen you can call it demonic here I am.

I have a book coming out in August, Jezebel's war against America, and I looked at the Jezebel of the Bible radical feminist related man is Pat Hamel taking a break will come back but yeah I compensated demonic forces at AR and I still anyway will but will be right back and continue this conversation in the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown princesses Michael Brown speak again with Molly not glad that he was able to take time.

Join us on the air today.

If you just doing then go back to beginning of the broadcast for my initial caveats and how you can hear that Milo preaches repentance to himself. We get into that with you with echoing that the background Milo right before the break I mentioned the book of coming out in August, Jezebel's war with America, and I can't connect the dots and say he looked. She was a woman who lived in the past 3000 years ago Jesus references a woman false prophetess in the New Testament call Jezebel probably just the name he gives her isolate the same demonic forces that operate through her operating again today connect the dots from the rise of witchcraft, radical feminism to the emasculating of of men and maleness to the silencing of the prophetic voices and on and on and in ancient idolatry baby killing was common sacrifice you baby you got the militant abortions, but not not a 50-year-old girl who was raped in the struggling and fearful to have an abortion but with him at the shout your abortion militant celebrated this pro-infanticide crowd, etc. so I can I see Dr. say there is this demonic junk going on.

It's not just earthly and natural.

You want to weigh in on that. I'm so glad that you are writing that book as I have something similar related pipes that we quicken from entry to another. I'm currently assembling my thoughts on feminism, which does content basically everything, both antiabortion, it all boils down to this.

In this great invention of Christianity in the Middle Ages of the individual worth of the human being of equality before God, which leads us into equality before the law of the idea that we are inner beings created in God's image and and we are all unique moral worth and understanding that why it's therefore impossible to support abortion is impossible to support the death penalty is much we might want to for some people this is the basis is the basic inner societal innovation Christianity or throughout the West might have Christianity of course you know women are so impressed other people in front of groups of people shoot each other over minor disagreements all boils down to this is why was antiabortion. That's why abortion is the central most important issue politically in the US because the most important issue for humanity is the mystical issue there is to do human beings have intrinsic moral worth or not. And in the left doesn't believe that they did that the left does not believe the people have intrinsic moral worth mainly because so many of them still feel that way about themselves than these of the social justice were psychologically damaged individuals were incredibly low self-esteem who you know generalize from the particular and invent this entire clinical system based on their own nurse. In some cases quite justify self-loathing so my sons FM is born after that is going to be about why women are so unhappy many focuses on witchcraft. You know that your course will not. 1.3 1.4 million Americans now describe themselves as Wiccans that smell in their Terry exactly is this a sign of women who given up on God given up on family and given up on motherhood you have given up on the on the prospect I sort tweet today from a dreadful woman who writes I think The Daily Beast name is Taylor Lorenz she's the one who was responsible for docs and Pamela Geller's children putting for putting them in the crosshairs of the jihadists and she's tweeting today about all wider shows like the bachelor have women of over 31/40 looking for love and enlighten the regret setting it is the content of these are women who have chosen to force Wagoner love babies husband marriage of the home or the things that that make women happy. Instead for this kind of, you know, nebulous, empty nothing of of a media career in New York, iridescent guaranteeing that they're going to be miserable and the other guy died in her unfulfilled and unable to realize your potential. And so I'm seeing this happen everywhere in the rise of witchcraft is really just*of this is it is an artifact. I'm so resurrection is coy to read your book out something he was going, find us on struggling on heavily galvanizes.

I'll send you gladly send you that because they can easily see if you get at the because Christ is is is fundamental to the clash of ideologies between the left and right in this country and discipline of this is why abortion is about. This is why abortion is everything, because from that question from the subject's spring or the other critical questions.

Now how to treat one another what the proper roles and takes about 4% of the state should be how we should organize society, you know how what what are more our approach to waging war should be unite everything forth flows from that one central yesterday. I searched yeah I found it extraordinary that that Mayor Pete use Mayor because I was mispronounced as his last name, which is also why I just use Milo in your case, but it in any case with with Mayor Pete remarkably, as he was attacking Mike pence is Christianity in Donald Trump's Christian okay I understand how we could attack Donald Christianity how Chris initiates that as you work in progress but but he refused to make a statement about late-term abortion, but then pointed to one of his favorite verses in Scripture Matthew 25 when Jesus talks about caring for the least of these, which he then applies to illegal immigrants like how you have a heart for illegal immigrants set some of whom are are some of whom are criminals and shouldn't be here and in Mexico doesn't want either you have a heart for then you won't even make a statement about late-term abortion ENU you have it right now. I live in North Carolina, governor of North Carolina refused to sign a bill that that if a baby is born alive that he gets medical get well that's really on the book and sign it so that the culture of death that we have when Mother Teresa years ago made the comment that that when women kill their own children in the womb.

How much lower can you get the net when it celebrated it. It's a whole other issue.

So yeah the radical feminism, which then wants to make men to women and women into men includes the war on gender of the seductive spirit of Jezebel. So pornography which also destroy humanity and inmates.

Women just into sex objects in and makes men degradable in their own eyes on and on and on. These things are certainly interconnected and and where it goes.

It goes the way of death. That doesn't reproduce it doesn't bring life doesn't enhance another generation and once again at a recent survey repeated the results of previous surveys that religious married women were the happiest of all with with their sex lives and in general this is that as the decades no surprise always true also of course every 70 comes out shows that the Republicans and with that because Republicans are right-leaning people in general massively better looking much more physically attractive because they and this is not frivolous and frivolous resources for than as it sounds, it's because those of us who have an appreciation and understanding for reference for institution for religion for her for the family understand also the importance of beauty and truth and joy in the central Christian virtues that have made the West a nice place to live. I we have a innovate. We we know that there are objective beauty stands for men just like there are for women. They change a little overtime in the back dramatically and is it okay yes the ideal womanly shape has grown and shrunk, you know, generally oscillated over over time in the West, but it's never been Lena done and it's it's it's these losses of appreciation for beauty and truth. Enjoy the central Christian virtues determined that that is is part of the problem of the other codification of the world, nestle my my next feminism askance book is good is going about you Chesterton Woodward Chesterton orthodoxy says that suicide is the greatest of the crime. Anyone can commit because you know it's only killing one person or effectively killing the world old you know your your your your unmaking, your entire world. It's like you're murdering whole universe by killing yourself to identify right about that.

I think abortion might be a step further because your your your killing' the peasants has the wherewithal the ability to fight back its assertive self abnegation of the evening was kind because of the UK because of the limited potential of that life that is part of you. It seems to me that in the abstract. It's a nice kind of is a nice theological point about suicide about unite being the greatest crime just killing the world but putting in real moral terms, actually you are you are monitoring your own potential and future yeah and you're amazing that your your making the choice and imposing the choice and violently so on.

Some of this innocent expecting that should be the safest place in the world is the mother whom just which is your own future. It is your own potential. It is your own legacy and people. I think you have uniformly low self-esteem, who see no value in themselves.

See perhaps no value in their own legacy in the future in their own potential and therefore also of course don't really see they don't because this this extraordinary strain of sociopathy on the left, I think, is a natural consequence of not having not having faith and having respect for the family and not having you know for true proper love for other people, which can only come from the realization that other people are made in the image of God have individual arthritis.

If you don't believe that I guess is quite easy to just you know have the age of full yourself into the clump of cells thing and just say yes Dr. suck it out and use the phrase, but that's what they're doing, you know, so the parcel for scrap is kind of sociopathic in a hurry like jaw dropping the horrendous attitude to life is just the next consequence of not treating other human beings as is people with intrinsic worth and value you can see that woman I mentioned earlier, Taylor Lorenz is now part of regretting her life choices. The ease with which and even the glibness and and worse than that, the, the closing. After she counted Pamela Geller's daughters Sarah said all you know these women are famous on on Instagram. Did you know their mother is you know is llama phobic crazy Pamela Geller you know Trent let you know.

Try get these kids in trouble turned and fired trying in the most unspeakably awful way to drive a wedge between mother and mother and daughters and and she must do enough research and of the kids dad is dead right so she's Marine is the impound Pamela's been bringing her children up alone. They are incredibly close and tight, but they have always been scrupulous about not identifying one of the Republic to keep everybody safe in the sort of gloating with which Taylor Lorenz asserted like carving out families, you know, bragging about having answer this because because every has side of an ideological opinion about whatever this is that this is the mind of somebody who chose children who stays unmarried, who suddenly wakes up one day at the age of 35 and says oh my goodness what I done you know what I done with my life will you asked for this you brought this on yourself.

So I don't shed tears, but for poor people like out of I believe that this of course redemption available for everybody.

I don't shed tears for her wasted life option because she had every available chance to.

She had every every image that is a rich girl from Connecticut. She had every bit of danger in front of her she had all the resources consistently seriously deliberately made the wrong choice.

The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown line of fire now by going to 866-34-TRUTH your exam. Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us today on the special edition of the line of fire. I'm speaking with the outspoken Molly Anapolis you know I could make this the easiest interview of my life. I could ask my little question and come back 20 or 30 or 40 minutes later I will go out, make myself a salad come back and he'd still be waiting in but articulate, let alone I let listen I do interviews since I promised I do interviews not infrequently, and and sometimes you get, the yes no type answer so it's it's delightful to speak with Milo was so much to offer.

One day Sir will get to sit down face-to-face and talk that that would be a delight you can drink beer all all drink sparkling water and and we can talk based can I say we have no fear of alcoholics or God or God. It all right here that's that's a whole other subject, Catholic, Protestant, etc. that's that's a whole it as Milo again for those just tuning in, Milo does have in his indisposition. If you read it my book and you began Christian spoke without when I focused on that issue today. Okay disparate caveat for all those destroying us. Milo, I've never I'm no expert on your writings and speaking but I've heard enough. One of my colleagues really follows you closely. I've never heard you say anything anything that we can't do anything anti-Semitic in any way, or that you could even be accused of it is as much as you get falsely accused. I think if he was a friend of Israel, despite the liberal Jewish influence on the radical left of never heard you must use in a generalized way because of that yet. Here's here's a concern I want to put out for you and and and get your your thinking on. There are those that are centrist right and then they go further. Talk to all right and some of them are associated. All right, of course well associated with anti-Semitism, but something he would say centrist right or folks you associate with who freely associate with others who have strongly anti-Semitic use of this not guilt by association. Supposedly what he work with such a such a publisher. They publish a book by so-and-so cycle. They publish my book. That's what I stand for. I can account for everyone that the publishers but sate your friend box day you will forward to his book on on Jordan and ask that they came out in in November. He is now got a platform unauthorized.TV together with with Owen Benjamin and I challenged Owen Benjamin's recent Maryland anti-Semitism extraordinary statements being made that the tubular very dangerous. He's there others that he own pensioners working with the E.

Michael Jones, Catholic scholar I've had on my show and and we had some very, very deep serious differences. I'm not wholly responsible for any of that. I'm not wholly responsible for yet, but I want to I want to get clarity because there is something that I'm seeing rising up a fresh wave of anti-Semitism. Some of it in Christian garb. Some of it in in its classical more secular forms and there seems to be on some of the sides were otherwise I'd agree with the conservative positions and again with your associate with box day and him just with Owen Benjamin's part, I think it's worth discussing on if you like. It's some some rabbit you're chasing a rabbit somewhere. I'm happy to talk about so I you know that your friends are so-and-so you were concerns or you are in urban, positive so-and-so who is friends with sunset. This is the level of mean everybody's guilty by that metric right by that stent yet. I think it's basically useful way to go about anything. I will agree with you that I've been very disturbed by some things I've seen on Benjamin social media feeds and it seems to me like it is the this runaway train with festival.

He was just breaking because a questionnaire for the last fickle, you know, racism, sexism from a transcriber on the right, you might argue that anti-Semitism is a similar kind of to move and if you know for Genesee so you know post-millennial generation stipulations went to the last caravan anti-Semitism in Israel. Never, until he could use it to to be trump on the fact that his daughter is a Jew now and his lawyer explained that his grandchildren at one point all of his adult chose the regular married to Caesar dating his same, but yet suddenly the left side because of anti-Semitism. All right nationalized. I don't like been invited to go on with with our management have declined on his in our blood stream source because I don't like a lot of what I see over there but doesn't that that to me personally is no basis on which not to do business with mutual friends is probably things about Fox that you are gossiping is that you would like either and I don't care what you like about either. I'm responsible for.

I say response for what I do and if I incite people into ugly thoughts about others then that I'm responsible for that. If I incite violence. I'm responsible for. I'm not responsible for anything that anybody else does. If you want to bring up the guy that just short of her really short now some shooters that it was radicalized against Jews by the date abide by Breitbart and and Ben Shapiro psycho suddenly now are blaming Ben Shapiro friend is that is just crazy. The faxes that people don't get radicalized by people on their own site you don't get pushed to the far right by people in the center-right like me, you get pushed to the far right by looking at the behavior of the far left feminists create men's rights activists, not me. You know that this is the central visit. This is a such an obvious fact that doesn't even seem to occur to anybody that it hardly bears repeating at heart, but it's but it must be said, because people don't seem tempted to realize this. You do not become far right white ethnic state Jew hating all right monster because you listen to Milo and Candace summons LeCompte because you look at the behavior of the far left and you seek to enforce it and become its opposite and you seek to beat it by imitating it become a mirror image of it right products are.

If you see the insane behavior of secular Jews in media and dinner people read entire books about why American Jews are urging our work in so consistently against her own interests right in the interest of his arrest written the topics on that are not qualified to go tempted to wander into that subject accepted joined millions of people in observing the predominance of the interview observed that on the left. Then of course you're going to want to tease the needle and print these people in whatever way works and for generations the who have never met anyone who was alive during second level thereafter, Internet and Oracle stored on immediately after months. The Holocaust is that you know the show as you like is that abstract concepts that doesn't really speak to them anymore, directing the French Revolution doubts that emanates you did just it just jump in.

Also with a lot of the social justice warrior crowd. There is a healthy desire to stand with those that are perceived to be victims or outcasts. You know, it goes in extreme ways.

It goes in healthy ways. But you know later about what happened to spot the writers reacted the following is reacting against don't think it comes out of any sort of deep-seated hatred of the Jewish people rooted in historical prejudice just looking out at a corrupt sick media corrupt sick entertainment industry. A corrupt sick news business out correctly identifying the Jews and I include my benign matrilineal he speaking Jewish. My mother was a Jew. I was raised Catholic. I consider myself Catholic but technically according to Jewish law.

I'm Jewish to so now I will let say are hugely overrepresented in those in those industries right on it right. The writers alike are you know are extraordinary natural abilities.

What's AMENABLE prizes.

Whatever it is nonetheless true to say we are overrepresented in those industries. I think the flip these young wing of the far right. Let say is looking out insane every single person I see with the blue checkmark on Twitter saying totally bonkers things always seems to be Jewish riots that right now in lien ACLU or Southern poverty Law Center, etc. these different location. It's not unreasonable questions. Right now it's perfectly. There's nothing anti-Semitic – the question that this just now when I was fine.

I was always going to to make was that the social justice warrior they'll they'll often you are mentioning that Holocaust is distant in World War II is distant so even that the the birthing of Israel are the ashes of the Holocaust and how miraculous that was and how tiny Israel. How could even survive. That's all past that what they are conscious of his in their mind. Israel is the bully and the Palestinians are the victims and is not to say that everything Israel does is right, but that that AdSense Eve got the anti-Israel narrative so and and mixing up generations there I think is them for the millennial's there very pro-Palestine exactly right for them. Israel's ability and and and and and Israel as a proxy for listings they don't like about America right for generations.

The underneath them. They seem not to like Israel very much either but for a bit of a different recent understanding all blends.

The suggestion of my thesis is is that God called the Jewish people to be world changers when we get things right.

Whether it be of Moses, or in Isaiah or Jesus or Paul and has us extraordinarily powerful impact.

We get things wrong. We had a Karl Marx or George Soros or someone else it gets really wrong and and get back to you and has a big impact for bad and again you mentioned disproportionate number Nobel Prize winners.

We also have disproportionate number of musicians and disburse number comedians and and so on and so forth.

It is nothing anti-Semitic about asking this or discussing it. So I think so anything but bear in mind is this generation Z. They grew up patrols and that is why have such an affinity with their mischief makers by nature because the creatures of the Internet and they're looking for to Bruce to smash and perhaps the last one in public life in America still is anti-Semitism because I think they do correctly identify that sometimes not all the time. Not most of the time but sometimes anti-Semitism all allegations of anti-Semitism are deployed to cut off debate to stop people asking questions to you know shoot people away from awkward and inconvenient facts.

Whether it is no something that Israel did. There was probably a bit much or whatever is wrong. I'm probably the last unreconstructed Zionist Western Hemisphere but the about us pro-Israel as it's possible to get, but that safe use. If you were to see if you say something like, well, maybe it was written overreaction and probably in PR terms, and when we get to session, such as a go.

This is to send yet know is that jump into business. Have you got a break coming up in your note about your comments but you say this having written a book in document 92 has been continuously imprint ever since about two revised and updated in September or hands are stained with blood, which looks at anti-Semitism in church history than in secular society.

It is extraordinary.

Now that I've confronted some contemporary anti-Semites and I'm doing it as a Jewish follower of Jesus, the, the level of bile attacked when I get them all the time like you do in the death wishes in this and that but the.

The amount that it just suddenly everybody comes out of the woodwork from all different angles and would bring my black supremacist white supremacist. What unites them is Jew hatred and and so sure. Anti-Semitism can be overused in the communal reaction you can criticize Israel without the anti-Semitic. You can criticize the accessible produce nothing anti-Semitic. But there is this.

This to me. It is quite demonic.

There is there is there is a lot I will say many cases, these are settings in their bedroom motivating as not showing as much 50-50 maybe will they be alone.

Why would a least. I will be right back on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown, the second time he's been on the line of fire with me when I found fascinating with all of my strong biblical stance about homosexuality and things like that when I was on the first time I saw a lot of comets 02 of my favorite guys to my favorite thinker. So obviously the areas that unite us in the concerns that we have an even with that the Christian perspective I come across loudly and clearly which is is quite fascinating. So models been the platform he has suffered unjustly in terms of unfair treatment and people just trying to ban his voice but obvious.

The mother still here and still moving forward. So what's what's next for you personally and professionally. I think the tolerance of your audience. By the way, speaks to their suppressed secret inner Catholicism by recognizing that world were all fallen and broken an imperfect and that is why evangelical Americans felt comfortable voting for Donald Trump because they knew they were voting for you know heaven on earth. That's it. That's it Marxists you know. False false promises of motherhood.

That's Bible fully managed Bible, not Catholic. They were going well go ahead behavior to overlook something really quite huge and in and see the you know that there is value to be found in a contradictory and imperfect person, or whatever. I mean this is notices.

This is the root of the difference between us. The Protestants and Catholics is an idea. It would save him off as it's a notary. You guys going to church is near good people, we are because we know were not businesses will have no head-to-head in inner hidden shot of Catholic tolerance and heritage fluids on. I have been leading the charge. Now with my firm friends Laura Blumer and and Alex and Portis will solicit, try and persuade them also to completely abandon. Socially, however, they have been banned from so far just leave anyway.

Social media is not for us is not the conservatives.

We made a huge strategic error handing over distribution at hand and amassing audience on platforms owned by people who are dedicated to annihilation. Want to see us to give expression pushed into the seat who want to see us completely annihilated you once the art values driven from the public square and want to see us dead in the case of NT 4.0 which is the military wing of CNN now what I want to do is for us to bring our our content in our work back on platforms around technology and it means not wasting all of our best stuff on clever and funny tweets will throw a nonsense writing books documentaries during showers, so I'm going to be writing a big book every year from now on. The one this year is for them is was cancer my famous phrase that I came up with a 2015 16 which got me and said that is what my card was marked from that point that that's my my big semi handbook for young men and how to spot and deal with women who were getting ever getting misled by this this poisonous and diabolical ideology and then the second one year off. That is provisionally titled damaged why women are so unhappy as to go in.

As we discussed earlier in the show to to witchcraft and childlessness more the bad decisions of women are making him an effect that has restless I'm also about to understand the process of closing funding for new weekly late-night Cheshire, which is going to be my version of let's say Johnny Carson show using my characters in stand-up comedy and then interviews arrested for serving our long.

It's kind of like the show that HBO would have if venture wasn't mental. You know that the relics think about it. Some of the funniest best center-right Christian capitalist in our pro-property rights probable off with a note with it with his Vitruvian populist nationalist kind of sense of humor and and and you know what specialist? I imagine it's going to be an R-rated and that was what when I when I be allowed to get guess it when I got a guess that even if even if I refuse to use profanity when I be allowed. There will be lots of that was not lost, but there will be a case like this it thinks about a slip out of some of your audience will once again I watch for the five minute delay an inner and has over the years but their kids will love it and it will save many of the children from a from what this is them against take the rest of the services being a Catholic and is easy get out like that. Now that's what I'm up to us is to be justified in advising that new other new social media platforms or or other type platforms that you're aware of that you not to divulge it, but that are are developing as outlets there a couple minutes from company to say negative try parlay and I'm I'm on telegram number from his every time you move your audience to get his message of Christian community .2 million people on Facebook 850,000. I still have when you two prisms I have about 400,000 is him every time you move you lose like three quarters of the audience right so eventually are moving from minor type of microphone keeping 20 people with you. We have to do is pull our audience in email, email lists, and our own websites and it was back to the good old days of the Yahoo directory 10 miles up to get to go to this website about vendors are common and so I was up to you. We just seven is adjusted have to work a bit harder than than they are typically used to doing to find stuff that they want and it's just the way it is. So I'm retooling my enterprise in operation and business model overestimate the moment to to take account of that fact and working with the others and the movements are to get everybody on board as well, so where where my new show I'm going to ask people not to share it on social media now banned from Sherry associate please do not like you if you'd desperate to share this wonderful hilarious content with somebody send them an email about it all. Our vitamin subscription to please do not share anything I do on social media, I beg you profanity. If your fan if you love me.

Stay away from twitter is squabbles. The thing to do.

It means the growth will be slower in the early days. But the audience you do retain will be real and I'll be yours else that we friends in a brief support prisms you know and that something that he will not take away from you go to become as a salient anti-fragile and overcoats have got to have a sustainable repeatable business model enables us to get our message out to your so people books but also to just talk to them. If you do, every time debates would like to do a Catholic versus Protestant debate one day I would love to do that. I think I might belittle intellectually our class doing it with you, but I'm always up for a challenge saw that I will say yes now and get reading immediately, but I would like to okay and then for those that may not follow what Milo was saying he wasn't insulting me he was being self-deprecating for some of the more insulting you and send you on this intellectual know he was being self-deprecating, but any ride. I didn't bring up the conflict has something right.

So we've got we got a form minutes and and change, and his mother, what, when, I'm glad to see is that despite everything you've gone through. You are you are not just fuming, bitterness, and you were not just in a pity party you're just all the more determined to get a message out so four minutes. If we focus on on abortion, radical feminism, why is this ultimately be life and death issue for the nation. We mentioned earlier, the show about it being ultimately a boy alternately bowing down to whether or not you think that other people have intrinsic moral worth and value price. Now the behavior of the feminist social justice or is on the rest of it comes from their own brokenness and since you say comes from their own bitterness and hatred, and self-loathing analysis it's it's it's a very is very much like the woolly syllables hurt them so they want to hurt his back and it will that the cancer is easy where the heart of the American public life is so elusive is a particular kind of female sociopathy is a kind of like I can switch my brain often wonder into Planned Parenthood kind of sociopathy as journalism becomes feminized in innovators as these industries become. If you if you look at the industry. If you look at the the industries that are completely female dominated the ready light publishing and or everyone who works in publishing this is a woman there was no heterosexual men working at Simon & Schuster Francis in her these are the places where that route is really not just setting but eaten the entire business out is why their role in solvent and why the books they publish us all. This sort of mean vindictive sociopathy of the of the city. Feminist social justice left is really, I mean it it's it's at the heart of everything that's ugly and horrible. I mean citizenship on social media, you know, it's men like debates, you just challenge me to one accepted immediately in the full knowledge that I will probably be outmatched but loving the prospect of and relishing the idea because I know that I learn something out.

Enjoy the perfect tech women are typically like that Slater my confrontation on conflict and think they tend not to deal very well with it when it arrives and this is why it schools coursework spirit, your coursework is now being overemphasized on exams because mankind like those moments of high pressure women done this instrument. Social media comes from the platforms becoming feminized and turning into the notice of the domain of women wear conflict and disagreement. That disagreement is violence of this kind of stuff. This is the feminization of society, the loss of the idea of his heroic masculine virtues abortion is possible this because if you are able to do that to life inside you able to do that for baby stems from the point of view of holding the belief that other people don't have Valium don't have wealth or don't have the same degree of work that you do, or if you have no idea of yourself with a circumference of solo value for every of herself.

How can anybody else be worth anything either. When I feel so terrible. This is the heart is the root of left of leftism in particular set of feminist cultural leftism that were fighting against and it's what destroyed these industries will destroy the press in publishing its was destroying social media and in Silicon Valley and it comes from his heart, noticing other people as human beings and that's why it sounded like a potential member that's that's what I'm yeah yeah seeing other people as human beings know and the loss of empathy and understanding and sympathetic and you know and and and humility and just just just execute this initiative.

The loss of humanity that ultimately comes from not recognizing that other people are people to experience the yeah yeah they're all that were all people created in the image of God and were all worth. Some think the left is believed that you dislike communism uses people instrumentally versus zero on the right will recheck typically have a have more of a focus on individualism because we respect the uniqueness and the potential an extraordinary nest of every one individual person wears his collectivist ideologies just treat people said if there is a saying instrument… I got I got it. Got it (

By the way, were both friends thanks regarding