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Sola Scriptura and Therefore Charismatic

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
March 2, 2020 5:01 pm

Sola Scriptura and Therefore Charismatic

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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March 2, 2020 5:01 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 03/02/20.

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What happens when you're raised by two lesbian moms which your view of parenting and an expert to win today stage or the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always, 866-34-TRUTH is 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown friends want to fire broadcast. We are going to have a very important show today. So glad you could be with us 866-34-TRUTH's number to call 866-348-7884 the first half of the show. Today I want to speak with Katie Faust.

She is doing something very very important today. She is advocating for the rights of children in terms of homes in which they were raised in terms of what children need, as opposed to just what some adoptive parent or other parent may want and she's got a lot of background and experience can be very important.

Also, both of you heard her watch yesterday show I I've got some clips to play few that can be eye-opening and will continue to discuss the question of anti-Semitism in the church that will be in the second half of the broadcast. First, my guest kit is the founder of them before us.

The only organization solely devoted to defending children's rights, and family structure. She's written many great articles but the question of the role of a mom and a dad gave parenting. What are the downsides to that.

So as a mom herself and hasn't her own unique story. Katie is uniquely qualified to join us. Hey Katie, thanks for being modified today. Much appreciated. Sounded to be doing here so Katie, what prompted our current conversation was Mayor Pete I just use his first name because I was mispronounce his last name South Bend, Indiana. He and his quote husband Cason about having kids and God made his partner to be a dad and things like that and you have some concerns from the viewpoint of being an advocate for children from the viewpoint of being a hater, a homophobe or bigot, but in the viewpoint being an advocate for children you have concerns about bringing a child into a world where my choice there deprived of either a mother or father so share show what you read when you hear these things when you hear me up. You talk what emotions go through what concerns you have anything that might Mayor Pete and his partner husband probably would build a wonderful father like I don't doubt that claimant all the problem is that neither of them can be a mother. And for either of them to become fathers in their current situation at hand.

It might have to lose their mother, thereby not to live a relationship with one parent, and at least one person to whom they have a natural right and that is an engine that an inductance that is being felt promoted and normalized today that now it sounds like progress but it's really not right that kind of mind that I have a right to a child, even if that means that that child cannot have a relationship with one or both of the people that are responsible for their existing that's actually a very regressive yell and fit when I hear the media promoting the idea that Mayor P and his partner, who are probably both very good man and probably would be great. Father, I think how insane that you think that a child should have to sacrifice something that they are made for something they have a natural right to that two men can be parent and in a relationship where they are deliberately probably deliberately cutting the mother out of the picture yet. So again, this is by choice, noticing they chose to have same-sex attraction, but if they choose to bring a child into the world. There has to be a mother involved the matter how advanced we are scientifically every human being has a biological mother about father Sue making a choice that will deprive the child of either a mother or father for life.

So Katie usually is a sociable one about single parents what you say that what's the difference what we had them before.

I will report adult hoodoo hardening children's rights are protected. People are single-parent because they are the only adult in a relationship that was going to do the hard thing and be a good parent their child that we are behind me adults that are choosing to do hard things. We are behind adoptive parents who are choosing to conform their lives to a child who has tragically lost to their parent. We are for heroic parents who are filling the gap filling tapping in to fill the void that was left perhaps by a delinquent or abusive or irresponsible biological parent but not negate the reality that children are the safest month attached to the most protected by ethically their biological mother and father and that when we violate those norms are when we deliberately deprive children of the bond we are putting them at risk, and so can't eat more than just love and safety.

You know they need more than just adult to care about them they need and are made for and have a right to their biological mother and father and well kind impossible for that arrangement to take place at the idea that we are now normalizing and promoting household where children will have to lose one or both of their biological parent is an injunction and you know I you mentioned a little in your introduction and I want to circle back a bit just to my own background. You know my parents divorced when I was 10 and thankfully my parents remained friend. I was still in relationship with both my mom and dad even after their divorce, but soon after their divorce.

My mom met and fell in love with another woman. Her partner and they're both wonderful and I've I've continued to enjoy a close relationship with both my mother and father throughout my life and so I would not say that I'm raised by lesbians but I will say that I love my mother I love her partner.

Both of them are incredible women and neither of them could have been my father and I'm so grateful that they didn't try and so grateful that I got to benefit from the love connection an attachment with my father throughout my life so been saying that children have a right to their mother and father is not anti-gay pro-child and you can say children have a right to their mother and father and still with all of your heart. Love those in your life who have same-sex attraction or who identify as gay and lesbian is no contradiction out of so Katie you were in essence not raised by lesbian parents. It would be a little misleading to say that but you have more insight. Having spent a good portion of your life with two moms and without the physical that present. Can you imagine what would be lacking in you.

What deficit you might've had what part of your life would would be kind of like a hole that needs to be filled. If you if you never really knew your father was. Imagine yeah I don't imagine it on our website. Story bank of children who were denied a relationship with their mother or father because they were raised in the same-sex head at household and it's extremely difficult for several reasons.

The first one is obviously the missing that dual gender input that all kids are made for that they craved there are certain things that dad to give to their their children. Whether it's a son or a daughter that mother's simply cannot give eligible say that there's no such thing as parenting is only mothering and fathering different men and women are when it comes to interacting with their children.

The kids are raised in same-sex headed households are always deprived of that dual gender influence that is a critical part of human development. Second, many of those children just flew the relationship with their mom or dad. They were intentionally denied a relationship with her mom or dad and actually set things up for a very distinct developmental challenge that all children when they're not being raised by their mom or dad no matter they lose them, whether through death, divorce, abandonment, donor conception or surrogacy yet to meet a kid not being raised by their mother and/or father who wonder why they do. They love me, do they think about me. Do I look like me.

I mean it's just the nature of kids to wonder about the two people who made them and think about them. There is loss associated with losing a relationship with your mom and dad in a way that is traumatic and painful for kids now can't raised in a same-sex headed household for kids that are donor conceived, who were intentionally separated by their parents who are raising them often feel that law and wonder about their other parent, but they're not free to ask Brett that loss because they're living with people who are responsible for their biological parent not being there to begin with a difficult dynamic where the child feel like they have to support the desires of the adults were raising them into that. You know the kids on our website who have chosen to share their stories with same-sex parents will say I cannot talk about that I cannot talk about how difficult it was to live with my father and his partner, or be raised by two months because if I do, the world will say that I'm a bigot.

The world will say that my natural desire to be loved by my missing father or to be loved by my missing mother is bigotry and so this whole cultural narrative today, silencing kids and so kids are raised in same-sex headed household and a lot of the time. These parents are good herein.

A lot of the times these kids don't feel like they are free to process their laws and talk about the ways that they are struggling and suffering and in and of itself sets up another layer of complexity for Ted and I heard from some of them themselves like I love my mom so I love my dad's want to hurt them, but and the website anonymous us that came to my attention a few years back and this was children of anonymous sperm donors and they would post stores and they would postpones a rhythm on the almost broke down and had the gal that father said come on and it'll all who am I and I'm dating someone they kinda look like me.

Maybe that's my brother or my sister what happens if we kiss her know what school is their relationship in this my deck. I just graduated high school. He knows this he is just an anonymous but how much did you make donating your sperm you know if you ever think about me and so again like I can't relate to that and yes a kid in an adoptive home. Thank God for the adoptive mom and dad that are caring for the child in the sense of identity, but even then, the child still has this thing. They wonder about origins and in your talk about again a case like this will willingly of choices made by two gay men were two lesbian women a choices made to bring a child into the world and by choice to deprive the child of either the mother or the father we come back want to talk with Katie about two things. What about we here know all the kids races in six homes, they're doing just as well. Even better in his raised office at six homes and then what's the difference what is mom raising kids are fleeing the dad of the processing, what's the biological, spiritual, emotional differences related to how you find out more about Katie for soluble. She knows that all will light a fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution is Michael Brown on the line of fire. You called big it blasted you get attacked. That's just the reality we have to speak the truth in love because we care about people here. Katie fell specifically Christmas children will looks like we lost Katie there. I don't know what happened. How are the let's reconnect with her all right.

Don't know Hope I didn't do it. I don't think I hit anything, but if I didn't I probably don't think I did get Katie right back on the line is a question from Brian and Charlie Brown want to ask Katie your question directly, but you can connect with her. You can look up them before us them before us them before right so I give out that info now them before children's rights before adult desires replaced to go you connect with on Facebook, twitter, etc. all right, so what will get Katie back momentarily, but O'Brien you asked the question how do parents deal with gay parents and children's TV shows. One thing is if you see the show is going in a certain direction where it's going to normalize homosexuality in the eyes of children that is good to just say you're working a watch that anymore or mommy, daddy think there's a better show or let's do something together that the kid really likes to do. If you feel that it's it's there it's over. It's now going to be a negative influence right. That's the first thing the second thing is if it does come off as a question, you can just take the child say boy that is such a mistake but probably very nice man are very nice ladies but kissing them mommy and daddy, gave him mommy and daddy not a mommy or mommy, daddy and daddy depend on the kid I was. I was in gym workout one day and focus training for little while so I know what to do was out. My son Christian then says oh my son and and saw two men holding hands in his daddy. That's not right setting that what you said it would be mean, but I should just tell them they're confused. Pray for was me that I can view all should I say there willfully rebelling and inside-out hell bound sodomites centers are. You tell the kid don't tell tell the kid because there there sincere and they think this is Curtis's father. They believe it. Whatever level of deception therein. So you compassion and thanks Brian for for the question of I may have to fill in for Katie was somehow we lost are those that listen. I've done interviews. I was on with Todd Starnes on his national radio show couple months ago and we were really dominance of the subject accident six months ago and the time from redoing that I had to do it on my cell phone because it was in between office and home and so on and I go to location is always good. Buyer catenary will call by Dr. Brown to get a call back and lose each other so I hate when that happens, but it does happen sometimes. You know it's interesting every mom and every mom and dad can relate to this the way you raise your kids the way you relate to your kids.

Now it is so stereotypical, but it's often very true.

The mother being the more protective the father being the more adventurous the mother being quicker to see faults and problems. The father being quicker to see the potential and possibility. This this often happens.

I remember when our girls were like junior high.

Thereabouts late elementary school early junior high around their and we were meeting with the principal of the school as a pastor and an educator and Nancy was raising her concerns about one of our daughters and and I was sick. I was visibly fine. Any civil this is totally typical of the covered truth is where you meet in the middle there a Katie, we've got you again all connected. Here are connected all right yeah don't know how we lost you there but but anyway I was stuck having to be Katie for little while to give your website try not to blow it but tell me the difference in some of the most fundamental ways of mom -related wicked dad relating to a kid how they raise kids with different perspectives. They bring me with this for years but this boils down a couple of minutes. What are some of the biggest differences in parenting yeah how important you know we have servants in the last few years I trying to say that men and women can only be equal if they're the payment we can minimize gender differences but nowhere do these gender differences display themselves as magnificently as they do in parenting tell you know mothers and fathers play differently this time to play with kids and mothers tend to care for kids fathers encourage competition mothers encourage equity I always use the example of monopoly like when my husband is playing Monopoly with the kids. It is just cutthroat mean my kids are like money, shark, and I walk in brothers some money and people and people that right. They need the fathers were encouraging him to go farther in fact in the mom that they pay you got other people in the family to look out for two fathers push limit mothers encourage security in a month and communicate differently.

Fathers talk to be more brief like hey I got the garbage and you know mom tend to use more subtle body language be more descriptive, impersonal and verbally encouraging honey, I know that your anything up you're reading right now.

But when you're done. If you could take out the garbage, that would be really helpful in getting the Internet you know what I mean. I mean, this is not differently. It's not stereotypical to say the father is throwing the baby in the air and catching them as the baby is laughing with glee in the muzzle topic that's not stereotypical to think normality is not the mother throwing the baby around in the father running it there.

There are differences and the kids need the influence of both and without a select. So what about you hear from gay activists know there's no difference. Surveys have been done right is been done, kids raised by two months because there is no qualitative differences in life and in an NI else how your response today.

Yeah just wrote a great article yesterday in public discourse about that new book that would put out by Walter Schaum examining every study ever done methodology and the conclusion of it on Monday, parenting and so I will briefly say that those studies that show that there is no different.

Have major methodological flaws that either use very small population. They rely on parents reporting what they provide. Give the child the experience to be. They don't use random sample. I mean, it's not the gold standard of social science research that you've been told that should exist for massive population-based conclusion that their coming tail, and I like the kind of play.

The thought came with people you know I okay look I'm not talking about same-sex parenting tend to agree on four major things. Number one men and women are different and mothers and fathers offered Huntington complementing benefits to children number two biology matter that biological parents tend to be the most connected to protective of invested in and permanent in the life of their kids number three anything the child loses a relationship with their mother or father through death, divorce, abandonment or donor conception there's trauma and those kids suffer diminished outcome and finally that nonbiological parents don't respond the same way to the children in their life and that is why we have such serious screening and vetting from her adoptive parents because it's risky to place the child with a biological stranger whenever you're not talking about same-sex parenting.

Social scientists agree on those four things and we have decades of social science research to support that the one that when you suddenly daddy day parenting when all four of those factors are going to be implicated differently. No different.

Sandy answer is because there's obviously a political factor involved in ideological factor involved in the studies and not just data, not just good client not just trying to chase the facts, wherever they lead us towards the sun for doing the research gets academic persecution simply going against the politically correct narrative and as you mentioned, one of the issues comes up is is that the reports rely on the parent's perspective or a kiss is doing wonderfully.

They're the happiest heartbeat and then the open secret which gay activists talk about is that people are not asking the question will or is there a higher percentage of the kids identifying same-sex attracted.

Is there a higher percentage of the kids experimenting sexually questioning their gender or the boys being feminized are the girls being master laws and the answer those questions. Oh yeah, those things are happening, but that's considered fine or a positive. There's nothing wrong with it. So of course you're not going to get equal results. When you change the fundamental equation so radical right well yeah, and my issue is that they're not actually talking to themselves right going to be a long time a long time before you are able to find a small population. Children raise the same-sex adult special if you want to get them from the moment of conception. You know that the problem the activists will say you know to study that do point to children who have suffered because they are the product of a heterosexual relationship that broke down and they had to go to transition find me to kids who have been with their same-sex parents from the moment of are going to turn out great. Well about the problem because donor conceived kids who were raised and had sexual household struggled proportionately with trust issues, delinquency, addiction, feeling like they got identity struggled in the home of a married heterosexual couple.

You're telling me that somehow the donor conceived get into things like that happens when they don't have the jewel dual gender influence are doing great but the kids raised the petrified Hill parent even though one of them with a sperm donor have diminished outcome. There is no way for the facts and the data to support the conclusion. All they've got is anecdotal stories and all they've got is bluster right and time will tell.

Just like with no-fault divorce.

It took a while was best for the candidate took a while and then studies indicated the opposite hate Katie were out of time goals friends to them before Katie is is articulate, loving, clearheaded things fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution zero Jim Dr. Michael Brown heart filled hopefully with wisdom and love, but you get within my heart.

What you see is what you get. I did not see a certain type of attack coming this is Michael Brown you are participating in the line of fire number to call 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 7884. I would love to open the phones to those that agree with on Benjamin. Those that agree with Rick Wiles introduce those that agree with Oligarchy Michael Jones. Those that agree with Rev. Ted Pike resolved yesterday.

I would love for you call in love for you to call him and speak your mind rather just posted and snipe from online is also to candidly it 6634 truth, but I did not see this attack coming and it's one of the saddest one of the most pitiful one of the ugliest one. The ones were where I feel so bad for the people attacking but it's it's coming out more and more because I have exposed anti-Semitism because I have called out hateful misinformation being spread about Jewish people because of done that.

I'm now told on the Christian young not to follow Jesus. Many laws come from trader into Jesus Christ by false convert row going genitals know what you think of us on our Savior Jesus Christ, repent, sir, and on and you should back down.

It's so obvious you're a Jew try to pretend you're a Christian it's really disgusting so I feel bad for people that are that are that in left field to even believe with their with their writing, but I think they do give him the benefit of the doubt say they believe with their writing and how would you feel if people thought know they come, but your your mortar from Moore's you're actually a grower posing as a human. Your feel bad for the people in general?

With every rock you feel bad for the people. I feel bad for people that are that to see that, for example.

For example, when I say I'm not a tumbler to a postal medical authority over the whole book against public authority, I'm in constant battle with, missionary revelers, constant battle right. I expect in the days to come that I will be singled out for attack by Orthodox Jews.

More and more and more and more as were more successful in reaching Jewish people. That's what I expect X with my life will be threatened okay but when I say by the way the Talmud does not promote pedophilia. That's a lot Jesus. Have you taken the lies that deeply have you ingested the demonic Kool-Aid that deeply that you can't separate fact from fiction. Truth from error and that when someone you might so I differ with you Dr. Brown I have a different perspective of the great fun okay but said let's get into it so you don't follow Jesus are you. You claim that the dark Dr. Michael Jones, Michael Jones, it some of what he says is anti-Semitic. Drugs are to follow Jesus like you actually believe that that's very sad so solicit I thanks thanks for posting so this is off from shoulder to give you post it was her. Then Sean McGill. There we go. This man is most solid through and through and I just make a request. I got a request since I'm a scientist shill and a secret undercover Mossad agent.

Could someone tell them to pay me at least. Kids would so I'm just the least do that for some working for them undercover for 47+ years. Someone tell me Shirley's pain because I denigrate job.

I showed you actually believe that direction while while while while utterly amazing, so here's what happens yesterday right some Lisa Dr. Brown was disappointed just as you you you ambush Rev. Ted Pike.

That was wrong. Could you do that that was wrong you ambush the man what I take those things seriously produce a relic to show but you you mishandle that yesterday, so I actually went back in a full day yesterday late last night, I went back to listen to some of the broadcast. To reiterate what I knew I was, not ambush was, not ambush.

Now I'm demonstrated before the show. When I witnessed the call by producer Matt called Ted Pike is here's here's the background you need to know right I had no interest in having him on the show to talk about equality Bill and gay activism because I can talk about that.

I have talked about these things for years. I have friends who are attorneys, Christian attorneys, conservative activists brought any of them on the air to talk about this.

He contacts us right and then my producer matches will Dr. run differs with you and your sisters every time is attacking homosexual issues you bring up that the with the Jewish leaders are doing in a in a deal than Jews. Jews. Jews and it goes back to the Talmud and the secret pedophiles in all this is a bring that up so I said if he's coming on I want to discuss my differences with this young percent yes are you sure is that yes you call them right before the show. I witnessed the call, okay I witnessed the call now. I want you to let's go back to yesterday show restart with click number one and I want your this is how I introduce the show and these are my opening comments.

Let's start here over there and continue to explore the subject of Christian anti-Semitism. We are going to have a really interesting show today and there could be some very constructive fireworks in the midst of it. Rev. Ted Pike leads the national prayer network of Christian conservative watch story watchdog organization.

He's appeared frequently before the media dealing with lots of social and cultural issues. Can I definitely share a lot of concerns about where the cultures going concerns about morality concerns about homosexual activism, etc. we would be stepper stop in many of those concerns.

At the same time.

He specifically feels that Jewish people, Jewish leaders, in particular or driving the gay agenda, and other negative activist agendas that are hurting our country and as stated in his bio here in the tradition of Christ in the Hebrew prophets Rev. Pike is an outspoken critic of ADL.

That's us making the evil Jewish leadership and it goes on so we're start with her areas of commonality and then were going to highlight are very very different starkly different views of the Jewish people, and Israel are so that's I start off the delete into the show were going to continue to explore the history of Christian anti-Semitism then might intro. I go agree to great pains to explain were going to get into our differences and we may have some constructive Falcons I had quoted him in 1992 my book her hands as they reply to some of the worst most horrific statements about the Jewish people.

False ugly statements about Israel.

Jewish people I called back in 92 as well surprise while you contacting us in and etc. okay so that's how we start off that way. But enough. But there's more.

Click number 21. Start with her areas of commonality before we highlight our differences, I will. I want to specifically discuss why your costly time. The funds in with with Jewish leadership, etc. but go ahead you come back to the two things you want your attention to, and will make sure we we cover this subject and then will shift over to the Jewish also back to you, sir, to the point you want to make one more point on the bill.

We come back let's talk about the role of Jewish people. I take deep deep difference. I have differences take offense to say this Turnpike is made of a you have a dialogue about it momentarily right here is a conservative activist also feels that Jewish people particular or to blame for a lot of the social ills. He does not them all Jews, but again will interact with that are so that's 5×5 times in the first 1560 minutes of the show to talk about this with talk with this with talk with this talk about this with talk about this with talk with this. We have differences will talk about this then number three.

I asked him directly did my producer tell you we work. This is like we don't want to talk about this with about other things and people accusing me of half pushing him as it was quite the contrary.

This is this is overkill to set the thing up as they were going so click number three. I asked him okay what are the producer. What did Matt say when he called with with when we gave the invitation. Did he explicitly tell you that I differ deeply with you, and they were all for us. Discuss them. You said before coming on the air might reduce explicitly called to ask how we go there not let me go there so he says yes we were very clear.

I said about five times in the first 1516 minutes only talked about the other bill out of courtesy to him the bill itself is important, but I didn't need the money or to do that. I did that on courtesy because he wanted to but my reason probably lawlessness discuss. I differences but Jewish people, which she weaves in all the social issues is costly criticizing damages and when I tell them is really can't really remember Ararat Aramaic when rabbis explained to him with the Talmud actually says about issues that the public does not sanction pedophilia. And again I love how would you, I, I, I'm in constant battle with somebody Jews about Jesus.

Constant battle.

I do not submit to their authority. I do not soon submit to rabbinic authority.

I don't believe the Talmud inspired but when you use speak it misinformation about it one to address it. Does the Talmud speak negatively about Jesus very negatively, it could well be in some places this debate is a talk about that Jesus or someone from another generation.

The chronology doesn't work, but it could well be you speak about him very ugly terrible terms, and Marysville could well be not denying that right but that it does not promote pedophilia.

So here they are less Coquitlam for the go right to the phones when I explained to him the truth and tell them what the passages really mean here so he response. Again, I'm not a tumbler Jew.

I reject public authority I am and I have a whole volume as to why I reject the Talmud are 300 pages on but the these are misconceptions, and to make the road the route of the ancient rabbis, sexual perverts, that is a statement Jesus would not make my Michael evidence is overwhelming and what you're basically throwing your standard Orthodox Jewish subterfuge should try to whitewash these people whom Christ called dockworkers will." Amazing. So when you tell him the truth but with the passages really say that I'm joining in with the subterfuge and can I just say something I get to look at a lot of the promise is a love interest love's is silly, really disappointing alive by evidence I like. That's disappointing someone to help you. Seems sometimes. By this, John. It's the light a fire with your host activist authors, internationals, and Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution light fire now by calling 8663. She will be doing taking on these wise friends. There's a price to pay when you stand for truth. There's a price early this morning I was up. A local Fox news about the war on gender how we approach this in a compassionate Christian way were taking all the lies of anti-Semitism were taking on the lies of a false prosperity gospel in a hyper grace message were taking on the lies to try to tear people away from Jesus and were doing it with joy and with grace were confronting radicals on their countries.

I can't go administering now because we called out radical Islam.

We do it with your help, so stand with us.

Now here's a great way to do it pennies a day become a patriarch partner all right if you go there right now If you watch on Facebook or YouTube. There's a link Dearborn asked Dr. Brown become a patron part. We just started this $10 more for muscle pennies a day as you stand with us not only to help us get the message out more, produce more videos, but you get to bonus videos every single week, exclusive there so become a patron partner a will you stand with us.

Thank you for praying, thank you for your support.

We go to Sydney Australia.

Angela, welcome to the line of fire all hello Scott how are you I'm blessed man, nice to hear your accent not all dogs are very not speak to you off try to get on a few times this year, but with my luck, and I'm so happy to be on on on the farm to you and I not think you're doing a magnificent job and God bless you and I do see you as a beautiful person who tries to cope Jewish people to come through our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm all great background and only to Greek orthodoxy, but are you are done for muscle for Greek Orthodox talk also for Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ, the Bible believing the unification of all humanity and what you are doing is absolutely wonderful and I'm so blessed and that's why me to speak to you. Go ahead, sir. Thank you for the very kind words and double to be in Australia next February.

But in any case yes to your question or comment for today. Well I was missing to your show for Pike now in relation to the promotional video leaving the Jewish religious systems that were at the time so I mean, obviously coming from comments like that unwarranted at all because he can't identify any particular person. We can't put blame on anybody that the pedophile rule practices will promote pedophilia in any way shape or form. Why my issue that I have believed that that as humans we need to unify so we need to unify as you rightly site and we will believe under Jesus Christ.

Now that I love Jewish people are working the Jewish area predominantly Jewish TRW theory, but I work at RX. My question it's 2000 years now since the Lord has come in and gone they will be going to come again. We are at the stage now where we don't need to Christian Jesus where he is the Messiah will not be thought that we believe will we don't believe that he is, we need to put it out there to the people. Mel way when Jesus came he said I am God.

Mel whoever rejects that statement does not believe in God, themselves, so you Jewish, Greek, or any other background. When you said you don't believe in Jesus. That means you don't believe in God because he is so this is evidence of that. Let me just jump in for time say because I do want to get to to respond all right. I'm so glad you got through today. Here's what here's right, I would start wanted you religious two says I don't believe that Jesus is God in their mind.

God is not a man. God does not become human. God does not take on corporeal form if if he does then that being is not really God. What I would rather do say okay we agree there is one God, we agree there is one God who created everything we grant this one God requires certain things morality and conducts… Let's start loving our neighbors are self because we all agree in Judaism and Christianity that this is something important. This recognizes one God. Let's recognize that we are called to love her neighbors are self right that lies a wrong that injustice is wrong, that that mistreatment of other human beings as well. Let's agree on that now. Who was Jesus you say he was using is only for the Gentiles will then go to the Gentiles I got for the truth and then have the dialogue so I would start Cindy, unify its agreeable.

We grew the most owing to Muslim. Okay, we agree there's one God, one going honorably velocity of the Bible at all. We okay we agree on this, this, this, we really should be killing each other sorta okay let's agree there the lease. We can live next to each other without shooting each other and now let's have a conversation that I believe Mohammed should I believe Jesus who was really the properties relieving us to God. Sure there's more to your question, but for time sake needed to jump in and so I appreciate it that's on the combat lies in the combat lies against the Jews because that yet. There's still a lot of Jews think that's what Christians do they lie about them and kill them. That's with a gun through history.

Something about the lies and show no real Christians love Jewish people, even while we say you need Jesus to be safe. All right, let's go to Nicole in Texas. Thanks for calling the line of fire all around yeah you're on the air yesterday and I think after I also looking at the chat. I think people just wanted to hear. Had you as radical and antioxidant. Why and I guide to disagree with them but I think that sort of even a collar from me is trying to say to just have a dialogue not proved it had argue or improved his video to just have that answer really asked that question. And so I get my comment.also you struggle with responding yeah I mean I usually don't you get emotional, but I felt like you got really emotional for had in it.

I just wanted to know what what stops you from Kino hearing is you, but not being offended, I got yeah thank you so much and if I fall short. Anyway, I absolutely pause. Is this where we watched it.

Let's see what was got what was going on in and as I looked at especially knowing why I was asking having him on and would've been set up his views are among the most vile I've ever read about Israel and the Jewish people. When you have Jews who were butchered by Christians because of lies that were spread about them in the Middle Ages and horrific lies that were spread whole Jewish communities burned at the stake because they relied about Ted Pike says that the Christians were so moral that they were offended at the sexual perversions of the Jews and kill them. That's one of the ugliest thing so it just like I might have a Holocaust denier on an ever friendly dialogue and an you know, it is also okay that's an interesting perspective. So that's ugly that's wrong. If they start blaming the juicer. You're right. I just so somebody posts this earlier and basically calling for an uprising against the Jewish people and and saying that the synagogue shootings false. All the mass shootings are false of the Jews behind them.

I can tolerate that garbage.

So what happened yesterday was we were explicit as to what we were going to talk about in the moment I brought it up. He took personal offense and then he's claiming that that there is a subterfuge with Orthodox Jewish subterfuge lying about what's in the Talmud and I'm adding to those laws.

So here he is spreading perversions that is been doing this for decades instead is been doing this for decades to get a website will with garbage accusations against Jewish people claiming that according to the Talmud and the Kabbalah. The Judaism plans to destroy the church of America through starvation and for chiming ugly perverts, crazy accusations that have spawned all kinds of Jew hatred over the years.

Among those that have read his stuff and those that have been interacting with real feel that you should just remove yourself for people like that and not even have that debater conversation I want because he contacted us. I would not ask someone like that to come on. Normally, but because he contacted us. I said what all have a mom but only if we go in that direction.

The moment we went there so he I wanted to do the very thing you're asking.

I wanted to have him expose his views as ugly and perverse and demonic as they are about the Jewish people. I wanted to have them do it but I made a decision when he started interrupting when he started claiming that I was lying about was in the Talmud and joining with a subterfuge and he didn't want to go there. He just wants go back to the bill. I I decided recovery of the radio knows if he stays on his computer. It's can be an ugly battle. It's not can it it's not can it be good for listeners. This can be interrupting back and forth a one night when I really correct some of the that the ugliest errors and statements you skin it easier to drop out skinny generate now with the Michael Jones we are very very civil discussion of he's much more scholar than Ted Pike, but we had we had a civil discussion only to find out afterwards that he didn't realize that I thought his views were anti-Semitic. I thought wow I said it right at the out. He recommends no like him trying to bite it when you do have is people that are to radical that you just really have to cut it off and just not talk to yet a certain point, yes. My goal was to expose and that's why had a mom, but the collusive if in any way I disappointed any listeners viewer despite not being is gracious sore I look at the I have a motion reason said the microphones let's have a family whilst I said I doubt any Michael Jones were hoping let's put everything out, let's expose the lies truth and trust Nicole, thanks for being a faithful listener