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Walking in Healing by Love, Part 1

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
The Cross Radio
July 6, 2021 8:00 am

Walking in Healing by Love, Part 1

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

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July 6, 2021 8:00 am

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Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger

Greetings friends and new listeners and welcome to the sound of faith. I'm sure not thinking of returning it today because we know Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Today's message is very important and pertinent to anyone who has struggled with the need of physical healing. This message is not something I read about or heard about the one I have lived through and still apply every day for my own physical healing. Walking in healing by love. I will start a two-part message today will be part one, we will begin in John 13 and verse 34 a new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another noun when he said I'm giving you a new commandment, we might pause for a moment and think, is it new didn't you tell us in the Old Testament. In fact, in Leviticus 1918. He said you should love your neighbor as yourself. So what's new about this commandment because, obviously, to love your neighbor as yourself is very powerful. I mean if we can love other people like we love ourselves. We are going to be loving people already know that. Amen. Because you know what Paul said nobody ever hated his own/in only people that the devil's trick and put a spirit on them, but normal Christians, we love ourselves.

We love who we are because God made us who we are, but if we will love our brothers and sisters the same way. That's a good thing. And yet Jesus said, I'm giving you a new commandment. Now the word new here simply is better translated fresh.

I'm giving you a fresh perspective on this commandment about loving one another, not brand-new that you've never heard it before but I'm giving you a new way to look at it and that is how I want you to look at it. I want you to love one another as I have loved you.

Now it doesn't mean in the same exact way as I have loved you, because let's let's all just be truthful. We can never love anybody the same way Jesus loves us. Amen. We just can't love one another what Jesus did for us when we were yet others when we were able, amen.

We just can't do that. That's not what it means is a better way of saying it. Love one another because I have loved you, and you know when you think you and you think about it it doesn't leave any room for not loving anybody simply because he because gave me love you because you and you and and that's what Jesus and he said how people are going to know that you are my disciples, not because that you have a certain doctrine that you stick to and not because you wear a certain robes, were you wear your collar on backwards or you have a name attached to you that's not how they're going to know you're my disciples.

They're going to know that you are my disciples, because you love one another. Now think that when Jesus spoke this if you read the beginning of the chapter. This is him talking after the Last Supper and after he has washed the disciples feet. Even Judas even Judas feet. Amen. And it's just naturally away from him being arrested in the garden of Gethsemane and then for him being beaten at pilots whipping post and crucified on the cross. So what he would've said right before most importance to be just and you want to hear what they've got.

The most important thing that he could say right before his death and he said that you love one another. Yeah, you know that the church of Jesus Christ got off to start and you know that we can read about the church of Jesus Christ that infant church that's with the book of acts is about. Amen. Do you know that in the entire book of acts. The word love is not found in the New Testament times.

You will not find even one in the book of acts now, what you will find over and over again is in one mind in one accord.

For instance, I'll read you what they said, you know, describing the time of Pentecost. These all continued in one accord in prayer and supplication, and when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all in one accord in one place. You see is not necessary to keep talking about being in love brings about love one another to get their service about walking in love because walking in love.

Amen. Now, later, in the epistles that we have by the apostles, we find that they were to love one another anything about John's three letters.

John went to Winfrey over and over again what disease my little children love one another one another. Amen. You can say you not love your brother.

I mean, especially first John, it's just peppered throughout the entire letter love one another and now Peter. Peter said in first Peter 122 love one another with a pure heart fervently and in first Peter 480 said servant love among yourselves the word for their you know my first responses when summarizing the word fervent.

I thinks of something that is on his hot you know.

But here is not the meaning. I was actually a little surprised when I looked it up this particular Greek word and in first Peter 122 and in first Peter 48 the word fervent means to stretch out.

Now think about that for a moment, it makes sense when you think about it.

If we had the kind of love that Peter is talking about were always will be putting herself out for the other person were always going to be stretching out to help others like reporting out this call for people to help sister Linda Evans in her time of need means to put yourself out stretch that helps someone love you want me maybe out of my comfort zone and reach beyond myself to manifest this love to you.


And we know that Jesus and the book of Revelation wrote seven letters to the churches in the first one was a letter to Ephesus and we know that he commanded them about three things he commanded them about their labors. They were hard-working and then about the fact that they had stood strong against the false doctrine of the Nicollet attend and that is the same documents out there right now things Grace covers everything doesn't matter what you do. You got grace just God's grace just covers everything with you repent, you say you're saying now you can just you and I'll do whatever you want because grace covers it all. And Jesus said that doctrine I like another message I can't preach today.

You know Jesus just doesn't go around everything, but he hated that.

Amen and and you know why I'm in good company. I hated to tricking people.

It's tricking people that say for a long time now. I can do what the wound does drink with a well socialized with the world and then like the world and all that were under grace were not under the law and Jesus and I hate that doctrine he can get for standing up against it and he commanded them for their perseverance but he told them they need to repent, because they had left their first love.

And you know that's something we have to watch out for. We can be so busy doing the work of God in the ministry of God that we get away from the love. It becomes more of a business, you know, a job that we have. Amen. Especially people their ministry and ministers and pastors and all they can be careful while the applicant running a corporation. You know I have the Lord rebuke me many times when I've been so busy doing everything his work focus.

His work is safe.

Ministry is about people. Don't forget Sharon. It's about people to so some days you had me take off 1/2 a day or a whole day of all the other work just having right cards to people that that's ministry to amen.

That's what were about to. That's why he rebuked them so finding out that we are to walk in love is the radicalized really where we are spiritually. Even now no longer no matter how long you been saved so turn with me to first Corinthians the 13th chapter and you will recognize it immediately, as the love chapter, many Bible scholars say first Corinthians 13 is the most beautiful literary work of the New Testament is equal to the Psalm 23.

In the Old Testament, and you will see it on many plaques and pictures and things like that. Amen. And it's a beautiful chapter in Paul is usually always very dogmatic because he's preaching doctrine and he's correcting error.

But this is so beautiful.

This shows really his true heart.

Amen. So let's begin in first one though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity.

Now remember to use love okay I become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profits me nothing. Now here's what's so interesting to me about first Corinthians 13 before we go further in dissecting this and that is that first Corinthians 12 and first Corinthians 418 are all the gifts of the spirit telling us what they are. He's giving us the details and the mechanics of how they function, but he stops midstream jacks with first Corinthians 13.

It cuts himself off the 12 count gives us first cuisines chapter 13 and 14 goes right back into telling about the gifts of the spirit. So what is he doing is realizing that these gases are they accomplish nothing. Amen. No matter, he says wait a minute waiting for you people understand. I don't want you to get pumped because I saw but the and I got interject here. Let's have a parent medical love.

Amen. So what are you saying now you can have the gift of tongues. You can have interpretation you can have prophecy you can have those powerful gifts, he said, but by law, remember that show the Gong Show. That's what they sound like they explaining all. Amen.

It would be like just the symbols just being away on the symbols after while we would all be like this. Amen. That's what it is he says a bunch of noise and here's what he said. He said I convey nothing. My message conveys nothing. If I have wisdom of I have knowledge of. I have Revelation if I had mounted moving faith.

How many one mounted moving face, on every hand are to be raised up because I guarantee you at some point in your life. There is going to be a mountain.

It may be like facing it might be a sickness in my community farming and maybe your marriage and maybe your finances, it may be your children. You know what I'm writing. That's a miracle working face, but he says if love is not your motivator. He says if it's not my motivator, I am nothing. And here's the point I want to make and it will be the baseline for everything I say from now on say is not enough and you know that I administered much to your face but say is not enough. Galatians 56 says faith works by law. I think that's worth repeating say say amen we have a lot of walk with our faith walk and this is the answer to everything we need and especially as will see her today. Healing. Keep your place in first Corinthians 13, but I want to direct your attention to one verse and second Thessalonians 1 and three we are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is me, whereas it is fitting because your faith grows exceedingly and the love that every one of you all toward each other are back home. This is what I want to See Take Pl. in Faith Tabernacle.

I want to see how they grow and grow and grow exceedingly but I also know that it is connected to one another, and the balance due. You see the relationship there. Amen.

It was black and he said you know why because the love that you have for one another abounds and supports face. Amen. Said he cannot operate the way God designed to operate unless it works by love and this is what he was saying a back in first Corinthians 13 we left off.

He said now if I give away all my goods to feed the poor, and my motivation is not love, I gain nothing. Now somebody may think well giving all your goods away doesn't constitute lot if you gave everything away to the port to the needy shortly that constitutes love, not according to Jesus, he said some people get to be seen of men is not what he said you can read all about that later. Matthew six chapter he be like these Pharisees. They give away but they do want to be seen so far as the so every time. So they can see them and I'm bestowing this upon you. Amen.

I want everybody to know that it's my contribution is the reason why you had built this wing on this hospital and thank God for those generous people to do that. I'm not putting them down. You know I'm not putting them down.

But I'm saying that if some people let their motivation.

Then Jesus said when men applause for you. And when men tattoo on the back. You got your reward you got you wanting you got already in heaven. You got here on earth. Amen. Now somebody said you can give without loving but you can't love without giving. Amen. There's just something that when you are a lover you are a giver.

How many know that's true. Put it on your heart to give something to someone you doesn't just have to be money. You may not afford to buy people presents and gifts, but you just want to give them.

Amen something in your heart. God may tell some of you go in your closet and pick out stuff you don't care about any work is now out of date, but something you really like and how you did that to sister so-and-so and usable Lord I just got this morning at the tides are still just will one time or he's that's all right what you give it to so-and-so.

Amen it works amen to amen God can move when you're giving your time giving time to people reaching out. Amen all yes when you have his love because we see here that he said they put their own lives and some buddies that if they were motivated by love, it profits nothing hard to wrap your head around that I can help you very easily. Think about these Islamic terrorist jihadist bombers suicide. Whatever you want to call him.

They think that by blowing themselves up on straight and God, their God is with them because they tell even these 12 and 14-year-old boys. These kids will be in paradise tonight with Allah.

So you see they are doing it but are they doing it out of love how they're doing now the worst teacher we can even retain hatred. Amen. So the bottom line is it doesn't matter without love. He says I am nothing. I convey nothing I gain nothing. I want to draw your attention to the fact that he said I II, not the gifts not the gifts that he's preaching on before and after.

Amen. Oh no he said it's me I'm the one I have the love if I have a lot that is God uses me in any of these.

Amen. Then it's going to be profitable then it's going to be a blessing that it's going to do in the body of Christ what God designed to do. Amen. Now quickly learn to read verses four through six.

I'm not going to discuss them because they would, in and of themselves take at least an hour, but you know what you people are very smart. You thought I was than you thought, dictionaries, and you can Google that's your homework I would say look these words up especially in some other versions and you will really get a blessing because love suffers long or as long-suffering and it's kind he's not it's not jealous, love vaults, not itself. In other words, it's not a braggart it's not a braggadocio trying to everybody look at me here me what's all about me. It's not but love does not behave itself unseemly when you see people acting badly as a Christian there something wrong with their love walk.

Amen. It seeks not.

It's not selfish it's not easily will allow you need to look that one up for sure if he thinks no evil wow your toes are getting Steptoe more.

It rejoices in equity in these all three of these dovetail together, but it rejoices in the truth so as I said you would do well to do a little studying on what this is. Now let's moving along.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, don't all things in our sales but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail, whether there be tongues, they shall cease whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, than that which is part shall be done away with. Now when I was a child I speak as a child, I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man, or when I became an adult I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know even as also I am known. And now, by faith, hope and love. These three but the greatest of these is love. Amen. So what is he saying here. It believes all things, bears all things, hopes all things, indoors all things, the word bear here means to cover it means to cover and I call you first here for a moment ago and said that he said that you should have fervent love amongst yourselves. I didn't finish it. The last part is because love covers a multitude of sin and that would give you the meaning of what love is now you all are very smart. You know, it doesn't mean you cover-up sin and let it get by, but it means that you are not trying to uncover people sin to embarrass them. Shane then humiliate them because all you're going to do is chase them away. Amen. That's not love. Amen. That would not be love. If God showed me something about someone that I see that they're going down the wrong road on the scan appearance a before every body what I'm gonna do.

I'm in a get them in private. And I must say, the Lord put me on your heart so it means to to cover them to believe all things, and I hope all things is actually a word LPS apiece, which we all know means hope so. It works as believes all things, it's talking about a continuous hope and support.

Remember, right before Jesus was led away.

He saw Peter and he said Peter Satan's desire to having to sift you as is corn is sifted, but I have prayed for you and when you're converted.

I want you to go strengthen the brethren. What was he saying he was saying.

About Reagan messed up big time, but I believe in you.

I still believe in you. Peter I love you.

I believe in you and I know that you're going to get converted and then you can be able to use your situation to go and strengthen other people in hopes all things, this is beautiful.

It means this it expects the best and always expects the best. Have you been around people that always expect the bad and the worse they pull you down and you try to counteract what these things something God bless your heart to come back with something negative and after few times you just all but the person that expects the last game always is looking for the best because know how much a person has fallen short or failed in some way still something God is putting that even when you're dealing with your children. You should not jump right to the bad thing.

They just did what you do you know mommy loves you because you are such a sweet kid and tell the good things and I love it when you do this that and the other but you know what you just did mommy doesn't love that because that wasn't a good thing because when they get older you will sing like that. Sweetly, amen. But the point is you start off one man I know sometimes it's hard to find. Amen. When Todd was in first grade he had this cold, cold, aloof teacher. She was one of those kind of showed no emotion and she just didn't and she had Todd written off as incorrigible and she had honestly, I'm not exaggerating. She had the kid jail as an adult. That's how bad was five years old. People, she said I know how these kids turn out personality works.

The FBI so they had me up at school constantly putting on medication which I refuse to do.

We had to just suffer through first grade 2nd grade he got a teacher that was the pat on the head give you little hog and he fell in love with that teacher kid like night and day. He turned into just not only a sweetheart which he already was a great little student because the difference in the approach amen and log indoors all things hoopoe nano it means to hold up under and now here is what we learn here when we get to heaven. We are not going to need faith and hope are only going to need love. Amen we are only going to need love in heaven right now we need faith and we need help because were looking through the glass, darkly, or we're looking through a glass, how many known people today on their vehicles they get on to it so dark you can barely see the person inside their amen and you're trying to figure out who it is and dark.


That kind of a picture of what he's saying right now more time to see what's on God and Jesus is what we are looking through a tenant glass, and so far that's when you got and that's when you got to help you. It's true, it's real. Believe it until it when he said when you get the head, you will hang on the face, then you're going to see him face-to-face. You're going to see him face to face what did he say in verse 25. Seven. We walk by faith and not by sight.

Amen. Were looking through what opaque if you will.

Amen hard time sometimes. Believe it and sealed the victory, but let me tell you something will just hold on the hope and faith.

I'm telling you and knowing that God you love will never fail you now abide faith, hope and love but the greatest is love. Greatest work that God we know what you mean. It means superlative love without love and without love, hope guys. Amen. Well, you know God loves you. It allows you to hold on to your faith in you. Amen. What an insightful and invaluable work for us today walking in healing by love. You know that in the book of acts the Chronicle of the early church. The term love is not used once. However, the terms in one accord and in one mind are found 13 times in the first few chapters you see was not necessary to have to keep talking about love. When they were all walking in love is great teaching of the gifts of the spirit and first Corinthians 12, and 14 Paul stopped in midstream to write chapter 13 on the role of love in the operation of the gifts he made it clear that unless love is the motivator for the gifts I have nothing I convey nothing and I gain nothing, not even mountain moving faith can operate fully without love, because this is the key to getting healed and state healed faith works by love, Paul concluded that there now abides faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love because love never fails. But without love, faith, sales, and hope guys. This is why it is impossible to walk in faith and not walk in love and it is why some Christians do not receive their healing and or keep it walking in love is both vertical and horizontal. When we know how much God loves us. We believe his word to heal us and we don't allow fear to paralyze our faith because perfect love casts out fear. We must also walk in love towards others in the body of Christ. So if you have done all you can do to purify and strengthen your faith and you feel your faith is rising, and yet still you have not received your healing.

It's time to check your loved one where there was bitterness criticism judgment Elizabeth jealousy a lack of faith is not the problem, but a lack of love. I learned all these things on my journey to healing that I still must apply every day in this groundbreaking teaching is a two CD set can be ordered from love gift of $50 or more for the radio ministry to order walking in healing by love failed to sound of faith PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203 four shop online and sound the faith were also available. One MP3s the next time this share not saying