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Awake! Arise & Shine! Part 2

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
The Cross Radio
April 19, 2022 8:00 am

Awake! Arise & Shine! Part 2

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

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April 19, 2022 8:00 am

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Welcome to the sound shower not thanking you for joining us today because we now faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Today's message away arise and shine is a storied work to ignite our hearts with passion to fight against the tide of godlessness and persecution that is left some Christians in a state of carnal apathy, spiritual inactivity, let us be sober, and put on the armor of light. Let us away arise and shine on you like. Now let's keep it in its metaphorical sense God's truth.

God's truth.

How much joy do you feel when you have been wondering something in the Scriptures or situation you been pondering and then one day it's like somebody, the lightbulb in your mind you know what I'm talking about pondering something later how am I supposed to take this or what is your time to tell me her stand this passage of Scripture. I don't get it. You just can't have it always turning up there in the wheels of your mind. And one day it just opens up to you and you guy you just feel like you want body as excited as you are what you been thinking all along. The truth does come you didn't do it when you do you throw all that you had not been able to figure out a John said in John 15 and the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. Now the word comprehend Aristotle and Bono in our English any means to perceive and to understand but it also means to overcome and to hold down and that's the definition being used here. Let me read it again to you and the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. And the light shines in darkness and the darkness did not overcome the light. The truth of God is shining and the darkness and the lies Satan cannot overcome the truth.

All he's done a very good campaign going all to try to deny the truth, but he cannot. He cannot hold the truth down. In fact, Romans 118 tells us that the wrath of God is against all man you were ungodly and unrighteous hold down the truth. There some people to try to stifle the truth and hold it down, but they are on the losing side. They're going to do is bring all kinds of chaos in trouble in their own lives, and if they never ever accept the truth going to get worse as they get older and have more troubling chaos but it is not going to change the truth of God's work as we know when God gave his word to man by the grace of the Holy Spirit that has survived over 4000 years, and to many things in common.

See if you will find what it it will grind you into a powder that's the dichotomy of God's word. For those who receive it. They get the blessings the Marcy, the forgiveness for those who resisted you cannot not earn income.

God will deal with you for a very long time with you over and over again because you want to. He wants you to come to the knowledge of the Scripture says that God would have all men to be saying and come to the knowledge of the truth, but he will not force or make anyone one thing God did was he gave us free will and free will is not free will. If you don't get to choose. He said that before you the way of life in the way of death.

The way of light with darkness. Now you choose. You choose whom you will you get to choose a man, but you don't get to choose the consequences you get to choose whom you will serve. Now you know sometimes I think, why don't you just, you know, why don't you just make serve you because after all it is the better way. Heaven is the better destination but God will never violate you a free will, even if it was better for you if he did, but he won't.

Amen. You have to choose so the darkness is not going to overcome the light in course we always mean the light is the truth and the darkness is the error and the lies of Satan, you know, darkness is actually the absence of light. How many know that if you want to get rid of darkness you have to introduce light. You can't go into a dark room and say I'm going to get the darkness out here. Give me a shovel and shovel it out. Now all you have to do is open up the window. All you have to do is turn the light switch and that the light come in and here's the thing about that. You cannot have darkness without light, and you cannot have evil without good and you cannot have ice without the truth because I will I said before is a twisting of the truth, and we did knowing what is false. How many are following me waking only desire what is evil by what is good. You know you can have God without Satan, but you can have Satan without God.

Amen. Because Satan is the author of lies in darkness.

Jesus said in John eight Ford that Satan is a liar and the father of lies and there's no truth in him. But in order for him to have lies he's got to have the truth, by which to contrast it. Amen. So how many understand that statement means that darkness, evil lies in Satan and all those things are hostile witnesses against the truth. What is a hostile witness.

Hostile witnesses. Someone you prove your point.

But they don't want to prove it because I agree with you, and they get up on the stand and therefore is to tell the truth.

The truth and nothing but the truth and the truth is going to prove the case that there against but yet they tell the truth, they are actually a witness. Amen.

And that's what it is Satan and darkness in the lies and the evil of this world and all the things that they say to did not God did not.

He's truth and deny his word in actual Alateen in spite of the fact that they did not God, and they deny truth there actually proving it. I want to think about that for a moment. As I said we started anyone in this world would tell you that evil exists.

You will not get an argument. If you go ask people if evil exist.

Just turn your news on later on this evening there are more evil reports than good reports are there not but this is the very evidence that God exists and blood exists because you can only measure evil against good. You can only measure against and lies against the truth. People will tell you that evil exists but those same people will tell you that there is no God and they reason they will give you is, there was a God that wouldn't be all this evil stuff in the world. If there was God there would be all these bad things happening in the world.

And so what they claim is why there is no God. When the fact is the very opposite. Amen. Because that would be if God didn't exist and you can have evil without good and I can take more time to develop.

This is the measuring thing, but I think I've told you about that in messages before so I'm going to move on because otherwise I have to ask the question well then, when does good become evil.

You see what I'm saying. If there is no God and you don't have that the measure by where you draw the line and say well this is Gordon this is evil and that's why we've come to the day that the prophet said in Isaiah 520. He said well wanted them. They call good evil and evil good that put light for darkness and darkness for light, amen.

This is what were up against darkness has covered the land and covered the people and part of the reason for this is because people have under valued sin. What I mean by that sin is not as simple as used to be. Today you will be told that God doesn't care if you're living in sin. He doesn't care. He doesn't care that you're living in sin, he won't judge you for your sin and see how does that happen. You don't judge yourself for your sin, you know people don't judge themselves for their sin anymore and don't you dare tell him.

The Bible says what they're doing this in the first words out of their mouth is. Don't judge me. And I think that that's the answer and that's it. You don't have a comeback because they don't judge themselves for their own sin have now reached a point where they believe God will judge them for their sin.

And here's the problem they had made godlike themselves. Amen. Let me tell you what is in Psalm 50, first of all, God is indicting the people because they have fallen into sin any knowledge that you send your doing this but he uses the word partake. A couple times your partaking of the sins of the thief your partaking of the sins of the adulterer, your partaking of their sins, lying and slander and so on.


So what is it mean if you partake of something.

It could mean that you are not necessarily yourself committing the sin, but you are condoning it in others. I don't see nothing wrong with.

I know these are stolen goods but steel and one little biome cheat.

I'm saving me some money. God has blessed me thing cost 50.

If you only want to pay 24 stolen from somebody steal it. He stolen me is that the reason we have doing reasoning and they feel perfectly justified that you might buy stolen goods that you honestly don't know were still in good you honestly don't know what when. Amen. You would not live together, not being married and you know that sinful, but you will let unmarried relatives stay in your house all of now I'm in big trouble. Well when we move on. I'm not even parking.

There okay so let me tell you this is in the Bible since this is Psalm 50. My hearing goes when I went to a wood verse 21 says God said these things you have done and I kept silent, you know, I want to say God what ever you do, please don't keep silence when I am messing up. Tell me this. I like but I'm getting away with it. I'm getting by. Some people think that because they're getting away with something, it's okay with God. Scripture says there are some men will never ever receive judgment in this life for their sin. But when they stand before God when they stand before God, they will receive their full judgment when the Holy Spirit used somebody to preach me. I would rather be miserable uncomfortable state getting you I was altogether such as you. You thought that because I didn't jump on your case and like you are you you created in the image of God. When we heard that when people think that God won't care about that. Amen like themselves wouldn't do it now. You're sitting they bring God down. God said this, you make me like you. You try to bring me down to your level. Amen. See they wouldn't punish themselves for their sins so they say God will punish me either.

In fact, there's a lot of scriptures. I will give them to you.

Many scriptures where they say that God doesn't see or if he sees he doesn't care. And so there's conscience is no longer troubled. Why because they make sin trifling.

They make sin.

Such a little thing they pass over it lightly, they minimize sin, because they have a lack of understanding of who God is a holy God, a righteous God, a God of truth God, who said what I said in my word, it will come to pass. Though the heavens and earth as we know them passed away. He said not one jot or tittle will pass in my work. It will all be fulfilled. They don't have an understanding of God not only of his greatness as we sang today and his Majesty. He's the creator he created all things. Amen. Including you and me in his image. Amen they don't understand is holiness. They don't understand his righteousness and their lack of understanding of who God is, causes them to minimize sin when the fact is they don't know anything about God. It's one thing when you try to debate people who actually know some scriptures I know some Bible that way you can get the scriptures out, rightly divided and you can show them where they've gone off the grid, but what just frustrates and aggravates me is these people that will God wouldn't do this.

And God wouldn't do that and I don't know to scriptures, Scripture, but it would not do because that's how you feel about seeing that you feel what God would do if they were God. Amen God who is creating us and gives us breath and likes. Amen. And they don't know when I'm going to say this to that in the Bible and Hebrews it says our God is a consuming fire.

The Bible says it is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the living God. And guess what folks, that's not Old Testament it's New Testament, both those verses were in the book of Hebrews. Amen. And so we not understand. I said all that to now get back to us Christians that we better realize this is what were standing against so you get your nose in the Scriptures so you can stand up against it as you are you and so you feel like you can do nothing.

So you put your nose down when you go about your business.

The Lord, you might even get excited. Amen always have a backup all right back to Ephesians 5 and we were talking about verse 14 let's go to verse 15.

Seeing then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. I like the word circumspectly. I know it's archaic and in all the new versions probably change it. It's a curious word in the Greek word I could give you like reports because I know that a lot of you don't care but you do need to hear this one provokes provokes me spell it for you AK are I POS now the literal meaning is perfectly or diligently. So when you put it in verb form of action it means to exercise extreme caution and care. It means to be exact, to be exact, and in reference to hearing and this verse means to hear and heed and walk according to the word of God. Most all other places where you find it in the New Testament instead of being translated circumspectly. They translated perfectly the same Greek word Accra posts and Luke is especially fond of this word because he uses it quite a bit in the book of acts and were ever he attaches this word Accra posts to what he's talking about in his writings.

It's always in reference to the word of God being perfect receiving the word of God acting on the word of God perfectly. I tell you the liberty that many preachers and teachers take the day when they expound the Scriptures is so dangerously out of balance and they really should be afraid to do that because this word tells us we have to walk circumspectly our English word circumspectly. I know right here. It doesn't sound like Accra posts so don't get too confused here, let me just tell you this.

Do you know that the Bible when it was translated the New Testament out of Greek. It went into Latin and they would know I taught on that. Not long ago we didn't get English version for quite a long time. It went to Latin. So what they've done is instead of borrowing the Greek word, they took the Latin word and brought it right into English. What is that mean Sharon it means certain. See IRC UN in Latin means around, and it means spec toe in Latin means to look, I got the picture. Okay, so you're looking you're looking and you're looking you're walking and you're looking how many got that much of it.

So while you're walking you are looking and this is the way a Christian is supposed conduct his life and navigated his way through this world this purpose, and we get in ungodly world. Amen. He's supposed to get his way. Walking and looking some of you may have so that I posted.

I took a very bad fall. The other day on Thursday and I'm always careful that I don't see a rock or pothole or whatever but I was walking across this parking lot from my home and they had pine trees there and the wind was really blowing hard that day and apparently a pinecone just blew right about as I took my step and down I went. Thank God I'm sore but I'm okay amen. But that shows the that you can never be too careful and you can never be to rent. I mean it could have been worse. I was going forward and I knew I was going for us, try to stop but I had the phone but I fell on this side.

I call it my good side because the surgery I had on my back. It affected my right side, so I'm I always have to sorta like you to watch out for the side and I fell on this side, you know what I really have any bruises and I fell in asphalt and I hit my elbow pretty hard. My elbow getting get bruised. It didn't even bother me. I mean if you're going that's the way to fall down. You want to go down like that.

Nice and easy. So I give most credit to the Angels that they will bear you up in their own hands that she would pass her foot against a stone on the get 90% of the credit and the other 2% will get to this extra padding right here.

I told Betty I'm not worried about that padding right here and help me that I let you know we will talk about that. It was like balancing a exciting exhortation of the Lord await a rise and shine, Jesus warned in Matthew 24.

His discourse on the signs of the end time because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold of the Greek term iniquity needs without law or lawlessness. It describes a departure from a disregard for God's laws the Bible when there is no restrainer. It allows evil to abound and instead of the St. standing up against the tide of wickedness. Their love and their passion for God's work. Waxes cold. This implies the progression into apathy and inactivity.

But Paul declared with his pen of passion five things we are to do with this chaotic climate awake from your sleep, and Christ will give you light arise arise means to stand up, not just on your feet in the physical sense but to stand up for or against something the church must stand against the hostilities of the world. We are at war against the kingdom of darkness shine. You are the lights of the world. Jesus said, let your light shine before men walk circumspectly like a tight rope walker with extreme focus and balance and redeeming the times you can't change the past but you can buy back each moment wasted incentive failures to finish your course strong with joy, awake, arise and shine can be ordered on CD for radio love gift of $10 or four request SEK 198 mailed to sound the faith PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203. You can also order online at sound of out the where MP3s are also available, but to order by mail sent a minimum love gift of $10 to PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203 and request SEK 198 till next time. This is Sharon not saying