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SCOTUS Decides If Gender Identity Is the Same as Sex

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
October 9, 2019 4:20 pm

SCOTUS Decides If Gender Identity Is the Same as Sex

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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October 9, 2019 4:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 10/09/19.

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So what is it mean to be male or female. Some major cases before the Supreme Court can affect us all.

Stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown, friends, and why you think God laid on my heart 15 years ago to begin to sound the alarm about the dangers the very real dangers of LGBT activists of the real threat to our freedom of religion, freedom and conscience to godly them a heart 15 years ago, and later on the hearts of others well before me, and from whom I learned from him. I was informed what you think we been raising our voices. It is friends.

It is because of the day in which we find ourselves because the handwriting has been on the wall and it is high time we recognize the day and age in which we are living this is Michael Brown. Welcome to the line of fire broadcasters number to call 866-34-TRUTH 866-348-7884 12 our young listeners to the kids who know that phone number by heart and do my best to make the show relevant for you today as well, but some of it we talk about Maine not quite sound is relevant your mommy data may have to explain it a bit more to you later.

If they choose, but I know we got a wide range of listeners out there and I just want to say that up front again number to call with your comment with your concern with your question. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 before we get into any of this if you can hear the shocking news. There was an attempt to break into a synagogue in Germany today during the Yom Kippur prayer is the holiest day of the year on the Jewish calendar to break into the synagogue and to start shooting people because the synagogue has security precautions in place.

That's the situation in Europe. That's the situation in Germany. Tragically, tragically, you think with the memory of the Holocaust over real in Germany. It's not something that's that easily forgotten when such a massive national scandal and source of national shame that the synagogues have to be specially protected that religious Jews have been worn for some time now in Germany, especially Berlin don't walk around wearing a keep a yarmulke head covering, because you could be attacked them and that's how bad things have gotten in Germany so the government was not able to get to get in shot a couple people on the street. From what I understand shot someone in the Turkish kebab place as well so we don't know all of the motivation but we do know that the gunmen or suspects involve others, trying to drive away from the scene of the crime.

First, try to get into the synagogue.

That was a goal image shocking to see the headlines synagogue shooting Yom Kippur in Germany wake up friends I'm a synagogue series is going to take before people realize that the tide of anti-Semitism has risen dramatically around the world and right here in America having several that were going to have a very important discussion with a key Jewish thinker on tomorrow's line of fire broadcast. God willing, and we are still right in the midst of young people or for Jews in America. In certain parts of the West.

So pray as Jews are fasting some of them really did the faster of the year others a time of deep spiritual introspection for religious Jews pray that the conviction of sin, the recognition of how far my people are people fall short of God's holy standards and how there is need for a substitute atonement.

Their eyes would be drawn to Jesus, you sure Messiah for forgiveness and for cleansing. All right, major news, we can obviously talk about that for a long time but I want to get that out first.

The Supreme Court is hearing this term some very important cases. As far as religious liberty as far as LGBT activist issues as far as abortion their other issues that are socially divisive, immigration related gun-control related presidential power related but the ones I particularly focused on with with my own burden calling as your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. The ones that have to do with religious liberties that have to do with abortion have to do with LGBT activism, so this is gotten the attention of of the conservatives and liberals. Yesterday there were three cases heard before the court. So the way this happens is that people deliver oral arguments and then the justices will raise questions and go back and forth, and many times based on the questions being asked of the responses of the judges you get an idea you know for sure, but you get an idea of the way that this is going to play out in the actual decision-making that follows.

All right. So for example if I was one of the justices pleading a case or arguing for a particular position, and she's my mom.

One of the lawyers presented this before.

One of the justices were before the nine justices, and I present my brilliant argument as they snivel probably know my sites in trouble or if consistently from the liberal to conservative justices. They all raise questions challenging what I'm saying. That would indicate I'm in some level, trouble if on the other hand, they seem appreciative of my arguments and challenge those on the other side them think all we could be doing well here know. We'll see how this plays out with a focus on one case in particular. But before we do that want to alert you to a couple of major religious liberties.

There is pushback against LGBT extremists.

If my neighbors were lesbian neighbors love them like anyone else there.

My neighbors love your neighbor as yourself. I treat them kindly or treat them with respect if they have any needs or do my best to be of help if they were going away and needed someone to take care some things at their house.

Nancy and I would do what we could do their neighbors right at the same time if they were arguing to redefine marriage in the local church for now it's been redefined nationally. Hopefully the day will commonly reverse that, but it's it's been redefined if they tried to say go to local church and this church was a conservative Bible believing church and they want them to change their views on marriage. I would oppose them on a not make it clear that I oppose them on if they were trying to to take away religious freedoms and rights or impose something from their viewpoint on us, then I would oppose that graciously. All right, so the word that godly in my heart about 15 years ago we been living by.

Ever since reach out to the people with compassion resist the agenda with courage.

You say one day when you resist my agenda. You hate me.

I understand you feel like that I don't hate you.

But understand, you feel like that, but what can I do I'm going to be true to my convictions. Also, knowing that God's ways are best and I don't apologize for that I'm 100% sure that God did not intend men to court marry men or women to quote marry women. Marriage is a sacred union of a man and a woman and God's ideal is one man one woman joined together for life not divorce and remarriage divorce and remarriage and not polygamy, not polyamory and not gay marriage note. None of those are in God's ideal and some of them are slightly contrary to anything that has anything to do with marriage in God's sight. All that being said, there were some positive cases some positive things that have happened in New York New York City. There was a band placed a counseling band that said that if someone comes to your therapist, psychotherapist, professional, and there uncomfortable with their same-sex attraction there uncomfortable with transgender feelings that it would be illegal to counsel you to be five to $10,000. So you must've any freedom argued against this. I just want to read the beginning of the argument, the patient psychotherapist relationship requires giving patients the ability to express themselves without fear of reprisal allowing therapist. The freedom to respond to that expression will understanding is the last possible place where the government should be dictating what topics or ideas are off-limits. It New York City's recently enacted law number 2018/22. The counseling center soup law reaches into this confidential relationship to prohibit the discussion expiration of ideas and even the patient's own personal goals to which New York City Council objects. No words, some us are really struggling with same-sex attraction.

I need help when you can't can't do that. Specifically, if an adult patient is experiencing a does not wish to experience same-sex attractions or sense of gender identity that is discordant with his or her biological sex. The counseling censorship law threatens finds a size $10,000 against the psychotherapist if he or she offers any thoughts or indeed says anything at all to assist the patient in pursuing the personally chosen goal of reducing same-sex attraction increasing sexual attraction to the opposite sex or achieving comfort in a gender identity congruent with the patient's physical body and reproductive nature. As a result, the counseling censorship law prevents adult patients from hearing ideas and suggestions from skilled professionals that the patients want to hear and from obtaining help from such professionals to pursue the attractions identity relationships and deed life that they choose for themselves, and desire to pursue and it goes on from there.

So it so clearly argued I I don't understand. Honestly, how any fair-minded rashly thinking person could object to this at all. Honestly, I don't see it and understand it. I don't get it at all. It is so irrational. It is so contrary to the patient's liberties and freedoms into the psychotherapist freedoms and liberties. It's ridiculous and that is not the main course this is terrorism in Europe is its pretty colors also and it's telling someone you cannot get professional help. If you want you cannot get that it is forbidden well it doesn't work that's not for someone else to do some of the works or not there plenty of thousands of people, etc. been greatly helped so what happened was the ADF appealed the ruling and New York City just abandoned it okay we quit we give up what why because they knew that the court to which this would be appealed now had conservative justices because of Trump appointments and they knew they lose their and they knew if it somehow made it beyond that and then could get all the way to the Supreme Court that they ultimately lose their because of Trump appointments so they just abandoned it.

That's very positive. It's crazy. It's insane. It's highly discriminatory.

It's ugly.

It's foul that they pass this and said it is illegal for so at which I am a people volition really going to a counselor saying I need help I I I'm a biological male. I'm married to a woman, but I feel like I'm a woman myself, I'm not. I want to be at home in my body. I want to be at home in my heterosexual relationship with my wife. I want to be a daddy to my kids and not another mommy, I'm struggling.

Why do I feel like this not allowed to say Sir I'll be flying $10,000 if I response your question other than say what you need to do sir is embrace your female identity which you need to do sir is get on hormones to become a woman and announced to your wife that she's now married to a woman and tell your children that they have two mommies which are allowed to do sir allowed to tell you is that you should seriously pursue sex change surgery all that's allowed. But for the therapist to say yeah let's get to the root of these feelings. Let's let's figure this out. That's not allowed. Thankfully that has been abandoned now in the city of Tampa similar band has been overturned the tables that we come back just getting started. Here we go to rugby players case here in America we will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown God's grace serving as your voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of a society in chaos in the church. All too often in compromise. I just got a note today from one of our ministries to school grads of church planter in the Kansas City area with a kids and he said boy you will sure sound the alarm in advance about what was coming with LGBT activism is not meaning so much of the world were maybe more evident.

But in the church. There's a reason God laid on my heart the hearts of many others is not because we hate people. In fact, I've shed tears of got on my knees and prayed up should tear sitting with LGBT people because of my heart of love and our sutures along think I don't want to hurt anyone. I want to help people at the same time I recognize where all this is going, but we say again that LGBT activism is the principal threat to freedom of religion, speech and conscience in America. It's been that way for some years and it continues to escalate, because of which finally this pushback. The pushback is often too little to late.

We need to wake up to reality and whole universities like Azusa Pacific and Californian Trinity Western Inn in British Columbia have caved to LGBT activists whole universities it's true right before either. The phones 866-34-TRUTH before I get into six of the Supreme Court case in and what's happening in England in well you'll hear it all in a moment.

We take it to the city of Tampa, Liberty Counsel argue the case there and in Tampa the Tampa counseling band was struck down.

This was just a few days ago so October 4 a today federal judge William F. Joan issued an order granting summary judgment to Liberty Counsel in its suit to invalidate the Tampa ordinance that prohibited licensed counselors prefer from providing voluntary talk therapy or therapy to minors seeking help to reduce or eliminate their own wanted same-sex attractions behaviors are identity. Today's ruling permanently strikes down the ordinance, which also impose significant monetary fines fines on counselors who provide this voluntary counseling Liberty Counsel represents marriage and family therapist rubbed pheasant was my clients as well as the Christian ministry new hearts outreach Tampa bay court ruled that local governments do not have authority to regulate counseling because it is the prerogative of the state.

He goes on from there.

Of this, this is very very important in terms of setting another precedent there are scores of cities that this is at 60 now cities and and local areas that forbid counseling of minors.

For those with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion and return the professional psychotherapist and what 15 state something like that is bogus. It is wrong. It is an intrusion on the lives of young people.

Where were not talking about is it okay to kidnap a young person and put them in some reorientation camp where they receive shock therapy if I heard something like that going on. I would shout from the rooftops against it. I would protest again II would whoever was part doing it. Whatever church organization was doing it or doing it against children's wells I would speak out allows possible terms, absolutely use it while it is happening. In fact, in New Jersey there was a testimony to and that's what got the law passengers. It was bogus as it was made up for it, revealing stand came from a RuPaul movie.

But if those things were happening, I'd I'd be speaking out as loudly and clearly as possible and drawing with gay activists and it's terrific. It ought not to be done, but with these laws say is if your 15-year-old girl and you were sexually abused by an uncle over period of years in the family didn't know about and is you came into puberty and started to develop and get you your current pulse by Madeleine another do with Madden was found women was more inviting and soft and you start to feel he same-sex attractions which horrify you because you don't want them this on who you are is not in keeping with your life goals your religious beliefs is that I'd like to go to a counselor know if you want to go to counselor to your 17 years old, your parents are with you if you want to go to a counselor that will help you embrace your so-called lesbian identity that's legal review. I go to a counselor to tenant to get help and say I'm not at home with the same-sex attractions that the illegal how profoundly wrong.

How terribly wrong. That's the situation that were in and there must be more pushback. There must be more otherwise friends this is aside from the sins being committed against these young people who do not have freedom of self-determination and freedom of counseling choices. Aside from that is coming to a church near you.

Next, he says. Psychotherapist Sigismund again be fine for pastors and leaders to preach and teach with a doing counsel Kaman friends is a reason we been sound the alarm all right. Let's go over to England. Let's go over to England wrote an article on the stream and it is entitled came out today. It's on Esther to as well ask the female rugby players if biological sex is the same as perceived gender right and as I stated in the article you knew it had to happen sooner or later the spreading of the biological males are beating biological females in races both in high school and college, you got some God may be finished 10th against the guys and I was winning and setting records race against the girls because he identifies as a female is bad enough when biological males are beating biological females in weightlifting contests sit in your world records of the process. You should see the guy who's a former male weightlifter now identifies as a female white with you to see his size compared to the woman I don't care what is hormone levels are. He's a much bigger stronger human being.

It's even worse when the mentor injuring the women in full contact sports. That's exactly what could be happening on female rugby games and the insanity needs to stop before someone gets seriously injured. It's not just unfair, it's dangerous so as article September 28. This ties in with the Supreme Court case will it get into right. September 28 story in the UK's. The times announce that quote to strut. This is a headline in the times of WK two strong trans players in women's rugby are driving referees away and then here's what the story says okay this was destroyed, and I'm not making this up is not some satire. This is this is not some make-believe headline on the onion or crystal on the Babylon be. This is this is from the times UK's times quote rugby referees are quitting the women's amateur game because they fear rules allowing transgender women to play will lead to serious injuries. Referees say they have been warned not to challenge bearded or heavily muscled players appearing for women's teams. So I read that again.

Referees say they have been warned not to challenge bearded or heavily muscled players appearing for women's teams and under the condition of anonymity. One referee told the times being forced to prioritize hurt feelings over broken bones exposes me to personal litigation for female players who been damaged by players were biologically male. This is driving female players and referees out of the game.

This isn't so. This is insanity okay you say yeah but but that the hormone levels have to be us a certain place again. This was the hormone levels are if you are a bigger stronger human being because you are male, even with lower hormone levels, testosterone levels, whatever is being checked it still unfair and these represent. I can't either ask because I will appear bigoted now you get into this more, but this type of issue.

What defines sex. Is it perceived gender identity, or is it biology is now in the Supreme Court, officially the cases being heard so we can unpack that in a moment but first let's go to the phones in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Annette, are you there, apparently not how you could just check to see if we lost her but here's what we need to understand this is not some abstract issue this this is not an abstract issue and that want to comment and that that's was bring on them but she's not there. This is not an abstract issue just over in England over there or the courts are hearing it. No, you have little cases, women's shelters, so who goes to a women's shelter for battered woman and abused woman, a homeless woman, a woman who is been traumatized goes through in shelter. Maybe running from an abusive relationship.

Maybe having been battered by a male. She goes there to the women's shelter and now the women shelter in some states is obligated by law to let a man who identifies as a woman share the women shelter with the women Ben Carson Dr. Ben Carson made a statement about this referencing that action actual words from others about bearded man or big big hairy man being led into the women sense is that this not to happen your intimate sharing living spaces there.

The beds there side-by-side there in the shower stall side-by-side. Here's a biological male who identifies as a female. The women's shelters told they have to take him in. Are you kidding me you civil where is he to go okay number one no matter what he's going to. No one forced him to identifies woman. No one forced him to do that you civil. His torment was great. I'm not diminishing the torment he made going to but no one forced him to do it. He made a willful choice to identifies woman that's one thing. So if he needs a shelter, then let him go with other men. Let them take the stress off or take his weight off or whatever he do his best to look like a man, but he has no business being in a women's shelter you civil maybe they need transgender shelters well and fine, then let all the liberals and all the all the companies like Apple and Microsoft and Amazon that are so pro-LGBT rights then then let them build in every city transgender shelters. If that's if that's what they want to do but you don't impose these things and others say when it's not fair. Your 15-year-old daughter for all her life she can start to move one of the rotten want to be in Ashley she gets bumped out of the scholarship. The guy who identifies as a girl who's faster than her, it's just not right. Some fair result why some rational error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown, are you ready for some big news Michael Brown here. You're listening to, watching tuning into absorbing the line of fire broadcast. Thanks much for joining us. 866-34-TRUTH for truth ready for revelation on being sarcastic males different than females. Well, what you know and even after hormone therapy.

Males are still different than females here, check this out. New study of Sweden revealed that quote biological males who identify as transgender women are likely to retain strength advantages over biological females, even after going undergoing 12 months of hormone therapy is is that a surprise, the researchers who carried out the study found that biological males who underwent 12 months of hormone therapy lost muscle mass in their legs, but still retain leg strength. Why should that surprise us when males overall are bigger and stronger and faster than females. Overall by biological design. I would say by divine intent. In keeping with our particular callings and roles of earlier this year, British Olympian Sharon Davies British metal winter Olympic medal winner Sharon Davies criticized Olympic rules that would allow biological males to compete against biological females and and she said this quite a lot of female athletes are free to publicly share their concerns about biological males who identifies transgender women competing in women's sports. And then you have a situation in Australia with Australian rules football were where a column mounts he now known as Hannah mounts, he who played on the Australian man's handball team in 2016 as a professional aura's strong male athlete, big guy now identifies as a woman wanted to play Mr. Unruh's football withdrew his nomination quote from the draft of this trillion foot police professional women's competition and choose the league of blocking her. This was reported in an article from playing in the top-flight. It's not fair to the other women in it is not fair to the other women. So now here's the case before the Supreme Court nondeductible phones we reconnected with Annette Scott Smothers will get to in a moment. Here's the case before the Supreme Court and it's been argued by the alliance defending freedom. Thank God for the ADF. Thank God for liberty counsel. Thank God for Pacific Justice Institute and others first liberty and others that are on the front lines of so many cases vital to our freedoms here in America and our and our best interest the best interest of all ultimately in America.

So here's here's the background. There is a funeral parlor over hundred years old family business and they have very clear guidelines address guidelines things like that for the employees so this is a male funeral director who said that he is now to present himself as woman wear dress and his employer said no that's that's not can happen so the equal opportunity commission filed suit over the discharge of this employee who refused to comply with the Michigan funeral home sick sex specific dress code which requires employees to dress in a manner sensitive to grieving family members and friends.

The EEOC attempted to force the business to allow a biologically male employee to wear female uniform while interacting with the public and you see the funeral posted look look look our whole emphasis is comforting, grieving families are a whole purpose in being here is to help grieving families and we don't want anything to distract from that. So let's just say for example that they said that you can have multicolored hair and that you can have an exotic hairdo right that you have to wear conservative outfits for black outfits, white shirts for men black ties black dresses from a whatever the. The standard starts a funeral parlor right and you can't say for example that as a guy that you cannot shave your head with a Mohawk in the middle. That's 10 inches tall and multicolored like no we don't allow that one Dr. Stan that could be a bit of a distraction when you're coming it.

So if you're coming in to meet with your your your your weepy your your your broken hearted your your sewing your family just died. You've got to make the arrangements with the funeral parlor and all of that and it's very difficult job to have.

Obviously is so the go in there and you don't want the family. This Wisner man wearing a dress and at sites that offends my sensible you know you don't want that they have every right to enforce that. So now the question is okay. What is sex when the losses you can't discredit based on sex, does that mean perceived gender identity if if that is the argument that it needs perceived gender identity than men, who identifies women can go to women's shelters and and sleep next to in shower next to women and that means that that 15-year-old boy who identifies as a girl can play on the sports team with your girl and share the locker rooms and shower stalls and compete against volatile females and that means a host of other things. So is a major case before the Supreme Court and has a lot to do also with women's rights, women's liberties, it is an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by Ashley P. Maguire titled Justice Ginsburg, a woman isn't a demi-boy demi-boy" and she wrote the problem with diluting the meaning of sex is more than rhetorical. It weakens the legal status of the sex of that law such as title VII and title IX are designed to protect women's rights hinge on our clearly defined status is women we have endured centuries of discrimination because of our sex is seeking to strip the term sex of legal meaning.

Gender identity advocates would turn the clock back 55 years for women. So friends, this is what were dealing with were dealing with a female Normans female woman along a means women women's rights don't necessarily mean just women's rights.

There's a book female erasure written by feminists that would despise many of my views. Some of the radical feminists and their protest entrance activism by saying it's a direct attack on female identity and women's rights. Add to that the fact that there is, according to 1 Former Transgender Ct., a tidal wave of young people.

One individual says that they been in touch with hundreds of young people who say they they they had sex change surgery and they don't feel better for so Charlie Evans, a female born female lives mail for 10 years now 28 says I'm in communication with 19 a 20-year-old who had full gender reassignment surgery who wish they hadn't in their dysphoria has been relieved they don't feel better for friends time to stop this madness. Let us work with people to help them find wholeness from the inside out a far far better solution than radically altering their bodies and be on hormones for life and in so many young people now under misguided directives of of well-meaning parents and professionals in some maybe not woman really does have an agenda, but let's assume the best, won't well-meaning professionals who are encouraging and counseling.

These people, young people of section surgery there. There is now epidemic with with teenage girls who are autistic and rather than really recognize the problems what they are.

Instead, these these women, these young women are being told know this transgender industry identity restraints really need to have sex change surgery. Now there appears older and there regretting a heavy fix that compassion says speak up friends but go ahead, call me a trance phobic person go ahead calmly bigoted to speak the truth because it's love that motivates 8663 for all right we reconnect with Annette in Raleigh. Thanks for calling back. What's on your mind, Dr. Brown, I agree with everything on why not wine tonight like I have to get a contract between payment back back on everything out the way it will get on it that way will ask explain how does that worsen well on if you want.

How to affect change your identifying a different bank man. I think maybe like have your own for don't come in here and take away from the lemon that won't come hard on account bring down they support by warning more than what you were born yet and Internet rhythm I think of it yet think of another and areas of society. The system has a disability. There the catwalks in a wheelchair so you have certain things, like in your church building. You have a ramp where someone can go up right you make sure their elevators for multi-floors you you do your best to accommodate that person, but you don't force others to get in a wheelchair as well or if you have a school and and they don't have a separate school for the blind in the community as you got a blind kid in the school.

You do whatever you can to accommodate that child you get someone to help her class to class if if if they needed and things like that you you help is much as you can recognize that this person has some obstacles to overcome what you don't require all the students took to learn braille you so how is an equal comparison because what you're saying is the needs of the transgender is with individual now imposed on everyone else. Of the six-year-old girls not have a biological boy in their bathroom. Why is he here I thought I thought that was Joe not Jane. Why is he here his struggles. Now get imposed on on the girls in the same way. The 15-year-old boy. These are hypothetical cases their actual the 15-year-old boy who identifies as a girl and races with the girls so his particular confusion of struggles is going through now get imposed on the girls and on and on it goes to your taking the struggles of one person which are 99.9% of the case based on emotion and perception as opposed to any biological or chromosomal issue. Maybe 1% are based on volatile chromosomal issues.

Whatever the numbers actually are some irregularity there, producing the person struggling their struggles now get imposed on everyone as we don't do that any other area of society. So if someone insists I cannot use the bathroom of of of that corresponds with my biological sex. Well then maybe there's a bathroom, a solitary bathroom you can use with no one else in it, if your faculty bathroom in school or something like that. Don't impose your struggles on everyone else. It's not fair it's not right, nor is it based on science. 866-34-TRUTH we come back we'll go to Sherry and the Florida and then I want to take you into, delightful moment in the White House this week at a young black leadership gathering were an Ethiopian immigrant praise for the president. This something delightful about it hurt her laughter is kind of a nervous laughter and" will talk about the nature of the prayer as well, but will go there shortly. Stay with us if the line of fire with your host activist and author international and Dr. Michael Brown and voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the light of ironbound by calling eight on YouTube should mind your business when it comes to the people's choices.

The Bible says be peace with all men.

If your interferences and peaceable, then you should stop.

I appreciate that question and here's here's the real issue. If people are making personal choices in their own lives and those choices affect them amount on their case about it. I'm not talking to them about it, but when their cases affect others when their choices affect others when their choices take away essential freedoms and liberties when those choices could be detrimental to my kids or my grandkids are your kids or your grandkids. It is our holy obligation to speak out, doesn't Jesus tell us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness is isn't standing for righteousness. Part of her calling. Didn't Jesus rebuked the religious leaders for for tithing scrupulously, but neglecting justice, mercy and faithfulness. Justice is something important in the New Testament as well as the Old Testament being a voice for the voiceless standing up for those who are oppressed is something we ought to do so when it if if an individual's own heart is a racist, well I'm I'm not knocking on his door to find out exactly what he believes in telling them you're an evil person, but if his racism is affecting my neighborhood. If his racism is affecting somebody else in my city and hurting them will and that's something that should be addressed that that's pursuing righteousness that's being godly people. We are God's prophetic voice of in the world are we not salt and light or are we not as disciples to interact with with evil things rest. But let us do it in a way that glorifies the Lord quite one more call than one place and clips for you Sherry in Florida. What are your thoughts on transgender athletes around for wanted to really appreciate your selling and laboring on Jewish culture and information on where the regular: Christianity at only make us love the Jewish people more and God more than threatening our church regularly.

Jewish people want John, but I wanted to say I'm sorry. I wanted to say that I totally agree with everything you stand literally there were in the box are greatly MMA fight and she faced off against the transgender and she ended up with a skull fracture injury, and then you look at teenage girls that are like you know and when scholarship and they are pretty much the and I in my mind are being disenfranchised. You now and what really arrived and that now will be in the limited market are speaking out.

41. Despite their completely on that. They're so busy on other issues and immediately or at the very basic issue and you knowledge it carried quite a character. Make the Olympic dumping on you. Really I mean right at and and Sherry just jumped in and there are, by the way, there are some feminists that are speaking up his realizing with this. This is on doing a lot of what we tried to do this is this is hindering a lot of what we've we've tried to push forward the apps absolutely and how is it any different than a doping advantage right you you are you are male and you are taking certain stimulants, certain human growth therapy. Certain things are illegal, taking these things and and your whole purpose is to give yourself an unfair competitive advantage is not the same with a biological male who is bigger and stronger naturally that a follicle female would be yeah right of let's thank you and a bottle. It was a few years ago and MMA. It was a few years ago MMA and the woman sitting on the roof. I never felt a woman that strong, well hard for her to get fights. Understandably, I thank you for weighing in 866-34-TRUTH. Okay, so this was the young black leadership Summit and I say that because is important you know the context at the White House right it's important you know where this took place. That's why I am introducing things as I as I do so. A woman was asked to get up and pray and she's an Ethiopian immigrant here in America and and am playing this for a reason. Again, there's something delightful and innocent about it and I'm giving you context, I didn't just say it's a woman getting up to pray.

I'm saying it's a black woman. This is the young black leadership Summit and there's something to this that I want to discuss a right so let's listen as this woman they my hell at gets up before the mic and I know we have a political warfare right now, but I strongly believe that is a spiritual one as well.

I know that Americans like to wake up and working to get back to looking to God because the fusion was built on godly principles and encourage you to pray everything right so first she's absently writing spiritual warfare read my book is about war against America.

If you haven't get it and read it. Yes there spiritual warfare in America and it it's not God versus the Democrats were Satan versus Republicans it's Satan against the people of America right it's the devil wanted to destroy and divide our country.

That's where it starts.

It's also important to recognize that this woman is a self identified Ethiopian immigrant it it it it it is it is a reminder. It is a reminder to us.

Did I not say Jezebel's worth America devices something different and edit all okay got it got thanks guy everybody listening very carefully. Every syllable comes in my mouth appreciate right so it's important to recognize that this woman is a self identified Ethiopian immigrant, a reminder that we are a nation with millions of immigrants that ultimately all of us got here as immigrants except for the Native Americans who been so mistreated in our history. So there it is important to say we welcome we welcome immigrants here that is a message we need to send out so I'm I'm saying that as part of this will be getting up in prayer, a reminder that we welcome immigrants to a country that immigrants have enriched our country will continue to enrich our country and some coming here with great need, but really wanted to be part of our country become part of the fabric of our country that is wonderful that is positive, that that's part of who America is so let us shout that out whether it was intended or not let us shout that message out and let us say that there is a legal process for people to come into our country and become incorporated into a country just like this young woman and now she goes on to pressure people bow their heads euros to the president, bowing his head. You can watch on on YouTube and see this whole clip is replayed their initial, but now her prayer.

I love guy I want to pray.

I don't know if you want to bow your head. I dear God cannot really get it is to say thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to be in the White House thinking for giving us a great leader like Donald and I will like to thank you for waking up our nation. God protect us, protect our names as he's going through so much right now so much scrutiny.I believe that you gave him time and I accomplish so much more. I know you have more I ask you to protect the one in Jesus name. Anytime everything he tries to discourage that he has no lack of professionalism, prayer is the innocence of it and it was interesting out in the audience there that some of those attending had hands raised as as she was praying and in most of their eyes closed look. Whoever the president is when you are in there praying for the president Juergen of thank God for the president.

You pray for the president right so here is what were I want to encourage us, regardless of the color of our skin, regardless of our ethnic origins regardless of our current political views regardless of whether we would vote for president trump again or not, or whether we would never vote for him regardless of all that, can we hear the simplicity of this immigrants prayer and can we agree and say God have mercy on our nation and God use our president for good. So how do you pray when Pres. Obama was in office, computer and vote for him. Correct. I did not vote for him but was my prayer God make him the greatest president in our nation's history, and use them as a champion of righteousness. That's all I pray for him. That's how I pray for president, as is our president. I didn't vote for him once elected. He's our president. So can I encourage you rather get caught up in all the new cycle swirling all around us, and the emotions it even dividing the body besides own body. The body of Christ, can I encourage you. Let's recognize when a spiritual battle is Satan against the people of the world Satan against the United States joined together, standing against him submitting ourselves to God bring glory to your best president from