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Easter Show

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
April 7, 2012 12:08 pm

Easter Show

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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April 7, 2012 12:08 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. The cop show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book, not a bluebook knobby orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Coast Guard guy with your questions. 186-6342 that's one 866-34-TRUTH 7884 is being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out is your host Ronnie Gilmore. What are the top 10 automotive maintenance must be are you doing them and perhaps equally as important are you teaching them to someone else today is the Jesus labor love Saturday and we have found time and again with this ministry that so many single moms and widows don't keep up their regular maintenance and as they say in that old family oil commercial. You could have paid $20 for an oil change, but now you're paying $3000 for an engine you can pay me now or pay me later is actually the way they set it but who is teaching who is mentoring. Do you know the top 10 yourself and talk about that the day on the Christian Car Guy show but where can you come alongside someone maybe a teenager or a widow in your church you sit right down the pew and you and maybe just lean over and say somebody helping you make sure your car stays maintained. Maybe it's a niece or nephew that you know is being raised by single mom, who's going to teach them how they can know how to check their oil when they fill up with gas how to get to know how to do their tires well and talk about today in Christian Car Guy show in here to help me. We have a pair bills like having a parable to teach with. In this case to bills.

Bill Kratz sees our Carolina mobile auto mechanic.

Welcome Bill morning is important stuff in the bill.

We really are facing this with some anything a moms and widows that they just don't know how to do it in some is how to teach and absolutely what we see is a lot of someone tells them they need a little repair the neighborhood tourism. We start looking at site it's in really bad shape, and then were situations like now. We got drop some bad news on the say your car needs a lot of work to be safe to be reliable yet to set up situation. So what are those top 10 working at camp is down today as well as guess what, there might be some insurance issues that are as equally needed to be taught to the people in your sphere of influence that we've got the other bill with this bill makes our Christian insurance guy with us here today welcome Bill.

It's a wonderful morning. I hope it's as beautiful.

Will you folks are here is your and Winston. I thought we talk about some insurance must be whether with top those out the other drivers in our family with they need to do in certain circumstances.

So if you have that maintenance question that that may be specific to your car or if you've got that insurance question. You do this one goes here. Rate ripoffs questionable quotes deductible dilemma adjuster fluster policy predicaments, premium pretense, you call us today, 866-348-7884 is a number to call and we have lines openly love to hear you got that car question integrate data do it may be a maintenance question or that insurance question 866-348-7884 hi I'm Robbie Gilmore, the Christian Car Guy 35 years I was in the retail automobile business, but more importantly your brother in Christ, the Christian Car Guy show is our prayer will change the way people look at the cars. I need to be paid for no debt watching people buy cars for 35 years going in the slavery of huge debt is what drove me to do this very difficult situation. But guess what, if you take care your car, you will need to trade a trade. It is we all talk about cars need tender loving care and talk a lot about that band today show and they need a name like old rent. You see those tractors a been synonymy elements since the 1940s there still running well if you take care of your car it'll last as long as you do.

They need to be safe and driven safely. We discussed this a couple weeks ago I met him. You can hear a lot about it in upcoming weeks. Americans waste 200 million.

This is an updated number for me. They waste 200 million's of gas a week, one week, Americans waste 200 million gallons of gas on speeding as I say America doesn't have an oil problem. We have a sin problem, and so we talk about their and her on the Christian Car Guy. But today it's what's your maintenance or insurance question or comment 866348788486634 truth. Now it of course we got our appraisal by the real black book. That's where we search the Bible for hidden treasure. Cry out for the sermon lift up our voice for understanding on today's appraisal by the real black book teaching the basics not only for auto mechanics, mentoring were commanded many times in the Scriptures to tell the story to our children to actually to tell the story to ourselves and anyone else that we can find to tell the story to God commanded the Israelites to keep the Passover to tell the story of how they were freed from the bondage of slavery Passover actually was last night and it's our tradition that we have this. It's really amazing Seder with our Sunday school class and some close friends and as you may know, I teach a special-needs Sunday school class so it was it was so cool because you know all these other folks that were friends in whatever they were kind amazed because the people you know with the down syndrome and an autism of the members of my class. I got up and they demonstrated their phenomenal grasp of the Scriptures, they really do have NLN is they were able to tell the story. One friend of mine says man they know it better than I do see God designed it so it's very easy to understand and sharing the story with close friends and family like in the Passover Seder is its amazing stuff for this week.

I got a view of the story of the resurrection and Pentecost that I never really fully understood and it's making this Easter season phenomenal for me so I want to share this with my friends and family today here in the Christian Car Guy show coming up in the show in our appraisal by the real black book. Now it is the Jesus labor love Saturday, so we always want to thank our Jesus labor love volunteers like BNL automotive and Charlotte in the course Bill Kratz here Carolina mobile auto service raise body shop all these guys that are out there volunteering across the country. We have 28 labor outlets now that are doing great. That's absolutely wonderful and but guess what, we still need more yes we never wore we we really need them in Charlotte and I think we've got to have the kill our know he's a full-time volunteer with us.

Now that this works on help helping us with all these and he's gonna come on here. Second segment so you can be looking forward to that. But Bill, what you see in these days with with the labor love there's a lot of meat out there. Robbie and like you said, more outlets would be great because it's just not money out there for people to servicer cars that mean the study show the people work hold their cars longer to keep them longer and it's all because of our economy so single moms widows especially are impacted because they have a heavier burden as far as financial usually and thank the Lord for Vicki's.

He's a great asset.

He does a lot of good workforce yeah you're not a kitten yet I because of there's no way I could do it all and with him making those calls to verify the references. If you've never heard of it.

Jesus labor love what it is. It's free car repair labor for single moms and widows. We used to do it just on the first Saturday of the month. Now we do it all month long. Right this month. We actually I have just I guess we have possession of the domain Jesus labor love.

So not only is it linked their Christian Car and now if you Google Jesus labor Guess what, that's the domain for that and you can go there and find out.

Wow if you know a single mom or widow that needs help, they do is click on a form fill out that form we get that the Vic health verify that there is a legitimate real need something that you know you can't. If this is for people that can take care of themselves. This is for people who have a crisis and is not necessarily limited to single moms and widows right we believe we have returning veterans. We have disaster victims.

I've we've done a number of them where there was a serious illness in the family and they you know had a horrible need in order to be able to provide transportation for somebody that was sick within the family so bright that anything like that. That's what the Jesus is labor, love of his four and again what we want to talk about some today though is if we could all just teach these top 10 basics we wouldn't see it so much, even teaching your kids or neighbors kids or whoever you can get a crowd you know to to talk about. Here's how you check your oil right. A good example. Robbie, as we just had a lady in sheet. Her car was overheating well it ended up being a water pump which is good.

By the time he chuckled was driven by the time came, but you had a timing chain all change, water pump and we got in there and the timing chain is just worn out. There's not enough miles on this car for to be worn out.

So that means lack of oil changes and when you'll have the $30 or whatever to do your will change and you gotta spend $30 of food for your children. Buy food for your children and also if you need education like rubbish.

Talk about home.

I'm sure any of the shops in the Jesus labor and price up in our place here, but any of them would be willing to help just call and ask Ali and we've got all that we've got another oil changes.

Number one on the list that has has no shock to us. We got another nine of those coming after and we got to kill, Mathematica segment and all mammal and affairs of other electric we have we have so much partisanship so you want to stay to allow more coming at you. Thank you for this is always going to memories for those of us were Pontiac fans. It's hard to accept that there is no more instances it's it's a very difficult situation.

I know that it is also difficult situation for my good friend Vic in Raleigh are volunteer for the Jesus labor love. Do you just lament when you hear that song Vic is a new article in 1960 Catalina here's the wide crack that they were talking about the commercial so he broke away in the Bonneville now in the Catalina school staff mosaic is our volunteer full-time volunteer for Jesus is labor love when you guys go to our website.

It Christian Car or Jesus labor and you click on that form and fill it out for us.

Those forms go to Vic and he will verify you know that there what the need is and try to establish which one of her outlets would be the best person work on that car and then he makes reservations and appointments, as the case may be, as we have resources, but right now Vic. We got a problem resource wise doing on the website. There are two things that I talked to check all underlayment have an owner's manual to check in and lost that I do know somehow we got to do that because it make the life of their cargo a lot farther is going to decrease the amount of time that the mechanic spent the cars out that Colleen just say I needed to know, running an oil change in the back of the lie because those are not needed financially and some of things like a broken timing belt or car doesn't run inanimate amazed child has to go to the doctor once or twice a week, things that thing. I get to talk a lot of different people are making very very appreciative of all mechanics and what you do Robbie and and what I did and we appreciate the person much smaller listings that support this ministry and we would ask that you pray specifically for the Charlotte area that you'd open the door.

We have the nails done a great job down there for us but when we got for moms in one week that need repairs and we got one outlet you you see the obvious situation and the other thing Vic that's that that's happened which were blessed to do because really we wanted this to be an outreach to both Christians and non-Christians that that we would share the light of Christ, but actually you found out that some of these ladies were getting our name from caseworkers right and wrong, suggesting that they call us for a carbonate and the really tall lady and I don't want that map to look like it's going to be about a 10 hour repair really don't know what to do with things. I'm glad you brought up that people can understand the program little bit better what we've done are the way they were able to lineup these repair centers across the country is when I talked to the owner.

I asked if they would basically donate a number of hours to us per week in the way of ministry because those hours to them are like inventory and that's how they make their money and so I'll ask if they could donate 567 hours. In some cases, two or three.

Whatever we can get because it's more than we had. And that's their ministry and and and they're having to pay that technician to do the work if they're the owner and the less they do the work themselves, but even so that's time that they could use make an income so what we are is not an unlimited resource for us only have a 10 hour repair and we have some is only volunteered for five hours in that market a month.

You know were were down for two months and so this is why again that we would we would ask for your prayers that we would ask free any if you know a wonderful Christian mechanic in your area wherever that may be.

If you would email us again. Go to Christian Car Let us know because you know God's working through this we seen some amazing stuff and you know the doors keep getting opened. But as they do.

And as more people find out about it, guess what our resources get right run drive very very quickly and Bill, you've been with us that in this sense, the very first day. Yes yes I have a night. I remember donating five hours a month was what I obligated in.

I can tell you right now I do way more than five hours a month but it's okay. I mean, I can honestly can't let her hurt me financially but needs out there and we try to do whatever we can to fulfill it right. And again if you want to find out more about this.

You go to Christian Car you can click on the Jesus is labor love banner there or you can go to Jesus is labor. and obviously all the information is there, the thing I love about this Vic is that it's in the name. Can you imagine I'm picturing this caseworker now talking to this now you need to go to Jesus for help. That's good so I am blessed Bill Vic. Thank you God bless you for your hard work, even though I know you were a little you know I had some health challenges this month and it brought me back absolutely. We appreciate your work. You have a happy Easter.

Wonderful celebration I understand is risen.

That's that's what my producer told me that I was so tickled by this caseworker. These caseworkers which I understand is more than one out there now that are recommending their recommending Jesus. We that's what we wanted. God bless and thank you we got to get back to that again. This whole idea of teaching these things right. You eat it's could be Anisa could be a nephew.

It could be your own kids did not do they know what the basic maintenance things are that they know what number two is on the list. When we got the battery at since it you know if your single mom.

That's the last thing in the world you need to have happen you know out there and being stranded somewhere, you know, one of the biggest things that we find this first problem was on the batteries just corrosion on the terminals.

Robbie coming if they're not looking about it when you do neural changes in checkable encouragement or mentally restrained in a heartbeat. And again it's enough yours if you're a widow, a single mom, you open up the hood. I know it looks scary and that there but that big square looking box with a live in again. Some of now are up under the fender. She can't help it if you can see where your battery is nothing most people know what a battery looks like where the two wires hooked to it right this big wires if you see a bunch of white fuzzy stuff white Fuzzy's that looked like something's grow in their mold or something that's a problem and it's easy to fix. Yes, a little baking soda and water is all it takes on that you know in the end you stuff you corrosion anything while you're checking your oil since you are under the hood. We got a lot more Christian Car Guy early got to we got eight more to go. Plus, bills, insurance tips coming up next Thursday to a lot more Christian Car Guy and old red is a shiny red. Well, I would, but it is a very cool guy. Good song but anyway welcome back to the Christian Car Guy radio show today. We are what are some of those basics that not only do we need to know ourselves.

But if you know them. Are you teaching them. Have you thought about. Have you prayed about who could I share these with my own kids and niece and nephew do they really understand they know how they know will assembly teaches him guess what these are basic stuff that that everybody needs to know and again were blessed to have a pair bills with us today Bill Kratz with Carolina mobile service. So if you have that automotive maintenance question. Guess what great day to call us at 866-348-7884 or that insurance question. Also a great day to call 866-348-7884.

Now builders.

We would be done a couple of the automotive basics, but what are some insurance basics that you consider do all the drivers in your household, your insured with.

I wonder if that the young drivers do they know how to reach your agent. Do you have the policy number in each one of your vehicle if they're in that accident are the your spouse and kids ready to provide the information they need to to the officer. The other person involved in the accident did they know what number to call for roadside service.

They know if your policy has roadside surf. You know if your policy has talent and labor. If you got rental car cover.

You know we're to have your car towed. If it needs engine work and won't run or if you're in an accident and your spouse and your kids know the cars gotta be Ted somewhere if the officer has had is going to be a storage charge. Every day it gets wherever it fits into you get it again.

So it's good for everybody in the family to know if it's a mechanical issue where should the car be towed to with it's a body shop issue. Where should they had the car towed to have body work done your insurance agent can give you a few good suggestions. If you don't know where you'd have your carpet do they know who to call to ask questions when that accident. If if they can't reach popular mama and they're trying to figure out what to do, what to say how to handle the situation. Do you have an insurance agent that they can call and say I don't know what to do. I'm not sure who's all.

Should I let those people just drive away. They seem to be really nice. Wish I called Billy that those are those of the conversations that we all need to have within our family, and in it, just this very week, you know, I have to admit I got this call from my son Dan is that you know is if I haven't been around Bill all my life and my son says what's that guys number the insurance guy and I remember to tell you been proud 721-1211, but is that that phone call happened because it is, you know that's a critical something your kids need to know and as it turned out he needed some unique coverage right. Let he had been told by Lise that rents vehicles that there was a specific endorsement that could be added to a auto policy so you don't have to buy the comp and collision to the rental car company, but the guy that was in charge of this said, yeah, a lot of the insurance companies he worked with absolutely refused to put it in the admit that it existed. I've got to say I had never heard of myself. We ended up calling the insurance company and talkative.

We even called the insurance commissioner's office and asked to talk to one of their auto insurance specialist and they had the endorsement either, but with enough phone calls and enough research a little bit a look in the general statute. We actually found what it was looking out again to clarify what were talking about see my son since he has a older car that is not in debt for. I'm proud to say effort to get a few things right or wrong as well. We practice what we preach, but he he only carries liability insurance.

He doesn't carry comp and collision.

Now he wanted to rent a car to go to New Jersey for Easter to visit his girlfriend family and so now that again when you go to rent the car if you don't have collision in comp insurance at getting to be an expensive proposition for to take on their insurance. So this was the opportunity to make that call to Bill Mixon, 721-1211 under the same and then you know here here's what we need. We need something that would be less expensive. From Bill and it would be to go through the Rent-A-Car and this is what this is what you guys were able to provide and I know he's extremely happy and on his way to New Jersey as we speak. Hopefully safely driving and not speed. But all those things.

So these are the conversations you need to have and then the and in getting back as we've only got into a gotta get some more these, the number three on our list is ~rights number three on the top 10 Latino/fuel injection service because today you know, and in the old days we had points condensers all that stuff that were involved in a tuneup with a high-energy ignition systems of today and all that's gone totally different. So we have spark plugs likely in a lot of vehicles.

None of these we don't. But in the gasoline car you got spark plugs.

You got that issue.

But then, the fuel injection subsystem is a completely different animal than carburetor right at the fuel injection system with the throttle body.

It needs to be cleaned occasionally and it's really not in the maintenance recommended interval, but it'll help your performance on the lot of customers will complaint was sticking throttle and that's a sure sign that you need a thought about going out and plus you know the injectors and satellites) use a cleaning now is a three stage clean will put some solvent in the gas tank to help go through the system clean and lubricate you run cleaner through the vacuum system clean all the deposits and carbon and you'll do manual clean of the throttle body so and and to give you an insight on this. This is also a big gas saver. Brian I get all the time people send this new gas treatment. You know it's gonna save you put it in every single tank and and what you'll find is in the first two tanks. It really does save you, but now it's cleaned out your injectors and guess what that recommended I get you'll need another camp for another 20,000 miles but your injectors, you know, blue. Some of that clearance, you know, based on just feel torn over him and there's no doubt Stephanie gets on the throttle body because the note in the carburetor. The gasoline itself clean the throttle body.

A lot of people didn't realize that.

But since the gasoline was coming through the throttle body. It clean the throttle body. Well fuel injection system airfares just air which has all kinds and set sap and who knows what all on and it and it sticks in the throat but right that's part of the deal so we gotta get. We gotta get going because we got a long way to go build number four is huge. I can't even talk about how number four is the timing belt. If your car has a timing belt which you find in your owners manual. If you don't have another thing like somebody's poor ladies and stuff man that is easiest thing in the world to get just call for Chevy whoever you don't build the car as a get send me an owners man usually there less than $10 and totally invaluable pieces of information timing belt Rob you know as well as I do, you gotta change a timing belt, you don't know when it was done, change it. It's an expensive thing. There's no doubt is okay me now pay me later. Right it may cost you 300 but I will promise you it will cost you four grand 500 it breaks. They're not like regular belts because what a timing belt doesn't give you the Robbie Gilmore simple as I can make it explode! See timing means. Guess what those valves in your car and got to open at the right time.

That's where the word timing comes from and so there is something called a crankshaft, which is what Nina really goes round and round it would be the Pistons in about an hour and they spin the crankshaft for that crankshaft has a belt that's tied to essentially a Shepherd but it drives the valves open and close, so your timing the whole engine with this one belt now, if that belt breaks.

Guess what, the piston comes up in your valve is now in your valve may be down and then cut slam. Oh, and that's 30 $504,000 so a timing belt is no nothing enough you not do something that is not the one right, the timing belt is absolutely huge. Number five simple enough but just commonly is entire tire pressure easy enough to look at that unit once a month or so. That time when you know you can check your why not look at the wear pattern of your tires. Is there some unusual is the middle of were now is one side of him wearing out.

Is there something going on with the way that those tires are where tell you where we see most of the wear on tires on the front Iraqis on the insides so sometimes when you park your car parking lot turned real when one side when you walk by, look at the inside of your tires that you could need alignment, which is very common and this is so huge because it's it's costing you, not just tires, which by the way. Once they start wearing bad you.

You can have a problem that's expensive but the gas yet.

Just you take your sons toy car and tried pointing the wheels in a little bit and now try to push it and you get an idea of how much gas bad alignment gets you and we got four wheels to line… It's a safety issue to.

I've had to customers this week Robbie that called about a flat tire. We got her to the tire is not because they had a nail or something at the tire was worn down the steel but was sticking out. Number six coming out is breaks breaks breaks breaks.

Gotta have breaks. We all know that or here's the thing. There's a difference between a squeak and audible where sensor when you hear that noise you may be hearing just some dirt or dust, especially if right after it rained a first man after doing morning, you know, you hear a little bit of a screen, not an ratio but when you hear constant sort of high pitched squeaky cricket yet that your car has what they call audible where sensors that are telling you that your breaks are worn out. When you hear that particular type of chirping noise that's telling you that your breaks are worn out and out yes it may still stop fine but you are wearing out your rotors because there are rivets in the brake pads himself when you want wear down to a certain point the rivets begin to eat into the plan. Rotors and you went from having to replace pads for whatever to now you got for $500 here are that we just did one on the Susie truck. Robbie cost $2000 as we had to replace the rotors all for this difference is imported from you so badly enough.

It's it's not just the Polaroid output will on this part of it's a big deal so it can get real expensive is a point area breaks or some gotta get number seven is the cooling system is your maintenance schedule. Gotta flush that baby but you that it's a huge thing right right cooling system. If you don't change a time belt, you have an expensive repair. If you don't maintain your cooling system, guess what you're going to have an expensive repair aluminum blocks aluminum heads overheated engines and I can't handle it. So don't maintain your cooling system that's in the honest vanity. Gotta get trance mission services, especially if you own a Chrysler product yes transmission services that that's another thing.

It's like the oil in your engine.

If you don't service your transmission now doesn't need like the oil range is not every 3000 miles, but it is a serious need in a car is to service the transmission. This theirs is actually filter most transmission development absorbs that the screen but it's important to get the food changed out that filter replaced because you're doing it every 60,000 30,000 and the thing a lot of folks don't realize about a transmission is it's not just the that friction from the metal wearing off inside the transmission that with the fluid in the case of a transmission, the seals are critical in there's chemicals within the fluid that will eat the seals inaugurating from deteriorating and getting hard because if you don't have pressure within a transmission. It doesn't shift and I will bet you that more transmissions go bad, not because of the metal floating around inside the transmission, but because seal fluid had it too long to replace the fluid and it made the seals go bad. You lose pressure and then it's time to rebuild the transmission for doing 3 g. Whatever the situation may be because you didn't service your plans. Another biggie but again don't to service it every three thought, you know, check your owners manual when is it supposed to be done in your car. Number nine poses and belt seem simple but easy enough to show your kids what a bulging hose looks like when it went. When it starts to get stiff when it time element of their condition fan belt yet serpentine belt has cracks in it. Rotors that look like if you don't know you know we be happy to see any any you call Carolina mobile view of the question. Bring your carbide if you go from look at it.

There's no charge for will come out and say yes or no and will show you around your engine compartment show you about your car. Just call and combine.

That's all you gotta do what it is. We got to number 10. It is last but not only shocks and struts. That was the idea that one of the biggest unknowns that the industry says that after 50,000 miles your shocks and struts are worn out now driving your car, you're probably not going to notice it because when he sings it degrades over time. But if you have to do a hard deceleration with the turn you get a note. Could you lose traction yeah and it literally could cost you your life that's correct or somebody else so shocks and struts are our big, big safety sets right and people just don't realize because just like watching your children grow. It's like you don't see how fast a group of some male season like your daughter, for instance, was only a day and she's just as tall your wife was like wow that's a lot of sand exit exit was shot.

That's not my point. I don't notice a big shocks and struts live a leak in something your guy can check or we can show you how to check not hard to do so excited because guess what, it's almost Easter Sunday and I get to do my Easter appraisal by the real Blackfoot that's coming up in the next segment you want faith in all this is such a cool thing. I'm so excited about his mate mice a wonderful steak and you want here will I tell our children how to keep your car service really really are. Tell the old story to tell me Easter arrives my love, my but it is so important that we share all with all that we could basically that would listen. The story of Easter and I wanted to paint a picture they got painted for me this week about that particular morning, since we get to celebrate tomorrow morning is I heard this week that many of us don't really understand some of the Jewish festivals and that we know that Passover was yesterday, but did you know that the feast of firstfruits comes on the day after the Sabbath following Passover. In other words, the Sabbath, after Passover the following day would always be Sunday, you guessed it in the face of firstfruits.

What a come on the pack at the day after Sabbath following Passover well Jesus happen to be in the grave on Saturday, then just like yesterday which would've been the Sabbath. The following morning, there would have been not just Mary Magdalene. She was up early that day because she was going to go anoint the body of Jesus, but also the high priest that they would've been up early because he had to be in the field where they would grow grain, and he was going to be looking at the first light he had to find the first little bud that came up out of the ground because that would be the first fruit and he needed to waive that before the Lord.

So he's searching the ground you know kind in the dark looking for that first little thing and as the sun just breaks up over the service he he grabbed that little plant MER ship and I was like oh what's up with welded of the lien of the stone was rolled away. He didn't know, because that was the first fruit you see Christ was the first fruit and a course Mary was excited because she got to see some stuff that they but then here. This is really cool exactly 5 weeks later.

According to Jewish festival right after the first fruit you have five weeks later would be the feast of Pentecost, because that harvest would've come in now. Interestingly again. There are some people up early that dark that Pentecost morning of the disciples. They were up in the upper room air excited because they've been told the Holy Spirit, how cool is that. So there up excited their premium things are going on right that same priest course you know he didn't know what was going on but he had to go out and he had to do the feast of Pentecost, and he had to get those grain so he went back out to that same field and this time he harvested to two little handfuls of that grain nerve of those sheets and he brought them back to the temple that morning and he would've broken off the heads of grain he would've taken a rock and turned it into a powder and then without powder. It added a little mix of oil and water and they had another in their at the temple and he would put it in that often. After he made it into a liquid loaf of bread. And guess what he said his timer for your 350 at that six minutes and and it got done about 830 that morning. Now, at 830 that he was in for another shocker because he went to pull that loaf out of the oven at the exact same moment he pulled that loaf out of the oven is what happened, shook again only this time he heard the sound it was like when enemies flames I guess became the oven, but they all they went over there to the upper room, just a few blocks away, where the disciples were in. Guess what was happening. These guys were speaking another language is in in in in the Holy Spirit descended upon them. You see, Christ was the first fruit but then when the Holy Spirit came. Then they became the whole loaf. You see, the church was born from the first fruit into this whole loaf just like the feast of weeks. You see, came and how cool is that that then this loaf of bread changed the entire war. So think about it this this Easter morning when that sunrise comes up that little bitty plant that's coming up arrives my love right grave no longer has a hold of you. It was buried in the ground and it raised a little walk in the new U.S. Army we got to tell the story that we built absolutely it is amazing. It is amazing. I tell you, I've just been delighted all week thinking about this, and tomorrow please be in church and and rejoice with all of us in the in and think about what Christ did, so that we could have the freedom to go be part of this loaf right Bill Passover Lane. There you can now remember, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years and remember, he's risen he is risen indeed listening to the truth and