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Racing For Jesus

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
January 11, 2014 12:47 pm

Racing For Jesus

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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January 11, 2014 12:47 pm

Christian Car Guy

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Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
Discerning The Times
Brian Thomas

Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. The cop show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book, not the bluebook knobby orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Coast Guard guy with your questions. 18663421 866-34-TRUTH 7884 is being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out is your host Robbie Gilmore. I am so excited because on today's show we have the oldest driver to compete in the NASCAR cup event and he just happens to the race for Jesus. We have Morgan Shepherd and he's going to be in the studio with us all our so it's a great day for you fans. Anybody's always wondered about NASCAR where Lively got them in the studio and you're welcome to call in at 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH for the digitally gifted you can do that with her phone 866-34-TRUTH 87884. But before we get to Morgan, we have some seriously sad news to report. Week before last. We had our Christian junkyard guy Bob young son with us. Rob Young and he was filling in for his dad because his dad was under the weather. Well, very, very sadly, Bob found his son Rob unconscious Thursday morning and shortly after they got into the hospital he died.

And so, by the grace of God we got some precious moments of Rob talking about his life with Jesus and we thought it was very fitting to play those two minutes for you to listen to what Rob Young had to say about his walk with Jesus, just 12 days before his death and were having little technical difficulties there Satanism on here that SFO my producers tell me, doesn't he can't get up right now. So while he's working on that we are going to talk about, you know, this is one of those times where you can pray for that family and how do you you know I got a dear brother. That is, lost a son it's it's something I can't even begin to fathom. And of course the theirs can be services tomorrow night and excuse me the services start Saturday night Sunday night and then on the funerals on Monday and all that's it my Facebook page. By the way that the soundbite I'm talking about the Christian Car and but with we brought Karen Mulder. She has wisdom of the wounded that the segment we do regularly, where sheets she gives us advice on what to say and if you align what what you do when you're in a situation.

It's uncomfortable like this and you want to say the right thing.

You don't want to hurt you don't want to help you even posted an article in Christian Car what to say and what not to say it in a funeral line, and so one of the things that Karen brought out in this article, which I think is absolutely critical. It says 90% of caring is just showing up and I can remember a friend of mine lost his daughter years ago and and he told me said Robbie. I can't tell you single person's face that was there that day of the funeral but I can tell you everybody who wasn't there. And those words of echoed in my heart many, many times when I thought about a friend that they they need me. They need to see me. They need to be there. I can't caring you with us. We hear you, good and you've got some wisdom force that you can share and when you look at the hearing a rat here went to great.

I will return to their home yelling at your club continued to be there for all you know and it just showing up here in trait in your morning when I looked again wrapped a picture in your lap Sorry sorry I'm so sorry that you and I think I don't I don't explain my now and clearly right and what some of the things that that we definitely don't want to say what are some of the things that you would make sure that we have a tendency to want to make it better, but sometimes it is better not to say those things I and how you feel, we don't know the situation of Marie Terry don't know how you feel that you are. Even telling you how they feel about it: you know how they feel help and tells a story that I think you have anything that I think we can sometimes care x-rays and think about that well. When people hurt me, I'll wonder if she'd been a wonderful place to let wonderful that you are right and I were declaration. I loved her dearly and I went there so I think the careful what you say about because many people can be turned off about it. That's wonderful wisdom. Wisdom of the want to thank you Karen so much for being on with this today in were so grateful that some that you have that ministry, which by the way, if you go to Christian Car there's no article on what to say what not to say in a course we were unable to get that audio soundbite to play yet but we will. We promise to run the show sometime and you course you can listen to that it it Christian Car Thank you for being on with us today can God bless you Ryan thanks by right now we are so blessed we really are to have Morgan Shepherd with us here in the studio and I'm let any Bowersox introduced him since he knows and so much better than I and is are on track with Ambien. We just got a great segment today. Don't say it's gonna be awesome here Robbie just want to thank you for giving us a little extra time today.

Yesterday I was the morning Bible study and the and the guy that was speaking was talking about the boldness of Christ and proclaiming the boldness of Christ and just give several examples of through acts and not just thinking about you know Morgan Shepherd. Certainly guys that came to my mind. But even as arm, as our segment highlights the rest of you know ways that God shows up in and around the racetrack and in the boldness and the display that he that he has there and the people in the personalities that he uses. It's amazing it's it's a great time writing and actually talks about God showing up close to the end times and we never know when that's going to be butts you know Morgan Morgan see some but I certainly see it.

So say it is our privilege to have Morgan Shepherd today.

Here and were described say hello to everybody and and I think were probably not be to break soon so we don't get too friendless right now but but just give us enough tells where you live, how long you been racing give us just a little bit of your of your background you real quick. Okay I live in Conover North Carolina been racing for 46 years was with my 47th year then no one know my Savior since February 23, 1975 so this is good. I'm on the right side of the fence. Now I spent a lot of time on the wrong side of the fence where your data. Talk about these things and encourage someone to grow closer to Jesus things I would I would highlight is to whom don't watch NASCAR every week and you and I know you but Morgan's car clearly as Jesus right on the hood. If you look at the back of his racing. If you can't see the man without if he's got it on the front of his hat. No matter where you look when you when you say speaking out boldly for Jesus here's a NASCAR driver that you can't be more bold working. I don't think so.

I miss it and you know, I know you get this new clock some kind of confusing the time working on the last two weeks ago.

I think you made a comment to me about what people see when they pass your hauler and the just tell me like what what I see when they drive down the highway near the way the racetrack what happens right there. Well you know that's what's good about opportunity to serve NASCAR allows us to cure the word Jesus whether solar charge controller or owner of a racecar and when when it tractor-trailers going across country or world. It's going to Daytona well it's going to California you gotta read the word Jesus.

When you come up behind it and then when you price it.

You gotta read it on the side so we just we want to let people know that there's a better way and live and I know that he's done that in my life. I'm not Morgan Shepherd. I was before February 23 not to send as we got so much. Have Morgan Shepherd coming up and we would love for you to call with your comment or question me an opportunity and talk to Morgan 866-34-TRUTH 87884 is a number to call in 866-348-7884 so much more for Morgan you hear silly stories I've heard a few American will blow you away and we are going to get that soundbite from Rob Young upland. I promise Satan. Exciting stuff, but we promised have a moment that we want to share with Rob Young who was on the show here two weeks ago and working to go right to it because we believe it's going to play.

Here's the two minutes Rob Young 12 days before he went to be with Lord and when I look at my young Christian junkyard God Rob Young. He wows me because I know how God worked in his life. And if you take a minute. It's all about only got Robin share how God's with God's been doing in your life will I would say the other day I was calling the car down for 21 S. and the truck I was in started the turbo went bad in it.

So here I am broke down the side of the road. I just picked up my first car was a lot of people waiting on me to you or I was going to my trucks broke down. There's clouds of smoke to fire engines are out there and it is this is really big scene and really reminded me of my life before my coming to Christ. How how big of a wreck. Everything was and I never really was able to accept God's will for my life, but once I came to know Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and accepted God's will for my life I have been blessed with, with knowledge that he had been able to acknowledge these beautiful things and ended the trees are clapping in the mountains are singing that is for sure, it's just like I know life is is Jesus is put in there is the capstone we begin to see things that just had with Mr. before we'd missed it before, like as I was at that funeral of the of the missionary this week and I could hear the stories and hit that somebody played the shofar and it just wowed me on what God had done with her life that I would've missed it. If the capstone had been in place in the trees and started clapping. Sometimes it takes club and try to get us to to realize we were missing out on the cell yesterday last night about 430 I get a text from my good buddy Bob at 109 that he had come down with the weather. What I consider his son. I was so thrilled to have my new URI. When we got our guy with me here today go to the spring. Rob I am.

Oh, that was that was in the bum music from the end of the yeah I apologize that was the end of of of our discussion with Rob Young which happened at the end of the show, which was a reason we are hearing that music again, I apologize and it I think of the grace of God to give us those moments with Rob so that we could hear the peace in his voice before his his homecoming. We have Jeffrey in Winston-Salem. He wants to say some words about Rob offer his support for the family Jeffrey are on the Christian card I show good morning I'm wonderful what what if you got force show he was a good week January market rate by 11 and you never know, you never doubt that I couldn't right now but please give prayers to the family, lost the word that's got a loss for words and the families definitely in need of your prayers. Bob spoke with him. Just this morning and yes and he certainly is so thankful for all the people he reached out to him and his family in this time of loss and Jeffrey God bless your brother we appreciate you calling so much this morning really do. God bless you and thank you okay well it's kind interesting to me again that we have Morgan Shepherd with us here today and in Morgan, one of the ways that that you witness to people is through this incident that I'm I'm sitting here looking at this picture and I can't help but relate Rob situation let in and what Jeffrey just said that we don't know what may be happening the next 10 minutes of our life and you had that situation where God got your attention well you know you can never really be prepared for their but the best way to prepare for this know Jesus Christ as your Savior. I've had many times in my life that I knew that this is probably going to you the last whether I was in a wreck with my sister.

The car turned aside overcoming when it turned over Phyllis out run over me.

Yes, that was unreal. Story that I could. I could tell, but anyway 2002 I was driving home and not think about the things that I was gonna be doing when I got there and I was going down Interstate 40.

Towards Conover and I was wrong about 70 and Savior, so what band up behind me and so I pulled in the right lane got out the way and just as the lady went by, I pulled back out and all of a sudden I was driving my dogs are newly truck all of a sudden I see something flip about payment and when it did abduct real quick and it was a 7 1/2-pound steel hook that locks on the front of cement mixer trucks for the full amount get stuck up with this hook hit my windshield just riding in front of my face went straight through the windshield into the back lies to the camper covered license and into detail gave truck well the lady pulled over and I pulled over and was: the Highway Patrol to step think five minutes ago I could've been in heaven and this was the way of the Lord, get my attention that he's in control and and I realize that I wouldn't do in my work, I'd let my works like with Deanna assortment and so I care that steel hook and Mike appearances and occasionally off I'll use it and not on one side of it. I've got heaven on the other side of hail. If you still liquid took your head off or would you be and it is his whole career. It is some some of our listeners may not be familiar with, but I think it's a critical part of Morgan story. Like you said you been doing this. This can be her 47th year, but NASCAR was a different place 47 years ago when it was and when we come back let's get let's get into that just how how it started, how you ended up here today and will just briefly cover all the years in between there and we need your calls 866-34-TRUTH 788 for your chance to ask Morgan anything Hollis listen to Christian card every NASCAR sound effects. Those in my producer and I discussed this morning, you will see the NASCAR folks there is a there's a victory that's involved that when we hear that sale and that victory is not necessarily the victory of holding the Winston Cup.

There's a victory in Christ that he gives us as we begin to show that light, which changes the world that he allows us to reflect through his glory and and so we added a little that to all this different music. We are so blessed to have Morgan Shepherd on with us today. Any Bowersox sort of an extended Ontrack with Andy, but this is your chance to call him 866-34-TRUTH 87884 for your question for Shepherd again all the stuff the Christian card. all his links to his website. If you want to support his ministry. His mission you can get that a Christian card. as well as Rob Young's story and with the same if you align take away and okay will it let's get let's get back with Gordon for a few minutes and I wish Robbie and Morgan are just talking during the rake. I wish everybody could hear the colorful stories that Morgan has to share just probably some of you that are that are fans of race. Remember the story a few years ago or Morgan at 69 years old, I believe, was was chasing this guy down out of Walmart that was trying to steal some things in the 30s tell us all about that, and that's that was that was a big national story a few years ago, but you even you told regression 46 years and 55 her leg right and so that was what started when and just give us a few minutes of how that sport is changes you started probably race the dirt tracks. I imagine North Carolina and all the way up to the to the biggest of stages and and you've won several hundred races of leaving all the serious self is just give a sense of a two-minute snippet of that number to hear where your heart is too all right with this started at Hickory Speedway when the jury was motor up there and when it was dark back in 1967 and I rent. I ran my first start rice up there and then Ned shuts track down and paid the track and I went to asphalt and that was the start of marker NASCAR ricin and then over the years and in 1974 69. I want one 21/29 races and 71, 71, seven runoff there at the start of the season but to just tell you little bit about how the sport is really changed moneywise by cannot 1970.

I go to Chevrolet place by LT, one, 350 Chevy engine with the loan amount: Nobel house and and I could tear it down, redo the agent and have about 1300 page $735 short.

I can have about $1300 an hour ricin engine.

I go out when races paid $1000. The tires was $25 apiece and 69 I one always races the left front tire was there all year long.

The lifter was changed want the right side was changed last now the tires are $2100 for so the tires and they might lysed him lapse or whatever, fed by changes.

You gotta come into chains and engines to tell Lisa each unit is at least $85,000 for a cup engine you can do some nationwide for somewhere around 35,000 in this lease the motors you don't own so big change in the money that is a great sport and I love the fact that NASCAR allows us to carry the name Jesus. Owner Gardner truck and that they still pray before the start rice yeah and so you know there has been major changes. I gotta think it's 72 years old and I know that your Lord willing to be run in the Daytona 500 this year which I think it's absolutely amazing, but what is it you know through those changes.

What is that keeps you going that you know I've been out to your shop and it's it's almost miracles week after week that you're able to convey because it says it's a very small operation compared to some your competitors. There, what is it that drives you to keep that going and what are you able to do that well you know passion in life. Everybody has passion are passionate about something, whether it's a new car or girlfriend or are what you trying to do in life. So course ricin. I've been passionate about it, but the most important thing in life is to find your purpose and my purpose is to serve Jesus and there's a platform there to do it are God's bless me with my help, I'm 72 years old was still dance on my rollerskates. I still am blessed with being able to run a bandit down or whatever you know so that I'm physically in good shape from and send it to yourself so I like to encourage people to get up off the couch and do something with you laugh, you know what it's going out and helping someone are just do God's work. I go to little church down in Alomar Pastor Stoneleigh Ben fill this the pastor down there and I knew in 20 got saved back in 92 and I knew I knew what he is now. I took a low 40 member church and not spent 1500 so I love pastors and I know you're going to talk about some things about Pastor sure well II think you you hit the nail on the head right God causes all the different things. There's there's Loza different ministry opportunities out there and that is a good encouragement to the listeners to find your niche of what it is you're passionate about what your purpose was God called you to look for you. You have a particular charity that you're very fond of.

Okay. And so, tell us little bit about that is, as I think is probably a dual purpose of your of your spot and and your unique position there, but tell tell us first, what what what is the worship charity. Let's talk about that well we been doing this now for 27 years this be this year be 28 years Morgan Shepherd charity fund and it all started with a simple conversation in front of Marais shop about back and 86 what we could do to help someone at Christmas. My got a friend up and eyes full and not we was talking about this and he says. Morgan says I know the perfect first person he said I was fiddler's convention in Galax and this little gem gentleman named Alicia.

Are you a sinner talking to them and Bailey couldn't stand about 4 foot tall, he was all hopped over walk with a cane.

And yes, Billy Sibelius, what would you do if you had $1000. This is a don't know never had $1000, and so he had asked him for five times. Okay Billy so you had $1000 what would you do with it and Billy says whale I would fix the roof of my house trailer and I paint my house trailer and so my friend Ken Leonard.

I said, quickly live that he said I think he lives in Stuart Virginia and so that was our first project we found Billy fix painted fix roof took Bailey building getting your supplied groceries as gift certificates or whatever Is all barrel fill and he led us to the park workshop.

That's where he worked to make $20 a week. The park workshop goes out picks up handicap people and brings a man and a people work with him keeps him from sitting at home wasting away so this is a big part of the Morgan Shepherd charity. That's where a lot of our money goes that we rise from our race fans and all the people that sports and what it what you have a picture you have several pictures are laid out on things for us to focus on but what is it at your shop. You have a actually a big cardboard cutout of a friend of yours. The tough on the wall where the Intel tells little about him and what your relationship is well Rick he'll work on the board there at the park workshop and not his son Josh Hill at 16 was hit by a drunk driver and Josh he would never be nothing but a bashful but he is gradually start talk and I've been I've been blessed. I don't know if you if I can read all this now. We got time. Well, this is what ricks got to say about how much a carton of beer calls says I don't know how much you would have to pay for a carton of beer at the store but I can tell you what it's calls my 16-year-old sister years ago, but it's a lot longer now as it was 2002. I think it cost him his mobility, which is had to relearn and it's taken three years of intense start therapy regain and write gain movement in his arms he still working on his legs it's temporary. Cost him his speech is cost him his memory, it's cost him his independent tent independence. It's calls Ms. Junior Senior prom.

And it's in his goals of playing basketball, which said he was looking forward to since elementary school is cost him his high school, home, I'm not talking good Duke University in becoming a high school basketball coach is cost one-million dollars to getting home from the hospital is cost $3000 per standard for him to be strapped into his legs and back metals muscles has a chance to be strapped in its cost $3000 for a lift to get a man out of bed. It's cost $4000 per month for therapies. Medical supplies install $17,000 for a motorized wheelchair. This cost $20,000 for use of a band with Leah to take him home and discussed the 19-year-old boy while driving drunk. Five years in jail. I don't know the state. I know the statements are true because I'm talking about my son, Josh Hill of the press Don't carton of beer is very deceptive.

You don't have to drink to pity and you don't have give into peer pressure. Please don't drink and if you're tempted. Please remember what a six pack holds it's more than a break and hold for future and the future of the minds. This is can hear today on the show when we been hearing a lot of history. We got some more to do with that and also were remembering Rob Young in his time on the Christian card I show here a couple weeks ago we played his testimony. That's at the website, but I feel like I'd I feel led to tell you I got a call from Bob Young.

His father this morning and he told me he said Robbie I felt like maybe by the put them on that show. I put it target on his back for Satan you know that when it when he spoke out against evil and spoke for the spoke for Christ in his life of Christ that it brings on a tax and and it opens you up for for things and and and that's a difficult thing.

So remember remember the young family is there is a struggling through this time of grieving Bob his whole family but also our Lee volunteer Vic Hill, who with the Jesus labor love.

I went to visit him in the hospital this week. His kidneys were failing and and he was under tremendous attack and I was fearing for his life and his family. Vic needs your prayers as well.

But that's another reason I love having Andy on my show every week because Annie's ministry is praise your pastors because these guys talk about some is got a target on your back any right or Morgan Shepherd and seller.

Morgan himself, there's a there's a big target right there.

You know Robbie, we say all the time. If you're an effective minister of the gospel that can be I can be you doing Christian carburetor.

Seller can be Morgan Shepherd with a ration of Jesus sign everywhere he goes.

It can be our pastors.

If you're in effectiveness for the gospel than your under such a higher level of spiritual attack and even just the ways that shows up okay like we had fuel technical difficulties today right and you said it yourself. Maybe. Maybe our enemy doesn't want to hear that stuff come on the air and for Morgan there's no shortage of difficulties that come up to get that gospel message out there and for our pastors that that's art that's our niche right is were out to encourage a nation of Christians to be more actively caring for their pastors as part of the reason we got this whole this whole segment started and I wanted I want to come back to morning. Just a minute, but you know one of one of the one of the pieces of literature that Morgan has here Morgan reassure that is, the second is is a product of when God gives you such a big platform okay and work with roads in the NASCAR part our pray for your pastor tour is is kinda centered around racetrack activities and the reason for that is there such an interest there that many other opportunities show up many other people are interested to hear what are you doing with the responsibility that God's given you.

How is that how is that being carried further and and so in our case we use a lot of other Christian media to help encourage people to be praying for their pastors. Morgan's case, there is there's a neat story that I want you just to share on if you want to read the whole thing to share with us but you because of the position that God has you and adores that he opens up for you. You had an opportunity to be on the television program and just to share your testimony and will. And what was the result of that, what can we first go back to the pastors sure to congregate always. Okay congregations did not realize what a garbage disposal.

Pastors are because people bring all their garbage to them and they've got a listen to this and deal with it and try to help him and that sometimes the people are just not respectful of pastors and what they go through. I've been fortunate. I've noted a lot of great pastors and I've really had a good pastor friend that went to the wayside and you know, pray for your pastors. Andy, thank you for what you all are doing, but but people think about your pastors what they had to put up with.

They do more than just set in or read the Bible and try to prepare us sermon. Okay now went way more and when you and will keep that encouragement I just I just want to do enough for some of our listeners that don't understand how far that NASCAR influence. Influence goes in the opportunities which are given to follow through with what God's call due to it. In this case, what were furniture it is you are you are doing television interview and I know there's thousands more opportunities out there but there's one in particular that you carry around with you and what happened in that situation.

Well first of all, my friend, but if the people are dead that anything to do with this card. I did it at the end of the season and says that help Morgan carry the cross and my friend Todd Preece. He had family problems and it got him down and he had a massive heart attack. There I was at the Martinsville race without raceway ministries MRI well. Paul Crouch, Trinity broadcasting, I was only his show. Whenever this was aired and Paul's past way now to but anyway I was only show in Texas and anyway I was given my test bump moaning about Josh and how much a carton of beer was in this guy in Wilmington, North Carolina anyhow was he been out working 12 hours and he says I returned to my motel.

I've been battling myself trying to deal with everything going on at work.

It and it home really needed a drink to make me sleep. I took a shower and turn TV own. I was not even sure what channel it was known, but I sit down to put my shoes own and up I heard you speaking Morgan is talking about me about a six pack of beer and tears came upon my face and if as if you were speaking to me. Listen more more and my chest started pounding when I started to when you started to pray. I felt as if you were talking to me and I went down on one knee S in the Lord Jesus into my heart and to help me to quit drinking and lead me back to happiness. It was like a very warm feeling came upon me for the first time I felt the Lord had came to me and said he would help I can't put it into words feeling that but what went through me. Instead of going out to get a drink. I started to search for a way to thank you open my computer within seconds I found your website. I'm not sure from here or I'm going but anyway this guy gave his life to God that moment he didn't go out and get a drink and this is the opportunities you don't have to be Morgan Shepherd to do this you can do this just being a good servant said not at a table and say in your ass and your blessing anything along these lines mark since the temperature.

Time those listening today may have heard something from Rob Young. They may have heard something from you and they want to give their heart to Christ. Would you closes in a similar prayer, so that those listening. That may want to say what you know, I really do need more than what I've got.

I needed to change my life and you given that well, you know, I know what happened to me. February 23, 1910 would not have all times. You just can have pray God. We pray for all these in the radio audience on the that the one and only way is Jesus Christ and not died for us to set us free from our sins. And if you get anything out of this program.

This Jesus is the answer and Lord recently asked that she would come into our hearts today Phyllis with that light that can break out the darkness the darkness of alcohol or drug abuse, or other things it may be get in our way. Lord we want to give our life to you and enjoy the passion that you've given us for Reisinger or for other things. Lord help us to be your servants today and we ask this in Jesus name.

Thank you for listen to Christian Car Guy radio show you're listening to the truth and