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The Last Blast, Part 1

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
The Cross Radio
March 8, 2022 7:00 am

The Last Blast, Part 1

Sound of Faith / Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy

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March 8, 2022 7:00 am

The shofar blasts had four different sounds that signified different actions, but the final blast was loud and long. This is what they heard when God spoke on Mount Sinai in the wilderness. John wrote in Revelation that God's voice is the sound of the shofar. Some rabbis claim Satan hates the sound of the shofar, because he cannot tell the difference between the sound of the shofar and God's voice! When he hears it, he trembles.

Very soon. God is going to sound the last blast, and we will be out of here!

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Greetings friends, new listeners, welcome to the sound of faith. I'm sure not thanking you for joining us today because we know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. I'm still excited about today's message. The last blast I have to tell you it was a blast to preach.

Understanding the significance of blowing the shofar, which is translated trump or trumpet in English Bibles is more than interesting. It's revelatory ancient rabbis taught that Satan hates the sound of the shofar because he can't tell the difference between the blowing of the shofar and God's voice and John confirmed the revelation that God's voice sounds like the blowing of the shofar and one day soon he's going to sound the last blast.

I will say, according to John the later concretely and you know we are in the season where it's more probable that he could come now, I'm not predicting anything. Folks, Jesus said, no man knows the day nor the hour but Paul said we are not ignorant of the and the reason I say this is because we are in the fall season of the holy of the fees of Israel and the feast of Israel are a type of what is being fulfilled in Jesus Christ. And although see some of them of already been filled the spring fees with the coming of Jesus as the baby, etc. in an the Passover lamb and penny cost the giving of the Holy Spirit, but the philosophies are still waiting to be fulfilled, and were in them right now.

So if you just don't mind we're going to talk about them today. Amen. Is there a better time.

So let me give you a thumbnail sketch first of the fall feasts.

It begins with Rosh Hashanah, the feast of trumpets also called Jan to Rouen the day of trumpets. It was this past Monday, September 14 now because they are tied to a lunar calendar.

They're not the same dates every year. Sometimes they fall in September, they can fall as late as October, so it's what that's why you have to see every year when it's going to follow so that was last Monday, then the very next fees will be the holiest day of the whole year Yom Kippur, the day of atonement the day of repentance that's coming up Wednesday, 23 September in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are 10 days and there called the 10 days of all AWT another words we could say the 10 awesome days and then after Yom Kippur, which is the 23rd. The next feast is called the feast of Tabernacles. It's also called the feast of booths because the Hebrew word is Sukkoth and the work Sukkoth means a booth and when you think of the booth. Don't think the back seat to sit in at the restaurant. Think of a little shelter, a temporary rickety little shelter and they have to. During that time of the Tabernacles. They build these rickety little shelters and you know sometimes it they live in apartment. It may be out on the veranda or maybe in the backyard. If they have a home and during this seven days a stay in these little boot and use a will. Why would they do that because God wants them to look back and remember how they lived 40 years in the wilderness. Amen. And then the end of that fees the feast of Tabernacles. The final day or the day after which would be the eighth day is called Simcox R. And that means the rejoicing in the law and caught means rejoicing or joy. A lot of Hebrew women are name Simcox and so it means rejoicing in the law at the really festive they take the Tori you know the scrolls. The big scrolls and they take those and they march around and they sing and they rejoice, they rejoice in the word of God.

Amen. And so it would be like if we did this in maybe one day we ought to try it. We march around the building with our Bibles and CN rejoicing in the word of God. Amen. So that's a thumbnail sketch of her talking about now Rosh Hashanah just past turn with me to Leviticus 23 will read a verse, there is a paraphrase a lot to save time because when you start reading these laws.

They have a tendency to say the same thing three and four times in a row and so for the sake of time and just wanted tell you a lot of that. Amen. So Leviticus 23 verse 23 and the Lord spake onto Moses, saying speak under the children of Israel singing in the seventh month in the first day of the month, shall you have a sadness or a rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets and holy convocation and you shall do no servile work therein but you shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord. So this is the new year. Now I know that were thinking how is the seventh month for the new year begin on the first month while will get into all that, but they had to calendars they had the civil calendar and then they had the religious calendar which God gave them so he saying here that in the seventh month, you're going to have a special special holiday. What a big a day of rest.

Nobody goes to work.

All stores are closed. All the restaurants are closed. Everything is closed because this is a special day of rejoicing and you're going to blow the trumpet on that day. Amen.

And that's why it's called Jan to Ra because young to rot or come to realize it because it means the blowing of the trumpets. Now we know it as their Jewish new year.

We know it's going on a lot of times you get off school and make underwater accounting usually gives off. I don't know about the city and on this day the beginning of their new year for their religious calendar. Amen. And here's the thing about it. It's a very wonderful day and a lot of choose who were secularized. That's a nice way of saying a backslidden. It means they no longer keep all of the love.

The law in all of those things they don't go to synagogue and how we know people that only go to church. Christmas and Easter. You know them, try to saints when they had Jews like that to. They don't go to synagogue every Saturday, except for they will go on Rosh Hashanah, they will go and Yom Kippur.

And so they go to the synagogue on that day, and on that day the priest blow the trumpet I'm going to stop using the word trumpet now and I'm going to start saying shofar because that's really what it is that English is trumpet, but if you say trumpet you're going to be thinking about brass born and that's not what were talking about were talking about was born. You know those big horns on the land.

That's what we're talking about brass horns. They had was horns and that the whole procedure that they had to do now that they had intrigued them in order to use them and I will talk about that today so were talking about a ram's horn and the Hebrew word is shofar. So every time we see trumpet trumpet were going to think shofar. Amen.

And so on Rosh Hashanah. He blames it 100 times. Now they know what that sound is. You know, I mean Allison, folks, I had another message picked up for the day had nothing to do with any of this and I know it's the high holy days and not would prefer to preacher during this period that what I preached before they buy.

Don't want to hear it again.

But then he got up this morning said that last night he woke up as he heard a shofar blowing and waited.

We not too far from here in Baltimore County and he heard a shofar blowing in. First he thought it might be the rapture but as you see were still here.

I got to know the director heard and I don't think I got any Jews in my neighborhood that I know of blowing shofar, but when he said that because I also was listening to some ministers on the on TV this week and a lot of them because of the season are talking about this and had some interesting things to share with you today so I thought you know what objects will pull out my old notes and re-preach, so that's what I'm doing.

I did this last minute.

Okay so I want you to see that Rosh Hashanah he blows it 100 times.


It's the shofar now what it is is a signal to the people. The next 10 days are the days of all and what did they do during these 10 days before Yom Kippur the holiest day a ball of repentance during the 10 days they searched their heart they search their lives to see if they feel like they had been measuring up to God's word and obeying his commandments. If they been walking in the ways of God and living right. And for those 10 days they really search their hearts about that because this is what they believe.

They believe that on Rosh Hashanah, God opens up his book and he writes in his book all of their deeds. For the past year. The fast pass 365 days all of their deeds. The good ones and the bad ones. So during this 10 days. They start thinking about their good deeds and bad deeds because they want to see if their good deeds outweighed the bad deeds because their good deeds outweighed their bad deeds.

Then on Yom Kippur the holiest day of all God will write their name in the book of life. Now we know there's a lot of problems with that. But that's not the subject were preaching on today. Amen. Because you cannot you cannot use good works to make it and now you can understand some of the verses in Romans and some the verses in Galatians and Hebrews where Paul was hammering away is not works of righteousness you've done. As he said in Titus all the Scriptures.

That's why my good deeds outweighed my babies and you know what Islam teaches the same thing. They don't know they won't even know until they die if their good deeds were according to them, or greater than their bad deeds.

Even Mohammed said he didn't know if he was going to make it to paradise. The only thing that will guarantee that tickets right to paradise is if they commit murder in G high. That's why they're glad to do it because otherwise they don't have a guarantee for going to heaven or not, but that's another sermon. Amen. And so what they do is during the 10 days to go around greeting one another. They say law should not tell God teach how to do another words it says may you be inscribed in the book of life for 10 days a go around saying that every body may you be inscribed in the book of life because they're hoping that when Yom Kippur that God will look at their lives with how they live in the past year and see whether or not they're worthy of going into the book of life. Amen. And so that's what happens there so that we move along here.

Turn with me in your Bibles to Exodus 19 and let's look at couple verses there and if you have a bookmark or you want to keep it here because I'll come back to it in a moment or two, but right now let's look at Exodus 1919 and when the voice of the trumpet sounded long having a sound long and waxed louder and louder. What did it do Moses spake and God answered him by a voice and the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai on the top of the mount and the Lord called Moses up to the mount top of the mountain and Moses went up when talk about this in a moment, but I want you to see here that when God came down. There was a particular sound of the shofar that were looking at what kind of sound was it. It was the last child and long and it was getting louder and louder as it was below amen and so let's look over a chapter 20 and look at verse 18. And all the people saw the thunderings and lightnings in the noise of the trumpet and the mountains looking and when the people saw what they removed and stood afar off, and they said on the Moses spake them out with thoughts and we will hear but let not God speak with us, lest we die. So the sound of this shofar was actually frightened to the people. It was so loud and so long that it calls them to tremble.

They were afraid that to the point that they actually said to Moses, we don't want to hear God when he speaks. We don't want to hear this. It makes us tremble with fear. We would prefer that God speak to you and then you can come and tell us what he said and they said they removed.

That means they backed off. They backed way way off and subsets a message just wishing to be preached when people begin to back away from the voice of God, they're on their way to backsliding and there's a whole thing that you can see they went from God speaking to when they get to the way way off to they never they don't even have a prophet to speak to them anymore, but I want you to see that they were afraid of the sound of the shofar and they would afraid of the sound of the voice of God, looks like the shofar.

That's what it is God's voice sounds like the shofar and they were so they backed off and guess what Satan is afraid of it to the devil is afraid of the two and when he began. Amen. Because I teach that the devil May, half the time. Cannot tell the difference between the sounding of the shofar and God's voice and the devil cannot tell the difference between when God speaks and the shofar is blown loud and long and when he hears it he trembles. You know the Bible says in James that the devil believe then tremble, and Satan cannot differentiate between the two, and so he hears this is not to amen. Now let's think about a couple incidences here in the Bible in Joshua. The sixth chapter, we have the story of their first conquest, the city of Jericho, a mighty wall city and how were they going to be able to trespass that city but God gave them his plan a God ordained plan makes no sense to the nap from and so he said I want you to get the priest and I want you to not let them march in front and the Army can go behind him and he said I want you to march around the walls of Jericho all the way around every day, every single day. I want you to march around.

I want you to say anything. I just want you to march around day one, two, three, four, five and six.

Now I can imagine the people in Jericho are probably thinking these are a bunch and not and you know they didn't attack them because they were probably really curious to see how this thing was going to go to here is a bunch of praise march around and they're not doing anything and here's a bunch of alarm in the just march around the city and he thought these people are really cracks and they just were on the wall looking dancing and you know so by the seventh day they thought boy how long is this thing going to go on well not much longer folks and so on the seventh day, let's read Joshua six and I'm let's skip all the young verse 13 and the seven priests bearing seven shofars because as trumpets of ram horns i.e. shofars before the ark of the Lord went on continually and blew with the trumpets and the armed men went before them. But the real reward came after the ark of the Lord, the priest going on and blowing with the shofars. Amen. And the second day they come past the city wants and returned to the camp and they did this for six days and it came to pass on the seventh day that they rose early about the dawning of the day and can pass the city after the same manner. Seven times only on that day. They can pass the city seven times and it came to pass at the seventh time when the priests blew with the trumpets. Joshua said under the people she for the Lord God has given you the city so when that seventh day when they blew that shofar Steadman times at the seventh blasting. I want to call it the last blast at the last blast.

He told the people shall I don't do what they shouted were not told what they shouted something I'm sure it had something to do with their God.

I'm sure they shouted something about God. Amen they might shouted. I don't know if the Bible doesn't tell us. But when the pastor sounded they shouted and bone.

The wall fell straight down which is phenomenal. You would expect them to fall in or fall out but not straight down.


Because it was a blast.

It was the sound of God's voice.

Amen. And so they fell straight down and if we would speed ahead past the time of Joshua. After him we had the time of the judges and various judges were raised up and they ruled over Israel for periods of time and one of them was in the time of of Gideon, who we know, was a very fearful guy. He was afraid, because all the people were afraid of the Midianites who came yearly at the same time of harvest time, they would come out of the mountains like marauders and come down to wait to the people at Slade to plant all of their crops and keep their eyes are now it's time to reap the crops and that's when the Midianites would come down like grasshoppers and steal their crops and they kept doing this. And finally, God said he was going use Gideon to conquer their enemy and we know that when the Lord appeared on the Gideon he was hiding he was hiding from the Midianites, sneaking, trying to get a little bit of grain that they happen to leave behind when the angel of the Lord came on to him and said old Gideon now man of valor that man of great courage, celebrating brave man and he looked around and said, you mean me and said we know the story, we know he was fearful. We know he had to go through a whole lot of things he had to have a police that he had to put out before God, not once but twice, and even then he still was having a problem and God had to let him hear a dream from one of the enemy Midianites that the interpretation of which are the Midianites now basically said all God's going to give that that Gideon, the victory over the Midianites. So God had to do all these things to boost his faith up. Amen. But now he's ready he's ready and he's called his army that he is not 32,000 men pay sounds good until you realize the Midianites had 150,000 men. But you know what God said. That's too many to many.

Now we gotta get rid of some of them.

Isn't that amazing and they already are trying to figure out how they're going to go up against them with 32,000. God said it's too many and so God said get up and stand up because this was the law given to Moses, I will take you there. But this was the law given to Moses, God told Moses to tell the Army if anybody's afraid let him go home you think will why would you do that, because if you're afraid that neck cowardice is contagious and if you're full of fear. Like I preach last week about the bad report.

How the 10 men because millions of people do not going to Canaan so he said if you're afraid tell them to go home. We don't need to hang around here below is regular because once you do have bravery and courage to start coming under that.

So he said okay it's time for you to invoke the law of Moses say if you afraid go home so we stood up to 32,000 men and said if you afraid go home and 22,000 men went home an hour down the 10,000 and you know what God said, you still have too many still had too many. We got have another test and so this test had to do was take them down to the water and telling them to get a drink. Watch how they drink see what they do summer going to get down and they're going to lap it up like a dog. Amen. And others are going to get down and they're going to get down on their knees and and they're going to put their mouths down to the water. Amen. So God said you to watch what they do and when he did 9700 did one way in 300 and the other way. You can read all the details about this later. So okay we lost 300 people where we still got 9700 people know I'm afraid not totally keep the 300 and send away the 9700 really 300 people are going to go up against hundred 50,000.

Amen. Now now now you're ready to go to war were in Judges the seventh chapter and read a couple verses there. Let's look at verse six team and he divided the 300 men into three companies and he put shofar in every man's hands with empty pictures and lamps within the pictures and he said unto them, look on me and do likewise and behold when I come the outside of the camp, it shall be that, as I do so shall you do when I blow with the shofar and all better with me then you blow your shofars on every side of all the camp and say the sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

So getting in the hundred men that were with him came in to the outside of the camp. In the beginning of the middle watch and they had but duly set the watch and they blew the shofars and break the pictures that were in their hands, that would've been you know like clay pictures and they make a lot of noise when you break terra-cotta amen break the pictures and that meant that the light that with the lamp that was in it now would be seeing.

Amen and break the pictures that was in their hands and the shofars in the right hands to blow with and they cry, sword of the Lord, and of Gideon. Amen.

And so we see here.

They did exactly what he said I wanted you to see that once again God used the blowing of the shofar, you know, I also like to bring out the fact that the sword was the sword of the Lord, and of Gideon. It was a two mouth, sword, and you know that message I sometimes preach and one that was God in the other mouth was Gideon's. So that's one little nugget there. But let's look at the fact that they all blew the shofar you got 300 men. That's not many. If you're going to have to fight with weapons, but if they have shofars and they all belong to other rents between the base bid and plot glass breaking and the savings lights all the sudden it scared the living daylights out of them.

Amen. And that's how God gave them the victory. Satan hates the sound of the shofar. He hates it. You know that when God created Lucifer he created him with musical instruments in himself and himself very very phenomenal creature that God made in Lucifer. That's why Satan is so very successful in getting people through music. It's no wonder that music is is the drug of the masses. Amen. He gets people through music and you don't have to turn there, but I will read to you a couple verses to show you what I'm talking about. First of all an easy kill. The 28th chapter it says. Moreover the word of the Lord came on to be sagging Son of Man to be Ezekiel take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God now see a list of the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

Here's how we know who it is now has been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was not covering the sardius, the topaz, the dime and the barrel of the Onyx, the Jasper, the sapphire, the emerald in the carbuncle, and gold. Here's what I want you to see the workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes was prepared in the in the day that was created.

He's not tablets and pipes.

Pipes or wind instruments you read. Amen. Okay. And there's another one on Isaiah also was about him and I'll read just one verse there. Isaiah 14 in verse 11, and here is named Lucifer this chapter, but I'll just read 1411 thy pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of thy reveals VI OLS. The worm is spread under the and the worms cover the how art thou fallen from heaven Lucifer, son of the morning. So when you see he was talking about. So here we had tablets we have pipes we had deals so we had percussion instruments and we have string instruments.

Amen. But we do not have a trumpet we don't have a horn we don't have a trumpet here. Amen. That is the one thing that God did not put in Lucifer because God is so that sound for him. Amen.

Sound let me tell you what God's voice sounds like, I'll read this to you quickly.

In Revelation 110 John said I was in the spirit of the Lord's day, and I will be glad noise shofar trumpet Revelation 41. After I looked and beheld her was opened in heaven, and the noise I heard was that were a trumpet or a shofar talking with the WIC said Tom. So God's voice sounds like a shofar. Amen. And will only down the mat of God's voice. He's going to flee. Amen. What an exciting but clarified message. The last blast. Paul called it the last trump in first Thessalonians in first Corinthians that is going to wake up the dead in Christ who will rise and the living shall be caught up rapture together in the air. Paul was referring to a shofar or ram's horn not a branch trumpet, the shofar had four different sounds that were blown to signify different things, but the final blast was long and loud, and it is what the people heard when God spoke to Mount Sinai because the mountain to quake and the people to tremble.

John said in Revelation, God's voice is like the sound of the shofar and the rabbis claimant Satan hates the sound of the shofar because he can't tell the difference between it and God's voice and when he hears it he trembles the last blast explains the fall feast of the Lord, and their correlation to the rapture and the tribulation and refute the claim that some make the church will be rapture in the middle of the tribulation you want to get this one for your spiritual library.

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You can also order one MP3 like to order the last blast on CD request SK 183 set a minimum lot gift of $10 and mail to PO Box 1744, Baltimore, MD 21203. Till next time is to share not saying that