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White Jesus, Black Jesus, and Jewish Jesus

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
June 25, 2020 5:30 pm

White Jesus, Black Jesus, and Jewish Jesus

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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June 25, 2020 5:30 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 06/25/20.

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This talk about removing white Jesus statues because that's scandalous and then others in their black Jesus paintings in Chinese Jesus statues and about the Jewish Jesus stage for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire valves like always 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH paradigm is Dr. Michael Brown, are you ready to have your eyes open.

I mean really open. I mean, as in all my open tuned in to the right show Michael Brown delighted to be with you 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884 we may blow away some preconceptions may challenge some thinking today, but I assure you we will present you with truth is thoroughly Jewish Thursday. That means that the only calls will be taking must be Jewish related so if there related to Hebrew questions Jewish law questions Jewish tradition, modern state of Israel messianic prophecy back onto the new test for those kinds of things for eyes are open to 866-34-TRUTH 878841 of the things that has happened now with the black lives matter movement which we distinguish from the important statement that yes black lives do matter, but one of the things that's happened with the black lives matter movement it it is iconoclastic it is destroying images it is destroying icons it is destroying what it considers to be cultural either idols and relics of a wrong past. It is very much Marxist driven. It is, it is very much destructive in its ideology. So where's it may make one good point. It's outweighed by many bad points of time and aspects of the movements. The one letter that want to tear down statue save of George Washington or or Abraham Lincoln or or others like that. One of the things now as we gotta get rid of these white Jesus statues we can get rid of the white Jesus statues cassettes based on racism and so on and so that is created a whole firestorm will get to that in a moment, but do we have any actual first century statements about what Yeshua looks like we know the prophecy in Isaiah 53 speaking about him says that he's he's not going to be an extraordinary appearance. In other words, the windiest physical appearance.

He does be nondescript in that regard, but does give us anymore details about him with answers no and if you will go around the world and look at the iconography religious artwork and and and the iconography of Jesus. Religious artwork about Jesus. If you go to China or if you search online for Chinese images of Jesus, you will see Chinese images and visibility of a Chinese.

I even search last night for Eskimo images of Jesus and there is Mary and Jesus Miriam and Yeshua look like Eskimos. That's perfectly understandable, because we recognize that the son of God came into our world and took on human form that that Yeshua became one of us an actual human being fully God fully man. He actually did that. So it's natural.

If we think of him in her own image is perfectly natural and understandable to to a point when I was in college.

There was of a friend of mine African-American friend. Solid believer. We fellowship a lot about the Lord and he invited me excuse me, invited me to visit the church he went to in Brooklyn.

It was a mega church back then and famous leader of the congregation.

Very impressive powerful meetings there.

When I walked in though.

There was a mural on the wall now is not used to any artwork any depiction of Jesus whatsoever.

So was the first surprise, but it was the last supper. It was Jesus and his disciples there all black.

What surprised me and I asked him about. He said when when you look at a yearbook or class picture was the first delivery look for your own picture.

He said so people can come and look for some they can identify with and that's like Jesus is by people didn't bother me at all. In point of fact is, will soon a minute.

Jesus wasn't black or white as as we would relate to these colors and and and and and race skin backgrounds today but it's it's interesting though that you'll find it in culture after culture. Another problem is if you have a white Jesus and then as the white man come with your message to another country you come to India come to Africa and you are colonizing the people they are as whites with a white Jesus.

Then Jesus becomes the God of the of the colonists of the conquerors of the slave traders are. That's when it becomes problematic. Right. But it's it's understandable that each culture would envision Jesus being like that now there's an interesting statement from a Rabbi who lived from your 92, 135 A.D. so within a century of Jesus, Rabbi Ishmael and and listen to what he said it's a discussion in the Mishnah about sarong which is the a skin disease that is transitive leprosy been something other than leprosy and it says this this is Mishnah. The guy in the beginning of the second chapter the brights I'll just read English are the bright spot in the German appears as a dull white. Some of this this bright spot to try to analyze what this is and how to recognize some of the German this this summer ought political leprosy.

This bright spot appears as dull white and the dull white spot in an Ethiopian appears as bright white rubbish.

Mel says the children of Israel, and parenthetically, may I be atomically suicide about will come back to that later but is amazing statement. The children of Israel are like boxwood neither black nor white.

But if an intermediate shade that he resist being a name which is not Shay just in between the children of Israel.

He's writing this as some of the living in in will be: visual today.

He's writing this within a century, the time of Jesus to say the children of Israel aren't black in the art wife there like boxwood. Munson was boxwood look like what was boxwood actually look like. Both feel you click online to see what boxwood looks like you, you'll see that boxwood is is actually a really description here in color, appearance, boxwood tends to be a light cream to yellow, which tends to darken slightly with prolonged exposure to light sample would not distinct from Heartwood so here I'm looking at an actual picture if you watch it on YouTube or Facebook.

You see Mrs. as well.

That boxwood is a light cream to yellow. This is how Rabbi Ishmael Rabbi Ishmael described the children of Israel said Mike boxwood now, here's what's really interesting over time. The big issue it in in history, medieval history thousand years ago. 500 years ago the issue was not a white Jesus versus a black uses a white Jesus versus a Chinese Jesus white Jesus versus an Indian Jesus wore red Eskimo Jesus or a Jesus of another ethnicity Hispanic Jesus. That wasn't the big issue.

The issue was a white gentile eyes. Jesus versus a Jew refuses that was the biggest.

This was part of the anti-Semitism in the church or the separating from the Jewish roots of the church abroad store Jewish psychologist wrote an important book. I was actually smell the air with us couple times years ago. He was impacted by some of the debates I did with with Rabbi Shirley.

He has a book Jesus. Jews and anti-Semitism in art how Renaissance art erased Jesus's Jewish identity and how today's artists are restoring it. Bernard Stark's a whole book on that and he actually goes through artwork to show how Yeshua becomes this fair skinned European okay many of you know that no big news there within the rabbis or the Jews are the monsters say a doctor but I think you're exaggerating okay.

Let's look at this picture by Albert Dürer. In it was panned according to what I know in 1506 and it's called Christ among the doctors meaning Jewish doctors meeting doctors of the law as we look at this picture it's it's quite shocking. It's depicting Jesus as a boy. He's these long hair. Discuss with reddish hair. He's he's fair skinned anything but a a rugged first century Middle Eastern Jews. That was a Carpenter builder and he surrounded by these men who are the sages the Jewish doctors. This would be when he stayed over when he was with his family in Jerusalem for Passover and and was in the temple. Reasoning with them at the age of 12 as you look at the picture to the to the right of him. So to the right of Jesus would look at this picture and think Yeshua you think your European Jesus to his right is is one of the doctors of the law. He looks like someone at of a horror flick. He is the yeses got the hook nose, but he looks positively evil.

Even his hands.

I mean this a devilish looking guy friends. This is what happened in history and in this is our illustrating is our illustrating the point that the the Jewish Jesus was so distant Yeshua, the son of Miriam Yeshua called Rabbi not Rev.

He was so distant that now he was European okay and even if I could understand that just imagining Jesus to be like you and some of the medieval art that the closes were and be like medieval close that the study envision things but now when the Jews around the more dehumanized that becomes the issue just as I said when you bring a white Jesus you're the colonizer you're the slave trader and you and you are white and you bring a white Jesus to people of color that you now call Iser and slave with its what's that say about your religion with that say about your Jesus. That's when it becomes problematic. Right the same way here. It's not so much the European Jesus in itself is problematic that's that's bad enough separating from the Jewish roots of the faith separating from historic truths that would would join Yeshua with Moses and Isaiah and the people of Israel that's bad enough, but with it. The demonizing of the Jews right. I got some probing questions will become back 866-34-TRUTH is number to call. Usually questions will be getting to them error on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution there again is Dr. Michael Brown, the ground, delighted with you all begin at your call shortly. So eager to interact with you and usually calls on this thoroughly Jewish Thursday. I will return in a moment, to a discussion about Jewish Jesus and how is been represented or misrepresented, and I can't. I can't. I'm iconography. Excuse me, artwork, painting, statues put aside with her should be painting, statues, roads, put that aside, they exist were commenting on what exists art a letter home with either personally pictures statues were just put that aside entirely. So one thing I just want to encourage you with is that we now have a donate button on the Esther to Brown Facebook page and it's right there, is you're watching now on Facebook and it's a super easy way. Just click on it.

If you believe in what were doing and recognize friends were in a very unique role when it comes to Jewish ministry. We are on the front lines reaching out to the Jewish people with the good news of Messiah or materials are utilized literally around the world to reach Jewish people to equip believers to restrict people and and there's wonderful fruit of people coming to the Lord and hearts and minds Jewish hearts and minds being open to Yeshua through a material at the same time we are pushing back against lies of anti-Semitism we are pushing back against manifestations of Christian anti-Semitism, misrepresentations of of Judaism. So were in that twofold battle here also reaching out toward people resisting the anti-Semitism and it can be often a difficult and lonely place with the Lord is with us and we know that you are with us, but if you help us with a one-time gift or maybe you want to contribute weekly or monthly. Just click on that, but it's a dollar or hundred dollars every dime is used and is restarted this week and the funds to start coming we dismiss and praise God. Good. That's, that's more money we can use to do more of this regional review produce more material that will be world changing, by the grace of God and will also help usher in salvation of Israel. So thank you for partnering with us. Okay the question of how Jesus is represented, the question of how Yeshua has been represented is no doubt that the church forgot its Jewish roots and Jesus became the, the fair skinned European leader of a church that was very much only separated from his village with people and become downright hostile to Israel. Jewish people, the exact opposite of the divine intent. The Gentile Christians would provoke Jews to envy and jealousy that they would see God work in the laws. These Gentiles they would see the quality relationship with God.

The presence of the spirit, they would see that the Gentile Christians were enjoying covenant blessings that once given Israel they say we want what you have in the Gentiles was able to cure Messiah. That's we have at your Messiah embrace him.

The church forgot that. Hence, these representations of Jesus were he's the fair skin European and the Jews evil monster type creatures while Shawn King black lives matter movement leader. It is now saying the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down so he's for pulling down statues now of Jesus represented his wife and he tweeted this out with a picture as well tweeted and said experts have long since said this is likely the most accurate depiction of Jesus white Americans who bought, sold, trade raped and worked Africans to death for hundreds of years in this country simply cannot have this man at the center of their faith. And then there's a close-up picture of a man is it African black Middle Eastern depiction this man's being depicted here. Okay, certainly not white, suddenly Caucasian. Was he right that experts have long since said this is likely the most accurate depiction of the snow BBC peers back did report about trying to reconstruct Jesus look like this certainly Jewish that that we know. But here's what BBC said about this image that Shawn King tweeted out a BBC said that in 2001, a forensic anthropologist Richard Neve created a model of a Galilean man for a BBC documentary called son of God working on the basis of an actual skull found in the region. He did didn't. He didn't claim it was Jesus face. It was simply meant to to prompt people to consider Jesus as being a man of his time, place, since we are never told what he looked like a sexual description okay so first. This is not experts have long said that's what you look like this one man created this image is not the image of an African it so that the image of a Caucasian. It's the image of a Middle Eastern Jew now here's a little mental game. I want you to play what your picture in Jesus different than the one you pictured those if in your mind.

Yours, Saul Musselwhite, Jesus what is black but it was a black African. It a Nigerian that's it and that's where the gospel came from and those those were the people of Israel that the Nigerians okay forget the contradiction in terms of just put in the South.

We have a problem with all what he was Asian what is Chinese, which have a problem with that was a big issue for black for Asian for white is that he wasn't any of the above. He was a Middle Eastern show in palm of that in from of the Savior being a rabbi and and if it was working amidst today. He he would not look like your typical Christian he would look like a Middle Eastern Jew has a as I work for you know something out of the book of Revelation. Revelation 114 tells finally was black as Revelation 114 is this description of Jesus and it says his head and his hair were white like wool but like snow is eyes like a flame of five senses.

His hair was like wool known is not about the texture is not dumb of the texture of his hair. It's time at the color white like wool white, like snow was saying that the texture of his hair was like snow, not a white like wool white, like snow with some of the color and then some translations as you see here said that is, his hair was white so was he a white man. Now this at first this is a vision of the glorified Yeshua of the glorified Savior. That's was told that it's it's this heavenly vision.

Here he is John Susan falls at his feet as dead. The glory same as you believe is literally a double edge sword coming out of his mouth in his face literally shine like the sun. This is a is the glorified son of God, not the way he looked on earth, but the trouble is black is as is his hair was what he does is, it was while he was white like wool white, like snow, but in some translations as head was white is not a description of how he looked on earth.

If you want to know who he really is. Read more about my book, the real kosher Jesus shall find to be an eye-opener.

That's the one that we worship as the son of God.

That's the one that we recognize as the Savior of the world, Yeshua the Messiah, the son of Miriam, the one who had Ptolemy deemed disciples with names like the cold Johan non-multi-Yahoo yeah that one Robbie Yeshua. That's the one that we worship and adore as God in the flesh, 866-34-TRUTH.

Let us start in Mexico with Vadim.

Welcome to the line of fire right around Oreo very well bless thank you sir. Mightily to call again (also, I am calling again. Yes, I remember I'm in the quest today. Maybe there with our card, still a bit and the way I understand what you're a failure. Please correct me if I'm wrong, is that if a Jewish person become the believer in Yeshua and expressive interest in observing the car commandment you will or will not knock them from doing so. But neither would you like to encourage not encouraged but obligated to to to do so, and then if a gentle person comes to faith in Jesus and at some point expressive interest of nursing torque commandment like Crystal Shabbat, you will not stop him from doing so. But at a time or you will not obligate them to do so either. So the question is been a different address personal grant the patent you and the Gentile person debating you in respect of the Tarkington yes, great, great question and and well put. Thank you so I'm in answer and if we don't have time for you to respond on the abuse them away to the other side of the break and and will just keep you through the through the break so yes there is a difference because one is part of of and identity with the people in history and the feeling that there is a calling to maintain that identity and pass it on to future generations. The other is simply a a spiritual connection and not an identity.

In other words, if a Gentile believer feels that the Sabbath remained Saturday and that there is a calling to the 10 commands and beyond to observe the Sabbath and they feel to do that on the Katella was supposed to be Sunday because government changed to Sunday. In that regard, and their perfectly free to do that for a Jewish person. It would be part of identifying more deeply with their heritage and their people and saying I remain Jewish and not stop being Jewish. I remain connected with my people for a Jew.

The only issue I would have is if there becomes a sense of obligation that then brings them specially under rabbinic tradition and takes away a concept of salvation by grace, the reality of you cover life in the spirit for the Gentile. The danger would be that they try to take on Jewish identity by allowing themselves Gentile differences in how the house was a land bridge responsibly and celebrate.

Get all your the calls we come back for plan and by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown questions and Paul wrote in first Corinthians 7 in different contexts. Talking husband's wise marriage. Things like that. Then he says if you call me call to salvation circumcised to become uncircumcised. Another words you Jewish and Gentile.

If you called circumcised: certain socio-dental don't become Jewish mimesis unfastening circumcisions nothing on circumcision is nothing.

I was meeting terms of salvation. When I was keeping God's commands. Those years it was circumcision is a command of God, the Paul's, making a statement about spiritual standing. This is not circumcision on circumcision it's being in right relationship with the Lord. But it is saying continuing the calling you had when you came to faith. Some come to faith is religious do some secular Jews in terms of Jewish people, the faith other than respond.

These are questions that come up so we go to Vadim in Mexico.

So yes, my physician Sir would be that on the one hand, there is freedom in Messiah for Jew or Gentile. But that because of history and identity that many Jews would have a particular burden and calling by God to identify with things that are distinctly part of his life.

The Sabbath being assigned that God made between Israel and himself and was on a sunny May with that with all the world, so there would be there would be more reasons for that energy was a radio Jew they're not putting on being a Jew and thinking now I've become something was sometimes a Gentile feels the temptation that recognizing that were equal in the Lord our paragraph like a follow-up question tortures that I assumed you would. That's like I asked to stay on through the break pleaser, but you looked angry, acting as a two prong the identity issue acting to other generative following generation or Jewish believer then becomes an optional are all accurate and you do so you feel called and if you don't feel called to back.

Anything you don't that that might I hear what you say and you your tenant has identity on a certain way. I do believe that Jewish identity has certain importance in the Lord, but it does get subsumed in another words of God calls you to marry Gentile and serve the Lord in in a village in India and raise your family. There then you identities. I can be the same as if you're part of the Jewish community in the heart of Israel, but overall what you say III could not find Scripture that tells a Jewish bully with a sigh that you are commanded by God to pass on Jewish identity to future generations.

Although I believe that most would be called to do so or the operator.

Particular terminology that water bank like rabbinic tradition, you would not necessarily support but then how do you respond to Jesus saying Matthew 23 to prescribe therapeutic help you out tradition Jewish tradition at prong the believers of the first century.left.that would lock you out of rabbinic tradition right so the simple answer is that not number one. You design a Jewish believer on the planet that follows rabbinic tradition because any rabbi.

The first thing is that years that your rejecting issue as divine, that there is any hostile way right so I automatically you're not submitting to them the way a traditional Jewish correct but one of the greatest thing is in the eyes of the rabbis I've had this discussion with traditional Jews. They think it's they think it's a joke when messianic Jews file rabbinic tradition that they think it's completely absurd because it's it's Tanaka mockery. The whole system of authority that's being rejected and so if you pick and choose. You know, okay, you're in a situation of a society that requires arranged marriage, and in use in your pass on and defy you on that that I really want your advice on how to decorate the home, but usually has a ready, plainly rejected these very traditions. In Matthew 15 and Mark seven caesura traditions make void the word of God.

Then he spends the rest of Matthew 20 spends the rest of Matthew 23. Laying into many of their traditions so there are two ways to read it. One is they are governing authorities now. So for now submit to them. But he's told us in Matthew 2143 specifically about them that the kingdom will be taken from you. The corrupt Jewish leadership and given to a people bearing its fruit which the become the Jewish apostles. It's one thing the others take. It is as extreme irony extreme sarcasm saying all yeah follow them do with a savable father example because their hypocrites but either way he's certainly not saying follow with the rabbis teach. Once it was the first Jewish law code, written not accomplish with laws.

The mission, the first Jewish law code is Maimonides in the 12th-century and in the daily one that's follow the show, Ruth in the 16th century and and this is a completely different expression of the faith and was commanded of the new covenant it's can it it's it's it's not just a little difference completely different orientation to how we live and what matters in all of that so you may learn it if you want to follow Jewish tradition up through the the time of Yeshua before the split came in and before rabbinic Judaism fully began to develop, which is post destruction of the temple and find things that go back that far is fine if you think this interesting tradition like it but to be into this are the rabbis totally contrary to the spirit of the new covenant and totally contrary to the mandated New Testament, which is why the apostles skews me in constant conflict with the, the, the Jewish leadership and from what we can see the Nazarenes. These were the Jewish believers who continued to live judicially from what we can see and if you don't notice for the check out Ray Prince's book on Nazarenes Judaism has been faith from what we can tell the Jewish believers who continue to live as Jews, second, third, fourth centuries may be beyond that, they also rejected growing rabbinic tradition, so check the answer and I appreciate the.

The interaction all right 866342 and by what we can differ on this. Let's make sure we keep Yeshua center that we live in the spirit and that we are sharing the gospel, the good news Messiah freely, 86634 we go to Diego in New York. Thank you for calling the line of fire.

Thank you Dr. Brown and honored to be a line of fire again. Thanks so my question is somewhere in the Old Testament is a bit better today that the Messiah will be deity or God himself is the clearest passage would be Isaiah 96 in English 9695 in Hebrew that speaks of the son of David, that would be born who would have been an everlasting kingdom without limit that he's described the spell he awaits. L. You bore all the outsource shalom. These are the names spoken over him and Ellie bore is mighty God LG bore is the way Yahweh himself is described in Isaiah 1021 that would be the single clearest passage pointing to the divine nature of the Messiah in the Hebrew Bible have a problem at night. They are not eternal father when it wouldn't that be like for multimodal is a great question.

Yeah, I'll be on can be translated a couple different ways.

If it's eternal father. It means father of the people that solid speaking of the king is the father of the people, but all beyond father of all, and father eternity can also mean a possessor of eternity. So that's another way of reading it if it. Speaking of him just in terms of divine nature that it would be possessor of eternity and of the of the father of something is that is the originator of its lease. The possessor of eternity, or simply eternal father is is the king being the father of the people of but either way, LG bore, plainly spoken about him in terms of his divine nature and we know that that's messianic prophet is no doubt about that. That's it.

Speaking about Yeshua.

Okay thank you you are you are very welcome and appreciated by the weight. Diego will if if you look at the name of the book of James in in Spanish. It's Santiago's tomato Santiago where that come from kisses Ridley Cove Jacob and then he comes into English.

It's it's goes into Latin. This is Jaco bus and then become the Miyako bus then becomes the Akamai cement comes James but it's not James it's Jacob Roy and then in Spanish. It was some Diego Diego being corrupted form of of Jacob and comes from that and then St. Diego become Santiago sure how we get Santiago where they come from, but seeing Diego's neighbor, Miami 866-34-TRUTH we go to Atlanta. Blake, thanks for joining us on on fire and my beloved brother how are you blessed man.

Thank you, great. Thank you personal thank you so much for to tell how you got the blessing to all the believers in the world. Grateful for what Dr. Grigor will thank you it's it's a joint privilege to do what we can. Thank you sir are I have a couple questions regarding Ethiopian Jews, so I know that many there are many of you that have make mixed views about you know our Ethiopian Jews, really.

I know that one rabbi got real did declare that they are in fact Jews then you know on there's been some really awesome thing that Israelis have done for the Ethiopian Jews that have been in diaspora, but I am just have a couple of questions regarding what biblically do we know about is there any biblical history regarding Ethiopian Jews has been prophesied that they would be scattered the Jews would be scattered in Ethiopia and then what are what are God and time plan in time plan for Ethiopian Jews or the nation of Ethiopia. Is there anything that you know about better. What are your opinions regarding the sure thing right.

We can break we come back will address those lists. No. Six.

It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown Ethiopian Jews like a few things.

Number one, according to some Ethiopian traditions that the origin of Ethiopian Jews goes back to the Queen of Sheba visiting King Solomon and that they allegedly had sexual relations, and out of that. That's the connection to Israel and that's where things come from in the most famous leader of Ethiopia. Haile Selassie, as far as I remember claim to be a direct descendent of Queen the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon everything I know, that's just myth. It's just tradition the owner can't refute it categorically, but as far as we can tell, as Jews were scattered in different parts of the world, including Africa that they would intermarry and some would intermarry and assimilate right just be lost in the culture, but others with intermarry as people from the outside converted like Ruth. That's why happiness of all different colors of elephants when you can convert in and then if you stand a very long enough and there's enough intermarriage must be become part of the Jewish people then soon enough. You look entirely like the local community.

There so that the only reason that Israel went through great effort and sacrifice and even risk to bring Ethiopian Jews back to Israel was because they believe that there were legitimately Ethiopian Jews, many thousand. Not all Ethiopians but specific Ethiopian Jews who lived as Jews who identified as Jews. The problem was they came back to Israel.

They did not recognize the traditions of Orthodox rabbis. There was that those were not part of their traditions which would suggest strongly that they became part of the people of Israel before these traditions were developed. Now the rabbi said a traditions goalie back to Moses.

I would say this, or they don't goalie back to Moses and Rebecca and this is one of the arguments we used to say this one person of some simply forgot.

Over time, whatever. That's the debate so the man had to go through a symbolic circumcision just that the drawing of blood with a pinprick than actual further circumcision anything like that.

So it may would've been circumcised. It would be part of their practice enemy going back to ancient times, but that's that was part of the conflict and people simply do not recognize them as fully Jews this that right, etc. in Israel. Many been fully incorporated in society by there has been some racism in some places and and many in Israel were upset about that. It really sought to fix that with the Ethiopians were not treated as equal citizens of Israel has its sins and weaknesses as well.

I believe in many ways that's been addressed, but there still been protest by the Ethiopian same were not treated fairly and equally. So it's a shame they were brought back Israel took the initiative to bring the man in and then they've had some hardship to overcome. Once there are now the clearest prophecy to me about Jews in Ethiopia would be Isaiah 1111 so Isaiah the 11th chapter it says it will also come about in that day. Speaking of the messianic reign that my Lord will again redeem a second time with his hand. The remnant of his people who remain from where Syria, Egypt, pathos, Kush, Islam, Sheena Hamada from the islands of the sea, so scattered around the world with Kush is Ethiopia.

The cushion Genesis to the garden of Eden is not Ethiopia, that there may be different. Kush that's mentioned in some passages I would just look geographically distant work for that thing Ethiopia but here very clearly when Christians use. It means Ethiopia so it is saying that there will be Jews with when when Messiah brings the final gathering of Jews scattered around the world that there will be Jews in Ethiopia so that's confirmation of that. Yeah. And what about look like a final if is not the modern-day state of Israel that final gathering is there to be something even bigger with mortgage.

While I believe it's a big part of the final gathering and right now there the 6 million Jews in in Israel.

So, roughly half of the world Jewish population is there, but I don't believe that every last you all around the world will have been brought back to Israel when Messiah returns so as I understand it with his return, then those that are scattered will be brought back anything more supernatural ways. Now it's possible that heaven will be brought back first. But as far as I can see that there is that the final this vast majority margin was brought back with still other scattered and that'll be than the end of the three gathering when Messiah establishes his kingdom in Jerusalem apelike.

Thank you for the call and the questions 866-34-TRUTH let's go to Martinez California rush off. Thank you for calling the line of fire: but I know you're talking about shocking thing when updated on Internet. That would have been in your people of European but the important thing you know if amp did you bring when it clearly wasn't meeting and think me like the depiction of what a representative ostinato, dual or Arctic dual rep rocketed to Iraq Lebanon and I'm much too much closer that much closer, that's for sure and I and and and closer closer to if you say what is it closer to just in broad terms, black or white it will close in black and in that respect.

Definitely Middle Eastern Jew and some they continue look like this today work or Egyptians. You know, so that when around scanned the absolutely yeah definitely make it like a cognitive back like I made a video. Not that I recently got and however I have the breadth of the New World damper symbolized at Dumbledore paid you either forgot quiet for quite better and going out.

Yeah yeah it is. In fact, Rochon part of the preaching of the gospel to black slaves and things like that was preaching Christianity was white so this will kind of white in your soul, so he had the original depiction of a Jesus who looks Chinese looks black looks Eskimo who looks European who looks whatever that's that's people projecting him because he's there saving is one of us and and that's only natural. But as I said the issue is one he separated from his Jewishness and then with that separated for Middle Eastern background.

So on the one hand, I think Chongqing is completely in left field and point after point after point of what he saying here and in his attack on the though the white statues on the flipside is actually right in terms of saying that that many white Christians would have a problem with Yeshua who looked like a first century Middle East and you know he's debate is if you look like African but yet the death of your problem and it's a question I've asked. We try to meditate. Of the 6 1/2 picture sites. Jesus is black on several supply Nigerians to New York. Jesus is indeed all disciples were nearly thin and you know what has affect your mind you thinking yes let's be challenged with that.

Let's put aside the silliness of which Chongqing saying in the ridiculous thing about component statues this time of the issues and the seal he was in a white Jesus or by Jesus or Chinese Jesus.

He was a first century Middle Eastern Jewish Jesus. That's with the church is greatly offended. Yeah I'm with you on that. A friend just another reminder to watch on YouTube bottom of the screen. There's a $. Click on that and you stand with us and help us get the line of fire out to more and more people and more more effective ways on Facebook. There's a donate button. We know we reach millions in our Facebook feeds in so many different ways. If you're watching more stand with us, gift, large or small, we feel it and we appreciated all let's do this quickly going there was a question from Mason in Fayetteville, Alabama as to whether there are multiple Isaiah's suit retirement multiplexes. If you go to a seminary other than a strong evangelical conservative seminary or in your Christian tradition, a strongly conservative tradition, you will learn that there were two Isaiah's if not three number they all named Isaiah wall that's not really the issue. The issue would be that the book of Isaiah's we have it was largely composed by three authors. This would be the liberal view. The first Isaiah responsible for is a one through 39. The second Isaiah, responsible for 4355 or 4266 is with 1/3 Isaiah responsible for 50, 56 to 66 so proto-Isaiah due to Isaiah tree two Isaiah or first as a second Isaiah 3rd Isaiah of this essay will John 12 refutes that because John 12 joins Isaiah 6 with Isaiah 53 and says the one about Isaiah 53 saw Jesus so Yeshua in Isaiah 6 so conservative scholars have normally said when Isaiah, the issue is that from the for the chapter on its words of comfort to the exiles in Babylon. This is an amp like 100+ years after the first part of Isaiah's written so you would either say that that first Isaiah saw prophetically in the future deliver these things or you could say that he deliver these words, which were then transmitted, and further developed by his disciples into the book of Isaiah's we have it today as you could argue for one Isaiah. Let's say that things were transmitted through his disciples as a revelation, all in the name of Isaiah. I back with you and Esther Brown saw the Lord together