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Take Up Your Cross

Summit Life / J.D. Greear
The Cross Radio
February 28, 2021 5:00 am

Take Up Your Cross

Summit Life / J.D. Greear

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February 28, 2021 5:00 am

As we continue our “In Step” series through the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. asks us to count the cost of truly following Jesus. When Jesus called his first disciples, he warned them that it was going to cost them everything. The path of discipleship hasn’t changed. Are we willing to count the cost, laying aside what we value most for what he offers us?

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Why man and welcome them as they were welcomed. All of our Summit campuses. Most of our campuses are meeting back in person right now as well as we know that there are thousands of you that are joining us in your homes and some of you by yourself.

Some of you in small clusters of people want to say a word of greeting to all of you. We are still one church even though we meet at many different locations here on the weekend. I looked up to 14 if you got your Bible this weekend and I hope that you do have a Bible want to talk with you this weekend about Jesus is staggering invitation to follow him and then ask you to consider whether or not you have actually responded to it as I have been telling you now for several weeks at the end.

At the end of this message. I'm going to ask every single one of you who is willing to commit or to recommit to being a disciple not talking just a handful of you or those you that are are new to church. I might ask everybody what do you been a member here for for for four minutes or 40 years that you take a moment to recommit become begin to emerge out of lot down to what it means to be a disciple what to do now is a Muslim.

The next 30 minutes, 30, 35 minutes try to talk you out of making that commitment seriously, because that's what I believe Jesus does here at the end of Luke 14 in the passage about the look at verse 25 Jesus looks around and he sees great crowds following him, which is encouraging for a preacher right at this point in his ministry's message is catching on his reputation for miracles, gatherers, crowds everywhere that he goes his approval rating is off the charts. He is trending on twitter. His stock is soaring.

RV want to think about it.

Verse 26. Jesus looks at this immense crowd and says, verse 26 if anybody comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother hate his wife, his children hate his brothers and sisters, yes even hate his own life he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Verse 33 Jim down there and any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple underline stuff in your Bible.

By the way. Underline those words renounce all that he has all that he had been.*The word all about it. Everything. Nothing is excluded. Absolutely nothing is excluded from Jesus's rule over our lives may have to imagine that Jesus disciples were pretty bewildered at this. They have been enjoying the big crowds following Jesus and they were like Jesus, you can't gain momentum for a movement telling people they're required to hate their parents and their children and their brothers and sisters to follow you. That's not how you rally the troops. Jesus does not how you get people on the Jesus but nobody's gonna buy in the team Jesus when you tell them they gotta renounce even loyalty to their families which all here's the thing. Jesus one trying to sell anything.

He's not trying to build a mega-church.

Quite simply, he has an offer of salvation more valuable than anything else on earth.

And it's only given on his terms. So here's my question for you this weekend. What do you think it means to be Jesus's follow.

Do you really believe what he says here, I asked that because we have in America in general and in the South in particular, we have adopted a reduced version of Christianity brass becoming a Christian means embracing a certain creed adopting a set of morals, praying a prayer and commencing on a set of religious practices for Jesus. However, becoming his followers something so radical, so total that by comparison every other commitment every other commitment in our lives compared to it look like hate, but whether that statement hate you, father or mother.

Throw some of you like what I thought it was God's will for us to love our families.

Yes, you are laid out our lives like Christ loved the church, be devoted to our kids yet but Jesus is speaking comparatively. You say that he deserves a loyalty that is so strong that in comparison to it every other light relationship every other loyalty. Even our most intimate ones seem like a think of it like this. If you have a pet. I imagine that you love that that was that. Pat is a cat and then you are just waiting out the time for the guys you get a real pelican dog or gerbil or hermit crab anything right before any other. I'm just kidding, but for the other pet you love that Pat and you are committed to that pet on some level. In fact, I hope for a fact, some of you spent a great deal of money. I know some of you that are flown across country to go get your fat but I would imagine that as committed as you are to that pet your love for your pet pales in comparison to your love for your children or your spouse or best friend or a parent. By the way, if you have a secure think about that right now. That's not good for most of you if you had some situation where you had to choose between the well-being of your pet or the life of your child.

It's not really a choice at all.

Is it yes you are committed to your pet, but compared to the intensity of your commitment to your child, your commitment to your pet would seem like hate. That is the loyalty to Jesus both deserves and demands our loyalty to him has to be so strong that in comparison to him every other relationship in our lives.

Even our most intimate ones seem like hate..

And if you are not willing to give him that Jesus says when you had no business following him. Verse 27 whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple for which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down account because whether he's got enough to complete it. You want to get into a project get halfway done and then not be able to finish and that's embarrassing that some halfshell the building out there that you hereby wall spines is old fat guy started but he went bankrupt didn't finish it.

Verse 29. Otherwise what he is like a foundation that is not able to finish, all who see it will begin to mock him saying this man what a fool begin to build was not even able to finish before you come to Jesus.

Jesus essay before you come to me you had a think I'm not ready to go all the way with him to see coming to Jesus is not something you do just because it makes you feel good because it add some missing peace in your life or get you out of a jam. You gotta ask yourself if you're ready to go the full distance with him missing back then and today a lot of people are are are initially attracted to Jesus because of what he can do for them can provide relief from your burdens they can grant you forgiveness of sins can take you to have any did you help in your marriage and your and your family and you're like well that's worthy of some level of devotion. But here's the thing.

At some point if you are serious about following Jesus obedience to him is going to cost you at some point obedience to him is going to take you 180 opposite of the direction that you think you want to go. Following him is not going to make life easier. It is going to make life harder. It is not going to lead you to fields of ease and abundance. It's going to lead you to paths of the difficulty the question is are you ready to follow him. Then notice. Notice that Jesus said, following him means taking up a cross didn't say anything to cut my teachings are her and follow me and say to cut my moral code and follow me or my liturgical calendar and follow me court take up this warm and fuzzy God blanket and follow me. He said, take up my cross and follow me. Take up your cross and follow me. What did Jesus mean by take up your cross, what he made me we realize that for that first audience listening to Jesus, the cross was not like it is for many of us some sentimental piece of jewelry or a I'm a pretty symbol of their faith. In fact, at the time the cross was not a religious symbol at all. The cross was an instrument of torture and execution.

They have been very familiar with the because they'd seen it thrust in their faces come as as as a tool of oppression be like today. Some some some politician save come join my campaign strapped yourselves to your electric chair and let's go. By the way, for the first Christians you heard these words, saying, take up your cross was not poetic or server metaphorical language at all.

It was quite little Christianity was birthed into a context for Christians were often put onto crosses for choosing to follow Jesus, Nero, Nero, who was likely Caesar. When Luke was writing this stuff down Nero we know falsely blame the Christians for the great fire of Rome, and then use that as a pretext to hunt them down and feed them to the lions and others he would be with you even typed up holes in and set them on fire to illuminate his gardens at night following Nero was a ruler named this patient in room three 6970 A.D. by the middle of this early church era.

He was the one who sent Roman troops into Jerusalem to desecrate the temple and took thousands of Jews, many of whom would've been Binder's first Christians. I got saved in the first chapters of acts, many of them the ones that would've been in Jesus first audience here and he hung them up on crosses all along the road to Jerusalem from miles then there was do mission the mission who took persecution, even new levels. It was and were demonic. For example, he knew the Christians would not bow the knee to the Emperor. So submission would show up in a town like Ephesus unannounced and he would demand that everyone be assembled at the amphitheater and commanded to worship him. And whoever did not worship him would be called immediately in the Coliseum them and their families and be fed to the lions Christians in the cages with wild animals for sport. That's the context into which this call to take up your cross was first heard for them following Jesus might mean that they lost every other relationship and they had to be more committed to Jesus. Then in their own lives. By the way, that was not just unique to the early church either throughout time in history, and even places today around the world. People also have to make that same choice John Bunyan who lived in in England in the 17th century who wrote the best-selling book of all time, except the Bible pilgrims progress was told in the 17th century that he could not preach the gospel, a gospel been differed from the official state religion, which was not preaching the gospel when Judy refused so blatantly will write on preaching so they put in prison, but told him that they would let him go.

If you would swear on the Bible that he would not preach anymore reset I can do that and so he remained in prison voluntarily and he said in his journal. He said it's pour my heart out because I have this family that was already poor there already so poor to have you get a blind daughter and he said just the thought of her and how much suffering my obedience to Christ was costing them. If I am in this report you from a journal you're the party with my wife and poor children has often been to me in this place like a pulling of flesh from my bones.

I'm aware of the many hardships Ms. reason wants that my poor family meets with because of my imprisonment, especially my poor blind child who lays nearer to my heart than anything else on earth thought of what my precious blind one is going through shadows.

My heart into pieces but yet I must venture all with God. Though I feel like a man pulling down his house upon the head of his wife and his children.

Yet I must do it. I must do it. I must obey Christ on the circumstances of these believers might've been different. We live in a different era.

Thank God. But just because our time. His differed at me and our commitment to the Lordship of Christ can be any less. The question is what about you, would you be willing to obey Jesus if it meant a literal cross or having to be removed from your family, but the circumstances, these Christians lived in were more extreme than ours. Our commitment to Christ is not supposed to be any less extreme than bears the cross.

They were asked to take up is the one that we are asked to take up as well. Delicious ass this weekend. This morning, what exactly does take up your cross mean for us while in context, I would say means two things. Number one I was a total self surrender and number two and explain its personal embrace of the great commission.

Total self surrender.

Personal embrace of the great commission. Look at this one of the time number one total self surrender total self surrender, a person on a cross has given up total control of their lives there literally under arrest they are bound hand and foot totally powerless to the will of their counter. You can think of them as good as already dead. Then I'm making plans for the future.

They got new plants all their plans died when they got tied to a cross to pick up our cross means a total surrender of our will to Jesus a forfeiting of anything that we thought we wanted anything we desire or anything.

We believe apart from what Jesus wants. Does that describe your relationship with Jesus. Have you brought all your start with your beliefs.

You brought all your beliefs. Captive to his teaching by asked that because I thought to a lot of people who would say that Jesus is Lord, but then for whatever reason seem to feel the freedom to decide for themselves what they want to believe about homosexuality or gender or sex in general. Something in the Bible offends them or makes them uncomfortable. They seem to have no problem saying well I just don't really believe that right now I just want to say back to them. I'm like I don't think you understand what Lordship meets Jesus is Lord, I believe what he says because he says it. Whether I disagree with it or not, or even if I'm angered by that's kind of irrelevant that you listen you understand this right Christian for 25 some years of you all the studying theology appreciably in arrears. There's a lot of things in this book, I still am confused by some of them. I'm offended by and angered by the question I have to ask myself is this the Lord are not member here. The story went on about Billy Graham who was in when he was in college, a professor of his just you try and explain that certain parts of the Bible were outdated and some of the morals were regressive and all these things and and and and Billy Graham Center just through my faith in the turmoil is not the long walk through the woods by myself is that I would sure what my future is going to be like. He said there was this fateful moment where I came to. There is not up. I took my Bible get down on my knees and put it down in front and said God either. So much in this I don't understand so much in it. I'm not sure how to explain, but I believe that this book was altered by you. I believe that Jesus is Lord and I am going to accept this and build my life on it being your word even if even if there's things I don't understand or that offend me.

He said that was a point of demarcation in my life.

I have lots of questions since he said but I my life has been built on the understanding Jesus is Lord and therefore I bring every thought captive under his direction, that happened to you and you brought your will, your decisions captive to his direction. While at times we asked that here by saying have you given Jesus a blank check of your life and explain to you that my dilemma is when I first started use that analogy 20 years ago everybody nodded her head.

Now there's a whole bunch of millennial's engine zero like what you talking about how she brought one just because it is like I went to the museum and a pullout number this thing. It's a check and yes I marked out my bank accounts and freeze-frame a credit zoom in closer there's a blank check. So my signature on it which authorizes you to take whatever money out of my account today are the places blank what it's for and in the amount is blank back in the in the old days, you know, you hand this to somebody if you were quite sure how much money you owe them and trusted them when you give this to them and say just go out later recorded on my signature on it but you guys are as old as I am. Remember this was always that that moment that got shut moment when you're like really trust my brother-in-law is he who he says he is right to not trust this guy because because they literally had access you you you just said yes to whatever they're going to ask for when you come to Jesus. It's essentially what it is like having another question yet answered yes wherever you tell me to go whatever you tell me today that's what I want to do what I prefer. Most people prefer to get the Jesus is this the gift card right. This is the hardest for five dollars. So you're beginning your walk with Jesus and you're like oh I'm ready. You know and and in this your first initial act right what you think it means to grow in Christ that you upgrade your gift card, is given and thought I was already about notices. Thanks, Mark is a nicer gift card.

I know I am gone.

This is an early start now going to this, but here's the dilemma.

Both of these have a fixed amount missing for five dollars a Mrs. Rolando set hundred dollars. I gave over test it out later. But you. This is Lord whatever amount of money is worth. But the point is when I have exhausted this gift card.

The person I gave it to me has a moral obligation to me by this is a very generous gift, but it was a limited gift and a lot of people like that with Jesus there like I'm growing in Christ and giving you more expensive gift cards and Jesus is like. Both are equally worthless to me because what I demand what I want all that I can I will take as a blank check to keep your Angus barn gift cards and came home your Hardee's no more right right right after that out there for somebody who's going to get it I would get that for you.

I have every bit of confidence that after this message is over still be sitting there about what is that worth. I do think the Frisco burger is amazingly underrated of the say that.

So you lose it when others of that right budget. It was merging was you be in you. Another place really quickly, were Jesus talks about this. Luke chapter 9 verse 57 Geo Luke records.

This teaching of Jesus twice now ask you a few more questions along the way. Okay, walk through this this facets would not seven as they were going along the road. Somebody said to him, I'll follow you wherever you go. Jesus said to him, the foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. Like I said in those days.

A lot of people follow Jesus because of what he could do for them. You do miracles begin heal the sick and calm storms, multiply food, his teachings brought them comfort all the wine about the father of the prodigal son is brings me to tears and then there's something about him knowing how many hairs I got in my head and not a sparrow fall others, makes me feel so awesome. Then there was a lot of religious leaders who follow Jesus because it was a way of beating up the resume. She in those days if you want to gain credibility as a teacher your test results are the famous teachers so a lot of people are following Jesus. For that reason today. Today, many people come to Jesus because they know that he can help their marriages. Bless her finances and relieve the burden sometimes even healed her body. Help them be successful and just listening. He can do all those things. But here's the question what is obedience to Jesus lead you away from all of those things. What if it leads you to a place where you have a place to lay your head down to write this down. Are you following Jesus for comfort or for cross.

Jesus says to them in these verses for following me lead you away from even having a place to call home is not where you will go is he enough even without a home like I told you Jesus was not in the following me for your best life now. Kind invitation. He was in the back.

I'm enough for you even if you have the worst lifetime intimidation with 9% did not do another. He said, follow me, but this one replied Lord.

When you first go and bury my father. But Jesus said to him lead the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God. Now, I think Kandahar Senate can get my dad into a decent grave scholar say this wasn't about going to his dad's funeral will pay his respects are in Canada protesting resource to leave his dad and unburied.

It was about going home to obtain his inheritance. This man wanted to follow Jesus, but he didn't want to give up that inheritance because that inheritance was something he'd been looking forward to his old life.

It was his security for the future and Jesus says, are you willing to follow me if it means giving up that inheritance. Here's a question for you. Are there any limits to your obedience. Is there any place where you would say I will not I cannot walk away from that more practically, is there anything that he's told you to stop doing that. You're still doing some relationship you ran some habits this or anything that he has told you to start doing that you're not doing it think tithing and generosity. Think getting bad times they obedience to some call maybe engaging in some ministry, they can be a simply simple as joining the church a follower of Jesus has forsaken all that Jesus has forbidden and commenced all that Jesus commanded like I just said you put your life down the blank check and say Lord Jesus.

All that I have all that I am all that I ever hope to be. I give now entirely forever to you.

My oldest daughter 17. My second daughter 50 bucks and 16 surrenders drivers Ed years and I muster the drums and saying I'm assuming they do at a Mexican look inside the car, but without the driver said it was a really cheap little car didn't have much power in it, but it was like a normal car except the one thing that was in the passenger seat where the driver's ed instructor sat there was a break that's all they do it. Just one rathole was just one brick and so we drive around and was in charge of the car. I was mostly except for whenever my driver's ed instructor wanted to be till when I was about to do because I was about to be dangerous or something and so I was kind of in charge of the car, but any time that man wanted to get press on that break, which come to a stop override vetoes no you cannot do that question. I think for many of us when it comes to Jesus is the majority view you put Jesus in the driver seat of your car. The question is who owns the brake pedal. Just don't break up just so I guess I will follow you much you influence for this replaceable might look at the brake on any limits to your obedience with 961. Yet another set. I will follow you, Lord, let me first say farewell is my home Jesus said to him, no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.

Now, again, that seems a little harsh then know this is not just a limit run home and tell my mom that I'm not going be home for dinner so they don't turn in a missing person report on my bath verse six, verse 62 shows you that there was hesitation simple hesitation. Here is a question for you.

Are you delaying any area of obedience.

Your high school college you're thinking well when I get older I'll follow Jesus fully after I get settled in my career when I'm out of the situation. Jesus could not say it more clearly. You cannot have me and delayed obedience to see the full surrender or no surrender.

I only use marriage as an example, imagine after dating Veronica my wife for a while.

I said to her. Hey I want to marry you. There is no other girl I want to grow old with.

But I am also having fun right now playing the field. Sears and Gillis get married, have you lot down for life because I will lose you an old girl like you that it be if I don't like you down you can get taken on the somebody else's. I will lock you down, but I don't want to live together at first because I like to have my nights free to keep ghetto doing what I do play the field I'll settle down with you when I'm over course, she's not gonna course, she's not responding positively to that to have somebody the specials Veronica how to give myself fully to her. Here's the point. Here's the point. Many people think they already belong to Jesus live operator prayer to the Christ house 12 blazing following him folios happen.

Only later, Welty's note just as Veronica would not put up two years of our marriage with me where I just ignored her. Jesus will not have followers not to, do not submit the following him fully immediately Jesus commands you to do something you kind of person to ask questions. Life is a safe much will cost all these people think.

What is it I did my relationships at school was a coming for my college like what you get to me for my bank account for a true follower of Jesus. There are no such questions. There are no hesitations what Jesus commands you do to take up your cross means total self surrender means death. Any control you claim of your life. That also means number two personal embrace of the great commission personal embrace.

The great commission is not just passive surrender. Jesus is after is if you don't know what you say. Okay, I will obey any commands you give me right you speak to me audibly from heaven. I'm submitted to do that and then just go on about your life the cross. Think about it was Jesus's instrument of world salvation to take up the cross met actively proactively devoting your life to his mission. I point this out because a lot of people think becoming a Christian simply means obeying the 10 Commandments and then going on at your usual life and career goals must not appear. See you in a burning bush or a bowl of Cheerios or something, but that is not true.

Following Jesus means accepting his mission as your own, and pursuant like I said a few weeks ago. There is no such thing as a follower of Jesus, who is not devoted to the mission no such thing you two very practical questions your number one have you embrace the great commission. Have you personally embrace the great commission. What is the great commission number places in the Bible spell it out latest highlight one for you. Second Peter 39 the Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance your people talk about finding the will of God. I got good news for you this morning. It's not lost it's right there, the Lord is not willing that any should perish, and he wants to use you to bring them to repentance. What is God's will for my life is God's will to use you to bring people around you to faith in Christ.

Do you know what God's word says about lost.

Second Thessalonians 71 versus 79 when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, he will inflict vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might. Revelation 2015 and if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life anyone from any place on earth of any backgrounds. He was thrown into the lake of fire. How could you, and I believe that gospel and do nothing. Listen. Yes, God did not make all of us the same.

He's got lots of roll trust.

The body of Christ. You not supposed to be like me doing what I do full-time but away some of you are not pretty. God raises up lots of men and women for for for full-time ministry from this church, but we all have the role that I have but all of us regardless of our role had got one thing in common and that is it is our personal responsibility to tell the people in our lives about Jesus. The cross demands something on this to believe that it has to change your priorities. A story I always think I like it but I spoke couple days ago at North Rye Christian Academy and I told the story of its story heard years ago about a man who was a true story of a guy that was driving outside of Los Angeles about 20 years ago when there was an earthquake seem like a pretty severe earthquake, but it didn't seem to demand like it done it that much damage. Some wrote about the earthquake observing protocol back on the road and asserted cross mothers big bridges that goes over there is a body of water out there and so he said his drive along and then crosses bridges minutes out of his earthquake is done in the notice of the tail lights of the car in front of them just disappear. So he stopped his car and got out and looked and he said to his horror, he saw that one of the sections. Evidently, an earthquake is bridges fallen out and see the cards plunge off into the water below. Two men turns around and there's other cars coming on this bridge, resourceful ways to get their attention. Now it's 330 in the morning outside Los Angeles. There's Gonzaga Road, waving his arms said he watched the said not not to not bring so much for cars drive right by me, 55, 60 miles an hour all them plunging to the death below is an acyl bus come across the bridge and I just made up my mind if this buses goes up is bridges can have to take me with it trusted) mental is not active might not my shirt off and waving my arms at you that the bus was flashing his lights and honking his horn. I just would move.

I stood there bus driver gets out. He's cussing and yelling and not show it might show them about the bridge and so course, the bus trumped up his bridge and parked it there to your suite cut off access.

People couldn't keep doing that I think about that story. The question I hear is is that is an abnormal reaction thing about you if you had been the first person there.

Would you have done something similar. I would think so. I can see you Nina Simone's missing arms are the road and try to serve people by my example what the right thing to do his or you say people about the dive and I see something they don't see what you care that they thought that you were a little bit your mind. No, because you would say I see something they don't say that the man something.

How could you and I understand what the Bible says about eternity and about people without Jesus and just say I'm just going about my life is to make sense you embrace the great commission is your own. Following Jesus means reassessing your talents and your resources and why the great commission which I was all of our students here for the mission of God first, where they pursue their career, which allows them to give Elyse the first two years after the graduate college to go explore a career just in tandem with similar play in the church were willing to go to get a job somewhere want to get a job in a place where God is doing something strategic following your college student when the best predecessor letters to city project from Besson to do around here. I'm unsure the applications are still open, delicious say that they are and you could you this summer.

It's a great way for you to engage in what God may want to do with your life, is that kind of thinking is not just for students you whatever age need to reassess your guess why did God give you the talents that he gave why give you the resources that he gave you. Are you using those for the great commission, only one life to live will soon be passed only what's done for Christ will last follow me. Jesus make you fishers of men not follow me and I'll make a handful of you fishers of men. As we has for you. There's no such thing as a follower of Jesus, who is not devoted to the mission as a second credible question on this.

Are you obeying his command care for the poor limited as quickly Jesus had repeatedly throughout the book of Luke that if we do not act on behalf of the poor. Our faith is not real. Jesus came to set the captive free and to relieve the burden of the suffering for for not doing that. We cannot call ourselves as followers that Luke 16 Jesus describes a rich religious man who had everything right. Unfortunately, not really get into the story in this series I don't think that this man believes all the right things you about all the right morals. He was super involved in religion is on every committee there was in the synagogue but ignored the suffering of the people around him.

It's not my responsibility as I did steal from them everything I've got. I've earned honestly one of the shocking twists in any of Jesus stories that Google religious man ended up in the health's lack of engagement with the poor was the indication that his faith was not real but elitist was not a fluke.

Proverbs 2113 whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself callout and not be answered but at that you pray you go to church faithfully what you shut your ears to the poor, and so when you prayed that matter.

Proverbs 2027 whoever gives the poor will not lack, but he who hides his eyes from them will get many occurs, you will be cursed by God.

You say your disciple that you asked how is my life supposed to lift others up at house expressed relief suffering around me rethinking about your career only in terms of how we can help you accomplish your goals. How to make Dean for you. The house you've always wanted the vacations you want the retirements you want right you asked how God is supposed to use your talents, your resources to lift up others really say like this is the trajectory of your life going toward human suffering or away from it. Many of us are using our privileges and are our ability to make money to isolate herself in human suffering. Jesus, that my followers will go toward it. There's a bottom line. When Jesus called people to follow him.

He did not mince words, to take up your cross picture father and mother pronounce everything. It was almost like he wanted to turn people away.

Of course that was not his goal. He wanted us to count the cost. You want us to think about exactly what he was asking and not attempt to use Jesus is a fire escape were divine Jeannie to help us through our problems and that's what I want today.

I want you to carefully count the cost because prayed a prayer raising your hand didn't baptize her get involved in a small group. None of those things is the essence of discipleship.

Total surrender and a personal embrace of the great commission is that you're ready for that you committed to. If your answer to that is yes. July demonstrate that kind of radical obedience now in every area you will understand what he tells you to stand even if it's unpopular and you got a standalone you want to testify did Jesus say you belong to him that is most important thing in your life. Even if others make fun of that you want to be generous retail should be generous to go where he tells you to go do what he tells you to do. Don't tell me you're ready to go all the way with Jesus.

If you're not obeying him in the areas where he's already spoken. Why do so many so-called Christians stop following Jesus when he gets hard.

John RW Stott, one of the great Christian leaders milligrams friend from previous generation Christian landscape is strewn with the wreckage of derelict half built towers. The ruins of those who begin to build and were unable to finish for thousands of people still ignore price warning and undertake to follow him without first pausing to reflect on the cost of doing so. The result of the great scandal of Christendom today so-called nominal Christianity.

Christians get somewhat involved enough to be respectable, but not enough to me uncomfortable. Their religion is a great soft cushion that protect them from the heart and pleasantness of life but doesn't transform their lives in radical ways. No wonder cynics dismiss religion as escapism for and I need you to choose nominal Christianity or real Christianity made you choose G Jesus is a comfort. Jesus is across search today Menasha to make a very simple decision in that direction I Menasha to recommit to the five essential identity is a follower of Jesus, but before I walk you through that one speak one last word of truth in the context into which Jesus made these demands of discipleship pronounce everything into becomes a dedicated Jesus said that mirrored your commitment to him every other relationship seem like a context was in response to his incredible offer to us. See the verses leading right up soon. Luke 1425 relator Jesus had compared the offer of salvation to this wealthy powerful king in this gigantic feast and invited a bunch of honored guest.

Shockingly, however, get started making excuses for the couldn't come these excuses range from the lame to be absurd. While it is bought a piece of property.

I need to check it out. Why just got married, my wife and I will want some alone time. The king says to his messengers. I these people, and I want you to go out to the ghettos to find out the poor and the homeless and the disease. Those who are living in ditches and under bridges and I want you to tell them to come both for the story is how absurd it would be to turn down an offer like that from the king, especially if you were one of the homeless in the disease printing realize what you're being offered. What excuse could possibly justify rejection or even hesitation in the face of so great an offer and so I would say to you.

Yes, the demands of Jesus are severe but you know what Jesus offers to you even has a son first John 512 unit has a son has life does not have the son will never see life eternal life eternal adoption into the family of God. Forgiveness the power of resurrection at work in you to heal and restore you both you and those around you is presence inside you that will never leave you or forsake you a divine inheritance that is kept in heaven for you will and an eternity of joy of delight and blessedness with the family of God and God's presence right now.

The promise that a sovereign good heavenly father want to serve you so carefully and so tenderly that he knows will even I hear falls in your head and play just work all things in your life are good, but he will lead you beside still waters of fulfillment in a manger, joy, overflow, even in the midst of pain and then in his presence even in the presence of your enemies will prepare for you satisfaction, that goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.

The lilies you can get away from them.

If you try and dwell in the house of the Lord forever is a God who in your worst moments in your worst moments didn't despise mercy on your team.

After spurned, you never gave up. He never looked away. He loved you faithfully and consistently even in your worst moments he loves you right now is pursuing you. No matter what a mess you've made of your life.

No one's love for you is ever been as constant system as fervent as his visa Jesus you promise to bear his discipleship burdened with forgiven support restore you. We struggle to get out of bed in the morning, much less live successfully as a disciple is promised to walk with you and sustain you and pick you up when you fall in light of all that possible excuse. Could you have to stay away. What reason could you manufacture that can justify even the slightest is or what you did want you to pull out your phone right now.

Jesus offers to give yourself fully to you on this is an odd thing for me to say the plot your phone is going to do that for those who are ready to give ourselves fully to him that even expected to be perfect.

They does dementia come after him with all your heart and I Menasha that right now you have some or you can text the word commit to 33933 sizes for everybody right. You're here and in your living a faithful Christian life.

I so would you recommend doing this together as a church with Marie commit ourselves to be disciples to go there. Some you see up to the front page there's five things I want you to do it together some exercise, there can be a page there. What I want to do is to get a pause for a minute for the things of your reflection question on the thing just a minute from everybody to catch him zooming. Make sure you get your phone out and then 30 seconds is reflection question here and then will will will spend a couple moments walking through this enough time for me to show your parents how to use the phone to get to this good news mess right now to join hundreds of people have already done this then online and including center staff, everyone is done five things for you. Check worship me just say Jesus arrival my obedience also means practically practically commit war within daily and to be a regular attender of worship services, seconds family member that means you're not believe you're gonna belong to be a part of the family here at the summit we say church about the event you attend.

The family belonged in each of your real disciple will be committed to the church minimize copper.

They were said that some of you say you're committed to Jesus not been an active part of the church is like saying your you're married but you never come home. Your spouse and I was in the New Testament following Jesus and be an active part of the congregation are the same thing. You can love Jesus and only data church got a commit sir will use my life, my talents for ministry looks I get is and I'm willing just what I hear for half and I want to serve you about your mission steward means committing to usual resources.

I'm adopting this identity.

Last witness committing to make sure people in your life, Jesus in your committing to be a part of helping us get this good news from our neighborhoods to the nations. Again, there's no such thing as a follower of Jesus is not an active part of the mission and I do everything some you like well okay objectives boxes. What I do now and next steps resources and funding right there on that page will take you to next steps and how to grow as a disciple in our church family was in it for some reason you feel like you can't say yes to all these that's okay.

So what you commit to what you can commit to you to know that we are committed to loving you and helping encourage you as you grow as a disciple. In fact I would say that this commitment is as much about our member to use your commitments to Jesus violently say this for many of you. This might represent the first time you actually ever really fully surrender to Jesus.

This is a huge moment right now. I wasn't checking these boxes.

The first time you got your actually set on the following leads you in a moment here. You receive Christ as Lord and Savior.

You never have owned our heads of all of our offer from the average value heads. If this is your first time you're surrendering to file surrendering to follow Jesus in the Gospels about God's gift of forgiveness in Christ you right now. Would you say something to Jesus my Lord Jesus, I know that I need a Savior I receive you as my Savior and I surrender my life, my heart and save. I give my all to you about every eye closed. If you just pray that we may open your eyes little box there the bottom of there's five says ready for a relationship which is just check for you. You like this the beginning of the universe which is not longer so I father thank you for this moment.

Thank you God for church. Many disciples that are recommitting the all in the volume of all the hearts of many things in Jesus name Sandor feet summit family and all of our campuses under those of you joining home you can do Judy to do there but I want to write a Sandor feet all over campus is a worship team, let's declare what's worship the God who is given so much to eyes that we would enjoy give ourselves back to