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What did Matt Rhule say after the Carolina Panthers loss to the Cleveland Browns that has him saying "you can't be this dumb?!"

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Cross Radio
September 12, 2022 5:24 pm

What did Matt Rhule say after the Carolina Panthers loss to the Cleveland Browns that has him saying "you can't be this dumb?!"

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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September 12, 2022 5:24 pm

What did Matt Rhule say after the Carolina Panthers loss to the Cleveland Browns that has him saying "you can't be this dumb?!"  Plus, since so many games were happening at the same time this weekend, you may have missed so of these takes.

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This is the Adam gold show house from Georgia Southern's win over Nebraska right, made progress Nebraska lately right now just get the Georgia Southern menu. Nobody could ask you was Nebraska's record.

Later another gasket about his you and you went to Lincoln and beat up. I said this earlier pretty good day. Pretty good Saturday afternoon from Sunbelt pretty good apps that goes at Texas A&M does the thing Marshall goes to South Bend beats Notre Dame Notre Dame jointly join the ACC's level seasonably and Georgia Southern goes to Lincoln and Bates Nebraska gets Scott Frost fired again. I said this earlier as well. I don't I don't understand why fired up to two weeks into the season. If you do that you should've fired him before the season I know I don't only gives us a chance to get out ahead yet. We'll talk about that. We will talk about that. I got a hot take on that we saw in time for hot dates coming up in our next segment number 980-5326.

If you have hotcakes right now we have a waltz, the wall of sound is a function of this I start with the national football star Baker Mayfield and Matt ruled panthers were was the final score is 2726 25. I remember like 2624 they obeyed, they lost their wealth by field Olympian, but the Panthers got off to a horrific start. They looked like they had not practiced in two months.

They couldn't feel the snap. They couldn't block anybody they couldn't run they couldn't pass they couldn't do anything was better in the second Baker Mayfield on the slow start.

I was really confident and strong. The plan before we wake up its that's so much easier said than done. I look they couldn't block it is not complicated.

The Cleveland Browns live in Baker Mayfield's kitchen all day all day and even the two touchdowns while the Baker Mayfield touchdown word.

The seas part is nobody in the field and he just heaves that runs in the end zone in the spiking getting fired the world but just couldn't block if you watch the game you know I felt bad breaking aquatic I legitimately felt that if Twitter was in such a horrible place to to drop this joke. I would've said it's like child abuse. What miles Garrett is doing to icky aquatic it was unfair. Here's a bit of coaching. Maybe we should've. We should've seen how about providing icky aquatic one. How about putting a running back or a tight end. Just as slowing down. It was absolute abuse of icky aquatic they had no chance. And whatever they left.

He will be what it was a traffic cone too often yesterday. I am sure if this continues over the next couple weeks I'll give you a preview of the hot take coming up. Maybe he is better at guard where he doesn't have to worry about somebody blowing by am on the outside, because that was a clear problem and it's going to be a clear problem for the Panthers until he gets better at passbook because that was really bad miles Garrett pretty great so we can we can all agree on that. Miles Garrett is pretty great are many guys as good as miles Garrett was get back to the wall, said Baker Fonda big picture today or yesterday and is suitable.

But despite what they can make this 60 more days until February beginning of September so in anticipation of flesh is nobody call this the Super Bowl. I watched Baker. Neither of these teams will be in the Super Bowl. I'm confident of that. And I'll just leave everything else about the game.

Let's listen to the head coach.

So if you are going to criticize Matt ruled for anything that happened during this game. Anything I think it's this.

I think the when they got the ball into deep into Brown's territory abruptly to 15 after the McCaffrey run and then the horse collar tackle. It was clear that they were settling for field except that the Browns utilize their timeouts and knowing that you are going to settle for a field goal.

Knowing that you couldn't block anyway. It was just you are handing the ball back to the Browns with a minute and 1/4 left and a chance to beat you.

That's my criticism of Matt rule.

In this particular game. Here's rule on the first on the ground changes a little bit on the capital of all McCaffrey's answer to all take them out of their chance right now so the second was the same RPO that we had thermal say market DJ so our hope was that if they pressure ending 101 when the game is so you guys there RPO system on the ball sometimes exposes them feel so they had no time they would not be able to go the length of the field, though still have the arch 44 5 yards and another time about a timeout that would allow them to do that would be a penalty for the 50 yard clock stopping allow the time, see that last part that spiraled we didn't think they would be able to go the length of the field, really without a timeout. Are you high and hanging out in South America with Aaron Rodgers my life. I thing I hadn't heard that comment like matter, which I was doing. It's not that hard to gain from from the 25 yard line right especially if your kicker has the leg that that guy does right right it's not that hard to go from the 25 to the 35 and every kicker in the league no matter who you are can make a 50 yard field goal. Now it ain't that hard to go for the 25 to 35 that's 40 yards in a minute. 13. That's not even difficult. That is a cakewalk. If that's your mindset, then you should be fired like legit fire. I had no problem with the way they ran again. I think that they should have simply you could throw the ball to Christian McCaffrey. You have to get them in space. The only way your running game looked effective was when they rolled the snap back to McCaffrey or if he got outside and run inside. All game now. I don't understand what they were doing but when a defense that was nonexistent. I have faith that they can hold them back there at that blows my mind that is just that is just awful absolutely already want to hear anymore.

Matt rule. I just got back. I let's move on to the winning team in College Station, Texas. All right, Sean Clark at state head coach after the shock studio in my man coached me through it with the capital financial advisory group were talking retirement coach.

I'm a simple guy but I like the colors tell me how I can colorcode money and get ready for retirement. I like colors to chores.

I like graphs I don't like just words.

What we try to do is we try to break down all those words on your statement. All those numbers into three colors red, green, yellow people amazingly come in and most of the money is in the red cat that I want that a red means high horsepower potential is high loss potential. It's a give-and-take you can want to do that or that yellow means liquid money and get anytime stuck on anything green.

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We need some green accounts with greens only call back that result was important appraisal support for you to next and people out of the thousand dollar value going to put together for you your very own total plan is a great so it's a traffic light. I hope it's great for you 800-661-7383 or text Adam to 21000 per coached me through what a great football game and a lot of credit goes for all the creditors are players. They came out in a resilient better word, resilience, test walls from last week for to regroup on Sunday. Last Sunday from back in the queue was bullied and those are you leaving yourself with this program that'll take a look at all, they live off the field to play football swing when one battles boycott very football, especially for great job they are typically lights out our office by lights out. The best events to good offense and all 441 almost 40 minutes or 1830 minutes so yes I would say this that Steve Logan always talked talked about time of possession is not an offense of stacked time of possession is a defense of staff and app state got off the field on third down pretty much all day long so that's how your time of possession for A&M was only 18 minutes and 30 seconds or whatever it was that Sal and Patty and 83 to 39 edge in our offensive plays process that for one second more than 2 to 1 only scored 17 points is surprising to me. It was a dominant three point went on the absolutely dominant three point went on I let's go to our East Carolina head coach Mike Houston will close our wall of sound. Here the Pirates were impressive, a sickness last week after ECU should've beaten but didn't NC state like none of the team should be happy state probably should've lost Carolina give up 16 from a point but one apps mad because we had a two point conversion right handed to us and we didn't get it. We didn't take advantage of it.

We might've won that game. The all if I if I was raking the satisfaction level of the four teams I might've put ECU ahead of everybody because their defense was so impressive, especially those two goal line stand. So impressive in the loss that could've been win easily over NC state and then East Carolina puts it on the line and and really plays well here's Mike Houston after the got ticked off schools close. It was the predominant force of our kids are really really pleased with the effort told Alamance was we all had a bad taste in her mouth all week long.

Of the game last week amidst the play as well as we didn't really outplay the opponent especially wore the caliber of legacy, state, and the not get the win. It's it was tough, but the key is a good job this week of practice, particularly later in the week of the really doll then were very sharp. Thursday was a sharp Thursdays we have this year.

It easily but one of the sharper ones with head on.

A lot of times we got a lot of stuff amidst your yester after loss like that and some of the things that you did wrong you know you just you really, really almost overkill, but the kids are fantastic their positive attitudes all week know I just I really worked just really love the way we played in the second half tonight I just that's that's that's what we want to be dumped on ticked off some of the poor decisions and just bust we had the secondary to to give up some of the passing yards. We gave up at this good for us to okay a man is sometimes been fetching tobacco we can take African good you are, you listen to. That's the got the job.

I'll try tell him as much as I can. You keep getting your shot. But really, really please with so much stuff that went on tonight and you really proud of offense of line great. They were after loss but is fine. The doctor suggested good when Old Dominion coming off a win over Virginia Tech shouts ECU. I'd love to see the program back to where was would be would be awesome and real quick before we break and maybe this is better for heartaches vendors can throw it out here now will talk about it on the other side. I said last week, and a lot of people were saying. I don't understand why ACC schools and this is a conversation with Danny Canel last week from my coveted bucket. I don't understand why ACC schools are going on the road and playing schools from the Sunda.

I agree I agree with that and I've been arguing that the ACC overscheduled themselves every year it's done. It doesn't benefit you and when you lose some of these games because you have overscheduled it makes you look back.

I am an adventurous person but I'm also a careful person we want to get out there but we also want to make sure were safe and loved ones are safe thing that's on start guarding safety services right on our phone we can get roadside assistance we can share locations with friends and family help in a crash in any vehicle on any motorcycle finally something both sides of me can agree on adventure safely on start guarding today from NASCAR on Google play. Be safe out there, whereas the Southeastern conference is got it right. Nobody gives a damn who you play.

They only care about what your record is so dumb your schedule down.

If you are not great.

So during this period were the ACC is struggled in the schedule has stayed the same or gotten harder. Their records have gotten worse so they look worse. This is not difficult.

The voters aren't smart, you could apply that to a lot of things but the voters are not smart. All VCR wins and losses. They don't care who you played it at best a tiebreaker if that depending on the name of your school so Carolina is plated place it at probably should've lost play a Georgia state like to grant that they want those two games, but man, you just put yourself in front of it fell by was the only point at the same time I could be really excited that those games were played Carolina and app state at ECU. It's awesome that those games were played.

It's great for college football in the state that those games were played so it if you want to twist that while the ACC shouldn't play you know you do miss the point, which again put her Twitter exit essays should be the answer to everything.

Yeah well twitter this is the atom gold shell