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Prodigal Vehicle

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
March 23, 2019 11:32 am

Prodigal Vehicle

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 23, 2019 11:32 am

The Christian Car Guy Radio Show

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Welcome to the Christian Car Guy radio show. The cop show dedicated to helping Christians buy and sell cars by the book the orange book, but by God's book, the Bible called Kristi Garg. I would be requesting one 866-34-TRUTH 1-866-348-7884 as being a Christian have to do with buying a car you're about to find out as your host radio more good morning everyone you're listening to the Christian Car Guy show this morning. You will be hosted by me Bob younger Christian junkyard guy and also with us this morning is Jerry Mathis your Christian body shop and record service Morning Jerry hi good morning, Bob is going to be in here with you. I will miss Robbie Bettis also that man I honor, privilege being here with you. Thank you very much brother. We've had a good run added in the hopefully we can pull off a great show this morning where live today and will be taking calls at 866-348-7884 if you have any questions or comments during the show. Just give us a call at 8663 foray 7884.

Our intended topic today is the prodigal vehicle I say intended topic because sometimes we start in one direction and guidance lapis and turns around and hit her somewhere completely different. So we try to remain flexible and seems to work a lot better that way and that is, like life, you can make all the plans you want, but the good chance of that's going to change for you when I say prodigal vehicle. Many of us on the vehicle that we had to spend excessive amounts of money on seem like every day or every other day where it would require fistful of dollars. My ultimate pit money pit was a rollback. We about two years before I even had the junkyard.

Now this truck had been worn out twice before at least twice before I ever got a hold out in the number of cars I was moving with at this portrait never had a chance. We patched and fixed in welding and welding and patched and fixed and and it just seemed like it was a never ending thing. How much money we spent on metal trip. It was 1986 Ford F3 50.

We used to kid about it been 350 as three days on the road five days under the hood, and zero dollars. It was a it was a touchup but will get back to old blue later in the show we started preparing for today show. We were doing so because Robbie and the guys from the masculine journey show have a boot camp this weekend. The big caps are awesome things. My son Robin I intended attended one together and it was just such a great experience. It was a great bonding experience for father and son and we met a lot of other guys in and had a do some really great stuff that these boot camps and I've been to that one for the whole weekend and I visited and spoke at a few of them and we just had a had a really great time. It's a great thing, but in preparation for being away at the boot camp. Robbie made arrangements for Jerry and I to be here today, but what he didn't know was that on Tuesday of this week.

His father would pass away our deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of Mr. Robert Bruce deal more. That's Robbie's dad. I believe he went by Bob that the and a special condolences to our dear brother Robbie he's such a great guy and losing a parent is is a really hard thing to deal with, but is his father been in bad health and I believe was 88 years old. I think 88 and then you know to just talk about a bit about health and up until then coming up and about 86, 87, he was still involved with the in the car industry and as a consultant and and and I'm coming to help track your Bobbitt. I can always remember the first time I ever met him.

His had been an auto ask her out when he moved to North Carolina to be closer to Robbie and that part of the family and stuff and then he had come to the shop and been rear-ended in this car but instantly I know where Robbie got his love for vehicles and just won't do. Talk about vehicles every time he recovered the shop you want to talk about the repair process and and what was doing, and new changes in the industry, but it was just always a joy venue can always see that passion and love for the automobile industry. I never met him that I heard Robbie mentioned him several times in the eye. I feel like it's my loss that I didn't meet the man because Robbie definitely has a passion for the vehicles and they got it honest what I got excuse me, I got a text from Robbie last night and he wanted me to make sure that everyone make sure to tell everyone that his father's funeral is tomorrow at 3 PM that Sunday, March 24 at the Central Baptist church in Oak Ridge. That's at 3 o'clock Sunday, March 24 which is tomorrow at Central Baptist church in Oak Ridge, North Carolina, and that he would love to see everyone that can make it there. I know Robbie's going speak and is such an honor to speak at your father's funeral. Now myself. I had that opportunity and I seize that opportunity and I was so glad I was able to do that because there were so many times in in my life where the things I did didn't bring glory on anything to my father, except pain and and I probably brought him a lot of negative emotions by my actions in my earlier days but that's later in life as I begin to get myself straightened out. I was able to give a little make my father proud.

I finally did a few things and I'm sure Robbie will will just really excel it at speaking at his father's funeral tomorrow. Also wanted to mention. Memorial contributions, Robbie is asked that the memorial contributions be made to Jesus labor of love and I have the address here it's on the website.

So if you don't get this written down today. It's on the website that Jesus labor of love 230 8S a you are a Fast Sora Ln. in Winston-Salem, NC 27107 and I used to wonder about memorial contributions I'd like you could have hips doesn't does that help the family out what I'm tell you, plain and simple yes absolutely 100% for my son Don. We were able to raise up really nice amount for the Winston-Salem rescue Mission and for me it gave more significance to Rob's life and his death and it put a positive spin on such a negative thing that we were able to raise money for a great that it helped so many people and the it just really really really helped us out. It was good for heads and everything is good for our hearts. It was good to know that that God and let us to make a difference in people's lives through something as horrible as death and the Jesus labor of love is an awesome awesome awesome thing that Robbie started. I can remember how many years ago I kid. I can't tell you exact number of years but I can remember when Robbie had God laid it on his heart and me you had Robbie matter little restaurant down on a 4109 a thinking he just shared that the vision of what God placed on his heart and man has grown and adopted get a second light coming through some out about labor of love in Jesus labor of love and the importance of that in the impact, been doing a memorial for for for Mr. deal more. He loved vehicle so much and they also love helping people and later on at such a huge impact through his church and stuff in teaching Sunday school.

This is a great opportunity.

He sort of brings both of those passions together, helping people in Jesus name and also helping people with their transportation needs and help them with vehicles became much beat that. I mean SS that is a great memorial when I saw that that was one of the things that Robbie set up for his dad.

I just thought that was pretty darn awesome well and I think the same and that I had always wondered if the memorial contributions did anything for the family and and until I experienced it firsthand and now this. Our hearts are in that had been placed firmly in that realm because we know what an impact it can have a mean just just to see something something a little more positive about a something that is so negative it is really part of the legacy that that that deceased persons leave it numbing it just sort of bills on that legacy and also just sort of amplifies the impact of a maiden in an area well were coming up on her break will be back in the in a little bit and hope you can make it. Remember our phone number 866-348-7884 if you have any questions or comments, give us a call will be right back. Want to hear your story. That's important for this morning and see your back with the group. Car got shed mentioned a while ago that Robbie lost his father. This way, and Jerry and I are here covering for him today and been the trooper that he is and going to do God's work, no matter what Robbie's at the boot camp this weekend will also be at funeral home tonight and at funeral tomorrow and I I've always thought for really long time that you can tell a lot about a man and his faith by the way he handles adversity.

It's easy to be calm and faithful when everything is going great and sailing. This may but how someone responds to the storms that life can throw at us is the best way to tell who someone is and what they believe the things I had thought to be true about my dear brother Robbie were confirmed this week by the strength and faith he displayed while selling sale sailing through one of life's hurricanes Thursday. I sent him a text just to let them know I was thinking of him and ask him if there's any way I can help a response to me. Thanks, Bob.

Just preparing for the first night of the boot camp you doing my show with Jerry is huge thank you God has this, but I'm foggy foggy and I hear he is so I sent them a message back. I said that's what I love about you. You stand in a category five hurricane, but your faith has you calling it foggy.

This man has such a faith is been through so many things in this morning while I was preparing and sometimes I get a little nervous when I'm sitting in the big chariot (it's easier to be the guest you know that the host I get a little nervous sometimes, and then I was going over that the words I had on this page and I saw that you know and his faith gave me faith is a light that shines and and he's just a beacon of faith. He's been through so many things and and he is just stood upright and handled whatever life is thrown at him with with just so much grace I mean them there some things that he is been through and just handled and the edit just really really really does me good to know that I have a friend that is that faithful that I can't say enough about Robbie's faith and and the role model.

He's been for me and them in. He's just a beacon you know in life is kind of in the people that I feel is who I feel sorry for those who don't have that faith don't have that assurance and and know that whatever storm the walking through and it can be from from illness to death to our vehicle have Nuno one morning not cranking up a runner, not a gas or having a flat tire. The battery being dead is the fact that those who don't have that assurance. All of that is a category five storm form because there's no hope. Outside of that that the immediate moment. And God wants us to look outside of that and God also tells us you know that he's on a preparer's the face of storms. He's on a be there to walk alongside us in the Holy Spirit and give us courage and strength than that.

That's what I is you said that's what you see in Robbie and that that's pretty humbling to me and that's that that's what I want to display a necessary thing. Bob you want to display the readers have to know that ultimately we can control too much, but the things that we can control. We need to make sure that we do it through the Holy Spirit working through us instead of just thinking this is why I think it is a billion think it's get a bigger hammer sort because we do not need a shop that the joke is won't come just get a bigger hammer. Well, you don't do that and think that we don't do that in life we just gotta make sure that we have the right tools.

In this in our walk with Christ is have the right tools and having him in his word inside of us live had the opportunity several times when it took strength greater than what I normally have some of the things I've been through, I just had the column resources that I didn't really didn't even know I had.

I have mentioned the fire so many times and well I found strength to get through that and how it came natural is like a guy was just holding me up and it makes me feel bad about not trusting that I was going to be okay, sit in this chair today doing the show when God carried me through my business burning down God carried me three of the loss of my son and and then I doubt that I'm sitting here doubt this morning that God was going to get me through the show live like wow how how quickly we can forget what all he's done, he's carried me through all of that and how can I doubt that he's going to get me through this day and for Jesus walking on water heater was okay. Once I once we lose our folks and take our offer, Christ will gonna limit drowned in the drowned in the world that is exactly once again just want to mention the fact the Robbie lost his dad this week. The funeral is tomorrow at 3 o'clock at the central Baptist Church in Oak Ridge, North Carolina. Robbie will be speaking his love to have anyone that can make it come out to the to the funeral tomorrow and I'm just if you can if you're in the vicinity. I know Rob would Robbie would love to have us all there. I'm going to be there.

I just it was there when my dad passed and I can't tell you a whole lot of people that were there. I do remember him being there because his presence is usually known in the great friend. Great guy come out and see us seem to Mark and got a break coming up here will be right back Kristin Kardashian and morning everyone you're listening to the Kristin Kardashian I want to mention one more time. I'm Bob Young and Jerry Mathis is a here with me in the studio today. Robbie set up in a Christian boot camp for seasoning.

I got a little emotional there that music. I got me that the Robbie's way today and I he did lose his father this week and just wanted to tell everybody that the our thoughts and prayers are with the deal more family and especially our dear brother Robbie are willing to move back to the their original topic that I'd planned on before all the things change and is the prodigal vehicle and I've learned more about the word prodigal and so much and always started on ash Wednesday.

I'm a Methodist go to Methodist Church and we observe ash Wednesday as the beginning of Lent and many people in the Methodist Church, I give up something for Lent. For those of you that know me know that I have had a a love the passion and addiction of tobacco. I was a skeletal man for a lot of years. I use smokeless tobacco idea for years and years. I started out on the baseball field as I guess in high school with a big old shower red man in my image: that's been a part of my life and I've quit the hundred and 13 times about the I have never taken my tobacco product of choice and laid it on the altar at church, but the ash Wednesday I carried my dip cannot. There we took communion. We went over to the rail and kneeled down and I left that Kennedy up sitting right there and since that time and see if I can remember. I believe it's two weeks three days six hours and eight minutes and 32 seconds missile strike, and I, that's kind of a guesstimate, but I I I've not had a dip in that amount of time and I am not going to be foolish enough to say that I have got this I am past is the back is a hard thing to be is tough. It's an addiction is justice. As tough as anything but that's what I chose to give up for Lent and I hope that after 40 days. I'm smart enough not to pick it back up because this is just not a good thing and that I've had that habit long enough, but the us as a part of our lien.

We have a it's a series at church is the worst as part of the worship series for Lent. We been studying the parable, the parable of the prodigal son for years. All my life. I thought it was product call.

I thought it was CAL but is prodigal and I've learned so much about it and it's just it's where I got that idea about the prodigal vehicle that everybody's had one. Everybody's had a vehicle that that cost more to operate or cost more to run or suck the money. It was just a money pit that truck we had that I talked about earlier. It was, it was not right for hauling junk. It had an aluminum bed on and now if a car has four nice round smooth tires on it. It might be okay. The hall calling on the aluminum bed, but most people that's going to be hauling junk cars you know some of the cars I got had no tires on no wheels file and when you pull them up on this aluminum bed in it would just peel the aluminum you to see the little aluminum shavings after you got done so when I first got in us as well and will protect his bed. I got me to big sheets of plywood and I were taking stick those sheets of plywood under the car as I spooling up on their Emma but he said he said that plywood won't last two weeks. I called him back after a while and I turn seizures from about that plywood. He said no. Are you still using it now. You did last two weeks. It did last two days I got done with what we just did so much damage to the truck that we spent a lot of time welding on it and and fixing on it and it just seemed to be a never-ending thing had shut the just eat up more money than it made for you and others. Sometimes you get only thanks man okay I know what they're there say something's gone out on the truck.

I know exactly which truck you will be talking about we talk about that truck. Though Bobby to I converted your center telling the stories. I remember you pulling up in front of the body shop and will, because you got around here and had a little feller sit beside you, and I banded and see what how how many years ago was at being because it doesn't seem like that long ago. But as I'm sitting here New Year's 23 years ago I was in that in the first piece I had was the old follows wrecker that I had because I ran the record for so many years. Well, as long as I could stand it but a wrecker in the junk business, you know, like say so many junk cars have flat tires and no tires and we always had to carry on had space savers little spare tires that have universal lead patterns on them. I have some of those on but some you get some wearing it. Try to get the car on in the record just what in the way for me to do things I needed to roll back and then the first rollback I got an aluminum bed instead of a steel bed but you know it got us to where we were and it got us behind to we were able to to get what we needed as the key ingredient of the. The next truck we got. After we got to 109 and I realize that we did need something with a steel bed on it was the steel bed that was the key for for hauling junk because you know he could pull it right up on there and it didn't matter if it had wheels it when going, peel the aluminum, offer you truck. We were glad to be welding the cracks and all that again. And you know it did discussing the wrecker business Summit is so important to have the right equipment for the job because there's a lot of equipment out there that can get Bob to do it, and to do it efficiently without causing damage. It is a matter of picking up junk cars or what ever is just having the right equipment to to get the job done and that's something you want. The smart thing is we sort of figured that out as we go.

What's the best thing for what I'm trying to get done will the story about the prodigal son most you've heard it through life and and you know it's just in case you hadn't as a man has two sons of the man's younger son wants to get his inheritance was father still alive. The he gets his inheritance.

He takes it often goes to a foreign country a squanders every bit of it and I drinking and partying in an loose live and he just has the best overtime in the world.

He thinks in, and that he just blows everything has every bit of this inheritance. He just this boon proof gone, he finds himself homeless and penniless hungry and he had to take a job slopping the hogs. He was so hungry that Steffi was feeding the hogs at the looking good to and he just got the thinking wow my dad has has people working for him and maybe I can go back home and repent and apologize to my dad and asked forgiveness and see if if he would just take me back as a hired hand, not as a sign, but just as a hired hand because all of his hired hands have food to eat and close to where and just at them at the mention of this story.

I cringe at.

I get a lamp going on it it changes my disposition and the steadiness for a week after week is really been hard on this took a toll on me and I thought it was just me that the after talking with some people at church after after the service. Some conversations going on and I say well I guess I blip another church. The day you know I cannot thought that I was on the one that felt that way that they could relate to to homelessness and and disobedience and having the slit back and ask ask God to forgive me that were coming up on another break will be back in just a little bit.

If anyone has a story about a product or 866348789 cargo show want to remind everybody Robbie Gilmore lost his father this week.

The funeral will be tomorrow at central Baptist Church in Oak Ridge, North Carolina at 3 o'clock. Robbie is asked that memorial contributions be made to Jesus labor of love. I will give you the address again, but it is on the website so you can go in and check on that and Jerry, could you share just a little bit more. I know we are right in the middle of something else but this Jesus labor of love, Robbie's idea. It was his.

It was when he could talk to us about the first time I select thinking that when that sounds good but I just don't know people is going to help and and then he just found a plethora of pale and and help in places where we're not really connected with an all of a sudden he's he's doing magic in places that enough stuff that you know God's behind because it's working so well, yeah, absolutely.

And you know the thing is, we first had that idea. It was like Helen worked. I couldn't wrap my mind but he kept Simba got a be praying about a God keeps telling me that a sauna working absolutely has a main one thing God had to be in it. I had it is all about Jesus a second thing you had to be somebody who is sold out to it and I was Robbie. But yeah, you think about all the all the volunteer centers and repair centers that have stepped up and given free labor and stuff and and you know the whole premise of this is for single moms are in and I think it even reached out there's others.

You've helped other people, not just asserted a single mom that are just in a crisis situation where really they get to the point where they feel like there back in a corner and there's there's no hope in just can't see how to get out of it and I love one thing that Robbie always talks about when applicants apply in and fill out the application and Robbie makes contact with them. One of the things he always does his praise with them and you just think about that when that you would but one thing asking for the help and then humble yourself to through prayer and at that point you just say okay put it off for the cross. I'm just praying that Jesus has a way to make this happen a lot of time.

Some of those requests don't really know how the going to happen, but God starts putting people in place. You know what everybody listen this morning could be a part of that because you are there's you go to the website and there is a high need for prayer warriors, people who will step up and just just pray for those situations there's always a need for resources. As far as somebody got a car sitting there there's judgments and I need to do something with things set in the driveway. A similar way it runs is really nothing wrong with it but you know I moved on past that car and that would be to use a eyesore sitting there are something you would want to be driving around but for somebody else that's an answer prayer. So if you have a car. The ships and are donated. I'd always say don't take money from your church local church because that that is important money. There if you look at it. I want to give a little more something you want on the website. You can donate and if you have a repair facility and you're one of the that there is at the station, is that that carries this and stuff and call Robbie and say you know what I would look at how my company can can really help in the community step up and give them a call and get information about being a repair facility and in your town, wherever that may be.

I know there's always needs in Raleigh and and then Texas are Barb Florida, wherever it may be there somebody there that you can use Jesus labor of love to impact people for Christ and that's what that's really what all of us should be all about things and so many areas to be able to help. It isn't where I don't feel like I I can help everybody can pray for somebody its use was has happened and is happening in and you know people are getting behind it have got behind it and and donated the money.

All of these use for to help these people, these single moms and widows that are desperate that that have a huge need for a vehicle we think about if you if your vehicle if you could not get around and you had no way to get from here to there. How hard it would be so remember, please help the Jesus labor of love and only 100.

Bob, one other thing that people, especially in today's time how much of that money is really going to that ministry or two that that charity. One thing I can document sit right here and say it all goes to that absolute number 100%. There's no administrative fees or anything like that your your money will be put to good use for the intended purpose.

No administrative fees or any of that is just the it go straight to where it's posted in Robbie's Easter that a moment ago we were talking about the prodigal son and how talking I talking about it and discussing that at church had bothered me and you notice I thought when people heard the story, they are immediately all thought that the story was about me just like I did. I hope Airbus pointed me in a bit. People can really relate to this story and I thought it was about me because the massive amount of disappointment I brought to my earthly father as well as my heavenly father. I was just a bad person. I caused having term all it was just so much of a part of my life. You know, nobody was proud of me and and I thought that when the people thought prodigal son.

They think that's Bob that's Bob but it turns out that so many people carry the same feelings around that you know why I failed God, I failed my father you know I need forgiveness I need to repent. But when I think back, my son, you know, he had his time. He had his moments to and he strayed away from my intended path. I had planned out for him and but it is so easy if we think about how easy it is for us to forgive our kids we can have a more realistic view of God's desire and his willingness to forgive us. It's it didn't take much for a parent to forgive their child we're just looking for a little glimmer of hope that their forgivable you know that that they want to be forgiven and when I started to look at it like that. It just help me understand that how willing God is to forgive me for all the things I've done.

I am forgiven. I don't have to ponder on the things that I did in the past, although they haunt me a little bit and I can't. I'd like to forget about him, and never think about them again, but sometimes I get them out and play with them a little bit just to remind me not to go back to be in that kind of person did I know I'm supposed to let it guide that the case is not always the that easy today – were human and is not is not easy and I don't know where you're going to but one thing Proxima's want to say because what time slips away. I always love story and I think so many times a place for self is the oldest son you know what where you am I going to humble myself and really realize it is all about Jesus Christ and not about me with the oldest son is like and what in the world are we doing daddy. I mean, here it is. I've been here slave and myself.

I been sacrificing as you were to bring him in and he's in a be treated as an equal, to me, and in the way even better than they had just doesn't seem fair is a great story. It has great meaning for so many so many different meanings.

In that story in so many ways.

That story has helped so many people to relate their relationship to everything want to remind everybody again about the Rob's dad's funeral tomorrow at the central Baptist Church in Oak Ridge, North Carolina.

Thank you all for being here with us condolences to the Gilmore family left everyone. Thank you for being a part of the show you been listening to the Christian car. Gotcha. Thank