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Confronting the Hyper-Critics

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
February 12, 2020 4:21 pm

Confronting the Hyper-Critics

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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February 12, 2020 4:21 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 02/12/20.

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Today friends were going to confront the destructive nature of hyper criticism stage for the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of Ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH index 866-34-TRUTH your again is Dr. Michael Brown God is not on bias: quote worship that comes out of false churches that blaspheme his name's every single time they gather is not honored by music that comes out of false churches that exploit the poor, the sick, the desperate the widows who preach a false Jesus of false atonement and a false gospel, God is not honored when we sing music that comes out of that that was just and Peter speaking specifically about Bethel churches like Hill song saying it's a false gospel false Jesus of false atonement, and every time they gather they blaspheme Jesus.

A few sing their songs or dishonoring God. Is this true are we dealing with false churches false Jesus false atonement, false gospel groups like Bethel Hill song gather together, they are blaspheming Jesus. Every single time or other dangerous overstatements is this the difference between constructive criticism, which is wonderful and life-giving and necessary and important and should be embraced by every believer. The difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism they friends welcome to the broadcast. This is Michael Brown.

If you want to wait and specifically on today's subject in agreement with me your disagreement on the cause. 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Some months back I said like I've I've reached out every different way and all had a different critic sought to different to interact.

I've seen such a lack of ethic in the way they've attacked and misrepresented things that I'm just I can it deal with them for the next period of time and it's been months really since have said anything about this, but a few things happen one after the other.

Within a few days. Different clips were sent to me some very recent, some going back a few months and I thought you know it it's it's important to deal with this and please hear my heart, I'm not mad at anyone. You see quite a few of attacked me personally, I'm not mad at them. I recognize them as brothers in the Lord. Despite the fact I believe they do a lot of damage a lot of harm. Every good they're doing is being out balanced by the harm and danger that they're bringing by deceptive wrong ugly things that should not be said that are untrue that are divisive to deal with a number of specifics today.

So for the good of the body for the honor of the Lord and as an elder in the body, not just a novice coming if this I want to speak in a constructive and helpful way, look where commanded in Scripture, not just to love one another right but to speak the truth in love to one another. So I'm all for speaking the truth when he said again, I'm all for constructive criticism. I have whole books with the specifics names details.

Where I differ with doctrines. Things are being taught and I lay out the issues as clearly as I can in the most constructive way But confronting falsehood had on by God's grace will continue to do that. Not that I'm God's corrector in chief or the chief policeman in the body, but we each have a role in some of its call to teach within the church doctrinal error practices that are erroneous. These things grieve me as well, but am also grieved by the bearing of false witness by exaggerations and sometimes outright lies that are told about others in the body was is in the 10 Commandments Exodus chapter 20 what's written in verse 13, so it starts with verse 13 Martin off don't is I'm sorry look your sock don't murder Martin off don't commit adultery boutique. No, don't steal those that that's pretty heavy murder, adultery, stealing, and then looked on Everest, HR care and don't bear false witness against your neighbor. That's how serious this is in the sight of God. Take a look with me in Proverbs chapter 6 this is this is really striking.

Proverbs chapter 6. That list the six things that God hates would scroll down to verse 16 in Proverbs chapter 6 and it says this Chase Hannah's on Sunday I'll deny Michelle to a font enough show six things the Lord hates, seven are an abomination to him and then he goes through holy bearing lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood. Pretty heavy stuff.

A mind that hatches evil plots fee quick to run to do evil, and then FEF is as is a VM HR care so a a lie witness, a false witness, and Michelle left me the name being a team and the one who spreads dissension among brothers. My contention is friends that destructive criticism by overstating by exaggerating by not giving a full and honest picture does more harm than it does good, not only so it just honors brothers and sisters in the Lord. Not only so it just honors the Lord, and he creates division rather than constructive ways that we can correct error and come together in unity. I was, not aware of this conference at it and track it as it was happening but I guess kind of a follow-up to strange fire and Phil Johnson who had on the air faculty clip from on the air later in the broadcast and with whom I've had extensive email interaction.

He was mentioning me specifically at this conference, let's go to clip number two, the sane and sober charismatics actually serve as a gateway drug to draw people into the vortex of charismatic error. Some of them purposely turn a blind eye to the manifest errors of their charismatic brethren while they angrily scold critics who try to point out these dangers to other people.

Michael Brown, for example, famously complete, claimed not long ago when someone challenged him on his relationship to NAR leaders. He claimed that the NAR is just a myth and that critics of the NAR are spinning a conspiracy theory, but that's the truth. The NAR the way the critics presented is a myth. In December I met for the first time Bill Johnson's noticeable Johnson brother-in-law excuse me, pastor of Bethel church amid his brother-in-law, who pesters the church in Silicon Valley and want to talk to me for the service. Get to know me know. One of his first questions wasn't as much nor assist northing when they talking about. I've talked to all the alleged top leaders like what's nor were they talking about yes is there something that Peter Wegner dubbed the new apostolic Reformation yes did that have specific leaders that work together with him on that. Yes no question that and for decades and decades have many of us believed in what we call fivefold ministry that there up apostles and prophets alive today, but distinct from the biblical apostles and things like yes it's totally separate. Never heard of NAR as long as I believe that, but what the critics have done of lumped all different groups dominion.

This word faith different things putting together in the hearts of the way it's described by the critics is a myth that doesn't exist. If you want to talk about specific practices, beliefs, great talk about it no problem. Glad to do it but I'm speaking the truth and by the way, I'm not angrily scolding the hyper critics in the destructive critics. I'm pointing out error in the sane and sober charismatics as Phil Johnson dubs about a gateway drug to error, they are the gateway to the deeper life of the spirit and the word that the Bible talks about rightful Johnson continues he does acknowledge that there are serious errors in the charismatic movement, but it's always in the most general way possible.

What I mean is he never actually points out any specific cases of fraud or falsehood, and he never names the guilty parties, and that in and of itself might be okay if Dr. Brown had not repeatedly come out forcefully to the defensive.

Some of the charismatic movements worst charlatans.

Actually, there is not a Charlotte in the world that I defend God for bid and I'm not going to defend the crazy practice either. Not just because someone is going to characterize certain something a certain way or call someone a charlatan is mean they are Charlotte but here's the deal. I've I've written open letter to Joel Vittorio's too long before I ever wrote an open letter John MacArthur an open letter to until Victoria was but the nature of the gospel that they preached.

I would open Y Creflo's not getting any of my dollars of my book hyper hyper grace ideal link with pastor Joseph Princeton and other hyper grace teachers in that book my book.

Whatever happened to the power of God. In 1991 critiquing errors and extremes in the charismatic movement, which I am a part part of the larger charismatic church.

Okay, so I'm addressing her spirit my book, playing with holy fire is is is quite specifically look at the table of contents and playing with holy fire. What am I dealing with.

I'm dealing with issues of why are we so gullible.

The whole book on this came a couple years ago mercenary profits superstar leaders abusive leadership, unaccountable prophecies, sexual immorality, the peptalk prosperity gospel celebrating doctrinal deviance to the third heaven back in a flash wanted to be wise like the world and where we go from here. I've I've called out these abuses loudly and clearly for years now. There's a time where you name names like I do my my hyper grace book specifics individuals quotes this a time when you don't name names because you dealing with general practices, issues or submits going on in another country where were you have been able interact with the leaders involved in things like that and here if I ask okay Paul kept writing about the false apostles and worry about the false possible were their names or the names of the false apostles Peter warning about false teachers were the names of the false teachers okay many times they're not named in the New Testament.

So if you want to criticize me for not always naming names, and criticize Paul and Peter and and John and others in the New Testament or Jude who warned about certain issues and specific things and and teachers generically without naming names, specifically and by the way John MacArthur past MacArthur quoted from my book. Whatever happened to the power of God in a favorable way. In a strange fire book so folks know I've been addressing these issues for years, but I'm not going to play to the tune of the hyper critics. Just because you want to raise an extreme practice over here.

What does that have to do with me on that. The defender everything the charismatic church.

Come on out here. Let's think of this resected your Southern Baptist is so you think Al Mohler is accountable for every sermon preaching every sudden Baptist Church you got some weirdo Southern Baptist is the new King James only fanatic to the point that he says no burn your Bibles in it. If it's not a King James Bernard or some extremist like that that Al Mohler is now accountable for that because he's a Southern Baptist leader know so just because there's a French thing here. I can react every fringe thing. If here I was part of the Brown's revival.

I stand by what God did the Brown's revival different remains.

Decades later, the fruit of change lives of save souls of true disciples are true converts of people set free from sin were now serving God around the world and preaching the gospel to the hurting to the poor to the lost and dying and submit on the mission field over 20 years since being transformed in the Brown's revival.

If you have questions about that that I was involved with have added. By all means, but but friends this idea that you can approve your orthodoxy by renouncing every fringe thing that happened somewhere that is crazy.

That's unrelated to scripture and it's a complete distraction, so I'm not dancing to the beat of the hyper critics but I'm getting really specific when we come back and Shaw. Trust me, shocked by what her cleansing and it's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown to the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown labeling Michael Brown the adjective that we should use for Michael Brown is the dangerous Michael Brown aphasia yet be dangerous to the kingdom of darkness dangerous to the devices of Satan dangerous to error dangerous to falsehood dangerous to the flesh, let it be dangerous Michael Brown my honor for the Lord, 86634 again, I'm not mad at anyone, anyone that I'm quoting on the air today. I have reached out to them.

Many a time, privately or had dialogue with them by phone or they have been on the air calling in and to this day. If any of these brothers that I differ with want to sit down. They may not call me your brother that's fine and I can reciprocate but if they want to sit down face-to-face and of dialogue interaction.

I have a public debate or dialogue absolutely with joy. My concern is that those that are trying to correct deception are deceiving others, those who are caring about truth and purity in the body are defiling with division and false witness, and in the process rejecting the beautiful wonderful things that the Holy Spirit is doing in conformity the word of God into the glory of Jesus. That's what grieves me from calling on people to step higher and you better in wall.

Honestly, I don't have a lot of hope right now in the hyper critics changing their stance. I'm hoping that those whom they are influencing would learn to dig a little deeper and get the facts okay so last August series of allegations were published against evangelist Todd Bentley online page after page on Facebook and I address that in an article now is Phil Johnson giving a presentation a few months back which I just saw for the first time it was sent to me a few days ago.

Here he is addressing this and how I handle it. So here he is with notes in front of you think he's going to give you a fair representation. So let's listen to what he has to say in the wake of these latest revelations about Todd Bentley's moral perversions.

Michael Brown wrote this he says I've no comment on the most recent accusations against Todd, since I don't know what's false and what's true that is routinely been his answer when he is challenged to acknowledge or critique specific cases of charismatic charlatan is him right so you think wow that was that was very telling that I said I can't say either way that's really shameful that you shameful. Really dishonest thing that Phil didn't want what, let's let's start here. Let's look at the article that is going from I'm not wondering. Did he read this. Did he see this just the article he's quoting from when it comes to dealing with scandals, the church must do better than the National Enquirer right so let's let's read what I said. The Internet is burning up sis is August 26, 2019. The Internet is burning up with news of yet another scandal in the church. This time the serious accusations against charismatic evangelist Todd Bentley was God saying to his people through this current crisis regarding top situation.

I have no specific comments since one. I have not supported him being in ministry since his divorce and remarriage in 2008 and I am on public record to that effect. Did Phil tell that to his audience. Did he tell them that I had publicly rejected his ministry since 2008. No, he didn't even give a hint of that in two. I have no connection of any kind to tie this ministry. I also disagree publicly with the way other leaders handle things in Lakeland where Todd became prominent and I know that Phil read my book, authentic fire, which was response to strange far and in that book. Specifically, I mention Todd Bentley by name specifically said that during the Lakeland revival. I journaled that this is an accident waiting to happen.

Specifically took issue with major things that happen in the Lakeland revival and that is in writing. Years ago, alright.

So when it comes to the quote that that Phil pulls out okay.

When I said that when it comes to the. The specifics I have no comment since I know it's false and true already rejected his ministry every spoken out against his ministry.

I don't believe he should be in ministry said that over 10 years ago. Okay, but I said in this case, I don't know it's false and true meaning. I I would investigate the accusations. Just as there accusations with their accusations against Phil Johnson or John MacArthur or somebody else you don't disbelieve them because they're out there, even if I had a thought they were credible.

I was there, them because I didn't know whether false true, but I already rejected his ministry anyway. Phil gives a very very misleading presentation. But then, here's what I keep writing but I do know this that applies especially to those of us in leadership, God gives us many opportunities to repent in private before allowing us to be exposed publicly. In other words, if this is true, then you better believe that, that God's been dealing with Todd for years about this if we keep sweeping sin under the rug. It will come back to haunt us and to bite us.

That's why it's always best repent quickly, completely by excuse cast yourselves in the mercy of God is more than able to forgive and restore no question what Phil did was completely misleading. That is bearing false witness against me.

A brother why to paint a picture that goes along with a false narrative friends.

That's not godly is not the spirit of Christ. This unholy that's not biblical. It is negative and it is destructive. Now the plot thickens okay. It ended up that I agreed to lead a panel with others who were not can investigate his ministry practices whether they like the way he operated or not, but specifically with the charges against him. True right so at great personal cost. I got involved with this other leaders got involved on my end. It was a tremendously taxing thing with lots of attack from every side for doing this and taking this on. Okay.

And I was not on the panel of judges because I had a ready disqualified Todd so I just guaranteed that there would be a fair hearing of the evidence an outside investigator was hired and brought in. He spent over 200 hours doing interviews investigating charges and as a result, the five person panel came down with a very very strong word against Todd being in ministry absolutely disqualified from ministry and no way he should be back in ministry. In less than three years of restoration at the place and under no circumstances should he ever lead a ministry again at the same time, the panel of judges recognize that he been supernaturally gifted by God Mariette Sampson supernaturally gifted and yet fell into sin.

I hope Todd is right with God or gets right with God and in walks with the Lord in humility. The rest of his days. I hope that happens with reserving ministry, not a little habit. But before Lakeland and when Tom is not well all people told me about his love for Jesus.

They said oh yeah I knew him back then and things changed dramatically over the years, but they talked about the gifting and healings and miracles that Took Pl. in Jesus name.

So what we did with the panel that these were not my words with the panel's words very strongly overwhelmingly disqualified him from ministry years it would take of repentance and demonstrating change to come back into ministry and should never lead ministry get house pulpit and pen report this look at the headline in pulpit and pen all right what is it say Dr. Michael Brown says Todd Bentley supernaturally gifted by God sees pastor restoration that's blatant deception versus Mark my words anyway. That's what the panel said I simply printed with the panel, said his number one number two deck is a completely misleading impression of what the panel did you read through the whole article even find out more of the reality of things friends. This is dishonest business of that's why just ignore the stuff a bunch of things happen at the same time I thought okay I'm in address. This and then move on.

But this is the type of stuff that we do here like to give you one more example looking at the clock I tell you what my can of time to do that but getting to be a preview of what's coming and I will say this leading up to it. Reference Bethel church next right because I have a relationship with Bill Johnson. Chris relative I spoke Bethel once I spent some time with Bill here and there in different meetings we've emailed each other back and forth. I will know may be 15 emails Chris and I interact every so often, because I have a relationship not not close, we don't spend lots of time together maybe had a couple meals with Chris and maybe one with Bill over the years okay but because they're often in the spotlight and because his letter criticism. If I spot something that concerns me all right to them directly and then I'll say okay what you think about this because I've heard this and they say no, no, no, that's not we believe okay or actually that was said foolishly and and we repudiate that we don't believe in that you one of her leader said it, but we don't believe in that anymore right so I'm to do my best to do that and have sought to do it with all the hyper critics as well to reach out privately. All right, but if I see something that's public.

For example, there was a statement that went out from a group helping people deal with same-sex attraction at Bethel that was posted on Facebook. It's actually a fine group and they're seeking to do what's right and they fully recognize homosexual practices sin their incredible ministry reaching out to people struggling and helping them find wholeness and transformation in Jesus. There was something posted on Facebook and and it was so wrongly worded that not only did I reach out privately, but I posted an article publicly as well correcting it because I it was, not with intended to say it came out wrong so I'll do that.

That was just last year, I'll do that, but I welcome constructive criticism on the defender of Bethel and the leader in Bethel. I have no formal relationship with with Bethel 90% of what's taught practically 95%. I wouldn't know because I'm not there right but pastor Mike Wenger not charismatic but not anti-charismatic has a video he sent us all year plus ago and my sister Dylan listen Tallman said very fair criticism.

Fine by all means fair constructive criticism. Bring it on discussant my ministry anyone else's ministry so I welcome that warmly. It's the destructive deceptive criticism that is so dangerous device. Remember God hates it when his children throughout the site sanction the hyper critics do that will bring them, we will file the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH dear again is Dr. Michael Brown. Let us be dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. This is Michael Brown on that matter.

Todd Friel may have just computers on the medical Johnson on John MacArthur. I'm not mad at Chris@party Christian radio on aggrieved burdened but not mad and