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15- Can We Inherit Trauma?

The Cure / Aimee Cabo
The Cross Radio
February 25, 2019 10:15 am

15- Can We Inherit Trauma?

The Cure / Aimee Cabo

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February 25, 2019 10:15 am

On today’s show, Aimee talks with Dr. Nikolov about the controversial issue of inheriting trauma.  Based on a New York Times article titled Can We Inherit Trauma their discussion covered the studies that were conducted over the years about whether trauma can leave an  epigenetic signature on children and future generations.

THE CURE Live streamed podcast is hosted by Aimee Cabo and offers a platform of hope to anyone who has experienced domestic violence, abuse, mental illness, any trauma or is experiencing problems now in their lives. It's a place to find comfort, knowledge, strategies, answers, hope and love while healing the wounds and 'affirming' that you are not alone.  

Join Aimee and her professional guests on  The Cure with Aimee Cabo podcast    every Saturday at 1 PM EST  as it is recorded during the live radio show.

You can find information about the show and past guests by visiting the  RADIO SHOW PAGE.

You can also view the weekly  Video podcasts  on Apple Podcasts.  

Aimee hopes that anyone who has suffered abuse of any kind, or walked a moment in similar shoes, will find inspiration in these pages, and hope that love and truth will ultimately prevail. Please subscribe and share this podcast.

Aimee Cabo Nikolov is a Cuban American who has lived most of her life in Miami. After many years of healing, finding love, raising a family and evolving her relationship with God, Aimee's true grit and courage led her to pen an honest, thought-provoking memoir. Years of abuse became overshadowed with years of happiness and unconditional love. Now Aimee is the president of IMIC Research, a medical research company, a speaker, radio host and focused on helping others. You can read more about Aimee by  visiting her website.
Dr. Boris Nikolov is the CEO of Neuroscience Clinic. You can read more about Dr. Nikolov and the work he is doing by  visiting his website.


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Brought to you by volume ICU research life can bring many difficult situations, domestic violence, poverty and even sexual by your love ones welcome, Amy, and Q here and I'm your host, any capital to last eight Billabong WW and you can also download it with an eight A.D.A.M. that as well live every Friday at TPN. You can also listen to last by asking Alexei to play 880 database and see well this show we have had some powerful topics and incredible guests of the course of the last month and must have a topics coverage, horrific advance and it what can costs the effects in a family and ways that we can overcome these things and we can help one another. So basically if you're someone that's suffering with, and I try to find a way to help you. Today we have Boris Niccolo with that how I and we had a little special guest. My daughter Michelle later on is going to sing for us. You say so basically no matter how far you've come. They say dysfunctional families can produce further dysfunction. Even if you try to install good values and belief system. There's a genetic component that comes into play. I had not bill an interview with someone that dentist that knew about a study that talks about that very same thing about a genetic correlation that if somebody if the.

Had been abused and the child is likely to also be abused, or has a high risk well actually talking about problems like garb. It was an article published in the New York Times. Can we really encourage trauma and that's based on a very old research that started a long time ago for people that participate in the Civil War was published in October from researchers in California in which they are truly trying to suggest that there is epigenetic marks of trauma that can be passed from one generation to the next. But this evidence is apparently not very clear yet because they haven't extorted a lot of a lot of people know, for they have so far they have concluded the there is epigenetic explanation, meaning the trauma can leave a chemical mark when a person genes which then is passed down to subsequent generations and the mark doesn't directly damage the gene there's no mutation is that it alters the mechanism by which the gene is converted into functioning proteins works expresses that the ration is a genetic it's epigenetic.

It's called and let us take will it's not damaging the gene but is altering how it works how a religion so they don't mean they don't, said the trauma changes one's genes are but there is slightly by changing how it works so they said that the for example, the study people who have went through the Dutch hunger winter which was so very bad. The firemen towards the end of World War II, in which women who carried kids suffer through two putative extreme hunger and then finally they carried the particular chemical mark or epigenetic signature on one of their genes and later they found that their kids are having higher than average body mass so they're not so healthy us kids, other kids that haven't gone through that. So basically there's maybe some correlation, but so far is not very clear what it is and you said it was controversial. There's people that have different believes example, I believe that it's also very important that learned behavior plays an important role and the environment that can be and other vermin. I was enforced. Yes because I believe everybody has the opportunity to rate cycle to break the chains to be exactly the opposite. They have a predisposition station because of their genes. It defeats the purpose that basically no matter how far you've come and the challenges will still appear from time to time.

I believe I'm very grateful these days. I believe have come a long way and I believe that God has blessed me so much.

I don't even know how I deserved it. Just to let everyone know how real life is awesome.

Have challenges. For example, because I was abused and I'll tell you why the environment does play a factor because I was abused I made poor decisions identify good self-esteem. I chose somebody who was abusive to me and had a child and I did not know that this child become a part of custody battles, which in return would turn into a form of emotional abuse, even though I had her, going to therapy every week and she was able to talk until about 14 and then we come with a challenge that she's an adult with the pain and we did our best. We took care of her past that there was times that she was very angry and we understood that. I think to myself maybe I should've allowed her to scream. Maybe I don't know if I did the right thing.

Trying to be a parent trying to correct the behavior same peace walk away income when you come down let's talk about this again because I remember there were times when I was in my face that I had moments of rage and body given me with eyes of compassion, understanding, and they swear those times you are studying me. Well, I didn't care whether you are the even though you were telling me to go away stuck maybe a little returned, don't this going to be there for you along the way, I can use to someone taking care of me and I cannot believe that I deserved to be taking care of and for a long time. I've learned to take care of myself that you realize you that I didn't really need when I sent you and me alone.

You understood that it was displaced and anchor in you set a good example that helped me understand that Danielle also knew there would be consequences to biting my mama course I knew that the people that are mentioned in my memoir would not be happy that he trusted God and I outweighed the benefit compared to the costs and helping people was more important for me now. The past could repeat itself.

It's always better to think about the others as you do and I believe that yes your book is helping a lot of people talk about things like a big talk about the abuse. Talk about the domestic violence talk about about things that you went through because people just wholly deep inside him. Don't talk about it… Truly doesn't doesn't heal them well just to give you an idea of the things that I that were going through right now is that the Neolithic thoughts for two and half years almost 3 years and when I wrote the things changed.

She got close to her father and now she sounds father. Her father talked to my mother and now she sounds like my mother.

You know she's always back only a matter of time that I choose the one that chooses to be miserable about this for even to be miserable about my symptoms or do my best. Despite I realize that the only person that can help me best as myself.

I also understand that I have to have patience because everything does. I have to trust God and to have to strengthen my faith even ended. It means paying more and I can say that nothing scares me because I focus on my blessings.

How far I've come. When they listen to a song that mentions that it brings tears to my eyes. I have no more nightmares no more stomach pains. I knew it was a matter of time. There was times that I was very frustrated because the nightmares were maybe three times in the night.

I would not sleep well. I would wake up tired not feeling well and I would not do my regular routine of working out and staying a little bit. I told myself everything to maritime, and slowly but surely I'm getting there again I focus anything even the smallest thing. The fact that I got from my dad this morning for someone like me and I'm sure many others.

That's a blessing in itself is important to have goals that are not very high that are reachable for each one.

I learned to ignore the negative thoughts and look for the bright side of things usually find them in anything that I do anything that's happening. You can even test me. I can definitely find the bright side for a busy myself with a productive activity. Whatever busy at whatever I can do that productive just entertains me and I listen to music and have learned to be grateful because I've come to realize there's a bigger picture and I'm but a minuscule tiny little part of it. Just another messenger I have 10 I am sometimes an email.

I'm not superhuman, and I know that I'll be there for her, receiving her with open arms. Because so many times I let God down and he always received me with open arms, and he never gave up on me and I know that when she comes home or when she comes to visit. How do we respond always with unconditional love unless the temple company and all you can do is pray. But life is short, there's only one chance and that's just it. Only one moment that we go through our experiences and recitative is faith even though were not always successful. Understand that life is full of challenges, but then again in this challenge is that your opportunity to shine your affliction to set an example, maybe even make a difference.

What, if anything at all, gives us reason to pay more with more feeling praise God even more with every bit of a heart. It's when God holds us the closest income for just the most that we have to do our part. Sometimes I have to force myself to do things even, especially when I don't want to do anything at all, which could be everything, but then you force yourself to fight and how delightedly I starting my day with pair. I pray every morning I have to say it's that I'm not such a good Catholic and explained that soon further said that I just teaming this is Dick here and I'm your host Amy, you can listen to us on 888, and that this would be opening up the lines leader anybody would like to call 305-541-2350. This is South Florida's business station and this is great fight and I still cross this guy on no will know all will just teaming and this is. I'm hosting this is your first time in somebody's topics mental health trauma and treatment options. We were basically talking about how we can overcome when there is a correlation because sometimes when you were abused and you have usually end up in difficult stances. You can end up poor. You can end up making that decision, and then that can be carried on here for the generation and it's really up to us to make a difference and to change that and the way that I'm able to overcome those challenges are by praying by instilling pride in my life that on the evil to get by and I have to tell you I'm not in a good Catholic truth, Catholic.

I don't not fond of the Pope that we have.

I don't go to church regularly. I'm very fond of the previous Pope John politician. In fact, our son was being blown while he was being buried in a named in last after him and that I do sometimes go to church to receive the Eucharist which is Christ's body in the form of bread which is supposed to be a source of strength but I believe it is only Fridays.

We see such a thing. I believe that every time you paid your father and say give us this day our daily bread, and also and I do like following the example that Jesus set for us and he did enjoy praying ministries for the conversion of sinners and also for everyone I know or see that they receive special blessings and I try to do what's right, putting our kids and School to enforce good value. That's a great video. It was one of our best sources. Well it's also needs to be reinforced at home right that it isn't enough. We should also better church we just sometimes I just go to Facebook and I listen to sermons.

It doesn't have to be Catholic. It can be any feature I don't care they're all talking about the same thing that it was.

This is something I have paid all my life when I'm paying a rosy. I feel as if it's that special time and spending with God and it's quite peaceful. If I need extra comfort and wait to see what pops up and believe it or not, when the rose finishes it is in those moments, those moments that I need most. The perfect host pops up. It has to do with women's with what I'm thinking any kiss me answers not so much literally that the idea and or song comes on at this place. And I'm no longer feeling down, because I feel like how sweet God is. He knew I needed to hear this song.

This minute, this song didn't have to play this neonate at this site just for me the messages and also that I like about the rose said it has to thing song and something and one of things that that and by the way, if you do the rose repeatedly repeating the same. You can believe them and the really nice great things and one things that it says it said blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it. I always wonder how I turned last all my life and try to do the right thing and so that saying no rings true. So this is basically the way that I deal with everything in my life because I know that God is constantly helping us do the kids are kids.

They come to us HUS. They show less innocence they make us feel young when were tired, Amy Guzman around friends, something they know exactly what to say. Sometimes they don't and you get angry, instead of being sad.

Sometimes that's better paths – so great, and they they love you unconditionally and they always make you feel loved, because it always so happy to see and music is very important that I have to tell you it wasn't until very long ago that I realize these things that I opened up my eyes that I realized that God bless SSD I guess I never paid attention, or I wasn't ready but how about that time that you running super late at that same route which you had made in time. Had an excellent where you would have been about the prey of unanswered that gave a better result.

I do and I posted this rosary today on my Facebook page in God is the cure that website you will see my thoughts and a lot of spiritual posts to try to help people, but in my personal page Facebook yes and Facebook and my personal page Amy Carbone the love that a I and EE capital C a PO and my married name. McCullough and I KO LOP that if you go to that page. That's where I we post pictures of the kids and the dogs in funny moments and tick-tock videos. My daughter convinces me to do, but we try to live each day at least eight tenants hell. Please strategy this. There's so much suffering in the role and there's so much tragedy are constantly hearing people getting killed are people dying so I tried tell everyone I know any decree, if the all the entries each other, lift each day. If it was our last day on earth and defeated the chapter as if it was their last stand earth, because you know what you don't know when death comes it comes like a thief in the name and it can hit very close to home very close to home not too long ago my daughter. Our daughter lost a classmate friends so this could be very real treat each other like if it was our last day and try to leave an impression well.

I saw something very beautiful. That's called from the desk of God and desk affected. Please make these changes in your life. They are necessary so that anything you peace and joy and happiness. I know I already gave you the 10 Commandments but also policies, guidelines for moving. I am here to take all your burdens anything for you put it on the list something taking care of this. Know your put it on my students trust once given your burdens to Kathy that I will take care of all your leave it alone. If you wake up one morning feeling strong. Don't try to take back your burdens. If getting stronger because he gave me your burdens in mind.

Talk. Don't forget about your burdens have I seen a lot of things from up here that you can have faith in knowing what share you were taught to share when you sell five or less patient. I made it so that you can have many diverse experiences in one lifetime patient what you want is my time to time. I love this time the one reason to be loved in return. I love you so with all my heart and now that is the kind of things shall and shall mean that God is very real and is there for me that is what makes it all worthwhile. The fact that I know that someone loves me and someone is there for me now and always. But for those that are just opinion this is the care and I'm your host Amy capital today show's school is focusing on traumatic experiences and how it can be passed down through generations and please don't forget that we have opened up the lines in the show. If anybody would like to share their stories of how these things can be passed down through generations and maybe share how the way to get clearly listening to the care on 880 F is this is now.

I have my daughter who is going to sing. I say my layering D: nine we continue with daily double on a show. This is the care hose, Amy, Bill and Michelle dealing with trauma and recovery in different ways that we can be there for one another.

Whether ideas that we share with one another or testimonials or even professionals that we sometimes enjoy on the shelf and that was my daughter who just sang you say and that's basically the way that we are blessed and that's what I see that God does bless you.

Suffering isn't forever and I want to concede because I have been to many different things. I have been through many difficult things that he never gave up. I always believed I always pray I always stay close to God. Guess what, I didn't have a choice. I had no one else but it is like the story of Job. It took a long time that I was blessed and our daughter is an example. Thank you Nisha your wonderful so sickly I thought a lot of people have said that the Bible helps that for me. I find it hard to understand the Bible and even though I use prayer and IEP and I look for other ways to enter to myself or feel better or ignore negative thoughts. There's people that really really swear by the Bible. They say that the Bible is their guiding thing and one of the things that I had that I found in the Bible that I had in the phone but my husband walked out with my phone so I can give me a second. There's one thing that I found on Facebook and it was it was actually said it was amazing.

I never saw it this way but somebody had highlighted in a Bible. Peace I leave you my peace I give you. I do not give you festivals kids do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. And then Nisha sticking out the excess. She is not the absence of trouble.

It's the presence of Christ in the midst of that trouble and that really put things into perspective for me.

That's when I realized it is Nice to difficult claims that we have the opportunity to shine. By doing the right thing by loving unconditionally by doing what Jesus would write. That's the way to live. I have good news.

I did find the Bible in three minutes. I did and it's the whole Bible because I do go to church to listen to Bible stories. I guess I'm a little lazy about reading the Bible that I did hear them now and that for those that haven't met the Bible. I have the Bible in three minutes.

This is is a Bible in three minutes. Well, still waiting for the Bible and the minutes asked her okay so you should experience God do we give into temptation from a forbidden tree soon enters the world scriptural store children with no later Doug called to follow him. God was so close comes God's will is for slaves. Moses is called drugs, which are as cold God so so all the people of God is like God's people will go sorry, no prophets, no miracles, no bejewel visitations so what does trance because one day return the greatest story ever told. One kind is very contagious so you want to say something like everything we need.

Family friend cell. If any of my family friend name hi guys, God is just like a miracle, your heavenly father usually thinking every single day because you know we got family in our patent everything we wouldn't have any fool you know like everything that's good comes from God. Every gesture when you kind to someone. Maybe it's got to junior high maybes God that gave you the idea to help somebody who needs or gives you the idea to say kind words and believe it or not, we may be just one person, but if all of us start thinking in that way.

Let's be kind, regardless it's becoming another way, and it doesn't matter what somebody has done to you, or how mean somebody is we don't let just we continue being we are to continue being a good person and a kind person. At least trying to be a good person was, you know, but we try, we can always try and try again. Persistence pays but we could try and that's all that really guidelines. He does want us to try to do the right thing and to seek yes and also think about God, miracle, like when he heals people when he healed the blind you way I saw a video on Facebook that there was a a will, there was a girl hidden C and they prayed over her and because of the she started to see and then there was a tsunami and these people these people are Muslim. I think, and they ran into a little small chapel and they started to pray though that there was a woman that used to be Christian before she turned Muslim and she started praying to God to Jesus just started praying to him and the synonymy had finished that little scalpel never got destroyed and when she went outside.

Everyone around her. She thought that and it was because people needed to see that testimony people needed to see that believe in God does make a difference it can make the difference from you being miserable to you being at peace and that's what it was for me. I did fumble and fail.

I wasn't strong I made my mistakes.

I know what it's like to hide from God because you think you're not good enough to pray. How dare you, he's not eating then the lesson I know what it's like to feel bad but once you really understand that got downright for our sins that we may be forgiven, that we may be loved unconditionally. Imagine if your mother or her real mother. Not like my mother and you love your children, don't you love them unconditionally by the imagine the things that you would do for your children which is basically about anything. What do you think God would do for us. Almost everything anything in the world. I think if I was God eager to help and saying what is this person asked. Ray yes and we should also think about things like the things you know many many things like school we learned about the things I want to thank my teachers at that. You need anything thinking well like I said were very glad we are definitely and and there's always humor in our family. It's never boring. I tell you one way or the other but the great thing is that as a family we stay close.

We've always survived and believe it or not. Always try to do the right thing and was also been responsible.

We've taught our children about appropriate behavior appropriate affection and appropriate physical contact, so that they may be aware, we've also educated them about kidnapping that somebody may say your mother's sake and need to come with they have to now expect a codeword codeword. I'm sure nobody else. Nothing you so that's another way. By the way that we can stop the cycle and I think because God picked us. It's not by chance that we were born. He has a plan for us already laid out. He has an idea of how we need to go about it. Some of us take longer than others. I know I took a long time, long my notebook leads me to believe we are more than jeans or a preachings so we can change for the better. We don't need to go fold the jeans were good produce what I was 30. There's the mind and the soul in the spirit court. Besides fixing I like to deal with but I love your information. Think and I have to tell you that yes challenges will happen. Things will happen, and because it gets down to your children, and that things can continue to happen, but for me, for me, what helped me was turning to God that was made here and that's why this show is called the cheer. Of course, love was the answer to all my problems. Unconditional love is like nothing else, it's what we want most in life. What we cannot let you have for your children so that the coming again guys. It's hard to believe another show.

It's been great talking to you if they think you two shall enter into glory. Thank you for having me this is the chair on your hosting a capital you're listening to eight, 88, and that this you can download that by going to www.88 that this and join us next Friday at 2 PM July thanks for listening. This is better. I cleaned so the days with Amy, was brought to you by volume ICU research 786-310-7477 or to name every Friday at 2 PM with baby cobble right here on 880 use