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White-Knuckle Snow Driving

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
February 20, 2016 11:22 am

White-Knuckle Snow Driving

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 20, 2016 11:22 am

Christian Car Guy

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Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. The cop show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book the blue book knobby orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called the Christie car guy with your questions. 18663421 866-34-TRUTH 7884 as being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out is your host Ronnie Gilmore white knuckle snow driving should you change your router. Maybe her on the eyes worse. Should you change your route or abandon ship and what is that what goes Abaddon and it's amazing all the things I've learned from last Sunday till today about this whole concept of of white medical snow driving and the cool thing is I have such a gifted person with me today. That is got all sorts of extreme examples of what happens in the situation I really am Ray Jerry from race body shop and I wonder I said it, but Jerry went when all of a sudden the perfect storm hits, which is what happened in Winston-Salem last Sunday was that they were calling for snow about 9 o'clock. It was Valentine's Day and so everybody in Winston-Salem. It wasn't supposed to snow till later.

So they went out to dinner for Valentine's Day well at 4 o'clock it started to snow my daughter have to be at choir practice and so we had to go pick her up about 6 o'clock but by that time it was treacherous but everybody in Winston-Salem was out time to get home from Valentine's dinner, and so he was like in a way the perfect storm because it was about an inch of snow slippery as all get out because it had been 20° all week and you know ice and snow and I was in the truck that was real drive that did that wouldn't go up it and so I found myself you know I didn't expect when I went out that I was leaving to be in hardly any snow and now I'm truck won't go. I pull around the corner where all these people are slip and slide, and I got a make a decision either abandon ship or take an ulterior route and meanwhile had I call the wrecker service. How many record calls we get over that weekend or that was said to talk about earlier in about a 24 hour period, or maybe a little more than that we had over 150 calls or maybe a little more than that in which is running ragged.

I mean you going from one in the County Davidson County knows just all over the place and a lot of people in this situation love to get himself in a lot more trouble and I think you can talk about that in the moment.

There are so many pitfalls here this unbelievable in here year and in an emergency situation and have you made plans at a time which is you know why the military do all these drills all the time. You know, abandon ship. That kind of thing and you and to where they're gonna drill you on what you do in a certain circumstance on today show. I want us all to think about if I'm in this situation. What are my alternatives.

What should I do what I should not do and and and begin to think through that and even if I know myself to my children know does my wife know is my family know those are things that we are going to explore that women start all this off with a little name that noise and find my defect or race that I like that hubbub name that is called an planner. This is a live shows that noise that we have today with a little different this time. Call us at 866-348-7884. That's 866-34-TRUTH 87884 and if they can name this noise. Alex tell mother can win when asked to Epperson's book has inspired by the great land Bible study coming the last words of Jesus across it's an amazing trip to the cross and and it can be yours if you can name this noise that car noise that you 66387884 we have that that before. It kinda goes with today's title you know white knuckle driving are you going to change routes are. You cannot abandon ship and how does that exactly work 866-34-TRUTH 87884 would also love to hear your white knuckle snow driving experience, you know, maybe how God came through and clearly when my wife and daughter and I were all in the situation we started praying we really did witness and let's pray guys because we can see there is no way were going up that hill.

There's about three car slid off the road. All these things are going on now what we do well there was a little one of these new Walmart's grocery store parking lots that was right next to where we were and I when I saw everybody else was slide. Not that hill. I was like nope window and that so I dived into the Walmart parking lot now as I rethink that now. I probably would've been better off if I just parked the car in the parking lot and called somebody of the Fulbright to come get me. That isn't what we did, because I just started thinking of a route that would be safer, but it was my wife or daughter. I think that would've been a safer thing is that's one of the big keys in an emergency like that is to get someplace safe, and then get some help. You know the thing is so many times, the tendency is okay. I'm unable to take to move and I'm getting through it.

So we bypass all those places to get to the point of being stuck and being stuck on the side of the road or in a ditch instead of you know, so much safer. As you said, pull up to somewhere parking lot somewhere that with a car ahead of the vehicle is off the road is at a site place and you're safe also.

That's just as important and yet we sort of forget about that. The danger you put yourself in yet because windmills car started sliding on the next thing that happened. I watched all these people get out of their cars to go help this car that sliding will now you get six cars that are sliding around on this hill and people all out amongst them and I'm like holy mackerel. This is this is no place I want my wife and daughter in this picture situation and and there I was, what we have. Lawrence, in Madison, Indiana.

Who's got an idea on our name that noise met Lawrence here on the Christian partnership morning are you and what you think that that noise might be like.

It actually is. It's it's a warning off of of the USS enterprise is maybe that's what you should do ship in several years. I would say so you guys can storm right you get some snow up there. I know you really do so, and I've never really saw it because all these years I was a Jeep so I said Jeep to driver had four-wheel-drive. I never was in a vehicle that clearly just was not capable of going in, but it was obvious to me as I stepped on the gas on this when we're not going up that hill and that's that's not happy. Thank you for calling CU art and I really enjoyed that book by the way last words. Thanks, thank you very much appreciate Ron anyway let you mention four-wheel-drive vehicle and I just take the opportunity say this you know what the worst accidents we see in weather like this. Most of the time is a four-wheel-drive vehicle. You have a lot of confidence and also brave when you get in behind the wheel for drive.

I can I can drive anything that ice didn't care for too many commercials and they see that snow you know that Jeep going through that you know 10 foot snow bank in Colorado and it looks like it's got it there so many different factors and there's no doubt that you still only have a little bitty patch attire even at there's four of them that are touching the ice of the snow and for drive has nothing to do with stopping distance right or Kirk Kirk Kirk Nina going through a curve that slippery in all this, things you absolutely united you that layer you know off the road of full gravel do some amazing things but when you're driving on pavement and it is on that ice between that unit. That layer of ice that's that's just dangerous summing so you here's the situation you're your you find yourself here and what is your family instructed to do where you don't think it's it's any longer safe to drive and and I really had never said nothing.

I thought about for my family for my wife or my daughter. You know, it's clearly I'm thinking that something like that Walmart parking lot is a really great place to us to pause and say okay what's our next step. Here you're able to, you know, when you pull a similar test is a business that's open a restaurant or something you know you can go into the warm you can use a phone if you have a cell phone or whatever but the biggest thing is you had a safe place in your vehicles at a site place and and I can't stress that because of you know another PC is did you get to make the decision what you need today. You can think it through. Instead of been on side of the road and and you abandon a car and they come through, then you've got ordinary tow bill because it how we are lots of stories to share those lines that we need your story 866-34-TRUTH 878849 we got tied is right.

Domestic episode of Christian Car Guy theater, a family show so much going on today call 866-34-TRUTH music there might make you think you can call is really, here's the situation you you're out there on a wrecker.

It may not be the answer. You may need to call her friend in who's on your family's list and who do you call when you got a certain situation. What are your contingency plans things to think about today on the Christian Car Guy show under white knuckle snow driving but we would love to hear your story.

866-34-TRUTH 87884 is a number to call you and share again tied is right. The next episode of Christian Car Guy theater, not the end of the show and all this stuff is a Christian Car as well as our whole white knuckle driving tips on what to do in all these situations, we have Leanne's in Charlotte and she has a snow story forcibly and welcome the Christian Car Guy show I'm wonderful. I'm anxious to hear your story, Charlotte triggered an appointment line and remember our boxers like your appointment, and finally it takes 10 o'clock okay equipment didn't care and are you carrying in Charlotte and I would like everything that I like knowing and driving intervals herdlike cars and like what I really all went away and all the kind of like like like like literally I pray the entire current going actually made all people are like me like I really think it was just the Lord, you know.

And the neat thing about that is my wife and my daughter and I were doing the same thing in this truck that boosts lightning on. We are praying the same exact way. But if you think about the intimacy that I had with the Lord for the 30 minutes I mean I had a grip on the wheel, Mike I'm sure you did to you got these light levels and the you know when you go Jerry so you know what it what a blessing Leanne called in and share that with us but you know that's kind of the experience and you gotta know when to hold 'em and you gotta know when to fold them right you. My daughter was attending Liberty University should become an home our national cheerleading squad lived off campus get to campus and get the practices and stuff. We always talked about. You know, coming home where to make sure that enough start to get bad stop here and you know just just wait it out call, I'll come get you whatever we need to do the same thing with which was at school you know which way to get from her apartment back on campus had already had that plan so she didn't have to be in a crisis and try to make a decision. I think you know there's times that that probably got her out of being in the adolescent unit clearly contingency plan, you know, I live on a hill and so my whole family. The three of us with.

We sat there and reasoned there's no way this truck is going up this hill we need to find a route where we come down the hill and you know we all kind of examine that this is this is the best way to get to where we are in, you know what happens. Again, everybody knows the route where everybody knows okay this is where we pull over. If this is the point of no return.

But what happens in this I found phenomenal. This is what I learned today because I have no idea. I thought Jerry. This must been in.

It is wonderful for you. All these people out, you know, getting stuck in the you got this whole record company and it but it's not that way because there's a lot of stuff going on that has other ramifications wants to share that with a listers because I think the be surprised yeah you know that's what up all my friends there, but always at home and you know what bad weather you just been asked.

That's gotta be the greatest latest time in the world for you, but for us and for other companies that are own rotation and RS all our dispatch trucks will we end up doing is we spend a lot of I spent a lot of time paying overtime and spent a lot of fuel money to run around because what you don't realize is you are in an accident just slot off the road are are are stuck somewhere when DOT or the Police Department Highway Patrol Sheriff's Department to somebody in this in our area are the whatever you're in there. Pull up on the scene and say do you need a wrecker and obviously to say yeah might get out here because inoculate you leave it there because of all the things that could happen if you just left an abandoned vehicle to go to get it moved. So then we get dispatched to a call and so then you know it's slow getting there going to the same same whether same conditions, but time we get there. 8/10 times.

There's nobody there because somebody is came by with a tow rope just pulled them off the road. Are they managed to get it back on the road after they looked at little bit and shovel some snow out of the way because a nobody being there, and police officer doesn't stay with the vehicle we get there because we have to respond to us. We don't know what that situation is we don't know that's an elderly person in a car that's abandoned waiting in the car we have to worry about that. The health of them and their safety and the safety of getting that vehicle move, so we have to go to all those calls and so many times just nobody there so that this people don't understand it, so we really so when you when somebody calls a wrecker for you.

Think about that whole situation and and that you know integrity wise, you know, it would be reasonable to wait and we have a list that were to share in the next segment of things that you should do when you call wrecker but it's been the result of taken the guy who comes along and says here, I got a rope. Let me or I got a chain, let me hook up to you also have an appellant business and also having a body shop because that's the side effect of all of the Tennessee days and weeks later where people come in where John Doe is hook the rope or chain around the bumper and damage the vehicle or pulled it from the wheel and damaged bender at me, you would be amazed at the step that I say we had one come in where does get pulled up top of the hill and the bumper was atop the hill.

The car was still the bottom of the heel just pulled right out because they didn't have it in the raptor tow rope around bumper cover and that's not a pretty side so there's a whole lot to get professional help and then not get yourself in a situation to begin with, and what are your contingency plan things we all think about today on the Christian heart. I sure would love your story 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH member type is right that episode of show and we need your call and abandon ship is what theory in your car and if that is the case, you know what are the steps that you need to take and what are some of the things you should do a course we talked a lot during the show about these kind of things but we would love to hear your white knuckle snow story, 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH, and as mentioned, you know all this is a Christian car as well as the Jesus labor love car repair for single moms widows families in crisis and those kind of things and just today Jerry. We've got one where we can address Dr. Randleman and there's a poor lady there who she's pregnant and she needs to be able to get to the doctor for prenatal care and she bought a car three months ago and it won't start and you know we have these situations and it really sounds like in this her description that the engine is blown and so that that brings us to the point were well this car may not make it and so we just watch the know that one of the things you can do with the Jesus labor love is donate a car so you have that car out there that maybe it's got a little some wrong with it.

Or maybe it's got a lot some wrong with it because you know with our connection with Bob at 109 you pull it we can dispose of cows.

We do a lot of things donated cars that that may be for just the person that needs it. In the course that that link at all.

There is a Christian car that that is still drivable and and and functioning that can know what is not what I would want to drive around them. But if you don't have anything and that's your we live in a society that it's about impossible to function without transportation. What this this case with the young, pregnant young lady and and that's her transportation and then other issues in her family and stuff you know if you have that car that you just know that you want to sit there. I'll never do anything with it and this is a great opportunity if you like that never want anybody to not give the local church.

This is certainly a ministry that that shares Jesus unless Jesus shone through in Christ centered opportunity to attempt to help others MNS but the New Testament churches were supposed to do and not one of the things I got put on my heart as I do these calls to folks, the calling number that submit the applications. you.

There's a whole application in the vetting process that we do, but quite often I handle the original processing myself to talk to the individual whatever and see what's going on and got put on my heart to pray with them almost you know for sure before we hang up and it's amazing to me. It really is Jerry how often I see God answer the prayer that we did or touch the heart of the applicant that wow I thought about this that I can turn to God with this need and he meets the need often not through us.

I mean I see you get meat get mad, but we don't have all his resources to meet them.

It's amazing to me. You know God comes through it it it it out. It doesn't have to be through you. It can be through your prayer and is just just just been at the foot of the cross and just lifted it up and prayer. God has an answer.

Sometimes out there just waiting to be tapped into and maybe just starting somebody else's heart who here's a story to step forward so assist your son just got a pretty zippy putting the pieces you know that God puts the pieces that we make him aware and in God does the work so getting to back to our white Michael snow driving in and wow now here's a situation you were hoping you have a contingency plan. We pulled over in the Walmart of the movie theater parking lot and you called somebody in whatever but now love you slipped off into the ditch and you've got a call wrecker. The some things that really now need to take place. And again, your whole family are they drilled on this what you number one who you gonna call. I mean that you do you know what wrecker service you can a call because the cars today are not like in the old days. If you get the wrong wrecker you can have severe damage because you just can't put any car on the slings at like that. We used to have Roger all absolute living cars now are just just that build different just not able to yet had the proper equipment and you know will talk about always say when you talk about needing the wrecker have a company in mind because if you get a request call because you direct all of the police officer calls public troll and says you know what, we have a owners request for you gives you the address they know there's that there there's some type of a connection there.

And so the.

The fees are probably going to be more reasonable if it I'm having to go out and send it truck just dispatch by the placed pumps after send enough equipment there to recover whatever the situation is so just sort of changes everything and I'm not able to talk to the person that owns the vehicle where if you call then most the time we can get some more information and know what kind of equipment needs to go which all at the end of the day saves the present is that so if I call Ray's body shop number two. The policeman comes the accident scene is saved, you need wrecker or you know you're in the ditch. Do you need wrecker and you let that policeman make the call. You see the situation. The wrecker is going to have to send everything the whole. Whatever it takes but if you made the call and of course if you have a relationship with this person. They arty know as I do with Jerry and and I've had to do that. Unfortunately, with my both my daughters in the last six months you had a lower plan, but in both situations, you really got an accident and immediately we knew work and I called Jerry and so we we we made arrangements and you knew you, you know, I felt good that I knew who was going to get the car the cars to go somewhere where the people knew me and all those kind of things. Plus, I didn't even know it. Save money that you didn't have to bring as much equipment that you not to bring as much equipment.

You don't have to am, you may end up having that anyway but is just posing you can do it. Whichever is the closest we have some trucks that we don't send on recovery situations and if we know what we're getting into the net. Maybe the truck that needs to go out there instead of a day equipped truck that can you know when that truck goes out on the next out. It is equipped to do whatever recovery that car is down an embankment rolled over on its side on its roof that trucks equipped to make that that recovery.

A lot of times you just need to know just don't need as much equipment plus the other party is will you have that relationship. You know what it is somebody that I know we done business with for any other company is on a unit dumping the same position I am.

That's somebody that they work with in us a loyal customer and so there are always going to do everything they can to keep the cost down and work with you. Also, you know all not be in a storage and everything else because they gonna try to make the whole process go smoother because of that relationship and in and out with many counselors plan succeed in an Proverbs knows that in and so to rehearse these things with your family. This is where we have a relationship.

This is the people that we do business with. The next thing is really a big huge safety thing and I don't know that I can stress that enough and I saw it is all these cars were sliding on the road. All these people got out of their cars, then to help push this guy, but what they didn't see if there's other cars coming down that hill that were coming from the other direction. And here comes 20 people out of their cars all get help push this guide.

I was like oh my word. Let's get a grip on what really is safe here. You know I a few years ago a friend of mine, which is a bit by you David Grubbs with quality automotive. His brother Skip grabs had stopped on 40 with wear crosses over top of 21 right there right past the mall where he and the Winston-Salem area will know about that because it's a bridge.

It is slick is a Midwest is just just slick when it gets ice.

No owner ice or anything on it. He is stopped to help someone who would wind up against the guard rail when he was there. Another car came through and slid into him and knocked him off the bridge and he fell down and he was in the hospital for a think it was like six months and had all kind of surgeries because it broke his back and and an image of trying to help and were not seen don't help, but really think through the safety of what's going on. So if the car when you get to need to get the car in the safest possible place that you can put it in.

Don't put your body in harm's way because in those circumstances. Cars are all panicking that there slammed on the brakes and something start to slide in all sorts of stuff goes awry and you just want to make sure the cars in a safe place and you stay in a safe place and in.

You know sometimes a car is down over the top of the hill you really need to get somewhere where somebody doesn't pop over the top of that hill and slam into I lost a friend that way to that he was at the bottom of the hill in the car that it been pulled over and stop somebody came over the hill and is why go back to when I said you know you into the Walmart parking lot.

A lot of times the best decision is to stay in that parking lot because of when unity we always think one just go a little further where you may get that little further maybe a position that puts you where you are stuck and can't go any further and that's where all that in safety issues come into play and then yes your current hazard lights there meant to be used in. Sometimes you gotta throat you know some on the car to let people know this broke down. If you literally have to abandon your car in and say you have a ride or whatever.

Then you'll get enough of the wrecker service making sure keys are available. Don't leave those kind of things.

Well this time the Christian progress as well as your gonna get to listen to the next episode of type is right car guy theater that's going to be exciting. Thank you so much for being with us today go to Christian Car We got all these tips there please rehearse with your family have today's episode until you Jimmy here early and who routinely tires and a deep well done.

Would you please get going on this is healthy should pay about five hours flat rate that would give me 100 points. Use that money only that $100 for the cell phone. I dropped like you got plenty of Grand Junction get you part okay. Jimmy starts rotating the tires and then starts mumbling to himself as really tight. Get them off as our handy giving you a hard time Jack lug nut is enjoying Jimmy struggle since lug nuts or tights and writes what you say you all for one and one for all lights. The most cool and he loved that responds old yeah madness lug a sludge. That's where we stick together we I tight manhood.

Let's hear it for the lug nuts club membership of three bright line what we know what else we will not be very shot up. Don't try to take us out close we are right, moving motor oil can't help but respond hey you you guys. I like those auto parts nuts guys from the parts website and you even have does name and where you guys named after those guys and not put the cart before the hardest skies were named after us and we are nuts like it.

We got this one loose Lance Jimmy got me loose seal before you know it's don't be left out right back out to Jack you stay cool and if you know and he got me got me will will be back again. Don't worry, don't worry we will be back what job lug nuts to give up easily.

Do they know to we do not give up easily.

So Jimmy quickly rotates the tires on his Jeep and hurried to put the lug nuts back, he knows he needs to get the valve job on Eustis's Corolla as he looks at the Corolla event taking all right but becoming the valve softly care the manifold.

All I have to do. I merely used a lot cheaper than the valve lot easier for me to get it done faster than I do make me proud. Jimmy drives Eustis's Corolla outside the garage and start working on the other cars on his list name returns after lunch, just Eustis is marking up with a walk out to the roller finished arson start here minute.

Great job Jimmy one side of the garage, wiping off his hands think they might just have to give you a big boy more and more people about this here around you will will will will complement when you get what he wants Jimmy's attorney whom I can do that. My tires rotated and I'll see you Jimmy jumps individually as he drives over to the church's conscience is beginning about exactly a lie. I mean lighting a human Eustis really exactly. I just tell them everything just assumed it was about not really a lie, Jimmy, your race, repeat your mother and I first you haven't paid us that hundred dollars you promised a month ago. Your room is a complete absolute disaster and we just got a look at your grades online. This is serious and what you plan on doing about all this.

Anything that you write dad the claimant stealing money cheating in school and getting on drug you know there are a lot of kids much worse than me dad should be happy with that will will will that is quite enough sun. I would be making any plans for a few weeks. Apparently you need some reflection time as I will be holding your phone back and you will not be going anywhere to that room is cleaned up and your grades reflect a better attitude. This work and school is all you be doing for time to understand know I don't understand you and mommy to get the real world. Dad good kid still treat me like a middle school and I surely don't understand Jimmy do not hear what I didn't say you are a bad kid portion. I said you were coming up short on a number of your responsibilities and I need you to step it up a great young man but as a man, you need to meet your obligations. I know you have what it takes Jimmy but you need to know that this is important as well. Son, that's why I want you to lose any distractions from these larger issues to get back on track next Sunday with the slip things for sharing love, dad. Meanwhile, the lug nuts and he Jack are having a bit of a conniption fit nearly as tight as they were before. Holy moly. And since preservice's will. This is not cool. I think we can be little French offender answer again put in their two cents racing gas tank is fueling well into this is your senior listing that Stacy and incensed he would be no shoe that is will they.

Meanwhile, Jimmy's fighting to keep his season approaching the church a little bit too much of the siding and now Randy radiator will rightly let me now live in right now I like that one day