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The Work of the ACLJ Continues

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Cross Radio
April 15, 2020 1:00 pm

The Work of the ACLJ Continues

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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April 15, 2020 1:00 pm

The ACLJ continues our critical work. We discuss this and more today on the program.

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Cofounder and sanctions movement against Israel says it will not apply to vaccine from Israel live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow lines are open for your questions right now called one 800-6843 1-101-800-6841 two and the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow okay talk about Marty. I want to start is broadcast.

All because I would say something I've said it before me say it again boycott the best sanction movement against the state of Israel is an illegitimate social protest and now they just prove that there are no legitimate social protest movement. How do they prove they were no legitimate social protest movement, the cofounder of the anti-Israel boycott Tibetan sanction movement, which urges complete boycotts of Israeli products encourage the movement supporters to seek out one Israel may product the build phase.

Okay if it materializes in the Israelis which they are working on this come up with a vaccine to inoculate against the coronavirus, the BDS movement will not apply. In other words, those that support the BDS social justice in Palestine you could go ahead and save your life with an Israeli product is done by their fruit you tell me about what this movement really about and was were little pandemic and Jordan, doesn't it just makes sense that that's exactly what they do Christmas that it's a beginning their fraud. Of course it's a fraudulent organization. It's a political movement to try and undermine the state of Israel.

The Jewish state of Israel. At the same time. When it comes down to their own lives are they are they worth are they willing to risk that absolutely not, they're not willing to risk their own lives. If there is a potential vaccine created by the apartheid state of Israel. I mean, they compare the Jewish state to a Nazi -like system of control and apartheid system like South Africa. And yet if you truly believe that you wouldn't take their medicine, you wouldn't take the vaccines you buy into some of the conspiracy theories they were in poison you right but see they know deep down, the Israelis aren't those kind of people they would never vaccinate people and do so in a harmful way in a knowingly harmful way intentionally to hurt other people, even those who are their enemies.

So because they know the goodness of the hearts of the Israeli people and the doctors there in the medical care there, just like kind of how it similar to here in the United States that we take care of the enemies when they are found on the battlefield. They understand the same process works with Israelis. Of course this boycott, divest and sanction everything except for hay. If that vaccine can help us so we can continue our campaign to delegitimize Israel.

We can go ahead and get the facts that Israeli vaccine cooperating with Israel against the viruses. The court to begin with we didn't consider it and don't consider it normalization said the cofounder of the BDS movement. We don't consider that normalization that you deal with the BDS movement for us at the UN on a regular basis and this shows the hypocrisy of what a fraud. They are yet to have any tolerance for this Jamie. Look, they consistently say that they want to wipe Israel off the math eradicate the Jewish people looking for the amazing going out the day that they have to make sure that they wait long enough to get their lifesaving vaccine from the innovated people before they wipe them off the map of the J. I really do think Jordan made the right point here, despite the fact that that is what is consistently coming out of the BDS movement, Israel once again rises to the occasion and if this breakthrough happens J you at the GNU to make it widely available to anyone, friend or foe right. But while they do it. It's our job to call out BDS for what it is you know the BDS movement be better should be very glad to please really do come up with a day solution to this. They better be very glad that the Israelis don't have a BDP movement boycott they best Palestinians. That's the state semi, the individual people, but that's what would be there when I can sell anything to the Palestinian Sewickley, with a vaccine were not consulted about settings they would never do that. That shows you the outrage of what it is I would take your calls on this on beating on of course it's this whole development with the BDS in the Israel and how it relates to the coronavirus and take your questions on the stimulus of the political questions as well. 1-800-684-3110 800-684-3110.

Don't get support the work of ACLJ April matching challenge We truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making it online. Give your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the corrupt state in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online@ACLJ every dollar makes a difference today online AC okay for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you.

We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ, chief counsel Jay Sekulow or decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork cannot take place without your generous support. This time of uncertainty ACLJ consider making a gift online. Online is safe and secure can be put to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today so our work online and sealed this breaking news media's cofounder says if Israel comes up with the vaccine on the coronavirus will not consider that something you have to boycott will give an exemption that does not mean were normalizing relations with Israel, but we will take direction if they have it work that medication to pico. The coronavirus or cancer, for that matter. They said shows you the department and point out the hypocrisy of this moment for a long time.

It just shows you the nature of it and and Jordan. This I think points to what the problem is with these movements, especially memorabilia into the coronavirus issue. Obviously this shows you the hypocrisy when dealing with BDS for a decade now.

Yeah that's right. I mean, remember, part of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement is a boycott Israeli universities, including the Israeli research universities that would have the laboratories that would be working on these vaccines so they boycott that and they encourage their professors not to work with the professors from Israel not to add to do joint programs with those Israeli institutes and Israeli universities and research centers so they they encourage the boycott there and even the divestment so by the way, the people who invest in those labs similar major companies.

They want those to be.

They want those to be again to divest from them to note no longer invest in them and yet they are acknowledging. These are the labs they could likely have the first vaccine available for the people around the world against covert, 19, and so they have changed their policy to say that even though they want to boycott those institutions and divest any kind of investment from the same laboratories that are creating this vaccine that if those laboratories do create a vaccine. They will utilize and to me like you said that it doesn't just show you how absurd this movement is it shows it's it's pulled how political it is in nature and self-serving true if they were truly believed that Israel was this horrible state of apartheid like policies and Nazi like kind of policies and that they say that's what they say in the propaganda if they truly believed it, you wouldn't take their vaccine because you'd be standing on a higher you think you'd be standing on a higher moral ground by denying that.

Instead, what is this group do they make exceptions that when these groups start making exceptions. I think it pokes a huge hole in their entire argument. So for me this actually could be the end of BDS because it shows how absurd their movement is on the go ahead and take calls and is 800 684 $0.31 watching on Facebook encourages share with your friends with somebody post will take it. Jim Scully from Oklahoma line to go ahead on their yellow eye and your great pay. I would ask your you are right to get the right effectively dialogue.

You begin with, and the media does not involve the ugly, the legitimate way that apartheid dated dated Gentile and so it is not charter of the BDS movement simply charted her statement of organizational purpose, says that Jerusalem could not be the capital of the Jewish state that it not only is the capital IMAP Jim appreciate your service.

We can agree to disagree but don't you find it hypocritical. Let's let's get away from the abolishment of Israel. But don't you find it hypocritical that the BDS movement says do not buy products from Israel under any circumstance. That's what the boycott died – that's the boycott part divest is the economic part. Thanks exist and then put sanctions on top of it. Don't you find it ironic, don't you find it ironic Jim that if Israel comes up with vaccine may make an exception. Go ahead and can't be selective and consistent that's inconsistent selective and inconsistent. We will take your products that help us.

We don't want your focus. We can get that anywhere but here coronavirus if you get a vaccine will take that which by the way, I'm glad they would take it nobody which is dominated by I just think it's hypocrisy by appreciate you calling and family think II think that most of the BDS partners all around the world do advocate for wiping Israel off the map looking might say that one particular vein or how it's exercise on a college campus doesn't advocate for that the J we see this consistently in international bodies. The same people that advocate for BDS and promoted on the ground then go to the floor, the UN, or go to the floor of the Security Council and advocate for the abolition of the Israeli state so to try to separate the one intent from the other while at the same time taking advantage of the innovation of the Israeli state, which by the way, is constantly done for the betterment of the world. J.

I do not think that is intellectually consistent. The same people who advocate for BDS consistently go to these world bodies and advocate for Israel being wiped off the map. Israeli academics are boycott as part of BDS moments I went up the boycott the academic positions if they did come up with this with a virus and they would boycott them from coming to their conferences to speak out on to discuss how this was developed out should be administered.

I just tells you what a fraud.

These agencies, the beast beat that kind of movement is, and that's why lead with it today because it involves a coronavirus, but we been fighting the BDS movement for over a decade at the sales eight twice at the United Nations in federal court in Washington DC with the ACLJ again will just talk about these issues during we are fighting these issues. Even right now while everybody's on remote everything we are still fighting these issues yet to actually write and want to point this out now because this is a moment when the BDS movement and we had one of their supporters call in and say well it's selective consistency in you again.

Note that kind of again trying to play with words like that is absurd and I think it it just it pokes the biggest hole yet in the entire boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement, which is great gain grounds in our college campuses and throughout Europe and in other places. But if they were willing to take a vaccine from this evil horrible ideas the callers is their right.

Yet apartheid state and who are putting in these ethnic cleansing. He called he said that on the air.

You don't take vaccines from countries that are printed or carrying out ethnic cleansing, you know, for you know what exactly what he's doing. That's propaganda that you don't actually believe that you're putting out against what you consider to be an enemy of your political positions for the spread lies about them. But if that enemy happens to stumble upon the cure to what is ailing the world right now, you're happy to put that shot in your arm.

You trust that you trust that regime enough to put the shot in your arm to think they develop the same ones that you say you don't want your professors working with the same ones you say you don't want companies investing in those research labs, yet you put that needle in your arm to get that vaccine to me that that is it for boycott, divestment, and sanctions. People should be jumping on this today from the movement that is been opposed to it and say look this is the absurdity completed earlier this if if we are, what they tell us they are, they would never stick that needle in their arm with a vaccine. We create. They are a complete 100% fraud were take your calls. Lois is calling for more than life reloads one broadcaster on the working people. I'm retired just receiving government annuity and also social security checks going to continue to come, they will and you will also be getting the you also be getting stimulus you get both the paperwork that you probably have direct Bible guesstimate Social Security's direct deposited right to be direct deposited checks.

Are you married, widowed, okay, you get a check for $1250 and not let me tell you this. Also, there's already movement for I'm going to fan on this really quickly here fan is Artie movement to increase that allotment as it relates to the payroll protection. Yes, Sen. Rubio just tweeted this out that that McConnell leader M. Schumer are working on agreement Ashley have a voice vote United States and adjacent not bringing everybody back, but a voice vote on Thursday that would add another $200-$250 billion that program. What that tells me J is there's a huge demand for people are applying for the money is starting to flow, and there can add to it as much as possible. Good news on that and also tells me. I think this is a really good sign that tells me that they employers are really trying to be creative and ways to keep their employees which Ike I think right now it's a CEO, myself and and in our leadership team here at the ACLJ. Got a leisure back when one of our board members on in just a moment part of our job. A big part of her job right now is to keep doing your work, but try to maintain your employment base wouldn't employ a lot of people.

And you gotta be creative. You gotta be thinking out of the box, but that's in the government for its mostly pretty small businesses. I think they're offering a lot of help but act also say something to her ACLJ members and that you will be an incredibly generous to the American Center for Law and Justice, especially online and encourage him to things if you get our mailings and a lot of you do if you can give it online rather than the male is a lot easier is very difficult process mail right now.

So, online giving a portion of the key we are to April matching challenges of March and April challenge and right now were doing okay your support. That makes a big difference in also help lights are still open.

It's all done electronically. For those of you that need legal help is contacted through get to help bosses to engage with us on Facebook and twitter Instagram Lotta ways to get information we come back from the break we hear from my friend fabulous drummer but great ministry leader to sorrow coming up right after this because of you.

We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow or decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line artwork could not take place without your generous support more than ever during this time of uncertainty ACLJane. Consider making a gift online. Online is safe and secure can be put to work enabling the ACLJ to continue the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more.

Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today so work online and sealed is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making it online. Give your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ and honestly about the coronavirus were taught about the boycott the best and sanctions movement that we thought so hard against not create an exception.

It will take an Israeli vaccine or medications. If those are effective in the fight against the coronavirus they will consider that not to be subject to a divest and sanction orders that tells you a lot right there. I thought it would be really helpful today to have on a good friend of ours was a member of our board sorrow, the drummer you've met him before you stay minor broadcasts but unite.check quite a bit and he has a great ministries are international ministries. I encourage you to check that out, but also he's got a great message of hope and I especially your time like this. I thought it would be good to offer help and it will be prepared that this can be very intense week, so as to come up via Skype is my understanding so bizarre. We got you there. There I see you look like your idea and right by my shoulder.

Here is your you obviously normally you would be touring and traveling. We played Lincoln Brewster a lot of other very famous acts as well. Got a great ministry. What are you telling people right now have hope. I mean, I put my trust in the Lord above all things that the world is an uncertain place. This virus is just proving its uncertainty.

The only thing that is certain is my trust and faith in God. In times like this is where you get a chance to develop faith receptor, like faith is a spiritual muscle that every single human being possesses. We all have faith but we have to develop that muscle and it's it's in crisis times like this that we have an opportunity to develop that muscle. We all have times of peace and prosperity. But the truth is we only grow under pressure and these are great times or we can choose to put our trust and faith in God and as long as I've been alive in this world. The only thing that I realize the most valuable commodity we can have on this planet is peace. Peace.

Peace. Peace in our soul.

And that's more viable than money, fame, power anything but the only way I've known have peace is to put my trust in something that's above me and I put my trust in Christ and that's where my peace comes from otherwise resplendent to be freaking out about in this world every single day, but I choose not to panic. I choose to pray instead of panic I choose to trust instead of doubt and get the focus off of myself and into serving others in times like this debris in the caller and then administered and plan to sweetness and is calling from New York. We got sorrow on the up via Skype.

Go ahead and do make a couple comments the perfect opportunity for us as Christians to witness to our loved ones and neighbors and friends go on about comfort zone and tell people about the Lord and I just think the Lord wants us to use this opportunity and I think we should all read second Chronicles 714.

I we gotta get back to you that I needed Christians in the Lord will cleanse our land. You just wrote a book you just wrote a book my fame. His name is fame being the Lord if you're talking about there and I think it ties into exactly what Sgt. said no question about a J couldn't agree more and look at the caller reference to concurrent Chronicles 714, the promise in that if we do humble ourselves in prayer to fold one that he's going to hear from us into that he's going to heal our land a J we certainly need that specifically right now and I we just I would just say this our foundation. Those of us who do have a faith in Jesus Christ is not been shaken during this time.

These are very tumultuous times.

But if we look around us. Certainly tons of people have fear a lot of people the things that they had put their trust and have been shaken. J those of us who have a faith that has not been shaken, our feet are still on firm ground. I could not agree with the caller more. This is an opportunity to provide that hope and to provide that eternal belief that can't be shaken by the thing around things around us to the people who are suffering, fear we gotta stand firm and that dragons are one of the things is, look there are a lot of people that are very obviously were all very concerned and concern for our loved ones. There's a sense of you can't do enough to help people. As far as physically because were trying to maintain physical distance, social separate which by the way, looks like it's can it produce a good result for our country as we continue to pray for that reducing the number of people. A lot of people are really sickening at the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and the I see you unit and St. Thomas Hospital in London, but there is this sense of hopelessness or maybe it's not hopelessness. It's what can I do because I can't get out there and do it for the first thing I would tell anybody to do is instead of putting all your energy and effort into watching the news and freaking yourself out and getting panic stricken in hysteria is to spend time praying the most powerful thing that human beings have been given is the ability to pray for other people and that is a powerful thing that all through Scripture shows that prayer is what change the heart of God.

The other thing that I've learned just reading and studying the Bible is that God is not moved by need.

He is moved by faith. There is great need to spend in the world ever since. It's existed but were God moves is what he sees faith and how to develop faith, you have to read the word of God's I would recommend everybody dust off your Bible. If you have one.

If you don't have one, get one get one online and begin to read it. I feel like we become whatever we we do the most of the extent of our most time luring this organ become worrywart, but he spent the majority of her time feeding your soul or spirit with positivity and it's it's at its attitude. I stay positive because I know that God is fully in control and the Bible says that the only thing that pleases God.

There's only one thing that mankind can do to please God. And that's when we believe in him there is nothing else that we do that pleases and except faith. This is the time to exercise that faith to put your trust in them. But how are you gonna do it unless you learn about that faith got over the Bible, you gotta study it, you got pray because we become whatever we watch, read or listen to the most. So spend that time with the Lord himself because he's interested in personally knowing us because he's a spirit and worse.

So if you want to help people. The first thing to do is pray and interceding for people who know quite no place Melanie play what Mike pence VP nine states said yesterday. I know I speak on behalf of every American say how grateful we are for each and and in this very special holy week. I know millions of Americans are paying for healthcare workers saw a picture that I sent out last night on Twitter is an article about a series of cities, where doctors and nurses had pasta pray for the patients and families ministering to and I just want to say dollars healthcare workers. I know there is, of course, prayer going every day for all and with your continued career service will get through this through. Thank you sorrow, that's what you just said is exactly what Mike pence just said we should be praying for healthcare workers as well. I to be a top priority. Everybody and I want to read a couple scriptures you know more than anything the Bible it says not to fear. That's one of the most reoccurring things throughout Scripture's is the Lord telling us not to fear and Isaiah 4110 it says so do not fear, for I am with you.

Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous hand, there you go. We make that that is exactly what sellouts all think it would take time out to be with us today sorrow what's best, a website for people to get information such as Zorro, the and Zorro great organization.

I encourage you to support them. They do great work. Heidi does great work around the around the globe really right when you come back. We got another 30 minutes so stay tuned. It will be taking a break.

Don't forget support the work of the ACLJ towards the tell you how to do that right now. Yet ACLJ that are in this important time today to recognize her folks online donations best way to get your support to ACLJ if you're financially able to if you're still getting your paycheck, your normal paycheck making your normal donations and ties.

The best way to support the ACLJ is online oneness than a matching challenge monthly back to back half of March and April, but also those directed online donations and ACLJ that order getting to the organization directly over filing in court like we did in Oklahoma yesterday and across the country donate online ACLJ.the American Center for Law and Justice were critical issues at home and abroad time you can participate in the ACLJ matching challenge constitutional and religious freedoms you forgive today online live from Washington DC Jay Sekulow and counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow talk about the coronavirus might gotta start where I started the program 30 minutes ago. The boycott the best and sanctions movement against is really time to delegitimize the state of Israel. Don't buy Israeli product that's the boycott part don't participate. That's the boycott part sanctions actually charge them money, divest, take your money out of the Israeli owned companies don't buy their food products don't buy their medicines all wait no will make an exception, the cofounder of the BDS movement set will make an exception if the Israelis do come up with a vaccine against the coronavirus, you can take it. Talk about hypocrisy Jordan unbelievable scale.

There is first of all, if you believe the propaganda the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement put out about Israel. You would be if you actually believed it to be very nervous about taking this vaccine. Whether that's through a shot, whether that is through some kind of oral vaccine for this for coping 19 that Israel develops. The truth is, you would be worried about taking because all that Jewish state when they be poisonous because they are part they are involved in ethnic cleansing. We heard that from a caller today who supports supports the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement so you would never, never, if you actually believe that propaganda put that needle in your arm or take that vaccine orally.

So to me this is it for boycott, divestment, sanctions.

This pandemic shows they aren't willing to actually standardize what they preach and what they preach is dangerous hatred of Israel and the Jewish people, which is violent in nature and leads to violence and by encouraging that by encouraging that again. They are dangerous movement supported by a lot of dangerous elements. By the way, but it at the same time. This is it. This is the biggest hole in their entire argument ever. You would never put a needle in your arm from a vaccine from an enemy from someone that you called ethnic cleanser if you really believe that was the goal for the state of Israel, that they were trying to cleanse these people.

Of course they're actually not trying to do that. So this is again to me just shows you how ridiculous boycott, divestment, sanctions is let me go ahead and take a Deborah line to Deborah will broadcaster on their right. My way of life are being developed at their head. Of course this is I'm inviting them in federal court. We been fighting with the United Nations but this shows that this just shows what fraudulent movement is we will never buy Israeli products divest spirit from their economy sanctioning them. But if they come up with a cure for carbon 19 vaccine will make an exception in that case, take a look at this this caller is is onto something here because the D in BDS stands for divestment. Now I just want to say this very clearly. People need to understand this if they are encouraging people to not invest in the Israeli companies that are making these breakthroughs even though they'll take the vaccine. J they are directly harming the potential that the world will get a breakthrough from Israel. So look in order to actually do a complete about-face on this, even though it shows their hypocrisy. J they not eating not only need to back off that they actually need to promote investment into the companies that are developing this breakthrough, otherwise the breakthrough matinee may never happen and they may never get a chance to exercise that hypocrisy by taking the vaccine that you need to be promoting investment at this stage not encouraging divestment.

I would take her calls 100-684-3110 800-684-3110 revocable phone lines open. Also, Facebook and periscope share with your friends very important for you to do that get more people involved, the conversations a lot of traffic on Facebook and periscope these days is a little harder to breakthrough so we encourage you to share with your friends. That would be great. Don't forget George let you know how support the work of the ACLJ that's right. Remember, we filed an emergency, brief, and at the District Court level in Oklahoma to protect life standing with the states were saying Planned Parenthood needs abortion clinics are not providing essential services during these outbreaks. During these peaks during in the state and they should not be able to open. They also take valuable PPE's away from healthcare workers were filing the priest because of your support donate online now double your impact is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty. There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online and online giving simple and secure, and by making an online gift.

Your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the, every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting religious and constitutional freedoms because of you. We've seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom line could not take place without your generous support more than ever during this time of uncertainty ACLJ consider making a gift online is safe and secure can be put to work enabling the ACLJ the battle against abortion giant Planned Parenthood to protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACLJ today so work online ACLJ that was pretty awesome and there's a lot of music. By the way, available on Facebook never look a lot lately entertainers are just will live acoustic hunters. We had our friend John Snyder in right before all this really broke out to be able to do about three or four songs with one of Ms. can't you say we also did the weight and then an original will get will try to get one of them out to be happy to wait or maybe candidacy will see this week or next to try to lighten the mood up a little bit were no right to the phone so 800-684-3110 phone lines are jammed somewhere to go to Mary Alice calling from California hi Mary Alice will all work on their parent is the date the claim as a dependent of the answers that would be no they would not get it if their claim is dependent they file their own tax return which means there working. What you need to talk about the attack for preparing the already filed your 2019 return will have the parents file their 2019 return because they may be may be better off then job less than enjoyed may be better off not taken his dependence yeah I would definitely talk to your tax professional. Because you are claimed as defendant dependence.

You will not get the stimulus as an adult. The parents would get it. In that case J but look again because this is a 2020 tax credit. Even if you didn't get it immediately.

If your tax advisor said this might be the time to shuffle your arrangement.

You might get it in the end that's definitely situation you need to talk to tax the Jordan is also a lot of talk right now about extending a DMX policy setting up Mitch McConnell say they need more money for the PPE. The payroll protection aspect of it. What are you hearing what sort were hearing it this week. There's actually another $200-$250 billion. That would bring it up to almost the your time at $600 billion available for eight employee employers for small businesses to keep their folks on the payroll. So to me what's telling is that one the systems working which is pretty unbelievable. Actually, that the that that we got. As such, good leadership, people like Stephen Nguyen at the Treasury Department who come from the world of of kind of high finance if you will, who were able to put this together using a lot of outdated technology we know through IRS and so security systems and were able to get this put the pressure on the banks to get these loans going so that that means that the amount of loan applications going in is great news that this many individual by your businesses. Small businesses are taking advantage of this loan to the point that in a bipartisan way. Congress believes that more small businesses want to do this. That means they want to want to take on the loan that puts them at a position that says we will pay. We will continue to pay our employees for this period of time. Four months is the initial one. And because we do that that will become a grant instead of the loan that we will have to pay back so it's they are also making kind of a in agreement with their employer employees.

This is great if you work for a small business that is a great sign to me that the system is is working our people so the applications are getting in and and what they're saying is working anymore resources available here that the flipside of that means that they believe this crisis could continue longer than initially thought, so that employees and employers are looking at not just a month down the road, but two and three months down the road and I think that the one negative to it, but the positive is that even if they are looking down the road two or three more additional months that they are trying everything possible to keep their employees on the payroll with full pay with full benefits that that very I think it's it's it's something that can be. It is bipartisan it is tainted that they're planning to do it on a voice vote to get those funds in which means they believe they're going to be able to get these initial funds, not just the applications and they're able to get the funds out to people and that's the important second part of this, we thought that that is weighted the personal check start going to people and when these applications start getting turned into actual loans when the money actually starts getting to the small business and that's key in these next two weeks because the small businesses are hurting really hurting right now all you have to do is drive down the road and see how much, how many of them are closed not know? By the way yesterday, the Supreme Court issued an opinion in a case involving Wisconsin where they were going to allow you ready for this. The mailing ballots could be dated after the election, and they were still going to count them in the Republican national committee challenge that and went to the Supreme Court of the United States on an emergency stay basis. My colleague Patrick Strawbridge and will consul boy from the law, from a consummately McCarthy or my cocounsel in the cases for the President that right now we presented the briefing that argued that because of the stop in arguments right now. This case was not did not have to have oral argument. They went ahead and issue this day and said no it is not constitutional to have a ballot dated after the election, and that's what somebody states to try to do to mess with the elections of getting on that early was important.

I want to go to another call. But then you also pointed out that the SBA's processing 12 times what they normally do. Yet, this is just Jordan's point about what a good job. I really do think treasury and the SBA have done a J they typically only offer about $30 billion in small business loans every single year.

This initial tranche was 349 billion. That's almost 12 times and Jordan talked about maybe the additional 250 billion it's can be added on Thursday. J they really are doing a good job. What one final thing a leader. McConnell also just issued a press statement saying that he and leader Kumar very close to an agreement on that Thursday voice vote. I don't think that press release would go out unless it was gonna happen very good news there working together I would take your call at one 800 684 31 talus go to Sharon from Arizona.

She's on like to Sharon on their hey Carl, all the country. Yes they reach their maximum capitalization is what that was referring to.

And that's where this additional relief fans coming into play yet is soon to be an additional To that I would just tell Sharon know she should probably call another financial institution.

There are literally thousands of them hundreds of them have been onboard during this process, she should go to to get a list in her area and some of them are national is well that particular bank might reach like it may be a personnel capacity Jake capitalization what they been out yeah that's exactly right. But there are thousands point of application financial station she should not give up just because she got one now. Be your own advocate here.

And no, we saw that this week and we had a church that we were working on Sunday night. They were being told he went along with this when I can do even though it was a corporate banker and lo and behold a change of policy so a lot of it is you know this is getting things up to speed. That's part of the process here and I think that look, Jordan, the SBA's haven't had in the bank. I haven't had a lot of requests and are having to do it remotely money and a lot more money than they are used to loading out at a basis to dismiss a very quick and usually fewer going to a bank exit to get a loan like this. The size loans were document to pay your entire payroll for months that would not be something they were processing it at multi-know it just for the bank side in a day off of two pages of information so that the truth is, I think that there's a lot of confusion still at the bank level and that's why fans advice is important if you are going to one bank and they say you we capitalize or whatever excuse they give you, you could try that your bank I would work with them a little bit more to make sure that you're getting the right information there.

But if it's if if you've got so many banks available to you. They are considered essential businesses. They are all open and operating. Make it your job to go from bank to bank until you find one that is willing to work with you in a positive way you could put some pressure here sometimes because they are probably overwhelmed.

But at the same time.

At the same time. I just want people to understand this money is available to you. It's the application should not be so difficult of a process. But if you got it. It shouldn't enough having to go to another institution.

At this time or dealing with a epidemic like this. A pandemic like this you know that that shouldn't put you out too much, especially when you try to take care of your entire business right to let me only say this. Also, we were coming up we got this is in the am glad this is widespread. We salute his life. Although part of its remote as you could tell. We got an order of a bank whose unit, making for the next segment so we will proceed there and will take some more calls.

Let me quickly go to shipper in Virginia really quick, you're on their shipper go-ahead rate quickly place wanted to thank you for thinking on abortion on America. They really help listen. If we are commit women committed to the fight for life. The threat for decades really and were to continue that medically breaks going up this weekend. I cases making oral arguments. The written breaks are going and again that's why supporting the work of the ACLJ is so critical.

We have a matching challenge for April Proctor good start.

Your support in the ACLJ makes huge difference. It's matching swimming on it. We had a matching before ACLJ.Horovitz ACLJ.orc should do like the new logo I have to say when I get to see you like that.

It looks great. Let me say this.

Also, the very important if you didn't donate to the ACLJ by mail can only encourage you to donate online. This is a lot easier to process especially in these trying times. I segment coming up special video on this when at the Supreme Court for 30 years the American Center for Law and Justice has been dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms because of you seen great success in the courts and Congress concerning the issues that matter most to you and your families ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow decades long commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law is at the center of everything we do. The bottom-line artwork cannot take place without your generous support. This time of uncertainty ACLJ consider making a gift online line is safe and secure can be put to work enabling the ACLJ the battle against abortion giant plan. To protect Christians facing persecution and so much more. Every dollar makes a difference stand with the ACL database of our work online and sealed is a critical time for our nation and our world with so many challenges facing our country. The work of the American Center for Law and Justice is never been more important during this time of uncertainty.

There's no better way to support the ACLJ then through online giving ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow we truly appreciate your financial support without it would be impossible to do our work here and around the globe in the best way to support our work is to make your financial gifts online giving simple and secure, and by making an online give your support goes to work immediately, enabling the ACLJ to defend human life to stand up for our good friend Israel worked to uncover the correct staying in Washington and so much more. Make a difference today support the work of the ACLJ online at ACLJ, every dollar makes a difference today online ACLJ684 3110 800 681100 right to our phones. Robert is the owner of the bank and I thought that would be great.

Robert Lockwood broadcast. Thank you for coming on for a long time appreciate the work you do briefly. I want to clarify dollar talk about wanting to be helpful why the Big Bang and certain other bank that we can't take anymore application. Not because they're trying to be unfair, but most bank right now have liquidity problem right and a problem. To get work because people are drawing down deposit and out and and and and and and the depositor going down and then on the ark are lines of credit are commercialized the credit.

The businesses are have the draw those up the banks only have so much cash to get out to the SBA program not a capital problem is more of a liquidity issue and once the rattle liquidity.

I mean, they're in trouble so that there are limits. But there there but they are opposed by economic factors, not because they are not criticizing the program while on a bank. We only got so much liquidity we gotta think that sports is so it's a question of the back bank a certain amount of cash available capitalization of the bank, so to speak For at least cash available for lending and you got a dual issue coming here. The SBA will people eat understand Robert and I want to comment on this is is the guarantor basically here the not actually putting out the money so to speak right I want to get too complicated on you get what going on right now behind the screen that they're trying to establish through the Federal Reserve secondary market bank reach their bill they can sell off those loans to the Fed yet, but it I have been doing a great job because it is quite trying to swallow an elephant on the circumstance of the been remarkable. The portal bar open. I'm getting blown numbers for my customers but we still haven't figured out how to fund these yet, but I just want to clarify, not because the banks are being unfair and we only got so much to do we get it to. I would stress to your letter. You know it so important, especially for small business both to have a banking relationship with the Community Bank person because that's when the thought that when the right. Robert really proceeded to call you because as especially as a bank owner and I appreciate you offering some insight on that which is exactly what we been saying that's what got me persisted in this two things Robert said is you having relationship with your banker make this is a time like this is when I comes in very very handy very very helpful. Thank you, Robert. We appreciate it very much.

Daniels calling from South Dakota is online free hi Daniel, thank you for taking Michael J.

Before a belly about what my comment is, I'd like to let you know that your blue outfit matches very well with your glad and very excellent. For some people say words and every day pretty much existing on some today were teleported by late tomorrow days. Well I would say tomorrow tomorrow as we find to see over the next weeks, it's can be much more remote so as not to meet were not to be in the studio will talk more about that tomorrow on days I had missed my super Facebook. You have a special broadcast ability, but I was glad with your comment. Yeah, I'd like to let you know that I really appreciate when you guys talk about God being with and that he never forgot Kohler quoted Isaiah 41 which really reminded me of Joshua 19 and I rather not quote both birth before I become emotional and thought I become emotional when I feel anxious so it is the comment that I wanted to call you. Look, I think you find a lot of solace in the Scripture believers are doing not pray for our country. Pray for our leaders to let me tell you those men and women those doctors and nurses and medical techs and the people that clean the floors of those hospitals are going into a battle zone. Yes, and in the zones are popping up around the country and new battle zones every day and so whether you thought that you know you were in a zone that maybe it wasn't as bad, then you don't. The next day.

Suddenly you got these outbreaks of 4050 60 people, which then quickly turned into 100, 200 and so yet, and I think you know we talked about the doctors a lot. The nurse is a lot we have to remember everyone else at that hospital.

It's keeping a hospital going from the janitorial staff which is in just as much risk to other people. Keeping any kind of at the to keep the Dr. said keep the nurses fed the whole staff everybody there from the loading docks to the janitorial staff to the these young new doctors people having finished their boards that they're allowing a nurses webbing finished their all their schooling, yet who they're allowing to go and help because they need the need is so great to meet with all of them should be in our prayers because they are the front lines and as you see from like I think Boris Johnson is a good example. Prime Minister gets it. You know has over 19 announces it. It was about a week until he got the symptoms were bad enough to he had to go to be hospitalized. Then he was in intensive care now is on oxygen. Other cities not on a ventilator yet, but he's in intensive care and that's all within just about a weeks time of getting the he got the virus was self isolating and then hospitalized about a week later and told you the seriousness of what the world is facing, and are our allies around the world are facing to you. I think it's look at me that I think this is exactly exactly what we expect. We try to grab another couple calls here. Let's go to Shannon very quickly on their stand in line for a job working part-time doubtful time and then I also had another of my own late.

I do not have a tax ID number, but I use my Social Security number when I filed tech report to Ira on this. I know the question glad Jan these other couple thinks he is going to get the stimulus check need the small business loan is to be based on her payroll calculating J so whatever that looked like over the last month times 2 1/2 bath the salary right that would factor in you that I don't know where that would fall for her yet so Jenny will qualify you gotta apply here with the banker said you gotta do that right away.

Be persistent.

Thanks for calling and would try to grab the rest of his Joan in California.

Go ahead and turn the herd over a period decade or more, that the Congress And when he hadn't let it go through that the government then went out of many can ask to my retirement account. No, that's completely not the case and that's not the case at all this money come from general treasury funds in three about that Terry.

Glad your online six class: been hearing about that Bill Gates foundation toybox cleaned and I see a lot of your viewers as well and you speak there is one right now to be married. I mean we should be praying that they can come up with a vaccine. I am praying that they come up with a vaccine, whether it be mandatory or not that will be a question that will be determined by the government and health officials and then there's usually religious exemptions, but with the nature of this virus. I mean, in advance, it's totally speculation to say whether it be mandatory or not. I mean if there was an approved vaccine. I would take it. I want protect my family and my coworkers. That's all I do it but everybody's different right that does it for the broadcast today. Doors let you support the ACLJ we presume ready to the status meet with us in social media are social media accounts, whether it's Facebook, twitter Instagram, that's where you find out about the cases were finally you need legal help as well. Our attorneys are ready to help you if you face any kind of legal questions throughout this were working around the clock and again to be part of our matching challenge for filing in federal court.

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