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The Circle Of Trust

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Cross Radio
May 22, 2021 12:45 pm

The Circle Of Trust

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 22, 2021 12:45 pm

This program is brought to us by the Hebrew letter Samech.  Which is a circle.  The circle of trust.  WHO would you trust no matter what? 

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Speaking of how angry we got we got some going to the Truth Network.

This can help the world not be so angry, just need God's word is to please help the Truth Network send Bibles to Africa and we know that they they need God's word.

We have until the end of the month, just five dollars gets a Bible in the hands of a poor, impoverished believers all over the African continent with the help of the Bible league, just five dollars.

Think about that Robbie just five dollars a please give you give more than five dollars man would love for you to do it in the number to call is one 800 yes word, one 800 yes word on 800 yes word. This is Darren Kuhn with the masculine journey podcast were research the ancient paths to find ways that God brings light into a dark world and help set men free from the struggles that we all face on a day-to-day basis.

Your chosen Truth Network podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and for choosing The Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network knowledge of activity. You are now on the inside of what I like to call the furnace family circle of trust see if I can trust you, Greg and I have no choice but to put you right back outside the circle and once you're out you're out, there's no coming back while I went definitely staying inside the circle radio show car guys show. I'm guessing that you've already guessed it's the circle of trust. Yes, the circle of trust as Robert De Niro introduced the concept to us in the movie meet the parents. I hope it's all right. It's hilarious, but as you really consider this whole concept of the circle of trust.

The more you you get into it but realize it's deep enough for an elephant to swim around in this time so you know you hurt Texaco if you're from the 60s.

I'm sure you realize that you can trust your car to man-hours and stars are trust is like a huge thing if your car salesman I meant to tell you that you better be able establish trust and establish that quickly or are you won't so many cars and salesman in general. And then he can. At the end of that. You heard Lauren Daigle's amazing trust in you song I just it's so amazing to listen to her saying that I just love it so circle of trust today is often is brought to you by the Hebrews liked like we do in Sesame Street. You know this one is brought to you by the Hebrew letter sonic which you may realize, is a circle so you can did you know you could draw Hebrew or you can if you can make a circle you can make a sonic that's all there is to it. And so today's letter is the circle of trust is a letter sonic so you know, one of the really really neat things God allows me to do.

I guess put me in the circle of trust using kick me out of it yet but anyway I get to do a show called lantern rescue I missed this show is about a group of people that go around the world with rescuing people out of human trafficking, and so these are like special ops people and superheroes in real life Christian superheroes in real life it to know them and to hear this show again.

You can get it at the Truth Network app or wherever you list the Truth Network that comes on at 930 but not my thing and some Saturday morning and all morning that so anyway, I was that they had a retreat this week and I got to go up to that retreat. How fun was that and and there were 24 of them that were in training and sort of with their families and their children, and so I was interviewing them about the retreat and they were talking about how they were needing to recruit some new operative people you know clearly I don't qualify that at all, but what he said just got down in my soul, and in it was part of the lesson plan that really got have me on all week about trust because he was discussing the recruitment of these operational people and what he said and this is a quote is trust is so critical to operation when I see a new guy going down a staircase. I think to myself.

What's he doing over there versus if I see Alan or TCV's or is trusted guys that he's always win.

If I see them going down a staircase.

I'm thinking wow I need to get over there right this second. We have to stay together so let that sink in frontier of soul there a minute and then fill in your life. I mean who in your life do you trust your very life would like that. Like you would go down that staircase to your death because that person ride.

I mean who is going to be that that you trust, like man and and so I've got just had me this on Sunday morning I was sitting there and got just put all my heart and low I love the 16th Psalm, and maybe are familiar with the part of it that a lot of this quote all the time in his presence is fullness of joy that comes at the end of the 16th Psalm, and so as I got.

I just love that once the context of that where where did all that come from and so I went and began to study the 16th Psalm and and got even convicted me to memorize it so I could just put the whole thing in my heart you know so that I would be prepared to keep from sinning so to speak. But anyway so the first verse of the 16th Psalm you ready for this. I just blew me away at submit to him of David. By the way, I could speak for a while and wanted Nick to Ms. it's really neat.

I love words that nobody can translate that to split slides which so here's Robbie's quick version of what an victim is a very deep truth that's been written down. Okay, so it's an victim of David and what he said really simple verse it says preserve me. Oh God, for when you do. I put my trust, circle trust, but see that word preserve is super beautiful when you think about the prayer that would David saying and what sets up the whole idea gets to be in his presence is fullness of joy it's it's like this concept of keep my fire burning in fact keep the fire burning that's burning living water with you if you really to get into what that means, which is almost like shalom, but what a cool thing to pray for those who you love like for me. I just prayed all week like man keep Tammy's fire bookkeeper heard her all lit up and and help her to trust in you Lord conceived if he if you're in his circle trust you know you could go down the staircase you've got that going on in this whole idea and so to just think about a circle because if you look at the word trust in Hebrew, you're not every probably terribly surprised that the in the middle of the word is only three letters.

Is this sonic and it is the key idea of the whole thing and so let's talk about circles for a minute okay circles are everything to do a trust when you put on a wedding ring.

It's a circle.

Okay, it's a sign of infinity. It always has been, but also what is the earth to it goes in circles and where to go in circles around the moon and so does every by the way electron in goes around the proton and HR every atom of your body is involved in a circle. You don't think I'd love circles, I'm just telling you he's all in the circle sitting everywhere you look, you can't miss the circles so you want to trust that the sun can come up tomorrow well known in the circle. It's coming up on telling. It has everything to do with circles and is just no accident whatsoever that this word has centered on this concept of the sum so really really cool little note in the Psalms for all you car salesman out or you may have heard the word acrostic. In other words, can David love to write Psalms and he loved to do it with the Hebrew letters and so hundred 19 Psalms very famous wanted people think and okay it starts out with an all, if any, goes through all the different letters while little lesser-known but really really cool. Psalm is the hundred and 45th Psalm, and it too is an acrostic.

However, David left one letter out of that Saul. He left the letter noon out and the reason he did was because he felt fallen in the Newman has to do with being fallen okay so you you by the way, if you go to Christian I noted this. I'll show you the Hebrew and all the stuff is so cool that we can. David did was he's the letter none comes right before the letter sonic so he skipped the Newman in the hundred and 45th Psalm went straight to the sonic and what he said in the next verse was Yahweh upholds all who fall and raises up all who were bound down you see how cool that is is like and I'm when it says uphold that word starts with the sonic and so it's the same idea of David knew that even when we fall right here comes God. He is going to uphold you because you know that's the whole idea of the circle of trust.

I mean he's he's he's he brought David back into the circle, so to speak. So what I need you to do today.

Share your stories.

Obviously I'm hoping that something I said, awoke something in you like yeah I know who I would fall to get on that staircase for that's what I want to hear.

I want to hear that story. Maybe it's a car salesman anyway you got a call is 866487884 866-34-TRUTH so we would love to hear your story. 866-34-TRUTH 78844 Christopher you're listening to the Truth Network and Burns family circle trust is today's Christian Car Guy show the circle of trust and I should've known the trust by producer who played the lake as a bump out is 16 years, but this was where you go around in circles. I should trust you and I just I you are go.

The other steps without like where we go.

I failed in my that's the whole idea today on a Christian Car Guy show is what you follow down that stairway right if you thought it possibly it it it could be a gunfight down there so we would love your story 866-34-TRUTH 87884 866-34-TRUTH know what your appetite little bit with my own story here is often do what I think is how Larry a story of how I ended up doing special needs ministry. Some people asked me sometimes. Robbie, do you have special needs people in your family.

I have bad people asked me this just this week will know what how did you end up doing that well the story goes that I this ego. I know you be shocked to find that out. But anyway, I struggle with it and I got an opportunity to teach what was the largest Sunday school class at Calvary Baptist Church was about 150 people. It was a ham Sunday school class which was a big deal. You know shot me in the arm. I'm feeling great. Robbie, would you teach the ham Sunday school class next year so you know just charging in without asking God or do anything like that. I just always sure will yeah and then I went home and I said honey good news.

We are teaching the ham Sunday school class and she goes there were not unlike what she goes now or not I'm not I'm not doing. She said, as a matter fact you know I what I was it a service Wednesday night and God told me that working to do special needs ministry messaging 1C said yeah yeah III don't want to be in a regular set of this is where I really feel God told me this and I and I want you to be with me and this is what I've I really feel like were supposed to do.

Okay so I've already agreed, by the way, keep teach this class and I'm on the actual thing to be voted in by the church. It was quite the shenanigan and I go to this men's meeting where I assumed all my buddies would jump right in on my side and I tell him the whole story and there was an old missionary nearby name Archie Johns. He looked at me and he goes, Robbie, under the least of these my brother and I went you dog. Oh, what I follow my wife into this right down the stairway while you know that we went to the special needs class and these were adults with down syndrome or autism or these kind of things. A lot of time birth defects that you don't. You have no way to even describe what all is going on and honestly I was scared to death when I walked in before punching the air. Nobody seem to be paying attention.

It was like oh my goodness and insiders like Tammy how my supposed to teach this. I sit here I have all this wonderful biblical knowledge about me and II need to share in the and she's like Robbie, this is what you know and she just held my feet right there like okay so to three weeks go on and I'm getting more freaked out like every time I go in there. I'm just not comfortable like this is this is I don't feel like I belong here and so the teacher at the time. The lead teacher at the time she comes up to me because I hear your pretty good teacher. So what you teach next week. And oh by the way, want you teach. The fifth commandment well. The fifth commandment. As I looked up his honor your father and mother would do what lay you got to be kidding me.

I can't even teach that to my kids on the north teach this concept to to these folks that I don't know if they can speak.

I don't know if they can hear. I don't know what's going on and all these things are, my mind and so God had me right where he wanted me to tell you Tammy had me right where she wanted me helpless, like I had no idea so I did what you do in those situations, I prayed to God. I want to teach this concept that I just I don't know what to do so. Praise God showed me his Robbie, how do you how do you show honor and and and so I just thought about kneeling and I said why can Mila mean they can see me kneeling that looks like honor, and in this this might work, and so you know I come through sign language, and other things. Try to do is get this idea of mother and father and then I can kneel and and so you know I spent the better part of you know, 30, 45 minutes just trying to show this concept to this. The students that day. Very awkward and I can assure you I thought if committed asked me at the end of that class.

Robbie, did you teach anything I would've said absolutely not. It was just it was shenanigan well until the parent showed up at at and when the parent showed up of the families I you know then all of a sudden the students began to kneel and then the tears came. And then I was like oh well, my God, you got me like I did follow Tammy dismissed her question reluctantly kicking and screaming, but nonetheless I followed her and there you get right God's going to show up when you followed him down the stairway, but I need your story right there by myself today so I need you to call 866348788486634 truth the course of Jesus labor. Love is all about trust. Right these people that need help. The end up in a big bind on this is very weak and I talk about somebody I trust Scott Barton who makes those calls to single moms widows families in crisis. Anywhere you have a story I know what prompted your heart and your sand should I call trust God because your testimony kidding just what he could do for somebody. And I call us 866-34-TRUTH 87884 when we come back your listening to the network and Burns family circle of trust is a day on the Christian car guys show the circle of trust specifically who might you follow to go down a staircase if it meant in a possibly your life who you trust like that were timidly to the beginning of 16 Psalm where King David said preserve me right but keep my fire burning because I put my trust in you who might that be.

I would love your story, 866 the number to call in his 866-34-TRUTH 87884.

And speaking of trust in you know, I've come to trust a wonderful show comes on the Truth Network at 1 o'clock. It's called the cure with Amy Capo. It's alive today and then we talk about the pandemic, and apparently we can trust John Shea wrote a book, a kids book so how do kids react to the pandemic and what can you do that slideshow. You can call in with my good friends Amy and Boris like if you miss Boris not Amy is awesome but but believe me you will get the whole team. You know it's it's double so listen today Truth Network 1 o'clock Eastern so I am very blessed to have with me today. My neighbor who doesn't a Bible study actually in my neighborhood and so I trusted in my neighbors. Instead, come to this Bible study and I was so so glad because it's led by this wonderful man of God who was actually Habana show with me later today, but is my good friend Al Fain and fishing seem to be fishing buddy is his accomplishment. Anyway, as you can imagine being a pastor. He had an opportunity early on to learn about trust. So he's got a story for some anxious to hear myself well. It was a it was an interesting time in my life as the sophomore in college were transferred in Phoenix where I grew up in Arizona transferred down to Grand Canyon University which was a Southern Baptist sponsored college. Now I have no interest in Baptist. I had no interest in Jesus. I had no interest in anything that much and I think I was just a project in the dorm for the home of the Christian kids to work on the next may bring what I was there to play baseball. I went there to play based baseball teams in the in the world but that didn't work out either but I remember after I started to be around some of my some of these new friends and seeing them go to church and seeing the life that they lived in and knowing that even though publicly I was known that I was popular and I got along with people on the inside I was dying and through a series of things were every prop in my life was knocked out every single thing that I ever depended upon including my own self will was just gone through a series of the hitting the bottom I came to faith in Christ and realize that Jesus can can transform the life and that was a the first major faith trust was was to believe that Jesus a man that lived 2000 years ago was still alive, still moving, still active, still working in the world today and could actually transform my life and little did I know that although I was not raised in a Christian family. I wasn't raised a family with the Bible was ever opened the door.

I don't remember a prayer ever being paraded my my home, but there I am and I'm starting to since this feeling after I've come to faith in Christ is a brand-new believer and had no knowledge. I didn't know Genesis from maps of the back of the Bible but through that time I began to sense something that I would talk my pastor is that I think God wants me to be a preacher. I'd even know it will not.

A few times I go to church either. There was somebody listed up there talk to me and they weren't all that interesting, but I remember whatever it is they were doing up there so this end up happening in the eye since that the calling of God, and I would not talk to my pastor. I told him that I think God wants me to to be a preacher now that wasn't on my bucket list that wasn't I wasn't the most likely to do anything is a different kind of pitching a new homeland that you want to play ball and he said let's play ball. Let's play ball, but I was in seminary I graduated from college with the seminarian in California and they did a testing the first week of the school and this was a great test of my faith and my sense of my calling and do I trust God, and there were all kinds of dynamics that we that we studied one of those was a continuum of the scores within the class that I was coming in with and how they rated on their's sense of call and on that since that call was accepted by other people. When we looked at the scores on my particular scores on the acceptance of others of the call of ministry. I was off the chart below. Everybody because nobody understood the fact that I I was not your preacher -type vendor and still probably are not.

But I was just off the chart below and acceptance by others, but on the since of the strength of call that you know that you know that you know that God called you I was off of the chart on the other end. Although people were accepting that people didn't understand that people didn't believe that that's something that I would be a part of nor did I yet I knew that God had called me and I had make a decision, do I trust him would I trust what people might have thought. I used to be before came to Christ and was that something that I aspire to or deserve to do and the answer was no. It was guide God's grace and there's so many times in my life when you just gotta simply trust God and you got a sense you're calling. Whether it's to a pastor or stay at home mom or teacher already were a nurse or anything else where you've got to just depend upon God and God alone because he's the only one that will get you through. And it's a beautiful thing.

When I found the listing to your pastor. In Matthew 13, the parable of the town trying. He gives a lot of different people on different talents and lots and sorts of different ways. But the thing that made all the difference were the ones entrusted the master unlike the third guy you didn't trust right exists and that he said I don't trust you and but the other two. You know, no matter how many towns they got. They trusted him and so you know they did the work and so it's an interesting thing to me is a big part of where ever you work, whether it's in the car business or in the radio business is the sense of trust right and in and fortunately for me I work for Stu Epperson and my car vomits to. I've known him since he was in his 20s actually and in the state was going on that staircase and said Robbie now.

He sent me death certificates didn't work properly. Where's the gone but however the number staircases. He sent me down that that were big time beautiful things like animal rescue and are as a matter of how many times he does at or if you work with somebody with Beth and sometimes puts your pop music to be when I turned around in circles right just to show you that you you you can't necessarily this no, but think about things is a big on licensor but search seriously when Bethann says to do some I know based on years of working with her that this is this is gotta be something that I can trust and in a in a very very blessed when I think about it like I don't know. Before I was a Christian pastor that I trusted anybody.

I was a car salesman and now it wasn't just inherent in the group that like we trusted each other, nor did we trust our customers and it's interesting thing how God begins to build that circle of trust that once you get into it.

You can start to accept other people and and and have them in the circle. In spite of like King David.

Sometimes they fall so I'm hoping this kicked up well I got one segment.

This is where the cause always comes, you know, this is your chance. We want to hear from you really do 866-3487 884 is a number to call in and share your story about trust 866-348-7884 I can. It's a beautiful thing. If you think about it. Just take a journey sometime this week and look at the 16th's take it from the point where David says preserve me because I trust in you and see where he ends at the end of that juncture is like alone. My work is a journey that I need your story coming then capital as you hear pastor pain so now you got 1-866-348-7884; you're listening to the Truth Network and go the Christian guys show very blessed to have my good friend and neighbor with me pastor thing, but now I'm even more blessed because Mark is calling from Redmond, Washington in no other reason. Someone asked him blessed is because there's so few cities in the state of Washington. I can pronounce there. The name of them that I get Redmond right Mark you sure it is used to listen to Col. Oliver North on common sense radio he does like to get a call from Walla Walla, Washington will often I've had called Walla Walla. I know that about Oliver North. But now every time I get a call from Walla Walla Ryman to be excited about Smith's pretty awesome so if you got a story for some open yellow will my Christine.

We have two sons, Isaiah, and Caleb Caleb Ryan I would like to put his middle name in there because she would not go for any other name out stranded come up with other names. She is no Caleb Ryan together me bold little King and he was the cutest little baby Dave both got big time scholarships, college scholarships were and that was what I wanted to give praise and honor and glory to God about what our older son.

He was going to become a teacher and then he decided no I want to be a lawyer and I sent you. How many lawyers they are great as a teacher to create is the teacher you love to share everything looked over the phone book and show them all legal pages and pages of the attorney that she would not be changes my and I start preparing, repairing and preparing and preparing and studying dating and I would totally happy that I was totally surprised when he came up with that two thirds of the scholarship to go to Wake Forest lost while yeah and and he gets called by an alumni goes and talk to this man and down he starts asking them know you are homeschooled, trying to dance homeschooled and edited because now you went to Edmonds community college and got a paralegal certificate you are homeschooled and I mean you are at home. That yellow yellow now at home.

Edited out. Talk to him about that because her surety since what you get your views of the Constitution and he goes well.

My laptop and a Google what is your dad do prolific negotiated grunt for electrical industries IBEW member union. The guy threw up his hands like a surrender mode and a shaken back and forth. If you don't worry about it.

The I got to thinking about it later.

At the I was shocked. I was totally shocked by this called me up told me the story longer than I told you right now and he get off the phone with him and I think back I go wake forest. Isn't that amazing those of the two words that describe the two things that I love to do as a child was to swim make awake and forest play in the woods and excellent share that with everybody to trust in God to meet your needs and your child's right and you child. Amen. Amen.

Because I didn't have the money we didn't have the money to send him to know the University or anything like what do you know that Wake Forest is here in Winston-Salem yeah are you are you college in Winston-Salem. I in fact, I am probably not a mile from the campus of Wake Forest University right this very thing, which in in in itself is a funny story is Wake Forest today is not in the city of Wake Forest. Wake Forest is in Raleigh but the Reynolds family wanted to have University the night in their backyard so they planted Wake Forest right here in Winston-Salem, edited and other callers are generated so all and actually highlighted my daughter's very serious boyfriend is a grad student, Wake Forest, and so I was like well this is dispatcher from Redmond Washington, so I hope those listening if you're there listening in North Carolina you listen Washington area. Listen California or Chicago you see the significance of you know that God's got this. He's got his finger right on the whole thing anymore. I lived out here to call the vineyard. Recall related to now and you know it's interesting it's only times you guys that you list on KCI asked there in Washington is there and so many listeners that wonderful station think that I'm broadcasting from Washington and is so clear via satellite and amazing and the end.

So thank you for get up early this morning because I know this'll be earlier for you than for me and and Philistine art. God bless you and I you and your story made my day really really really did you and what is your son's name so we can pray for Isaiah Caleb Uganda to get a real significant scholarship to a reservation at Bible College outside of Orlando Florida now so you best of both of I bet you to that you two. Thank you Mark God bless you have a great great Saturday talk to send thank you thank you bye-bye while Mike, I hope that blessed everybody is guys on the neat things in it pastor to share and in a God to show was evidently never failed to show up. He's always at work. He's always involved just to look for.

Very often we don't see the God sightings that are going on and during the break.

He mentions that my I hope people all of us realize a lot of times we think we feel God. Certainly, Peter did little but what did Jesus do well with after Peter had failed so miserably when he was so bold and saying, Lord, all the others let you down. I will never let you down. And Jesus said it all before the rooster crows in the morning. Gillick done it three times and we see Peter warming at the at the campfire of the out in the trial right now yeah yeah lady waiting for those five illegal trials of going on is involved in that Jesus is restoring him into a trust relationship please asking him on the seaside.

Do you love for my PS2. Here again, the same question began to develop into the person that he was what he had to be restored and had become like, and so that's fair for all of us we can get back in the circle of trust. Unlike the Burns family circle trust you can get back in and all you gotta do. I go to Psalm 16 and think about that. We certainly are so grateful for all you listen to date me so much to us member Jesus of Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done of 33 years is thank you for listing the Christian partnership