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Psalms 119:131 God's Love Languages

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
February 25, 2022 9:59 am

Psalms 119:131 God's Love Languages

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 25, 2022 9:59 am

Psalms 119:131 I opened my mouth, and panted: for I longed for thy commandments.

I can see at least four of the five in this verse, physical touch, the Psalmist is literally gulping in God, he is wanting to do acts of service, he has turned his face toward God for quality time and by longing for his commandments he offers words of affirmation. "If you love me you will keep my commandments", no Matter how you add it up the Psalmist is loving God here. So what does that look like in our lives - I share a story to illustrate that really surprised me in the fruit of this kind of love.

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Treasurers languages are in the heart home in this verse, which is the Council first of the pay section with the pay being the idea of the face the mouth God turning his face towards is that blessing from number six where you know may he fate make his face shine upon you, so this is really cool that we can, see what happens in this counselor. The idea that being that we use throughout the Psalm so far is in Isaiah 11 we see the anointing's of Christ being each of these letters. And so we get to hear. See these seven different anointing's with the third one being counsel today on the idea of the letter pay or this sort of facet of God's face when it comes to this letter and and again you I'm sure you're gonna see that as everything to do with the face in the mouth is a letter pay itself. The word for pay is mouth and so here we go in the 131 in English. I open my mouth and panted, for I longed for thy commandments and and so again were going to get to the all the love languages here in a minute because I think you see at least four of them, but to begin with. If we want God to turn his face towards us and I was kinda neat.

If the first thing you gotta do is turn your face towards him and so is the Psalm is to say, and I open my mouth. Not only is he turning his face toward him, but he's opening his mouth and you think of the intimacy of that, as Emily misses the place where we kissed and and a course we know the that David was a man after God's own heart and certainly he spoke his love language and so you get this idea, physical touch, because not only do you seal opening his mouth, but he's panting and he really was taking in the air so they can get a taste of God Army is really what's going on here it's beautiful in it and then it says fried longed for thy commandments right and we know that if you love me you'll keep my commandments. Well, that fits perfect with Gary Chapman's love languages writer dirty Chapman is one of the pastors at my church. I've known them for well it's over 20 years. Just amazing amazing teacher of the word of God and you know we can see this so clearly.

Here, if you love me and keep my commandments at Saxon service right as we think about that particular so you got to have the love language already and that we got physical touch right and then you got, you know, keeping my commandments is clearly the idea of axis service and and then the fact that he longed for these commandments whether that's words of affirmation right there. Another one of the love languages, which is so wonderful and the ideas of quality time right because it will turn our face towards God will open her mouth and panted longed for commandments.

All that is going to lead since some quality time so I don't know if we can get the gifts and hereby we got at least four of them which which get if you get the commandment it's going to be a gift budget in a way. When you do is commandment. That's a gift.

I don't know but what I know is that clearly we got at least four of the love languages right here and what kind of counsel, is that right, here's a counsel turn your face towards God opened her mouth look for is commandment server may know all these things are going to help you to love on God and and as result, he can turn his face towards us turn the light on and we can see that much better them is just absolutely a spectacular and and believe me, it's a spectacular and Hebrew is you see the pays in the way that this almost use that letter and in this Psalm is like all the verses of the hundred 19 Psalm every verse in the pay section is gonna start with that letter so and mouth.

This is clearly the word that he's using here. So anyway, as if think about it in your own life. Have you ever like open your mouth and panted and longed for one of God's commandments and so he knows I thought about that II couldn't help but think of all the wonderful Christian people I get to meet along the ways in and how often they all say to me Lord Robbie. I just think God wants more for me at the key he's got something bigger. He's got something more that he wants because you can hear that longing right that they have to serve him and and I don't know if you've ever felt that way like God. It seems like you know what you want more so to give you an idea I have several stories that I love this particular one is led to so much fruit in my life as it is result of the story that I get to go to the National religious broadcasters convention.

It's called the NRB every year's might effectively go here in about two weeks and when I'm there. I usually get a chance to interview all sorts of ministry for another radio show I do kingdom pursuits and I do other radio shows and so as a result, I get to do all these interviews wonderful Christian people, and as I was listening to him. All this was probably about 2013.

My guess is it was Becton's and is they were speaking to me. I felt God's and look how cool I mean look they're doing this to do a Mac on the I think you want more from what I'm doing and so when I left I had a 6 Hour Dr. back from Nashville to Winston-Salem and so I began to actually open my mouth and pant I believe and just ask God.

I know you want. I know you want something more than what I'm what's happening with got this amazing radio show the Christian card I show this point in time is my biggest show this. It was really my big show back then, in that it was on over 30 stations today. It's on over 100, them is a pretty big platform and I'm I got. I know you want more from this middle of talking about stewardship and I love talking about you and getting testimonies know stuff we do in the Christian card I show but is feel like you want something and and I was I was praying and panting and so I was listening like like right now you listing your Christian podcast but you often. In fact, that the point I became a Christian and listen to Christian radio. I love Christian radio and so I was listening to a station out of Knoxville it was coming down the mountains and and somebody on that station, they were involved in the ministry and that ministry went out and the first Saturday of every month to single moms and widows and whether they had a house problem car problem offensive need to be repaired in a JV HVAC problem. Whatever it was it was a group of men sitting go out individually to go help a single woman but they went out as a group to help single moms, widows and families in crisis and immediately it resonated with me because most of my calls and emails and stuff that I've gotten since you began the Christian card I show in 2006 were along the lines of single moms and widows who didn't know what to do with their cars and and so beautifully as I'm listing to this group. I said man unit Christian card I show we could do that the first Saturday of every month and we can line up different repair shops across the country that might do this and that was the birthing of the idea of where God gave me clearly as I open my mouth and panted the idea for the Christian car guys ministry the Jesus labor of love and all my goodness, the fruit of what that is caused and and I could tell lots and lots and lots of stories, but one of my favorite that it indicated to me how simple it would be to help people if we just make ourselves available. Is it is that in all we do is we simply tell people the fill out an application or cause what you know we want to get them help and then we have these repair facilities that work with us. Plus, you know, we have the donations of people give us the prayers, but you might know, Jerry, my Christian body shop guy about heat. He was certainly from the beginning in on the Jesus labor, love, and one day know he runs a body shop and there was a widow that came in she'd been widowed for about two years and she said to him, and are you part of Jesus labor, love, and he said yes and she goes, what would you look at my air conditioner because it really is at work since my husband passed away and I don't have the money to fix it and silly.

He doesn't do air-conditioning working as a body mass and thought well God you have this lady or from Iago see what's going on.

Maybe I can help. And so he goes out and gets in the car with her and he says show me what you know what's what's going on, and so is she is showing him in this car. He goes will you see this button right here with a snowflake on it, right unit, you gotta have that button pushed in for your air conditioner to work. It was a hot summer day and all that. All that was going on right this poor widow had driven around for two years without air conditioning. Since her husband passed away to tell her that here. This is how you do this and this is simple. It's a simple idea of like oh my goodness. When we offer ourselves along this idea of acts of service right God. How can how can you use me and and and you and you do this man. How cool is that that the fruit of that, just that they didn't cost Jerry anything getting caused about a little bit of time with all my goodness what a difference it made in that widows life. The idea take a lesson from the man that knew how to love God, right, open our mouths and logging right show us what we can do Lord to serve you with a platform gifts and talents and abilities that you given me I think is