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Dr. Brown Tackles All Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
June 3, 2022 5:40 pm

Dr. Brown Tackles All Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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June 3, 2022 5:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 06/03/22.

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Formalize your open questions regarding answers for the light a fire with your host scholar and cultural commentator Dr. Michael Brown your voice for more Centerview and spiritual clarity.

Three for truth to get on the line of fire and now there's your host Dr. Michael Brown fire. Here's number to call any question of any kind that relates in any way to anything we ever discuss here on the broadcast.

Anything I write about anything you've heard about me you want clarification on phone lines are open if it's appropriate to ask on Christian radio.

Go for it. 866-3487 84 866-34-TRUTH I just flew in from Maryland this morning like a delayed an hour, so it was cut in the coastal we we got here in good time, but my grandson are the second grandson graduating from high school, Connor. So congratulations to Conor on his graduation yesterday and tonight after the show scheduled to fly out to Vero Beach so if you're in the Vero Beach area a great church will be speaking at this weekend, God willing, tomorrow night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. Always controversy, always crazy things going on around us, but our goal is not to start controversies. Our goal is to address controversies in a constructive way to infusion with faith and truth encourage so that as you build up in God, your faith is stronger in God grounded in the truth of God's word strengthens your backbone than you, in turn, strengthen others, you share what is been shared with you and before you know it changes coming to personalized for families toward true churches to our communities. 866-34-TRUTH but start with Zach in Piedmont) on with just get a few questions on the board appreciate going a running hard to get this all done salt. I'll be getting to your calls momentarily flutter calls right start and get everybody queued up so will be going to your calls momentarily. I wrote an article yesterday afternoon that summer website asked her to and in that article I a deal with the issue of why many people hate us why they consider us hateful, especially in the gay and lesbian community. I think it's important to read and understand how the world looks to other eyes and and not to react to that.

But seek to overcome wrong perceptions with love and the truth of the gospel.

All right, let's go to Zach in Piedmont, Oklahoma. Welcome to the modifier and Arterburn are you doing doing well thank you I was working Pastor Markson's shallow and he made the claim that it is on biblical for Christians to support any type of gun control laws cited and Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 13 and 14 as a command for families to be protected and apparently in turn this calls for broad interpretation of the Second Amendment. What I got that book but would you say that so I don't know Kevin Swanson and I am assuming that what you're saying is accurate, such I just have to be fair you understand those you can be a thousand percent accurate but I just need to be fair because I didn't here to show myself with what you're saying is accurate, it strikes me as utterly absolutely bizarre.

First, you have a historical account in Nehemiah. It is not prescriptive.

It is not telling us. These are laws, guidelines for all time, but it is descriptive what happened in a particular situation.

There is there trying to build the walls of the city and as they got hostile people, etc. ready to take them down and hurt them serve a particular situation ultimately have people working they got a sword in one hand and a trial in the other. This not normal if Israel did not live all their life with the sword in one hand and a trial in the other. That's the first thing, and again is just a historical description but to now apply that by by some type of exegetical method and then to apply to the Second Amendment as if the Second Amendment is somehow sanctified, or holy thing is important but the idea it's sanctified and you can't touch it but was utterly bizarre so because I didn't hear him say that I am I'm going out leave my responses there and now give a totally separate response which is this, you better believe that Christians should be as pro-life as possible and that means we need to examine current gun laws we need to examine why people commit the crimes they commit right before coming on the air. I saw about another shooting at a college and then of course the shooting right before that day before that the hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma maybe two days before that one after another after another. I know it's people doing evil things. But we need to look at everything.

So Christians anyone else should sit down and say okay let's look at current gun laws. Is there anything we could do to help keep guns away from bad people most on the take away our guns. There's nothing we can do the keep guns around, away from unstable people or restrict certain guns not be available to the certain age risk have a discussion. There was, everything is on the table because were were still grieved and shocked over this. The massacre involving end and people there. You get over the massacre in Sandy Hook, their family members taken and destroyed for life. So these are these realities and the idea that if you're Christian you cancel my gun control what, what's the connection I could see people going to the other extreme, and being 100% pacifist to the point is not self-defense, that would be taking a Christian value in ideal. Too far.

But no, no, no, I there.

Look, I'm a gun person myself but will just have a conversation in the living room in Maryland with her family.

There and Nancy was talking to Massimo Jimmy know he's a gun person.

He's been hunting all his life. He's got quite a collection because the receipt it is quite a collection of guns is taking his kids hunting with this been a lifestyle for him. He's been a fireman of friends with police so very much around law enforcement as well and he agrees it would of course have to discuss certain things or should there be age changes or cultural weapons be available. Of course they did as Christians shouldn't discuss gun control utterly bizarre. Hey, thank you, thank you for asking. 866342. Let's go to Luke in Fort Worth, Texas. Welcome to the modifier.

Thank you Dr. Brown I have some questions about Hebrew idiom and there's two examples in particular that I think the people say that these might be idiom I wanted to get your thoughts on the from is when Jesus said that he would be in the great three days and three nights. Could that possibly be in idiom because you know he died on Friday and arose on Sunday that would be three days and three nights and then the other one is Moses in Exodus 32 talk about him not eating bread or drinking water for 40 days and 40 nights so some argue that this 40 days has colic in Hebrew idiom that Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days that just mean a long period of time. So under 20 turning your thoughts on academic, not a Hebrew idiom. I don't the automotive could survive without water 40 days so three days three nights is not a question of a Hebrew idiom, but Jewish law… There's nothing in Hebrew. The Hebrew language that would say that took about three days and three nights means any part of three days and three nights that simply a matter of Jewish law, the Jewish law would say okay if you listen you arrive somewhere 1158. What would do this with with American time arrive somewhere 11:58 PM right. Okay, that's one nice now you stay through the day. The next day and then the day after you get up at 1202 in the morning and you Lisa you barely been there 24 hours, but it would count as three days because it you're part of one day full day and night another and part of another such as Jewish law is not a Hebrew idiom. It's just under Jewish law that the expression could be understood a certain way, but that's why not idiomatic but just legal.

It was like when you get some tortoise of four days and three nights is not necessarily fully all of those hours but just parts of the other thing, as far as 40 days. 40 is used. A number of times in the Bible for significant things and it is often connected with testing, but there's no indication that it was not a literal 40 days traditional Judaism which would certainly recognize idioms as well counts it as a literal 40 days and there's nothing in the text to suggest it was anything other than that, and there's nothing to suggest that Jesus was not in the wilderness 40 days, so clearly the reasons telling us he'd ate no bread and trach no water was to tell us of supernatural ending point of fact, even if it just been a really long time usually survive an award about three days right so even if it was 20 days or 25 days. No death. 11 in idiom being used there, though some would argue that five like David took five stones that five is an idiom for a few, this only proves that some have argued that just like we could say it was a few.

That's probably between two and four. Right but you know this is not an exact number, but no those those are. There's no indication those are Hebrew idioms, or that a Hebrew speaking would recognize that as an idiom as a thing if I say I don't drink that's an idiom. What is it mean I don't drink alcohol right of everyone understands that I don't smoke was having a moment smoke cigarettes so those are idiomatic usages you have in Hebrew the verb Shalla to send and sometimes that's idiomatic for to send a messenger we had the verb not sought to lift up sometimes it's idiomatic from the so-called with the voice meeting speak up or it could be a saw yard raise the hand, it could be raised in different ways of so those are known idioms.

I originally started my doctoral dissertation at NYU on abbreviated verbal idioms in the Hebrew Bible, comparative philological approach is going to go through the whole Hebrew Bible and analyze all the abbreviated verbal idioms I could find and then go from there and compare the Semitic languages to see what I found. But then when God shifted my heart of what the more practical direction wrote my my doctoral dissertation on the Hebrew word for healing and Luke, thanks for calling and asking your question 866-348-7884 Willow Street to the phones on the inside of the break.

Remember, I would love to keep you posted on my latest articles and videos, and special resource offers a new book, send them come to your area to speak. So take a moment if you don't get my emails when it asked her to SK DR go there to set up for email SICU few seconds and will immediately send you free many e-book how to pray for America. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown open good time to get in 866-7884… Go to Jamar in North Carolina will come to the line of fire mode burger will show put out there in the community and others like him to hear what you say and you, to conduct people thought what a good thing. I am pretty pathetic. A call so we could go in talking. I made a mistake. I want to clear the way. That the right to freedom of speech and spoke to get the right look at the photocopy actually the left. Fortunately off the prickly freedom, but wanted to get that cleared up and fortunately thought upgrade people turn it around my quick bucket. Whoopi Goldberg considering you and you know your knowledge of the Jewish culture, one of the keep your take on how you use them to pick up a direct yes I think the question Judaism is a religion, but being Jewish can be ethnic or religious. In other words, God called out Abraham, Isaac, Jacob goes that there was physical.

The only requirement was for the men to be circumcised right. There is no specific requirement put on the women at the time, then through Moses gave the law to Israel.

So you can be a disobedient Israelite or an obedient Israel if he was still an Israelite, right wing when God was dealing with the people of Israel, even when they were worshiping idols and a cast off the tour. They were still his people Israel.

There's even a rabbinic, even when Israel sends Israel, still Israel.

So this is at this point simply something simply ethnic your your your descendents, your background right so you could be a descendent of Israel. This the Spanish dissent Asian descent, etc. so what happened then at so then Israel gets funneled down through the through the kingdom of Judah province of Judah, so people Israel called Jews.

So again, you could be a Jew who worships idols redo who obeys the Lord and then there is Judaism, the religion practiced by Jewish people so you could convert into Judaism right and now you're considered a part of the Jewish people. So even though you didn't physically descendents are you not a physical descendent of Israel, even though you didn't physically descend from the people of Israel. You converted into Israel's religion and now you would you would now be known as a Jew as well. Your kids would be considered Jews or your wife, your kids would be considered Jews so it's it's ethnic and that probably 70% of the people of Israel, or are not religious Jews and many of them are even atheist, but they are ethnically Jews and can trace their descent back through the centuries and then you have Judaism which is the historic religion of the Jewish people so that's why it's confusing because it's both racial and ethnic.

The Jews of Germany that Hitler was persecuting were by large, not religious. Many of the very secular end and some had converted to Christianity, but he still killed him because there was because they were Jews because they were of ethnic Jewish sent if they had one quarter Jewish blood. So even one grandparent than they would be killed, while audit yeah well, glad you asked dear it's it's a question that is easily answered, but is complex otherwise right equipment but will go ahead, go ahead about the writing. Okay to call you about world might lose you if you rightly understand socialism which which is basically the government, saying that everyone has to have the same thing and that there is no competition there that if you're wealthy, you just have to now you're forced to distribute to others. Jesus was certainly no socialist if you say that he encouraged extreme generosity in sharing and in a society member. He said Rosen of the poor with you write it on Deuteronomy says that so there was no thought that you have forced the rich to do a certain thing but if you have a greater spirit of generosity, compassion for the poor care that's gonna raise people up and and make the playing field more equal but socialism is about something being government enforced in terms of this distribution of goods and it was never his position in any way, shape, size and form nephew so he was a capitalist.I will see that taught either. I see them teaching principles that transcend our earthly principles. Thank you for the call 86634 of its go to Anthony in New York City.

Welcome to the line of fire all doing very well thank you. Haven't kind of like I have a question is something I'm debating. How can be found in out on everything first and got about Commandment honor your father and your father and what it is that he did not know hate you know of his own mother father is not worthy of the and you know, first by Bateman does not like vanity and top believer. How could be found that out kinda happy, like a typical in understanding yes so that the words of Jesus in Luke 14 story in verse 25 sound quite radical with you and your father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, even your own life, not worthy of following the right so we know that Jesus rebuked the religious leaders in Matthew 15 and Mark seven because they found loopholes in the law that did that allow them to not honor their parents. So he rebukes them for that. Obviously he was reinforcing with scripture says honor your father and mother which Jesus is talking about is what it's gonna take to be his disciple and uses the word hate their nonintrusive despise. But in terms of utterly reject the hold of anyone old over your life outside of God himself, then you can't be his disciple. In other words, if you say well I would follow you, Jesus. But my mother won't like it, or I would follow you, Jesus. But my spouse will be happy with me. We can't be his disciple sucker work you have to abandon that since everything else to be his disciple and have loyalty ultimate loyalty to him and him alone.

That being said, loyalty to him will cause us to be the best sons and daughters we ever could be loyalty to him, will enable us to love our mothers and fathers the way we should loyalty to him, will enable us to really serve them and really honor them by being people who are of the highest character and quality so it's just understanding what he means there it's impossible that Jesus was saying violate the 10 Commandments if he was saying that he can be the Messiah was telling Jewish people violate the 10 Commandments and dishonor your parents. Then he can be the Messiah. But if you say you have to make a choice, a radical choice between being my disciple or putting the interests and loves of your family. Even yourself first to be one or the other. When you make that right choice that enables you now to fulfill the commitments which include honoring your father and mother. Also in that is watchmen the said submission is absolute. Can the obedience is conditional. Let's say that Jesus calls you Anthony and you are his servant, and he says I'm calling your single man I'm calling you to finish the semester than leave school and go serve the poorest of the poor in Afghanistan and you know that you know that that's a word from the Lord if you press it.

We don't want you going there.

It's dangerous. We once he was given a nice degree and and and be famous one day and make a lot of money you save mom that I love you I respect you. I honor you, but I have to obey the Lord. That's what is expected of us if we said in your jerks, idiots, I don't. You have nothing to say to me now.

We've dishonored them. So our attitude is always one of honor respect. But in terms of choices of loyalty we make radical choices and that's why Jesus uses such strong words to get our attention. Think you are very welcome. I appreciate it. And all these questions, as always, our excellent and absolutely valid. All right, let's go to Tony in Louisville, Kentucky. Welcome to the line of fire by Dr. Brown dog.

Let your ministry. Thank you. I am a pastor here in Louisville and I wanted to ask your question about day theological term or description describe the situation, simply the you have to enter they both feel guilty about the span of the first is contrite they are broken or humbled, they turn to cry. The other justification and forgiveness versus the other is also feeling guilty but instead of turning to Christ they become filed. They become arrogant and they begin to shout their span to the world trying to win people to their viewpoint viewpoint through intimidation or trying to convince them or getting laws of the land are changed to fit their situation not solidly their justification is there a theological term or description that describes that situation right well in a less brazen sense in case two.

I would say it's the difference between repentance and remorse. No one feels guilty and bad because they got caught, but there's no real repentance and at the first there is an about-face, but it in this case I would say it's the difference between repentance and feeling guilty and remorse. At least sometimes has some regret but what you're describing to see like a matter of regret.

I say it's the difference between feeling being truly repentant versus having a guilty conscience, and because of that you have them try to suppress that you try to justify yourself and you know serve as a pastor to repentance, the person appointed themselves only ice in my fault. I take responsibility payment the Lord bless you and your labors. Thanks for the call to light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown got on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown remember to visit vitamin get some of the best health supplements you can use Dr. Brown code get a special discount and the donation will be made to this ministry to help us to do what were doing right now and to reach more and more people vitamin all right. You've got questions regarding answers 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Let's go to Alvin and San Jose, California. Welcome to the line of fire. Dr. Brown listen, I just want to say that your minutes. Significantly impacted me. I listened to you from week to week and your your boy is one of the voices that contributed to my formation felt, and I pray for you and and bless your ministry.

Thank I was listening to your radio show this week and listening to you.

The episode on spirit and truth, God's word and truth and not one or the other but it are we required about that believers should emphasize both not one of the other and I'm a charismatic believer. I'm not reform are not Calvinistic and I know that your standpoint but one question I get my reformed brain or one of the things that I've seen on the Internet is you know where our great charismatic pastor and Bible teachers that are faithful teaching to interpreting and impeaching the Scripture, but also hold what we believe that the continuation of the spiritual gift right there at first I could turn the question around and say why are so few reformed preachers and teachers. Charismatic is to lead you it's it's not debatable. The Bibles totally clear that the gifts and powers.

Continue for today, the so-called Tsongas, etc., and based on Scripture again.

Note no insult made to my reformed friends are of the cessation stress are different, but I can see that's massive. This is a massive fundamental New Testament reality is laid out so clearly in Scripture.

If you reject that you are in serious error so I can say why there only a handful of fine reformed scholars who are also into the things of the spirit so you can see with just a matter of perception. Right when you asked that question.

I simply want outnumbered number two is that some of the finest biblical scholars on the planet like Craig Keener, for example, dear friend of mine or continuation us and our non-Calvinists and Ben Witherington that the professors at Asbury theological seminary, you know John Oswalt. These are there there either continuation estate and not reformed or simply not reform, so there are plenty. If you go to the Society for evangelical Arminians online. The Society for evangelical Arminians. You'll find fine commentaries find teachings by by non-Calvinists because many of them are also continuation us and then some.

Some well-known mega church pastors over the years. Men like Jack Hayford or today like Robert Morris. I mean, these are really solid Bible teachers and there also continuation NIST so there is no there there plenty out there, it's just a and I would say 99% are not well known in of the vast majority of those laboring in the word and teaching preacher not well known. They don't have massive followings that don't have mega churches so that I would sit across the board for all the different groups that the vast majority are not well known, but there there plenty out there in my book, authentic fire, which is a response to John MacArthur strange fire respectful response. You'll find the whole chapter where I talk about tough continuation of scholars in the vast majority of them would be non-Calvinists or some of the great Bible teachers of the last generation or before a W toaster. For example, was Arminian and continuation NIST you know so list. The list goes on and on and the note so so moody. Of course, was an evangelist more than a Bible teacher in her toes. It was was in expositor and and kind of a devotional teacher of Moody was a great evangelist, so he was there plenty.

If you go back before the rise of the modern Pentecostal charismatic movement in of the men like John Wesley or like deal, moody, or in the 20th century, not charismatic but not reform like CS Lewis. There's a great list on both sides and there are amazing people like spirit Charles Spurgeon or Dean Martin Lloyd Jones or popular Jesus like John Piper will pipe her sexy continuous continuation us but the album there there plenty and and here's the other thing the is that how we weigh things like cruise and the majority of that's the case, there were 600 million charismatic Pentecostals worldwide. So rear whole lot more of us than Calvinists but doesn't prove anything. You look at the quality of the fruit as well take. Keep drinking what's good received good for many extreme and when someone comes with a claim that sounds a little bit spiritually arrogant turnaround asking the questions, I will say this over it in my years in the reformed camp from 77 to 82. The reformed churches that I visited and was part of were going to be insulting they were that compared to the Pentecostal charismatic churches always used to. They were really lacking in fervor.

They were not deeply people of prayer.

They they were not is engaged in outreach as much with very much into theology so innate they may have had some really good qualities otherwise.

But each camp has strengths and weaknesses. We have to start with that humility. I thank you for the call and the kind words, 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to John in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Welcome to light a fire, I Dr. Brown, Alia doing very well sir good good. I would call in regards to Revelation 2939 where they does it say there were about brother Judah, but are the synagogue of Satan. There are people pipe up on that and they my study shows that there were actually a physical people that had been with Judah since the beginning of time. Since the Bible began actually goes right back to Genesis weekly base that on well I think that if you look at what happened, but to see to Genesis 315 is yet able to maintain killed Abel Kane has his own genealogy when Eisai gel shall not touch a sword lag and euphemistically means to lie with the woman and if you go to John 844 where Jesus accuses the Pharisees and Sadducees. He said ye are of your father the devil, it was a murderer from the beginning of the first murder with Cain and Abel is so digit just to help us think there's some assumptions that you're making.

I always appreciate when people try to dig into the text. But even trying to open up with the Hebrew means and other things that I would urge you to trigger some caution there.

All right, Revelation 2939 have two possible interpretations when Jesus says of you to make those who claim to be Jews and are not better than at your feet.

They claim to be used are not in the synagogue of Satan.

Give one or two meetings, one they were Gentiles like Black Hebrew Israelites today claiming to be true sons of Israel, or some other cult group.

Some white supremacist co-group coming to be true sons of Israel. Whoever it is right so they were Gentiles opposing the gospel claiming to be Jews, but they work there synagogue of Satan. Memory Revelation 2 Jesus commends the church of Ephesus for testing. Those who claim to be apostles but were not.

That's one possibility. The other is that Jesus is speaking with a strong prophetic rebuke to people who were physically Jews but say that we are acting as is not acting like a Jew all directing like a child of the devil. In John 844. The devil is a murderer because he was the one behind murder. He was the one behind alliance that specifically speak of candid speak about the one who is behind these things so the other way of reading. It is that these Jews who are opposed to. Not all Jews worldwide. These Jews are opposing you try to stop the gospel message so that you can stop you preach the gospel to Gentiles and try to hurt you and oppose you.

They claim to be Jews.

But the other physically Jews, but there are acting like Jews all there.

The synagogue of Satan is just like when Jesus tells his God tells his people in Hosea 1.

You're not like people low on me, but numerous people they were his people Israel with her when I can like his people, so he was ocular act like their God. So one of those two possibilities is the right way to read it. I would say your looking for something, but digging too far in the wrong places with little respect. So thank you thank you for the call 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go over to Daniel in Denver Colorado welcomes the line of fire.

Dark brown David Michael.

I went back to you about the defamation theology are not America but I I don't believe in it and on, but wanted to discuss sort of what your figures on "theology in the American church is my impression that all of you click the link popularity right now and I have really noticed a really strong correlation between the definition of them and the basement and lastly based on my experience, I feel like the foot of the fighting line in the church on this issue is becoming more important abrasive, though I feel like the X on your five heating up, and are concerned about the and sort of how it sort of dividing believers though. I thought other people I know about 15 on the charismatic believer and you know people have in mind know you were interested, but it seems like you you are among a lot of people that I know Phil, I know that you be this and I wanted to accommodate your thought.

You feel like the defamation is growing. You feel like there is a strongly fair with thinking and you'll buy, that dividing line becoming more hot yet great questions so I'll answer part on the side of the break near the port on the other side of the break a few years back. Calvinism seem to be more on the rise in America and you have the young, restless and reformed kind of a shift towards that. John Calvin being recognized as a highly significant figure again in America. It was definitely a growing interest from what I can tell it's about leveled out in similar kind of in and then left. But there are some good reasons why some became Calvinists even on the Calvinist that I'll explain on the other side of the break and then answer your other questions I will be right) stay right here is the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown got on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks for joining us right answer. Daniel get his many more calls as I can of the time that we have so Daniel I believe that so much American preaching was all about me and was me centered rather than God centered and in a lot of our charismatic circles. There was some shallowness and may be too much emphasis put on experience, not enough expository preaching that people fearing God honoring God wanted to be more balanced now heard about reformed theology with its emphasis on sovereignty of God and things like that ugly but shifted in my view shifted to far right, but the pendulum swung so much in a me centered way. It was a way to swing back to more God centered weight in my view though just going to for that and and also just the lack of a theological system. People often felt the need there. And this was; that we others have have converted to Catholicism looking for more of a system or aura of even a calendar and schedule my kind of thing.

So again I'm not reform but not getting to that court. Now as for a connection between being reform and being secessionist. Yes there to reasons for one is the vast majority of major reform teachers for years now have themselves been secessionist. You learn from them and you're in that camp and now you you kind of accept the other things they teach on other subjects.

Maybe end time use things like that. Also going back to the time of reformation because of the Catholic emphasis on ongoing miracles. There was, in some ways a rationalism among the reformers that broke away from that and also simple there obviously wrong of their claims have miracles so there's a counterfeit and pushing away from reckless confirmation even though the word does indicate that's for today. The last thing is is for the contentiousness. I have noticed that those people who I would call hyper critics. Those who are engage in ad hominem arguments. Those who attack in ways that is very unhelpful. The vast majority of those have dealt with our Calvinists so I look at that is a weakness in the reform secessionist camp just as I look at flakiness and unaccountability as a weakness in the charismatic Pentecostal camp suits me aware of her own weaknesses and do our best to strengthen those and learn from one another's strengths where we can. Thank you sir for the call light list go to Isaiah in Ocala, Florida. Welcome to want to fire is very hard to hear you so not sure if you knew anything about the environment, urine all a little bit better. Yeah, I did a quick question.

Frederick I go ahead yeah I was reading Isaiah 40 mixup where the effect of my question is do you think that the math direct X what is corrupted or special areas where there are messianic description like in Isaiah 53 operating at the way that a ship that you will justify the many with what really like the shuttle just many to the right one really weird at tenant.

It's so hard to hear you. So let me try to answer questions. His first 5213, 253 12 in the Masoretic text with tradition has been intentionally altered in ways that would downplay it, pointing to Jesus the Messiah or no, I don't see any evidence of that whatsoever. And some of the idioms that methods of speech syntax in the Hebrew Bible's or different than what were you stew but that's that's just the way they're speaking in other words, when you're rethinking the recent literature is not 21st century literature and when you read modern Hebrew compared to medieval Hebrew or rabbinic Hebrew or biblical Hebrew there. They're all going to be different in that regard, and some of the points of emphasis, but even there there's nothing that is altering the text to pointed away from Yeshua and the argument that there are major intentional corruptions within the Masoretic text with tradition to point away from certain messianic truths or to be reinterpreted to deny Christian views. I don't believe there been major wholesale views that couple books came out of this, making it major claim about the so-called corruption of the Masoretic text with tradition, but certainly there are places were either superscriptions in the Psalms or the order of books laid out or when accent is put things like that that there are some changes and whether they were intentional or just in the process of transmission can be debated and it it is a healthy debate to ask herein there. If that's the case, but in some wholesale major way. No, I don't believe their support for that and I'm sure the arguments can heat up again is is people are raising it more but no, I don't believe there is overall widespread support for that hey thanks for thanks for your question of let's go to we go a William in Troy, Ohio. Welcome to the live fire certain inherent yes loud and clear.

Okay, so we break apart my question about your camera not very verso in the book of Samuel there.

The king that come in. To effect the king that carries the holy. And then if so what if he Karen and how to go about that purpose to sing in the in the books of Samuel yes or okay so first Samuel one ends with the death of Saul who was the first king of Israel right in and second Samuel tells the story of David King David and and that continues into first Kings. The early chapters, there would speak of David's death. The raising up of Solomon.

So the last king mentioned in second Samuel is King David and King David's King David was promised a lasting dynasty from God and ultimately David becomes a prototype of the Messiah King who also perform priestly functions king who will rule and reign over the earth so the Messiah will be a greater David so that it doesn't do with carrying the Holy Spirit are bearing the Holy Spirit is is a major role, but rather that the King David becomes the prototype of the Messiah, to the point that sometimes the Messiah simply called my servant David, meaning a greater David who will come of the key verse or passage to read the second Samuel chapter 7 second Samuel chapter 7 all right, let's see. I'm gonna go really fast here.

Time is short of let's go to is Amar in Chicago. Welcome to the line of fire hello hello all, while thank you for calling him black and yeah they did. They took the ark of the covenant, and it's never been returned's never been returned.

We don't know where it is now.

We still don't know where it is. It's a mystery now. Some people believe that it's hidden somewhere that one day people to its can be discovered. Some people claim it's in Ethiopia which is in Africa and that the Christians they are know where it is and they glided they protected. Most believe we simply don't know what happened to it. It got lost, but there actually movies that have been made like Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the lost Ark that these famous movies about like the ark has is someone found it. The Nazi Germans. The really bad guys found it in one day it in and it has the special powers. But that's all make-believe. Those are just make-believe stories so the Babylonians took the ark took it into Babylon and we don't know what happened to it. We do know that God told Jeremiah the prophet that the day would come when people talk about it anymore because there it it the God would be there himself in such a real way. They wouldn't think about it, but when the Jewish people came back from Babylon and they they rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem.

They had a lot of the things from the temple but not the ark, so we really don't know where it is today.

It's a big mystery a thank you for the call and am so glad you and your daddy read the Bible again. Listen anytime you need. At every question: Michelle and will do her best to answer your question, I really appreciate it. Thank you.

I friends as always.

I wish I could've gotten to all your calls but we got to as many as we could.

I appreciate the calls.

I appreciate your great content. Great questions, getting us all to think and dig deep. Let's be people of the word. The spirit let's be people who are doers of the word and not hearers only it's for people to look around the world.

It's really messed up as the world has been since the fall in rather than just pull her hair out rather just drop out rather than throwing the towel rather just look for an exit plan but speed those who follow the spirit full of the word full of love for Jesus look for a neighbor dispute those who go into the world and make disciples. Let's bring blessing and shine the light where ever we go with the blessing the Lord beyond you this weekend.

Thanks for being with us