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The Power of Testimony

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
March 9, 2020 4:41 pm

The Power of Testimony

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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March 9, 2020 4:41 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 03/09/20.

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Talking today about the power of testimony. It may just change your life stage for the line of fire with your host activist all the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of Ministry of the line of fire now by going 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown this verse you may have heard from the Psalms. Let the written deemed of the Lord say so. It's often used to call for testimony and I want to encourage you today about the power of testimony to be edified. Encourage blessed on today's broadcast. This is Michael Brown come your way lives from Cummings Georgia right outside of Dawsonville Georgia room here for ministry yesterday and today. I'll tell you more about that in a moment.

We are audio only, so the same as always on radio, but you don't get to see me live on Facebook and YouTube same voice, same Michael Brown serving as your forcible sanity and spiritual clarity and same number to call 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

I do want to talk a little bit about the coronavirus you want to talk a little bit about the presidential elections in America and I'm open to taking calls on a wide range of subjects. So if you're unable to get through on a Friday or even on a Thursday and had a question for me. Comment wanted to interact. Please I all means give me a call and as we spoken about the gifts and power of the Spirit for today and covered those issues. If you have questions about those things. Please give me a phone call but I want to encourage you on the subject of the power of testimony and it's something that I think we we do not use enough because of which our faith is not as strong as it could be our confidence is not as strong as it could be.

And God is not glorified to the degree that he could be glorified. I was at a meeting last night spoke yesterday Sunday morning Sunday night in the church and in North Georgia Dawsonville Georgia were hundred nine weeks ago they began to call for people that wanted to make rededication of the lobster water baptism or a symbolic act of surrendering their lives through water baptism.

So, not necessarily a first-time convert is how we normally associate water baptism, but this would've been an ancient Jewish world, there were various baptismal rights washing rights to Hebrews 62 talks about doctrine teaching of baptism is plural.

In any case, as they began to do it in obedience to something the Lord had shown the pastor. People began to get righteously touched of people got sick free from from long-term sinful bondage his people, God miraculously healed encountered God in fresh ways so they did it again another week and another week, so numerous churches come together now to to host these meetings on Sunday nights this time of worship there is preaching that is water baptism so I finished preaching service started six. I finished preaching.

It ate some of the past eight we had people respond to the message and then I prayed for individuals that want prayer, but after that they went into their water baptisms and people come from other countries to be baptized come from different parts of America or two to go through this baptismal ceremony and and you would know what was really happening. Know saying they're the people be ministered to and prayed for quietly but you wouldn't really know what's happening is it's going on and they would do this on the how late it lasted.

I left the corded 10 something like that, but I believe it went on past midnight, sometimes to one or two in the morning, they pray for everyone ministered everyone baptized everyone that wants to go through this and is single what actually happened because you are watching it you not see anything. People seem to be touched and blessed but not really seeing anything. It's disquiet service people praying and ministering and so on. Not a big emotional. You know, shouting, jumping around anything like that. There's worship going on is the people being baptized.

What's actually happening will before the baptisms last night before I preached there were testimonies there was a family there.

Mom dad with their Ford girls two twins. I think eight that a seven-year-old girl than a four-year-old girl in the four-year-old girl they noticed some problems the next stiffening in different problems with walking and things like that and they brought her into the doctrine turned out that she had a cancerous tumor lodged in her spine and this is nothing can be done about it. They said radiation that the goal was radiation a regimen of 28 days rigid of radiation. The goal is to stop it from growing. But you can't get rid of it in life expectancy is very short it's it's deadly so there at the end of themselves.

They hear about what's happening. They bring their daughter and end out. She doesn't want to get the water it with everything she's been through so the dad does on her behalf again is is is is just a part of faith. The point of contact upon the absent fresh surrender to the Lord and in the prayed over the daughter and they brought they brought her back in for another x-ray and the doctors looking and is shocked as amazed that the tumor is completely call me, so there is that we saw the before and after, there is x-ray before and after God's good God, he does this kind of thing so I know not everybody's heel. I understand that the vast majority people. I pray for with cancer of years have not been healed fully honest about that or the feelings have been few and far between her and pray for that many people with cancer. Those I have normally haven't seen in a miraculous answer, but God does these things he does them. To this day.

Jesus is risen from the dead and sent the Spirit continues to do these amazing wonderful things so there there is that the hear the husband's been totally honest. He said my skepticism kicked it and I said okay. Could the radiation have done this and this is no no no you don't understand this tumor does not respond to radiation that way that our hope was that it wouldn't grow for little while just extend her life. I may be few moments that was our hope is of note that the doctor said it is a miracle. We have no explanation for why this happened. It was it was one of three miraculous testimonies that that that we heard last night on video or in person and two of the three were cancer related and they both had scans medical scans afterwards where the doctors had no explanation said this is America then then the father says that what we look at that there's this little white dot that's on the X race.

What about that this is not a system of fatty deposits that that's that's always there is a defect deposit because he's thinking like we are is real good but I don't know maybe some really true here just and I love the fact that he was being open and honest with skepticism. I love that because as most of us may hear the reports like ELS time I heard the report, the person died or it wasn't the doctors report that they miss read it or whatever. And yet it's it's natural to have these questions but then you hear the testimony and you see the family and then you meet the people. Years later, and the healing is real and and here's the here's the whole deal. You didn't know what was happening until you heard the testimony and suddenly you realize what God was doing. I have been in meetings where people have responded to an altar call, and they come up in their weeping at the altar, and their cry out to God, but I don't know their lives. I don't know the background of the history. I don't know why these two people are hugging each other crying. I don't know the story until I hear the testimony and when I hear it now, my faith soars. Now I'm edified. Now I'm encouraged now I am built up and and I I just asked folks what I do.

This hardly hardly ever but I just asked folks on the S Dr. Brown's Facebook page. My personal Facebook page and in our twitter page. I just asked folks if our ministry has been a blessing to you. Could you just share a short testimony. I want to encourage your team and I want to glorify God together with you and I been reading I mean scores and scores and scores and scores of testimonies posted and it's it's moving and it's encouraging. Thank you all of you that are listing that posted testimonies.

Thank you for taking the time to do it. How encouraging. How wonderful to hear how maybe a book that we wrote changed your life or radio broadcast that we did saved you from from from error or whatever it is all to the glory of God.

But you see, right now I'm talking on the radio right I'm speaking and I know their people listening because were on the radio. We can see on YouTube and Facebook views and then people downloading podcasts and tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people. I understand that but right now I'm sitting talking in an empty room to a microphone right you may be listening in the words I'm saying are life-changing for you, but I don't know what and the rest of the body doesn't know it because there is no testimony to go with it. You hear what I'm saying once you hear the rest of the story.

Once you find out that person weeping at the altar was a drug abuser for 20 years and that night came under deep conviction of sin. And that night went running to the altar to get right with God and that night was forgiven and then you see them. Six months later. You can even recognize them and they are new creations in Christ, they are changed people. They have been saved by the blood of the Messiah. You sure the rest of your story in their background. It's it's amazing. It's wonderful.

It's glorious. I want to encourage you to share testimonies with one another more to edify and encourage one another more II posted one time and asked the question if you have been miraculously healed by God.

A definite documented tangible healing not I believe it.

I feel it I think it but it's it's it's document you have a documented medical condition. Maybe it was incurable, and by God's power and grace. You miraculously healed, not not through our prayers and just ask if this happened in your life to posted and we did a lot of social media. I was plowing away and I know God works. I know he works miracles, but I was blown away by the testimonies in some cases the depth of suffering the pain, the heartache, the difficulty and then the glorious divine intervention while or the V accounts with children or individuals or the medical testimonies in the doctors shock and that was 30 years ago.

That was 20 years ago. Wow. I'm in even even people responding to our books. I was looking at testimonies from people read the book that Nancy and I wrote breaking the stronghold of food and I'm looking down at it to some amazing testimonies that are just glorious one for them just want to see her. I lost 85 pounds and kept it off for almost a full year now my wife has lost 74 pounds is a few weeks away from her one your weight loss anniversary. God bless you and Dr. from Dr. Joel Fuhrman's plans on that we follow those reading another account gentleman in a wheelchair, but was so old, obese it affected his whole health and he said you know my family. Now they have a husband back in that they have a father back because he lost so much weight in his whole health change that is able to function inducing could do before even that is so encouraging to hear so if you have a testimony, share it, share with a friend share with with the world. Let God be glorified. The power of testimonies need to use more pressure descriptions. We come back if you have a testimony one share for ministries been a blessing to 866-34-TRUTH for cleansing and gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown, the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown question for me or for ministries been a blessing to you like to testify how to the glory of God, give us a call 86634. I just saw moments ago was always looking at our twitter feed and Israeli believer Jewish believer in Jesus wanting us to know how or materials. It helped and blessed him II have run into so many Jewish believers around the world who told me that they are strong in the face because of the apologetics books that we put out Gannett. It's all for God's glory. Any good that comes through us is for God's glory. But that's been amazing to hear because I wrote those books, the five volume series answering Jewish objections to Jesus so that no other Jewish believer would have to go through the pain that I went through the challenges I went through as is these Orthodox Jewish rabbis and learned rabbis challenge my faith and I did not have ready answers for them because I didn't know Hebrew. I was in first apologetics. I knew the Jesus to change my life, but didn't have answers for them. And as is God, the study and dig into the hard work and and spend the hundreds and thousands of hours necessary to put out these resources in dialogue with the Jewish community to do well and to do it with sensitivity when I hear from people and it's been a it's been a steady stream for many many years.

There were struggling in their faith that they were having questions and then as they read these books that the questions were answered as they watch the debates. The questions rancid face came alive. It means everything and encourages you and what you're doing to keep doing it, friends do your spiritual leaders for pastors and spiritual leaders that they know that their ministries been a blessing to do they know that maybe that sermon was a life-changing sermon for that they know that that word that you had for their for their for for the war that the pastor had for for your kid that that that was a pivotal word there today know that they know that when they prayed for you two weeks ago they got touched and you healed share it it it will glorify the Lord. It will strengthen your faith is you sure it will strengthen the faith of others as they hear it and it will encourage leaders to keep going to keep sacrificing to keep pushing so from from Dan or Don as it would be in Israel.

I'm an Israeli Jewish believer in Christ Evan following your work since 2008, Dr. Brown, your cultural commentary, especially your Jewish apologetics have enriched me to know and over the years of God blesses you in the years to come up another one and commented said as I read your writing. I realize that that there's a tribe out there that I'm part of another words that is not alone and what he feels and that's part of what we seek to do the be your voice of moral, cultural, spiritual evolution, so look we look in the Bible friends look in the Scriptures we see the account of the Exodus, not just hold as it happened, but retold and retold and retold in Israel's history and and it's it's given again in the historical books that they look back to at the den and the prophets look back to it in the Psalms look back to it and there is this constant remembrance and testimony so that you don't forget what God did in the past looks circumstances can overwhelm us. The challenges of the day can overwhelm us. Difficulties and hardships can overwhelm us and we end up struggling in our faith and we need to be reminded of what he did in the past, God is not inconsistent. God's not fickle. God doesn't change the famous verse in Hebrews 13 that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. That is forever true and as we we think back to what he did is ancient Israel put put the next generation remembrances to who God was and what he did. It stirred faith and in the question where is the God of our fathers today. What is in the Gospels repeat the same account over and over and over. Miracle recounted here, America recounted their America account of their teaching of Jesus here teaching of Jesus there is to drill it in its to get it deeper and deeper into our hearts look the Samaritan woman. Jesus speaks to her as a prophet, she realizes that he's the Messiah