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Power Hungry

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
March 9, 2019 11:24 am

Power Hungry

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 9, 2019 11:24 am

The Christian Car Guy Radio Show

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I see you GG you read power-hungry on Christian guard. I show Jim Christian is here with me with benchmark auto sales and while power-hungry, that's the thing for a car adage think you mean what car guy right, Jim. What card I wouldn't be power-hungry menu herein for aligning absolutely sounds great. Hand-in-hand with so I am guessing by this understanding that Paul the apostle would be a cargo as a means all about power and certainly a Christian car guy, so here's why I'm thinking that in Philippians 310. The first part of verse, Paul said my name, which is really cool to think about it. They have an aim in life and in here were hearing what Paul's aim was in his aim was to know him and the power of the resurrection that I don't know about you but I find that extremely provoking. I merely got Paul clearly had an amazing relationship with Jesus. Yet he wants more and sublime. I hope you do too, but the next part is, he says he wants to know the power of his resurrection and me. There is some power. I'm a member in their power so tall it seemed.

I mean right.

Paul had seen the power grid. I mean, he had no eyesight on the road that he saw his eyesight resurrected besides heart in a brought back from actually assaulted Paul he saw no one point time ethos is Stephen look up and see you have and you know from wide open. The been stoned in all the different things he said but yet here Paul is saying my name. My aim is LeMay Minette I want to know the power and and as I was teaching that last Sunday I teach special ministries at Calvary. For those who know me well they know that in we use sign language because a lot of our guys somewhat, by the way are as old as I may have autism and dance in a different things, but some are nonverbal and they don't speak so we use sign language in order to teach the Bible is really fun thing to do and it's really helpful to me at times to understand things in a new way. So if you see the sign for the word resurrection and sign language not posted all this a Christian car Effective really cool picture that illustrates it.

But if you can hold up two fingers like you're making the sign to and just lay it down like it was a guy and make him dead.

Just hold that down there like manner if you're driving on do this but everyone else does hold up two fingers and then put your palm up and just figured you got this dead guy right here right with these two fingers. Now pull him up by his bootstraps and set it down on your hand would stand up with his little legs there and that is the sign for resurrection right arm in the skies, the life this guy is dead. I'm easily married and then also include flip them up and boom here it comes right down in the palm of your hand in the skies alive.

So the challenge of that verse is where have you seen Matt in your life, or in other people's lives.

As I write and you know Paul saw it. Obviously on the road to Damascus. I thought about you early in my Christian life and I first came to know Christ and you know the tears and and how your heart comes alive in there is that. But I was a car salesman, Jim, and so I've been brought up in the car business. I'd been ramp shops all my life and I was taught every dirty word to possibly be spoken in all the different ways you could use those words and so from my point of view. My language was dead right when I open up my mouth. I could slay all sorts of folks with all sorts of words and interestingly I prayed that God would redeem my language and almost immediately. One of my first things that happened when I came to Christ was that he cleaned up my tongue. I quit using those words it's it's fascinating to me how that worked and I got I would've thought that I could change from being so degenerate we you need to come our dealership and give that speech that would be well received at the benchmark as well. Probably for most dealerships around the country. This part of the culture at and you know is interesting when I was the general manager Northpoint pressure right here around the corner. It was Bob Neil before was Northpoint and when I was a general manager their course you know I would had been a Christian for a number years and I would've thought to using those words whatever when I left I had several salespeople call me and say Rob, you would not believe what's happened since you left the language of this soon as you left the building. Everybody started using these words and so you don't know the effect that your testimony has a your life right you have allies in your language and when you're around people and they know who you are and what you do for corrupt dates you know is like when the preacher comes to dinner and then the wineglass is absolutely whatever's going on, so what I'm really hoping for because you know in the book of acts. They sit there actually the Christ told the apostles that you can receive power to be his witness and so here's what I'm asking you to do is give me some of that power, where you witnessed something in your own life. It was absolutely dead and it came to life before we get a call of knowing that power and I tell you little story about that you get a call or we can in a rut must orbit my mother was here she would love to tell the story. I was probably five or six and we had gone to see my grandparents up in Tennessee Christians abandon in Churchill Tennessee area and they lived on a farm and I begged my parents to let me take time to these little guinea hens from my grandfather grandfather's form so we put them in a shoebox took him home. Of course I got out the call on the 3 Hour Dr. home but my dad built a little pin we put them out there. One morning we went out there and they were they were just like your stick figure God they would laid out they would go on my mom psycho noble Gupta. The skin is why just drop straight to my knees and oh yeah drop straight to my knees six years old with all the power prayer that I had at the time and prayed and prayed and my mom said honey.

These guineas are not coming back and I'm sorry would NAFTA do we go to Dick's well I kept praying and I kept praying and in no kidding, Robbie. Couple hours later, those guineas were up running around. I have no idea what happened to him. But for that short little. In my life I had the, the power of resurrection.

Through prayer and brothers little guinea hand back and they live. I only remember how much longer but for that day and for the following weeks.

They were just as healthy as they could be can explain and oh by the way, I made things to remember when you're six years old. That's one of the few but my mother told that story enough times that I would never forget it and everybody knows maser that story as well.

I have never aware that is just awesome at me.

I day but I bet you got a story like that so you're thinking I need to call in. What's the number. Well, here it is 86634878848663487884) receive power to be his witness is witness to what this power to EC Paulo aims to find out more about that and by you have in that story and calling in today.

You are going to share that hope like infield media and all the sudden you know today I go home and my guinea hands. I'm starting to pray on this night the story so we obviously hear the Christian Car Guy shall have the interesting you know men's ministry to single moms widows families in crisis.

We call it the Jesus labor, love, and often these folks their cars or did and so they need a web little power. The resurrection I have a story like that of a ladies car is dead and then she needs some help.

Actually prefer own physical level and talk about that were certainly in a talk today about credit, death, and with with Jim here with which by the way you said it was Christians. What was the name of the place that I little Jim's last name is Christian so he answered, as a little community up outside of Churchill Tennessee of old Christians been and so your name being Christian.

I guess that that said have some that I know that I think some of my family settled there years ago when think that community just took on that name while so we're gonna talk about credit death. We are going to talk about the Jesus labor love for him to get into that when I get into some of the ways you can bring that back to life or ways that you can help somebody we see them in that situation, but most of all what we want are those stories write something that was dead, and you saw it come to life maybe was a car or maybe it was your marriage. Maybe it was you 866-34-TRUTH 87884's number calling and sharing her excited to make my day. I cannot wait because now we got some forklift that show coming up Satan with hungry for power today on the Christian and I see you today on the Christian card shows specifically, Paul pointed out in Philippians 310 the power of the resurrection and be talking about resurrecting your credit maybe resurrecting the other things through this power that obviously you know Paul was aiming at a Matt verse and I would be remiss if I didn't share a another story of my own that I had cancer you know and I was remark remarkably healed and miraculously healed.

No doubt from that situation. The first time and the man came and prayed on many of you heard my testimony on that. But what you may not have heard is two years later, I got these phenomenal headaches and may they were sure that the cancer come back into my brain and so, they did these memorizing all that stuff and they saw something that they thought they needed to do that was in the meninges part of my brain and so they decided to do something called a brain biopsy which doesn't sound like all a trick you deal except for we have had to literally put a hole in your head about the size of quarter and when they did that, I know you're shocked they didn't find anything and in finding Nemo anything that was cancerous but they put a titanium plate back with that middle quarter sized piece of my skull that they take and unfortunately that quarter sized piece had a staph infection. Well in the next thing I know I had a staph infection in my brain and it quickly became what they call an abscess in my brain and it was spreading like wildfire through my brain and almost like this big abscess in your tooth only can imagine wanting your brain so that was out of control and they were trying to save my life and I was hospitalized for some time and as I was laying there in the hospital bed. This lady comes up and some of those conversations, which will never forget it and she has a new antibiotic that she's gonna hang Mary and she says Mr. Gilmore.

This is if this one doesn't work, I'm afraid we won't see in the morning and whatever preparations you need to make. You don't have much time.

That led yeah that's never this one little conversation that you never ever will forget and I have a Bible at home. It actually belongs my daughter not because I gave it to her because I wanted to have it but it was my Bible at the time and I had a red pen for whatever reason that I was making notes at and you may notice I think it's in Psalm 33 I should've gotten a reference before did this but anyway it's in the Psalms were Davises taught David is talking about his wounds, festering infection and I'll never forget you know when she left I did in the Bible and I'm just right there and I'm writing these notes and I'm writing him in the red.

In the course the tears are coming in. Obviously, to live is Christ to die is gain.

So I'm thinking you know okay will I get to be with Jesus later did but you know my family and at this point in time my kids were really young. My daughter that now has the Bible was just born why and you know you eat, you just you have this keepsake try.

I have those notes and not Bible that happened that day and I can look back, and know that power the resurrection. I mean, because you know obviously I'm here today talking to you on the radio, which is completely miraculous in my own view at night and I know it was done through medicine and I know that it was done through prayer and I noticed him for a lot of things but it was the power of life. They came back from what appeared to be no death while what you write when you are taking notes that night with potentially hours to live. Do you remember how time and I wrote of my meme about look at them every now and you know what I was actually concerned about was my sin. He now claims me that which has to do that Psalm about his wounds.

Festering ran. I was asking that man I don't end up in the wrong place. It really I was I was working out my salvation with fear and trembling like you know this is it buddy were down here and I want to make sure that you know I get be with you, Jesus, and that your you know you you take into account all that I have done and all those things and so that's that's what those notes were about right. Maybe that's what was red pen took the blood the government so I know your sent and I think I have a story you do and it has power phenomenal power that will give hope to somebody you to be struggling with an illness may be struggling with something else. Whatever it is your story has power and I assure you, and we would love to hear it. 866-34-TRUTH 878-848-6634 truth again. I'm so excited here just to make my day when I hear your story, you know your your story is is as deep and heavy as he gets, but sometimes resurrection is simpler than that.

Sometimes it's daily resurrection. Maybe it's a car battery that's dead and you get a jump and that's a resurrection it's the it's the jump to get you to work that saves your job that keeps you go in and and so sometimes these many resurrections occur every day and that's that's kinda how we get the life that you noticed well said that's well said and and and so you remove business and benchmark auto sales, which I'm really really excited. Here the Christian card. I should have used car dealer that's in the business of trying to help people that have marginal credit that have in others wounds and and things there that have happened maybe through divorce or whatever.

And now they're in a position, nor the feed my family. I got to have a car and I can't do that based on those situations so no chair a little bit how you you resurrect people back into a car in and they can get to their job will we do, we what we work hard at that and you know are our business is about providing what what I think of is utility, transportation, and we don't we don't deal in late-model Lexus weed Hill and you know 2010 Camrys you know with 100,000 miles, and our goal is to provide people, reliable transportation so that they can can get on with their life there more important things to think about than am I going to get to work today so you know we tried to approach the car business in a very practical sense, a given people reliable transportation and then there's going to help that. But you got somebody comes in and and you don't actually even check their credit, no whittle check credit.

We want to make sure that folks come for the payments that we really look at income from Dallas, Javan one of the things I love you dear. Is there nice people. Yeah absolutely that we do as we have Roxanne in Germantown Oregon to hear her story. When we come back we want to hear your story. 866-34-TRUTH 8788 for the power of the resurrection. When we come back stating all of this stuff down merely as I was going to have me in Vail. He sits on you Megan and empower those little women for my ribs and there's no we are power hungry today Jim Christian and I would benchmark auto sales power hungry and I'm very actually just thrilled to death. We have three callers on the line but we still need you at 866-34-TRUTH 87884. First off, we have Roxanne's and Germans in North Carolina. Roxanne you're on the Christian card I should. I am pumped to hear your story. All diabetics thank you for sharing here what time it would take. I would pick Hitler and have been glorified glory time dear Mary and Dan and thinking the way and the marriage gallantly. Unfortunately, and why very gloomy. I volunteer at church work a lot and character. I went by the ninth grade.

So I did have a and he quit working and he kept going. You like to get married and thinking when I get it right and tell everyone that you and every man will take you into my heart got a job I getting a really good link to grant Japanese people going to apply for a legal secretary go a little bit. I joined the Navy. There and I didn't want to live again. You might get married again. I did not want to collect the pain. I told the Lord I do not want probably not again. It was quite painful.

I do not like.

I do not want to know. Dingle and I okay look back and cry back that working for you again doing 99 Lloyd if you have, I'm open well and then in the military in McNary. I tell you don't mind the base of my children are grown and one grandchild of Betty got so much the Lord could narrate huge understanding of the word and I am extremely extremely thankful that I didn't think would happen again. Roxanne, my goodness, it's beautiful you yeah what a beautiful story and praise God with your husband's name. Eric started to pray right now, Roxanne. Thank you Lord for Eric, thank you for the resurrection that you brought black sands life that she would see you through a husband and that she would see you through a job in so many different things, Roxanne. I'm so blessed to hear your story today. Yes, I agree that this well. We have also Sarah Linda is in Port Orchard, Washington's got a story for us. Sarah Linda year on a Christian card I show good morning.

I go in and in. We celebrated celebrate and I still abrade our seven year anniversary in 2017 and he went home just if you get a couple months later to be with the Lord that I want to tell you at the beginning of our marriage. When before I met him I gone and with it was 1945 and known what nevermind about the date. Anyway, with in college and took every prerequisite course. All memory courses you know sociology and psychology in hand, etc. and I was get during final thing I would I was doing getting them all.

I was still proud of myself and I would go one block down to the University District Internet and I get that I can do anything and I know today was my with my speech that can't take down and I got up to get my give my speech I don't know maybe I didn't agree with it but I have no idea.

But anyway, I night that there was real proud of the way I felt I could go into radio but anyway I got up to get might be necessary to bring it in a brand for and I just heard it in my brain and everything was gone and my character memory. I couldn't even speak clear Halal and they managed to get me back to where you know the dorm that from then on I I Betty here recovery bit.

I really would bad shape that I went back by nature with our and so anyway I went back to school with, but I couldn't take anymore me court that required memory and and that's when my husband who is a great Christian comeback from the floor in the state. Anyway this thing you don't think it will command experience with the Lord when he was 17 fill you with a good wonderful Christian man and anyway, the Lord brought us together and and we were married and data that I was in depression for the first seven years of our marriage. I night I had one I would create an bit.

I had a I couldn't. I had a spiritual experience. It really got to know more of the Lord, but I couldn't breath it very well. And one day my daughter was there around three and and I would date visited my friend who lived in going to accept the Lord and Keeley had finally made the decision and was going to be baptized.

The next day and she would have taken an anyway I went on my way to get after that I had been. I was driving in the car with her daughter and I was talking Lord why can't I express myself with the matter and I really do love you and I know you and you help many in many experiences with you and I grant tonight else, I don't want to say sterling I hey we got a go to break right at this point in the story when we come back we'll find out why the Lord did want you to be able to express yourself more.

From that if you hang on what is meritless is that you got a lot Christian with benchmark order feels myself around here. These stories of the power of the resurrection that you may have experienced in my hope you're blessed to hear so many that we've had share Roxanne and now we have Sarah Linda when we left our hero.

She was in the car hearing from God, and we don't want to miss it, Sarah.

You're in the car and you're asking God why is it that I can express myself. You know when you have this wonderful friend. He says I don't want to know what my goal within my soul. I didn't realize there and that I told speaking.

I don't want to and you know there's a song that I think back my memory still not there but that when I'm really thinking about the Lord. I can speak of right now because the next day, but I didn't have it yet until the next day my friend was getting baptized and when she was getting baptized. I just like it was like that. I can only explain. I felt like when I buy obedient baptized Baptist Church couple years before I several years before it was like that river was flowing at the same time at which he went and my friend went into the bladder. I yielded my felt by yielded my fear to the Lord and I went into Ed at Barry that clear. And you know I will, and spiritual. I wrote that from that moment on I didn't have this fear of speaking and I still have short-term memory but I rely on the Lord give me the words to say and and let's power the resurrection, and may not. I felt like my feet were on even ground and you know that I think that from then on I was seated with Christ in heavenly place and and I was at.

Anyway, it's the power of the resurrection blowing a gale. Fears their yield. Whatever get you, so God bless you, thank you so much and I am so grateful that he gave you the power at this point and 91.

The call in the radio show nationally and share that story so clearly he's cute you that has been resurrected and God bless. Have a great day Sarah, Linda, wonderful, well, the joy of the Lord is our great exactly right. God bless. All right. Well, I am so excited to hear Mary is in Winston-Salem who has a comment. I'm hoping she still with us on about your your hands so marinara I'm so glad your patient even wait forever. That's it. When it's worth the wait. I do we have to do and everything around the yard and take the lead item and that's one reason I get that story about beginning and look really good.

I really related to that topic. That's a faceplate that he had that patient in a private about Google getting hand and they weren't bad after that great and one lady with combat being divorced and now I am to and let you know I think) is when I really got close to the Lord that the board be thankful for that. Now heighten the marriage didn't last. The father comes in and shows in so many things as we have drawing to him and that's and that's its own resurrection, which all be coming together in the end. So thank you for calling and marrying. That's awesome God bless you about May 2 that's Jim. Now you have a good day to keep up on all right as I mentioned, we gotta get this party and that we have the Jesus labor love it's car repair labor for single moms widows and families in crisis and we're to the point now where we only got a certain amount of money to give for each applicant, which is down only about $100 because were just short on donations and so when it happens, and I have somebody with a bigger thing that I got asked on the air for help. And so here we are.

This lady needs a resurrection. She is been terribly terribly ill. She has internal bleeding stomach all sorts of things like that but she is trying to maintain at the same time get to her doctors appointments and all that stuff without a car, and since she's riddled in all these different things which I have it all in Christian car that number one, we can pray for her because she's really going through a lot, but then her car needs tires and the need to break similar pass registration so that she can be able to do these things.

So if you go to Christian car you'll see right, the Jesus labor loving LC donate and so if you feel the Lord put on your heart to do more than pray which believe me she is so thankful for your prayers if there's a lot more going on here than just her car but anyway if the Lord puts it on your heart to do that. I can assure you if you will market that you doing this for the lady that so sick that I will make sure that all each and every one of those dollars goes to help her get tires and brakes again Christian car I would be remiss to read and give this power a chance for this lady who happens to be in the Burlington area now. Jim we got we got just a minute for you to share a little bit about resurrecting credit as you do it. Benchmark auto sales all the time. It essentially people pay their bills they can get it back.

Yeah, absolutely. I'm a wee wee wee, as you mentioned earlier we don't check credit you know we want to work with customers to make sure they're in a good position to make the payments and begin the process of repairing their credit so were focused on in common is rule of thumb, we like to see that the core payment be not more than about 20% of their take-home pay, but if there working and they need a call or and and we can help them would sure love to do it and help folks get back on track with their credit and that's that's a good place to start. Yet, because if you got no car you can't work and if can't work in a venue, no pay your bill since ins and so the beauty of what you guys to from my point of view is not only are you giving them a car and an opportunity to do that with marginal credit that warranty so that saying that okay if you pay me that were to make sure you have reliable transportation for this period of time and you to be able to get to your job and you're going to be able to pay your bills. That's right. If you do that in the same time people running the stuff though and you run into that everyday, and so you get opportunity to write your mentioned earlier that you got the baby resurrections everyday both cars or machines of machines break and you we try to we try to help our customers out by you know providing what we informally call to get you to work. Warranty and that's how we work with our customers so you may think, wow, I don't live in the Winston-Salem area so I can take advantage of benchmark for they have their mall in Asheville and also in Morehead city, but if you are looking for that kind of thing.

Feel free to email me. It's right there Christian car I will try to help you find somebody that is similar values and making sure that they sell cars with warranties, so different list of the Christian car guys show I hope, like me, your power-hungry love to hear those stories as you look around and you see in that power testified how God's done that in your life and remember slowdown. Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done in 33 years need to speed and thank you. I am so grateful for the stories and for your listening for your prayers for Jesus labor love.
