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Cinco De Carro

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
May 5, 2012 12:11 pm

Cinco De Carro

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 5, 2012 12:11 pm

Christian Car Guy

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St. Joe DiMaggio block party on old glory Road in your life? I show in beautiful Cleveland where beautiful day is a little bit cool because the sunspot number the clouds and we got an amazing really, really do have amazing Christian card I radio show for your day are if you're in the area this morning really ought to come by because it's it certainly can be worth the trip. All the sponsors that are part of this block party everything on glory Road and Clemens are all sponsoring this document. 10% of the proceeds to serving him ministries adjusted the school release program in Davie County here in North Carolina 82 to believe that 82 decisions for Christ because they have found with the school release is where they get the children that you know come out of school to go to Christian event of some kind. I guess what people get out of school to go to a church growth come on Sunday that's a different thing. You get out of school and am come to that. You got a Christian concert and that it really worked out so all the process proceeds today from this event are going to serving him ministries wouldn't have migrate not with that here at the bottom of the hour, but we just want to tell you there's a lot of cool stuff going on free laser tag.

If you haven't done that with this new equipment where they got things that you shoot.

Adding in these guns. They look serious like a K for it to be a blast. If you haven't tried this it's for adults or children.

By all means it's free. Come on up and try that.

You know, but Cinco de Mayo talks about freedom in Christ. That's what we talk about as far as our Cinco de Mayo and we have Clint Thomas here at this event with his R12 racecar and it's actually right in front of us with his dad Hank Thomas were looking at this rate currently is just fresh back from a mission trip to the Middle East. Welcome plant would appreciate it. Love to be a part of the group out here.

One of the great things on the mission trip that we learned is the love of people in its funny how you talking to people about Christ and the things you do when you bring up a racecar noise. I even had 80-year-old lady said she could show me how to drive a car. Yeah I said I thought you could see it in her eyes, the drive that she had was that was just intoxicating for her and she helps just the people at hospital. This is an array to be in Pasadena. That's cool. We've got Clint Thomas. He's going to share some of that those racing trip tips with you some of that stuff back from a mission trip but the question today really is, how will you use your freedom in Christ, just Christ died for, but Cinco de Mayo them commemorates the Mexican army's 1862 victory over France. The Battle of Pueblo, Pueblo, actually during the Franco Mexican war in 1861 freedom to help single moms and widows is one way we do it here on the Christian card I show in this is the first Saturday of the month, so weird, we've got the freedom to do that because we have one of our biggest advocates for that Bill Kratz here with Carolyn poblano service is often those services welcome to Morelli is 1 AM excited when are you excited to show for a long time now.

This is a goal to be outside usually reload program is still going strong as you always say we needs more outlets around the country, not just your wisdom. We got a lot Winston were stay steady. We stay started a lot of people out there need help. We do whatever we can to help every talk about that. We got our volunteer Vic Hill. He'll be coming up again at the bottom of the hour. You gonna want to hear from him and what's going on at that serious situation out Salt Lake City. We need some volunteers in Charlotte. That's the Jesus labor love. If you've never heard of that. It's free car repair labor for single moms and widows across the country.

They just go to the Jesus labor love page a Christian car guy or they go to Jesus. Labor either one. They can click on a form. Tell us what their need is what the emergency is in Vic are volunteer will check that out and make arrangements with over 28 outlets we have across the country and in bills right we have about seven or eight of them here in Winston-Salem, but the rest of more are sprinkled across the country and we can always use your help. As big as we stay with Robert Charlotte.

We definitely need to people that showed step up and help out with this because but today were talking freedom in Christ.

I worked very hard in my Spanish because I think it's labor.the Jesus I like to have answered the background in our appraisal by the real black book. That's where we search the Bible for treasure, cry out for discernment, lift up your voice for understanding how will you use your freedom, freedom to go away you know without those past hurts.

Freedom to forgive. Do you have that kind of freedom will will you share may be with us today on the show 866-34-TRUTH 87884, maybe some you're struggling with something that Christ is giving you freedom from and I would love for you to call in and share that today this is a live show her out here.

We can still take calls 866-34-TRUTH 87884. How many listening right now. Think about it if you got a situation like this. How many listening right now are slaves to that bitterness may be over, getting fired or maybe a family member that abused you or abandon you. Can you can you really can you let it go. Did you let it go someone out there needs to hear your story and I can hear today on the Christian card I show how did you get freedom in Christ, we would love for you to call 866-34-TRUTH 87884 summary needs to hear your story. Honestly, I need to hear it.

I have several issues that I ought I still struggle with and you know you know at this because I'm on the radio.

It is, I'm all set 15 years ago. Actually, I was fired from what is now Northpoint Chrysler Plymouth TBI was a general manager and for years I wouldn't go that part of town, because I knew that it was gonna burn deep down inside of me. I doubt you know just that bitterness that was still there.

Well you know as God would have it he puts me to work at truth broadcasting which I have to go buy that place twice a day and and and so you can imagine the prayer conversation between me and not sin.

No got II guess this pain I feel every time I go by this stores is some you want me to deal with. I guess it's not that that really isn't right between me and you and and eventually, honestly, I actually went in the store and talk to the general manager but I still I went and asking to help out with the Jesus labor love. I want to say what he said but I still you know it.

It's still a little bit in there and I would love to get that total freedom.

Now I know that you have a story and I know that you can encourage thousands literally thousands of people with it. Please call in today we want to hear from you. 866-34-TRUTH 87884 it's Cinco de Mayo and that's what were celebrating our freedom in Christ today out here to live. Truth because were with truth broadcasting truth block party, which is so cool I guess it was you look up down the road got the racecar the free laser tag at its in free doughnuts from Krispy Kreme it's it's a great time to come on out and all the sponsors are out here on the street, all doing special stuff that you will make your way out here soon as you can.

As always, I want to mention our website Christian card. or Jesus labor either one of those you can find out all about free car repair labor for single moms and widows how you Mike and volunteer or if you know something that has a need we would love for them to go as well as maybe you heard a show two weeks ago. He said that I wish I had a copy that show somebody me said something really good, but whatever was you know you can get the podcast. They're all plus and with this assumption.

Many people take advantage of and I'm so thankful is theirs and asking experts page Sears sit there one night and you think you know Clint, how do you handle it when you're coming down the straightaway and you got this guy right on your back bumper and then let you know when that whole situation you wake up in the middle of night.

With that question. Guess what, you can go to Christian card. Click on ask an expert. There is Clint email address and asking Maureen. Or if you got the this fan belt that squeak in all the time you noises you can email Bill or you got a bodyshop issue. You know are of you know Jerry are Christian polysaccharides all now I got it.

It is so cool to me that we got Clint Tom's here is fresh as you are, how long ago was it that you are actually in the Middle East. Week before last. We were there 14 days and just with the group of people in the friendships that we may this just amazing group of people at you been on anything like that before Clint had been to the Caribbean on some vacation now in the end, but that was only thing like that in the one thing that I fail you know for the groups of people is just their struggle in life.

They deal with a lot of the same stuff that we have here, but encouragement, and prayer was probably the biggest thing and it was nice to watch you get excited when you talk about Carstensen is: the YouTube and watch some of our R12 crashes and stuff on cancel. We are actually broadcasting from Lindsay tire this morning and is not actually rolling out the red carpet here on Saturdays that it Lindsay tire the now open on Saturdays, but they get. They gotta go home at one because they get tired, you know, because all the pressures that are in the tarp today from understand they told me they're having a blowout sale on to say and all tires are to be fixed at a flat rate and because you know tires have gone up due to inflation either of your that's really that's what the situation back in the day, tires only five bucks a pop right Cinco de Mayo.

We are celebrating our freedom in Christ, if you know more and live up to date on all glory Road and Clemens. If you're in the area this morning believe it's worth the trip.

The sponsors alt.donating 10% of the proceeds to serving him industries were broadcasting from Lindsay tire that was special and oil changes and their specials down, up and down the street free laser tag free doughnuts from Krispy Kreme is just a great time to come join us here in Clemens North Carolina. But most importantly, we'd love for you to tell us your freedom story in Christ you call us at 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

How will you use your freedom and if you call us.

Guess what, what it will tell them what they want. Clint got some books coming from R12 main thing you just need to manage is recalling his R12 and it is for Romans 1212 is yeah that's right but it's Chip Ingram's ministry not yet living on the age now we happen to have with us here, the legendary voice of Bible for breakfast, Tom Booth, who has opportunity every morning to talk about such wonderful Bible teacher such a thing that will be one of the great pleasures to be able to introduce Chip every morning. What a great teacher is always inspired a lot of people inspire you to me that his son are listened to Chip back in 2004 on one network owned a BTR that was through my dad and his hearing aid.

Dr. and talking about the station I started listening and listen to chipping. He had started talking about Romans 12 Christian and wanted to sign Paul to be and as time passed he grew to becoming one of his main ministries and main focus is helping Christians be disciples.

So we changed our car number from zero to R12 and the main purpose was to get people it racetracks to ask us what is R12 me was thereby just has a car number and and opens their minds and our hearts and we tell them what Christ is done in our lives and as Christians, how we can go through life and be better for Christ and that's what people really SOM and what what kind of response do you get eyes bow far more in just the first year and we did in almost 20 years of racing just people encouraged people with an open mind. Understanding they may not be believers at the time, but they see that the good work that is going on in.

We have a book winter. Guess what, we have a caller in Archdale to his calling and tell you you're on the Christian Car Guy sugar morning is why you want in the book but tell us your story. I'm going to doublecross the beverage. Click below, not what somebody good morning, Joe was going on what was going to go to experience. You can be initiated in regards to what it is to get a 100 considered drug coaches things. The first time second time so you touch in you realize you really up to God started dawdling this all he is God. We live and move and have his being stuck off many of his balls. And though he walks. She lives there.

She goes in the armies of heaven among people abruptly, Richard and I think that knowledge instead of trying to be concerned if the other person the other person. God will save them anyway. One near your ally, I can agree with you more tests really and and and the Romans 12 I think what it how does that go exactly Romans 12 one. I bet you could quote it is give you life is a little sign you guys fight you go to renew drug by renewing that's that's the part I was an agency by renewing your mind in Christ Jesus. And you're so right to.

As you walk with other Christians.

As you spend time in the word you spent time with Jesus in prayer in your relationship and walking with them and spend time in church right getting fed that's that's kind of the only way I know the to get unshackled as they say, but I appreciate you calling and God bless you Tiffany got a book if you hold on for us there to get your address but guess what we got lots more. These books that we didn't give us a dozen years and we can give them away if you got a story on how God freed you from some bitterness maybe like Robbie and you got fired or maybe there's somebody in your family, ex-wife, husband who knows what your situation may be, or semi crashed into the somebody that you are the back W 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH, not Tom Booth again just one of my favorite people, but you hear the stories from these teachers on the Truth Network all the time on how people really got there their life renewed absolutely and it's it's it's a delight to be able to hear the stories people call him. And you're right. Everybody's got a different one but it but it's all the same, because everybody's coming out of the same place are our sinful human nature are sinful pasts and how we can be, you know, renewed in Christ and him and have our lives changed in your truly evident in places like Salt Lake City, you know what we it's so amazing because they are from your it's like 97% Mormon healthcare and to see God change a life and to hear the freshness of the stories is here when you're here we are in the Bible Belt and we hear them all the time.

When you get out in areas where overseas or or other places there with the gospel is just penetrating and it's a it's a it's amazing to hear. And that's one of the joys my life is to be able to hear the stories every day and it's great to see your story. This is this is wonderful and that car is cooler than driving up and I see living on the chipping logo on there and I think this is great and you know Hank Thompson over there which is Clint father staying there and and he sort of a legend, and in racing lower in these parts, and you and so he's here if you want to meet Hank.

You can obviously come by.

Check out this racecar. It is so cool there's a lot of reasons that Tom were dishonored again. I and I myself long before I start the Christian Car Guy show and this was many years ago was the one of those people who was fed every morning with Bible for breakfast. I met Robbie and I love your ministry and hear you on the weekends and days today so I'm resting. Robbie selects wonderful and the, not looking to take a look at this court, tell me what kind of.

I know there are different classes of racism is NASCAR and is all this other stuff in what exactly is is your car to sell this car here. It started out as a local modified NASCAR style modified runs Bowman Gray okay and we change the body to 1961 Plymouth valiant with Joe. My dad used to race back in the 50s and 60s E. race modifies all of the play stand up and down the East Coast, and this we run with a vintage modified group in Roxboro, North Carolina and Alamance Burlington, came in. We have a road racecar that we run at Charlotte motor Speedway, Daytona go to Danville, Virginia. So we do a little bit of both. On both sides well and I know we have a lot of race fans out there all you listen every day and so this is a great opportunity to come out here to Lindsay Tyra Old Glory Rd. in Clemens and I love the smell of rubber in the morning and all means, if you're in Richmond, Virginia, or you're in Louisville, Kentucky or think about. Can I you can always go to ask an expert in Christian Car you can connect with Clint anytime or certainly any of our experts Bill Kratz wake up the whole Jesus labor love thing coming up here in a minute to kill our we didn't get them out of the segment, but we will get them on. Next, our volunteer want to hear about that but you know what we still need to hear that story got pushed and in the telomere freedom in Christ is 866-348-7884 we got an article for You My Old Glory Rd. in North Carolina.

We'd love for you to join us.

It's an amazing time right here in front of us. We have the whole arts well. Ralph race car. The trailer and the driver right next to me, Clint, Thomas, so you want to come out meet him laser tag and these guns they got handguns they got the AK-47. Think of these little things worked out.

Robbie, I think about taking a little sum out on somebody here with you later make persons, and I know just who I want to shoot, you might've heard that. Anyway, by all means, if you haven't played. You need to come out here today but we are really celebrating our freedom in Christ doing that in a couple ways.

Number one, we'd love for you to call in and tell us know what was it that you just could not shake that unforgiveness that that problem you had, you know God's prompting you to call us please.

We got apart well before you call us 866-34-TRUTH 87884. Another way that were celebrating our freedom of Christ. If we do have witness Mike Drayton was serving him ministries which they just did the school release program out in Davie County and they had over 82 decisions for Christ two weeks ago and he's going to talk about that here in a couple minutes do not want to miss how this actually got kids out of school, you know ticket to come to a Christian event but and in the course. The proceeds from this event today are going to help pay for that and it is just so cool but another one of the ways that we celebrate her freedom in Christ is our freedom to help you know somebody in need, and we do that to the Jesus's labor love program on the Christian Car Guy.

I which you can find out about Jesus's labor love the Christian Car but it's free car repair labor for single moms and widows across the country. We have our volunteer here with us today.

Ways not here with us. He's actually for grave arena, North Carolina Vic Hill Vic welcome Vic you good morning everybody.

I know it and you know we've had some really heart-wrenching situations this month and we Vic and in the kind of getting children to contend with. And she's on a limited income to someone like that that there is one that is happening here in financially to any other people. Amazing makes my heart like that you know what else he did he have a tough time and honestly needed windshield and all. No surprise went to lately but if you think tires are gone out some inflation. I'm telling you that this glasses in the same situation and an diamond auto glass out there and saw lady so she could get her car as the expected date they donated an entire windshield absolutely no cost. Great for this lady and in time again can't come through for these folks you know if word just obedient to how we assess to help.

And again, Vic.

We appreciate what you're doing out there every month and in the and all the volunteer time that he puts in folks every one of these calls. It comes in every email and I go through Vic and he helped schedule it.

Thank you Vic.

I appreciate you so much, buddy.

That one and all that. You know he's always claimed that he thought my turkey but you one thing you can say for sure.

Vic and his wife Edith will tell you I did shoot down his tree in his backyard. I forgot about the birdbath turkey and all have been thank you Vic God bless you Bill Kratz here wins again. Another one of our and he's actually here at the table with this disease here in Winston-Salem, Carolina mobile auto service. Can you tell us about some you worked on this month's bill that that this is situation gaily got this actually didn't come through Vic, but it came through same same premise. We have a lady that got a Toyota Corolla and Sheila. She had a older car.

Before that it was just shot so she went out got a Toyota Corolla and its use in all so were working on trying to track down engine for to get an engine and nothing for we already donated time for book got lots troubleshooting time because it's it's like it doesn't fellow plugs, but the world as well talk about put the cord in every hundred 200 miles. That's how much oil Jews and so we need to say we don't do all changes on her car, but then again, it's interesting to me on how many times we come up against something bill that looks insurmountable really does. The lady in Dallas I'll never ever forget that with a car that was stuck in her driveway is been wracked right three days before Christmas and she needs to get to work and I cost out of the blue this man in Dallas did not just ask him if he would help and you know he was real grumpy snowman actually clear. You mean to tell me you talk about Jesus Christ on their yeah I said I thought you blasted well that you can count me out. This is amazing to see how he comes through. Another thing that comes from amazingly for me, as is the serving him ministry out there in Davie County. This school release program.

It's a bonfire crusade course Mike tells little bit more about it, but the proceeds today from everybody comes out and spends money with the sponsors here Lindsay tire of visual changes June the Lucas interiors optimal health. Chiropractic dollars. That's 10% going to the serving him ministry and can you kinda tell us a little bit about that event might what we started about a year ago when I first already. Thanks for let me be on the show today and chemicals that you're looking to suck Lynn Thomas winner Dayton international Speedway. You know, a CAA road races chemical math going on amongst the stars here. The bonfire then we started playing about a year ago 1952 US Supreme Court did rule that you could organize and remove children from public schools with parental consent. There is the main part parental consent and what we did last week. Last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, we had organized 28 churches hundred 22 volunteers from those 20 different churches in the Davie County area and throughout a three day. We picked up 580 students public school students took on the host facility. This particular host facility ended up being a Place Baptist Church in Knoxville and had a Christian rock concert and the kids ate it up. It was all high-energy great enthusiasm. Whatever the kids loved it, but behind the concert we also had a sharing of the gospel message. The way that the school system looks at this as it's based upon the fact that the school allows kids to get out for religious instruction. This particular religious instruction was indeed Christian, and a lot of people been saying Mike you know don't worry you that you know the Muslim faith or you have this faith or that faith or whatever, could also do it. Yes they can do it now. We just happen to be proactive were out there in the front getting the name of Jesus Christ out because the other groups could do this.

Down the road. How many students did you actually get out of school at 500 and ended up being 580 580 students. So how in the world that you transport 500.

That's where the Christ body the wealth that you have the human body has many parts of the many parts make up only one body, so it is with the body of Christ. We had 28 churches from seven different denominations. They have their own private buses. What we could not use anything public. We could go into the high school and make a xerox copy of one sheet of paper because that would be using government funded equipment so everything had to be private and that we turn to churches for that and the churches came out in masculine. This can be done on you know I actually work with the bonfire ministry, which is a ministry, a nonprofit out Statesville out of Iredell County and I work with than three other times and it went so well.

I said I want to do this.

Davie County, which is where my wife and I reside. We live in Davie County, Knoxville, but our ministry is a nonprofit public charity Christian organization that works in 10 counties so you know we said, I will do this.

Davie County. Next thing you know we started the planning. Whatever. And it would just concluded it was April 22 through the 25th and it was fantastic.

We had 82 people, including 45 staff members, adults made professions of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior 82. What it what if I believe you know I remember when I was sitting in the prayer meeting not long ago, when hearing about what happened and I thought about it out here as it 82 you know wives that won't get abused. 82.

Since you know all that, all that help healing that comes through 82 decisions for Christ in the county. And guess what you can bring this to your County if you're in Albuquerque New Mexico you're in Salt Lake City you can either go to Christian email me go on Facebook find another Christian card and email me and I will hook you up with Mike will tell you give me the instructions or connect you with the ministries that can help you do that in your area again in this area. If you're anywhere around North Carolina. Mike would love to help you do it personally. God bless you, Mike.

What you do for the kingdom of God.

In the end, just an honor to have Jan listed it. Well it's been fun to. We followed up with those 82 people also seen somebody give the heart of Christ is not the end. I'm in the US by the 28 churches are sorry to make disciples of Vasily and we followed up with the last week. We actually contacted all 82 people who made a profession of faith. They were even contacted and encouraged to attend church in the local areas.

All right, it is the Cinco de Mayo truth block party going on right now on Old Glory Rd. in Clemens. If you're in the area. By all means, come join us.

All the proceeds are going to this ministry that were just describing to you, but also because what their specials everywhere you look, especially that it Lindsay tire visual images it we got lime lollies if you want young ladies closed optimal health. Chiropractic all these things all helping out in the free laser tag free donuts. I mean, it's a great time to come out.

Guess what, you still thinking you know Robert you asked me to call because I II had this unforgiveness I could get over with.

I'm not letting you off the you got to call me 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

Your story could really encourage me to encourage so many people because we all need to know how we can gain this freedom of Christ died to give it to us now what we can do it or we can go by the place of artist like Robbie Gilmore get mad every single time he goes over there or we can live in that freedom and allow God to bring out the glory that he put in each and everyone is now Clint you had a chance to really over the last couple weeks. She went to the Middle East now was any Muslims over just a few. 98% and they know I know I tell us what was that what was it was just a still amazing group of people because before I went. Everything all my preconceptions of it was you don't need to go there will be war. You get shot. So all this and that and it was just an amazing group of people and actually seen a racecar over there. You know me always looking somewheres or somebody race and yes there is a group of people that writes over there once every 45 days.

They have YouTube sites. It was just amazing to see the excitement in their eyes. Once we started talking cars and turbos and computer mapping in just an amazing time Mason town so your ministry now through our 12 in your chance to go. Can you can share with our listeners little bit about what R12 is doing now out there in the communities that you guys are well overdoing a combination of two things we have on that track home track activities actually started out with.

Take the right track. Having a way to connect competition to the workers that work at the racetrack who all do all this for volunteer travel for hundreds of miles to get there. We pass out literature that many of our partners with our race team do for us just like to Christian car guy to talk loudly handout CDs along with live in old age. We have booklet from a couple different churches that are inspirational type thing.

Some of our 40 day devotionals a lot of support and then we worked into the last year or so work in a racecar simulator that were teaching about teambuilding uplift in each other, texting, driving and Lotta programs like a long was taken the race card allowing he is just to see what it takes to put a car together and what kind of gifts that God is given us that we can work with. Do you teach a class on racecar brokerage. Every time I go to the racetrack, it fires up. I'm getting taller I'm getting tall a clients you been taught that close to Bill yes is interesting in Clemens, David the there's a magazine out here called for five family which is wonderful. My desire to carry my article and I did an article after we had Dr. driving out about road rage, which I admitted in the article that I certainly suffer from it and everywhere I go in Clemens agar you over your road rage.

There's actually a group that we partner with Carolina that teaches just like our car, a NASCAR style modified that you can go to learn about road rage is one of the great things that they do and road rage may be some that tries to set you free from so you call us. We got a lot of these books that we gotta give away folks will call us 866-34-TRUTH 878-848-6634 truth now you ever failure down there. Carolina mobile auto service, which by the way they'll come to your car and all. It is amazing business that you have. But do you ever deal with customer rage. A lot of times we don't do it very often but yes sometimes you get customers are mostly it's just an understanding issue.

It's they don't understand what's going on or why it's going on or why the charges are what they are and what you take the time to sit you know you been in the business education all right will good news. The Christian car wife is now here Mike my wife's ear. My daughter and my mother-in-law and so you know I got a pull out my humor again and talk about you know all the stuff it Lindsay tire and tire inflation. We were going to do it one more time because you don't want my wife to get a laugh and she likes what you are Christian card I show coming up you want to stay tuned out here live 866-34-TRUTH will you will love you no when you will. One John one over one William Wallace that I don't.

Sometimes you go do stuff like until you make your way out here right now because we have here in our very presence.

The legendary voice of Bob younger Christian junkyard guy. He is the only Christian junkyard guy on the planet and he is here live on Old Glory Rd. in Clemens and he can sing one time for still had bought a 20 788-9122 Leo can get that car for you ain't at a party sound that that's done I just left the hospital and my friend had a heart attack last weekend days not been doing great need to have Jill with his name and everything.

But this morning he had lifted me last thing in my phone number at this really did make it to pray for him. Robert Perry Wayne Craver live, counting duly out of his life. We need to pray for doing what we got some freedom stories we are wanting to hear from where he got one in Iowa right this minute Mike and I when you're on the Christian card I show the morning. You got what we got for my well. I I went over baby and only thing I got from that what important the forgiveness particular.

But I year and might pastor without me, you can let the person you think we getting your collective person your bedroom on the upper table and I finally able to forgive this person and approach them partly with Kate. God knows my heart felt free freedom and forgiveness is a great story Mike and could you give any advice to some listener out there who may be suffering right now trying to figure out they know it's the right thing to do. Like I knew it was right thing to do to forgive those people at the Chrysler store, but hard as I tried, but do you have any advice might yeah I read it many times, I got out of the way, you got your Mike, I can't do it at my own in the same way that Christ given me. I need to forgive others.

Wow, that's great and very exciting and very free, like feeling 40.

I that's a great you know as I've been forgiven. So I should forgive others that we said that prayer every time.

Forgive me as I forget, that is sin against me against many trespassed heading out Hannah rethink that. I kind forgive me better than I forget about the van that you know that it is this says so powerful to get rid of some of that and that it is freedom that Scripture I'm trying to forgive you because I was eating breakfast like a thinking I miss you and I may without a family thing and asked that I wait to answer you. Thank you. My. God bless you. We gotta try to get any real quick so we can get you out books lives in Winston-Salem here on the Christian morning Liz pouring down you really know why you have a injuring, injuring three time no not really.

The reason