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The Creative Word - The Living Word, Part 6

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
The Cross Radio
May 25, 2021 8:00 am

The Creative Word - The Living Word, Part 6

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

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May 25, 2021 8:00 am

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Greetings friends and new listeners. I'm sure not welcoming you to the sound of thing because we know Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Today's message as part of an in-depth study entitled the spoken word series, which includes teaching on the creative word of God because everything that's created, visible and invisible God spoke into being. Also, the living word. The revelation of the two mouths sword of the Spirit which is the spoken word of God. When we speak what God has quickened to our spirits. This teaching is the culmination of my own personal journey from a place of deep despair to an authorized and dynamite is deputy of the spoken word of God. If you're not learning right if you're not doing right if you're not the word of God in your spirit calling you and devil.

I'm not calling you a center. I'm just saying you got stopped in their position as a condition to receive the written word of God and if anybody knows it.

Your adversary does. He watches you he watches me. Amen is not an expert on human behavior. He's been busy watching us. Since many and even though we cannot read your mind.

Thank you Jesus. I'm glad he can read my mind say why don't you don't go down the wrong road there sometimes. I had been double minded. Some battling doubt and fear and unbelief, but I was smart not to give it life by speaking it. I was smart enough not to open my mouth to begin this week all that negative stuff because the Scripture says in Romans 1017. Faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing by the word of God, but I can slip it and tell you that so fear and unbelief come by hearing negative things that you place those boys that was sent by hearing about what comes but if you get hundred negative things and even with your own mouth. You can sabotage yourself. I've seen people do it all the time that when I got news for me. Well I don't there's not I'm upset and I don't believe I got a letter sit at home is been sit on my desk for two weeks I got to answer the one answer that letter but I got two letters. I thought we could just what we know we are right. There was a call. Those things are not as were they were just going. I'm not saying this to disparage against anybody, but I have an indication that everything is not quite like she's in jail now you can be saved in jail. Many people get saved in jail, but chances are that whatever their still here to be worked on. You can't just all of a sudden call them things are not as they were like abracadabra debates about open on the walkout.


So you see the word of God be the established first to do the work in your heart because you that it's not speaking a formula and that's when the Word of Faith movement. Many people got messed up. They grabbed a formula and they were using the formula and then use it, and after a while someone they did. They did not get the results they became discouraged. They really got to start and I'm I'm I'm telling the truth.

Some of them in given up. They said it didn't work and they gave up in a backslidden that's a shame.

Amen. Is nothing wrong but what did Jesus say and I don't want to get ahead my suppositions next week. Application. But Jesus said if you will say and not down in your heart. You can have not done your heart is one of the biggest keys of all. Amen it only works in a clean heart a pure heart. You can have some faith in some doubt.

You can have a lot of things that are down, you've got to have faith and no doubt.

Amen, nothing wavering alright so the word of God is that sword that two mouths sword. It's not the red word is not the fault word is not the meditated word. It's only becomes that sword against the demo in combat. When you open your mouth and speak it. You can't think them out. That's what I tried to do lying on my bed in the fetal position. All like this all tense in my head, but you can't think the devil out. You can meditate them out because he can't read your mind. As I said amen you have got to speak God's word and whatever you do all those negative things that may be coming to you. Do not give them life by speaking them.


Now meditational God's word can bring mediation. Let's turn to Joshua the first chapter Joshua one and will read reverses their Joshua 167 and eight. Be strong and of good courage, for under this people shalt thou divide for inheritance the land which I swear unto their fathers to give them only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou may just observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded the turn not from it to the right hand or to the left hand, that thou meas prosper whithersoever thou goest. First aid is important. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy thy mouth, this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, and now should meas observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success. So we see here that Joshua was now taking the place of Moses and God is given him a little pep talk. Now this was not the first time that Joshua heard these exact words, God is repeating exactly what Moses told him before Moses went up in the mountain and died. These are exactly what Moses already told Joshua and now God is reinforcing them and speaking them to him directly, and how many you know that when God speaks to you directly. It's even more powerful.

Amen. It's even more powerful and so he has told him this.

You want to be prosperous, you want to succeed you want to be the one that the children of Israel, actually into the promised land. Be strong, be of good courage because you have to understand he had to be deceived by self doubt and fear and in the thinking oh my goodness is a huge thing I'm taking them over. Amen. And Moses was not there frame the lien on and look up to, so he can meditate on God's word.

But that's not all that we he was told he said do not let it depart out of your mouth so apparently tried to go around actually speaking out loud what God said, speaking out loud and that was part of my victory, I started walking around my house, speaking out what God said I would speak it out, and the more I spoke to Boulder I God and the bull… The more I spoke and I began to feel an anointing on it for an anointing to come.

Start speaking the word of God. The light is in the word is in the word just released a new lease on life. Amen. So Joshua had to go around speaking God's word. What does that do it served to keep fear at bay. It served to keep him think in the right way that we can face our enemies. Amen.

So they they he succeeded, he brought them in. They crossed over the Jordan River that got in but now they are having their first big challenge, the city of Jericho.

The city of Jericho. The walls of the of Jericho were so thick that carry chariot races around them and and and they had these walls and it was impenetrable. How would they ever possibly going to be able to take that city and you know the story. Everybody knows the story of Jericho, so I'm not going to take the time to read it all.

But here's the point.

They did what God said. They marched around it every day for seven days and on the seventh day they were to march around seven times and after the seventh time they were told that they were to shout, he said that that the priest will blow the trumpets and the people will shout now it doesn't tell you what they were supposed to. When you shout, you have to say something just to go on the door because my microphone but he just does a player some noise out shout indicates that you say something yes in a very loud voice, but you say something. What I don't know You want to know my speculation. I believe that they said what Moses said after they defeated the king, lacking all the animallike heights in the wilderness. Remember when they had that big battle and as long as Moses kept his arms up the battle went for Israel, but he got tired, so what did they do.

Aaron got on one side. Her got on the other side and held his arms up until the battle was over. They had a great victory and ended in the Scripture tells you a lot about it. In Exodus after that victory. Moses built an altar to God to worship and give thanks and you know what he called it Jehovah nisi the Lord is our victory and I believe that when the priests blew the trumpets was set in the wall fell straight down over straight down supernatural.

Amen. So now been to me and all the pebbles we always preach when they blew the trumpet, we can't overlook the fact that people had to shout. We think just did it while the goods were very very important in our Bible says trumpets, but it's really a shofar and a shofar is a ram's horn and the rabbis teach that the ram's horn windblown at a certain frequency a certain pitch emulates the voice of God that with the rabbis teach. There's a certain way that they can blow the ram's horn and to the devil to Satan a.k.a. Lucifer who used to lead the worship in on the congregation to lose the firm. It sounds like the voice of God. And when he hears the voice he scatters, but don't you see God's voice when the breeze blew the bar voice and this is my opinion what are you and amen I'm talking about using your sword, your sword against the enemy and I'm really talking about using the sword in close combat close combat. There's a difference. There's a difference when you're all. And you know you're all out here in the enemy's way over there and you're in a tank and Europe an airplane looking down. It's another thing when it's hand-in-hand hand-in-hand.

Amen. That is what it means. Let me quickly tell you, there were three types of Roman swords and of course we all know that Paul spent a lot of time with Roman soldiers. He spent a lot of time actually shackled to Roman soldiers know a lot about Roman soldiers that he knew all about the weaponry he would've observed that. That's why he used the armor of God in Ephesians 6 chapter because he was able to use that and relate to it spiritually.

So there were three types of swords.

The first type of sword was a huge head. The duties sword.

It was it was so heavy and so long they had to hold with two hands and really the only real purpose of this this sword was that they use it in practice because it really wasn't something you could use an actual combat because it was so handy when you gonna do you know I slug like a ball bat something really use in practice and never watch gladiator movies you see.

Then they hung the house like a big tree or big column and and the gladiators up there and they're just banging away that were they doing to keep muscles there given stress. Amen there building up their arm muscles and their shoulder muscles and all of their use in these very heavy swords to hit these immovable objects in order to build up their muscles so that particular store was really only used in practice. Amen. So will be using that sword in prayer. Amen. This second type of sword was more like a lance. It was skinny and it was long you could use it with one hand, but because it was so long you really didn't get that close up on your enemy and therefore you could not really inflict that much harm that much damage. You certainly were probably not going to kill him because you're so far away in there so far when you're doing this we see sometimes when they do fencing. Amen. Unless you get down in your over top and then all you're going to do is maybe have a few hits on their legs or something.

You're not going to kill him with that sword. Amen. But the third sword was more like a dagger.

It was generally about 19 inches long, sometimes even shorter than that. And unlike the double handed sword or the long sword. It could be used with one hand, but because it was so short it had to be used in close combat. It was important that you could use it with just one hand, because the other hand, had to be free for what the shield of faith if we read all of the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6 chapter we see the pulses above all, taking the shield of faith. Now the above all, does not mean above always the most important.

I've already showed you what the most important one is it me out in front of all hold it out in front of yourself. The shield of faith.


So you got the shield of faith with one hand and you got that dagger types were with the other just throw this out here just this for you cases free doesn't have any particularly to do with the message but there is no such thing as a New Testament armor bearer.

We hear a lot of people talk about Natalie's not armor bearer that might know if you have an armor bearer you are in big trouble.

Old Testament armor bearer New Testament you take your shield of faith, once every thought a dart of the enemy shield to get on the mountaintop, there will if you will, is not New Testament truth is that you take.

You obtain the shield of faith, that the shield of faith in one hand and you got the dagger of the sword in the other hand, this is the sword that the enemy fears this particular sword that Paul would've observed had no serrated edges on both sides, and it was curled up on the end and when he plunged into the enemy and you can only do that if you're up close, you can't do it like this, I mean what talk about the fierce battles you get in were talking about the battles when you're looking eyeball to eyeball at the devil. Amen. You were talking about those kind of warfare's and so when you plunge this particular type of sword into a person literally rated their insides, shredded, and they begin to bleed profusely internally now as bad as that was when you pull it even more damage it did.

Even worse damage when they pulled it out.

Amen this was the type of sword that literally struck terror in the hearts of the Roman soldiers. They did not want getting combat with someone that had this two-edged sword and somewhat Paul is telling us we been waiting to sword really strikes one you are a big pits that spoken word of God that bring the word of God, the God drops in your spirit know somebody you might be saying wow why know when I have the ring. The word of God. I won't know how my going to know what limiting you will know it you will just know it because it will be not like anything you've ever heard before. Amen. It will rise up in your spirit and you will know it's coming from your spirit, and it's not coming from here it's coming out of your spirit.

It's hard to explain but you will know when you hear it. I mean it's like trying to explain to a first time mother to be about having a baby and just know when I'm in labor and the answer is all you will know you know what I'm really having contractions. You will know you will now but sometimes that first time on the debate gets a gas pain. She says her husband.

This is take me to the hospital and they get there and the doctor says, honey, you're not ready yet you're not having contractions going home. It's not time and then she summoned some cases I know people to Donna more than one time. Go back honey, it's not time you and then one night she wakes up in the middle the night. She says hi this is that the real baby hospital explained to somebody until they've actually had they don't really understand, but you will know because it will rise up out of your spirit. David said in Psalm 42. He said he called on the deed because the natural brain, he bypasses your brain. He speaks to your spirit.

And that's why audible voices need to be suspect me say that again audible voices need to be suspect because generally I'm not ruling it out but generally God speaks out your spirit. Satan speaks to your mind, your own flesh speaks to your mind, your own brain speaks to your mind but God speaks to your spirit.

Amen. And what happens to you, you will know because sometimes when I'm mulling things over in my mind the situation… Make a decision upon or something and all of this chatter is going on up in here that all the sudden I hear it here.

I don't how to explain it to you and then I know this is not Sharon because I'm always careful. I always want to make sure it's not fleshly zeal, fleshly zeal is not evil. It's not demonic it's not satanic it's it's what it is. Fleshly zeal I want to do the right and somewhere down here the spirit of God checks and says it's not as good ideas you think it is or this is not the time or this is not for you.

This is for someone else. Amen. So you know the Scripture says that by reason of use. Having your spiritual senses exercised he was 512 to be able to discern good and evil and that we were disarming to make a choice between two things, but let me tell you this, the greater the word of God that you have deposited in your spirit, the greater will be the Rhema word that God can give to you the more the written word that you have in your spirit, the more God tend to you that Rhema word the more powerful it will be the more specific it will be. Amen when you have that in your spirit so I know I'm running out of time. I didn't get everything and I wanted to today.

We will stop here for now. Amen.

Let me give you one quick illustration and then will finish talking about the sword of the Lord, because next week I want to go on to application. I want to take you to the story of Gideon and Judges the seventh chapter, we won't go there. I'm going to paraphrase it to you. For sake of time Gideon was one who was very fearful hiding from the enemy because the Midianites were powerful enemy, and they had been tormenting the Israelites for years every year waiting until they would harvest their crops got him already and come down the steel and and so the people were frustrated the people were hungry. The people were upset and they were just in a bad way and they were afraid they greatly felt fear the Midianites because they said the million nights were like grasshoppers in number and so that they were overwhelmed by their enemy being so great a number now an angel of God comes to Gideon says you great men of valor, I'm going to use you to deliver my people now. Let it suffice to say that he was. Not a great man of valor, but you see, God was speaking what he saw he was going to be and it took many supernatural interventions to bring Gideon to the place you know he put out the fleas twice how many remember and we had several encounters supernatural encounters before he was ready to actually go or in the last thing that God finally use to get through to Gideon was. He said Gideon go down and do some espionage sneak around the camp of the Midianites just sneak around their tents and when he did he came upon a tent were two men were discussing that one had a dream the night before the stream.

So this this take the barley comes rolling down and it ran into our camp and you knocked it all down his senses that dream made the other guys all that's nothing but the sword of the Lord, and of Gideon and when his enemies prophesying in his diary. Faith comes by hearing God made that dream and talk dream and and he went back to the camp of the Israelites and said all right were ready now. Now I don't have time to tell you the dotted whittle them down from 32,300 because God was going to really get the glory out of this one. Amen. So what did he tell the 300 men to do. They were going to wait till night they were going to ring the camp of the enemy with 300 men around them, they would have a picture that would be like the word among terra-cotta picture with a candle inside and a trumpet, and Gideon said when I give the signal you're going to break the picture because 300 men cracking terra-cotta was going make a big clattering sound. Then all the candles in the ring around them is going to look like more than 300 and then he says you're going to shout you say they have to use their voice and what were they to shout the sword and the people that were so they were so good to kill themselves or flee to the mountains. Do you see how essential how imperative it is that you open your mouth and release the word of God when you want the victory. I don't care if it's 300 up against the proverbial grasshoppers in number when you open your mouth and speak the word of God, then James Morris raised and he will flee from you. How you resist him know you open your mouth and you release the sword of the Lord hallelujah if you get this revelation in your spirit and you start activating it right now soon as you leave here you start using it. It's going to bring you out of those things that you keep ensnared by over and over and over again. It's the thing that brought me out of the pit.

It's the thing that brought me out of that that pit of despair, hopelessness, anxiety, suffering brought me out.

It didn't happen overnight.

It took me a while to get it, but once I got it and started using it. I begin to come out and come out and you know what the thing that brought the victory as a thing to The victory you gotta use it every day. Amen. Come on, stand on your feet and next week we will have our final session, which will be to application and you don't want to miss it because it's some good things. I'll be bringing out next week. Amen really solidify it for you and you know we will have the application how to actually apply it and use that sword.


You know what the sword is now, but you're going to see examples from the Bible but Jesus did and what others did. Father, we thank you for your word because it's alive and active in and I know that it's germinating in our hearts right now and I just play holy that as we meditate on this word and it will just become more alive in our spirit that will receive the revelation of it you will give us the wisdom that comes from you.

That doesn't come from Sharon or any person that comes from you. Holy. Juries are going to be one had to deal with the same old problem and to and when three now, your people watch over them until we meet again in your house. In Jesus name we pray, let the church say a amen. I really hope you're being blessed and spiritually enlightened by this teaching the spoken word series. This revelation was forged in my spirit during a time of prolonged suffering in my body, which triggered emotional and mental anguish.

I had always had a strong spirit of faith. But after being homebound and written. I despaired in my distress that they God for a word to hold onto and he gave me. John 15 seven if you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you will and it shall be done. Honestly, I was disappointed I wanted something more dramatic, but then I began to get this revelation of God's spoken word and gradually as I put it into practice. I overcame the attacks of the adversary. The foundation is the creative word.

The word of God literally spoke everything into existence. He framed the worlds and he upholds all things by the word of his power. The revelation is the authority that Jesus the word of God made flesh and dwelt amongst us had himself and gave to us to speak the word as a sharp two-edged sword against the enemy. The literal Greek says to mouth sword. One mouth is God's. And the second is mine or yours. When we speak forth the word that God quickens to our spirits. This creates the one weapon against which Satan has no defense.

Rhema is not a magical formula is the active living word of God. A word from the word that comes out of our mouth. The application is the illumination of Jesus own ministry by which he demonstrated faith in his own spoken word and its unlimited authority over time and distance when he sent his word and he healed them friends, I urge you to order the spoken word series. The complete set is a 3D set off for SK 136 that SK 136. Please send a minimum gift of $15 to the sound of faith PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203 or order

You may also order one MP3 but to order the spoken word series by mail send your minimum love gift of $15 to PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203 request offer SK 136. Till next time Sharon not saying Marinette