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Dr. Brown Tackles All Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
June 10, 2022 5:30 pm

Dr. Brown Tackles All Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network questions we've got answers. Let's do it formalize our open wide for the light a fire with your host scholar and cultural commentator Dr. Michael Brown your voice for more spiritual clarity. 66343105 and now there's your host Dr. Michael Brown.

Thanks so much. The phone lines wide open phone lines available for you calling right now, so any question of any kind ties in in any way with anything we ever talk about on the broadcast anything I've written about anything. A guest has brought up everything right of any area of expertise is you really challenge me or question me. By all means give us a call. My joy to take your call friend or foe alike 866-348-7884 of its start in Los Angeles, Dr. Philip, welcome to the line of fire: question Dr. my horrible dark week of blood or what would because he locked the government yes that's correct and Jewish literature confirms that the ark of the covenant was not returned from Babylon said he didn't have the ark of the covenant. You didn't have the of the tablets of the law, the 10 Commandments. He said he didn't have that. So the question is when they were sprinkling the blood whether they sprinkle it on right, we we don't know you have rabbinic literature that starts to be written down. Maybe about 150 years after the destruction of the temple and some of it is passing on earlier oral traditions, but a lot of was described kind of goes on as if everything was normal in the temple was still standing, which was not the case of some of it is idealized but we don't have anything that tells us factually for sure. It's a great question but one that one that is not have a have a biblical answer for us, but you have to think that all the time you're doing if you have a feeling something was missing. When you reminisce once a year, but what you say. If you're the high priest that okay were doing this, but something profound is missing here, that would give you that sense of incompleteness that with that even though God work through it and they rebuilt the temple and so on and so forth. But something was definitely missing and we don't we don't have any factual answer, we can say for sure this is what happened. So it's a great question, but one without a factual answer yet when I wish I had not let me say this. If I claim to have some tradition somewhere, something passed on to me and put other videos go viral when you supply information. No one else has in its esoteric budget to dismiss the be a myth. Thank you for the call. In light what you haven't done is done an in-depth study of all of the available rabbinic traditions that reference any of this may have rabbinic traditions, plainly saying this was not there that you didn't have the room and the two men that those were not there in the in the time of the. The second Temple that she didn't have the chicane the divine presence like you had with the first Temple of the fire consuming the sacrifices these various things are listed and of course prominently the ark of the covenant so they acknowledge these things were not there and then the question comes up looking at the prophecy in Haggai.

How was it that the second Temple can be greater than the first Temple and one answer is will it was beautified by Harriet and instantly part of the description.

Haggai is of the beautifying of the temple, but his physical beautifying. The same is is God's glory, filling the temple obviously not notice it will. It stood longer than the first Temple, but one is that associated so much with God's call vote's glory presence really isn't course my answer is that Jesus himself was there the Messiah himself was the Lord visiting the temple, spoken of in Malachi 3. That's where the Holy Spirit was poured out and shovel Pentecost. So that's how the glory of the second Temple was greater than Gore. The first all right and by the way, we may take some questions if you want to post them on YouTube or post them on Facebook. We may pull up some of your questions.

From there as well.

Let us go to cave in Louisiana. Welcome to the line of fire hydrant doing very well.

Thanks I my question refers to the nature of altar calls offer different beliefs, ranging from sermons, ovaries, they raise your hand and repeat this prayer for me to be saved to the view of what I can do any of that. The preaching alone should allow the listener to know what they have to do to be saved. What your thoughts on what we should be doing for altar calls a great question and give a little history as well number one it.

It is biblical at the right time to call for response right so and asked to Peter preaches calls on the people of calls them out for their guilt. They say what we do. He says repent and be baptized right that's asked 238 so you have these calls for response elsewhere.

Sometimes the messages preached and is no reference to response now acts 16 as is the jailer is under deep conviction, and the fear of God. What must I do to be saved and right then and there. There is the answer of believe believe in the Lord Jesus will be saved and then there baptized and then Jesus would call for response at times follow me right and what should I do sell your possessions, follow me, so calling for response at the right time is biblical. It's not that we always called her response because sometimes the fruits not ripe. Sometimes the settings not ripe but it's very appropriate to call for response and sometimes were negligent if we don't call for response because the words been preached.

People under conviction, the need to know what to do. So the question is what is the nature of the response. I think altar calls can be great. But for me and altar call means people coming to the altar to take time to respond to God. So if if I'm preaching the gospel, on the primarily an evangelist, but let's say I'm in a setting rent preaching in an evangelistic way and calling people to get right with God. I would lay out clearly what it means what it means to follow Jesus, I would have them understand that it's a brand-new life. You died to sin you now live to God. It's all by grace. It's all a free gift that I say come up here get right with God. Why, because you're just like baptism you're calling them to to make a decision: them to to take a stand or calling them to make public profession, but then so there stepping out from where they are, they can step out for the arts, it's unlikely that they really want to follow the Lord that much. That being said, when I would do me like that. I leave people for a while just talk to the Lord. I tell you, ask him to forgive you. You asking us to between you and God. They did you have to leave this RoboForm formalized prayer or have them repeat a formula to me is not biblical. Know that that's what you have to do what I may do is after an hour of done especially overseas meetings when people have had time when I called him to get right with God and sometimes there's still your tears pouring down her cheeks. The really dealing with the Lord, you know, then I might say what. Let's pray this together just to kind of articulate things to me that's just ceiling what's been happening in their hearts.

The ideal cages come up.

Pray this prayer after me is often very superficial is is often inoculating because the people now think that somehow there okay in her they said the words, and there hasn't really been contrition repentance, so I don't believe in leading people in the prayer list, or just helping articulate the rights theology so that they're making confession of sin, putting their trust in the Lord Jesus, etc. so that's that's my take their now when Charles Finney would have meetings he would have.

It was called and anxiously and that was criticize but this purpose was if your God is dealing with you and your struggling will come sit here it was, it was again, this seven identifier, certainly, but when he might do after meeting is for might say of God's dealing with you, then I want you to come back tomorrow night or were going to choose other building in an hour and you come so that it wasn't just a matter of okay pray this prayer we get you signed up like a high sales pitch okay.

Shake your hand That to me is very destructive and very superficial. And what happens as many people end up joining the church like that were trying to disciple them. They have ever been converted. They they haven't really come under conviction of sin really come to know the Lord really bowed the knee to the Lordship of Jesus, so let's let the Lord work deeply. But the thing that sit and let there be true dealings of God in the person's life, and then click with one-on-one evangelism there.

There are times to call for response.

And there are others not so you have to really learn where this person is that and asked them you want to get right with God through your right with God now to this last story I believe in urgency. I believe there is a time where you really press, because the Holy Spirit's on you. And maybe it's a life-and-death situation. Maybe this person doesn't get right with God.

They they go out of their and and and never come back. But I remember I was in Phoenix Arizona about the debate at famous rabbis, 1995 and there was a Jewish believing woman in the congregation and her parents were there.

Maybe they're in their 70s something like that and they they said were really leaning towards believing what you believe but were just not 100% sure some will come to the debate that this is a very different setting in our cabin altar: the debate right but I said I want you to come here both sides and and then I want you to be sure because I really felt of God's work and Eliza (okay not now is let the Lord work, but the truth get deeper and them and thankfully the one to the debate and that they did come to faith. Subsequently, so altar calls done the right way. We are calling people get right with God and there's time for them to really seek him and repent in and let God work in their hearts. That's wonderful altar calls that are just kind of formality.

No say this prayer the people, a lawyer to confess my sins looking at their watch nod as I think that is more harm than good. In many cases such, my, long answer for you that thank you very helpful. All right appreciated 866-34-TRUTH right, we've got less than a minute before the break, so will come back and be gone all over the country to hear different calls just another reminder keep reminding until we get everybody signed up. I really think you want to get our emails. Why, because they'll enrich you. They'll help you keep you updated will be watching the news that God is also frustrated. Here comes argument. What we just address that here so we address this in the praise God. There is you get some you can share with others.

So let us be a resource to you or Esther to Brett a SK dear center for emails to your friends to sign up right when you do we want to send you a neat mini book and e-book how to pray for America to write back with you because they're here is a line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown got on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown locomotive brought 7884 is number to call any question of any kind that we can help you with, by all means give us a call we go to Ryan and Yukon, Oklahoma. Looking to the line of fire by Dr. Brown.

I did what they again I appreciate your very very bumpy and anything that thank you yet or out. I think you probably effort it before but it the happy and not Beckett Peter Q think, to be paralleled in the book you and typically the birth trauma they back the same thing talking about they did not black.

The Gloria one.

I have read probably well brief commentary, and they are all over the place and I have not heard anything bad by about being bad about black boy and one that I want to hear what you had to say about the This so here's here's the challenge Ryan when you have something like this. One of these passages that have been examined, and in the massive depth by top scholars for many years, right, and they focused audit and some of written doctoral dissertations on it or the other commentary as a 20 page discussion on it in English unless you really really can dig in and investigate and sift through everything.

It's difficult to come to a definitive conclusion and I wrote my doctoral dissertation on one Hebrew word in its ancient Greece in context that help with a really learn and understand the usage of the word but was it was two years of intensive work and study, and so might my problem is this.

To be candid. There are the different views, but to say that I can clearly land on one versus the other aggregator like yeah that's it.

That satisfies me that answers it is somewhat unlikely. I mean the overall meaning is clear in terms of us watching our speech and conduct and how it in in these various settings.

This also Michael says to to Satan, the Lord rebuke you revenue just rebuking him directly, then you have these others that are totally lawless and will just blaspheme and speak of things they don't know. So there there's some respect or understanding for what were dealing with in the spiritual realm. And that's clear and and to not have some arrogance and in our speech or attitude you know there is there is Martin Luther saying that the name embarrass the devil you can chase them away by passing gas is that's that's inappropriate like that kind of stuff is just misguided. It's typical Luther with all of his genius and spirituality.

There's the Cardinal in the crass and him and worse, but then there even if we are dealing with powers of darkness. If there is not an understanding of their power that we can really get smashed we don't know it that's that's like a secondary deduction but honestly if you read that the commentaries of the word biblical commentaries really excellent on-site computer and you have you looked at Richard Baucom. There no I haven't but I will yet yet be a use CK HAM's got some of the very best counter in second Peter and Jude Richard Baucom be a use CK HAM I find his views on these passages to be very persuasive, but I've not studied them sufficiently to say here's my definitive conclusion but but I really like the direction Baucom goes for most of this okay yet or thank you very much Outlook in your time, Dr. fresh sure thing yet they listen right can be dogmatic or clear self-study.

This come to this conclusion, I'll do it. I'd come to controversial conclusions all the time. That's fine with his followers over the things that's fine but were there's a healthy academic debate and I haven't weighed in sufficiently and got it done with different possible views. Okay, let's go over to Brian and Fort Worth Texas rest from heading later today. Good to talk to Brian talk you remember that said, man, you should see me on Sunday morning, God willing.

Yeah I'll be there are called.

I got a two-part question and bill in Revelation, I believe, 19 or 20. Don't know the exact one after the 1000 year reign date will be relieved to be the nation does not mean that there will be a fall of man and then to got to go and hand married a question in heaven does not mean that there could be spin. Been thinking and while he was in heaven got excellent questions so number one there will not be a second fall of man with fallen human beings will rebel. So this is what we understand. If you hold to this end time viewpoint so Jesus returns were caught up to meet him and descend together with him resets of the skin monitor so we are resurrected, we are in resurrected bodies, and we will never sin again.

Simple, why is that it's because we've made our choice. We've asked God to save us.

It's not a matter being tested or tried anymore we see God save us.

We want to be yours forever and ever. We will be imperfect resurrected bodies and with him forever in eternity were in an environment where sin will be absent in the presence of God will be everywhere. So there's no possibility of us falling away. There was the option that the Angels had and some rebelled like Satan is the option that human beings have, but we will have set our course by the we've gone through the test.

We've asked God for mercy and what were saved forever, and untouchable. There's no possibility of sin.

There will be temptation to sin.

As for those that enter the millennial kingdom. Revelation 19 seems to speak of total destruction of the earth with Zechariah 14 speaks of the survivors of the nations that attacked Jerusalem office. It'll be devastating destruction on the earth, but there will be a remnant of humanity that enters into the millennial kingdom on the earth. Where were the gods worshiped in Jerusalem, where the word of the Lord goes out from Jerusalem to all the world and with the world becomes educated always of God, and we, the believers help ruling rain with Jesus.

This is as we understand the.

The premillennial view at so these people on the earth are not resurrected, they can actually die in that Isaiah tells us that they died 100 years old. It is considered a child there. That's how long people live so it will be the time of the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas that will be happening but there is the possibility of sin, and when Satan is loosed at the end of the thousand years. If we take this is as literal when is loosed at the end of the thousand years. He goes once more deceives the nations, and a multitude rebelled against God, and is destroyed and then at that point is the second resurrection and those people resurrected that her believers will go on with the Lord forever like we do. You say why does that even happen. There may be many reasons but one reason to me as it is the ultimate vindication of God, meaning we always have this argument I would believe in God but there's so much suffered on the earth.

Why would believe in God but there's so much sin wanted to create a world like this. So here you will have an environment with paradise on earth. Once again God accessible and righteousness raining on the earth and yet still people choose to rebel against him and that'll be the final proof that it's because of sinful human nature, but because of something that God failed, and in some way.

So that's how I understand the questions in the passages right possible hate.

Look forward to seeing on the follow-up. Know your eye. I hear it's a pretty hot right now Fort Worth you at 1 o'clock today. Got it all right well make sure wear short sleeve shirt. Okay, thanks, Brian got busted. I think you are right 866-34-TRUTH. Let us go to Angela in Massachusetts.

Thanks for: the line of fire allowed Dr. Brown hey there about to let Beverly 19 that that where Apple Bob opening of India were likely not going thundering great great deal.

I have no it's it's not saying that the earthly arc is in heaven. It is saying that there is a heavenly arc in a heavenly tabernacle.

Remember yeah Moses was told to build the tabernacle based on the pattern that social God showed him but if if you look in Hebrews 9 it talks about the heavenly items had to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. So there is an arc of the covenant in heaven right now right exactly and an excellent one. We don't not like we don't know as I can.

That said, Dr. Brown write a thank you so much appreciate the question and the enthusiasm I were going to Australia next glad you were able to call in sir of we can get you earlier in the week, but one get your question on Isaiah 53 Mario Sir looking at the board here like a question so Hebrews 9 Hebrews 9 look at what it says very, very interesting passage that goes through the earthly tabernacle what was there. These preparations were made priest would go and etc., but is the Holy Spirit indicates that the went to the holy place was not open fully source the first section still standing goes on and on but when Christ appeared as a high priest for the good things that have come. Then, through the greater and more perfect tent not made with hands, it is of his creation, he entered once for all into the holy places, that by means of blood of goats and cast as a means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption. Yeah. So that's how I understand his presence will be right back to the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown got on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown. We just released another video refuting the teachings of counter missionary rabbi to view sender that have confused a lot of believers sowed seeds of doubt. So were helping to expose the fallacies of his videos people back to biblical truth dig into the Hebrews together would take a lot of time really work hard on these were hearing from folks that are really being helped. Their faith is being restored. The confusion is lifting their confidence in God is coming back very, very gratifying to read these reports. So again to all of you stand with us who support us to help us.

Thank you so much and if if you been blessed by the broadcast.

Help us reach more people go to ask Dr. just click on donate and any gift, large or small, makes it makes a difference because every dollar sprayed over. We use it for the glory of God. All right, 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to a Sydney Australia not try to pronounce your name so could you give me a hint here I it is LIA okay got it all right well nice nice to talk with you Charlie, thank you so the question so my question basically is 553 which is much the Jews actually say they ate Israel but was safe.

Obviously, the Messiah, so is 53. Is there any rabbinical center at Isamu question is, is there any rabbinical teacher.

Chavez said that that goodness that the Messiah is God all is archery to cure all of it.the Messiah will be crucified. Basically, rabbinical teacher shock all shucks, I will want you to rabbi say what you their pinnacle of each star you if you don't my website. This website real real yet you can scroll through messianic prophecies and you'll see a lot there about Isaiah 53 so you find that to be very helpful.

A lot of resources there without.

Remember that rabbinic literature is written well after the time of the New Testament so you are going to have conflicting viewpoints and interpretations early rabbinic literature is very some interpreted of an individual within Israel like Moses, some interpreted of the Messiah.

Some interpreted of the righteous remnant within Israel with the nation as a whole. So you have varied interpretations in the early literature when you get about a thousand years after the time of Jesus, the, the commentaries all argue that it refers to Israel or the righteous remnant within Israel.

However, starting in verse 13 the ancient tradition called the Targum, which is an Aramaic translation/paraphrase, that of allies that to the Messiah and writing in about the 16th century, Rabbi Moshe Al Schiff applying 52, 13 to 15 very specifically says that we all agree this is about the Messiah is very interesting and and then he interprets 53 itself differently. There are many rabbinic traditions, though, that the Messiah will suffer many many many that he will suffer so much for all of you earlier what was actually remote. Earlier tradition won't be audio your screech about the Messiah, will actually die on the ghetto will be crucified. All Lord be you know we cannot dialogue forces were unemployed. Can I gather what I mean yeah so the rabbis don't believe the Messiah will be crucified, they do teach many sources that he will suffer.

That is, that's widely taught and rabbinic literature has tumor size that it speaks of Messiah son of David who rules, rains, Messiah, son of Joseph, who suffers and dies and Rabbi Moshe Al Schiff to a commenting on Zechariah 1210 says the Messiah son of Joseph will die to make perfect atonement for Israel. So those things are found in rabbinic literature. So I guess you don't have cultural backgrounds are all will. I am a product outside right right so I guess you don't have than any of my five volumes on answering Jewish objections to Jesus correct I got my okay so so here's the thing Sir go to real because you'll find lots of teaching whole teaching series right take you through these different subjects debates with rabbis represent them answers to objections so if you want more there. Five volumes a road on answering Jewish objections to Jesus claims two and three would be the ones really want to look at two and three right side lots of rabbinic literature, but right here for free and get a lot of that material. The remember the rabbis don't agree with us that so the earliest Jewish statement about the Messiah being crucified is the New Testament. These are Jewish writers document the Jewish Messiah being crucified as a look back in the Hebrew Scriptures. It speaks of how he will suffer. It speaks of how he will die. How he will rise. This is a specifically crucified, it could say that in Psalm 22 this argument that can be made. There, do the rabbis interpret that of the crucifixion of the Messiah. No Bobby Sioux City got that wrong if they if they recognize the Messiah to be crucified rise from the dead, they would be more inclined to believe in Jesus, a real If you explore the site and get a ton of helpful information there. All right, thank you for the call very much 86634 let us go over to Mario and Syracuse, New York. Welcome to modifier. Thank you for having me to rethink how I had another channel during interview.

You mentioned that the structure of the leadership of the first century church we have on the modern day so could you elaborate on that for me and around and point to me a restart rack and going a little bit more depth on's okay so a few things. The New Testament does not explicitly say this is how you run a local congregation. This is the leadership structure. In other words, it lays out certain principles, certain offices were or places of service but doesn't say this I used the same structure this or that and I believe one reason is that cultures are tremendously different in terms of how they have authority and how the governing things like that and this body that God's building has to be able to function in all these different societies hence there are guidelines and principles as opposed to absolutely specific here like.

Here's a run the company right here is the flowchart with the company you don't have that in the New Testament books, but I believe that's that's also by divine design what what is clear is that our modern way of just kind of having a one-person show and and not having a team expression with that person. To me that the pulpit always has to be shared but did not have a team of elders who govern to not have a team of gifted people who minister and everything comes through one person that clearly is not the New Testament model which does have senior leaders but they're part of a team. I believe that's very important. I also believe it's it's very important that we that we understand that these leaders are gifted by God as servants so there's that this abusive if you don't listen to me you know you get in trouble kind of thing.

It's more that the leadership comes by anointing and grace.

And I do believe that apostolic and prophetic ministries do continue that there are people who are spiritual pioneers and planters. There are people who are bringing prophetic messages that we should have that as part of herb a part of the body at as bit but again I believe there's flexibility. I believe that God works in many different stressors was just talking to a pastor about this that I've administered in house churches and mega churches that I see God working in in both of these settings, there's not one book in particular RAL that the cattle focus on leadership structure that much years back when I taught on it more. There were different different things looked at this out one book in particular.

So this is this is the one that says it all, but I just want to see if this is still available. Book I used many years ago Frank DiMaggio yet. Check out it looks like there are bunch of his books here. Check out Frank DiMaggio D a M a CIO, Frank DiMaggio making of a leader. Different books prophetic ministry. Things like that.

He had a lot of really practical stuff. If you look up his books you find lots of different ones maybe will move can do with leadership structure and again just just look at it.

The adjusted series get out of his thank you very much for the call. I appreciated 8664 truth. Let us go to James in Atlanta, Georgia. Welcome to light a fire.

Dr. Brown, Mario doing very well thank you Dr. Brown I am. I am a history regular and Alanna and wanted to find out what you know your durable ministry if you ever are granted political Black Hebrew Israelites only and this or endure in order.

A lot of them that are out there and Alanna and in order. Your yearly under the curse of preaching false doctrine of Paul's gospel. Believe that your state only by the law and in a very, very dangerous.

Yes, I walked, angry, full of hate as well, especially if it's it's a people of non-color extremely greatly. Sir James break coming up but let loose the Mr. here come back and inside of the brake check out on Esther to Brown YouTube channel ASKDR Brown on YouTube search for Black Hebrew.

That's probably all you need to put and you see a confrontation I had with them and in Charlotte. I had one decades ago in New York City that have often shared about this is one Charlotte Kellogg a few years ago swing for family to live for a restaurant saw the movie headed up a bit and then all of the given references to some helpful materials that the Moses laws and hope we can reach these people with good news would like to go to South Africa after that I will light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown Atlanta obviously overcome evil with good overcome hatred with love. Soon your own example people here then preaching here you preaching your interact with them would be seeing that you're the one that's gracious and patient and kind and they're the ones yelling, screaming cursing you or others with the contrast be seen and obviously they don't have the power of the spirit behind them and then lifted Jesus the Savior. Not to lawlessness but by the one I'll be written on our hearts. A couple of you.

There's more. Most of coming out about them now about the errors of one one book that'll then lead you tell this vocab Malone you may know popular on YouTube apologist vocab Malone so the book provocative title to draw people in Barack Obama versus the Black Hebrew Israelites right so that would give you some background into Black Hebrew Israelites, Barack Obama versus the Black Hebrew Israelites. There are other stories of people have come out of just looking at some of online gentlemen that's that's done a lot of work about Christians being under the law of oral soul Berg check out Toryism TOR that's a Torah and then is him after that Toryism are Christians required to keep the law of Moses delegated further ammunition, more more people are producing materials to deal with this is on the streets for so many years for this, the growing influence materials are being produced alright so hopefully also be some good resources and may the Lord use you to win any hurting lost people in the city of Atlanta.

Thank you. All right let us go to Jonathan and South Africa. Thanks for calling the line of fire up the wrong thing. Michael, I really appreciate it. Sure… Been looking quite a lot in the law few weeks about the discussion on unit fixation of them continue them in a continuous stop, but he believed that you do that the Scripture is clear that the gifts of the spirit are in operation. All that I magnificently what I want to thought you and you will you and I and I've not got big about not discredited work in the church that I know will not soften the weight in the church we we on the a lot of the get the night metafiction on the part of the spread on the on you are a big fan of the drive and a lot of vinaigrette on you without you expecting thought the churches never had more machinery we never had more money with it at all of us would never admit how why do you think we don't see the move of the Spirit as much as we locked. Yes, it's a question that my wife and I chatted about for a few minutes today, so it's always our mind when I wrote whatever happened to the power of God. In 1991 that was a major question I was asking out limp. Let me preface it by thanking God for what he's doing around the world and on the one hand, there's never been a time when more people on the planet believed in the gifts empower the spirit and there were more documented miracles. They were seen just because there's so many charismatic Pentecostal believers and others that just have prayed and seen God work so amazing things are happening and that should encourage us that God is at work and there are pockets where different parts of Africa.

Different parts of Asia. Different parts of of Latin America where churches are growing extraordinarily in numbers and much of it flows out of signs ones miracles I was reading one pastor's account in the Paul which is a Hindu kingdom with persecution of believers and he said the way the churches grow is that the people bring to the church is the ones that the hospitals can cure them and they get healed. The people become believers. So, thank God for what he is doing, but why don't we see more.

One reason I believe is that we don't earnestly seek God in his purposeful and focused way that is just not that important to us.

Another is just so much sin in the camp and so much complacency that that God does not come where there is not real well Kim for him you come out from among them and be separate and then God's promises that in the second Corinthians the sixth chapter. I believe that's a lot of it. We have so much else that we depend on us so it's wonderful that we have the medical care we have in the nutritional options that we have so so we can live to be 7080 90 etc. and other personal people dying at 30 or 40, but that's retention see more miracles because they can't depend on everything else. So I think that's part of it and then others. We we simply don't know what we don't see more but we have to just pressing it until we do so, the good habit is to acknowledge what God is doing to read about it. Marie Craig Keener's book on miracles and and others to to see what God is doing to be encouraged by it, and blessed by it to build your faith than to say Lord this is wonderful but there must be more this is wonderful. But we see so few cancer healings and and when we see more more conditions like this or that field it all in. And it's interesting that I I've seen a lot of accurate prophecy over the years I've seen gift of faith operate supernaturally toss my own life. Words of knowledge and things like that other aspects of gifts that are so clearly supernatural and can't be explained away and then even miraculous intervention, but often not as much healing as is, I believe we should see based on the word, and compassion.

This compassion moves you, let alone the glory of God, but compassion usually say Lord with the remorseless keypress again hungry and thirsty, obeying, believing building our faith until we see God do everything he's promised.

Thank you very much. You are a military help. You are very welcome. Thank you so much I let us go to Joseph in Philadelphia. Welcome to the line of fire real technical after meeting you sure are you are you going back and forth between Luke's account. Matthew's account on the Lord's prayer shortly after Jesus teaches" to the disciples of Luke's account, my long after he says get others stored there still huddled together after not, little flock, but is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Well in that account. The Lord's prayer and in Luke's scale and with but deliver us from the evil one. Is it possible that while you could put into the kingdom is parallel with providers. The kingdom rather than aggression. God like return to the disciples by the kingdom talking to the disciples that so that's that's really interesting question.

I don't believe unbelief so it's a fascinating observation, but you got from Luke 11 early in the chapter where he states them to pray and and I know you. There is there's a whole sequence of events that are connected there.

But you're all the way and was 1232 for a little flock, for your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom of us know.

I don't see that is connected to to the prayer and in any way, and there is the dispute, and in Matthew the sixth chapter in the sermon on the Mount, whether whether the final words versus the kingdom.

The glory forever.

Whether this was an original part of the Lord's prayer and after, but for sure. They both began with this is the same petitioner God's name be held in his kingdom come to the king's really there. Then the and he's been talking about and preaching about it already. In Luke's gospel so that that's it. That's a theme that's, ready so I don't see that is an appendage that comes in leaders is connected and that way but thank you Becky for the question. I appreciate right time is short. Let's try to get in another call attorney in Chicago.

Time is short so please join right in their go-ahead.

Please, thank you Dr. Brown go. I decided not to help on the front boat think it was originally their two arm, a, and the fate of development for the amount of traffic, but I think I am at the border of Israel not looking to notate any talk about that now, but not a great that the fate of their I was wondering what is the relevant the for that brand. That term will be there now fight to protect the end of time on it. If there ever got a look at the Armenian media you know I don't know if they have like a similar thing going better still, I guess what went out of my dissertation on my I understand the question and forgive me for interrupting but this might give you answers okay okay I guy just because time is for sure okay the design is to cold was long before the rehearsal and in other words, traditional Jews for centuries would say the next year in Jerusalem when they have the Passover meal and the longing to go back in the praying for the rebuilding of the temple. So this is the spin along in the heart of the Jewish people for centuries and centuries and centuries, there's the modern Zionist movement with the rehearsal being a key player that the turn of the of the 20th century end of 19th or 20th century. But here's here's the issue is okay. The states established but it's still not recognized by much of the world that even though it's recognized it's not recognized there.

There are still attempts to delegitimize your still attempts there is the ongoing line. You know from the from the river to the sea. Palestine shall be free, which means get rid of the Jews you you have come Moss Palestinian Authority to different degrees recognizer don't recognize Israel's existence or right to the land, so it's still under dispute.

Even moving our embassy to Jerusalem were were one of the only ones that have done that even though Israel says this is our capital is the only capital on the planet that the rest of the world doesn't recognize so and you still have about half of the Jews of the world not living in Israel so there's still the scientistic movement for Jews to return, but there still is honesty movement because so much of the world does not recognize especially the Muslim world legitimacy of the modern state of Israel. Hence, there is still cyberspace is a great question, but I believe that's that's all right friends visit us and ask Dr. Make sure you get our emails you don't want to miss one cover another guy the Truth Network