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Share Your Prayer Repair

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
May 6, 2017 11:29 am

Share Your Prayer Repair

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 6, 2017 11:29 am

Christian Car Guy

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Thank you for listening to this podcast is brought to you by Mr. Mr. is the opportunity for you to start your own roadside assistance business you have more investment energy than investment capital stop working for someone else. Mr. quick logging road is the opportunity to have your own home-based business working directly with auto clubs and leveraging a national brand and marketing strategy. Mr. quick helps people live ran out of gas locked her keys in their car or need to jumpstart an A+ rated company with the Better Business Bureau and the three-time winner of the member's choice award for customer service. This could be the chance he'd been looking for to serve others at the point of crisis and even share your walk with Christ. Whether you're looking for a business opportunity or need of emergency roadside assistance. Is Mr. quick to clock in

Now sit back and enjoy this podcast, the Christian card now my thing and she just for Christian Car Guy radio show Association Bible style is no you can. You and show sharing your prayer repair. This being the week of the national Day of prayer. I had a chance to go to this really amazing prevent downtown where I heard an English pastor by the name of Pete Grieg and he's the founder of the 24 seven prayer movement and this more than amazing what God has done through this man in a chance to talk to him and his simple teaching on prayer and even better than all that I got a chance to do an interview with him a little later that day for sure. We do call to talk live in fledgling air today at 430 and there's a video that entire interview and all the wisdom that he gave us.

It's their Christian card.

If you go to our website but right this second. I want to glean a little bit is Liz were thinking about sharing prayer repairs today in a Christian card. I so let's glean a little wisdom from Pastor Pete right now Frank can be confusing at one of his simple call about the great theologian said it is simply his prayers asking prayer at its best is conversation. It's listening to God is what is speaking and I deepest it is communion. There is a place in private, is even beyond words. The three keys. Keep it simple, keep it real and keep it up. I love everything that sentence that he had about. There's a place in prayer with the you can't even describe it in words but I love those fundamentals and let's talk about today is keep it simple, keep it real and keep it up so in this whole idea of keeping it simple. He gave me an example in the interview that I just couldn't pass up using and so he gave us an example of how he had this workout with one of his kids and will take a listen to what he said about keeping it simple. You know when one of my kids was that for, he couldn't write yet, but he would just scribble. He thought he was writing the economy a bit of paper one day Willie scribbles on it and he said daddy look what I wrote. So I said well done. He said read it.

I didn't know what to say. So there was nothing I could read from the paper but I looked at his face and I read his face.

I thought about the way little things going on in his mind the kind of day had had my guest scribbles meant as I read his scribbles. He nodded his head and said well done. In pride we so often think it's about getting the right for covering right terminology, the right words when only doing is throwing the Almighty scribbles, but he looks at her face and thinks about the little things that go on in our heads and he understands and he interprets the groanings the spirit even the tears that we cry and understands the deep desire the hospital. Romans chapter 8 actually says that God helps us in our weakness to articulate apparatus and he intercedes for us before the father is not the most beautiful promise. We don't have a good practice just have to be children of the father so we had keep it all him. I love that that insight and bill you know so much about it is it's between you and God. Or maybe he knows your heart. So it is up to a great extent simple place always love. Philippians 44 rejoice in the Lord all always. Do not be anxious about anything, but with prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of Christ, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. If we are focused on heaven that personal time with God and that all were looking for is the peace that comes with that conversation. It's amazing how God can work things out even better than we even 100, they quite often do so. We have idea of keep it simple.

But then there's this idea of keep it real and I had an experience of that this week and I'm more to get to the point where you call in today and share your experiences at 866-34-TRUTH 878-8410 by the way, we have an amazing amazing Christian card at theater come up in the last segment today, but this whole idea of keep it real well. I have this little movie clip from the movie Bruce Almighty where Morgan Freeman's character is actually playing God. Yes, yes, some simplicity I'm in some real rules for Bruce which I find is more than awesome. I want to praise the Lord bring peace if you what you really care how she does see through your right on so there you go.

Keep it real. What he really care about you know I had a friend once tell me that when you're praying, it's not a matter of asking God all the time.

What's your will, because it you want your child and said what you want for Christmas and they said, whatever you will for me that I'll be happy with that. You know it it's a whole lot more fun to give somebody something you know they really care about something they know you know they really want and don't you think your heavenly father really cares about what you want.

Very simply, what you know Pete Grieg was explaining about just being a child of this of the father is. What do you really care about in his will.

You know it's an interesting place to be but keep it simple, keep it real, but rarer really need your help today is where we have this. Keep it up. You see, I'm hoping that you'll call in and share your prayer repair the one that didn't happen right.

The moment you first private after you kept it up. He kept crying and you kept praying and then it come and then it came even 866-34-TRUTH 87884 is a number to call in 866-348-7884. I'd love for you to call and share your prayer repair. Obviously, maybe not. Obviously it can be a repair in your life. It doesn't have to be your car little cars are good talk a lot about the Jesus labor, love, and arched our prayer repairs that have happened through that any place that God is had a prayer repair in your life. We would love to hear that and you call us at 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

As I mentioned in our last segment.

Today we have jailhouse justice, part three, he and a wet your appetite just a bit, wowsers, do we have some new actors joining the team, we have Jesse Corti who was the voice of the flu will be in beauty and the beast and he was also the voice of mantis in utopia. So he's gonna be in a new character new are in and also Julie Knox was with the British broadcasting system wonderful Irish actor's little of her voice and she's coming up in Christian card. I will bit later in the show and of course we always want to mention the Jesus labor love repair labor for single moms widows and families in crisis. That's all there Christian card but right now we would love for you to call in and share your prayer repair. The one way because we talk about keeping it simple. Keeping it real and keeping it up to what I really want to call about was one that you prayed and prayed maybe for 30 years. I don't know how long it was you could encourage all those listening out there today you can help them raise their fascial by you share a story, have the courage to call us, we outline 866-348-7884 when we come back know you can you and Bill Mixon are Christian insurance guy with us today sharing his prayer repairs, but we need to hear yours, especially were to write about these three fundamentals of Peter Greg taught at this prayer breakfast. I attended an interview I did with him, which is a Christian card. and and they are keep it simple, keep it real and then keep it up and so I would love to hear.

I really I am excited to hear about the time that you prayed and prayed and prayed for years and it came through that thing you been praying about happen. How could you encourage others so many others we have lines open. We would love to hear 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH and as I mentioned, you know, we have the Jesus labor love which is car repair labor for single moms, widows, and we've been doing it for probably six or seven years now and times. There's some real challenges in one of the first real challenges. I ran into was that there were a lot of national companies that I do not put this exactly they they make a big deal out of their Christianity, but it seem like when I tried to get simple help from him. I just couldn't in one of those was a battery company and I had actually had the owner on the show. One time, and really felt like man this this this a big supporter and so when I need a battery for single mom or widow somebody that's really in trouble out there come through for me and so it wasn't long after I had him on the show that I had a need and in Utah and contacted their office and course on prayed about it, along the time. Bill of course you and I the lady needed battery and I went to that company and that company.

I went directly to the founder of the company and his secretary sent me to somebody and and they came back and they said well or sorry we don't have a store that is actually a company store in Utah. So when you ever have it whenever you have a need where you where we have a company store. Then you contact well you may know that I know that there national headquarters is in Fort Worth Texas so it wasn't six months later and I got one of the worst situations I can never remember happening was there was this poor lady and she had a car that somehow or another.

Her as I recall boyfriend/husband, the father of her child failed to do. Put the insurance on it right yet they were making payments on it so it had what they call single coverage on it insurance which you know Bill when your your borrowing money on a car and if you total that car and your insurance doesn't pay for. They got away that they pay for the car but your car still ranked and so this car was wrecked and it was in her driveway was wrecked bad offender was on the tire.

The edit crushed the battery. It wouldn't start. She couldn't move the call and naturally I thought Walt here we go.

This is my opportunity to get this battery company to step up and make this happen and I've been praying about this and so I called the secretary, the secretary sent me to another person. I'm expecting okay well this is right near the back door. We can't our sorry we can help you, and I was beyond frustrated. I was like, you've got to be kidding me. I mean here I got is about a week or two before Christmas and I am just freaking out and who else do I go to, but not in. I'm this is a real prayer gone like really, really, I can't even get a battery from this huge, gigantic, unbelievably large company for a lady and I here it is two weeks before Christmas and by then I've got to find a body shop and I'm I'm screaming at God, and God says to me clearly through the Holy Spirit.

Robbie, if you're so worried about this lady, why don't you do something about what I don't know anybody in Fort Worth, Texas.

Well have to go find some people so I literally Google where she lived and looked at all the different body shops that were close to her where she was and the first one that was on the list I call the number and this lady answers the phone. I said the one with the Jesus labor love car repair for single moms widows and I really got a bad meeting she goes, we have to speak to the owner, but I don't know how he's gonna take to that I was like okay well I'll speak to the owner and so I was like Sir Bobby tomorrow the Jesus labor love car repair labor for single moms and widows and I was lady whose cars literally broke down in her driveway. She still making payments on it and it's two weeks before Christmas and she's got no way to get to work and she really need some help. What's even worse is that the batteries crushed.

I know you can have to bring a battery out with and hit the guy's response.

I'll never forget as long as I live.

It is a bit countries from Texas came to tell me that you talk about Jesus Christ on the radio. Get blasted you know there's something better a lot more important than money and I will fix that ladies car and I'm a fix that ladies card today and I was like, will hold on. I was in body shop for quite a while.

Your getting that kind of damage fixed in a day's a little bit of a stretch, but I was like okay let me give your name and address and phone number and whatever and it's just like I'm sitting here bill.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would never have known it just could not believe this can happen later that afternoon.

That lady called me Robbie. He came out he got the offender off my tire fixed the wheel put a new battery is money every bit I mean he completely did the whole thing out and you want to know how much money invested in it but I will never ever forget how God came through for me in that particular situation. As long as I relive that what was the name of his body shop. You remember I don't but I could look it up. I have list of people to help me Over the shame that I can tell the story and and failed to give him credit and on the ateliers in Fort Worth. But I'll tell you what I will do. I will get my records back I will leave need to hear your prayer repair 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH.

We would love to hear your show here 848788 number to call him and share. We have lines open and just think you could encourage somebody with the time that you prayed for years and years and years and all has to do with keeping it up. We got these three simple ideas that that were shared at the prayer breakfast.

I attended this more this week, which were keep it simple, keep it real and keep it up and you.

You've got a story or two along those lines that you will get a short one that I like to share because I'm here with my favorite car salesman who made sure I got just the most wonderful car in the world and one day I go out to get in my car and the car is gone and it's like I walked into the into the street trying to figure out why would I have parked it somewhere else and I turn around and I look at my driveway and I say, I'm sure a part that car.

There and then it dawned on me that somebody decided they wanted by car more than I did and was even worse than that. Is this really dumb stupid insurance agent, had a spare key hidden in the car and did not lock the car that night. Now do not do that do not do that somebody had gone to both cars and they found by spare key hidden in a place I would. I mean who was going to steal a 12-year-old car so I have to call the claim in and with egg on my face. I have to explain. Yes, I think I know how they got it and I let a couple days go well with you since your insurance agent and I'm here. Yes yeah so if you're just clearly that negligent like even leave the keys in the ignition and diligence a pretty strong word. I think let's just call it what it is I will escape it yet. For one thing our neighborhood is just unbelievably so, are you still covered even though you were stupid. Yes, he is generally covered, not in all cases but with cars. It's pretty much covered the I used to have a police car parked at the foot of my driveway for 12 years. In any event so I'm sitting there in this really great car that's worth next to nothing because it's got well over 100,000 miles on it because I'm in this radio should that's always talking about. You should never buy a new car less you have to so I have invested well into keep the thing running head took great pride that I was driving around in a car with almost 150,000 miles on it so I turn the claim in and the police come out. They say basically good luck. We hope you find it. Bob Suda called Judah, yes, but you do if you knew how many cars that we just don't find them so I'm thinking what am I going to do what am I going to do. We need it. A call on the we didn't have a spare car so a couple days later I minute Bible study group in our small group and somebody says you know my son lost his car last year and he drove around and he found the car broken down in the neighboring neighborhood size. A rather interesting thing to tell me I'm not sure with your trying to make me feel better or worse.

And then Sunday somebody else came up to me and they said you know we heard you lost your car. I said I guess lost is one way to put it. She says you know my uncle just a few weeks ago lost his car and he found it in the neighborhood near so after work the next day I prayed I prayed a good prayer. I talked to God and I said you know, I know I'm not supposed to just ask for things in and and expecting to happen but I do believe that if I'm willing to go at it and share this story with people about how you actually work in people's lives and that people should not be hesitant about letting them know what your concerns are that if I am diligent in the future about sharing this story that you might just come through and I started driving around the third neighborhood I looked in 20 minutes, less than 20 minutes and I find my car nose down in the end of into the cul-de-sac with a flat tire on the net.

There were some things missing but one of the things I really really really seem to think he was missing but my Bible my Bible. This been marked up and they said it not had for years and years with in their and all we had to do was get that spare tire put on. I take the car in the tire to the body to the repair shop. They blow the tire up. They don't even have to do anything. Put air in it and I swear that blessed cars running better now more think that's the very ago. That's there's an example of her prayer, repair, and you know you got one especially that one where we try to get somebody to call us and encourage us with this.

Keep it up and we only have a few more minutes left to do that because Christian Car Guy theaters coming on in just a minute and so call is now 866-348-7884 866-34-TRUTH well going back to Jesus labor love. There was another situation that I remember well in Kentucky and often these things happen in places where I don't have a lot of resources, and this was a little town in Kentucky and I did not know anybody in the car needed to be towed and you may know that when it comes to tow trucks. The charge changes by how far away you are. So I needed to find a close tow truck and when I called the first time he was like you're with what your with the Jesus went. Now we are going to do and that was the end of that conversation when I start calling around trying to find some to fix the car and this man was a wonderful Christian man.

I finally found it would do that and I support you have any idea where I could get this car totally goes with his only one guy in town. Any list of guy that Artie been through egos and he's not a Christian I got my might be a bit of a struggle and a simple will you pray with me call the man back and I said remember me. I talked to a few hours ago. Yes, I said, will I still have this car and I guess you're the only one in town, do it in the I was like you know when you stop calling me if I told this card. You promise you will.

And so I said yes and he told the car and that's not the end of the story. I shared this on the air a few weeks now that I think that we and I was down in the remote in Charlotte. In this I see this call coming in from Greensboro and this person. Greensboro knew the name of this record because then I did know the name of the company and and she said are you meaning to tell me that so-and-so told and so I call that man back and it was a funny conversation. I just want you to know that my my listener by big dollars on my said called him and I'll never ever forget it. It was one of those things that he got a chance to get doubly involved and I eat, I never called and told another car, but he had a completely different expression on his face around us and the sound of his voice the second time I talked and we have Paul in Greensboro's got a prayer, repair, forestall your on the Christian Car Guy sugar morning Polly, can you hear me the other. You are good morning good morning what you got for our right okay so I bury that Mary and or or about well here and I you know I'm not dating ever again.

I'm not yet find out the I'm okay go my life without being a partner companion Re: marriage again and I became a Christian during the time that I was when the divorce And then what started happening while I noticed there was a yearning to have union but I really didn't think it could really happen you know really that very goal fearful person around and thought that okay if it meant to be no it the right. If I could be on the right person. If there was a bank I would be open to that that I'm just gonna put that aside because you know what up I decided I'm fine and I can go through life alive that would be okay. Okay.

However, the and the weird stronger urging that you have to go to work at Carmax did not want to go to work were about to go fast. First is okay. I went to Carmax were taking a three night fire me would let me in the door because they hardly put them off with the users and they kill several 1 PM this gentleman there that today's episode jailhouse justice.

Three. Last time on jailhouse justice part two branded escape from jail, aided by the nefarious Ned works for the nasty Valley once again because the new are kidnapped. Brad started Christy to make sure that Brad bring Allie and Brad never would have dreamed the water would even know we had Brad's daughter Christie has been living in Ireland with her mother but she had come on a surprise visit, only to be grabbed by the Christie is brought into the waters office is my main provider about the not only is your dad let me get away with profits from it. This is that we pay for the blind school tend well my dear. In this case, and the truth will set you free. You see, when he brings the girl he promised to bring me you can go free. So you better hope I'm not blind in this case. Meanwhile, try to find Christie's father Brad before he kidnapped Sally and all those prayers from the church seem to have raised Eustis face shield and he's back he's back in a whole new way. You can hear it and used his voice as he still talking to Pastor Jack on the phone were about my job. Pastor Jack hangs up the phone to share Eustis new plan with the other belly Eustis feels you are a target. Yes, that will stay here and protect you, till he gets back. Even now I stay here with hate to do this, but I need to let our little docs and friends outside and inside all day. Yes, poor little Francine's probably wondering what's going on careful car parts under the hood of Jimmy's Jeep celebrate Eustis new found faith French offender comments. We pray when she used this to stop God. Eustis is pretty appreciate your words about how slick I am and whatnot but God is the hero yesterday that I see a new look on uses his face. I have never seen him so focused so capable of. So also on the case before it was sort of like a frictional character you know what I'm saying.

While the windshield wiper hobbling just like our windshield wiper water. This time Eustis is going to slip through the gas tank you for your taking advice from Lonnie say Eustis is believe used his hands down from Sam now our team.

Meanwhile, Brad know our daughter Christie and Brad is now more determined than ever to kidnapped family.

So we stolen a dish satellite TV truck and uniform so we can sneak in the Bob Bonnie and Ali's neighborhood unnoticed, looking over the fence. What I hope for that little docs in the backyard that will do the trick should be a little much.

Come with me. I just give it some time to think of missing your little dog and I will have to Allie. She will come to me. Allie want to resist being reunited to her precious little. Let's see what your caller says Fred. Meanwhile, Georgina is on the radio. Reporting to Eustis Georgina scenario for sure.

This is plate number Colorado beta receiver 04035P Colorado bankruptcy receiver 4035. That's not to mention as a big assignment. Eustis just saying Georgina just make sure I'm crossing my piece.

There's a lot you know I don't want is dishware. 10 point just pulling into town and he immediately this man right in the mall parking. That way the parts under the hood brace fraction welding spark plug fires offer traditions as stores.trying to write wrinkly thinking I couldn't help myself teaching our people line, ran three spotting my license plate Eustis radios in this tent for Eustis's dish TV and I was wondering if this police are in the area are all out looking for her on Long's peak. Georgina next month for another episode jailhouse neuron?

I now hear from Randy radiator to review today's mapping human daddy code shows a mockup of the rescue rescue is a bit of God, either one appears to be the worst cold just like you came out of Adam's the church was born from Jesus. Jesus gave his life is below to rescue us to rescue those something to see his cold side. Thank you so much for list of the Christian car guy show and remember slowdown. Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done 33 years