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Confronting the Forces Working to Divide America

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Cross Radio
June 22, 2020 4:40 pm

Confronting the Forces Working to Divide America

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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June 22, 2020 4:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 06/22/20.

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Friends revolution is taking place in our country in front of her eyes.

How will we respond it's time for the line of fire with your host activist on the international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH. That's 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown friends dads out there you had a wonderful Father's Day yesterday to those dads who are alienated from kids alienated from family this be the year of restoration Michael Brown. Welcome to the line of fire 866-34-TRUTH 866-348-7884 if you listen to me over the years. If you read my books or articles. If you been in meetings right preached no hearts on fire. You know my hearts burning you know I speak administer out of a sense of burden, not just to get words out not just Aaron opinion not to entertain but really out of a burden.

Many of you can relate to that in your own lives, but in recent weeks.

It's been unusually intense friends. As I look at what's happening in America around us either something burning inside of it, will we wake up. Will we see it. What will we get it right. It's it's almost like watching a rerun of a scene that ends in disaster.

Your help with this.

This time, let's get right. We have another opportunity. Having lived through the tumultuous 60s have been a product of the 60s in the counterculture revolution heavy drug use rebel rock drummer and radically saved in the Jesus revolution.

The Jesus people move in the early 70s and then carefully watching society in writing about things and seeking to be a son of Issachar, which hopefully we can all be understanding the times and knowing what God's people should do a kind that verse from first Chronicles 1232 over to us today to me for us to be God's prophetic people means we see what should be obvious to everyone but is not. And as I watch spiritual forces at work. As I watch cultural forces at work, friends, this is bigger than Democrat Republican this is bigger than trump Biden. This is bigger than protest riots that this is so much larger and the implications so much larger and in the potential destruction to come out of this so much larger wheat we must grapple this moment we must seize this moment not look will focus on a few things that are highly controversial but if you listen to me over the years. You just getting to know me. Excuse me. You know that I focus on these things, not for the sake of controversy not to get more people viewing or clicking or following were sharing, but to address things with God's wisdom to be your voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of chaos in the midst of compromise.

So that's what we can tackle controversies I've no desire to inflame to insult to provoke, but rather to speak the truth in love, and was respond. You can agree with me differ with me. Phone lines are open 866-34-TRUTH. I understand that there can be a debate about certain statues from the past in different parts of our country understand they can be a debate about a Confederate statute.

Some of that was fighting on the wrong side of the Civil War. Some of that was yes fighting to preserve the code so the way of life but also fighting for the rights of slavery. I can understand why there would be controversy to leave historic monuments up and that's that's part of our history. Would you say that monument was put up to celebrate someone and we want to celebrate the I understand the debate in the discussion. We have to realize is where something goes. We have a discussion that's perfectly fine, but we have to ask where does this go. What's the trajectory, which is a sleeved to what happens next. So when there was a controversy in Charlottesville. Robert E Lee statute coming down all of that Donald Trump said something live so his videotape, but he also tweeted this out trump tweeted this, he said, can't change history, as this is 2000 17 August 2017, almost 3 years ago can change history, but you can learn from it.

Robert E Lee Stonewall Jackson Vincent whose next Washington, Jefferson, so foolish. That was August 2010. Of course, is gotten ridiculed and mocked for making that statement. Listen to what comedian John Oliver had to say are not hearing the audio there will get back to that in a moment. There is an article on that talks about others who have done this exact same thing that they also mocked trump and when he said you know who the coming after next.

Jefferson Washington so Nolte said John Nolte's got some strong opinions himself trump was mocked for predicting predicting woke Caliban that's how he's describing the canceled culture in America today wouldn't stop at Confederate statutes.

What's amazing is he quotes the conservative writer on the national review Rich Lowry's got great insight many many areas were just a few days ago Rich Lowry was was taking issue with this insane the statues aren't coming down this just a few days back remarkably's solicit. Here's the point when when we warn I say we conservatives Christian leaders this case, the president okay but when we warn about where something is going. It can seem crazy now. Those of you who wondered, 14, 15 years ago. 16 years ago when I started addressing gay lesbian issues were started talking about this is rice. Why spent years writing a book where they happen to America why I now got myself blacklisted site after site, a group after group or by these leading major influence groups a new browser hater homophobe River. Why even bother with that. What why even deal with that because I knew that this is where culture was going that that I knew and many others knew before me that this would become gay activism. The principal threat to freedom of religion, speech and conscience that was self-evident to me and many others.

Years ago, so there is the one thing the church wants to show compassion to all the church wants to make sure everyone can come in their doors to their meetings, their homes and feel welcome and receive the love of God and the truth of the gospel, so we reach out to the people with compassion, but we resist the agenda with courage.

We say no to religion because we we see where it would lower the Psalm on the one you but now you see where it leads.

Now you see how far goes, you can get canceled out by the culture. We just raise a question of your of a major player in an athlete or some say one word differing with the gay agenda here. Your blacklisted you got going on apology apology to and you never made rehabilitating yourself. I mean it. It is just the reality. So listen to what John Oliver said mocking Donald Trump. The presence consultancies, statues, leads to a slippery slope this week is Robert Ely I noticed that Stonewall Jackson's coming down.

I wonder is a George Washington next week and is a Thomas Jefferson.

The week after you know you'll really do have to ask yourself where does it stop okay will ultimately work stops somewhere anytime someone asks what does it stop. The authors always somewhere you can't have twins list but not inject black tall heroine. Well, off to the twins was where does it stop right so in point of fact that that's a completely inane comment to start everything, stop similar, but you may not like where it stops breathing stops somewhere but but you may be grieved over where it stops everything stops somewhere but you hear you you you overeating today where is inside may stop with a heart attack because of obesity.

So first, the common itself is completely inane, yet stop somewhere. So the very things the trumps of the habit are happening present. You understand where this is. Excuse me.

Many did you understand for you to be present with it. Many of you understand exactly where the canceled culture is going is not a matter for the trump and save the world. That's not my point at all. I'm not talking politics, friends don't hear me politically. I'm not talking race. I'm talking about spiritual, cultural, audiological play clip for you. A friend of mine sent this to me and and it it's it's a brother on twitter. A manual auto. I love his spirit lives approach of his attitude, but I want to differ with something. This is uncomfortable conversations tie with white friends and its when I posted or brought in for team and had almost 8 million views a lot of people watch this resident with again all the laundry things being said I love the spirit, but here here's why wanted take issue with. Let's listen welcome to the first of hopefully many of us old uncomfortable conversation with a black man in the midst of all this chaos in our world. So maybe I'll have reached out to me, and by your army white people reached out to me asking how can I help how can I join in. How can I stand with you. So I created this for you because in order to stand with us and people that look like me to be educated on issues that pertain to me in fully educated so that you can fill the full level of pain so that you can have full understanding. I fervently believe that if the white person is your problem. Only the white person to be your solution and so this is made for you. My my brothers and sisters to increase your level of understanding so that you can increase your level of compassion and lead ultimately to change consultant services a space to answer so many questions that I've seen from your the first question I've seen a lot of manual why real rioting. I understand protesting. But why write into that I submit this MLK said that writing is the language of the unheard for years black people try peacefully protesting going back to 1965 and before with the soma March connect and work and then 2016 polycarbonate. He took a knee and that agenda got moved to a flag which was never the goal. He just wanted to raise awareness on social injustice so that and so now we see riots because black people and hurt people are trying to get the attention of the oppressor are trying to raise raise awareness of the oppression or to answer a different here's right and I appreciate the spirit love the spirit and truth on the content. The rise have been hijacked. The riots have been hijacked and those who are pushing for the rioting or or forces of cultural anarchy in an aside from the fact that it just opens the door for lawlessness when when someone breaks into a target store and carries out a big screen TV that's on a righteous protest and grief over the the death of George Floyd that's that's thuggery that's that's alluding. That's lawlessness. That's chaos so the concern is that there is not a recognition of the forces involved and there are nefarious forces that hate much of what America stands for and much of the good in America and friends will soon be coming your way to cancel US Chris asked hey hey what's wrong with the statue of racist label is a perfect fair question happy to discuss that both of them to deal with them statue of George Washington here on the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice is more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. I relate to the prophetic more than the political. In other words, I relate more to in the prophets of Israel would be calling Israel to repent then I relate to a political rally, so I'm looking at America. Thank God for America. Thank him for the good in America. Thank God for how we help the world thank him for many great things in our heritage, but I'm always burden where America needs to repent. That's been my message for free.

So I got saved and started preaching. The church needs to repent America needs repent. We need to repent.

I think whatever Jerry she put me that would be my bird starting with me, so I have no problem pointing out fault flaws with America today. Yesterday hundred years due to injuries with 300 years ago, but let's remember that slavery was the norm throughout much the world there was African slavery Africans enslaving Africans the Muslim world in the Middle East and other parts world were enslaving Africans and others before enslaving slavery was the norm around the world, and when our founding fathers came over here that was the norm they came from. In England, but because of Christian heritage, some pushback yes it there was resistance to this from day one. There was opposition through our history and that's what ultimately led to a bloodied Civil War with 600,000 casualties.

Think of how many white men die fighting for the freedom of black men in America is a bloodied Civil War. So yeah, we've had slavery in our history horrific, inexcusable, and surely fed segregation and white supremacy in our history would have had segregation or slavery without what's firms actually have it, but we've also had many positive wonderful qualities and a look I tweeted this out because II gets.

I get so burdened and so grieve over the hypocrisy over the double standards over over the that the misreporting and II find on all different sides. Okay, remember I'm a registered independent. For the record, for those who don't know me all right and I wrote the book. Donald Trump is not my Savior. I voted for him in 2016 and if it's an versus Biden 2020 and things are the way they are today. I'll vote from 2020, but I'm not look to him to save America or change America. Our whole system is flawed and fallen Supreme Court that was a fallen system because it's a fallen world, even though America excels in so many ways and I bet I've been outside of America 200 times roughly.

Okay, I've been around the world. I've spent several years in my life combined serving a different nations work in different nations. We had students in a school ministry for many many years. From all around the world of friends leaders from all around the will sought. I don't just have some America centric and the blinders on. Okay, not the least and and if you read my books over the decades to sit. Is this a constant call to our nation to repent.

That's what I've said white fragility with Sam and if we we did some wrong. Show us whatever vipers is summarized by person did an Asian juice whatever just this repent, fix things. What's the big deal right of a big deal in terms of lives affect yes but in terms of admitting wrong or falter flaw might be fragile over that this Sunday show that's perfect America music of the superpowers dread here would you rather live in China or Russia where America if you look freedom simple question for you, but I can I get so grieved over the double standards I get I get so grieved over the now anyone that those for trumpets. What is a white supremacist. I mean this garbage that is divisive and destructive. It it is it is no better than labeling Blacks a certain way or Hispanics a certain way. Asians are certainly Jesus really is no better than that.

So I I tweeted this out over the weekend and instantly took off. You have no moral right to condemn slavery in past generations.

If you support abortion in our generation notices words moral right to be morally indignant about slavery in our day, morally, you can look back and today say what a heart was, of course, it was a horror is unimaginable horror unimagined the wrong unequal, unchristian, oppressive, destructive, you name it. It was very heavy outrage over that morally and support reports that you have a right to do that you are devaluing human beings in the world you are spitting on him. If you support abortion today not to save you have an abortion and a difficult time and you repented of it.

You've asked the Lord for forgiveness and is forgiven you about supporting it, promoting shout abortion, your spitting on the lives of 60 million babies killed in the don't turn around six or slavery pass was so wrong segregation so that's outright hypocrisy, outright hypocrisy, just like would be hypocritical to be pro-life antiabortion today and in look the other way was segregation or downplay slavery just as evil. So we immediately turn that into a meme or great graphic artist immediately turn them into meme we posted that on Facebook. So if you didn't share it.

Sure if you watching you can see it now but but it's it's a powerful image. You have no moral right to condemn slavery in past generations.

If you support abortion in our Jen generation, so it is the hypocrisy that is so grievous when I talk about the other cultural forces look read some of the statements of black like my friends, listen to what they say about being trained in Marxism and their worldviews even that the Conrad word and some of their statements.

This is this is not a race issue. This is a larger cultural issue and it is a cancel culture. It is a can in that regard to the to the cultural Revolution in China known that case under Chairman Mao that cost tens of millions of lives. Some put the number 4050 60 million absolute horrific time and in the current leader of China is is fashioning himself to be the new Mao. I've read articles were trying to secure the sale.

Good Americans having their culture revolution just warning as loudly as I can you give place to the cancel culture it's going turn and cancel you next it will cancel you. Next it will void you out. So what we need to do is say where do we still have negative legacies from the past that exist until today.

Attitudes from the past that exist until today. What are we promoting that is not righteous and just today we are we not sensitive to the needs and cries of others whose life experiences different.

Those are questions we need to put on the table.

I wrote an article that posted on the stream yesterday some honest questions on race relations from a white messianic Jew, honest questions about racial issues from a white American messianic Jew and I put a specific description myself there for a reason. So I said look, if were going to have a conversation shall be to way I listen listen when I day and night. I listen listen listen I read more stuff against what I believe then stuff confirming what I believe genuinely for years and years and years. I have read far more anti-Trump books the prodrug books I have read far far more about racism in America today than defense of America far more and I sit and I listen I try to take things and I try to understand.

Alright, so I just said, though, if were gonna really grow. The conversations go both ways. So I have some questions on I'm trying to ask as well. So if we just open up that article.

My first question was how do we know which black voices to listen to the Lord's, I'm asking this on behalf of many white conservative evangelicals. They this ill Thomas so well respected intellectual Walter Williams and commentators like Larry Elder or social media people are Candace Owens or Martin Luther King's niece, LB decaying war or social media of people like diamond itself Gore or people I tell deep Starks. Their message is radically different than the. The message of the liberals, the progressive soul do we do we listen to them or we just discount them every friend is a black Bishop, but is a conservative Republican.

He told me about 10 years ago. He said I love the doors close. My face is on my bike and will what I mean. I'm trying to understand trip.

Try to have conversation I can understand that. I noted that October 6, 2019 that there was a gathering of young bike leaders at the White House.

Politico said in attendance were some of the hundreds of young black conservatives who came to Washington this past week is a show to liberal America that African-Americans can be conservative in support Trump that the conservative movement is not just for old white mental how we process that the words there different white voices are different Hispanic voices. The different black voices. My thing is listen to all the different voices and process what I believe is right and wrong, but Cincinnati have those and this was the campus and this was will based on what and then in a preview video tell deep Starks said this is ultimately bike see themselves as victims. So much so that their victim status becomes their primary identity and their ruling ideology, a code victim apology for two minibike churches preach this victim apology may black parents passed on to the children and sees inner-city schools teacher to their students in the black me to reinforce it. Meanwhile, the NAACP and other black grievance groups fund raise on it.

So what I learned about this.

I personally understand seems pretty clear to me that it's harder on average, to be a black American.

The white American. Most would agree with that and it's common sense. That was so much of our history dominated by seriously recent edition racism that there would still be lasting wounds and problems until this day. That makes sense but I've I've had African-American callers over the years, a Dr. Brown. We have to overcome a victim mentality. Someone asked me on social media vintages have it. Sometimes we do sometimes we do because of our history.

So my question is how how pervasive is that and how we as friends as brothers and sisters address it or is it for others to address is not for me to address this, just honest questions genuine questions I put out on the table for discussion for growth right we come back alone. Go to your calls, 866-348-7884. If you're not on my email list sign up today because were sending out a special offer for my new book evangelicals at the crossroads will be past the Trump test.

I'm thrilled with the interest in this book before it's out to be published in 103 weeks got a unique special offer exclusively for those in our email list. So go there now who asked Dr. Brown the Lord set up for emails will get a special announcement tomorrow morning pretty excited but her plan and by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown of your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown right now the church in America is the hope of America will be in our knees seeking God in prayer, if we will be going before him to repent of sin in our own lives.

If we will be reaching out with the good news of the gospel that transforms lives if we will be God's prophetic voice to the culture around us.

We can see positive change, radical change if the Holy Spirit is mightily poured out. We can see change come is not going to come from the right wing or the left wing, it's not going to come through the media. It's not going to come through the White House is going to have to come from God's throne through God's people otherwise, the nation could collapse or divide in front of our eyes was Americans.

We know it in its best qualities could be gone and it friends. There is a reason with all faults, faults and flaws and shortcomings of America. There's a reason that people come flocking to our shores.

It remains a land of great opportunity, but it remains a land of great influence and in God wants to do good in America and other nations as well. But the key. The key is the tens of millions of believers in America. We will get hold of God and yield our lives. He takes hold of us, we can see the nation shaking of the net is going to die her friends it's it's going to be living chaos and so so many ways and I just tweeted out a moment to go that as I understand the prophetic that the prophets would speak something that should have been obvious to everyone but wasn't. But once they spoke in the power of the spirit eyes were open and you couldn't unseat things. It's the same with us is God's people today we are to be a voice of moral clarity. We are to be a voice of spiritual sanity. We are to be God's voice to a confused and hurting and dying in rebellious world. And as we speak is God's prophetic people eyes are opened, and you can't un-see it should've been obvious comes obvious dislike my book Jezebel's war with America will once I saw things I could not see them when I speak about this.

So the people would see things they couldn't un-see them same with us today, 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Let's go to the phones will start in Raleigh, North Carolina with David, welcome to line of fire-can protect my car now. I think you're doing what you did about abortion and that better but my heart about how I wrote a very learned that Pres. Trump has two great allegation and binding and one lady accusing him of sexual assault in which she has asked HR file to be checked and they young lady brothers story changed dramatically from oh, she just said that she got harassed to the really horrific detail which my picture call me horrific the L, I would utterly remember that and so I was wondering your opinion about Mr. Trump. The rape allegations made about him to yell actually there many women that are brought sexual assault charges against Trump over the years and there's a list of women in a pretty long list of women who brought charges against Biden maybe done the same level.

My call has been let's let's be equal. In other words, argument, dismiss one dismiss the other, which is not the right way to handle it the right way to handle it is examined both if you listen to conservative right-leaning media. They will say the charges against Trump are largely bogus, but Biden should be taken seriously if you listen to the left-leaning unit. It's the exact opposite. So to me the big issue is equal weights and measures what I look at my HR record and the story of a son lady has changed a lot because if you dig in. Trust me you'll do it again you'll find this taught confirmation after confirmation of your company by about Trump Jubilee.

Two and one of them is to get DNA line. I don't know about either. That's my position that now it gonna bother your concert of Beaufort on Monday.

You could have great license agreement on climate entrance okay I yeah yeah these are things I had to wrestle with and look at that's why one of the reasons I so strongly oppose Trump of the trust in the primaries and assume the issues with, especially not thinking we keep any of his promises and thought he was just using evangelical so and as I Say hope I'm wrong but I don't know. I I find many of the charges against Biden and Trump to be credible. Frankly, that it none of this would surprise me if this was in their past. I also know that many false charges are brought about people here. I mean I'm not on this level bug. I had lied about day and night on the Internet day and night and I don't mean things like this, but all kinds of other things that I know are completely bogus hundred percent.

I have friends of mine to get lied about day and night and I I am not a public player. The way Trumper. Biden is off. Obviously okay so the feel of the people I choose Roy Moore what happened to them after the election.

The decision they disappeared. The whole Brett Cavanaugh thing. There is a sex ring at Yale is just the charges got crazy so all I say is equal weights, equal measures, I've seen the charges against Trump be decimated. You can't believe.

For this reason this reason this reason that assume the opposite. So I honestly don't know what I do believe is that what ever immorality was in Trump's past is in Trump's past was part of his sinful celebrity culture and probably a lot of politicians been guilty.

Things like that and a lot of actors famous people been guilty of things like that but I don't know.

I have not seen compelling evidence to convict either, but I have not seen that there is been a fair investigation.

The right will damn Biden the Leffel dam, Trump for every point you raise 10 points will be raised against Biden for Trump depending on who you listen to with the reverse. On the other side yes so I I am not I am voting primarily for it.

I platform and primarily on how someone has acted as long as I've focused on them.

So I deplore a lot of the divisiveness was Trump. A lot of his insults and attacks under the people of the volatile climate that he is created through his leadership. I don't like any of that.

I wish he was a very different person. In that regard.

At the same time.

I would much rather have him in office and Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. So it comes down to a vote, and if you canceled all this product. I respect that I totally respect that 100% respect. 100%. Unlike is what you don't vote it know if you and conscience canceled for the candidate or cast 1/3 party vote that's between you and God and and blessing David, I am not putting my hope in Donald Trump to change America if if I draw my list of of the 10 key things in terms of focus, emphasis what I want to see happen which most important to change America voting him for president would barely make it into my top 10 so as I explain in evangelicals at the crossroads of book I think you find really helpful because I lay out the case against Trump.

The case for Trump, and more importantly what we as evangelicals must do if we are to keep our testimony in the midst of the of the controversy in the swirling median social media, but I point out the votes is to vote.

Let's not make more of it on the defender of Trump and apologist for Trump but gets my vote in terms of which candidate now if it could be confirmed that he literally raped women in the past and and and pay them off and lied about it than that. We take things one step further.

But I am not convinced credible, but not convincing.

In a case.

Vote your conscience man. Be sensitive to that vote your conscience. But if abortion is important. By no means vote for a pro-abortion candidate hey thank you for the closer 86634 we go to Denny in New York City. Thanks for calling the line of fire call event your thank you so much appreciate that I know I have a unique perspective on the right America I grew up in a small country in Africa though born in Asia and my wife is from zero so I have personal time to alter cognitive looking to do it for 30 years so bad time both Africa, Asia and Europe and I have to say the bill talk about because he is much worse outside of the UFW by your furthermore it all, no country for heaven is perfect.

America is the perfect book market filled with good people working towards a more just society. The big changes I would never say that America is not perfect but it's getting better every day. Every year, would you mind, Denny, would you mind sharing specifically what country she lived in before.

Would you rather not yet know all Africa Kolkata okay I will born in Hong Kong. My wife is wrong are of the year Africa and quote personal part. You uncle Bill Barry ability to alter the culture, the whole cultures, including US and buried at the level of rate Beta, you are much worse and talk about how that a country that Africa today. They are much more so electric, acute that you live, you should be thankful if the plate filled with good people who are working toward Jeff, their body is just as lethal as this American sews the rest of the world since the rest of the world.

Let's appreciate the Expo line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 866343 here again is Dr. Michael Brown was watching us right now on Facebook or YouTube, and I think a moment to do that are listening on radio get to listen in as well. We do our best to pour into you every day for free.

As you know, so the radio show. It is what it is you want to listen to the day later weekly or monthly routes all available online audio video no charge. We have what 2000+ videos. Our YouTube channel.

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It's not even a way of saying thank you as much as a way to say hey, keep doing this.

I want you to do this more Dr. Brown. We believe in you and your message the same on YouTube if you watching on YouTube the bottom of that screen you see over on the chat side, there is there is a $you can click on that to donate, you said I don't have a lot that's not the issue is everybody doing what they can makes a wonderful and beautiful difference and enables us to reach more people. We are making major plans on major video series that have never been done before in key issues and and more things we can talk about right now as you support us and help us. We can reach more and more, and if you're listening on radio and say hey don't leave me out. We don't want to leave anyone out. Everyone's help is warmly welcome this radio go to our website. Asked her to Brown a SK DR Click on donate one time gift or monthly support or torchbearer. And yet we have even more exclusive special content for a monthly supporters and our patron supporters so join us today partner help us with a one-time gift.

You know, we very rarely talk about money, it's not because were independently wealthy. It's because we trust the Lord is faithful and your faithful to. So thank you in advance for standing with us and there's even Scripture that those who are taught, the word should share good things with their teacher. I remember being at a meeting in India course zero been there 27 times in others. How many hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of services have been in there. There is a Sunday morning service in the offering came in and people came and put it all vegetables and fruit different things.

Forget that's what they had and they lay that down method is not precious in God's sight. So support your local congregation or home herniation bill for your blessing to stand with us, 86634 to let us go over to Dallas, Texas. Richard welcome to the line of fire. Are you doing today very well sir. Okay I very I guess old school couple bold. Please review with regard regarding Paul yeah and belief in what they care about. By buying them what they say about truck load of going about dollar crop.

You have a list of what they say yes. First thing okay and what Biden has been clear about him best talkers for sick but you know how to talk according to what characters feel about him here for provisions and strip you like to years ago that I listen how to interfere in and also this mascara and fragrant. Maybe the second coming and I can understand how evangelicals can follow him on the other hand, I understand that the call you out homosexuality and abortion. We take the elders great issue and following him because of that, but then on the other hand, I feel personally that there is a moral issue. Bennett told people and God commands below and left port unless you have a wall and a black person should Dr. Locklin Cardinals five years old are you, ceviche, white folk going on and she also feel I stepped on the back though the plate now that you walk out what you committed on this.

So I get tired of people here is fixated on the stand is not fair that you don't make you very much and are religionist to stay there. One is you couple questions.

Is everything okay number one your hundred percent on course in an instant course I don't.

Instead, of course, I can't imagine it. I cannot.

That's why listen. That's why listen and try to learn and try to understand so that I can, I can at least have a sense of empathy look at. I just said it earlier today in the future if you cut it may be early from the broadcast is it to me obvious that it's harder to be a black American white American overall growing up today in America and that with our history of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, that there must be a legacy of that that remains today. Open wounds and inequities to least understand that much though I can imagine what it's like.

But thanks to callers like you. For many years and friends, and constant reading of the folks in your background and and this would you live through it sensitizes me how much I don't understand so hundred percent. I want to make that clear right and you mind if I send you a copy of my book will be out for until next month called evangelicals at the crossroads right away that the good and bad with trumpet you modify send your free copy of that. I would appreciate it all right so you stay right there okay and and Howard is going to get your info but Howard wait for one moment, until I respond to Richard's points and and then from there soon as I'm done then you get Howard's info so want to send you that book is Richard Richards info when sending the book as a gift so Richard yeah trumpet said that the tape from 10 years ago where he talked about grabbing women and so on. Horrific.

He did apologize for of but as far as a second, I took that as a mockery thing that he was he was joking about himself that is actually think that that way. But it's a very difficult choice know it's the Democratic platform to me. II categorically different with many parts of it and support the Republican platform and I see abortion as a moral natural issue nationalistic justice slavery would have been just a segregation would have been that these are major moral issues. Dwyer just murky stand with Israel or America stand against world terrorism America standing up to China. These are big things and I think Trump would do a much better job of it than Biden, but trust me, these are difficult issues because of the the character of Trump that fails in many ways this reason I wrote the book. So how are the title is evangelicals at the crossroads. Richard, thank you for calling and picking the bone with me. I appreciate it and when you read the book, then I think you see and represent both sides fairly here and and here's why. Come. There were a do but I end the book by saying, far more important who's in the White House is the character of the church in America today are how we go for it Richard, thank you for calling. I appreciate it and out we go over to Utah.

Kurt walked into the line of fire. Dark yes, thank you, first time caller here with my wife bill you at my order and urgency about the patient would drop a bit difficult about brimmed and yeah I just don't.

People say that I don't follow how they think that the bite is what I tell things that he said on how to contact quite frequently by the web media and data will what about his tweets of an implantable trim. All things being say now and 2020 as it did in 2016, but it's not the sentence Susie as him behind it because of thing so you don't find his tweets were he insults people and very ugly ways recalls this one a dog or when he insulted when he insulted Ted Cruz, his wife, or when he claimed the Ted Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of JFK or when he'll say things at public rallies that are meant to incite animosity. I think Obama was devised by the way, and I think there the meat is incredibly divisive.

I just find Trump to be very divisive person to part of it is my intent to stir.

Stir things up so I hardly get anyway. Go ahead and I agree with early on during the campaign, although I would say that I got better over time, but I know he claimed to be a Christian and who knows the this interview were out of time. Keep listening and calling again. Continue conversation tomorrow to be joined by a black pastor like Pastor. Great conversation on race