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The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
March 31, 2012 12:09 pm


The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 31, 2012 12:09 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show talk show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book blue book. Now the orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Christie car guy with your questions. 186634218663 for 8784 as being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out is your host Robbie Gilmore last week we talked about gas and how often God uses a crisis to get our attention this week were going into another crisis situation were God gets our attention. Yes, this week work going underwater underwater. When Jonah was running from God. It didn't love the bubbles when Jonah was running from God. It didn't take long and he was underwater overwhelmed for many of us that has worked the same way.

We didn't trust God, we are meeting our needs that we can trust God that he was meeting our needs speed we thought necessary.

So we went ahead and took out the loan and met them ourselves, headed for Tarsus instead of Nineveh. Next thing you know three loans later in order to manage that first situation. You're totally underwater thousands of dollars, maybe tens of thousands of dollars in that way past the value of the car that this was all about.

Originally, the question is if we turn our faces toward his holy temple in Jerusalem like Jonah did.

In other words, repent would. Here's the real question would God provide a great fish to swallow. Has God ever provided you a great fish you know something to keep you in prayer. Did you ever notice that's what the fish did for Donna kept him in prayer until we got spit out on dry land. Well, that's the question today on the Christian car – a winded God provide a great fish to swallow you can imagine God's words to John inside the fish. Jonah, do I have your attention now have your complete attention to you have anything you say or think. When is God got you in that exact predicament. When is God provided a fish to swallow you and I'm telling you that inside that fish is plenty uncomfortable and for me I'm under recall the situation happened in December 2007 actually had been doing the show a couple years. When this happened, but I owned the Chrysler story marks from North Carolina and that spring I had found out that our office manager had been not paying our taxes the way she should. Money was disappeared like over million dollars and I spent most of the year trying to establish new loans and things in order to keep the business floating when we were definitely underwater. Horribly, the situation looked and then all of a sudden it seemed like God came through it. I was certainly in prayer as this fish was surrounded me. I found a group of investors willing to invest up to $5 million and that's what Chrysler had told me that they needed. I didn't realize the timing of the situation was Chrysler new at this point in time that they were going to be bailing out themselves in bankruptcy, you may work in a make the dealer body smaller so they really weren't too interested in the poor guy in Marksville or Carolina who they told back previously if I came up with enough money continue on doing business, but in December 2007 I went to the people Chrysler I said look got the money ready to go. I just need you to reopen my floorplan line.

I can confirm etc. etc. in crisis that were sorry were not interested in is what you mean we don't we don't have anything to do with it. You just handle whatever you can handle the word document extender floorplan.

The matter how much money you have. We don't so when I back and told investors that they quickly bailed on me and now I was really in trouble and I went to see an attorney and that attorney told me surrounding at this point it would take you 1/2 $1 million to declare bankruptcy and you don't have it so your best bet is to go find a rock somewhere and climb up underneath it because it's fixed now come down on you like you've never seen your leisure house you lose everything.leisure cars you know you're gonna have basically nothing. So as we say.

Sometimes I think God had me right where he wanted me deep inside the belly of this fish.

I had nowhere to turn.

God was clearly asking Robbie of I got your text and one of the ways he got my attention was Stu Epperson, the president, rebroadcasting him to show up in my office the same day I met with the attorney and was looking for somebody to help them with three broadcasting, which was one of the ways but another way that God provided the fish for me was that one of my salesman came out to me that day and said you know Robbie, the way that I've been able to continue to work here is where been struggling with no cars to sell and all the stuff is that I've throw papers in the morning and so God provided for me through this job. It seems crazy that I went from being a car dealer to throwing papers in the morning but it if there was ever a situation I would say in my life that God provided the fish for me because I have no money.

We had no way of your listener has to try to figure out how we could even get a deposit together the get us in a house and we're just scurrying around trying to find something and I found that I could release papers are meeting with all my problems with through newspaper so that when I get up in the morning and go collect the newspapers enrolled in newspapers and throated newspapers. And although there was a large sum of money that came from that process. What it did for me.

I can never explain million euros to anybody that somebody would totally lost his confidence that he could do anything of value realized when these little old ladies really like the way I through their paper. You know that I would hang it on the little thing right by the door so they would have to bend over and get it and they would leave me these wonderful tips in these notes saying, oh I've never had such a paperboy as you. You know they did know that I was 50 years are was over 50 years old stuff so they were just wow. And all of a sudden I realize Mandy's these is something I can do.

God still gave me something that I could feel like I was accomplishing something.

I was providing for my family were going to find a way out of the situation I was in the belly of the fish and yes eventually I did get spit up on dry ground, but you know during that time where you're really left with nothing but it ability to pray and ask God to give you some guidance. It's an amazing time. It's a very and I I know Jonah had a much different experience than I do but I know that Jonah had a real experience in the belly that fish and now as I have relayed this message this morning and spent some time doing it on my prayer is that it is recalled something in you where God had you in the belly of the fish had no way out and where you have no idea what your next move was going to be so you had no place else to go but God and then then God provided a way out that you never would've thought in a million years. When were you in the belly of the fish. 866-348-7884 is a number to call us this morning 86634 truth for the digitally gifted, we want to hear the time you are in the belly of the fish because guess what there's people in the belly of the fish right now and they need your encouragement. You've been through that situation and God's give you that story for a reason to share it and so call us this morning 866-348-7884, be courageous. We have lines open love to hear your story now. Obviously I have many strategies to help people that are in the slavery of card debt.

In the end they may be in the belly of the fish that waywardness. Certainly share those this morning and then coming up in our appraisal by the real black book course. That's where are we search the Bible for hidden treasure, cry out for the sermon, lift up your voice for understanding, you know, there appeared to be no way out for Jonah thrown into the middle of the Mediterranean Sea will similarly for Hezekiah he was surrounded by 185,000 Assyrians and for Benjamin and Sarah Bert. Sarah was eight months pregnant and having been pulled out of bed in the wee hours of the morning February 29, 1704 by the French and Indian soldiers who had massacred most of the residents of Deerfield, Massachusetts that morning. Well, there was 4 feet of snow in scantily clad, no shoes there in that situation.

They started the march to Québec for fetus, no, no shoes, eight months pregnant and I get to share what happened in that story the end of the show coming up in our appraisal by the real black book.

I am Robbie Gilmore, the Christian car guy 35 years the retail automobile business, but more importantly your brother in Christ? I show is changing the way people look at their cars and need to be paid for no debt watching people buy cars for 35 years going into the slavery of huge amounts of debts is a heartbreaker were to be talked a lot about that today cars and again if you keep the same car you have and you just treated well. They come cars last as long as you do.

We talk about that every week you see those tractors a been sitting on the elements since the 40s still running.

Why do you think truth is if you maintain a car and last as long as you do. And cars need to be driven safely. Wear your seatbelt. As we talked about last week. Don't speed.

Americans are wasting this very week they wasted 200 million gallons of gas on speeding.

We talked about the Jeep that Jesus take the wheel challenge last week. Could you ask God to help you drive better and use that money to give to God's work. We talk about all those things are on a Christian car not show but today were talking about when did God provide a great fish to swallow you and keep you in prayer until he could stretch out on dry ground you call us with that story you know you know you got shared 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH a lot more Christian part a lot more for time in the belly of the fish and you are looking for answers.

We would love to hear from you today. If you are underwater. 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884 or as always, we have information on the website Christian car on strategies. If you are underwater in your car there several of them there is also great illustrations of what it would like to be inside Jonah. And of course the Jesus labor of love. We need some volunteers in Charlotte. We got several ladies down there who need some help.

We need some car repair places in Charlotte to help us out. We made lots of calls but we, if you know of anybody in the Charlotte area that's a good repair place a Christian. Some like that, please email us. We desperately need some help for those folks in Charlotte, there's three or four moms waiting on that list down there again. Call us with your story this morning we got David in Richmond's been underwater. David welcome the Christian Car Guy ship. After 27 years when I could not agree analysis that light situation. March 12, 1986 agreement laid out so God's own statement because it referred me I am gone back just like that.

God, though no withdrawal whatsoever. No psychological, no physical withdrawing. Please keep me still today without cigarettes and are not tempted well only right in the belly of the diagnosis. That's an amazing to he gets our attention quite often crisis down the distal.

I understand that feeling all too well. God bless you, Dave, and I appreciate that encouragement because you know there's people out there right now. Who knows what they're facing there in the belly that fish and it's it's a wonderful thing to know that God where sin abounds grace over abounds in God's Wayton waiting for you to turn to him and he's got some answers. But you got asked questions for 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

Would love to hear your underwater story. Again, we've got some strategies come up. We got Romanian Michigan has a question car question force remainder on a Christian parish out of a combination.

I guess I could probably say that I'm not going.

Probably I'm gonna kill, but left it greatly. We however you know we we have come from a point where we had no debt paid off a farm were feeling very, very important, but the and then all of a sudden to protect that investment necessary, but we kinda be necessary investment. We were now in debt and the unit were not fixed yet but were looking at it and you don't like to be in debt. We know that that age, especially when you come from a period of time in teaching not being in debt though but anyway work were still black, but we did buy a car. Recently we have a small farm with some cattle and we had nothing that was strong enough to carry. We didn't have anything with a three-quarter ton chassis and so we looked around for unit one and found that the car with the five for the navigator was looking for a navigator much the little flasher and we are looking for, but the but we did want to check in thought. Anyway, we bought the Anda all been accorded the gas prices that begun to ride all and it was an old navigator by the way, but but evaluate diminished paid off.

But how can we is or is there anything possible to do to do other than to keep your foot out of the carburetor that you admonished her to get better fuel economy. There are many many things. If you look at last week's website my toes from last week or which right down on the front page there's Robbie's top 20 gas savers and you know things like don't fill up the tank completely, because you're carrying 7 pounds per gallon things like you know, try to combine trips to make and I don't go places you don't have to go. You know, make goat go trips where y'all make all right turns. There's a lot of thought processes, you can go through to improve your gas mileage.

Of course, one of the best ones is keep your foot out of it, but another one that I I think a lot of people realize is if they really really track their gas mileage.

They find ways in and there's places again through my website where you can see how to track your gas mileage but you can find ways once you're realizing when I do things this way I get 23 miles a gallon. I do them this way I get 18 miles a gallon and bite you know you can't manage what you don't measure.

So if you're not currently measuring your fuel economy. That's a huge way. A huge way to figure out you with within my habits within the way I'm driving, how can I improve my situation so those would be my quick suggestions. Of course there's 20 of them. There is a Christian car so with thanks for calling in and and God bless you and it's it is getting tougher out there. There's no doubt about it I going bless you.

Remain appreciate it. We got Jim is in Greensboro. She has the underwater story for us. Perhaps Jim Moran right now I know why I try to get out of really like car. Now I don't have any money to pay the kind have great time struggling get get my rent paid, and found not to early where you're talking about, in our daily weight gain on dry land and try to keep a fairly high and are guided by me. Let me get out of it very narrowly and now my note and I know there's a lot of people out there right now that that certainly I would ask that you be praying for Kim.

We've a lot of us been in similar situations. Kim do you belong to a good church.

Okay well unfortunately I hear that music Sandberg and I have to go to a break. I have two or three ideas I want to run by you Kim I appreciate you, and the courage to do that is amazing, working to talk with Kim when we come back we want to hear your underwater story.

Maybe you've got some encouragement for Kim you been through it but you came through on the other side you call us at 86634 truth underwater and ask the question today is Christian car guy in the belly of the fish looking for a way out. Some of us are in there and we got questions others have been through and we got answers you call us with your encouragement. Please 866-34-TRUTH 866-34-TRUTH 87884 when we left him.

She's in a difficult situation lost her job, car payments are due things it's it's a tough situation.

Is there with Kim.

Well, one thing that Satan loves to do is to get us isolated and get you on your own so you think that you're in this battle by yourself and I'm so happy that you called us today because you just put who knows how many thousand prayer warriors out there praying for you Kim that that that you could be helped out of the situation, but it's it's one of those things where if you belong to the church.

You've got to reach out to some of those people that you trust with your heart that that you know are you to judge you but simply would show you the grace of God in in helping you find a way out. Probably your pastor may be a good Sunday school teacher somebody there that you could come share your story and and and you need allies you need people that can come along beside you that can help you discern what to do because when you're like that I can arrive. Been there, you think that you got a figure your way out of it, and quite often the you know only God has answers that make sense and then as far as the car's concerns.

When's the next payment to it was due. So you've got one due on the ninth. Are you past due.

On the one from March. I understand. I believe me this these, things happen.

One of the things that did. I don't know a lender that doesn't appreciate a phone call to say here's the situation, and in here's here's where I need some help and and and quite often they can find a way to manipulate your payments in such a way and again I don't know who the lender may be, but one of the neck strategies that I wouldn't think that I would use is to literally call that lender tell and the problem that you're having. Tell him that you intend on making good on your commitment and you know any you know hope you may have for job here or something else that might be money coming in, but the other thing we tend to do is not call the people we all the money to they don't know what else to do but the more drastic stuff because I don't think that they have our attention that we have a problem so that's that's another strategy as far as you know, the car payments and then you know from my standpoint, Kim this is the this is the church it's not just your problem.

It's the church's problem and we should come alongside you in some way shape or form. And again I've got resources here through the Jesus's labor love program. Other things you'll contact us through that again. It's at our website. Christian car or now. We now have the domain of Jesus's labor it is for single moms and widows and connected us and maybe we can help you find some resource in some way. You know to be able to help you out through the through the tough times. So those are those a couple of things that I would mention to you Kim and and and and and I appreciate your courage so much calling today.

Does that help. Thank you.

I bless you please reach out to our website. Christian car I appreciate it and we need to hear from you. 86634 truth you've been through that you got some encouragement for Kim. You may have some encouragement for another person sitting right there there in the belly of the fish.

They don't know what to do.

On the other side they been in the financial struggle.

What are the right things to do.

One of the wrong thing to do you call us 866-34-TRUTH 866-348-7884. Well, as I mentioned, I do have some strategies for people that have gotten into that car debt that they really don't know exactly what to do right this minute. Now there there there urging varying degrees of what you do under the circumstances. The first one is for those who want into much over their head okay and in here's the situation that you see that it's more more struggle to get that car payment now you got gas on top of that, food hamburgers, $17 a pound you know if your things are front are coming fast in your start to get worried well when you're in the belly of the fish. The thing that I've noticed is that error needs to be rationed right at this time that that you take smaller breasts and so you gotta save that money which means you gotta tighten, tighten your belt, you've got to get yourself on a budget.

Dave Ramsey be very proud to hear that.

But, in other words, that there's ways to carve that time to get going out to eat on the movies, whatever. Though some of those things are in your life by creating a budget sticking to it and those kind of things, but simply put so many people run to a car dealer and they go I need to lower my car payments and so they take a situation that's bad and they make it so much worse because there $6000 upside down that cardio since all I can help you. I can get you $350 payment down to 325 and you think well of saving $25 a month and I get a new car but guess what you just went into a 72 month long when you only have 48 payments left on another loan, and now instead of owing known $19,000 you owe $26,000 and the car that you bought is you know where is way, way, way less then than so there's the thing and so many people I saw every day when I was in the car business. Their solution was to go trade cars again and throw more debt onto the pilot will believe me the belly of the fish is awaiting many of us to be included.

I've been there. Believe me I understand.

And you know that's a very difficult situation. But while you still have credit whatever there. There is a situation. A lot of people find themselves in, or they just made those last 48 payments tighten her budget made it work things would work out so that's the number one strategy is how do you figure out a way to keep the car you got paid off and do what you should.

The number two way call the Dave Ramsey style, he says bailout and violet by a beater and and that's not necessarily a bad strategy. There are times it's bad and I go into great detail in this on my website but you know there's a lot of times that yeah you owe $20,000 on that $10,000 caravan and you can in fact become why your credit still good.

You can't do this once your credits, you know tank so to speak, but while your credit still good. You go on and advertise the caravan yourself. Sell it yourself because if you traded believing these people are gonna roll you into something that you may never get out of so go ahead and sell the caravan yourself, realizing that you're going to be seven or eight, nine, $10,000 short. After you sell it and you go get a home equity loan or some other loan to just basically borrow the on the water that you got your by your borrowing money on your negative equity, so to speak, so that loan is just an open loan for that eight or $9000 and include in that loan.

Another $2000 for a beater.

That's the Dave Ramsey strategy. Then you take $2000 of this $10,000 loan because he took $8000 negative equity in $2000 to buy beater.

You now have a car that your pan on a whole lot less per month in order to get rid of all the negative equity, of course, he would snowball that that and you'd roll it as quickly as you possibly could make payments on that strategy is is is very effective for people who still have good credit and who can get a loan with no collateral for $10,000, but most people is been my experience that most people in that horrible situation just simply do not have the resources to get a $10,000 loan unsecured to cover their negative equity. So what do I do in this situation, which is been my spirit is most people are in that situation so the only thing you can do here and this is really you gotta spend some time in the belly this fish. It's not a comfortable place and what you really have to do is you have to create more income and what that may often mean as a second job that you going out delivering pizzas.

Now the thing of it is is a lot of people out there ready to willing to trap you on that second job all you can work from the Internet at home you can do this goes a lot of those when they start asking you to pay to find out how to make money than you do start to worry.

So the traditional you know, take the second job idea is is what I'm talking about here, but by increasing net income you literally in a position to start to double up your payments on the car that you're buried in and you actually find yourself in equity and you can hear this all the time on people that that no go out to get the second job for two years or in the belly of the fish out. They get there doing a lot of work but they work themselves out of this circumstances which is it's it's a difficult thing and so many, many Christians find themselves in it again. We still have lines open. We would love to hear from you because guess what you could encourage somebody that's really, really got a situation I will move on to our appraisal by the real black book. That's where we search the Bible for hidden treasure.

Cry out for discernment, lift up our voice for understanding, you know, there appeared to be no way out for Jonah. He was thrown in.

And interestingly, if you read the book carefully and in which, by the way that the Jews when they celebrate Yom Kippur, which is the day of atonement.

You know what they do because this is the last day that they feel like they can be atonement.

They read the story of Jonah because Jonah is a picture of repentance. It's an amazing picture repentance because he goes down into the water with his own agenda and he comes back out of the water baptized, so to speak completely on God's agenda. In other words, it's really a picture of not only was Jonah going in the opposite direction on the boat headed for Tarshish, the fish took him back towards Nineveh and again unit unit you know the rest of the story, but that is a picture but similarly for Hezekiah.

You know he was sitting there in Jerusalem. Now he wasn't thrown in the ocean, but he was sitting there facing 185,000 Assyrians all lined up around his wall and it looked absolutely hopeless.

How many people have found themselves looking at 195,000 Assyrians around the wall. Well, as I mentioned at the beginning of the show.

There were these folks Benjamin and Sarah Bird actually I found them as I was working on my own genealogy. And guess what.

Before my relative, and Sarah was eight months pregnant and she was pulled out of her bed in the wee hours of the morning February 29, 1704 by the French and Indian soldiers who massacred most of the residents of Deerfield, Massachusetts that morning.

But there in 4 feet of snow, scantily clad, no shoes. They started on March believe it or not they were going to march to Québec, Canada.

Not here is an excerpt from a book that I found called the times of Henry Burke.

It says the other wretched survivors cling together and scanning attire. Alternately, chilled by the winners colder scorched by the heat of their blazing homes is a tearfully counted their slain by their absence mingled their lamentations over the loss of loved ones and saw their treasure. Turning to ashes, while a dreadful uncertainty obscure their own fate in the midst of this there Rev. Pastor John Williams addressed prayers for the sign assistance not you know I'm trying to picture these people are there there there homes on fire and here's this pastor were these terrified people and he's praying he's praying for divine assistance and support, and then the Indians say.

Time to go.

Time to go. Now these Indians. If you ever watched the drums along the Mohawk or the last Mohicans, any of the stuff these these, they took no prisoners, so to speak.

This wasn't their main thing so they wanted very interested in these people at all and any that lag behind their hundred that started this death march to Québec and only 50 or so made it 28 of which were pregnant women because if you like behind two or 3 feet. The Indians came up in a tomahawk to very clearly just put you out of your misery because they were not waiting and not only did you have no close in the snow was 4 feet in the ground but you know what they did at night. This is an amazing story, they would pile in the huge piles of humanity in order to keep warm taking turns being on the outside so that you could be on the inside getting warm while the others would this be a human shield over the hundred or so people in the middle of this camp trying to stay warm. Picture this, you're pregnant. Your eight month pregnant you just watched your pastor's wife. By the way, she was one of those that was tomahawk when she got lag behind your solvent.

You see this you think while how in the world. If I think I've enough more financial issues here and there. I mean this is this is serious stuff.

This is serious stuff. But guess what my great whatever grandmother made. Somehow she made it to Québec for months they traveled. It took them to get to Québec through the winter in all the situation and guess what my grandfather wasn't born until 13 years after this this incident.

So the question was did God know a thing about this with your own ancestors did God know that you had to come along so he's he had this protection he had this reverent saying prayers over your ancestors clear back in 1700 or 1300 or before Christ.

It's more than amazing. When you read some of these accounts of the courage and the things that people went through. But the interesting thing to me in the thing that that you can't help but see is that God still for my grandmother. The belly of the fish happen to be a snowstorm happen to be whatever it was, what the belly of the fish was maybe for you, but there you find yourself in prayer and talk about some of those prayers. We can talk about small ways out and what God may have for us in the belly of the fish and that's coming in our final segment of the 55 – oh state and call 866-34-TRUTH we love to hear your story and it's not too late to come around when you're in the belly of the fish with a great time to do what you know it's a thing if you really study that passage in Jonah when he went into the sea. Look how he turned his face to Jerusalem all of a sudden on his way down. You know the way I read it.

I'm just guessing because they know nobody was there but it looks like he was actually going down on the fish while them. I don't think you got them on the surface it looked like he had pretty much given up take his last breath and started this started to sink down to the bowels of the earth is where he was describing it but it says he turned his face to Jerusalem one last time and the prayer is an interesting thing that he prayed inside of the fish and and there's a lot I don't think I ever got that as much as I got up this morning when I was put that in line with that, it's interesting. It says this is the very last line of Jonah's prayer. Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own mercy those who regard worthless idols forsake their own mercy. But I'll sacrifice to you with the voice of Thanksgiving. I will pay what I vowed that interesting salvation is from the Lord here was Hezekiah's prayer he surround surrounded by hundred 85,000 Syrians again. The last line of his parole Lord our God, I pray, save us from this hand of all the kingdoms of the earth.

You may know, that they may know you're the Lord, you know what happened the next morning hundred and 85,000 data Syrians laying around all.

It's amazing how we can come through. We have Stephen in Richmond's got a question for Stephen year on the Christian part I show good morning good morning good what you got for well I will show this morning and I was wondering if you don't agree with you by going to debt on the vehicles but if you have the money in the bank and if the current good interest rate your interest rate on the vehicle to finance it would be less interest in what you're gaining weight. At that point would be wise to finance the car that's a great question, Steven and I think Dave Ramsey probably would have it done in my head it. What I meant to say, but I I'm not that legalistic to say hey if you can make more money with your money in the bank, then you would in the car if you can make the payments out of the money in the bank and really discipline yourself obviously you discipline yourself to get yourself in that position.

You know that's where I think you gotta be shrewd as a as a fox, and those kind of things. I think that that's really a wisdom issue and if you literally can make money with them with your money sit on the bank. I'd I certainly when I was a salesman work through that with some people saw it to be to their benefit and so I I'm not so legalistic as to say you can never ever going that sometimes it does make sense.

Yes I agree I agree and I also agree with I think for itself, but God is, what kind of wondering on that issue that it would know if you could maintain a little bit more money by about financing, you know, and it set aside to do just that. And then maybe it might be a good idea, so I appreciate your input and again any time. You know those kind of things are always there's accountants and money advisors.

Much, much wiser than me based on elements of the God bless you, Steve, and I appreciate the question and I think that's that's something we always you know there's no cookie-cutter it's not you always do it this way when it comes to those kind of things that they take prayer they take discernment and and ultimately to me. They take exactly what Jonah did. You gotta turn your face to God and say you gotta go down in the water died itself and come up so to baptize, you gotta come up as God's man, God, what, what is it that you have in mind because my plans. They apparently have laid me in the belly of the fish so you know, those are all things out again. We want to tell you that with this Jesus labor love thing are so blessed to be able to help these ladies, but if you go to Jesus. Labor our new website you can find out all about that information, but we really really need some help in Charlotte, North Carolina. We need some car repair facilities out there if you know a Christian in that area. If you live in Charlotte.

The does car repair or somebody that you think does great work that may help us out, please email us and again, if you know a single mama widow in need. That is an awesome ministry of the Lord is blessing. A lot of people through it. You can go either Christian card. Jesus is labor. either of those work again. For more information is always just go to Christian card. I certainly want to thank my amazing producer helped us with the bubbles and all the stuff today. Bethann McBride my boss Stu Epperson forever in the vision to share the show. Back when I was in the belly of the fish and remember what I always say, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years, or sometimes the road, and sometimes he went on to express but for the most part he didn't know fact okay never went 75 I'm on that. I know, but again, you know, maybe in my angel wings remembers he got out of the water yourself. Like Jonah and rise to God's desire you're listening to the Truth Network and